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Mighty Miracles Of God Volume 12 |
164Back To Nairobi
Preach the Word! Be ready in season and out of season. Convince, rebuke, exhort with... teaching (2 Tim 4:2).
14th December 2017. 18:17. From Rhoda: "JOHN AND VUGA MUST MOVE BACK TO NAIROBI AND VISIT ALL THE SLUMS WHERE MORE THAN 200 PEOPLE GOT KILLED DURING THE POLITICAL DISTURBANCES. THEY MUST GIVE OUT THE MM FAITH LITS TO AT LEAST FOUR PEOPLE IN EACH SLUM. ON 31ST DECEMBER THEY WILL BAPTISE ABOUT 21 PEOPLE FROM THOSE SLUMS. THEY MUST LEAVE HOME VERY EARLY TOMORROW FOR NAIROBI. THIS IS AN IMPORTANT MISSION. JOHN AND VUGA MUST REACH NAIROBI BEFORE NOON WHEN THE OPPOSITION LEADERS WILL BE GIVING OUT THEIR BIG ANNOUNCEMENT. THE EVANGELISM KITTY HAS GOT £135. WITH THIS THEY SHOULD FUEL THE VAN AND MOVE ON. AT LEAST £450 TO REACH JOHN TOMORROW NOON." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Reply: Well, this is something else! I don’t know where that £450 can come from!!!? But God sees it. 15th December 2017. 5:36. From John: We are in Kisii on our way to Nairobi. The Angelic message said no rest so we must do God's work. 10:55. We are in Naivasha. 15:57. We have arrived in Nairobi. 17th December 2017. 8:16. From John: Thanks to God, Will. Since Friday evening we have visited three slums Mathare North, Kibra, and Eastleigh. We had our Sabbath meet in Mathare North where an SDA pastor tried to forcefully push us out of the area saying that we are using demonic powers in MM lits to evangelise. We faced pastor Oriko Matuti with the MM Faith lit till he fell unconscious to the ground. This morning over nine people have come to us requesting for MM lits. We are sharing with them God's truth in MM lits then baptising them before giving them copies of MM lits. We are currently in Huruma. 9:11. Reply: Thanks... What happened to him later? 9:38. From John: He died, and was taken to the mortuary. God bless. 17th December 2017. 8:23. From Rhoda: "JOHN AND VUGA ARE MOVING IN NAIROBI SLUMS SPREADING THE GOSPEL OF TRUTH THROUGH MM LITS. THEY ARE MEETING OPPOSITION FROM ESTABLISHED MEGA CHURCHES BUT GOD IS IN CONTROL. THEIR KITTY IS DRY. AT LEAST £300 TO REACH THEM TODAY." 7 Angels have said now. Comment: 18th December: In the morning John and Vuga visited Kariobangi South where six people were converted. He arranged to baptise them the next day. Then in the afternoon, in Mathare South, John and Vuga met three Somalis and arranged their baptism. Later, in Dandora, they shared Truth with a family of four. God then spoke to Rhoda: 18th December 2017. 17:19. From Rhoda: "JOHN AND VUGA MUST MOVE ON DAY AND NIGHT TO SPREAD THE GOSPEL THROUGH MM LITS EVANGELISM IN NAIROBI SLUMS. THOSE WHO WELCOME THEM ARE TO GET BAPTISED AND BE GIVEN THE MM LITS. MORE PEOPLE ARE GOING TO ACCEPT THE TRUTH. AT LEAST £450 FOR FUEL, WATER AND MILK TO REACH THEM TOMORROW AFTERNOON." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 19th December 2017. 10:12. From John: We can't move on, for we moved all day and night on what we had in the kitty. Now I have nothing left. 19th December 2017. 10:27. From Rhoda: "JOHN AND VUGA ARE DOWN FINANCIALLY HAVING BEEN MOVING FULL TIME DAY AND NIGHT. THEY CAN'T MOVE ON." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 11:11. Reply: I’m sorry we can do nothing at present. Maybe by this evening, when Bob gets back from work, some little can be found to send. 19th December 2017. 16:15. From John: We are still in Embakasi where a military camp got burnt down by unknown people. We can't move on. We have shared the MM gospel with about 11 military people who are not interested. Will, God's judgement is soon falling on many. We will stay here the whole night and meet any person passing through this route and share with them the MM truth. 19th December 2017. 16:33. From John: The mad soldiers who despised the MM message forced us to read word by word for them page 5 of the MM lit. Why Love? “Comprehending God's Love.” Today we saw 1 Corinthians 1:18-23 and 1 Cor 2:14. live in those Soldiers.... But all in all there is nothing greater than the Love of God. God bless. 16:49. Reply: That’s curious. Why did they force you to read that to them? 16:52. From John: I don't know. It was their way of mocking us and God. 16:59. They laughed at us that if God loved us why are we looking poor since we couldn't move on due to lack of fuel. We stood firm with MM Faith lits and read that page even louder and shared the mighty testimonies on miracles God had done in our watch. Right now one soldier is ordering us to leave here and we can't move on with no fuel, let alone no water or milk. But THERE IS NOTHING GREATER THAN THE LOVE OF GOD. God bless. 17:33. Reply: If you can’t move on for lack of fuel, and they get shirty with you, just hold up a Faith booklet at them, and they’ll soon see the power of God hit them in the face. 17:34. From John: Will do. Thanks. God bless. 19th December 2017. 16:51. From Rhoda: "JOHN AND VUGA ARE COMPLETELY DOWN FINANCIALLY, THE KITTY IS DRY. THEY ARE NEAR A MILITARY BARRACK. THE SOLDIERS HATE THEM AND MAY SEND THEM AWAY TONIGHT. THEY HAVE NO WATER NOR MILK. FROM YESTERDAY NIGHT THEY HAVE TAKEN NO WATER OR MILK, BUT GOD SAYS EVANGEL- ISM WILL GO ON TILL THE END OF THE YEAR. THERE IS A BIG IMMINENT POLITICAL WAR IN KENYA BEFORE THE END OF THE YEAR, THAT IS WHY JOHN AND VUGA MUST NOT REST." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 19th December 2017. 21:53. To John: The £65 Bob has sent is all we have between us. There is nothing more we can send... And unless the situation changes TOMORROW... the outreach is finished, from a human perspective. God’s perspective is always different from ours, so He will speak into the situation to show the way if what I have said to you about holding fire for now is not correct. 20th December 2017. 13:01. From Rhoda: "JOHN AND VUGA TO GO AHEAD AND SHARE MM TRUTH WITH PEOPLE AROUND THE PLACE THEY ARE STRANDED NOW. GOD IS USING MM EVANGELISM TO SAVE KENYA FROM A POLITICAL WAR AHEAD. JOHN AND VUGA TO GO ON. JOHN AND VUGA TO GO ON. IT IS IMPORTANT. THEY REQUIRE ONLY £380 TO CLEAR THE WORK BY END OF MONTH. GOD'S ANGELS ARE CRYING FOR JOHN AND VUGA NOT TO STOP." 7 Angels have said that to me now. [When God repeats a phrase, it’s repeated for EMPHASIS!] 13:47. Reply: Well, that must mean some money is coming from somewhere, but I don’t know where. [Then, after this, Eleanor’s e-mail arrived:] 20th December 2017. 13:25. From Eleanor: I was able to get a loan of £3000. Just come out from bank now. They topped up existing one. God Strikes An Insolent Pastor Dead AndOthers Hired By Churches To Kill Us21st December 2017. 17:40. From John: Thanks to God Will. We have just finished baptising 11 people now in Kibra. All from mega churches: Redeemed, Power Around The World, SDA and Full Gospel Church. We also met pastor Majawi of Miracle Church Ministries. He tried to rebuke us openly that we worship demons. When we faced him with opened MM Faith lits he fell to the ground unconscious and we have received news that he is dead. God bless. 18:49. Reply: Jolly good! Comment: God is not taking any messing from those who are used by the devil to oppose. This is God’s Restoration of Truth. God wipes out opponents. It is a fearful thing to fall into His hands, as Paul wrote in Hebrews. 23rd Dec 2017. 18:29. From John: We had a good Sabbath meeting today in Kariobangi North where 14 people got baptised. Tomorrow we shall visit Kayole, Kasarani and Mathare South. We shall organise baptism in the evening. 23rd December 2017. 18:34. From Rhoda: "JOHN AND VUGA ARE FINALISING THE NAIROBI EVANGELISM MISSION ON 31ST DECEMBER. THEY NEED AT LEAST £500 ON WEDNESDAY NEXT WEEK TO DO LAST TOUCHES AND GET BACK HOME." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: Thanks to Eleanor, £550 was sent to John, of which £50 was to help the Tunisian evangelists with petrol for their motorbikes in Tunisia. 25th December 2017. 16:45. From John: Thanks to God Will. We got rounded up and abducted by eight armed men in Kajiado today morning when baptising people. The armed men were sent to kill us by MM opposers belonging to megachurches in Nairobi. We played cool and they took us deep inside Ngong' Forest where each removed a short gun to shoot us after warning us to stop all MM evangelism around Nairobi, for their members are running away from their churches. We removed the MM Faith lits and all their guns jammed. They all ran away in disbelief leaving us unharmed. It is now that we are moving out. 25th December 2017. 16:56. From Rhoda: "JOHN AND VUGA GOT ATTACKED BY MM OPPOSERS WHO ARE AGAINST MM EVANGELISM. GOD HAS KILLED ALL IN THE FOREST. THE GREAT IAM SAYS THAT MARK'S FARMING PROJECT SHOULD START BY THE END OF THIS WEEK. JOHN AND VUGA HAVE IDENTIFIED A GOOD JOHN DEERE TRACTOR COSTING £12500. WHEN AT LEAST £4500 IS DEPOSITED THE TRACTOR IS HANDED OVER TO MARK. THE BALANCE SHOULD BE PAID IN FOUR INSTALMENTS OF £2000. THE PROJECT SHOULD BEGIN." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 18:51. Reply to John: Thanks. Glad all is well. God has since killed them. 28th December 2017. 6:21. From Rhoda: JOHN AND VUGA MUST MOVE OUT TO ZANZIBAR TONIGHT. MM SUPPORTERS ARE BEING PERSECUTED IN ICE COLD WATER." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 28th December 2017. 9:05. From John: We are surrounded by a group of Maasai warriors sent by a church leader to kill us. Pray for us. God bless. 9:25. Reply: Do you know who the church leader is? 9:33. From John: They are saying that he is called Musamba Mbali of Roho Ler ministry in Maasai land near Kajiado. God bless. 28th Dec 2017. 12:23. To John: We have managed to pool £550, which will be coming later today by WU. We can’t manage anything for the tractor deposit, unfortunately. Have those Maasai blokes started doing their war dances yet? 13:00. From John: Thanks Will. They are jumping and roaring like Lionesses singing war songs. We are set with opened MM Faith lits. God bless. 13:28. Reply: That sounds like fun! Ha! They don’t know what they’re in for!!! 28th December 2017. 16:41. From John: Thanks Will. We are on the way to Zanzibar. God bless. 16:50. Reply: What’s happened to those war-dancing Maasais? 28th Dec 2017. 17:27. From John: All the Maasai warriors knelt down and begged us to forgive them when we faced them with the Faith lits. All at once they lost their eyesight due to sharp bright light that shone on their faces from the MM Faith lits. They cried in pain but it was too late, God had acted... We left them wailing at the top of their voices. Our time to move and rescue our brothers in Zanzibar had come and we had to follow God's command. God bless. 28th December 2017. 17:37. From Rhoda: About the Maasai warriors: "THEY HAVE LOST THEIR EYESIGHTS AND WILL DIE FOR THEY HAVE COMMITTED UNFORGIVABLE SIN 'FIGHTING GOD'." 7 Angels have said now.
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