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God'sCommendationof MM's outreach God spoke through seven angels with various encouragements and commendations. He has approved MM as a preserver of His Restored Truths. 2 Corinthians 10:18 says it’s essential!
After John Ongoro wrote to me in 2013, God gave him a very significant dream about what He was starting: 16th December 2013 A light-skinned man gave me Seven Loaves in a dream and instructed me to divide out to one million people who looked completely emaciated. Then I started giving out the loaves without questioning or complaining that the loaves are too few to feed one million persons. He was pleased with my action and went back to his store smiling, opened it and gave out very many more loaves so that everybody ate and was satisfied. They composed for him a song in his praise but before they could sing the song, the man instructed me to tell the people who were now fat and looked healthy to thank God instead of him. Immediately they started singing praises to God, the man opened 1,000,001 stores of bread and distributed out to us and left us with this message: Eat while thanking God, not me. Then he disappeared and I woke up. John Ongoro Meaning: As you reach out with the truth, God provides more means to do the job. People must be taught not to look to us, but to look to God. They should not praise us but praise God because He inspired MM lit. We are merely human tools who could do nothing like that without His inspiration and direction. Dead For A Week!John Ongoro was moved by God to visit his grandmother in December 2013. She had been suffering from cancer and John knew she didn’t have long to live. But God raised her from the dead: 16th January 2014 Rusbella Adhiambo Onger Those are the full names of my grandmother, the mother to my mother. She hails from Nyahera School near Kisii. She was diagnosed with throat cancer in the year 2010. She stayed from Feb. 2012 without solid foods but with only water and a little tea. Malcolm, when I received Jesus through MM last year in late Nov. I made up my mind through God’s power to visit her. We first went with my brother Daniel Mark on 19th Dec. 2013 and when we went home the same day, we were counting for her days [expecting her to live only a few days]. In a dream on 20th Dec. at night, God’s hand was flashing copies of MM lit in my face. On 21st I and Eunice visited her again and found that she had died that day in the morning. We found people mourning. But something kept pushing me to share with people who had gathered at her compound about the new faith I have found. I gave just a brief testimony of the great things God has done in my life through MM lit, then God moved me to touch her while quoting the words written in MM Faith: Raising Our Level Of Expectation. We stayed till evening. As we were about to leave, God directed me and my wife not to go back home. The following day, the 22nd, nothing happened, she was still dead. On the 24th, Sila died. I was back home in K. Over the next few days burial arrangements were being made. Sila’s burial was on the 30th Dec. On the 30th at 11.02 am, while I was at Sila’s burial, my uncle’s son, Ouma, called me by phone. God had raised up my grandmother! So, on 30th Dec I had to leave Sila’s burial to go to my grandmother’s home to thank God. It was very funny the way Ouma broke to me the news. He told me to rush very fast because my grandmother had something to share with me. From that, I knew that the God of MM had done it again. I had read on pg 51 “what you actually expect or believe is what you get!” And just before that: “humbly believe that you will receive it.” Mark 11:24. I requested God to raise my grandmother. I did not demand, but humbly believed. Because I was in His will, Malcolm, God acted in a mighty way. This made all my relatives trust my worship of the true God. She is alive! On the night of the 29th Dec God raised her up after being dead for over 7 days. I was the first person to eat with her. I bought sodas and we drank two bottles of Sprite brand with my grandmother. She can walk now, talk and eat little solid foods. Whoever doubts can link with me to take him to her home. That’s why I long for a video camera so that people can see for themselves the truth in serving God in truth and holiness – yes MM doctrines. People accepted that day that truly there are people who worship God in truth! She is well. God is God! John Here is the testimony of an eyewitness: 26th January 2014 Dear John Ouma Ongoro. Halleluya, it is a surprise and unique to write to you but just give us some little moments to share with you our findings and resolutions. We are six pastors from Musanda Holyghost Churches of East Africa from Ruga, Holo church, Nyahera church, Kotieno church, Nyabola church, Ringa church and Atemo church. Our names are: 1) Pst. Dalmas Okwengu, 2) Pst. Mathew Rabach, 3) Pst. James Ondiek, 4) Pst. Joseph Owuor, 5) Pst. Daniel Aoko. We are also joined by a group of people from Nyahera in Ruga where our Sister Rusbella Adhiambo was miraculously brought back to life in a very dramatic way. John, stick to that new faith you have found! At midnight, when your grandmother was restored to life, found all of us present. First a sound of a strong wind occurred, followed by change in temperature. The room became very hot so that everybody started sweating, including the corpse. And when we were almost running out of the room, Rusbella called the name Jesus three times, then lastly she called your name [John] to come and pray for her. Some of us who became afraid jumped out of the room and disappeared into the dark night. When Rusbella woke up she told us that the room was hot because several angels thronged the room. They had on white robes all labelled ‘MIDNIGHT MINISTRIES’. There was no space left vacant. When we asked her what the angels told her, she clearly explained that the angels openly discussed with her on several topics like true worship using MM Booklets and lastly informed her to link with you John to guide her on how to walk in that truth. So we have known now where God’s true messengers are. God’s peace be with you. Yours in Christ Love, Pastor Kennedy Awino Omedo of Anding’o Holo church. Holyghost Churches In East Africa. Taken To The Hill Of The Lord24th Nov 2013 …in 1995 I had a dream in which I was taken to a tall hill by a white man and a white woman [MBH & HH]. They gave me a Bible and a hymnal, trained me to sing for God and told me to go back to school. I then did all that they told me. …then early this year on 3rd February 2013 the dream I was given in 1995 appeared to me again. The white man and woman took me to a tall hill, gave me two booklets, a Bible, a hymnal, and a keyboard. Then they pointed me down the valley where there were many people, some crying and others emaciated. They told me to go and share the Gospel of truth with them, sing praises to God with them, and strictly note all the references from the Bible and the two booklets. …in the month of June the same dream appeared to me 3 times. That’s when I went and explained to X and Y, who prayed to God with me, gave me a MM publication titled Meetings With Jesus. Man of God, a unique thing happened in my family when we started studying the book together. My wife, who has been shy, was no longer shy. She led us in family fellowship clearly quoting verses as they appear. I humble myself to be used by God… people in my village have suffered in the hands of preachers who propagate false doctrines. I am submissively crying day and night, since receiving this truth, for God to hold my hands through Spirit empowered MM publications and your Spirit-guided prayers and counsel to save the people of my village. I strongly believe in what is written in Mark 9:23. John O Last night a young baby appeared to me in a dream, gave me a white paper written: THE TRUTH, THE TRUTH, THE TRUTH – ALONE. [Three depicts finality. God has given MM the End-Time Restoration of God’s Truth in MM literature.] John Ongoro Why This Is HappeningThe significance of all this is bound up in the purpose of God with MM. It is His Work. It’s not a work of man, but of God. God has restored, through MM writings, the faith once delivered to the saints. Seven angels oversee MM’s outreach in Africa, giving vital directions or commands. The directives are needed, because our rational minds would find the suggestions hard to accept by words of knowledge or prophetic input. So, authoritative manifestations of angels help us know God’s will, raise our faith level, and move faster. The angels delivered the divine command to purchase a van for the outreach, selected the drivers, and instructed about which countries to visit and when. Sometimes they mentioned what route to take, the cost of the journey, and warned about enemy attacks that would occur. This was necessary, because ‘the odds’ are stacked against us! We didn’t plan these trips. God planned them in heaven. God worked the miracles, enabled the evangelists to endure prison hardships, protected them from gunmen who shot at them, led them to the new ones God is calling, and did uncountable wonders for His glory. Why? Because of His vital purpose in restoring His truths, in fulfilling the age-old prophecies about the Work of ‘Elijah’ which is the Work of the Holy Spirit. It’s not a work of man. This is the end time. Jesus is coming soon. ‘Elijah’ is preparing the Way (Is 40:3), laying out the Truth for people to ‘walk’, to live out in life. Where the Restored Truth is accepted, Jesus’ Bride is being made ready. John Ongoro in Kenya received this dream about it: Angels Commission Various People11th December 2013 Last night in a dream I saw angels in long white robes descend in large numbers holding glittering rings which they distributed to certain people of their choice. [God is going to call many people to receive His gospel truths, leading to eternal life; the rings are a symbol of being married to Christ, as each person whom God calls is meant to be part of the Bride of Christ.] To my surprise I saw the recipients of the rings develop wings like angels [I think this could depict these people being guided by and carried along by the Spirit, as you are being] and their names were printed on their backs [a new identity possibly, because of the new relationship they will have with Jesus, like you and I enjoy through the Spirit]. When our turn came one of the angels asked us, ‘Do you have laptops?’ and all of us answered No! Then the angel told us to work hard to obtain laptops for they were going to send us a lot of work to type and share with all the inhabitants of the world. Then the angels plus all those who had developed wings ascended to Heaven, and immediately one of them dropped us a laptop and two typed books to translate into local languages and told us to teach only those people who are willing because time is up. When he turned his back, I saw his name written clearly as ‘Malcolm’. John A Book of Judgement Is Being Written13th February 2014 In this dream last night, a group was standing before a room [the throne room of God]. From the group I saw you, Malcolm, selected and put into a chariot of burning fire surrounded by angels [reminiscent of Elijah’s departure in 2 Kings 2:11], and a book was opened before you [compare with the little book of Rev 10:8-11]. This book had the names of opponents of MM in one column, and the names of supporters of MM in another column [a book of judgement]. I saw you lifted up in long glittering linen like a graduation gown [the prophet’s mantle of 2 Kings 2:8]. Angels, all in white robes, surrounding the ‘fire-breathing’ chariot, were singing praises to God. The door of the room suddenly opened and a voice from inside called you to come in and present the book to Jesus. While in the room, you sat next to Jesus talking and eating with Him. After doing so, Jesus called out the names. Two groups emerged. The first to appear were the opposers who pleaded with you to intervene in their cases. You pointed them to Jesus who sat above all, assessing the names. But only MM supporters were allowed in to eat with Him. The opposers were thrown into a lake of fire. Those people cried out for mercy but they were all thrown into the sea of fire. I woke up trembling with fear. John Ongoro Comment: This is an awesome revelation. The little book of Revelation 10:8-11 is symbolic of a prophetic message from God calling people to repentance and obedience, or to punishment if they reject it. Likewise, MM carries a prophetic message from God in MM literature, calling people to repentance. It points out areas of truth which people need to accept in order to be in the will of God. What MM lit contains is revelation from God given to a prophet. Hence the references to precedents in Elijah’s ministry – the fiery chariot and angelic entourage, the pure white mantle which portrays God’s righteousness and prophetic appointment, etc.. Those who do not accept ‘my’ witness and who oppose MM will be condemned, because it is not merely my witness, it is God’s. Jesus holds all accountable who hear it. There will be no mercy for those who oppose MM. Angels Announced The Outreach To Muslims11th August 2014. 6:58. Zanzibar outreach. God of gods is our God. Praise be His name. In a dream, 7 angels with long and sharp swords sparkling like stars, surrounded Malcolm and told him, “Don’t fear, I will provide a van to take my truth to Moslem dominated areas like Ukerewe Island, Zanzibar and Comoros. I am very happy with my servant John Ongoro who has even reached out to many Moslem souls distributing to them MM truths. I, God, who makes what is not there to be there, have said that no one will stand in your way till this work is completed. Don’t worry, the van is coming.” This is a unique vision brought to me, Rhoda Tonge. I don’t know anything about the van but God does. Then I saw Malcolm kneel and thank God. Rhoda 11th August 2014. 18:08. The Lord has revealed that someone is planning to attack the new Muslim converts [those converted from Islam] – some in Uganda and Kenya which J reached recently – but God will not allow that to happen… Mark 11th August 2014. 19:45. John baptised 4 Moslems here in Nairobi and this evening 6 armed Moslems came and attacked me to tell them what MM is all about and where John comes from. All had got guns. I told them that John is an angel from God and does purely God’s work. They left but warned me not to engage any Moslem in Biblical discussion. This event opened my understanding on why God talked of a van to distribute God’s truth in MM books before Moslem attack on MM supporters, because in Zanzibar, Ukerewe Island and Comoros Island almost all people are Moslem. We are awake now and have placed the book Faith: Raising Our Level Of Expectation outside our new home to keep them off if they creep back to attack us at night. They are out to have John dead. Rhoda John related these two experiences when angels appeared to him carrying burning lamps: 4th August 2014. 14:32. Last night I was given a vision which sounded like a command. An angel with a burning lamp stood before me and said: “John, arise and complete the work you began. Start with Kisii, then Kericho and Kakamega prisons, for My people are in need of truth. Go, baptise them in My name. Don’t worry about your needs. God has seen your heart. He will take care of your financial and non financial needs, just arise, go and distribute MM truth. I have already chosen My prophet Mark to instruct you on whatever I require. Don’t fear, I am ahead of you. .” John 4th August 2014. 17:52. Mark also received that input from the angels. 6th August 2014. 20:02. May the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ be praised... Last night 7 angels appeared to me all carrying burning lamps and instructed me that from this exercise of baptism, I move to Ukerewe Island in Tanzania to take the MM truth in books. When I asked the means I will use to do so, they replied “you will use MM van God has provided.” John The Solution To TerrorismIslamic terror is sweeping through many countries. The only thing the West has to offer to counter it is equal terror – using human weapons. But the weapons of our warfare are spiritual in nature (Ephesians 6:12-18). The sword of the Spirit is the Word of God. So, we hold up MM literature, which is the Word of God, to defeat physical satanic attacks. Where it is done in faith by those who truly believe in what MM lit contains, it works every time! It’s not a gimmick. It’s POWER! The power of God! It blinds opponents, jams guns, and strikes attackers dead. John Ongoro (and several other faithful ones) has demonstrated it in Kenya, in Rwanda, in Burundi, in Tanzania, in Zanzibar, in Comoros Island, in Angola, in the Congo, in Zambia, Uganda, Sudan, Arabia, Eritrea; against Al Qaeda and ISIS; wherever Satan opposes MM’s outreach. Only MM lit can be used in this way. Why? Because you cannot defeat Satan with contaminated ‘truth’ – with a mixture of truth and error. Most Christian literature is just such a mix. It does not contain the purity of God’s Word. God wants PURITY! Most Christian teachings are contaminated by human precept and erroneous human tradition. Deception can lead many Christians to perdition (see Matthew 15:6-9). God is making a point in performing such miracles in conjunction with MM literature, just as He was making a point by performing healings through Paul’s ministry using anointed handkerchiefs (Acts 19:11-12) and by healing people when Peter’s shadow passed over the sick (Acts 5:15). God is behind it. The unadulterated Truth of God sets people free. God Expresses His Approval of MM Work23rd November 2016. 9:56. From Rhoda: "NO ONE WILL EVER STOP GOD'S WORK AND MISSION THROUGH MM LIT EVANGELISM IN BRINGING TO AN END DEMONIC ACTIVITIES IN THE WORLD.... GOD IS PLEASED WITH THE GREAT WORK DONE SO FAR." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 11th November 2016. 14:09. From Rhoda: "MALCOLM.... NO ONE WILL SUCCEED IN FIGHTING MIDNIGHT MINISTRIES.... THE EVANGELISM TEAM IS STRONG AND GOD IS WITH THEM." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 24th December 2016. 17:39. From Rhoda: "MM FIRE IS ON IN ISRAEL AND ITS ENVIRONS. THE TEAM WILL BE IN KENYA BY TOMORROW TO DO A GREAT WORK IN PAGAN GLORIFYING CHURCHES. NO ONE WILL BLOCK GOD'S PLANS OF RESTORING HIS TRUTH TO THE WORLD THROUGH MM HOLY LITS." 7 angels have said that to me now. [What an accolade! 2 Cor 10:18.] Supernaturally ReleasedWhen Mark Odhiambo in Kenya was falsely accused by evil men, arrested and imprisoned, the angels declared how God would release him. As part of the process, we had to raise a substantial sum of money. These communications below explain how God delivered him. The fuller account is in Volume 10 of Mighty Miracles of God. 19th January 2017. 18:06. From Rhoda: MARK SHOULD NOT FEAR, NO ONE WILL KILL HIM. HE SHOULD HOLD ON AND WAIT FOR GOD TO ACT. GOD WILL SURELY PROVIDE MONEY TO GET HIM OUT. 7 Angels have said now. [God moved a donor to provide the money. It came on 7th Feb 2017, was sent to John, who forwarded it to Mark by Mpesa.] 9th Feb 2017. 18:11. From Rhoda: MARK WILL BE OUT TOMORROW AT MIDNIGHT. THE GOD OF HEAVENS WILL CONFUSE THE JUDGE PLUS THE ACCUSERS WHO WILL GET CONFUSED COUNTING THE MONEY TILL MIDNIGHT, WHEN GOD WILL BURN THEM ALL WITH HOT COAL. THE MONEY HAS BEEN SENT TO MARK THIS EVENING. 7 Angels said that to me. 11th February 2017. 19:12. From Mark: Thank you so much for your effort to get me released. I was taken to court yesterday at 9 am. The judge ordered me to table the money for counting and I did as required. They counted for 77 times till midnight but still couldn't know the sum of the money. Suddenly a pop sound was heard in the courtroom. Unexpectedly the room burst into flames. Surprisingly I found myself lying outside after being thrown out by external force. I could only see the house burning into ashes. I decided to run and go hiding at the nearby river till 2 pm today. It was aired on local Radio Mayienga that nobody who was at the court at that time escaped death – a total of 15 people including the judge and two police officers. The firefighters tried to put the fire out but they were defeated. Nothing was recovered except dead bodies. The court building was situated at Kosele, 65 kms from Ndhiwa... Those who were present at the courtroom were: Court Clerk, court prosecutor, a lawyer and those people who wanted to hear my case. God bless. Comment: All the money was burned up in the inferno. A sacrifice!?! Riek Mojong & A Supernatural Slaughter14th April 2016. 17:25. From Rhoda: 'NO ONE WILL STAND IN THE WAY OF THE MM TRUTH IN MUSLIM COUNTRIES. AT LEAST £275 TO REACH RIEK FOR THE BICYCLE [and other needs]. ON SATURDAY RIEK SHOULD TRAVEL 12KM TO AN SDA CHURCH IN THE OUTSKIRTS OF KHARTOUM. DON'T TALK BUT ONLY STAND AT THE GATE AND POINT THE FAITH LIT AT THE PASTOR. PASTOR MAJORIOK KWILING HAS BEEN THE LEADER OF THOSE WHO ATTACKED MM IN SOUTHERN SUDAN. RIEK SHOULD USE THE BICYCLE TO REACH THERE. THE PASTOR WILL DIE AND THAT'S HOW MANY HE HAS TAKEN HOSTAGE WILL BE FREED.' 7 angels with sharp glittering swords said. [And that is what occurred. God did it.] 23rd September 2015. 17:42. From Rhoda: "AN OPPONENT LOSES EYESIGHT WHEN HE OR SHE LOOKS DIRECTLY AT AN OPENED MM FAITH LIT DUE TO VERY BRIGHT LIGHT THE LIT PRODUCES. DURING THE FOT A STRONG WIND WILL BRING DOWN TWO CHURCHES IN SOUTHERN SUDAN BELONGING TO THE MM OPPOSERS AND THIS WILL MAKE THEM HOLD RIEK CAPTIVE. MALCOLM IS TO KEEP THIS INFORMATION SECRET TILL IT HAPPENS. RIEK WILL BE RESCUED AND THE CHURCHES’ PASTORS WILL DIE FOR HOLDING RIEK." 7 Angels have said this to me now. God bless. 5th Jan 2016. 18:29. From Rhoda: 'THE MISSION SHOULD GO ON UNINTERRUPTED. MALCOLM SHOULD ASK JOHN HOW THE EVANGELISM KITTY IS. BY FRIDAY NIGHT THE MESSAGE SHOULD BE IN LIBYA. AT LEAST SOME MONEY SHOULD BE SENT TO THE TEAM. NO ONE ELSE WILL STAND IN MY SERVANTS’ WAY AND PREVENT THE MM TRUTH FROM REACHING OUT TO MY PEOPLE THROUGH MY CHOSEN PROPHET MALCOLM.' 7 angels have said that to me now. [Chosen for this assignment.] 13th June 2016. 18:19. From Rhoda: MALCOLM, MALCOLM, MALCOLM, THE GREAT I AM HAS SENT HIS FEAR TO ALL CORNERS OF AFRICA AND THE MIDDLE EAST THROUGH MM LITS. NO ONE WILL EVER BLOCK MM EVANGELISM IN THE WHOLE WORLD. MALCOLM, MALCOLM, MALCOLM, GOD IS PLEASED WITH YOUR DEDICATION IN HIS CALLING. MALCOLM, MALCOLM, MALCOLM, ENCOURAGE THE EVANGELISM TEAM TO EXPECT GREATER MIRACLES EVEN BACK TO THEIR FAMILIES. GOD IS PLEASED WITH THEIR DEMONSTRATION OF FAITH. 7 angels have said that to me now. 14th June 2016. 15:50. From Rhoda: GOD HAS SPOKEN ONCE AGAIN. MALCOLM, MALCOLM, MALCOLM, I HAVE CHOSEN YOU, MY VESSEL, TO CLEAN UP THE SIN RIDDEN WORLD. NO ONE WILL TRY TO STOP MM EVANGELISM IN THE WHOLE WORLD. OPPOSERS HAVE TRIED TO GET ACCESS INTO MM, THOSE WHO LEFT MM BECAUSE OF LACK OF MONEY HAVE TRIED TO GET BACK INTO MM BY FORMING GROUPS, THEN WRITE FALSEHOOD ABOUT MM EVANGELISM.... THEIR TARGET IS TO SOIL THE GREAT WORK GOD HAS DONE IN THE WHOLE WORLD THROUGH MM LITS EVANGELISM AND TO STEAL GOD'S RESOURCES. GOD WILL SCATTER THEM IN TO SEVEN CONFUSED GROUPS. IGNORE ALL THEIR LETTERS TO ASHAME THE DEMONS DRIVING THEM. THE EVANGELISM TEAM TO MOVE ON WITH EVANGELISM. 7 angels have said that to me now. Comment: Cleaning up the sin-ridden world is by acceptance of Jesus as our Saviour and His teaching which is expounded in MM lit. Jesus will achieve it in the Millennium. Earthshaking Statements From The Angels3rd December 2015. 19:06. From Rhoda: "NO ONE WILL ESCAPE WHO DISOBEYS MALCOLM'S WORDS THROUGH MM LITS." 7 angels have said. Comment: I wonder if the inference is that the whole world will get to know, in due course, that MM lit is from God. 6th Dec 2015. 10:15. From Rhoda: "WHOEVER WILL DISOBEY MM TRUTH WILL FACE ETERNAL DEATH'. THE VANS ARE TO MOVE TO MOMBASA TO BUY THE CAR." 7 angels have said to me now. God Has Done “Great Work” With MM Lit6th August 2017. 18:12. From Rhoda: MALCOLM, MALCOLM, MALCOLM, MALCOLM, MALCOLM, MALCOLM, MALCOLM, IGNORE ALL INFORMATION FROM ANTONY OTETE AND ANY OTHER PERSON WRITING NEGATIVE INFORMATION ABOUT JOHN ONGORO. WHY? BY CREATING A RIFT BETWEEN YOU, MM FINANCIAL SUPPORTERS AND JOHN ONGORO THEY ARE SURE NO ONE ELSE WILL TRUST THE GREAT WORK GOD HAS DONE THROUGH MM LITS EVANGELISM. DESTROY OTETE'S STATEMENTS AND DO NOT GET DISTURBED WITH IT AND ABOUT IT. GOD HAS SURELY DONE WONDERS THROUGH MM LITS. JOHN HAS REMAINED FIRM AND DILIGENT IN MM LITS EVANGELISM. GOD IS HAPPY AND WILL PUNISH ANYONE OPPOSING MM WORK. 7 Angels have said that to me now. Mustafa’s StoryMustafa was a Muslim gunman who shot and killed Vuga driving the MM van in July 2017. The fuller account is in Mighty Miracles of God, Volume 11. But these pieces below are several witnesses to God’s glory: 15th July 2017. 18:12. From John: Today at 11.00 am after passing Kebir in Chad, Vuga became afraid and tried to drive past the attackers at a high speed but they shot at him at close range hitting the head badly. I then drove up to Fada town where Vuga passed on. I have crossed in to Sudan just now. All the £250 sent to us is over, the kitty is dry. I have placed 7 MM Faith lits on Vuga and I believe God will raise him but if not tonight we shall keep on trusting our unfailing God. God bless. 15th July 2017. 18:23. From Rhoda: "LET JOHN DO THIS AT MIDNIGHT, PLACE 7 FAITH LITS ON VUGA'S HEAD AND SPRINKLE WATER ON HIM. HE IS JUST IN A DEEP SHOCK FOLLOWING THE DEADLY ATTACK. HE IS WELL. AT LEAST £445 TO REACH JOHN TO GET THEM HOME AND VUGA BACK TO TANZANIA. THE ATTACKERS WHO TRIED TO KILL THEM ARE DEAD EXCEPT ONE WHO WILL TURN TO GOD AND ASK FOR FORGIVENESS BEFORE TUESDAY NEXT WEEK." 7 Angels have said now. 19th July 2017. 20:24. From Mustafa: I am the one who shot at the driver but another man jumped on to the steering wheel like a commando and drove off. The van threw back hot balls of fire. The van had powerful bullet proof coating. The balls of fire from the van burnt my colleagues as I ran away for help. If it was God who did that, then I trust now that reaching to Ukerewe is no problem and getting £560 is no big deal. 18th July 2017. 19:54. From Vuga: If God is for us who can be against us? God honoured the MM Faith lits and courage that John Ongoro showed to bring me back to life. Will, we got blocked on a sharp bend, live bullets were sprayed on to the van like hailstorm. John jumped on to the steering wheel and drove away before stopping to see how our enemies cried in great pain of hot coal. In my deep sleep I saw a group of people in white shining clothes holding my head, legs and arms and shielding me from another group in red clothes. Those in white clothes overpowered those in red clothes and I found myself coughing and woke up from the deep sleep though weak. God brought me to preach the truth through MM lits evangelism. In a dream last night I saw 7 Angels commanding that I and brother John are to go to Ukerewe Island to meet the MM brethrens there and share with them more MM lits from Sunday this week and the van be serviced for that great work. God loves all MM family. Amen. God bless. 6th August 2017. 13:29. From Mustafa: "My names are Mustafa Rajab Kaki, from Juba, South Sudan. My father Kaki Ngurawe died in the year 2001 due to the long civil war in South Sudan. My mother I was told died just immediately after giving birth to me in the year 1977. I didn’t go to school. I got enrolled into civilian army at a tender age of 13 yrs old. I first heard about MM through Riek Mojong who tried on several occasions to get me saved but I couldn’t. By the way, Riek is my uncle on my mother's side. I started fighting Riek and called him names including devil worshipper. As I fought Riek, I joined hands with people like Lukas Ogada, Opith Kennedy, Ondigo Nimrod, Dorothy Alex, John Nandi, Nyasirwa, Fatuma. All the above were getting information about MM activities through a magician called Juma Madu Mwawenge who lived in Nansio Beach in Ukerewe Island in Tanzania. He used a big snake to foretell all MM plans and activities. The late powerful doctor feared MM and did not want MM to spread in Afrika. We received finances through wealthy Qatar and Saudi Arabia millionaires who were not happy with Muslim brothers turning to Christianity through MM efforts. We got paid by Lukas. The main aim was to portray MALCOLM and John Ongoro as greatest hypocrites so that MM activities could come to an end in Africa. We had known that John Ongoro was directly anointed by God so we tried to kill him so that MM activities would end. I am ready to lead John to Qatar and Saudi Arabia to destroy the financiers of MM opposers. God bless, Thank you. Mustafa served God faithfully and courageously for a few months, going to Saudi Arabia, where he held God’s first ever Feast of Tabernacles there in 2017. He reached quite a number of people with the Truth. Sadly he was killed by Muslims not long afterwards near Mecca. The MM van went into Mecca, a completely UNPRECEDENTED feat! 8th November 2017. 8:47. From Rhoda: "MUSTAFA AND FOUR OTHERS GOT KILLED BY HANGING WHEN DOING EVANGELISM WORK AROUND MECCA. JOHN AND VUGA MUST REACH THERE TODAY AT MIDNIGHT THEN FACE THE SIX MEN WHO KILLED THE MEN OF GOD. THEN THEY WILL USE THE MM FAITH LITS AS SHIELDS, AND FUEL THE VAN TO FULL TANK AND FETCH FUEL IN CONTAINERS ENOUGH TO TAKE THEM UP TO JUBA...." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 9th November 2017. 8:31. From Rhoda: "THE SIX BAD PERSECUTORS WHO KILLED THE MM CONVERTS IN SAUDI ARE DEAD. GOD KILLED THEM AT MIDNIGHT...." 7 Angels have said that to me now. A Prophet Speaks For God12th Oct 2017. 18:32. From Rhoda: ".... GOD IS DOING HIS WORK TO SHOW MEGA CHURCHES AROUND THAT MM IS THE APPROVED VEHICLE TO BRING BACK THE LOST TO GOD'S HOUSE AND MALCOLM HEAP IS AN ANOINTED PROPHET OF GOD ALMIGHTY...." 7 Angels have said to me. 12th November 2017. 16:37. From Rhoda: "JOHN AND VUGA MUST HAVE ABOUT 100 COPIES OF THE MM LIT... When God's Judgement Falls... THIS LIT IS TO BE GIVEN OUT TO MM BELIEVERS IN DRC [Democratic Republic of Congo]. THEY WILL READ IT FOR ONLY SEVEN MONTHS WITH PRAYER AND GOD WILL HEAR THEM FROM HEAVEN AND BRING TO AN END THE DICTATORSHIP THEY ARE FACING NOW...." 7 Angels have said that to me now. [God didn’t say the dictatorship would end after 7 months. That is a numeric symbol. But God WILL bring it to an end in His time.] God Promises To Rout All African Dictators27th December 2016. 5:07. From Rhoda: "MY PEOPLE ARE SUFFERING IN GAMBIA. A MOSLEM DICTATOR IS BLASPHEMING ME THE GREAT I AM. THE EVANGELISM TEAM IS TO LEAVE FOR GAMBIA AND SEND THE MM MESSAGE THAT GOD IS RESTORING PEACE IN THE WHOLE WORLD THROUGH MM LITS EVANGELISM. THE TEAM TO MOVE OUT TODAY." 7 Angels have said that to me now. The MM crew went to Gambia (at great cost!) and God achieved a peaceful transfer of power, something UNIQUE in African power politics. 14th November 2017. 14:39. From Rhoda: "GOD THROUGH MM LITS EVANGELISM WILL WIPE OUT ALL DICTATORS IN AFRICA. ROBERT MUGABE OF ZIMBABWE IS NEXT IN LINE. LIKE NEBUCHADNEZZAR OF ANCIENT BIBLE TIMES, HIS DAYS ARE NUMBERED." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: This angel message was received some hours before the Zimbabwe military started positioning themselves for a military takeover. Later in the day, armoured personnel carriers were seen on the roads, and soldiers stationed at various places. Over the next 24 hours it became clearer that the army was asking Mugabe to step down. Like Gambia, it was another instance of transfer of power in Africa without any bloodshed – most unusual! – because it was of God, in answer to many humble prayers. 26th Oct 2017. 18:53. From John: "All Kenya must bow to God through MM lits evangelism and accept the truth from God via His prophet servant MALCOLM." In a dream last night I saw those words written on the Kenyan map. Malcolm B. Heap Midnight Ministries, PO Box 29 Aylesbury HP17 8TL UK Copyright © Midnight Ministries All Rights Reserved |