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Mighty Miracles Of God Volume 12 |
165To Zanzibar |
Do not be afraid of those who kill the body, and after that have no more that they can do. But I will show you whom you should fear: Fear Him who, after He has killed, has power to cast into hell; yes, I say to you, fear Him! (Luke 12:4,5.)
29th December 2017. 9:05. From John: We are now in Dar es Salaam. We shall have our Sabbath rest here then move out tomorrow night. 31st December 2017. 12:12. From Rhoda: "JOHN AND VUGA ARE ALREADY IN ZANZIBAR. THE ANGELS HAVE LED THEM TO RESCUE MOSHI BEN, DANIEL ELKANA AND BRAMWEL DALO. THE RESCUE WILL BE TODAY AT MIDNIGHT. FOR NOW THEY MUST SWITCH OFF THEIR PHONE TILL SOME MINUTES TO MIDNIGHT. ONCE THEY ARE THROUGH THEY WILL WITNESS HOW GOD WILL HONOUR MM FAITH LIT MESSAGE AND KILL FOUR OPPRESSORS. THEY WILL MOVE BACK TOMORROW MORNING. THEY NEED ADDITIONAL £450 TO SAFELY REACH KENYA. MARK'S LAND IS STILL UNDER ATTACK." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 1st January 2018. 5:39. From John: Thanks Will. We arrived here safely at ten in the morning. Our brothers were staunch Muslims before accepting the MM truth. They were found studying MM lits by a village elder and reported to other members of the village who captured them and put them in ice cold water for them to denounce MM and go back to Islam which they refused. We turned off our phones for security reasons. Now we are set with MM Faith lits to rescue our brothers... [This was written before midnight on 31st December 2017.] Our Three Brothers Were Martyred1st January 2018.9:17. From John: [After the attempted rescue.] We have crossed to Dar es Salaam. [What happened the previous night:] At midnight we faced the oppressors but it is sad that we found they had already killed our three brothers. They turned to us with guns but their guns jammed since we had opened MM Faith lits. We heard them cry of hot coal and the four attackers died. We then moved to a distant place to avoid police for they were trailing us. God is great. 10:07. Reply: That’s sad they were killed. However, I wonder whether God intends to raise them from the dead, as a greater witness to the community. We have to wait and see. 1. Please give me more details about where this took place, and the situation where they were held. 2. How did you locate the three? 3. Were they converts who attended the FoT at Mark’s in 2016, or were they more recent converts who turned away from Islam after reading MM lit? 4. Were they young men? 5. Do you know how they died? 6. Do you know who the four were whom God killed in reprisal? 7. Did you get to talk to any locals? Thanks. 1st January 2018. 10:44. From John: It happened near Stone City. The three brothers were present in the FOT meet at Mark's place. They got baptised at the FOT. They were doing evangelism in Stone City, a fully Islamic town. They had managed to get 16 members who left Islam and joined them. They used to read aloud MM lits openly in the town and that annoyed the staunch Muslims there. They were dipped in water and strangled with wire. We received all these details from M, a shopkeeper who used to photocopy for them MM lits. God gave us direction through a thick white cloud [the angels] that moved ahead of us up to M’s shop. M read the MM label on the Van and ran to welcome us and got in to the van and took us up to where our brothers were killed. Then he left us for fear of being attacked. The four oppressors then surrounded our vehicle. God bless. 1st January 2018. 10:48. From John: Names of the 4 attackers according to M are, Muswad Sali, Khigan Chui, Rahman Juma and Kjadis Moresa. 11:47. Reply: Thanks for the further info. How did the four thugs die after they surrounded your van? Were the three martyrs young men? Thanks. I do believe God will raise them up. We haven’t seen the end of this yet by any means. With the four tyrants out of the way, and the three martyrs paying the price for others to receive the truth, I suspect that God has much more in mind. It’s like the situation with Ismail Rufa, martyred in Somalia. God may intend to bring him back for a much greater witness. Then whole nations can be reached with the message, instead of mere parts of them. 1st January 2018. 12:37. From John: The four tried to shoot at us but their guns jammed for we had opened MM Faith lits. One by one they started complaining of being burnt and fell to the ground screaming in great pain. 12:49. Reply: Thanks. What about the three? Were they young men? Do they have families? Do you remember them from the time they came to the FoT? 12:51. From John: I remember them very well. Yes they have young families. God bless. 1st January 2018. 13:11. From John: Thanks Will. Hopefully we shall be at home tomorrow evening and move straight to Mark's place. God bless. |
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