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Welcome to the Midnight in America Website!
Steve to Return From the Dead!
Dear Friends! You may have noticed a slow-down of activity on our website after February 11, 2013 until recently. Perhaps you have tried to reach us by mail and received no response. Or, you could have noticed that our contact information for ordering literature has been changed. It is still painful for me to talk about it, but I need to let you all know that my husband Steve Thompson died on February 11, 2013. It came as a shock to me as well as to his children and all who have known him. The devil afflicted his body with a tragic illness. When the pain became unbearable, God put an end to it by taking Steve to Himself. However, I have reasons to believe that God will bring him back to life - for His purposes, not because Steve is better or loved more than any other Christian. A number of different signs and dreams have been given to me and to our friends to confirm this. I will give you just two examples. Malcolm received the following dream from God on 22nd March 2013: Steve’s life was portrayed as a go-cart / wooden box, taken up into the sky, and then plummeted down into an Arctic sea. I was worried because he could die in that cold. Meaning: It portrays his life being taken to heaven, and the change in him – dying to self – that will occur when he comes back down to this spiritually cold earth. I received a dream on May 2, 2013: In this dream Steve came to me. I was very happy. We were doing something together, going to some places. I was thinking, “What effect will this have on those who know he died?” Then I wondered if Malcolm and Helena knew that Steve was back. I didn’t know how long he had been back from the dead. Meaning: I was praying and wondering about God’s plan with Steve. The dream answered my concerns. Steve will come back to life to do the job assigned to him by the Lord. He will be one of many others whom God is going to bring back (some of them after years of being dead) to wake up the Church and to highlight the truths He wants to restore to His chosen people. These are the truths expounded in the MM literature, which we promote and make available via this website to all who seek God’s restored full truth. You can read the revelations given by God to Malcolm and Helena Heap, as well as to others, about raising the dead in the end times in a number of MM publications, specifically in Waking The Dead . In the meantime, I will do my best to serve Him who raises the dead and to provide good spiritual food for you, dear friends. May God bless you while you are seeking the fullness of His truth. In Jesus’ name, Mila Thompson. |
Some of the amazing things God is doing in our time!
God is fulfilling the long awaited prophecies of the End-Time Elijah (Malachi 4:4-6) who is preparing the way (Malachi 3:1; Isaiah 40, etc.). For a comprehensive survey of those prophecies and their meaning for our time request the booklet WHO IS THE END-TIME ELIJAH? (from Midnight Ministries in Aylesbury, HP17 8TL, UK.) Also, notice the revelations God has given, reproduced in More Than A Prophet
We invite you to visit our "Literature" page,
where you will find a treasure trove of informative and spiritually uplifting material!
Outreach in Ukraine
Read about our outreach in Ukraine and our efforts to bring new truths to the Russian speaking peoples of the world.
Informative articles about specific ministries, church groups, and/or their 'leaders'.
Churches of God
Are you a current or past member of the World Wide Church of God, or one of its many splinter groups?
Browse our Churches of God page for important revelations!
Islam Koran and God
Islam asserts itself as the true religion which all mankind should accept. Muslims claim that the Koran is a holy book, containing the perfect words of God, and that it was dictated to the prophet Mohammed by the Angel Gabriel. Yet, God spoke to mankind long before Mohammed, and He has more to say today!
Lit Code: Isl Click Here to Order!
Dreams From God
A selection of dreams from God
pertinent to the Church today.
Our Brothers and Sisters in Great Britain!
We are an outreach of Midnight Ministries located in the United Kingdom. Learn more by reading:
Questions about Midnight Ministries Answered and
Midnight Ministries Revealed.
You are invited to visit their website: www.midnightministries.org.uk
If you would like to support Midnight in America....
The Midnight In America Warner Robins postal address was temporarily closed in early 2013 until further notice. Meanwhile, please send your donations to: Midnight Ministries
P.O. Box 29 Aylesbury, HP17 8TL
United Kingdom
Thank You!
'Midnight Ministries' in America (www.midnightministries.com) There is another ministry by the name Midnight Ministries, which is based in Reno, Nevada, USA. It is operated by Robert Harris. It is NOT associated in any way with this Midnight Ministries in the UK or with Midnight In America. Please note also that Midnight Ministries in the UK does NOT subscribe to various doctrinal expositions that Robert Harris expresses on his web site. He is also very antagonistic towards some major doctrinal positions which we express here on our web site. Just as in nature there are positive and negative forces; in essence, you could accurately say we are poles apart!
A Note About Copyright
Articles on this website are copyright of either:
Midnight Ministries or Midnight in America.
However, you are welcome to copy and distribute them on the following conditions:
1) That they are not altered or plagiarized.
2) That you supply the name of the author, and the ministry address.
3) That they are not reproduced for profit.
4) If you translate them please advise us so that they can be made available to others.
What's New:
Mighty Miracles of God vol.25
Mighty Miracles of God vol.24
Mighty Miracles of God vol.22
Mighty Miracles of God vol.23
Added: God's Last Appeal To Sinners
Added: The End of Capitalism
Added: Mighty Miracles of God vol.21
Added: How Long... Revival?
Added: Seven Angels Said: "MM is God's Weapon..."
Added: My Story
Added: Mighty Miracles of God vol.20
Added: Mighty Miracles of God vol. 19
Added: Mighty Miracles of God vol. 18
Added: Mighty Miracles of God vol. 1-17 revised
Added: Why Do Christians Die of Coronavirus?
Added: Matthew 24:14 Must Be Fulfilled
Added: You Don't Need To Fear CORONAVIRUS
Added: What The Bible Doesn't Say
Added: Britain: A Final Warning
Added: Kassahun's Experience In Heaven When He Was Dead!
Added: The Last Call To Sinners