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Waking The Dead By Malcolm B Heap, Midnight Ministries Copyright © Midnight Ministries Copyright of Midnight Ministries may be waived and this publication duplicated without asking permission, if full credit is given to the source (with the address) and if the contents are not altered. Likewise, publications of Midnight Ministries may be translated into any other language without asking permission, provided that the translation is as accurate as possible to the meaning of the original text, and full credit is given to the source (with the address). The distribution of God's truth should not be restricted by copyright.. |
In 1993 God plunged us into the prophetic! He suddenly began communicating in a way that we had never experienced previously. The outpouring included prophetic words, dreams, visionary exper- iences, angelic appearances, and inner promptings. I didn't fully understand why at the time. Since then it has become clearer what He was preparing.
The previous year, He had me compile some radically significant publications:
All those books were written in 1992, besides the regular Awake! Awake! journals that we 'churned' out, restoring the truths of God, bit by bit, piece by piece, as Isaiah prophesied:
Precept upon precept, precept upon precept, line upon line, line upon line, here a little, there a little (Is 28:10). Truth is restored, but do people accept it? No. Isaiah prophesied that, too:
But the word of the Lord was to them, precept upon precept, precept upon precept, line upon line, line upon line, here a little, there a little, that they might go and fall backward, and be broken and snared and caught (Is 28:10).
Ironic, isn't it?!
Can you wake the sleeping? No. They don't want waking up. They prefer to sleep.
That's why God will wake the dead – because the living won't wake up!
Release For God's People
After those eleven publications were compiled, God then spoke. It was January 1993. The foundation was laid – the first part of that foundation, that is. More was to come later. But that was enough for God to say, "Well done, faithful servant..."
He began to speak to us about what He would do in this country as part of the end-time witness to Britain. Like I said, we didn't understand the timing of what He was telling us, or much about it. All He said, in cryptic symbolism, was that He would wake the dead. He would be bringing back 50 people from the grave, and that they would be so busy witnessing for Jesus that they wouldn't have time to sleep. I don't know if the last part is literal. I take it to be figurative.
One name was given at the outset. It was that of Marc McKenzie, a little boy who tragically died from cystic fibrosis at a very young age in the early eighties. His parents were 'gutted' by his death. Shortly after this 'word', I spoke to Marc's father on the phone. He had also received what he felt was a prophetic prompt in his spirit to go and raise someone from the dead. His sister had just died and her body was in a morgue. He was asking me what I thought about what he had received. All I could say was "Go and do what you feel the Spirit is asking you to do." So he did. He went to the mortuary and prayed over his dead sister's body, but it was not raised.
It doesn't matter. He did what was commanded.
That's the important thing. It was a test. The physical result is not as important as the spiritual obedience of the recipient.
How would you react if God spoke to you, told you to go and wake the dead, and the body didn't rise? There are three reactions:
After all, Jesus promised:
Whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask anything in My name, I will do it (Jn 14:13,14).
So why didn't He do it? There is a reason.
Whatever we ask we receive from Him, because we keep His commandments and do those things that are pleasing in His sight (1 Jn 3:22).
If you are not doing what is pleasing to God, don't expect him to do what you ask. He isn't here to glorify you. We are here to glorify Him.
But, because things are reversed in most people's lives – I'm talking about Christians here, not just worldly folks – God doesn't come through. But when His truth is accepted, loved, exalted and properly expounded, He is pleased. He confirms His Word with signs following. So, He spoke in an astonishing outpouring in 1993, after the initial foundation was laid in writing.
Truth releases people, when they accept and live by it (Jn 8:32). He had moved me in writing those publications, for the release of His people. Then He confirmed His Word with a sign. He said 50 – the Jubilee number, figure of release – would return from the grave, after being dead for years.
I don't balk at that word. I accept it. I believe it. You and I will see it. It's not far away now. We have waited a long time – not long in God's scale of things, but long for us as impatient humans.
Delivered To The Door
God gave Helena a dream about Marc being brought to our front door in a heavenly carriage. A heavenly Messenger escorted him to the door, where he stood, dead. As the Angel moved away (to return), Marc began to fall. As Helena reached out her hand to catch him, he came alive. The Deliverer's presence was so friendly. He was wonderful to be around!
This dream confirmed the first one which Richard was given about waking 50 of the dead, as well as the prophetic words about Marc's return.
Other dreams have added more confirmation.
Names To Glorify THE Name
The purpose of people coming back from the dead is not sensationalism. It's not for entertainment. It's not just to create a spectacle. It's to glorify the Name above all names – Jesus, who holds the keys of the grave and death (Rev 1:18). It's to confirm His Word that He has restored at this end time.
All those 11 publications contain new truth to many Christians. At the moment, they sleep, because they don't have these revelations. Sleep is a symbol for lack of spiritual awareness. God wants people to be aware of Him; aware of spiritual realities.
Waking the dead will bring a new awareness of such realities to the Church and to the world. Here are some other names God revealed:
God promised long ago:
Look at the nations and watch – and be utterly amazed. For I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe, even if you were told (Hab 1:5, NIV).
And so it will be. Few believe it, but it will happen.
For the revelation awaits an appointed time; it speaks of the end and will not prove false. Though it linger, wait for it; it will certainly come and will not delay (Hab 2:3, NIV).
God's purpose is not according to merit. He is bringing these people back, not because they are any better or more righteous than others. They will have to finish the work God wants them to do.
They will attest to the wonder and glory of God, of the saving grace of Jesus, and of the truth that He has restored – through MM – for His people in this time of widespread deception.
They will testify for Him and testify of the truth that would otherwise be completely rejected by all.
Besides the names mentioned, there are a few others whom God has revealed will be brought back from death, but I am not at liberty to reveal them now.
Dreams Of Resurrections & Revival
Following is a chronicle of the revelations which God has given us about all these things. (Some accounts are excerpted from Midnight Ministries Dream Diary.)
Diana, the People's Princess
In 1996, Helena had a dream that Diana, former Princess of Wales, came to meet us. [Also explained in articles: How Long Revival? and Diana – Flowers In Every City.] Another dream I received confirmed that God was pointing us to contact her. So I sent her a couple of packages containing MM booklets, which were acknowledged by Kensing- ton Palace. We also sent her two cassette tapes about life after death. And in May we sent her a video "And These Signs Will Follow Those Who Believe..." which featured excerpts from three international evangelists. The video contained much miraculous testimony, showing a demonstration of the power of God through healings, miracles and spiritual gifts.
A Vision of Heaven
Then, on 23rd April 1997, Helena received a vision of heaven. She saw heaven opened and in the background patriarchs in long robes were watching what was about to take place. God was looking to see where He could shine a great beam of light.
We have written previously about some of what God is going to do in this nation as part of its end- time witness before the nation enters the time Bible prophecy refers to as "the time of Jacob's trouble" (Jer 30:7).
There will be a separation in the church. It will divide those who sincerely worship in spirit on God's Sabbaths from those who don't. This has been shown to us in previous dreams and visions.
The beam of light represents this great out- pouring of the Holy Spirit with its concomitant revelation.
God is waiting for the right time to beam His next wave of power through His people. He is looking to see who will be ready and whom He can use to be vehicles of His power and revelation.
Diana's Return ... Later
On 10th September 1997, a lady was staying with us temporarily. While she was in our home, God gave her a dream about Princess Diana coming back to life. It was vivid. This person's mother and father also figured in the dream, reassuring her that her parents are not lost – and it probably implies that they will be converted through the events surrounding Diana's return.
In the dream about Diana, she was made aware of a strongly pungent smell, as of a rotting body.
Meaning: The dream is confirmation of what God gave us prior to Diana's death. It confirms, through another witness, that Diana will indeed come back. The smell is probably an indication that there will be quite a delay before she comes – some years.
Diana Returns
On 2nd December 2000, Helena was given another dream about Diana's Return.
God was using different methods to accomlish healing. Someone's head was opened with a big knife. Helena was talking about Diana being brought back to life in order to be a witness for the gospel to the rich and famous. Some people were listening.
Meaning: God has to use some drastic measures to get through to some 'thick skulls' before He can help and save them. Diana's return will be one such measure, which God will use to get through to some of the rich and famous, who would otherwise take no notice of Him.
Previously, on 30th October 1999, God gave me [MBH] this dream about Diana's return:
Diana was sitting with Helena at a table for two outside a café. There were other tables nearby and others were sitting talking together. It was a public place. I drove up with someone else in their car. I was sitting in the passenger seat. He pulled up rather sharply, and I was projected forward suddenly. [These events will occur very suddenly!] Taken aback by seeing Diana. I was a bit over- come with trepidation at the situation [I am a shy sort of person] and reacted by standing up, grabbing hold of an upright bar on this vehicle, and swinging around to face the other way. It was a knee-jerk reaction. When I turned around, Diana had gone. She asked about her (financial) accounts, what she should do about them.
Meaning: Diana will return from the dead. She will have a close relationship with Helena – they have the same birth date. They will get on very well.
My response typifies how I don't find conversation with others easy. I would rather do something in the background out of public gaze, away from the inevitable publicity which Diana's return will bring. I will find the new situation daunting. Humanly, I don't want to face the publicity surrounding Diana's return. But Diana will only be with Helena for a while. She has her own life to live after she returns.
Prince William
On 7th June 2002, Helena was given a dream of Prince William coming to see her. Helena was glad to have a chat with him.
Meaning: In the future God will bring him into our company because of his mother being brought back from the dead.
Those Who Disbelieve
There were some other revelations confirming that Diana is coming back from the dead. These are in the article How Long Revival? but the above should satisfy people who are willing to believe. Belief is based upon humility and love for God. Only the hard- hearted, proud and obdurate will reject the revelation.
Publicity When Dead People Arise
Many other dreams from God over the years have painted a picture about the scope of this last Move of the Spirit. As one dream in 2005 portrayed it, it is HUGE. The dream was on 31st December 2005:
Telling Reinhard Bonnke It's MASSIVE! Reinhard was at home and giving his wife a big hug when I came in. I interrupted and gave him a really big hug too [this symbolises God's love that we both share]. While in this embrace, I said to him [for God] "Thank you for all you have done!" [I also appreciate what he has done for God throughout his life.] Then I said, "What God is about to do is MASSIVE!!! It is MASSIVE!!!" Comment: This last outpouring of the Spirit in this Age, just before the Tribulation and Jesus' return will generate massive publicity that will reach around the world as a result of the people raised from the dead. Raising the dead is nothing new. But bringing back people, who have been dead for years, is new!
I believe it will take the gospel into countries that have suppressed it, and make it known throughout the whole earth, completing the promise of Jesus in Matthew 24:14.
The uniqueness of the outpouring is to draw attention to, and verify, the restoration of truths to the Church. Conversely, there will be massive resistance and resultant turbulence, leading to opposition and counterfeiting by Catholic and humanist 'theologians', and finally the onset of the Great Tribulation.
Marc McKenzie
On 18th January 2001, God gave me this dream: Ron McKenzie and The High Hedge. I was doing some mowing on a hedge (yes, a hedge, you did read that correctly) on a country road. There were white bindweed flowers on the top of this hedge, so it definitely needed trimming! As I was standing up there, 6 to 8 feet above ground, Marc's parents came walking along the road. They were on their way to a wedding or some function. As I looked down on Ron (Marc's father), I joked "I can see someone's bald patch!" Ron didn't have a bald patch. I was only joking to instigate a response. He and his wife looked up, astonished that I would be there. I said "Hello".... I invited them to come round and see us some time. Ron said, "Yes, we'll have to do that some time." I replied, "Good. OK. See you later." At that point, a teenage boy [Marc, but with a new name, because he will have come from heaven] jumped up alongside me on top of the hedge. His name was not Marc, it was Paul (means 'little'). He was playful and mischievous as most teenagers are. I responded in like manner. Since I had been so used to doing a manual job which involved using mechanical equipment, and I have spent a lot of time alone, writing, I was not used to responding to people, I pressed his nose as I said, "Right, switch on..." (I was looking for the switch on his face.) Meaning: High up symbolises a prominent position, being noticed. Mowing depicts the chores of mundane work I continually have to do. The bindweed is a metaphor for neglect – it thrives where herbage is not mowed or grazed. This is the state of the Church in so many quarters – neglected. The meeting with Ron and his wife depicts something that is going to happen shortly. And their son, who died in tragic circumstances many years ago, is going to be brought back to physical life. The revealing to the world of this boy, and other people, restored to life again, will spark national controversy. Imagine people coming to life and testifying of their experiences through death and in the spirit realm (whatever amount God allows them to recall). It will be sensational! No wonder the press will hound us for coverage!
We are not far away now. That dramatic door has opened. Things are already happening preparing the way for the big events that will shake this nation. God's objective will be threefold:
Howard Silcox
On 30th August 2005, Helena received this dream about Revival and Resurrection:
I was looking out of the window and saw the sea flooding [revival coming]. Water was coming close to the path. I saw three children, barely alive, being carried by the waves [young people we know; they are easily swayed by the pulls of the flesh in this world]. I went out to rescue them but then they were gone. [This means God will rescue them through His divine means. We cannot do so, though we want to.] Next, I was sitting in the post office area [we will have much posting to do]. Howard Silcox was next door in a hospital room. I put my head through the doorway and saw many visitors talking to him. They were interested in his story. I said that all this would be good for revival. Meaning: The waves of revival restored the children so that they no longer needed our help. The post office depicts MM's work of sending out truth-loaded publications.
We knew Howard Silcox many years ago, but he became spiritually sick after he rejected us. [If you reject the words of a prophet when he speaks for God – I don't just mean his casual words, but those which are spoken about important spiritual matters – you reject the One who gave him those words.] Yet God was doing a work of restoring truth through us.
Howard Silcox died recently (I think it was in 2005). He will be brought back to be restored spiritually, to build righteous character, and witness for the gospel during the revival. Having died, he will now see the truth that he rejected from us while he was alive, and God will use him to testify to its veracity after his return. (There is so much unbelief and deception to be countered!)
Malcolm's Father
On 18th November 1997, I had this dream: My Father Raised Up From The Dead.
In this dream, my dad was dead. Helena and others brought him into a room and laid his body on a bed for a while. I said, "What are you doing that for?" He lay there for three days. Then, suddenly, life came into him and he started talking. We were amazed! I said, "Get him to make us a cup of tea to prove that he's really alive." After that he disappeared. [To witness for Jesus to other people.] Meaning: While this is a humorous reminder of God's resurrection power which is to come, it contains a sober implication in the message my father will bring to the churches. His full name was John Ronald Byrom Heap. He was known by his second name, Ron. He died in 1989 on my 40th birthday, itself significant. 40 is the number of trial. The nations are going into the time of worldwide trial prophesied by Jesus and called the Great Tribulation. He was 77 when he died, another significant fact. 7 x 11 depicts numerically God's perfection (7) in the written word (11). Some prophets speak with God's inspiration. My task has been to write under God's inspiration.
Miraculous Provision Coming
It seems incongruous to people in India and Africa who receive our publications free, that we could be short of funds. But that has been the case consistently for many years. We always operate at a loss. We are willing to do what God requires of us without fiscal reward. But willingness does not always make things possible – except with God, who makes the impossible possible. If God was not behind this ministry, we would have sunk many times over, many years ago! It is a testimony to God's faithfulness and to most people's unfaithfulness. Many should have considered our needs, but they didn't. Only a very few did. Because of that human selfishness, God gives us His assurances of provision. For example...
On 10th February 2001 Helena had 2 dreams:
1) Heavenly back-up! I (Helena's description) saw a magnificent flying 'ship', long in shape and cream in colour, which had no wings. It landed next to our property. Meaning: I felt that the flying ship arrived from heaven to give us support with the job we have to do. God is giving us miraculous back-up from heaven!
2) Monetary Support for God's Work. Malcolm's dad (who passed away in 1989) gave £1.53 to the woman by the well. Meaning: (153 = 9 x 17). There was a miracle of 153 fish in John 21:11, when Jesus reminded Peter to preach the gospel to catch His 'fish'. This dream signifies supernatural deliverance in order for us to do our part in God's Work today. It will be a special delivery from heaven. The woman by the well was the first recipient of Jesus' new teaching about worshipping miraculously in spirit (part of our message, and how we have survived – miraculously). The amount of money from my dad depicts the finance that will come from others after he is brought back from the grave. It will be small, but just enough.
Here is another dream given about my father:
13th Feb 2004. M. Dad. My father and I were ascending a large flight of stairs. [Our spiritual journey.] We walked alongside for a while, but I never was patient, and I didn't want to 'hang around' so I went on up and left him behind. There were many people on this large flight of stairs. Meaning: The stairs depict our spiritual journey as humans on earth. I have explained that my father died on my 40th birthday, which was very meaningful. God has also predicted through other dreams that he will be brought back to physical life, but I will die for the witness I must give, so perhaps that is why the dream portrays us going different directions temporarily in our spiritual development.
Healings and Resurrections!
This was a dream given to Helena: 18th March 2004. H. Healings and resurrections!
God showed me that as the terrorists do evil deeds for the devil we will be doing spectacular things for God, doing good. Healings and restoration of life will show the power and goodness of our God.
50 People Will Be Resurrected
On the Day of Atonement, 14th Sept 2005, this spectacular dream was given to me (MBH):
50 raised from the dead. In this brief dream it was conveyed that 50 people are to be raised from the dead. Another 50 concerned something else, but I wasn't allowed to remember that. Appropriately, the Day of Atonement signifies release, depicted by the number 50. Release from debt and sin.
Power Surge Coming
No wonder God depicted it like this: 30th Sept 1999. M. Dream of Huge Electrical Discharge!
Helena and I were walking inside some sort of top secret security area. After some time we were told that the area would soon become very dangerous and that we should get out quickly, urgently! We only had seconds! We started to run. I outran Helena and got out first. Then, when Helena was just safe outside the area, there was a huge crack of electricity which made the earth shake and lit it up bright red where the discharge occurred. Meaning: The outpouring of power which is to come in the body of Christ. The dead will be raised and many mighty miracles performed to back up the witness of MM.
It's interesting that God used the figure of only seconds in the dream, even though it was given seven years ago! Now that it is being publicised here and on the web, it is only a matter of 'seconds' now, figuratively speaking, to this happening.
Amazing Things To Occur
God uses all sorts of imagery in dreams to portray His intentions. Here is one in which He likens what is spiritually amazing (raising the dead) to something physically amazing to someone who didn't think they could do it.
10th April 2006. M. 'Wheelies'. I was on my bike and did a 'wheelie' (lifting up the front wheel so you are only riding on the back wheel). I was surprised by this ability and called to Helena to watch. Then I did it again, and I found that I could do this amazing feat continuously. So I did. It was exciting. Meaning: This is a symbol of doing miraculous things. Later in the day we could see why God gave the dream at that juncture. An e-mail came from Kenya, from a man who had reached out to God for the resurrection of his sister who had died a couple of days before. I had encouraged him earlier, when he missed an opportunity to raise the dead, and he took my admonition seriously, so God gave him another chance to learn what it takes to do these feats.
Miss Barbara Jackson
God has given us several dreams about Miss Jackson coming back from the dead. She died in 1999, aged 85. She was a close friend and sister in the faith, and very stalwart for pure doctrinal truth.
A dream shortly before she died portrayed her going on a trip to Scotland. She was too old and infirm to do that then. So the dream made no sense to us at the time. Combining that revelation with others since, it is plain to see that she will fulfil that after she is raised from the dead.
Here is a selection of other dreams which God gave us about her coming back:
4th March 2006. M. 1) Extensive groundworks. In this dream, some land which had belonged to Miss Jackson now had a massive new development beginning on it. There were extensive groundworks, and much was happening. Trenches had been dug and some had been concreted (one wasn't neat, but it was functional). Nearby there was a small house, where someone else was now living. [Symbolises MM.] She came back to have a look at that. [She will come back from the dead.] Meaning: Miss Jackson left us nearly her entire estate in her will, which we used to reach out into Africa with God's truth. The extensive ground- works depict allegorically the results. The untidy (not neat) trench, is the Kenyan outreach, where things are still being spiritually tidied up.
Here is what Helena wrote about her dreams which included Barbara Jackson in their imagery:
23rd May 2001. Ready to journey in a big bus. There was a group of us who were staying at Miss Jackson's. We were ready to move on and journey in a big bus. Meaning: The big bus signifies MM and a new outreach for the ministry. Miss Jackson will be raised from the dead also, which is why MM will become the 'big bus'. (At present it is very small, physically.)
11th June 2005. H. Miss Jackson back! There were lots of excitement and activities with many people. The centre of attention was Miss Jackson who was raised from the dead. We were busy travelling. Forms had to be filled in for the taxman. It was important for that letter to be posted to the taxman later. Meaning: This will give her official recognition by society. People will be forced to acknowledge there is a God in heaven who gives and takes away life.
27th August 2002. H. 2 Dreams 1) There was a huge downpour over our house. The water was leaking through the roof. The container which I was using to catch the water was totally inadequate. Meaning: The dream allegorically depicts our situation, which is currently incapable of handling the massive influx which will soon come once people are raised from the dead here, and publicity follows. God's Spirit is sometimes symbolised as water. Rain depicts the outpouring of God. But it brings with it its problems humanly that one must try and cope with.
TV Interview About Raising The Dead
2) I was being interviewed by Richard Madeley. We were enjoying a lively discussion about the miracles of the dead being raised. Meaning: Richard M is a well-known TV presenter who interviews celebrities, and who comments on some current affairs. The dream is one of so many which we have received, showing that publicity will be God's main way of spreading the gospel in Britain from now on.
The dead coming back will create massive shockwaves and generate huge publicity.
Big Publicity!
13th May 2003. H. Publicity. Dream of many activities, many people were present. I said to someone, "When the dead are raised then there will be some big publicity." Meaning: The future will involve much and reach many people in a public witness to Britain.
4th Sept 2004. H. 3 Couples Getting Married. There were three couples getting married. I was one of them. The couples were intertwined together and naked. Meaning: This has symbolic meaning. Three depicts finality. Raising the dead is part of the final end-time witness of 'Elijah'. But in this late hour at the end of this age, there is widespread division amongst Christians. God will give a revelation of truth that could unify them if they would all accept it. Some will. They are the ones who will comprise the Bride of Christ and will wed Him very soon at His Coming. The union also involves being 'married' to a job or new situation. Nakedness depicts public exposure. (The media tend to try and expose everything about you.) But we have nothing to hide, except to try and retain some privacy. God will set up publicity through miracles. This will be time-consuming, intense and hard work. Like marriage, it takes total involvement and dedication. God sets up circumstances to show His great power to the nations. Raising the dead will astonish the nations and give a witness for the Gospel.
Barbara Jackson Returns
20th Sept 2004. H. Miss Jackson Returns. There was something special going on. People were gathering together. I got closer to see what the excitement was about. Amongst the people I saw Miss Jackson [who died in 1999]. She looked happy. I noticed her face was spotty. Meaning: Barbara Jackson died some years ago. God will raise her up and bring her back again to this temporary physical life. The spots on her face depict spiritual impurities. By living her life for God, she will be cleansed and purified. Helena was not the only one who received revelation about Barbara Jackson coming back. Here is a dream I had:
1st July 2005. M. G M and Miss Jackson. I was washing my hands. My nails were filthy with grime [symbolic perhaps of the spiritually mucky work I have to do], and since I hate it when I get soil in my nails, I was at the washbasin scrubbing them to get them clean. While I was doing this, bent over the basin, I turned my head to see who was behind me. GM (someone who is currently in UCG) and Miss Jackson who died in 1999 were sitting there, waiting for me. Meaning: Barbara Jackson will be brought back from death. GM will be rescued from UCG, the cult he is presently in. And I will be able to finish the dirty spiritual work I have had to do all these years, which has entailed a lot of graft.
Trying To Escape From Reporters
21st Jan. 2005. H. Preparing for publicity. Our house was surrounded by newsmen. We had to put a towel over the window to stop them snooping. I was coming home on the footpath and had to run to escape reporters. Meaning: God will use the news media to publicise His miracles and the gospel will be preached as a witness. Going On TV
29th Jan. 2005. H. Visit to a TV chat show. I was told to wash the shirts of the presenters which I did. A white curtain was put up on the stage of the show as a backdrop. Meaning: This represents spiritual awakening, cleaning up of lives with God's teaching. The white curtain depicts righteousness, so it implies the raising of moral standards and helping others be revived.
Powerful Anointing Flowing
30th January 2005. H. 1) I was given a large foam sheet to provide a soft landing. Meaning: God is warning that events in the future will be earthshaking.
2) Telephone with anointing dripping like water. I felt drunk (spiritually) from the power flowing. Meaning: People will want to talk about the miracles and the dead being raised. God's power is awesome! It will bring greater spiritual awareness to this spiritually dull land.
Oliver Morrisey
OK. The next in that list of dead people who will return, may surprise several. Oliver Morrisey was 'as carnal as they come'. He was not a believer. Far from it! His life was all wrapped up around himself. He became an alcoholic and depressive. Finally he committed suicide when his wife, Sadie, was staying in our home for physical recuperation and spiritual restoration.
He tried to control his wife – as many men do. When he could no longer control her, and felt that he had lost her (this is especially intense, if the loss is to God), he became taken over by demons and hung himself. But his life is not over. God says He will bring him back to put right what he did wrong. Here is what Helena received in a dream about that:
16th August 2005. H. Dead man raised. I saw a man, dead. Then I saw power come into the man like lightning. This man was restored to life! Then I saw the map of Ireland. The SE part was pinpointed [where he came from originally]. Meaning: This is the man above (Oliver – she had another dream about him on 8th August 2005), who lived an evil life, abusive towards his wife and family. When his wife came to stay with us for 12 days to receive help, he committed suicide. Demons controlled him. At death he would have to repent of his evil ways (or go to hell), and determine to make sincere changes in his behaviour. God will bring him back to live his life again, accepting Jesus as his Saviour. He will be raised up to live a new life, proclaiming Jesus to others in Ireland.
Dan Galvin
Another Irishman, Dan Galvin died of cancer in 2000. Here is part of an obituary, written at that time:
Dan Galvin, 48 (born 18-7-1952), husband of Eleanor Galvin (née Smith) died 11th October 2000. I include a short account about Dan here, because his life and turning to God was unusual. Some will benefit and learn from it. Dan's wife Eleanor became a believer and was baptised in 1993. The change in Eleanor's life and her new-found convictions witnessed to Dan. Through Eleanor, he learned more about God and His truth. But, he could not bring himself to make the full commitment to God that Eleanor had made. Dan was an active person, involved in the building trade. He had many friends and associates. Like most people when they first learn about God's requirements for salvation, He was concerned about what others would think, about the things he would have to give up to become a Christian. He felt the sacrifice was too much. But a week before he died, all that changed – dramatically so! Some weeks earlier, he fell ill with cancer. But the doctors could not diagnose his condition until it was well advanced. So, the cancer took its toll on his body. He was in severe pain at times, and had to take morphine to help him through his ordeal. While he was confined to bed, he had time to think back over his life and to consider deeper issues – spiritual matters. He was humbled. He realised that the physical was no comparison with what he could now begin to see in the spirit. Suddenly, everything took on a different complexion. He could now view matters of life – and death – from a spiritual perspective. His mind was opened to God's truth in a new way. He wanted to accept it. And he did – with zeal! A week before he died, Dan asked Eleanor to phone me. He wanted to be baptised. That was 4th October. We arranged to go and see him the next evening, and Dan was baptised in the bath in his home on 5th October. He had been in constant pain, virtually unable to move or get out of bed for 24 hours. When the time came for him to go under the water, he arose from bed without pain! God took the pain away for that momentous occasion. Soon after Helena and I left, he haemorrhaged. He died six days later. I have never met a man so contrite, so mortified by the awareness of his past sins. But now they were washed away! Through the trial of his fatal illness, he gave his life to God. He gladly accepted Jesus' sacrifice for him and fully committed himself to God – a decision that he had put off for seven years. Irish by birth, and formerly a Catholic, he had felt that he could not live up to what he knew God required of him. In the end, what God expected, Dan gave willingly. He did not fear death. He knew it was his transition from this life to the next level of learning. (From MM Newsletter 11, November 2000.)
Dan's Dream
Eleanor wrote this in her diary of 1999:
"While Dan was in hospital being treated for cancer, my sister-in-law and I came to visit him one morning. He told us that he had had a dream about himself the night before. In this dream he was in the house in Ireland and people were queuing up in their cars outside. There was a long queue of cars all along the road. People were coming seeking healing. "Nora asked him where was Eleanor in all this, and he said she was there with me." Meaning: The dream will be fulfilled after Dan returns from heaven. God will be able to give healing to many people who seek Him from a pure heart, and who come to learn of Him through Eleanor and Dan.
Eleanor's Dreams About Dan
Eleanor continues her account:
"2000. I had a dream one night after Dan died. There was a long bench and men were sitting on it wearing prison uniforms. They were being held by a woman. I called to Dan and he came right away. "I was very pleased." Meaning: The dream intimates as to why God will bring Dan back (besides personal reasons in his own spiritual development). Ireland is mostly Catholic and the woman above symbolises the grip that church has on people. They are imprisoned psychologically. Dan's return will enable God to break the strongholds of that evil control, and release some people from their spiritual bondage.
"1/8/03. Dan teaching God's Word. "I had this dream that Dan was teaching God's Word. I asked two women who were in beds [depicts that they are spiritually asleep] what they thought of it, they lifted their heads off the pillow but never answered. I had the impression that they were in Ireland and of the Catholic faith. "As I was leaving the house where they were, there was a young boy lying across the step. He was uncared for. As I asked them about him they did not answer, so I picked him up. His heart was beating very fast. After a while it calmed down as I held him. I took him with me." Meaning: The dream will be fulfilled after Dan's return, and the meaning will become clear.
"19/4/06. The 20p. In this dream I had called at the door of an Asian family. It seemed that Dan had sent me to collect a list of what they were stocking. "The man who answered the door was a bit nervous. I went inside and he bent down to look under a big bed for what he had to give me. He did not really trust me, but I just stood there. Then some women appeared to my right. One was his wife. "He became more friendly and put a twenty pence piece in my left hand. I said: "It's the list I want, not your money." As I looked out of the window I said "You have a nice view from here. It is the same view we have in Ireland." Meaning: Again the meaning will become fully clear when the events it portrays take place. It shows how Asians are often nervous about accepting Jesus (because of their cultural background which is laced with demons). 20 is the number of expectation. But Eastern religion is based on the false notion that to expect to receive from God you have to pay for it by human 'goodness' or dead works. It's not that way with God. He gives freely by His bountiful grace. Our response of works is a good outflow. It's not done to buy favour.
Stella Smith
Eleanor's mother, Stella Smith, was a WCG member for many years, before exiting that cult and supporting Midnight Ministries. Stella died in 2001, the day before the Twin Towers fell, symbolising the fall of America. Eleanor recounts this dream:
"2002. "My mother and I were standing together at a meeting. Mother was on my left, and someone on my right asked me, 'What church are you from?' "As I turned my head to answer him my mother had zoomed to the top of the hall and shouted at the top of her voice 'God Loves The Iraqi People.' "Some time later, as I shared this dream with a local man from Iraq, he was fascinated. I gave him some MM books to read. Later, he told me that he had had a dream after reading them. "He said he dreamt that I had a small shop, and I was very fat, my clothes were shining, and also I was sitting high up. As he came into the shop a young lad left. He said I gave him milk, cheese, and bread, and did not charge him any money which puzzled him. "He said when he ate the food he was also on the same level as me. "I told him, 'That's easy to interpret. The books are spiritual food and Jesus is saying: Come to Me and buy food without money.' He is a Muslim."
In Isaiah 55:1 God points out that we can receive His spiritual sustenance without paying the massive price the world demands of us. People pay a huge price for seeking wrong things in the world. God wants to spare us that, and to give us freely His wonderful truths that can set everyone free.
In 2006, Eleanor had this dream also about her mother:
"A number of us were travelling on a bus, and moving in heavy traffic. I was chatting to someone next to me. We seemed to be heading for the ferry, as someone came from the back of the traffic and said the ferry is going. "Then my cousin who lives in Ireland appeared in the dream and I said to her, 'Look at mother.' She looked really well!"
Resurrection In Poland
On 25th December 2004, I had a dream that Helena brought a man to our front doorstep. I opened the door and said "Hello." He stood bolt upright, like a sentry or sentinel. He seemed rigidly upright and said "Reporting for duty." I didn't know who he was, but he had Polish features, so I asked "Staszek? Janek? Gienek? [Helena's brothers.] Wojtek?" [Grandson]. He didn't reply and the dream ended.
When I told the dream to Helena, she said the description fitted her father (Maciej). That's just the way he would stand, like a sentry on duty.
Meaning: Helena's father, Maciej or Matthew, died in the early 1970s aged 74, but he will return from the dead. God will bring him back to mortal life again as part of the End-Time Witness of the Gospel. It will have great impact in Poland.
Several years earlier, on 31st August 1998, Helena was given this dream:
In Poland. We seemed to be on a journey to Poland. We arrived in Lubatowa [Helena's birthplace and home village]. She entered the local meeting hall. When she came inside it, she was amazed at the sheer size of the hall. It was so enormous! The roof was in the shape of a dome. It was very high and rounded at the top. The height was unbelievable! The colour inside the dome was ultramarine (blue). Meaning: She felt God was saying there isn't a hall big enough for His glory and power; there is so much available. And our ministry outreach will impact people in Poland in due course. Blue is the colour that depicts His heavenly things.
The Dead Will Be Raised In Africa
Wherever Midnight Ministries has an outreach, and people are on fire for Him and His truth, willing to do ALL God says, people will be raised from the dead. Africa is no exception.
David Isaac Ohuoba has already raised four people from the dead in Nigeria. They were dead for a matter of days (related in the leaflets Raised From The Dead At Midnight, Parts 1, 3 and 4). But the dream below indicates more than that. A skull is from someone buried long ago. The flesh has rotted and gone:
18th Dec. 2004. H. Skull comes alive. I saw a skull being made alive. As a result of this I saw someone preach the gospel in Africa with great zeal. Meaning: God is the only One who can raise people from the dead. But such feats are coming – soon! Perhaps in Kenya or Nigeria where MM works.
Kassahun In Ethiopia
30th August 2005. M. Kassahun and the electronic equipment. In this dream, Kassahun (in Ethiopia) was doing things. He had some electronic equipment rigged up. There were cables in use, but one cable like that for a TV aerial was not being used. Someone came by and saw it lying there, thinking that it wouldn't be used, and without asking he took it. When the time came that Kassahun wanted to use it, it was gone, and he had to go looking for it, which caused him inconvenience and extra work and trouble. Meaning: It shows how Kassahun will be very busy too. The electronic equipment probably depicts his harnessing the 'electricity' (power) of God. Such equipment is used for amplifying and projecting sound, so it depicts the Gospel truths going out so that people can hear them. The TV aerial cable being stolen may portray the damage selfish people cause him by taking instead of giving and not considering his needs, nor realising what God is about to do by bringing publicity there through raising the dead. Such people are not mindful of the things of God because they are selfish.
God has given several dreams to Kassahun that corroborate the fact of miraculous restorations:
13th April 2002. K. Resurrecting The Dead! I saw a head cut off in the street. The head was smiling. The body began moving on the ground and joined with the head. Then it stood as a man. A Christian began to rebuke the form because he thought that this is the work of demons. Meaning: When the dead are raised, some 'Christians' will be so deceived that they will accuse us of being of Satan! They have no discernment.
15th April 2002. K. Grandmother Comes. [Kassahun relating his dream.] I met my grandmother, who died 14 years ago. She comes to my home and tells me that she is in good health.
20th December 2002. Kassahun. People Come Back From The Dead. I was in a large graveyard in my country. I began to see my old friends who died many years ago. Meaning: God will raise the dead as He has promised to us and as Malcolm has prophesied in MM publications. Some of my old friends will return.
3rd April 2003. Kassahun. Dead friends and family raised up! I was invited to preach somewhere. When I arrived I saw many of my dead friends and family members. They were eagerly waiting for me. When I saw them, tears began to flow from my eyes. I was very glad that we were all united again. Meaning: God will soon raise the dead.
10th April 2003. Kassahun. God will raise the dead for a witness! I met my best Christian friend who died four years ago. He was a good singer. I was surprised because I thought that we would never meet again (on earth). We hugged each other. I was overjoyed! Meaning: The time is here when we will meet dead friends as God has promised.
24th May 2003. Kassahun. People to be raised from the dead soon! I met with a friend who was a spiritual singer but who died some years ago. I told him that I thought he was dead. He smiled to me and began to sing with his guitar. Meaning: We shall meet with our (formerly) dead friends in the near future.
17th October 2003. Kassahun. Raising The Dead – Soon! A man used a huge digger and dug deep. He drew out several large metal boxes. Many people were there to see the boxes opened. The man opened the boxes and the dead came out of the boxes alive and cheerful. Meaning: Depicts the coming resurrections of dead people witnessing for Christ. You won't have seen anything like it!!
22nd February 2004. Kassahun. Dead people come alive. My mother, grandmother and some dead friends came to my home and I welcomed them with much joy. We chatted to each other and my mother said to me that the time of the rising from the dead has already begun. I was overjoyed!
17th March 2004. Kassahun. Man raised from the dead near Kenya? I and a few others were on the border between Ethiopia and Kenya. There was a river at the border which had various colours. We were close to it and began to preach the gospel so that the people on the other side could hear. While we were preaching, the river carried a man's body. He lay at our feet. At first it seemed like he was dead. But we were very wrong. Suddenly the man stood up on his feet in front of us. We praised God for the miracle!
23rd March 2004. K. The dead are raised! I was in the UK on a soccer pitch with my family and other foreigners. We were told to queue for some important visitation. I queued with my grandmother (who has been dead for some years) and my mother. Both had been resurrected! Others also queued. Most of them had been dead and were raised to life, too. Malcolm and Helena were hugging and kissing those who had come to life. All were overjoyed. We waited for the visitors patiently. Meaning: This depicts the raising of the dead in the ministry of MM and the resultant publicity and revival. Soccer matches get huge publicity at the moment, so the symbol of a soccer pitch was used in the dream to hint at the scale of interest that this will generate. The dead being raised will be a remarkable attention-grabber! It will be a public spectacle which the Press will follow. We have had to wait quite a number of years for this to be fulfilled.
28th May 2004. Kassahun. Uncle Coming Back From The Dead. My uncle who died several years ago invited me to his house and gave me a BERTH (traditional drink of honey mixed with water.) He was glad to meet together after several years. Meaning: I'll meet my uncle when he is raised from the dead in the near future.
9th June 2004. K. A Demonic Counterfeit Of Raising The Dead – Necromancy. Two of my relatives who died a few years ago came to my home. But I sensed in my spirit that something wasn't right. So I prayed silently. As I prayed, those relatives changed back to demons. They tried to attack me, but I rebuked them in the name of Jesus and they disappeared at once. Meaning: I believe this dream portrays one of the 'tricks' the devil will try to use to try to counterfeit the raising of the dead. Whatever God does, the devil tries to counterfeit. But this is a masquerade. He cannot give life to dead people. When the devil causes apparitions of dead people, you have to remember that such things as this and necromancy have an evil source. Hence, 'testing' it involves having a witness in your spirit from the Spirit of God that it's not right. Only those attuned to the Spirit of God will be able to test such things and declare that they are not of God.
There is an example of this sort of demonic counterfeiting in the Bible when Saul asked a witch to bring Samuel up from the dead. But it was not Samuel, it was a demon who could create his form (1 Sam 28). More on discerning is explained in Testing The Spirits and The Mystery of the Invisible.
16th August 2004. Kassahun. Raised From Death To Learn Anew. My friends told me that a friend who died many years ago has been raised and wants to meet me. We went to see him and found him in his home. He was naked and his body was covered with sores. He asked us to pray so that the sores would go. We prayed and all the sores vanished from his body and the skin became like a child's skin. Meaning: God will bring people back, raising them to life like Jesus raised Lazarus. But, they won't all know everything. They will have to learn in this physical plane, just as we have had to do, so they will need teaching. The sores all over his skin represents his need for spiritual healing, and his spiritual nakedness will need covering with the clothes of truth that God provides.
3rd September 2004. Kassahun. "We Trust On The Richards". I was invited to present in one meeting. It was the Sabbath. The place was mostly filled with women. We began to sing a song. The song was based on the image of Dan. 2. The title of the song in the song book was 'We trust on the Richards'. Meaning: Women depict true believers, fellowships and churches where God's people are. We are going to praise God for what He will do shortly by raising the dead. Richard will be one of that number. He will be like Daniel the prophet who was taken before the king (Nebuchadnezzar) because of the revelations God gave him. Daniel's bold and courageous stand, recorded in Daniel 2, caused the other wise men's lives to be spared. So, Daniel was a deliverer, in one sense, because he brought revelation from God that saved the people. These 'Daniels' or 'Richards' of our time are prophets who will bring much praise to God through the events that will soon transpire as resurrections bring the Gospel to the attention of the whole world.
28th October 2004. Kassahun. Great Exploits! Dead People Will Be Raised! I was standing on a long line of coffins which came from the graves. Many people were there [publicity will result from these]. We were waiting for the coffins to be opened and the dead raised.
12th December 2004. Kassahun. Raising A Relative From The Dead. In this dream I had been called to the funeral of my nearest relative. I went to his home. His family was all mourning while the corpse was making its way to the grave. When it arrived there, the Spirit of God moved me to pray for him. I put my hand on the coffin and prayed that God would make him rise. Then the coffin began to shake and people opened it. He came out alive. Those who stood around the grave praise to God.
18th January 2005. Kassahun. New Book: 'Dead Men Raised!' I went to a large library to read a book which I wanted badly. I asked the librarian to give me the book. He took me to another room and left me there to search for the book. When I began searching the shelves, I saw three large books entitled Dead Men Raised; Power Strikes! and God's New Army. All were produced by MM. Surprised, I begged the librarian to lend me these new books. He gave them to me. Meaning: We are fast approaching the long-awaited outpouring of the Spirit, to usher in the last move of the Spirit in this Age before Jesus returns. We will see many raised from the dead (some who have been dead for many years!), the power of God strike in astounding ways (both for deliverance and for judgement), and a new 'army' of people raised up to take the truths of God forward.
25th March 2005. Kassahun. Kassahun's dead brother returns. Someone knocked on my front door. I went to see who was there. When I opened it I was shocked to see my brother who died 4 years ago. I couldn't control my delight. I told him to come in. He smiled at me and told me that he is glad to be restored to life once again.
30th April 2005. Kassahun. People Long Dead Will Arise. A man gave me three white human bones [3 depicts finality] and told me to keep them until Friday and I would see a miracle on that day. I was eager to see that miracle! Meaning: Ezekiel 37 portrays in symbolism the massive restoration coming when Jesus rules. Friday (6th day) depicts the end of this age of human misrule (6,000 years) before Jesus' Millennial Sabbath Rest that is coming. Jesus gave one sign that He spoke the truth and was whom He said He was. That was 3 days in the grave (Matt 12:40).
Likewise the dead will be raised – people who have been long dead, hence the white bones – as we have said for over 12 years now, to verify that the time is at hand and that we speak for God to the world. We eagerly await these resurrections.
5th May 2005. Kassahun. Woman, dead for six years, resurrected. A young woman whom I knew, who died six years ago, was standing with others. I was surprised to see her. I praised God who gave life again. I saw in her face a little wound. When I touched the wound, it disappeared and she became beautiful. Meaning: The raising of the dead. These people, however, will also have some overcoming to do, hence the 'wound'. You will be able to help her with the truth to receive spiritual healing.
23rd August 2005. K. The stinking graveyard. In a dream I was ascending a long ladder. When I reached its top I saw a large graveyard and it was stinky. I didn't know why I was there. Human skeletons were all over the place. I thought maybe the time of raising the dead has come.
5th December 2005. Kassahun. My aunt and mother come back from death. I was present in a gathering of family members. All my relatives were there. We rejoiced. As we were rejoicing, I saw my mother and my aunt coming to the meeting. They sat down at my right side. Both have been dead for the past 7 years. I can't express my joy. I asked them about the spirit realm. They told me that it is great and that you can't find words to properly express the joy and bliss. When they had finished speaking they disappeared. I longed to be there, too.
6th September 2006. K. Dead people return. I was talking to some people about my dead relatives, family members and friends. While I was talking about them all the dead people miraculously appeared and stood beside me. The people who saw this were dumbfounded! I couldn't control my joy. It is one fulfilment of Ezekiel 37 – the prophecy of dry bones being brought back to life.
11th January 2006. K. Hounded in public. In this dream I was in a public place relaxing. Some guys were trying to make me uncomfortable. I couldn't get any privacy. They followed me wherever I went. I became upset. Meaning: This depicts what comes after the dead are raised. Press and media people continually hound newsworthy subjects. Remember how Diana Princess of Wales was incessantly followed by the media? We know that such attention is unfortunately coming to us. Perhaps God is warning you of something similar that you will have to endure.
Purposes For All This Miraculous Activity
The dreams which follow give several reasons for the return of the dead. God does nothing without good purpose!
20th December 2001. Kassahun. About The MM Revival Coming I was in a large hall. The hall was full of people. All were singing and dancing [rejoicing in God]. I was seated at the back [Kassahun doesn't seek prominence; just to do God's will quietly]. After the singing, someone began to call several people to come forward to the pulpit. I was one of them. [Through what God does – raising the dead – He will cause some individuals to become prominent and to be heard. They will be able to make God's proclamations.] Booklets began to be distributed. When I saw the booklets, I was surprised. They were published by MM. I also saw in someone's hand the little card that explains the feast days published by MM. [These are going to be promoted through the revival and publicity coming – one purpose of what is coming.]
Helena Drenched From Heaven. 21st January 2004. Kassahun. The Outpouring of the Spirit Coming and Publicity. Last night God gave me a dream about Helena. She was standing alone on a very high hill. She was shocked by the rain coming from heaven. The rain was heavy [outpouring of the Spirit and its effects, bringing revival] and I was concerned about her lest she got a cold [exposure, stress, publicity, etc]. While I was thinking about her health I saw two huge stars coming down from heaven [powerful angels]. They began to swirl over her head and bathed her with their bright light. They were so bright that I couldn't see her through that light. Finally I realised that she was chosen to be in that bright light. Comment: Helena will witness on TV, through the media, when the dead are raised.
18th October 2003. Kassahun. An Angel Comes To Help MM. A great eagle, with several wings, arrived at the home of Malcolm. I sensed that the eagle is the messenger of God sent to encourage and assist Malcolm and his family.
31st December 2004. Kassahun. Global Witness of The Truth. I saw five men dressed in white garments. They held five candlesticks with seven branches of burning lamps. One was holding it with his face to the south. The second was holding his candlestick with his face toward the west. The third toward the north and the fourth toward the east. The fifth lifted it up to heaven. The entire place where they stood was lit up. Comment: What this depicts in symbol is the universal proclaiming of these truths of God, which will be achieved through publicity generated when the dead are raised. We are not far away from that now. It will be the last outpouring of the Spirit in this Age, before the darkness of the Tribulation closes in on all lands, and will last for about two years. (God has shown us that elsewhere.)
17th March 2005. Kassahun. Revival ahead. Catching the Rain. I saw rain coming from the sky. I stretched out my hands to catch it. My hands began to fill with wheat seeds coming with the rain. I said, "this is God's wheat," and ran to sow it. Comment: The rain is the coming outpouring of God's Spirit with miraculous power and people being raised from the dead. It will provide unparalleled opportunities to give the seeds of God's truths to the 'onlookers'. Notice that you have to reach out to catch it! You have to seek God.
4th May 2005. Kassahun. Malcolm Invited To Buckingham Palace. The queen will send Malcolm a special written invitation to visit the palace. The good news. Last night God gave me the following dream. It encouraged me. It seems to me that I was in the UK. The exact place was in London in front of Buckingham Palace. I met Malcolm there. On the left [libertine people who need salvation] of the palace several people were standing, expecting the queen. At the right side [depicts obedient ones] there was a flagpole but there was no flag on it. Someone was holding the flag in his hand and looking for someone to hang the flag. [This is the standard of God's truth.] But no one responded. Then Malcolm asked me saying, "May I hang the flag on the pole?" [God has given MM the standard of His truths. This is part of the restoration of Truth at the End predicted in the Bible.] I said, "Yes! We can get some publicity. Do it!" He went to the guard and took the flag and began hanging it on the pole. The flag waved on the top of the pole. When he had done that, a public phone a short distance from the flagpole, began to ring. A woman called over to Malcolm and gave him the phone. I could see him while he was speaking on the phone. He had a big smile. When he had finished he came to me and told me something that caused us to rejoice in front of those people. The dream ended. Meaning: This is all to do with the publicity that God will create by bringing people back who have been dead for years. It will cause the gospel to be heard by all, through media coverage. 'Famous' people get to meet the Royals. A well-known praise song reads: "We want to see Jesus lifted high; A banner that flies across this land..." And so it will.
1st Sept 2003. Kassahun. 4 Elizabeth Street. I received a letter from Malcolm. It says that they care for me and that they have changed their address. The new written address was said to be 4 Elizabeth Street. [Figurative meaning: 4 is a numeric symbol of the whole world – MM literature will reach into all the world. Raising the dead will create a worldwide witness. The new address represents coming new ministry premises. Elizabeth means that the Royal Family will know about us and the message we bring from God. In fact, the Queen has already received our literature.]
10th July 2005. Kassahun. Intense revival coming soon. I saw a beautiful Rainbow in the sky. As I gazed at it, I saw a fire coming from the middle of the rainbow. It grew larger and larger and filled the sky. The place where I stood caught alight and I couldn't resist the scorching heat. The fire remained there for an hour and returned to the rainbow. Immediately the rainbow disappeared. Meaning: This depicts the revival which is coming after the dead are raised. It will be short- lived, but intense. The fire of God brings power, revelation and conviction from the scorching heat. After God has witnessed to people with His power and truth, the power of His Spirit will depart – return back into the rainbow – go back where it came from. (Our house was completely covered by a rainbow on midsummer's day some years ago. It was a sign of God's overarching cover on this ministry.)
16th June 2004. K. MM To Reach Into China. Zenya wrote to me to say that Malcolm and Helena have made a trip to China to evangelize and stay there for 7 days. She asked me to help them in prayer. I was amazed. Meaning: The witness which God will perform through raising the dead will reach into China through the media and internet.
1st August 2005. Kassahun. Two moons: revival and bloodshed. I was in a bus making my way to our meeting place. I saw a strange scene through the window. A full moon was coming down from the sky with high speed. It touched the ground and began bouncing like a ball. It was large and white as snow. I was amazed. I saw another moon coming from the west. It was red. Meaning: The full moon is a symbol of the revival coming when God's truths about holy days are proclaimed. This revival will not last long, and it will come suddenly on the heels of dead people being brought back to life. The controversy and upset all this will bring is depicted by the moon bouncing. There will be ups and downs. It is going to be a big revival and it brings purity in truth, hence the size of the moon and its whiteness. The red moon symbolises bloodshed coming to Ethiopia from the West (Sudan).
24th August 2005. Kassahun. Invited to the heavenly King's banquet. A king had invited us to his banquet. We went to his palace. A doorkeeper opened the door of the hall and took us to a banqueting chamber. I saw new faces there which I had never seen before in my life and they were eating fresh foods with the king. [New people will learn new truth.] The king ordered one of the ushers to give me a cup of milk and ice cream. I asked the king why my meals were different from theirs. He replied that it will help me in the next move of my life. [Prophets have a unique function.]
30th August 2005. Kassahun. The Three Angels (of Revelation 14?). I saw in the sky pictures of three angels holding trumpets to their mouths. I stared at them. Then those angels became living beings and began blowing their trumpets. The sound of the trumpets was like thundering and the earth was shaking. People were running with fear to save themselves but most of them couldn't make it. I became numb and my heart failed in me. I knew God's Judgment has begun. Meaning: People read Revelation's prophecies and they are like a picture to them, that's all. The reality of these things being fulfilled NOW is lost on most of them. But, just as the angels came to life, so will Revelation's prophecies NOW! Over the next few years, all that is in Revelation will be fulfilled with earth-shaking accuracy and horror! No wonder people run in terror, but there is no place of escape for those who don't serve God wholeheartedly NOW. The three angels in the dream could be the first three angels mentioned in Revelation 14. They proclaim:
[Kassahun and MM will play a part in fulfilling Revelation 14.]
Opposition Against All This Miraculous Activity
This last move of the Spirit in this age is to bring together, as Smith Wigglesworth prophesied about 60 years ago, the presently divergent moves of Word and Spirit. Those who hold further truths of the Word of God (which are outlined in The Faith Once Delivered To The Saints, Wielding The Divine Axe, and which include keeping the 7th day Sabbath and God's biblical festivals) generally do not welcome the Spirit. Conversely, those who emphasise the Spirit so much in their worship are generally blind to the need to keep God's holy days. They don't see that they are biblical, required, and have not been altered by Jesus.
Jesus wants lost truth restored and the rift healed. He wants each 'side' to move ahead in the area where they are lacking at present.
If you try suggesting to most believers that they are in error on such very basic points, you won't get a hearing! Or, with the few that will initially listen, they will dismiss the input because of long-held prejudice and dogma. They will still think you are wrong! They are so deceived on some issues by false concepts.
God has to break through these strongholds using miraculous power as a testimony against them.
When people long dead are brought back to life as we have prophesied in these pages:
...when this comes to pass – surely it will come – then they will know that a prophet has been among them (Ezek 33:33).
And the correct response is to accept the prophet, listen to his message, repent, change, and be restored by accepting the fulness of God's will.
The wise virgins will do that, as the Midnight Cry goes out. However, there are many Christians who profess Jesus but do not love His truth. They will not accept the 'new' truths.
God reveals through many other dreams the opposition that will rear up against this restoration of God. You wouldn't believe how opposed we are!
20th August 2004. Kassahun. Satan wants to kill God's prophets. An unknown force tried to strangle me while I was sleeping. I called on the name of Jesus and the strangler left me suddenly. I went back to sleep again but the same force tried to strangle me again. Again I called on the name of Jesus and it left me. I rose from my bed and left the house. I realized that Satan was trying to kill me. [All who are called to serve Jesus as apostle or prophet have their lives threatened at some time. Satan tried to kill me in a car crash and in other ways, but God's plan is not thwarted.]
18th August 2004. Kassahun. Woman who turns nasty to me. I was somewhere in the UK. Because I don't know where Malcolm lives, I asked some passers-by to show me Malcolm's house. No one could help me. [Meaning: Malcolm and MM are presently unknown.] Finally I got someone who said they know the place. A woman told me that she knew Malcolm's house and so I followed her. After a little walk, we arrived at a place with a concrete fence. I saw a beautiful villa inside. [Meaning: The woman represents the Church. They think they know, but they don't; they believe lies. They don't want people knowing of us. Church leaders want people to come to them and to be part of their set-up.] The woman told me to wait outside while she went into the villa. I waited a long time. Finally she came out with a gun in her hand. She pointed the gun at my head and shouted to leave the place immediately. I didn't have any other option, so I departed. [Meaning: You were put in the position of those who are favourable towards us. This engenders hostility in false believers, especially the leaders, who want control and attention for themselves.] While I was confused about what to do, I met someone and showed him the address. He pointed me to a very large compound a short distance from where I stood. I got there and looked inside across the fence. I saw several soldiers there. I didn't have words to express my despair. On the front heavy iron gate it had "Coventry Army Base". (I didn't know whether there is literally such a town in the UK or whether there is an army base there.) I thought that I was a long way from Aylesbury. A voice inside me said to continue my search and assured me I would find it. I walked and walked. Then the scene changed and I found myself in Malcolm's house and told him what I experienced in Coventry. Meaning: There is a term in English "to put someone in Coventry" which means to be silent, or not to communicate with them. So, I believe God is saying that there will be a period of silence from me. You will want to hear from me (which the symbolism of wanting to come here and be with me portrays – it shows your very close bond with us through the Spirit), but it won't be possible for quite some time. God is preparing you for the onslaught that is coming here, with the confrontation that you already know about – like your dream portrayed with us covered in black soot. The woman in your dream represents the false Church – false Christians and false ministers. They have the wealth and the beautiful villa, depicting how they have acquired great physical wealth (through their popular, and often deceitful, teachings). The gun symbolises their hostility towards prophets with the truth. They reject us and don't want us around. The dream ends with you finding me, showing that things will be OK in the end, even though it may be a long journey in the interim, and one that will be disconcerting for you. I think that is because you are interceding for us in the spirit, so you will feel it deeply inside.
26th March 2002. Kassahun. Ministers Hostile To God's Truths. [Letter from Kassahun to Malcolm.] "The Spirit of God has revealed the hidden secrets of the professing churches and ministries by using you. What surprises me a lot is that the characteristics of most churches and ministries are the same all over the world. Those who put on the garments of ministers are themselves arrogant, selfish and difficult to approach. "I have seen many things in the past two years. 95% of those who calls themselves ministers of God are hostile to the truths of God. They are not humble and teachable."
4th June 2003. Kassahun. Woman Tries To Stab Malcolm. Malcolm was trying to save a white woman. She was holding a dagger and tried to stab Malcolm but instead she hurt herself. Malcolm saved her before she died. Meaning: Depicts the opposition from the Church against us for promoting the unadulterated truths of God. When people oppose us and resist the truth of God, they are the ones who get hurt most.
God Confirms His Truths
Of course, people who are deceived, genuinely thinking they are right, are 'asleep' – as the metaphor has it in the parable of the Ten Virgins (Matt 25:5). It's significant that Jesus says ALL the virgins are in that state!
So, prophets are opposed, vilified, spat upon and their God-given truths are rejected. I mean true prophets are treated that way. False prophets are given acclaim, acceptance, and adoration.
God addresses this untoward state of affairs with revelation. He gives revelations that confirm who has the restored truth. I have not included many of these revelations in this treatise because they are provided elsewhere.[1] Here is just one:
2nd June 2003. Kassahun. MM holds the torch of God's truth! Malcolm was holding a huge torch. From that torch there came meteorites like fireworks (it seemed like that in the dream) which spread to various places. When the scene changed, I saw a multitude of people coming to Malcolm with their torches. The torch they hold doesn't have light and they kindle their torch from the burning torch of Malcolm. The more they kindle their torch; the more the huge torch on Malcolm's hand was brightening also. The light was very beautiful. Meaning: As we give the truths of God to others, we are blessed and God blesses us more. They can then take the torch of truth to others also. Thus the fire of God spreads. ...God has a great purpose for us as shown in the above dream. The torch you hold is the truth of God. It seems to me that your work is not finished and God has a special work for you, which will reach to the whole world. Prepare for the next move of God in your life. Be glad my brother! Kassahun
God Is Preparing His People
It's all very well holding truth. That is wonderful yes. But truth is given for a purpose – to set people spiritually free, as they LIVE it in their lives (Jn 8:32).
One purpose at this late hour is to prepare people for the horrendous time of trouble that the world is descending into now.
For America and Britain, the Great Tribulation is a mere two or three years away respectively. God wants you to be prepared.
He wants you to know Him more closely. He wants you to trust Him more completely. He wants you to know that you can rely upon Him for whatever you need. And He wants you to give Him your Isaacs so that you don't place your trust in the physical things of this world that are passing away, but in the eternal riches that He offers you now.
Those who put their trust in something or some- one else other than Him, commit idolatry. And that shuts Him outside your door (Rev 3:20). He will let tribulation come to separate you from your god.
26th November 2003. Kassahun. The terrible suffering of the Great Tribulation. In my dream I saw myself in the town. Everything was at a standstill. No more singing, no more laughter, no more rejoicing. Men and women were suffering in an agony of atrocious pain and grief. The trees were dead, dry, no more fruits, and the animals also were dying.
12 Bright Stars In The Sky 23rd December 2003. Kassahun. The End of the World is Coming SOON! I saw 12 bright white stars in the sky. I heard a voice saying, "The end of the world has come." The voices seemed to be coming from those stars. Meaning: Compare this with Rev 12:1 – the woman, which partly symbolised Israel, who was the first recipient of God's truth, and meant to preserve it. She had a garland of 12 stars on her head. Victors of races, sporting events, or conquests, were presented with a garland to wear on their heads. The symbolism infers that those who overcome will inherit the honour of ruling with Christ on earth. 12 is the number denoting God's government or rule. And the stars are symbols of angelic beings who will decorate such a government. Notice also in Revelation 12:10 the loud voice, as Kassahun heard in his dream, and the same time which is the end of the age. This is confirmation to a modern prophet of what John saw in his vision in Revelation, and that the end of the age is very close!
Will you rule with Jesus? Will you be ready?
These are the days of Elijah; righteousness is being restored. Malcolm B Heap, September 2006
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