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Mighty Miracles Of God Volume 12 |
166The Tyrants Try Again To Invade Mark’s Land
Evildoers shal be cut off, but those that wait upon the Lord, they shall inherit the earth (Psalm 37:9). 11th December 2017. 11:52. From Mark: ...Just to inform you, someone called Mano Sood came here today morning with a helicopter. He claims that he was directed by God all the way from Egypt to come to Ndhiwa, Kenya to fund and complete the pending projects started by MM but I told him to keep off because I don't trust him. God bless. 13:17. Reply: Well done... Was he an Arab? Did he wear Islamic clothes? Yesterday he sent me two threatening messages. These people are creeps! They think they own the world because of all their money. Did the guy land his helicopter on your land? 14:30. From Mark: Thanks. He said that he is an Arab from Egypt. No, he was dressed in white suit. The helicopter landed outside my gate. 16:38. Reply: He's obviously been put up to it by Lukas, I would guess. 11th December 2017. 16:52. From Rhoda: "MARK NEEDS A TRACTOR TO PUT THE ENTIRE FALLOW LAND INTO USE. ONCE THIS IS DONE, THE LANDGRABBERS BEING GUIDED BY LUKAS WILL HAVE NO WAY TO FIGHT MARK. THEY WANT TO GRAB THAT LAND FROM MARK AND CONSTRUCT A MOSQUE ON IT WHICH GOD THROUGH MM LITS CAN'T ALLOW." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 17:40. Reply: Yes. £15,000 for a tractor, and £17,000 for the hostel building finishing work are still needed. May God grant this soon. We have waited since May this year for these needs to be met. 15th December 2017. 1:38. From Mark: ...Yesterday two strangers armed with machetes attacked me at the market when I went to sell some vegetables for home use but by good luck, being a market day, the mob rescued me and took them to the police station. At the station they confessed that they were sent by Lukas and Sood to kill me and take over my land. I thank God for His protection and may He bless you more. 17th December 2017. 15:13. From Mano Sood: I will do everything to get land lying fallow. Oil has been discovered there and I will to drill it by all means. 17th December 2017. 17:41. From Mark: Our Almighty God will strike him dead soon. M 17th December 2017. 18:00 From Rhoda: "THE MM OPPOSERS HAVE THE INFORMATION THAT THERE ARE VALUABLE OIL DEPOSITS IN MARK'S LAND. THAT'S WHY THEY WANT TO TAKE IT NOW BY ALL AVAILABLE MEANS. THE SEVEN ANGELS OF THE GREAT IAM ARE STRESSING THE NEED OF STARTING THE FARMING WORK ON IT WHICH NEEDS AT LEAST £15000. THIS MONEY SHOULD GET IN TO THE EVANGELISM ACCOUNT IN THREE INSTALMENTS OF £5000. JOHN WHILE IN NAIROBI IS TO CHECK FOR A CHEAPER TRACTOR TO BE PAID IN INSTALMENTS UP TO FEBRUARY WHICH IS THE BEGINNING OF THE FARMING SEASON. THE TRACTOR COST IS £13000. THEN £2000 SHOULD BE FOR SEEDS AND FUEL FOR PLOUGHING." 7 Angels have said to me. 17th December 2017. 18:11. From Rhoda: "THESE DESPOTS HAVE INFORMATION THAT THE LAND HAS GOT VALUABLE OIL DEPOSITS SO THEY WANT TO TAKE IT BY FORCE. THE ANGELS OF GOD SUGGEST THAT SOME SERIOUS WORK MUST BEGIN THERE BEFORE JANUARY. AT LEAST £7500 FIRST INSTALMENT TO REACH THE EVANGELISM ACCOUNT BY END OF NEXT WEEK, THEN THE LAST INSTALMENT OF £7500 TO REACH BY END OF MONTH OF DECEMBER. ONCE THE FIRST INSTALMENT IS IN, JOHN AND MARK ARE TO GO STRAIGHT AND PAY FOR THE TRACTOR WHICH THEY WILL BE GIVEN. THIS IS A VERY URGENT NEED." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 18th December 2017. 6:24. From Rhoda: "THE TWO REPORTS ARE THE OPTIONS GOD GAVE THROUGH THE SEVEN ANGELS. GOD WILL HELP US CHOOSE ONE OPTION, EITHER THREE INSTALMENTS OR THE TWO INSTALMENTS." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: We, and our supporters, don’t have that sort of money now. The missive was sent to others who have the means, but they did not respond and help in the suggested time frame, so the tractor was not purchased, and the trouble these despots were causing continued. 20th December 2017. 8:33. From Mano Sood: Inform Mark that, I come at his place tomorrow morning. 9:49. To Mark: I don't reply to this evil bloke who is a Lukas crony. Just keep your Faith booklet ready to point at him if he tries anything stupid. He can get a three-fold dose of God's power if Janes and Kachapim do the same. 21st December 2017. 23:52. From Mark: ...Someone called Hassan Yusuf brought a brand new tractor here yesterday and said he was sent by Mano Sood and Lukas to bring it at my place so am planning to report the matter at the police station today because I know they want to fix me. 22nd Dec 2017. 00:22. Reply: They're always up to no good. But God is in charge, and you have Faith booklets as weapons. God bless! 22nd December 2017. 9:01. From Mano Sood: Tell Mark not to tamper with that tractor or else he will meet his death and for your info he is just a few meters away from his grave. 11:09. To Mark: I wonder if that idiot has put a bomb in that tractor? I don't reply to him. God is in charge. 13:03. From Mark: Maybe. I have reported the matter at the police station but they are yet to take any action. 25th December 2017. 16:56. From Rhoda: "...THE GREAT IAM SAYS THAT MARK'S FARMING PROJECT SHOULD START BY THE END OF THIS WEEK. JOHN AND VUGA HAVE IDENTIFIED A GOOD JOHN DEERE TRACTOR COSTING £12500. WHEN AT LEAST £4500 IS DEPOSITED, THE TRACTOR IS [can be] HANDED OVER TO MARK. THE BALANCE SHOULD BE PAID IN FOUR INSTALMENTS OF £2000. THE PROJECT SHOULD BEGIN." 7 Angels have said that to me now. [No one responded to God’s request.] 26th December 2017. 11:11. From Mano Sood: I'll come for Mark's head tomorrow. 26th December 2017. 18:01. From Rhoda: "THE FARM PROJECT AT MARK'S PLACE SHOULD START TO PREVENT ALL THESE THREATS. AT LEAST £4500 TO REACH JOHN BY THE END OF THIS WEEK..." 7 Angels have said that to me now. [This didn’t happen. Human failure again.] The Gang Invade28th December 2017. 6:21. From Rhoda: "MANO SOOD AND HIS GANG ARE SURROUNDING MARK'S PLACE NOW. MM OPPOSERS ARE BUSY WRITING FALSE AND FAKE LETTERS ABOUT JOHN, MARK AND VUGA. AT LEAST A LITTLE DEPOSIT SHOULD BE MADE ON THE TRACTOR TO HELP KEEP OFF THE LAND GRABBERS..." 7 Angels have said that now. 28th Dec 2017. 10:29. From Mano Sood: We have already surrounded Mark's place right now and we will start ploughing that land early next week. 28th December 2017. 10:55. To Mark, cc John: What is the situation there where you are? Does he have an army around your land? ...I'm sure Janes and Kachapim are up for this confrontation, and you are now prepared! For God's angels are surrounding us all. 12:35. From Mark: Thanks. Yes, a good number of armed men has surrounded the compound but we are ready with Faith lits to contain the situation should they try to force themselves into the compound. God bless you. 13:30. Reply: That's good. The angels are watching. Are the men black, or Arabic looking?... 16:01. From Mark: They're a mixture of blacks and Arabs dressed like soldiers. 30th December 2017. 14:53. From Mano Sood: Do you think you can mess with me, it's ok. 1st January 2018. 17:52. From Rhoda: "AT LEAST £2000 FOR TRACTOR TO REACH JOHN ON WEDNESDAY, ANOTHER DEPOSIT OF £2500 TO REACH HIM BY FRIDAY. THIS WILL GET MARK TRACTOR BY FRIDAY THIS WEEK SUCH THAT BY FRIDAY NEXT WEEK, THIS ISSUE WILL BE OVER. GOD CAN'T ALLOW MARK'S LAND TO BE TAKEN BY THUGS." 7 Angels have said to me now. Comment: Just to explain. The fact that Mark’s several hectares of land are not being farmed leaves it open to seizure by the authorities according to Kenyan law. That’s why God has been crying out for someone to come forward and fund the tractor cost, so Mark can farm it. Mark has such experience from his past before he was head of CID in his town. Unfortunately, we were left hanging, waiting for someone with money to let it go to ease the situation. 13:50. To John: What’s the situation round Mark’s place? Are there soldiers surrounding it, whom you can see? 3rd January 2018. 16:11. From John: Thanks Will. They want to take this land by force but we can't fear for God is in control. A big team is roaming around Mark's home. We are holding the MM Faith lits. God should open a way for the tractor for this issue to come to an end. God bless. 16:43. Reply: I presume you mean that big number of thugs are roaming around OUTSIDE Mark’s home? Are they inside his compound? I wish someone would come up with the funds to get this issue resolved. It should have been seen to weeks ago!!! Threats From The Tyrant3rd January 2018. 16:24. From Mano Sood: I am just on my way to Ndhiwa tonight to finish that bustard completely so you better warn him to stay away from that land before I get there because we will start our project the day after tomorrow. 17:43. Reply: Back off, or you are a DEAD MAN! And all your evil gunmen will die with you, too. We have superior weapons to yours! FAR SUPERIOR! YOU CAN'T MATCH THEM! So back off, or you will regret your decision for a thousand years! 16:45. From John: They [Sood’s gunmen] are roaming around the home. 17:10. To John: Obviously God is allowing them to do this, and restraining them from harming you at this time. They are awaiting orders from Mano Sood, I guess. 17:30. To John: Well, we don’t need to wait for the tractor to kill these gits. They have no right to be inside God’s sanctuary. So if Mano Sood turns up tonight to attempt to do his evil deeds, then God will let them have it in their faces! He’s not going to let us be defeated by a bunch of nerds with guns. We have the POWER OF THE ALMIGHTY GOD on our side. So, let’s stand and see His glory manifested tonight to repel these bastards!!! GOD BLESS YOU FOR THE FIGHT! 3rd January 2018. 19:04. From Mano Sood: Keep those threats for yourself because you are just a minute dot and if you dare me again then I will have no option but to come for your head personally. Idiot!! 19:29. Reply: Look, chum. I am warning you to BACK OFF or you will live to regret it. Get it?!!! 19:33. You haven't got waders, so there's no chance of you coming for my head personally. I'll have yours instead. 19:35. Tell your infidels to GET OUT of Mark's house NOW, or else you will all be dead for defying the living God who owns that property. 3rd January 2018. 19:41. From Mark: Thanks. Let him come. He will face the full wrath of God. M 3rd January 2018. 19:51. From Mano Sood: I am not afraid of you. I rule the whole of Africa so you are just simple insect like a fly. I have a lot wealth that you can't match my standard. 20:00. Reply: Ha! What a jerk you are! Rule the whole of Africa?!!! You're well and truly deceived. You don't have control over your own life, let alone anywhere else! The last Muslim twerp who parroted that crap you have also just disgorged was killed by God for his insolence and arrogance. The lie comes from Satan, with whom you are in league. You may have a lot of money, but money doesn't save one from death, and money is no use when you are dead. And that won't be long now. Are you coming tonight? Hurry up. I've got more important things to do than to waste my time with jerks like you. So get on with it, and let's see who's got the greater fire power, eh? Your men, or God's servants?! Come on, try us out, if you are not going to back off. But don't say I didn't warn you first. You're the loser. It's a foregone conclusion! 20:00. From Mano Sood: Whose land are talking about. Tell Mark to go back to his native land and also advise John to embark on his teaching profession where he can earn something for a living instead of moving from one country to another in the name of preaching with no pay. I don't need your address because I know your residential area. 20:10. Reply: You call me an idiot. You must be looking in the mirror of foolishness. I'm telling you in the name of Jesus Christ to clear off, or else you are a dead man. Mark is staying on that land, and you can take your ugly nose out of our business, because it's none of your business. It's God's business; it's His affair, not Satan's. Get lost! 20:15. From Mano Sood: You son of a bitch!! I will deal with both of you. 20:21. Reply: Ha! You've gone cuckoo in the head! 4th January 2018. 8:57. To John: Yes, God will resolve this. Are the gunmen still in Mark’s home? Have they been in the house all night? 9:01. From John: The situation is bad. But we are firm in God with the MM Faith lits. Yes they are by the gate. God bless. [John and the others were able to push the gunmen out of Mark’s home, using the Faith booklet as their weapon.] 4th January 2018. 6:48. From Janes: I am suggesting that Mark should come with me to Tanzania because the situation here is not good at all. There was gun fire over here the whole night. 9:02. Reply: NO! God has bought that place for HIS purposes, not merely for Mark and his family. It is a sanctuary. It is holy ground and those gunmen are defiling holy ground. Gunfire? What were they doing? Just shooting in the air? They are trying to intimidate Mark and get him out. If he goes, they have achieved their purpose. We must achieve God's purpose, which is to hold onto the place which is God's. WE WILL WIN THIS BATTLE. God will kill them all... 11:58. From Janes: Thanks. Yes, they were shooting in the air. God’s Possible Solution For The Tractor4th January 2018. 8:51. From Rhoda: "AT LEAST £550 TO REACH JOHN NOW. JOHN MUST MOVE TO NAIROBI TODAY TO TAKE MM FAITH LIT TO THE TRACTOR SELLERS AND PUT THE £550 IN THE LIT AND GIVE TO THE SELLERS. GOD WILL SOFTEN THEIR HEARTS TO ACCEPT EVEN SMALLER DEPOSITS." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 4th January 2018. 8:57. From Rhoda: "WHEN THE TRACTOR ARRIVES IN MARK'S LAND SOOD AND HIS MEN WILL MOVE TO BOMB IT AND GOD WILL HONOUR THE MM FAITH LIT ON THE TRACTOR AND KILL OVER 50 SOOD MEN AND SOOD TOO." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 10:17. To John and Mark: The maximum we can access today is £550, the figure that the angels have stipulated. Eleanor is obtaining it by going further into debt to get that money. All being well it will be coming today. Hang in there! We will win this duel, but we have to ENDURE through it till tomorrow. 14:29. To John: It’s a bit of a tall ask for you to get to Nairobi in daylight today. Hope you are managing! 14:31. From John: Thanks Will. I am on the move. God bless. 17:53. Reply, cc Mark: Let us know how you get on today. I wonder whether you made it to Nairobi or whether you had to stop because of a ban on night-time travelling... God is working things out for us. He’s not going to let the insurgents win. He’s going to deal with them as they deserve. So Mark can rest assured it will all work out well in the end, despite the trauma of it all. Comment: The possible scenario above described by the angels didn’t occur because the needed money did not arrive. God wanted someone else to help us, but he declined to come forward and assist. So ‘Plan A’ failed. 7th January 2018. 12:18. From John: ...The manager has accepted that they will give me the tractor tomorrow after depositing £550. The agreement states that we will be sending them £550 every Monday of every week till we complete the price which is £13000. He wants me to sign the agreement form, and I will only sign it if it will be possible. The £550 in the Faith lit forms the first deposit. Deposit of tomorrow will be the second. God bless. 15:01. Reply: We can’t do it, I’m sorry to say. I’ll write more shortly. 7th Jan 2018. 17:28. To John: I have just remembered a dream I had this morning. I was pouring petrol into a bucket from a petrol nozzle (that is normally on a petrol pump, but there was no pump in this dream). The nozzle was in my hand, but I didn’t see where it was attached so I didn’t know where it was coming from. It could have been the sky for all I knew! I got a whole bucket full of petrol. Comment: A car or van represents a ministry. The fuel (petrol) to make it run could represent finance. It may also represent miraculous power, and the imminent miracle explosion that is coming. It’s Hard For Us To Understand God’s PlanComment on 8th Jan: What a dreadful day! Utterly frustrating! Another Black Monday! The outcome of the tractor issue is that John went to the premises again. He had handed over £550 deposit inside a Faith booklet to the salesman. But the salesman insisted on a further £550 to do the deal and issue the paperwork. John told him that we don’t have it, so we can’t go ahead with the purchase. When John asked for his £550 back, the salesman refused to give it to him and threatened to call the police to make him sign the form (that we can’t agree to because we can’t come up with £550 a week for umpteen weeks). John was afraid. He knows what it means when police are called. There, it means being beaten up, tortured, thrown in a cell with no hope of getting out till you pay them an extortionate amount, and no legal representation except what is corrupt. He was going to make a run for it. I asked him not to run, and instead use a Faith booklet on the transgressor. If God meant to sort him out there and then, He would have done at the lifting up of that piece of lit. God didn’t. Instead, the place closed at 18:30 and John left without our £550 and one Faith booklet which the money was inside... Their scheme was to get John to sign that contract, which stipulated £550 to be paid each week till £13,000 had been paid over. The tractor would not have been handed over, because police and the salesman had been bribed to comply with Lukas’s scheme to finish us off. Then they would have taken out a court order to reclaim from MM the £13,000 agreed for the tractor, by bribing the judge. But their scheme backfired when we declined their terms and God spoke into the situation for John to go to S Sudan on another rescue mission... 8th January 2018. 15:18. From Rhoda: "A GROUP IS WRITING MORE FALSE LETTERS ABOUT JOHN, MARK AND VUGA AND SENDING TO MALCOLM. THIS IS MEANT TO DESTROY MM EVANGELISM IN KENYA. MALCOLM TO IGNORE. JOHN IS NOW BROKEN DOWN AND CAN'T DO ANYTHING ABOUT THE TRACTOR ISSUE. GOD WANTS HIM AND VUGA TO MOVE OUT TO SOUTH SUDAN FOR A RESCUE MISSION. AT LEAST £485 IS NEEDED FOR THIS SUDAN MISSION." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: John went to the tractor place in October 2018 to see about the money, but he found the dealership closed. He learned that the dealer had been killed by armed robbers in July. So we lost all that money. In this instance it was part of the price of that man’s sin and we had to pay it.
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