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The Bricks of MM Literature For Building The Walls By Malcolm B Heap, Midnight Ministries Copyright © Midnight Ministries Copyright of Midnight Ministries may be waived and this publication duplicated without asking permission, if full credit is given to the source (with the address) and if the contents are not altered. Likewise, publications of Midnight Ministries may be translated into any other language without asking permission, provided that the translation is as accurate as possible to the meaning of the original text, and full credit is given to the source (with the address). The distribution of God's truth should not be restricted by copyright. |
A believer in Tanzania wrote to me in June 2005 about a dream he had been given that depicted what God is doing now in this end-time restoration. He wrote:
In my dream I saw a middle-aged man about 5 feet tall, standing in front of a great building constructed on a big rock and the bricks used looked like pure gold. It had three towers and one of them was reaching the sky. The man had a metal box in his left hand, while in his right hand he held a big torch. As I was gazing at the figure, a handsome young man came out from the building and handed a white envelope to the man before me. Suddenly the wind blew very hard, so that the envelope was blown away and landed somewhere nearby. A voice was heard telling me to go and pick up the envelope. As soon as I picked up the envelope it turned into a big book entitled The Answer to All Your Questions. It was really a good book with concordance. The cover was very beautiful. The man before me started moving slowly towards the bush which appeared so dark. At that point the young man who brought the envelope told me to follow the man with a torch and a box. I opened my mouth for the first time and asked 'Who is this man and where is he going?" He told me that, "he is a builder and has been sent to go and renovate some building around your place. Therefore you've been appointed to be his hand labourer."
I have since then been contacting men of God I know but none of them has been able to reveal the mystery. I have even visited many bookshops trying to find the book I saw in my dreams, in vain. It was recently when my brother advised me to contact you for he says you're a prophet. May the Lord of armies help you to reveal the hidden meaning!! The Meaning of The Dream
The Spirit moved me to send the account of this dream to Steve and Mila Thompson (Midnight In America) to see what the Spirit might give them about its meaning. Independently of one another, they both arrived at the same interpretation, and Mila wrote to elucidate:
The middle-aged man about 5 feet tall... From the last part of the dream it is obvious that it is you, Malcolm. You are shown 5 feet tall, first of all, because in the eyes of the people you don’t look like anything much. Secondly, the numeric meaning shows the type of work God is doing in the Church through MM – preparation, which comes to us if we humble ourselves. That is depicted by ‘five’. [You will see the appropriateness of the allegory if you read The Missing Dimension In Christian Living – editor.]
...standing in front of a great building constructed on a big rock and the bricks used looked like pure gold. First off, the Rock is Jesus Christ. In Matt 16:18 Jesus says to Peter: "…on this rock I will build My church". So, this is the building of the true Church. Its glory shines, for it radiates the glory of the Lord. I think that is one reason why the man saw it as made of pure gold. It agrees with the testimonies of the Christians who have been given visions of Heaven. Gold is a most precious metal, with visual beauty, so it aptly depicts the perfect things of God that go into constructing the Temple of God. The building symbolizes the spiritual Temple of God.
Three towers and one of them was reaching the sky. Paul wrote in 1 Cor 13:13: "And now faith, hope, and love, these three things remain; but the greatest of these is love." In this respect, these three being the most important in our spiritual life, may be represented by the towers, of which love will represent the tallest one, reach- ing the sky, because love is at the centre of the heart of God. It is the highest virtue.
The man had a metal box in his left hand while in his right hand he held a big torch. The metal box is probably a toolbox, representing the means to get the job done. You [Malcolm] are later called a builder [which I was before God called me into this ministry of writing]. The torch represents the light of God’s truths He has given you [Malcolm] in order to restore them back to His Church.
As I was gazing at the figure, a handsome young man came out from the building and handed a white envelope to the man before me. Suddenly the wind blew very hard, so that the envelope was blown away and landed somewhere nearby. A voice was heard telling me to go and pick up the envelope. As soon as I picked up the envelope it turned into a big book entitled The Answer To All Your Questions. It was really a good book with concordance. The cover was very beautiful. The handsome young man is an angel. He has passed on to you a message of truth (represented by the white [pure] envelope) which must go out. It goes out by God’s power, not humanly, hence the mighty wind. God calls for the man to pick it up and deliver this truth to others. The beauty of God’s truth is represented by the beautiful cover. And some important revelations about Bible truths which have been lost, misinterpreted, or distorted make the book full of answers to the questions of believers who honestly want to know God’s truth. The title is an allusion to MM’s publications, one of which points to Jesus – The Answer To All Your Problems.
The man before me started moving slowly towards the bush which appeared so dark [the dark bush represents Africa, where there is much witchcraft and spiritual wickedness]. At that point the young man who brought the envelope told me to follow the man with a torch and a box. I opened my mouth for the first time and asked 'Who is this man and where is he going?" He told me that, "he is a builder and has been sent to go and renovate some building around your place. Therefore you've been appointed to be his hand labourer." As I have already mentioned, this shows you as a main ‘builder’ with the prophetic task to renovate and fix the Church. (Interpretation by Steve and Mila Thompson)
Renovating and fixing the Church is achieved by restoring truth, for it is God’s truth that delivers, when it is accepted and practiced in life (Jn 8:32). And God is restoring the faith once delivered to His Church. This restored truth is contained in Midnight Ministries publications.
God Confirms His Word With Signs
I find it significant and wonderfully encouraging that God should illustrate these MM bricks of truth, which build the walls of His true Church, as pure gold. God’s truth is wonderful, precious, lovely, and so uplifting to handle!
It’s a pity that most Christians don’t treat it with respect and don’t love it with all their hearts. That’s one reason the dream was given, to exhort and correct because of this universal malaise. Most people reject MM, and don’t think MM literature could be different or better than that of other ministries. But when God calls and appoints for such a task as this, He makes sure it is accomplished.
Of course, the recipient of the above dream is by no means the first to have received revelation from God which is intended to point them to MM literature as part of the final restoration.
We hare recorded others in What God Said About Midnight Ministries and Revelations From God About Midnight Ministries. As just one instance, here is what God gave to another person in Africa about us:
I saw Somebody in a white garment (robe) holding Malcolm's hand. He took Malcolm into a High Mountain. When Malcolm returned from the mountain his face was shining like a star. Helena and Zenya welcomed him with joy and we got together and praised God for what happened.
I replied to him about his dream: "Your dream shows Jesus holding my hand, taking me into a high mountain, which symbolises the Throne Room of God, from where I have received inspiration to write all MM's publications. You saw me shining like a star. Moses' face shone after he came down the mountain after being with God (Ex 34:29-35).
"The dream is to confirm to you that anointing upon me, not for my sake, but for the sake of the truth that God is conveying through us, most especially in the writings. Righteousness is being restored!"
...Moses passed on teaching from God to restore righteousness to His people... God is now, again, restoring correct standards of righteousness.
The imagery in the above dream draws a parallel between what God gave Moses – divine teaching for the entire nation of God so they could remain in God's favour – and the teaching God has given through the ‘pen’ of Midnight Ministries for the entire Church, for the same reason.
God confirms this restoration with supernatural signs, so people can know something very special is taking place. When Moses came down the Mount of God, his face shining, the people knew that he had been in God's presence and that he brought truth from Him... (From The Bible Speaks, Vol 4.)
In my reply to the recipient, I said more:
I was represented as being 5 feet tall (I am actually taller than that) because 5 is the biblical number representing preparation. John the Baptist was the prophet who prepared the way before Jesus' first coming. I am appointed as a prophet to prepare the way before Jesus' second coming. (While there are others who are also preparing the way as they are able in a limited spiritual way, it is to MM that God has provided the torch that shines light on God's truth and makes it fully understandable for people.) The bricks with which MM (Midnight Ministries) is built are the bricks of truth (biblical doctrines) and God has confirmed to you that these building blocks are pure gold. They are not impure, as is the case in most other ministries.
The torch was in my right hand because that is the hand that signifies faithfulness and truth. (People traditionally give a handshake with their right hand, as a token of their honour and integrity, meaning they want you to trust them that they speak the truth.) God's Word is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path (Ps 119:105). But it needs explaining to make it clear, hence the imagery of a hand-held torch which can shine further light on its meaning. Isn't God ingenious? The dream is confirmation to you of God's leadership and appointment of MM to prepare the spiritual way. There is a lot of spiritual darkness in churches, not just in the world outside of churches. It is like a spiritual wilderness, hence the metaphor of darkness. God uses darkness to represent lies and evil, and light to represent truth and goodness. The latter is contained in MM literature, which I believe God is saying to you (by implication) in the dream that He wants you to promote in your area.
It’s Decision Time
The purpose of this restoration is to prepare the Bride for Jesus’ return. The time is late. The end of the age is close. Many will accept the full truth. But equally, very many will reject it, too, as always. Malcolm B Heap, Midnight Ministries, PO Box 29, Aylesbury, HP17 8TL, UK |
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