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Testimonies of Angels By Malcolm B Heap, Midnight Ministries Copyright © Midnight Ministries Copyright of Midnight Ministries may be waived and this publication duplicated without asking permission, if full credit is given to the source (with the address) and if the contents are not altered. Likewise, publications of Midnight Ministries may be translated into any other language without asking permission, provided that the translation is as accurate as possible to the meaning of the original text, and full credit is given to the source (with the address). The distribution of God's truth should not be restricted by copyright. |
An Angel Mends His Motorbike!
Peter Tasinge’s testimony of a meeting with angels; as told to Lukas Ogada and translated into English by Lukas in early 2003.
Lukas first says: A teacher who came to me 10 months back gave the gathering a strange testimony which some at first hardly believed. But his wife and brother supported it to be true! He said he and his brother have seen and eaten in "an angel’s home". Speaking emphatically, he said: "the manifestation of angels is quite real and widespread. People have told me they have met them!"
He began: "When we went to Ndhiwa in 2002 to visit Lukas, it was to convince him to be back with us in the Worldwide Church of God. He gave me these books: Understanding The Mind of God: A Message To Worldwiders, The Missing Dimension in Christian Living, Prophets and Prophesying, and an Awake! Awake! containing an article about how angels rescued the British army from the Germans in the First World War... I didn’t want it because I couldn’t believe such myths, but Lukas said, ‘You can leave the others, but only go with this.’ I couldn’t leave the others, which I had read and been touched by their messages during the two days we had spent there.
"On the way back our motorbike broke down. We needed a spare part for the engine. As you all know, there is nowhere for repairs and no shop to buy such an item along our route. It passes through forests and by scattered homes. We came to a home where we found two young boys very busy doing some work at the corner inside the house. One of them said to us, ‘Hope you are hungry. Eat.’ Wow! With not a word of welcome! [There is a vital spiritual parallel, to teach a spiritual lesson.]
"Before we talked they brought us 5 big pancakes with a drink so sweet we could not tell whether it was milk or honey, though it was whitish. In telling them about our problem and wandering for miles, they didn’t allow us to finish explaining what happened. One said, ‘Leave the bike where it is under the tree. Come with us to fetch a mechanic.’
"We set off, but we didn’t reach anywhere. When we had gone about 50 or 60 metres, one [of the boys] said, ‘Don’t worry, the motorbike is OK now. Let’s go back.’ And suddenly both of them disappeared! They completely vanished!
"We were bewildered, and stared at each other. We were also afraid! Back at our motorbike, there were no houses there, only the bike under the tree. We were so afraid and went to a nearby home we saw, which was large and with many other houses. A man saw us coming and approached to welcome us. In his nice speech we gathered strength and courage and told him what had occurred. He replied slowly, ‘No. No. No! You did not see a home there. Ours is the only home here, and the ones you can see on the other side of the river.’ He could see our motorbike under the tree. Then he said, ‘Those were your dear friends. They love you. Go and test your bike. It is OK as they told you.’
"Testing it, the machine roared into life as if it had just come back from the repair shop. It was repaired by friendly angels, I believe. I have not repaired that engine since, except some other parts of the bike.
"Who were these boys, if not angels?"
Lukas adds: "I plainly told them that God’s angels are out ministering to God’s people as well as sceptics and doubters so they will have no excuse for their prejudice. The whole village accepted the truth and they are now waiting for a teacher."
God has now sent you the teacher, but will you recognise him?
Footnote: After typing up this story onto computer, we noticed that the number of words it contained were 637 (in its original format). I didn’t think that was anything special until I realised that it was divisible by 7. And guess what the other number was? Answer: 91. [91 x 7 = 637.]
Psalm 91 tells us that God places His angels to surround those who put their complete trust in Him.
For He shall give His angels charge over you to keep you in all your ways (Ps 91:11).
And Psalm 7 begins: O Lord my God, in You I put my trust.
That is merely one little sample of the incredible way God guides us – down to the smallest detail.
Caution: Just because an angel has appeared to someone doesn’t mean they are spiritually-minded. Sometimes – often, in fact – it is because they are NOT! God wants to save people, but the rebellious, self-willed, self-righteous and stubborn will not be saved, despite an angel coming to them to try to enlighten them. I have known of cases where even Jesus has appeared to wake a person up, but they turned away! So, never let an angel experience puff you up! You are nothing special. It is Jesus who is special.
I don’t know whether those to whom the angel appeared (to raise their level of faith) moved on in the truth after that incident, but the one who wrote the account later turned against us, rejecting further truth.
An Angel Speaks About Malcolm Heap
On 4th May 1999, Isaya Owak wrote to me about another unusual incident. He was on his way to town at 8 in the morning when he heard a voice. The voice was loud and clear. It said, "Heap! Heap! Heap!"
He looked around but saw no-one. He was puzzled. Not seeing anyone or knowing where the voice had come from, he carried on his way. Then he heard the voice again, this time more insistent: "Heeeeeeap!"
The voice then said, "Tell Mr Heap to stand firm and open the eyes of the Kenyans. I have appointed him and chosen him to be a light to the Kenyans." (Words as near as possible to the meaning of the original spoken by the Messenger.)
Isaya wrote: "I was troubled in my spirit and raised up my hand glorifying God because I knew it was the voice of the Angel."
Earlier that same morning (which was 30th April 1999) at about 7, he had awoken to find his three year old daughter sick with a high fever. She asked for prayer (unusual for a child that young; did the Spirit inspire the request?). Isaya prayed for her healing, and God healed her instantly.
That morning before he awoke, God also gave Isaya a dream that he was fighting with a hippopotamus and that he overcame it. The dream portrays the spiritual struggles which he must face – and which all who want to inherit eternal life have to face. The devil sends opposition against God's truths wherever they are conveyed.
God was certainly wanting to convey something important that day! He has promised to send 'Elijah' the prophet before Jesus returns. 'Elijah' is doing his work of restoring truth. Time is very late!
Comment: Why did God tell him I [MBH] would have to stand firm to deliver the Kenyans? Because of their failure to stand firm on His Truth!
Isaya also wrote on 17th May 1999:
...what I am experiencing now since I started reading booklets from you. [It's] amazing, every time I take a book and read, even if I am in a car, tears flow and I feel a certain power... which I don’t doubt it is Holy Spirit. Angels are also conveyors of God’s messages and dreams. Here are some featuring angels also in the dreams:
People Don't Want More Truth
21st July 2003. Dream to Helena. People don't want more truth! In our back garden I lifted some boards which covered a water tank. I saw people inside the tank, floating in the water. I also saw a big chicken and other pieces of meat floating. I asked a young boy with white hair to give me a piece of chicken. I felt he was an angel. It seemed like the people were not interested in eating the solid food! Meaning: This dream depicts the very unwilling state of the Church, spiritually. We have seen this in Kenya. Most don't really want deeper, more solid truth! They don't mind floating in water (symbol of the Holy Spirit), but they are not prepared to put out the effort to eat meaty food! All who are given the truth must practice it and live it out, otherwise they are hypocrites! Asking the angel for meat represents how we want the truth. We seek it and are glad to accept it. For that reason, God backs us up. If you are to move on spiritually, you have to imbibe what is written in MM publications. That does take some work to plough through them studiously and diligently. But those who value the truth truly benefit, and God works with them and anoints them.
An Angel Glorifies God
This account from Kenya was sent in early 2007:
Thank you once again for exhibiting your ability to research and dig deep truths that edify the faith of your readers. I'm continually impressed and strengthened by your articles and your faith. I hope your job does not seem thankless to you. Over the past week many people have been so happy with the MM articles, and we were getting ceaseless discussion with believers coming to my house... it's where we converge for Sabbath prayer and meeting believers. Last Sabbath I had an amazing dream. It seems I was in the highest mountain [in God’s presence]. A man [angel] came to me and said "I ALSO WANT TO THANK YAHWEH! BARUCH ATTAH YAHUWEH ELOHEYNU MELECH HA OLAM; FOR MR. HEAP: I FIRMLY BELIEVE HE IS ONE OF THE THREE TRUE END TIME PROPHETS AND WATCHMEN SOUNDING THE LAST ALARM FOR AMERICA AND THE WORLD." That’s what I heard and it’s good I can still remember those technical words. I don't know their meaning. Those are the spellings I saw the man writing on a white scroll. Thank you sincerely for all your labours you have put forth in all your teachings. Lastly those words which I don’t understand, are they the HOLY SPIRIT tongue? God bless. Alex (Odhiambo)
Answer: The words are Hebrew. Baruch ata = Blessed are You; Yah(u)weh Eloheynu melech ha'olam = O Lord Our God, King of the Universe. Mila added: ELOHEYNU = another Hebrew name for God, perhaps an endearing kind.
Read Isaiah 26 Regularly
March 22/07. Dream given to Kassahun Ayele in Ethiopia. A man came to my home and asked me to give him a Bible. I gave it to him. He opened it and read from Isaiah 26. After he finished reading it he told me to read this chapter every day and to meditate on it. (After I awoke in the morning I opened my Bible and read Isaiah 26. It is a song-like prayer, and my spirit revived.) Comment: The angel in the dream gives us all a reminder of how we can endure what is to come. Isaiah 26:3 says: "You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You." Verse 19 predicts the raising of the dead to come shortly. And verse 20 contains a promise to those who fully trust in God and who are faithful in every way, that they will be protected during the coming time of great indignation.
March 12/07. A dream given to Kassahun in Ethiopia. I sensed through the Spirit that there is an invisible evil power working to destroy my possessions. First my shelf fell and then my bed turned upside down [this type of demon is often called a poltergeist]. I rebuked this invisible evil power, knowing that it is a hidden demon. After two hours of fighting and rebuking, peace came at last. I arranged all the mess. Comment: The devil would want to destroy Kassahun’s things, because he holds "the torch of truth". But God showed him in advance what to do. We have to fight the devil with much prayer, and by steadfastly doing God’s will. A few years ago, we had a poltergeist interfere with some electrical equipment, advancing some time switches, and turning others off. The demon was introduced by a man who came here who was not surrendered to God’s will. Recently, when I was writing When God’s Judgement Falls, on page 9, I typed in the address of the OCPD (police chief) as: Mr Joseph Ouma Ooko Awiti, OCPD, PO Box 451, Homa Bay 40300, Kenya. I had to leave the PC to do something else. When I came back, to continue writing, I saw that it had changed to: Mr Joseph Puma OE Wait, OCPD, PO Box 451, Homme Bay 40300, Kenya. At that point, God also drew my attention to the time. It was 13:13! Perhaps the demon who interfered with the type was a puma demon, who was glorying in his mischievousness. God let him do it, but the angel watching over the text, made sure I noticed what had changed, so that no harm was done.
An Angel Comes With Food And Money
This account came from Kenya;
Sorry for not being in contact with you for so long. The reason was due to the problems I have faced here. First, I got shock and my mind only returned some hours later. I was outside my home washing some plates when people who were being pursued by police ran past. The police shot a bullet but it missed them, hitting an empty drum near me. I’ve never experienced such a blast! I fell down unconscious. But I was not hit. I woke up in a hospital and was discharged the same day. My ears are still getting some hissing/buzzing sound. But I’m now well. Also whatever small things I was doing for a living stopped due to war [the unrest in Kenya after the elections when anarchy broke out] and I have missed meals together with my children for two days. [Had nothing to eat for 2 days.] Due to lack of security I could not go out but trusted in the Lord. My husband then came with about 4 kg of flour that helped us. An hour later somebody came in and said he has been sent to give me a bag. In the small bag I got Ksh 300/= and one packet of Maize flour. He never told me who sent him and hurriedly went away without even sitting down. When he was talking with me there was a feeling all over my body that I haven’t got words to describe. My legs seemed to be riveted to the ground. I’m tempted to say he was an Angel, for who could send me help without letting me know who he was? Again, how did he brave the sound of gun fire everywhere just to deliver the parcel? But this has really helped us since we had nothing at all for the entire period! Today again, K (a friend who later heard from me that Benter had been going hungry) brought me some maize flour (ground). I’m grateful for the Lord to have assisted me by all those means in my time of great need. From this morning the security situation has improved greatly and many are walking normally. I even went to town though no businesses have opened... God bless you greatly brother. Yours Benter Comment: Psalm 91 is God’s reminder to us that He cares for His faithful ones. The promise of protection and help is to those who put their complete trust in Him! It’s not for half-hearted ‘believers’ who put their trust in a human substitute, or who want to play a game of compromise. Doing the will of God brings rejection by friends, church members, family, etc. But the person who ignores all those hindrances, determined to simply do the will of God, not bowing to the will of man, will ‘dwell in the secret place of the Most High’ (91:1). For He shall give His angels charge over you, to keep you in all your ways (Ps 91:11).
Angel With A Sparkling Rod
Polycarp Omondi in Kenya related a dream which God had given the former witchdoctor Osumba. God was warning them! 24th Oct 2007 ...On last Sunday Osumba called both of us and since we were busy, only Alex went. Alex returned this morning. First the reason why Osumba called us is that he was disturbed with one dream given on three consecutive days. Osumba saw in the dream that he was given a basket full of women [women represent believers who are meant to be part of Jesus’ Bride, or churches, or ministries]. The women were 7 in total and they wore different types of clothing. Then he saw also that there was a very huge man standing beside him with sparkling rod in his hand [an angel with a rod of correction and power?]. The man told Osumba to swing the basket to see whether a woman would fall out from it. When Osumba tried to get hold of the hand of the basket, his hand was trembling [depicts spiritual inadequacy]. After the man with the rod saw that he could not do it, he took control himself. The man rotated this basket in his hand 7 times. [7 depicts God’s perfect plan being worked out.] After that the only woman who remained was the one who looked thin, and did not have beautiful make-up on. From there Osumba also saw that the woman was talking nonstop in tongues. Then the man with the rod told Osumba to watch and take care of the woman. That is all the dream which was given to Osumba... Polycarp Comment: The dream was a warning to Osumba that sifting and shaking was to come. That has now happened, and some have fallen out of the basket, representing safety in God’s hand. Six have fallen. Six numerically represents evil in people. Those who fell had evil, selfish motives. Their sin led to their downfall. The only one who remains is one who is thin, perhaps meaning someone who has not had much spiritual nourishment. It could refer to Cappy, the lady who pronounced the SDAs as full of corruption and sin, and who was consequently rejected by them and vilified for declaring the truth. She was the one whom God used to raise the small girl from the dead. The imagery may also embody other fulfilment. The thin woman could also represent MM, because we are not well funded and provided for, like other ministries. The other women could represent ministries or churches with which the three have had contact and from which they learned. Either way, Osumba – and by extension, Alex and Polycarp also – were urged in the dream to support the one who is least attractive, the one to whom you would be least drawn. He was told to take care of her, and to watch, which means to pray and stay spiritually alert. The woman did not have makeup on. In other words, she does not put on a false front. What you see is what you get. She is genuine, without falsity, without affectation (she doesn’t put on false behaviour or pretence to impress others). She (the ministry) prays nonstop in tongues, meaning she is constantly interceding. This is what Helena does, so the dream does refer to MM. Through her intercession many people are helped and delivered from demons. But that deliverance does not extend to those who welcome sin in their lives which they should shun. Malcolm
Cry Aloud! 10th August 2007 Today at midday [noon], I was sitting in my chair inside my house. It surprised me to find that within 5 minutes I was asleep on that chair [God caused a sleep to come over you so He could reveal the dream to you]. While I was sleeping, I saw that I was on the top of a high multi-storey building. As I was standing there, I was looking at all four compass directions at once. [Something that is not humanly possible, but God gives us spiritual vision to see a world view – some of what He sees.] Then it happened, I heard a very loud and commanding voice speaking to me. [God spoke to you through an angel or some means we don’t fully understand.] So these are the words which I still remember. I wrote them down. God tells His servants in His Word: Cry aloud, spare not, lift up your voice like a trumpet and declare to My people their transgression and to the House of Jacob their sin. God also declares: Comfort, comfort My people, says your God. Speak tenderly to the heart of Jerusalem and cry to her that her time of service and her warfare are ended, that her punishment is accepted and her iniquity is pardoned, that she has received from the Lord’s hands double for all her sins. You are living in a world gone berserk with anger and rage. Why do the nations rage? Then after that question, I heard a voice answering from the east of where I was standing. The answer was. Because they don’t know the true God, and are in rebellion against His laws and teachings, and the way of true life. Death and Destruction – there is coming a war with IRAN.' [Kassahun was also given a dream on Iran.] Malcolm, after I heard all this, I took my pen and wrote it down immediately... Alex. Comment / meaning (Malcolm): [Prophetic dream in square brackets.] [God tells His servants in His Word: Cry aloud, spare not, lift up your voice like a trumpet and declare to My people their transgression and to the House of Jacob their sin (Is 58:1). This is a prophet’s commission.] God spoke to you with the words of Isaiah 58:1. because He has called you as a prophet in Kenya, to declare, as prophets declare, the people’s sins and call the people to repentance and righteousness. Prophets also are called to bring comfort to God’s people, which comes through the people’s repentance and turning back to God and His ways. So, He then said: [God also declares: Comfort, Comfort, My people, says your God. Speak tenderly to the heart of Jerusalem.] These words are from Isaiah 40, a pivotal chapter that prophesies of the End-Time Witness of ‘Elijah’. Jerusalem is a type of the Church, God’s people. [Cry to her that her time of service and her warfare are ended, that her punishment is accepted and her iniquity is pardoned, that she has received from the Lord’s hand double for all her sins.] Again, this is from Isaiah 40:2. It pronounces that the end of warfare and of Israel’s terrible suffering and persecution is not far away now! [You are living in a world gone berserk with anger and rage. Why do the nations rage?] This from Psalm 2, and predicts the coming of Messiah to put an end to war and the anger of nations against Him and against God’s ways. [Then after that question, I heard a voice answering from the east of where I was standing. The answer was. "Because they don’t know the true God, and are in rebellion against His laws and teachings and the way of true life."] Angels are God’s messengers, so the voice is that of an angel announcing these things. [Death and destruction – there is coming a war with IRAN.] This is some of what is decreed to happen before Jesus returns.
An Angel Touches Kassahun
August 12/07. Kassahun (a dream). I was in the house of an old woman. We were chatting together. When we finished our chat, I went out to refresh myself. Suddenly a bright and shining light descended from the sky and filled the place where I was standing. Then that light turned into an angel. I was very terrified. He touched my head gently and then disappeared. Meaning: The old woman is the church that needs to be renewed and brought up to date. The angel is giving you the strength and guidance you need.
Protected By God’s Angel
Oct. 12/07. Kassahun (a dream). There was a spirit being who followed me wherever I was going. He showed himself bodily at times. I felt safe because I learned that this being is God's angel. Comment: This is wonderfully reassuring for Kassahun. Because he is faithfully preserving the truth, an angel from God helps him in various ways.
Angels Help Us Win The Race
11th October 1997. Malcolm (a dream). Dream of Winning the Race. This was a cycle race. My rider was someone I knew as "Andrew" [Andrew means "strong" and "courageous". He did all the hard work, pedalling. I was essentially a pillion rider, but I was very much involved and all my heart and effort was behind Andrew. While cycling, Andrew seemed young, strong and vigorous. At another time, he was like a white-haired patriarch. We cycled ahead and left all the other riders way behind. When we won the race, somehow I had supernaturally swapped places with Andrew. I was at the front, and as we went through the finishing line, I raised my arms in triumph. I felt it was a great victory for me, personally. Amazingly, there were only a handful of people at the finishing post, and they were not there to applaud us. They didn't take a lot of notice. It was as if the race was only important to me. Even my helper didn't seem to figure in the final victory, although he had been the effective driving force, giving me the help I needed all the time. Meaning. Our guardian angels are the real force behind our successes in life. Generally, we give them little thought and credit. They are assigned us by God, who is deserving of all the honour, recognition and praise. My angel will help me finish my task, a task which very few take any notice of.
An Angel Warns Of A Careless Person
27th Dec 2000. Malcolm. Dream of Glass Being Broken. The scene was a building under construction. It was quite large and obviously a fairly long-term venture that would take some years to build. [Depicts the work of MM, clarifying truth.] I was doing the building. I bought some glass, all various sizes, for glazing the windows, and before it could be installed, I stacked it at the top of the building. It was all open to the sky above. When I came back later to see it, I found that it had been broken. Someone, somehow, in their carelessness, had smashed it! They obviously didn’t care! I was horrified and really upset. I was puzzling as to how anyone could be so heartless! It was so inept and inane to break it. Meaning: Windows are to let light in. God’s Word is light (Ps 119:105). The Church has windows in its walls. These represent its ability to incorporate truth into its structure. The pieces of glass represent individual doctrines from God’s Word. But people don’t like the truth and when they don’t care, they break God’s commandments and other aspects of His Word. To ‘smash’ God’s precious truths in this way, with impunity, is reckless and so hard-hearted. This action hinders the Work God is doing through us in restoring this truth and glazing the windows for the Church’s completion. Comment: The most frequently broken commandment in the lives of many Christians is most probably the Sabbath. Very few want to obey that one. Most prefer to 'keep' Sunday, so they can get what they want in society, either work-wise, financially or socially. They don't put God first. They commit idolatry. The dream was given when a man was with us, hindering ‘our’ work. God gave Reuben Oviomor in Nigeria this dream in 1992 complementing the one above. God reminded him of the dream in December 2000. He wrote me: I found myself in a very large hall [the Church], full of men and women singing praises to our Heavenly Father and it was a worship service. The man next to me was conducting the service while I was commissioned to preach the sermon. As the praises were going on then I was in the spirit (within the dream) and I saw a very clear revelation about what the devil is doing concerning the Sabbath message. I saw a man. In fact, this man was as black [depicts sin] as if he was out of the oven of fire. This man was in a serious action tightening a nut in a wall [we are involved in building the wall of the Church, through teaching God's truths to people], and the nut was big. It was the size of a bicycle wheel! His actions were so ambitious and determined that I sensed that he would even choose to lose his life than to stop what he was doing! Later, I saw three men trying to stop what he was doing to loosen the nut, but no sooner had they started than they became tired. The same man would come again to continue what he was doing. In fact, this placed me in a [state of] confusion. [He was perplexed by it.] I then saw that a man [an angel] was standing by me. He said, "It should not surprise you to see this man doing what he is now doing; that man is an agent of Satan doing the very assignment given to him, with all his might." I was then told that he was commissioned to resist all the financial source of the real elect of God so that they might not be able to reach the world with the true message of salvation especially the Sabbath and the feasts. And that when the true message is delayed, a lot of people will die in ignorance, and when this happens those that are meant to spread this message will be held responsible for its not being known or heard of. Reuben Oviomor, Nigeria
God Says To You: "WAKE UP!"
14th March 2003. H. "Wake up!" I heard the front door bell in a dream. A voice said, "Wake up!" Meaning: An angel was used to give us a wake up call to prepare for the future. Things will happen very quickly and we all need to be spiritually ready.
Man With Black Hair Sees An Angel
13th May 2005. M. People just turn up. Helena and I were in our home when two young men turned up. They had come to visit us out of curiosity. [This sort of thing will happen after the publicity.] I shook hands with them and said 'Hello' in our hallway. Then another person appeared 'from nowhere' out of a doorway. I told them that, although they hadn't come at the right time, they might as well stay for the meeting which we hold every Sabbath afternoon. When we got talking, one guy with black hair [symbol of evil thoughts or demonic concepts] and strong features said that he had seen an angel. As he said this he looked up with a peculiar mannerism, as if to suggest that he felt a bit aloof or proud because of what he had experienced. To his comment I replied that the reason God gives such experiences is to encourage the recipient. [People need to understand why God does these things, and that it is completely wrong to be proud as a result.] I commented in a matter-of-fact way that I had never had such an encounter. Meaning: A prediction of something in the future: expect visitors at almost any time, but they will come with the usual blend of pride and spiritual immaturity. Hopefully they will be willing to learn. About the angel visitation, Tonya mentioned today that near Edinburgh in Scotland people have been receiving through their letterbox an envelope asking them whether they believe in angels. Inside the envelope was £5 or £10 or £20.
A Judge Is Struck Dead
11th March 2006. Helena’s dream. God revealed how He dealt with Judge Jackson. He was responsible for jailing a man in England whom we know who was framed and falsely accused. The judge didn’t listen to what we wrote and told him about the defendant’s innocence. In the dream I saw an iron jail door. He didn’t care for the people sent there. I saw a death angel sent to deal with him. His body looked old and wrinkled [his spiritual state]. [Evil ways lead to death.] He was put in a coffin, then the grave. A shrub was planted on top of the grave. There were others shown ready for judgement. Comment: Anybody who is unjust and oppresses others, denying true justice, will be judged severely by God. Few people recognise the severity and reality of God’s judgement. He is very much involved in ‘everyday’ affairs. Where justice is deliberately denied, and the person is warned by a prophet, after two warnings God then acts in judgement against the person. 0That is what happened in this instance. Judge Jackson lost his life. The dream also points out that God will take others’ lives, too, where they dismiss what God says through one of His prophets. ___________________________________
If God struck someone dead in front of your eyes, how would you react? If you saw a man blinded for defying God, and people paralysed for the same reason, how would you respond?
It is written:
Let all the earth fear the Lord; let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of Him, for He spoke and it was done... (Ps 33:8-9). Yes, God spoke and it was done. You may have read of what God did in Kenya to individuals who opposed the spread of God’s truth. I wrote to them, urging them to repent, but they ignored the warnings, and God struck them down. (See MM publications: When God’s Judgement Falls, and Terror At Midnight.)
You know about some astounding judgments of God recorded in the Bible:
And there are several more shocking accounts. But most people think those awesome happenings are biblical only and that God doesn’t perform such terrible feats today. Well, they’re wrong. Dead wrong!
God has just as much vehemence against wrongdoing today as back then. We are all warned:
It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God! (Heb 10:31.) See that you do not refuse Him who speaks. For if they did not escape who refused Him who spoke on earth, much more shall we not escape if we turn away from Him who speaks from heaven (Heb 12:25). These are days for awe. God is at work!
God speaks to call people to repentance, not to scare them out of their wits. In fact, that’s one reason you don’t see Him blitzing sinners on every corner. He would rather see them repent than destroyed.
But make no mistake, if you desert Him, He will desert you:
Therefore we must give the more earnest heed to the things we have heard, lest we drift away (Heb 2:1). How shall we escape if we neglect so great a salvation...? (Heb 2:3). How, Indeed!? In September 2007, Alex Odhiambo in Kenya wrote:
"The day is truly at hand. We are not in darkness, but we are the children of the Light. We don’t have to be ignorant or asleep at the wheel. It is urgent that we remain AWAKE, watchful and sober-minded through the Holy Spirit, as it was foretold by Christ. The arrival of Jesus Christ is much nearer than when we first believed!" I would interject: Therefore let him who thinks he stands, take heed lest he fall (1 Cor 10:12). "Last time I was given a dream of the coming war with Iran. And now I was given a dream with some strange numerics in at night. It has disturbed me and for that reason it has forced me to write to you for more revelation on it." I repeat here what Alex was given by an angel, together with what God is cleverly conveying [my comments in square brackets]: "...I saw, as if carried onto the top of a tree that had many branches with beautiful flowers on it. [The Tree of Life, a symbol of all that is good and wonderful that is in God. It depicts also His working with humanity, His kingdom on earth, etc. Alex was taken to the top of this beautiful tree.] "At the top a Man appeared to me with pen and paper [reminiscent of the experience Ezekiel had when a Man appeared to him with a writer’s inkhorn by His side – Ezek 9:2,3,11. Ezekiel 9 is about God’s fierce judgement against hypocrisy and evil! MANY will die! Interesting last reference in that chapter – 9:11!] The pen was like a bird’s feather [a quill]. This is what I was given: "REMAIN VIGILANT FOR HE IS COMING AND IT WILL BE VERY SOON. REMEMBER, 10 IS A VERY SIGNIFICANT NUMBER. Read Numbers 14:34. Count the Jubilee year from 1967, then add 10 years, which is DAYS FOR AWE, A YEAR FOR A DAY = COMING OF JESUS CHRIST. "BE HONEST AND FAIR, AND TAKE NOTE OF WORLD EVENTS. CONTINUE PRAYING AS DIRECTED BY THE HOLY SPIRIT. [Underlined words explained later.] "After that information the Man [Angel] disappeared." Comment: I explained previously, in a letter, some of what God was conveying. I repeat that here: I want to explain what I can of that revelation from the Angel, besides the inserts I have put in square brackets above. What a spiritually-minded person deduces from it will be totally different from what a physically-minded person takes from it. At first, you might think God is saying that Jesus’ coming is 50 years on from 1967, plus ten years. That would bring us to 2027. Immediately the heart sinks, and you think, "Oh no, not that long, please!!" But His words are very urgent, telling us that IT WILL BE VERY SOON. The other thing that stands out to me is His mysterious emphasis of the number 10. Is He inferring that Jesus’ coming is merely ten years away? That would be 2017. I don’t think so. God is not concerned like we are with all this pigeon-holing. He is trying to convey to the spiritually perceptive the SPIRITUAL purpose He is working out with man. He is not emphasising physical timing. That is not important. It is the spiritual that is important. His last words above about praying in the Spirit are most important! Shallacasema, hasamala. Do you pray in tongues? Then intercede like never before in tongues! These are days for awe. Seek Him for a fresh outpouring of the Spirit so that you can be more useful to Him, then you can pray as guided by the Spirit, even if He has not given you tongues for intercession. Count 50 years – the Jubilee is the 50th year (Lev 25:8-11) – count 50 years from 1967, and you come to 2017. To this present year, 2007, 40 years has passed, the number of trial (4 x 10). [Alex is being told he must be tried.] 10 years remain until that Great Jubilee and full release [the Millennium rule of Jesus; Rev 20]. So, I deduce that we can expect the whole world to be fully released from the bondage of Satan by 2017. (The day of Atonement depicts this release, which is the 10th day of the 7th month, nine days after the Feast of Trumpets on the 1st day of the 7th month.) But that doesn’t mean Jesus’ coming is in 2017. Jesus’ coming PRECEDES what the Day of Atonement prefigures. It will take some years for various nations to be brought to heel during the beginning of Jesus’ Millennium (Zech 14:16 onwards). We don’t know how long. Perhaps 3 years? 4 years? Only God knows. But why did He say, then add 10 years? He’s not actually adding years to Jesus’ return, He’s adding mere days. Notice the wording carefully. Jesus did not say "a day for a year" as in Num 14:34. He said the reverse: "a year for a day." So, He is emphasising something else, and it’s not time in years. For the Lord does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart (1 Sam 16:7). With the pure You will show Yourself pure; and with the devious You will show Yourself shrewd (Ps 18:26; 2 Sam 22:27). God is not emphasising Jesus’ physical coming, but His spiritual coming. That’s why 10 (depicts man) is singled out as a significant number. He is dealing with mankind now in a dramatic and awesome way. You have read about the awesome things God has done in Kenya, taking people’s lives where they obstructed God’s Work. The prophet Elijah called down fire from heaven on those who opposed him (2 Kings 1). ‘Elijah’ does the same today. The true prophet carries fire in his briefcase from heaven. So, the "days for awe, a year for a day", not only refer to the time we are entering now of God’s incredible miraculous and powerful activity, culminating in the Great Tribulation and Jesus’ coming after 3½ years of those horrors, but could also refer to the awesome time of destruction of earth’s armies at Armageddon, which could take 10 literal days. His wording employs reverse symbolism, if that is the right way to put it. What about now? What are the days for awe now? Jesus’ coming is a NOW thing, too, you know. He comes to fill our hearts with fire for Him, to purify us, to cleanse us, to anoint us, to distil us. [And He comes to JUDGE US for sin!] These appointed times are times to come before Him, to prepare our hearts to worship Him. These are our days for awe now. And as we delight in Him, He will delight in us, and do His works on earth. We are getting so close to the days for awe, when dead people will arise and declare the awesome name of Jesus, the God who will soon rule this world and banish Satan and all evil. Remember, you are commanded to come before Him, bringing Him an offering (Deut 16:16). But it is not merely pecuniary. It is to be "an offering made by fire" (Lev 23:25,36). An offering of sacrifice and praise brings you into His courts (Ps 100). As you give yourself, He gives to you. It’s awesome. God bless you as you worship and praise Him – one of the commands for these occasions is to rejoice before Him (Lev 23:40). In a recent prophetic word in one of our meetings, the Spirit was saying we should all appreciate God more. We should appreciate Him, love Him, extol Him – let Your name be magnified forever (2 Sam 7:26). Malcolm (I wrote the above just before the Feast of Trumpets, hence my closing comments.)
He Comes To JUDGE! The angel said: "He is coming and it will be very soon!" This coming is not His physical coming. For Alex and Polycarp, and those near them, His coming was to test them, to try them, to prove them.
That has now happened. God warns first, then He acts. He is purging sin from His people.
Revelations like the above can lift up, puff up, inject pride. A novice is warned (1 Tim 3:6), as are all. Pride destroys whatever God builds. So beware.
That’s why Alex was told Jesus would come soon – to test them (implied in 2007, 40 years from 1967). Jesus said in ten days, the number of man. There are many impurities in the heart of man.
God sees things in people that He has to purge out. That’s why He said "Be honest and fair." A prophet’s duty is to "cry aloud, spare not, and tell My people their transgression" (Is 58:1).
If you do wrong, and cover it up, deluding yourself that you are OK (Jer 17:9), you don’t fool God. If you do not turn from wrongdoing, He will turn away from you until you either repent, or you commit sins
that are unpardonable, from which there is no return.
These are days for awe (fear), but which way will it be for you? There are two kinds of fear. One is positive, the other negative.
For the wicked boasts of his heart’s desire; he blesses the greedy and renounces the Lord (Ps 10:3). But my heart stands in awe of Your Word (Ps 119:161). ___________________________________
The Coming Terrible Times
6th April 2001. Kassahun (a dream). The earth was covered by gross darkness. [The time to which Jesus referred as the Great Tribulation – Matt 24:21.] I saw people very confused, running to and fro like madmen. [Terror, spiritual blindness and lack of true spiritual direction, because they have rejected the Holy Spirit.] I thought that it was the second coming of Christ. [It’s the time immediately leading up to it. The birth pangs of the new age. Isaiah 13:8; Joel 2:6.] Soon I saw an angel coming from the east, holding in His hand a red paper. [Red symbolises war and bloodshed.] I was gazing upon Him as if I was expecting something. But He didn’t tell me anything. He just threw down the red paper to the earth. After that I saw fire in several places. [War is going to break out in several places.] Buildings, great and small, were falling to the ground. Many lives were blotted out of existence, and the air was filled with the shrieks of the injured and the terrified. I said in my terror, "It is the judgement of God!" [Remember that God judges sin and rebellion, but grants grace and mercy to those who give Him their lives completely. Psalm 91:7-8 contains a promise of God’s care, even in the most desperate and terrible of circumstances. Remember Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-nego (Dan 3). How God delivered them is how He will deliver those who truly love Him today.]
An Angel Comes To Encourage
28th February 2002. Kassahun. In a dream I found myself in a church on the Sabbath. At first it seemed to me that the church was a big house, but afterwards I saw that it is a wide hall! I entered and sat down on a pew. I saw you and your family, including Richard with others, sit down on the pews here and there. There were only a few of us [few are chosen, Matt 22:14]. There was no-one on the platform. Then I saw a tall man wearing a cloth suit [this is either Jesus or an angel representing Him]. He approached the pulpit but didn’t go up to it. I was astonished. He began to speak and said, "I notice that the pews are empty." His gaze focused on those of us who were present. He said to us, "You are faithful witnesses. I congratulate you on your courage, faith and steadfastness. Stay faithful to God." Light was radiating from our faces. The man added: "Be of good courage, soon you will receive a power which will give you strength and vigour. You will be sustained with a holy zeal as never before. Be faithful. The night is approaching quickly. Your task and mission in the world are still not completed. Soon you will receive the power that God promises to His children and very soon the work will be finished." This is the dream, my brother. It is for our comfort. He is with us. God bless! Kassahun
Centralised Control of The Beast
24th March 2002. Kassahun (dream). I was frightened, seeing a gigantic computer which had been got running, but the angel assured me of his protection. I was very upset and afraid because that huge computer knew everything concerning me, and wanted to kill me. Meaning: Power and control of the Beast (Rev 13) is coming to monitor and control everyone. Ostensibly it will be for peaceful purposes, but it will limit spiritual freedoms.
Angel Tells Him To Escape
27th June 2002. Kassahun (dream). I was living in the countryside awaiting the time when I would have to leave my home, when a man dressed as a soldier arrived at my door. He entered the house and said to me "leave your house at once because evil armed men will come looking for you. Leave your home and head for the forests. Be assured that you will not be alone. I'm watching over you," and he left me. Meaning: Angels help us to flee if and when we need to.
Prophecy Of Persecution Against MM
15th October 2003. Kassahun (dream). Midnight Ministries persecuted! I was shown a vine. It was beautiful and great. Soon I saw the vine swaying to and fro as though moved by a powerful wind. One branch after another of the vine was shaken and lay prostrate upon the earth. Many passed and looked pityingly upon it, and I waited anxiously for a friendly hand to raise it but no help was offered. Presently, I saw an angel come to the apparently deserted vine. He spread out his arms and placed them beneath the vine and raised it so that it stood upright, saying: "Stand toward heaven, and let your tendrils entwine about God. You are shaken from human support. You can stand, in the strength of God, and flourish without it [without human support]. Lean upon God alone, and you shall never lean in vain or be shaken therefrom." As I saw the neglected vine cared for I felt relief, amounting to joy. I turned to the Angel and inquired what these things meant. He said: "This vine is MM. It will experience all this. When these things occur you will fully understand the figure of the vine. God will be a present help in time of trouble."
A Powerful Angel Comes To Help MM
18th Oct 2003. Kassahun (dream). A great eagle with several wings arrived at the home of Malcolm. I sensed that the eagle is the messenger of God sent to encourage and assist Malcolm and his family.
The Angel Said The Time Is Late!
25th Nov 2003. K. Malcolm had sent me a Newsletter. Its cover was not as usual (light green). It was red, and written in black and bold letters, "THE ANGEL SAID THE WORLD CLOCK IS AT 20 MINUTES BEFORE MIDNIGHT." [Comment: Kassahun’s dream depicted Newsletter 25 in which this dream was first published. The lead article title was "It's Later Than You Think!"]
The 7th Angel’s Message
An Angel Declares To Kassahun: The End Of The World Has Come! [See Rev 16:17-21.]
1st July 2004. Last night God gave me this dream: A mighty angel appeared on the roof of my home. The house shook (see also Heb 12:26). I went to see what was happening and saw the angel hovering above the house. In his hands the angel held a scroll on which some warnings were written in red letters. I couldn't see what was written on the scroll, so I called to the angel to come a little closer. The angel responded by coming swiftly. I could now see that some of what was written there were quotations from the book of Ezekiel. [A book about the judgement of God against sin and wickedness. It contains end-time warnings about punishment as a result of sin – war, famine, and other calamities and suffering that come about because people refuse to repent of sinful lifestyles.] I saw Ezekiel chapter 5 [which will be fulfilled shortly in many nations including Ethiopia, and also America and Britain]. I also saw Ezekiel 21:8-32. [You can read it for yourself and see what God is saying now – terrible warfare is about to engulf the region where he lives, and many other lands.] The angel said twice: "The end of the world has come. THE END OF THE WORLD HAS COME!" [The end of man's age of misrule.] "Go out and tell the warnings written on this scroll." I began to cry. I couldn't control my tears, because of the presence of God. I said to the angel, "This is a huge responsibility. I can't take it. Please tell Malcolm what you have said to me." The angel responded, "I will visit Malcolm soon." Then he left. When I awoke I prayed to God to lead me in this work. The solemnity of the dreams still grips my mind... Bless you. Kassahun
The Struggle To Do The Job
1st Dec 2005. Angels help us against evil spirits. I was painting the wall of my home. But, by an unseen power, the paint wouldn’t remain on the wall. I was puzzled and painted a picture of the cross of Christ. To my surprise the paint changed into a very beautiful rectangular form. While I was looking at that beautiful rectangular form, it came down slowly from the wall and placed itself on the floor. I sensed that the unseen power was an angel. The rectangular form looked like an ark and a powerful light was coming out of it and filled my home. 0Comment: We are trying to paint the walls of the Church, but evil spirit forces try to thwart the work. Angels come to our rescue and enable us to achieve the task through the supernatural power of God. The Ark symbolises holiness, sanctity, miraculous power, and the truth of God, which it contained. Jesus’ death on the cross has won us victory over evil spirits.
Angelic Song
6th December 2001. Kassahun. While I was standing somewhere I saw a very bright light in the sky. The scene was wonderful. While I gazed into the sky, I saw Angels coming out of it. I couldn't express my joy. Then I saw them make a perfect circle, and move to and fro, singing. Oh! How lovely was the song! Meaning: A reminder of the wonderful things in heaven awaiting us.
22nd April 2002. Kassahun. ‘Hide’ In The Almighty! I heard a voice from afar. It says, ''The end has come! The end has come! Hide in the Almighty! Hide in the Almighty." [When God repeats things it's for EMPHASIS. It emphasises the importance of heeding, and the certainty of what is coming, that humans cannot see!] Meaning: You need to intensively prepare for what is shortly ahead!! The Great Tribulation, the worst time in earth’s history will be soon. The only safe passage through this time of horrors is to be close to God, completely reliant upon Him. Malcolm B Heap
Further accounts of angels appearing to members of our family and to others in contact with Midnight Ministries are included in the booklet Miraculous Manifestations. Kassahun’s dreams are regularly published in MM’s Newsletters, together with dreams given to others who are supportive of MM’s spiritual work, the Last Restoration before Jesus’ soon return.
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