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Revelations From God About Midnight Ministries By Malcolm B Heap, Midnight Ministries Copyright © Midnight Ministries 2004 Copyright of Midnight Ministries may be waived and this publication duplicated without asking permission, if full credit is given to the source (with the address) and if the contents are not altered. Likewise, publications of Midnight Ministries may be translated into any other language without asking permission, provided that the translation is as accurate as possible to the meaning of the original text, and full credit is given to the source (with the address). The distribution of God's truth should not be restricted by copyright.. |
Revelations From God Given To Others About Midnight Ministries
11th October 2004 Dear Malcolm, [Malcolm's comments in square brackets.]
God gave me this dream on the 2nd of this month:
I was in Nigeria with David Isaac Ohuoba. [David has raised people from the dead through God's power. He uses MM literature to teach people and build up their faith in God.] Many people were coming to us for literature. I saw that I spent one week there preaching the gospel.
On the 6th I dreamed that I was somewhere like a supermarket. [Represents how preachers are merchandising God's gospel truth – people shop around to get what they want – corrupt!] It seems like I was working there.
Suddenly I saw you with Helena. [We will be revealed to the world suddenly, through publicity as God raises 50 people from the dead.] Then I heard a voice telling me, "This is the man I have chosen to restore all things to the Church." [These are the days of Elijah – the prophesied restoration at the End!]
Then I heard another voice telling somebody to give you two cups of honey [2 years revival]. After that I did not see you again. [I will go when my task is done, like Elijah did, although not in the same way as Elijah, of course.]
May God bless you... Nicholas
The above letter is one of several from Nicholas Ochieng Odero in Kenya, recounting dreams which God has given him confirming God's appointment of Midnight Ministries. Nicholas, of course, is only one of very many evangelists in Africa, and others have been given equal revelations about this work of God.
We reproduce a number of those revelations here. They provide the authenticity which detractors disclaim but the confirmation which the godly seek.
0I hope you are encouraged and blessed by them.
Get Ready!
In our previous leaflet like this one, What God Said About Midnight Ministries, we repeated what God has emphasised – that He has inspired MM's literature. It is the main 'arm' of our outreach to help others.
Some prophets are gifted with copious prophetic words. (I have had a little 'share' of those, but nowhere near as many as what some others have received.)
God communicates, of course, in many ways, and one principal way is through dreams and visions. He continually speaks that way with us, too. But the over- riding thrust of His 'anointing' upon this ministry is in the restoration and furtherance of His truth in writing.
Nothing is more important to God at this time than the restoration of truth to His people. The reason is simple. Jesus declared:
Sanctify them by Your truth. Your word is truth (Jn 17:17).
And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free (Jn 8:32).
That's why God spoke to Reuben Oviomor in Nigeria (letter below) and told him to re-read 'our' literature. God has filled it with His truths! That was not just a reminder for Reuben. What Jesus said to him was a message for the whole Church. Sadly, much of the Church at this time does not want Jesus' complete truth!
But can God continue to love those who despise His truth? No. A separation occurs when truth comes.
11th Oct 2004 Dear Malcolm, Glory be to God Almighty for His grace towards me... The Holy Spirit has given me the assignment to re-read all your publications after this dream. In this dream a Man was telling me to plan very big because the work is big. [As dead people come to life – ones who have been dead for YEARS – a platform will be created for the truth which God yearns to promote. As the next dream portrays, people desperately need it!]
Secondly I was in another dream where all houses in NIGERIA were full of grasses. [Grass grows where land is neglected and no work is taking place.]
The people were in church concentrating in prayer. As a result, the grass grew, covering the churches. While I was looking, behold a Man came and gave me a cutlass and commanded me to start clearing. And as soon as I started clearing I awoke from the dream.
I will send another dream in my next letter.
Remain blessed, Reuben I Oviomor (Nigeria)
The Man in the above dream is Jesus, who has filled our publications with His truths. Reuben has all these treasures in 'earthen vessels', ready to share them with others who need to get ready. But, as the dream portrays, they are all sitting in church, praying instead of doing. There needs to be ACTION, not mere words! It's time to get busy, promoting God's complete TRUTH instead of half-truths and soporific lies!
Angels Guard God's End-Time Truths
27th May 2004 Dear Malcolm,
Greetings to you... doing God's work.
...many people are requesting these translated [Kiswahili] materials because many people here do not understand English. There is a dream that God gave me yesternight 26/5/04.
I was somewhere which is not our country. It looks like as if I was in your area. As I was there I saw many people with white clothes that surrounded your house. [Angels, protecting us and God's truths.]
As I drew near to them they asked me what I want. And I told them that I want to see Malcolm. One of them asked me my name and I told him that I am Nicholas. After that they took me up to your room [symbolic].
May God bless you. God is with us. He protects us in all ways. Nicholas Ochieng Odero (Kenya)
8th June 2004 God has given me this dream: 7th June: I saw that you were driving a big Lorry [symbolic] and this Lorry was carrying many things like clothes and flowers. I saw that many people came to you and surrounded you to receive some of what you have and you were very happy to give them some.
I replied and explained the symbolism:
You probably know the meaning. It confirms what God is doing through this ministry. The flowers represent the beautiful spiritual truths which God has given us to convey to others. The clothes represent the righteous acts of the saints (Rev 19:7,8).
Keep dreams like this in a dream diary, so you can share them with others. They are God's way of speaking to them, so that they can accept the truths that we bring which many would otherwise reject.
O that people would treasure such precious jewels!
10th June 2004 Dear Malcolm, I hope the work is going on well with you there. Same with me here. Some of my recent dreams God is fulfilling. I have many requests from various places here in Kenya requesting for our publications. Yesternight I had a vision. I saw many people in a long queue coming to me to ask for food. The food that we have is spiritual which is contained in MM publications.
22nd July 2004 Dear Malcolm, We are highly grateful for the service you are rendering to the family of God. May the Lord richly reward you.
On 19/7/04 I had a dream. In that dream I saw my- self on the upper floor of the house telling people about the truth of the Holy Spirit. As I looked down, I saw a man removing the foundation of the same house so that I fell down on my right side. There was a big block and I used the big block to stone him.
At that time I heard a voice telling me: "Nicholas, tell Malcolm that God has chosen him to teach people and feed them with the truth."
I praise God for what I saw and glorify His holy name. Amen. I pray God will bring people to support us in God’s ministry. [We certainly need it!] I thank you for your kindness and love. May our God bless you...
Many blessings. Nicholas Ochieng Odero (Kenya)
25th May 2004
Last night God gave me the following dream. I was travelling on a bus with other passengers. When we reached a bus stop we began singing with joy and I saw you with beautiful flowers in your hands. [God is creating spiritual beauty in people with the truth which He has given us to handle on His behalf.] Nicholas.
MM Literature Helps In Deliverance From Demons
3rd August 2004 Dear Malcolm, Thanks for providing us with spiritual depth on various subjects for the mission work. I am happy for your wonderful literature that helps us during deliverance and healing.
I want to tell you that God knows the purpose He introduced you. Man of God, you have sharpened our eyes to the truth and your word of encouragement helps us a lot.
David Isaac Ohuoba (Nigeria)
In our spiritually complacent Western society, where material things have replaced spiritual riches, it is hard for believers to raise their level of faith. David Isaac has blazed a trail for others to follow. If you are not familiar with some of his exploits, in calling down the fire of God to raise the dead, I suggest you read our leaflet Raised From The Dead At Midnight. Others should follow his sterling example.
On 31st August 2004, he was ill and weak – the devil was attacking him prior to what was to follow. He relates:
At 6.30 pm a 404 wagon drove in, bringing my wife and four men. They had come from Mbanu Okigwe, a long way away. One man was chained and tied with a rope. The driver dropped him off and wanted to leave immediately.
The man was untied, but told his three brothers that he would be the last fool to enter into that House. [David's house of prayer and deliverance.] He was under demonic power. Through disobedience he had become mad. He wanted to escape from his brothers and go back home.
My prayer team was called upon. They sang and prayed like Paul and Silas in prison! The man was outside, invoking his demonic powers to hinder us. It was a very big battlefield. It went on until 3 am.
Then God silenced him and thwarted his powers, and he came inside the house and started to sleep – something he had not done for a whole year, according to his brothers! But the battle was not over yet.
The demonic problem persisted. I didn't know why. So I prayed asking God to invoke the power of His name. Then I remembered Faith and Healing (a book by Midnight Ministries). We read it to him. We recalled the miracles which God did in Capernaum, a city on the shore of Lake Galilee. We read Matthew 8:28-34; Mark 5:1-14; Luke 8:26-38. After praying with these scriptures for 7 days, the man started confessing how he was initiated at CPM Church Lagos, and how they have been operating in large cities causing demonic problems with their 'Bible teaching'.
They were with me for three weeks without anything, but God saw us through. They went back to their home on 21st Sept 2004, as God had restored and healed him. His name is Uzoma Henry.
Praise the Living God! David Isaac (Nigeria)
David related other deliverances from demons.
These Are Days of Moses And Ezekiel, Too
Moses was a law-giver, passing on to the people of God the laws of God, just as Elijah later reminded them. Not only are these the days of Elijah, they are days of Moses and Ezekiel, too, as the following dreams convey. From Nicholas Ochieng Odero, Kenya; a dream given 26th June 2004:
I saw Somebody in a white garment (robe) holding Malcolm's hand. He took Malcolm into a High Mountain. When Malcolm returned from the mountain his face was shining like a star. Helena and Zenya welcomed him with joy and we got together and praised God for what happened.
I replied to him about his dream:
Your dream shows Jesus holding my hand, taking me into a high mountain, which symbolises the Throne Room of God, from where I have received inspiration to write all MM's publications. You saw me shining like a star. Moses' face shone after he came down the mountain after being with God (Ex 34:29-35).
The dream is to confirm to you that anointing upon me, not for my sake, but for the sake of the truth that God is conveying through us, most especially in the writings. Righteousness is being restored!
Your dream of 28th June about you preaching in the field confirms that God has called you to evangelise. It depicts you reaching many people in various places. It is to give you hope for the future, because there may be a delay before it can be realised.
Kassahun Ayele, a prophet in Ethiopia, received this dream from God on 1st July 2004:
In this dream an angel appeared on the roof of my home. The house was shaken. I went to see what was happening and there was an angel hovering over the top of my home, not far away. He was holding in his hand a large scroll. I couldn't see what was written on the scroll because it was a little bit too far away. I called out to the Angel that I couldn't see what was written on the scroll, so he came swiftly to where I stood and gave me the scroll.
There were written there some warnings in red letters [red symbolises warnings, especially to do with war]. There were quotations from the book of Ezekiel 5 and Ezekiel 21:8-32, Rev 9 and 13. THE ANGEL SAID TO ME TWICE: "The end of the world has come; THE END OF THE WORLD HAS COME! Go out and tell the warnings written in this scroll."
I began to cry. I couldn't control my tears. [The overwhelming presence of the Spirit of God.] I said to him: "This is a huge responsibility. I can't take it. Please tell Malcolm what you have said to me."
But he said: "Tell Malcolm what I've said to you and together with others warn My people. I will visit Malcolm soon." And the Angel left. [When angels visit they impart revelation, or deliver from trouble, or in some other important way, work out the plan of God.]
When I awoke I prayed to God to lead me in this work. The solemnity of the dream still grips my mind.
Some of Ezekiel's prophecies are being fulfilled now: e.g. vivifying dry bones (Ezek 37) and Judgement!
Need To Come Out Of Dead Churches of God!
14th July 2004 ... I had a dream last night.
There was a vehicle on which was written UCG ('United' Church of God). This vehicle was broken and you were called to repair it. When you came..... you were with others and you came with spares and made the vehicle OK. Later I saw you preaching in a certain big building and people were keen to listen to your message. That's the dream that God gave me yesternight. [It depicts that UCG needs the restoration which the truth we bring could effect.]
I hope to hear from you because... people need the books urgently. The ones I duplicated, I have distributed them all. ...I know that we are with God. God bless you.
Yours in Christ, Nicholas Ochieng Odero (Kenya)
My reply: Yes, we know the truth which would set these people free, if only they would listen! But do they want to listen? NO! They are stubborn, rebellious, self-willed and proud, like it is written of Israel – stiff-necked!
Churches of God do not allow the moving of the Spirit, hence God calls them DEAD. They only have a name that they live, but they are ... rebellious children!
Helena had a similar dream to yours last night.
I can't help you with money. Sorry, chum. We need more ourselves. It holds us back, too. Why are we short? Those rebellious children are to blame? I don't mean just in your country. It's like that throughout the world. The tithes that should have come to us have gone to feed their false ministers who preach heresies and 'crap'! (That's what God showed in a dream that is in Newsletter 18. Newsletter 16 is about CoG's too.)
God bless! The Sick Are Healed
6th July 2004. Dream about Praying in Hospital.
I saw that you were in a hospital praying for some patients, some of them were healed when you were praying and they thanked God for what happened.
Nicholas Odero (Kenya)
6th Sept 2004
I want to relate here what God has done for my aged father. Last Thursday he was very sick and I was very concerned about his health. The only thing I could do was pray to God for his healing and I did so. The next morning he was completely healed from his sickness and raised from his bed. He told me that he had a dream the night before while he was in much pain that two old men [angels] came and sat on the edge of his bed very concerned and prayed for his healing. After praying they touched the place of the pain and left. When he awoke the pain had already left him.
Isn't it great? God is very near to us when we seek him earnestly. Hallelujah!
Kassahun Ayele (Ethiopia)
There are many more healings to come, and dramatic restorations, such as restoring missing limbs, etc. In fact, ANYTHING God will do for His faithful!
Time Is Short
A dream to Kassahun Ayele on 7th August 2004.
In my dream someone told me that it is now the 11th hour of the day and the sun is rapidly setting over the horizon. He said this two times.
0Besides being a late hour in the day, 11 depicts inspired writings and secondarily judgement. It is God's time to reveal His written Judgements and to judge.
A dream to Kassahun on 11th May 2004.
Someone gave me a paper. On it was written: Darkness will cover the earth in 2008!
Truth Is Being Restored
A dream to Kassahun Ayele on 10th August 2004.
All the families of MM were gathered together in a large auditorium [symbol of the vast scope of God's worldwide Work]. We were seated at a rectangular form.
In the centre there was a large golden box heated by flames of fire inside it. We were warming ourselves from the heat coming from the box. While we were watching and warming, Helena stood and said that we are warming ourselves before The Ark of God. Someone asked her, "Are you telling us that the iron box is The Ark of God?" Helena answered "Certainly!"
Public Witness Is Coming
Nicholas wrote to me on 21st September 2004:
I had this dream last night. I saw you somewhere. You were with two other men. One of them promised to give you a microphone and two loud-speakers in order to preach the gospel. The other one promised to give a new car. By that time I was there as your witness...
His dream is figurative. It represents MM outreach which God says is coming, with publicity and promotion of what we have to say by the media in Britain, and also into the rest of the world.
8th January 2004. A dream given to Kassahun:
I got a packet from Malcolm. When I opened it there appeared 190 little circular papers. On each of them were written prophetic messages.
Meaning: 19 is a numeric symbol for a new phase of what God is doing. (The moon and sun come into alignment every 19 years approximately.) 190 is 19 x 10. Ten denotes things to do with mankind. So the 190 little papers (the circular shape depicts the world) represents what God has given us / revealed to us going to the whole world in the prophetic witness that's coming, after He raises the dead to create publicity so that people to take notice of what He is conveying.
Finally I repeat Kassahun's dream of 13th Jan 2004:
I saw the Bible surrounded by MM publications. Several bright rays were coming from the Bible and were reflected by the MM publications.
Meaning: It is another confirmation from Above that 'our' booklets contain truth from God. The Almighty will judge and condemn sceptics and rebels who reject us and His truths conveyed in 'our' publications. |
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