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God Speaks to the WCG |
7 WCG Freemasons
On 26th February 1993, God spoke to us specifically about the spiritual state of the WCG ministry. What He said was basically this:
Of the ministers employed by the WCG:
50% are Freemasons 70% are false ministers 23% are lukewarm 7% are true.
That indicates the serious spiritual condition of these men who are leading many people. Only 7% – in 1993, much less now! – were true to God. The others were in all sorts of other serious spiritual conditions which rendered them useless as worthwhile vessels for God.
The reference to half the ministry being Freemasons, I believe to mean that they have the same approach. I don’t think God was meaning they were literally Freemasons (although some are). They are similar in their satanic élitist attitudes of arrogance and superiority. Freemasonry is a worldly religion with materialistic aims, based upon worship of Satan (only when they get to the 33rd degree, do Masons realise this). There is a strong loyalty to each other. The same loyalty to the system and to the ruling ‘caste’ permeates the WCG rulership.
A Vision Foretelling What Was To Come
A few days later, our son Richard received another ‘word’, this time as a vision. In this vision, God was sitting at a large table on which were seven large rectangular box-shaped car batteries. Stacked side by side, you could not tell from external appearance alone which were good and which were bad.
God hit them and they were thrown all over the table. Thus scattered, it was possible to see whether they were good or bad.
Then God stacked them all in a row. He wired them up onto test meters. While they were close together the weak ones took power from the strong. However, when separated, the lifeless batteries lost power instantly while those with life in them retained their viability. After this, God joined them all together again and they all seemed to have the same strength.
God poured water over all the batteries. The good ones soaked it up, while it simply ran off the bad ones. Then God took a drill and said: “They think they are going to be destroyed with the end of this drill. They don’t know this, but I’m not actually going to do that.” When He moved the drill towards them as if He would destroy them, the bad ones changed shape so they wouldn’t get hurt. The good ones, however, stood up and were confident before the drill in God’s hands.
In this vision, God said He is going to separate the bad ones from the good in the WCG, but this will not be the case in all denominations and in all circumstances. Most will be separated at the final judgement in the future. At the end of this vision, a little angel came and wheeled all the batteries away on a little trolley.
Interpretation of The Vision
The batteries represent Christians and ministers. How much power they give off represents their spiritual fruits. The water represents the Holy Spirit and how much Christians are willing to absorb it. The drill illustrated and tested how willing people are to give their lives completely to God. The batteries being close together represents the present circumstances in the WCG (like Freemasons, they support one another for organisational pride). Separation represents the approaching trials and splintering. The little angel with the trolley adds a touch of God’s humour and puts things in perspective in relation to His greatness.
What Comes First in the WCG
There has always been an unspoken first commandment in the WCG that supersedes all other commandments. It is this: You shall not transgress the authority of the church. (And this philosophy also permeates other cults, as well as a broad swathe of main-line denominations and churches.)
It might sound ludicrous to outsiders, even shocking. And it is, when you understand that it is blasphemous! But it is the unspoken rule which undergirded most of the cultic behaviour of the WCG. It accounts for much spiritual abuse and apostasy that followed in its wake.
I wrote in The Plain Truth About the WCG [8] (1994):
“In December 1990, after being loyal members for more than 20 years, my wife and I were abruptly dismissed from membership of the Worldwide Church of God (WCG) by a minister who masqueraded as a minister of Jesus Christ (II Cor 11:13,14). “Others in the organisation could not – or did not want to – see the evils God had opened our minds to behold. To suggest that a false minister could exist in the WCG was anathema to those in the church! It was tantamount to blasphemy! For being so outspoken, we were ostracised and our input was ignored by all the church leaders. “I have related in detail elsewhere[9] how we were ejected from the church, so I will not cover that in detail here. I will merely relate sufficient so you can understand the background.... “In order to get rid of my wife and me, this ‘minister’ had to fabricate lies about us. He made out to his superiors that we had seriously transgressed spiritual principles. He claimed this merely because we had gone against a petty personal rule he had laid down which had no spiritual basis or biblical support. When his pride was pricked by our ‘insubordination’, he claimed we had ‘deep spiritual problems’ (which he announced to other members from the pulpit), and maintained that we should be disciplined by excommunication from the WCG. His superiors backed him up, despite the fact that there were no legitimate grounds for such dismissal, either in the ‘constitution’ of the church or in the Bible. They assumed it was better to close ranks in the rulership of the church and thereby maintain ‘unity’ than permit ministers to be shown to have made wrong decisions. We were expected to bow down – and out – simply so they could maintain the status quo! “His malicious and unbiblical stance (even by the tenets of WCG teaching) was thereby consolidated. As a result, he felt strengthened in his resolve to have us humiliated before other members and former friends in the WCG. Through lies, he assassinated our character. He deviously implanted these lies into the minds of members so they believed him, and through subtle psychology he turned them against us. We were allowed no defence in the eyes of the church and were permitted no personal contact with other members to make our side of the story known. “Through intrigue and isolationist techniques, the church hierarchy determined to maintain absolute control. They felt justified in their actions because of church teaching that portrayed those placed in a ministerial office as ‘appointed by God.’
Church Government
“In the WCG there are hierarchic ministerial ranks. Organised in a pyramidal structure of (from the bottom, up) deacons, local elders, preaching elders, pastors, evangelists and pastor general (at the top), such humanly appointed offices reflect within the organisation the human importance of the person holding that office. To those who know what the Bible teaches on the subject, such tightly controlled church organisation in a hierarchic system carries no support in the New Testament. “In Paul’s letter to the Ephesians, he lists apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers (Eph 4:11). These are listed in order of importance of function, from God’s perspective, not in order of importance of the person fulfilling that function. In God’s sight there is no distinction in importance between an apostle or a teacher or any other minister. These roles are appointed by God, and those chosen to fulfil them are suited according to their proclivities and spiritual gifting. Such gifting does not make one man any more humanly ‘important’ than another. The Bible gives no support to ministerial ranks in that sense. “The pastor general in the WCG is not an apostle. He is an administrative head. The function of administration is listed in Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians, seventh in the list! These roles are listed in order of importance as far as God is concerned; it is an importance conveyed by function, not intrinsic worth of the human fulfilling that role. Notice that Paul is inspired to prioritise these ‘offices’: “God has appointed first of all apostles, second prophets, third teachers… (I Cor 12:28). “The complete list, in its divinely appointed order, is: 1. Apostles. 2. Prophets. 3. Teachers. 4. Miracle-workers. 5. Those with gifts of healing. 6. Those who provide physical help and support. 7. Those with gifts of administration. 8. Those speaking in different kinds of ‘tongues’. “It is important to note that government is dictated by the Holy Spirit’s direction, not by men holding some appointment which is conferred by other men in a humanly-run and humanly-organised manner. The functions of miracle- workers or healers, or even the lesser gifting of speaking in spiritually-imparted ‘tongues’ cannot be granted by man. It is plain that the list is one governed by the dictates of the Holy Spirit, not those of man. “That the pastor general of the WCG is not an apostle is clear from the absence of miraculous evidence. Those who are so appointed by God display the signs of an apostle – miraculous signs and wonders (II Cor 12:12). The pastor general of the WCG, presently Joseph Tkach, has never demonstrated any miraculous apostolic signs. He was not divinely appointed. His ‘authority’ was conferred by man. There are several apostles on earth today proving, by the accompanying miracles, their God-given office (one example is Reinhard Bonnke). They are sent by God to preach the Gospel to the world, not administer a church organisation. Likewise, evangelists are commissioned by God to preach to the world and reach out with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. They are not a lesser ‘rank’ in a humanly organised system of church hierarchy. “The WCG has reduced these spiritual offices to the mundane level of human appointment and achievement. “When it comes to the appointment of prophets, the WCG can only remain silent, if not also much perplexed. The church does not recognise such individuals because they are not humanly appointed or humanly discernible. They are raised up by God to perform their function, which is generally opposed by those in organised bodies of believers. The prophet is sent to correct as God directs him to do so. He may make pronouncements about the future, but not necessarily. He is given the job of alerting and awakening the Church to its sins. He is a mouthpiece for God. His job is one of direction, and in some cases – as in ours – he is sent to redirect the Church when it goes astray. “It is not surprising that prophets are not received by the majority. Prophets within organisations may be heard if church leaders are humble and open to their input. But generally, prophets are sent to deliver their messages to those outside their normal sphere of fellowship, so they can be totally unbiased in their approach and presentation. Prophets must not compromise the message they have to convey; they must deliver it without fear or favour. However, those ruling church organisations do not want outside ‘interference’, so prophets are invariably rejected and their input ignored. “In the case of church leaders who want absolute control over church affairs and church teaching, such as in the WCG, whether the prophet comes from within or without is immaterial. He is not welcome! The WCG hierarchy are adamant they will exercise complete control over the church. They deem what should be taught and believed. They want absolute control over the minds of the members and they have determined not to relinquish that to any other. Of course, they think they are spiritually protecting members by so doing, but such unilateral influence can have disastrous results in the long term. Control is not of God; it is of Satan. It provides an entry point for satanic subjugation and entrenchment. Spiritual apathy and spiritual death are the results. “God will send His prophets to try and warn those in such dire spiritual circumstances, but very few listen. Most have gone too far down the road of atrophy to turn around. God can do little to reach them because they have made themselves unreachable.” (The Plain Truth About The WCG, pp 9-11.) When people submit to this abuse of authority in the church – which God labels the image of the beast[10] (a copy of the hierarchic secular system) – they are prime candidates for apostasy. All it takes is for false ministers to ultimately gain the ascendancy, and truth is quashed. Oppression and injustice prevail.
The tragic consequences of submitting to a wrong system of authority10 in the church are clearly visible in the WCG. It is no longer a viable instrument in His hands for preaching the gospel to the world or nourishing people spiritually.
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