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Mighty Miracles Of God Volume 14 |
183Mission Rwanda |
...Beware of men, for they will deliver you up to councils and scourge you in their synagogues. (Matt 10:17)
It’s quite astonishing the extent of apostasy throughout ‘the Church’. You don’t perceive how evil much of professing Christianity really is until it is challenged like in these missions. Most church folks simply don’t see it. Hopefully after our visits, and the subsequent evil outbursts against us, many of those church members can wake up and move on spiritually. Next Mission To Hostile Rwanda7th May 2018. 18:08. From Rhoda: "THE VAN IS IN SUDAN AND WILL BE IN RWANDA TOMORROW MORNING. THEY HAVE ENOUGH FUEL TO TAKE THEM UP TO WEDNESDAY NIGHT. THEIR WATER AND MILK ARE OVER AND THEIR KITTY IS DRY. AT LEAST £400 TO REACH JOHN BY WU NOW. THIS IS ENOUGH FOR MILK AND WATER UP TO FRIDAY. THEY ARE HUNGRY BECAUSE SINCE YESTERDAY THEY HAVE TAKEN NO FOOD NOR WATER. VUGA IS WELL AND CAN DRIVE." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: Our faithful supporters borrowed that money. 8th May 2018. 10:43. From John: We are in Uganda. 16:41. From John: We are crossing in to Rwanda now, it is raining a lot over here. God bless. 8th May 2018. 19:02. From Rhoda: "JOHN AND VUGA HAVE BEEN MET WITH HOSTILITY OF THE HIGHEST ORDER IN RWANDA. ALL THE LEADERS OF THE CHURCHES CLOSED DOWN ARE AGAINST MM AND HAVE PLANNED A MASSIVE ATTACK ON JOHN AND VUGA. THEY HAVE FUEL TO TAKE THEM UP TO MIDNIGHT TONIGHT, BUT NEED MORE FUEL TO HELP THEM MOVE IN ALL TOWNS IN RWANDA BETWEEN NOW AND FRIDAY NIGHT. THE BUDGET ENOUGH FOR MILK, WATER AND FUEL TO TAKE THEM ACROSS ALL RWANDA TOWNS IS £797. AT LEAST £497 TO REACH JOHN BY WU NOW BECAUSE THEY MUST NOT REST. LET THEM MOVE ON DAY AND NIGHT TILL FRIDAY NIGHT, THEN £300 TOMORROW. MANY MEGACHURCH LEADERS ARE ALREADY HAVING A MEETING ON HOW TO BLOCK ALL TOWNS IN RWANDA FOR THE VAN NOT TO VISIT, AND BRIBE SOME ROGUE YOUTHS TO ATTACK THE VAN. GO GO GO MM VAN." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 8th May 2018. 19:07. From John: Our fuel is almost over. We bought water and milk to take us till tomorrow. Our kitty is completely dry. Already we are experiencing opposition from SDA people but we are under God's arms. 9th May 2018. 18:17. From John: Thanks to God. So far we have visited 9 towns and we are still on the move. The megachurch leaders closed down by president Kagame like SDA, Islam and others like Deliverance, Power of Jesus Around the World tried on four occasions to block our way but in a unique way God sent before us thunder that scared them. Now we are heading to Kigali. Our fuel is almost over but it can take us till morning tomorrow Thursday. 18:32. Reply: Thanks. We are trying to find some money as per the angels’ request, but it is very difficult. 18:39. From John: These pastors are hell bent to harm us. Youths are barricading our route to the capital city, they are mad on us but God is great. 9th May 2018. 18:36. From Rhoda: JOHN AND VUGA ARE HEADING TO THE CAPITAL CITY KIGALI. PASTOR RUAKURO ABASSUMA OF KIGALI DELIVERANCE CHURCH, AND PASTOR DICKSON KASULE OF SDA HAVE ORGANISED YOUTHS TO SMEAR THE MM VAN WITH BLOOD FROM ANIMALS WHICH THEY HAVE KILLED, THEN KILL FOUR PEOPLE AND PLACE THEM NEAR THE POLICE STATION THEN ACCUSE MM TO BE A DEVIL WORSHIP SECT OFFERING HUMAN SACRIFICE. THIS THEY WILL DO BEFORE MIDNIGHT TONIGHT. JOHN AND VUGA WILL THEN BE ARRESTED TONIGHT AND THE JUDGE RIARU KAMASINGRA WILL DEMAND £750,000 BEFORE RELEASING JOHN AND VUGA. GOD IS SETTING THE STAGE FOR HIS GLORY TO BE SEEN IN RWANDA AND BEYOND. AT LEAST £1997 TO BE SENT TO JOHN NOW NOW NOW BY WU. JOHN TO CHANGE THIS MONEY INTO SMALLER DENOMINATIONS THEN DIVIDE IT INTO SEVEN PORTIONS AND WRAP EACH PORTION IN A MM FAITH LIT THEN HAND OVER THE MONEY TO THE JUDGE. FIRST ALL THE DOORS AND WINDOWS IN THE COURT WILL FALL OFF DUE TO A STRONG EARTHQUAKE THAT WILL OCCUR, THE JUDGE WILL GO MAD, THE YOUTHS AND PASTORS BEHIND THAT BAD ACTION WILL DIE, MORE MEGACHURCHES WILL BE CLOSED. THE FOUR DEAD BODIES WILL RESURRECT AND TELL THE STORIES OF HOW THEY WERE KILLED. MM MISSION WILL SPREAD IN THE WHOLE OF RWANDA AND NEIGHBOURING COUNTRIES." 7 Angels holding sharp swords and MM Faith lits have said to me now. 19:06. To our regulars: Well, God is telling of a very frightening situation developing in Rwanda now. I was trying to find some money for them this evening, but it’s pretty hopeless. Tonya can access £80 on her overdraft, that’s all, and needs that repaying by next Tuesday which Eleanor has offered to do when her wages come in. But that’s all we can find... 9th May 2018. 19:35. From Rhoda: "THE MONEY WILL BE USED BY JOHN AND VUGA TO VISIT EACH VILLAGE IN RWANDA, MEETING PEOPLE, BAPTISING THOSE FROM MEGACHURCHES INCLUDING RWANDA STATE HOUSE AFTER THE DEATH OF THE JUDGE AND HIS RING." 7 Angels in white and bright clothes have said that to me now. Thursday 10th May 2018. 5.11. From John: We got arrested after midnight in connection with the murder of four people. Youths blocked our route and smeared blood on the van. They then placed four bodies near our van. The case is a big one. The judge wants £800,000 before we are set free. Judge Demands £1 Million!10th May 2018. 8.28. From Rhoda: "JOHN AND VUGA ARE UNDER ARREST AND A PLAN IS ON TO CASTRATE THEM. THE JUDGE NOW DEMANDS £1,000,000 TO RELEASE THEM. AT LEAST £1997 TO REACH JOHN BY WU NOW THEN JOHN JOHN TO FOLLOW ANGELIC INSTRUCTION GIVEN LAST NIGHT." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 8:51. Reply to John, cc Rhoda: I find it astonishing that such corrupt practice can take place! The judge decides what to extort from his victims without even examining properly all the evidence. It seems he can pick whatever figure suits his massive pride, irrespective of whether it is appropriate or just! It’s a racket, dressed up in official clothing. No wonder God set all this up to dash it into the earth by His power! All we need now is the £1997 and a dose of courage and willingness from somewhere. God can then act according to the angel prediction. I hope we don’t have to wait long! We want to get this thing over and done with. Comment: The problem is we don’t have the money. 10th May 2018. 8.59. John: Castration. They want to do that. It is true. 10:02. Reply: How grotesque these people are! 11:29. From John: Yes, these people are harsh... 12:04. To John: Are they beating you up like the Turks did in Istanbul? 10th May 2018. 12.14. From John: They have forced us to remove all our clothes. We are naked. They are referring to us as devil worshippers. God bless. 12:30. Reply: This is gruesome. I guess you couldn’t have a Faith booklet there to defend yourselves. 12:38. From John: They ordered us to remove our clothes meaning they were aware that we had the MM Faith lits in our pockets. We trust God's Angels are on watch. 13:27. Reply: No money unless... They let you have your phone. Tell them that they won’t get any money unless they let you have your clothes and the reading materials that are in them. Otherwise they won’t get any money. 13:32. From John: Thanks Will. The Judge wants us castrated because we cannot raise the £1,000,000. I am pushing them to allow us to have back our clothes and the lits and they seem to know the power in the MM lits in our pockets, they are rude, rough and warlike. God bless. 14:05. Reply: Well, we won’t give in to them. They are bastards and will pay for their blasphemy against the Spirit of Justice. Tell them: If they want that one million, tell them again to give you your clothes back with all the things in them, otherwise they will get nothing. You have a right to read the lit in your clothes while you wait for the money to arrive. Are they fools to think that £ one million can be raised in the blink of an eye?! They’re stupid if they think that. If they are not going to be reasonable with you, we won’t be reasonable with them. Clothes and everything in them, OR they get nothing!! That’s the deal. 14:38. Give the judge my email address above for him to communicate directly with me. If he wants that amount of money, he’s got to be more reasonable with you, otherwise there’s no money. Thanks. God bless. MBH 10th May 2018. 15.05. From John: They have given us back our clothes but smeared them with blood, we don't know why. The judge has refused to accept your e-mail address or give us his. God bless. 15:48. That’s OK. Is your Faith lit in the pocket? 15:50. From John: Yes, it is. God bless. 15:58. Reply: That’s good. Once the money comes through, you can use it and the angels will do the rest. I wish the money would hurry up. 17:26. Further: They probably smeared your clothes with blood, thinking it would justify their actions in arresting you and accusing you of the crime. 10th May 2018. 18.37. From John: I received £300 plus £80 that sister Fiona sent. I have tried three times to give them that but they have declined to take. I have got a feeling that if we can get about £1000 and add to this £380 then do as per the angels/ message then God can help us. Comment: God was not having it! He said: 10th May 2018. 18.44. From Rhoda: "JOHN AND VUGA'S CLOTHES HAVE BEEN DIPPED IN BLOOD TO JUSTIFY THEIR [the opponents’] ILL MOVE. GOD IS OUT TO BRING DOWN ALL THESE EVIL MEN. JOHN HAS £380 IN HAND. AT LEAST £1590 TO REACH JOHN BY WU NOW. JOHN TO CHANGE ALL INTO SMALLER DENOMINATIONS, WRAP IN MM FAITH LITS AND DIVIDE INTO SEVEN, THEN HAND OVER TO THE JUDGE. AFTER THE DEATH OF ALL PEOPLE IN THIS EVIL SCHEME, JOHN TO COLLECT THE MONEY AND USE IT TO FUEL THE VAN AND VISIT ALL THE VILLAGES." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 11th May 2018. 8.05. From John: It is horrible here. 8:57. Reply: Yes, and there’s little we can do about it from here. God is letting them oppress us, so that He can finally bring them under judgement. Kachapim and Yvette are also going through a horrific ordeal in Somalia. Jamal Ismael may be starving them to death. I don’t know, but his gang of terrorists are putting them through hell. God allows suffering on the righteous for the perfection of our character. He also allows it before He brings punishment upon the evildoers. In Galatians 4:22-29 you read about the fact that the sons of the bondwoman persecute the sons of the freewoman. This is part of that fulfilment, as it has been throughout history. But God is in charge. Eventually He will deliver. The timing is in His hands. He controls the money supply. Not us. We simply don’t have the funds needed. Being Beaten Up In Prison11th May 2018. 14.02. To John: How are you coping in this difficult time? 14:06. From John: Thanks. It is worse with beatings. 14:29. I thought so. They are swine! Comment: Nigel kindly sent £60 to John. 11th May 2018. 19.02. From Janes in Tz: I had been ill a couple of weeks ago hence I couldn't communicate but now i feel much better. In a dream I saw a group of people gathered in a meeting hall holding MM lits, singing and praising God, being persecuted by armed Muslims who set the hall on fire. God be with you... 11th May 2018. 19.05. From John: We trust God to open financial ways so that we face these demonic people. 12th May 2018. 8.29. To John: Fiona Denman has sent you £120, some of it for the Tunisians. God bless. I hope your sufferings are not dreadfully painful! This money supply is in God’s hands. 8:58. To John: If they are still being cruel and beating you, tell the judge that they won’t get any money unless they treat you with decency and stop their beatings. You can tell the judge that money for your release is being organised but it takes time. 12th May 2018. 9.00. From John: I want to point at him with MM Faith lit. The suffering here is big. Since our arrest we have not taken milk nor water. 12th May 2018. 9.04. From Rhoda: "JOHN SHOULD NOT POINT AT THE JUDGE WITH MM FAITH LIT. HE WILL DIE AND THIS MAY COMPLICATE THE WHOLE ISSUE." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 12th May 2018. 9:35. To John: Tell the judge also to let you have milk and water otherwise there will be no money. 10.57. To John: The words of Jesus in Luke 6 are particularly apt in this dreadful situation: Blessed are you poor, for yours is the Kingdom of God. Blessed are you who hunger now, for you shall be filled. Blessed are you who weep now, for you shall laugh. Blessed are you when men hate you, and when they exclude you, and revile you, and cast out your name as evil for the Son of Man’s sake. Rejoice in that day and leap for joy! For indeed your reward is great in heaven, for in like manner their fathers did to the prophets. (Luke 6:20-23.) 10:58. From John: Amen. Thanks a lot Will. 16:08. Reply: ...How are you both now? Is it still painful? I am hoping for God to act tonight, but the timing is in His hands. We will still trust in Him, despite whatever lacks there may be. 16:10. From John: I am still feeling pain in my shoulders... 17:44. To John: Helena will keep interceding. There’s a lot of demons continually attacking. Did they allow you water and milk? 18:36. From John: We have not taken water and milk. They are harsh. 12th May 2018. 21.14. To John: Water. They are racking up a severe judgement against themselves when God acts to vindicate you! 13th May 2018. 8.21. To John: Has anything happened yet? 8.26. From John: We are still in here. God bless. 9:06. Reply: This is awful! 9:09. To our supporters: This is dreadful. They are still stuck inside without water or milk. They haven’t been able to drink for days (in that hot climate!). Their captors are so cruel! It frustrates me that we can’t find the £1590 needed to get them out! 13th May 2018. 15.49. To John: People here are very burdened for you both. Lots of intercession going on. It’s very trying for you. I hope your shoulder(s) is a bit better now. We have also asked God to quench your thirst and hunger. Some years ago, Yun in China was imprisoned and endured the trauma of it there for 74 days without food and water. God completely sustained him through the ordeal. While you wait for things to happen, do you want me to send you anything to read on your phone to alleviate the boredom? 15:50. From John: Yes, please do. Comment: I sent him the first few pages of N83... 13th May 2018. 17.54. From John: Thanks a lot Will. We are reading the N83. We trust God to act on these our oppressors for the glory of His name. 17:59. To John: If you want more tomorrow, let me know. Thanks. I hope your pains are subsiding, and that God eases your thirst while we await our deliverance from God. 13th May 2018. 18.01. From Rhoda: "THERE IS A PLAN TO RAISE THE CHARGES ON JOHN AND VUGA TO £10,000,000. AT LEAST £1300 TO REACH JOHN NOW SO THAT THEIR [the opposers’] PLAN CAN END BY THE JUDGE AND OVER TEN MEGACHURCH LEADERS DYING. THEIR DEATH WILL CLEAR THE NAME OF MM AND WILL MAKE MORE MEGACHURCHES BE CLOSED DOWN IN BURUNDI AND MORE COUNTRIES." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 18:04. From John: Thanks Will. Send us more tomorrow. God has given us strength through reading the great message in N83. I am feeling well. Will, they are increasing the charge day and day, today it stands at £10,000,000. I believe God is watching over us. God bless. In The Court Of Rwanda’s Hell14th May 2018. 6.39. From John: We have been taken to the court now and charges being read out. 8:53. Reply: We still have no news about money. 8:54. What has the mad judge charged you with? 9:00. Though the needed money is not yet in, God is in charge. You can tell the judge that money is on its way; his reward is on its way. God bless. 9:00. From John: Devil worship. 9:10. From John: They read out that we are offering human sacrifice. Will, if we can only get £700 now then we can face this mad demon. God bless. 9:27. To John: We simply don’t have it at present, but money is on its way. God will work something out. We trust in Him to the death. 14th May 2018. 11:07. From John: We are still in the court room because we said to them that our God will send money and punish them. We are still kept here as they mock us that our God is devil. 14th May 2018. 11.18. From Rhoda: "JOHN AND VUGA HAVE REFUSED TO GET OUT OF COURT TO BE TAKEN BACK TO THE CELL. THEY ARE DOWN ON THEIR KNEES CRYING FOR GOD TO DESCEND AND DESTROY ALL EVIL MEN IN COURT AND OUTSIDE THE COURT. GOD TO BLESS REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS TO GIVE AT LEAST £877. GOD WILL SURELY DESTROY THE EVIL MEN. " 7 Angels have said that to me now. 12:29. John: They want to force us back to the cell. 12:37. Reply: Some money is being found now. However it may take a few hours to come through. 12:40. From John: We have refused to go back to the cells because a cell cleaner Barnabas Nkirimana has confided in us that they have sprayed fuming Sulphuric Acid in there to burn us. We have told them to leave us in court for our God is working out money matters and will meet them at His appropriate time. 13:58. To John: Somehow, miraculously, we were able to get the figure the angels asked for below. Don’t tell anyone the figure, just handle the money when Bob’s bank transfer comes through to you. Bob is sending the amount to your account (£880). God bless and bring judgement!!!!!!! Comment: God was urging others (not ‘regulars’) to help out, but all declined again. Hence the decreasing ‘price’. 14th May 2018. 16.29. To John: When the thunder rolls, and the judge is hit by God, do try and salvage all the money because you’ll be needing it for travel in Rwanda. 14th May 2018. 22.29. To John: I wonder how you got on. Are you both OK? I presume God dealt with the judge and all the other wicked conspirators after you presented him with the money in a Faith booklet (or was it in 7 Faith booklets?). Did everything work out OK? God’s Punishment Of The Wicked15th May 2018. 8.43. To John: Did big things happen last night? Are you OK, and what has happened? 15th May 2018. 9.09. From John: Our phones were confiscated yesterday. They have given them back. We are in court now. Yesterday the judge refused because it was late. Our case starts at 2 pm today. We are set with all the money and I did as the Angels said. God bless. 15th May 2018. 17.59. From John: The judge has already lost his eyesight and cannot proceed with counting the money. He is weeping and scrubbing his eyes. Our accusers who are still in the court here too are wailing. Will, by midnight I hope we shall be free and free to go on with spreading the life giving message from God. I handed over the money wrapped in MM lits in seven bunches to the judge at 2 pm and from then he has only counted three bunches. He is still left with four and he cannot continue. When all have received God's wrath I’ll pick up our money and we will move all round Rwanda in all villages for our God shall have destroyed our enemies. Fear has gripped this court, Will, it is occupied by thick white mists. It is wonderful to see our God destroy the ungodly. Amen. Amen. Amen. 18:14. Reply: Great! Keep an eye on the monies. Grab it just as soon as you can because Satan will inspire anyone he can to steal it from us. God bless!!! 16th May 2018. 11.30. From John: The judge plus three megachurch leaders are dead. We recovered £530. The rest burnt with the judge at midnight. Full report coming. 12.21. From John: ...many church leaders are dead. 16th May 2018. 17.59. From John: At midnight the judge lost his eyesight completely and started wailing aloud. The whole place became noisy because all our accusers in the court too felt the same pain in their eyes. Then strong winds and thunder started and for over two hours it was cries all over. That is when I crawled and grabbed the money. We left the place very fast and moved to where the van was kept. Two watchmen who tried to block us not to take the van also got struck by firebolts and died instantly. We started MM evangelism there and then. Up to now we have visited seven cities to make the record straight by disapproving all the wrong publicity they branded MM with. We are going on and will move nonstop till we visit all villages in Rwanda. In every town we have visited we received testimonies of how megachurch leaders died of firebolts last midnight. So far we have heard of seven deaths of church leaders plus those that died in the court. 16th May 2018. 18.13. From Rhoda: "JOHN AND VUGA HAVE BEEN MOVING IN CITIES IN RWANDA TO SEND THE GOSPEL OF TRUTH OF MM AND CORRECT THE WRONG PUBLICITY OF DEVIL WORSHIP THE FAKE CHURCH LEADERS TRIED TO SPREAD ABOUT MM. SO FAR THEY HAVE VISITED SIX AND ARE HEADING TO THE SEVENTH. AT MIDNIGHT YESTERDAY ELEVEN CHURCH LEADERS DIED. IN THE SIX TOWNS THEY HAVE VISITED AT LEAST ONE LEADER DIED OF firebolt. THEY MUST VISIT ALL VILLAGES. AT LEAST £350 TO REACH JOHN ON FRIDAY MORNING BY WU. THIS WILL HELP THEM MOVE ON TILL NEXT WEEK WEDNESDAY. MALCOLM TO WRITE A LETTER AND SEND TO JOHN SUPPORTING THE MISSION JOHN AND VUGA ARE DOING NOW. THIS LETTER JOHN MUST PRODUCE ENOUGH COPIES AND DROP IN EACH VILLAGE THEY VISIT." 7 Angels have said to me now. Comment: That evening I wrote a four page A5 article entitled Mission Rwanda, and sent it to John in pdf by e-mail attachment. He got it duplicated that night and started distributing it right away in all places the van visited. 17th May 2018. 6.40. From John: Mission Rwanda. Thanks. We received it and so far we have visited 15 cities. Covering The Towns And Villages Of Rwanda17th May 2018. 18.12. From John: We are in the 20th city now. I sent £200 out of what sister Fiona sent to Eunice to start the repair of the house [their home was seriously damaged]. God bless. Our kitty is almost dry but we have fuel in the tank to take us till past midnight. We have no fuel for tomorrow's work. Thurs 17th May 2018. 18:18. From Rhoda: "JOHN AND VUGA ARE HEADING TO THE 21ST CITY. EUNICE HAS STARTED REPAIR WORK OF THE HOUSE, SHE STILL REQUIRES £297 TO CLEAR THE WORK. AT LEAST £350 TO REACH JOHN BY WU NOW TO HELP THEM MOVE ON TOMORROW. THEIR KITTY IS DRY. RESCUE MISSION IN SOMALIA SHOULD BE DONE FROM THURSDAY NEXT WEEK. JOHN AND VUGA SHOULD HEAD THERE AFTER RWANDA MISSION WHICH ENDS ON WEDNESDAY NEXT WEEK." 7 Angels have said that now. Comment: There was insufficient money to meet these needs. 18th May 2018. 4.53. From John: We cannot move on, our kitty is dry. Comment: Bob notified John that he had sent him £350. 11:38. To John: I am most relieved to see that Bob’s wages came in, just in time to replenish your supply! 16:26. To Rhoda: In your missive of 16th May you mentioned six towns and one leader being killed there. Do you mean that just one leader was killed by firebolt, or one in each town? Thanks. 18th May 2018. 16.48. From Rhoda: "AT LEAST £297 TO REACH JOHN NOW FOR EUNICE TO FINISH THE REPAIR WORK. RAINS ARE TOO MUCH AND THE WORK IS HALFWAY. ONE LEADER PER CITY DIED." 7 Angels have said to me now. Comment: So the death toll in Rwanda was 18, not 13 as I originally thought: the judge and 11 + 1 pastors, but the judge, plus 11 + 6 pastors. Witchdoctor Sends His Snakes To Attack Us18th May 2018. 16.53. From John: A witchdoctor. We are visiting villages. A traditional leader, Nkurunza Ningamika, has sent four big black snakes to kill us. We are battling them now in Kawisa village. He has used them for years to kill people. 18:28. Reply: Oh well, he’s going to be mourning the loss of four black snakes soon. 18th May 2018. 19.29. From John: The battle is a big one. The snakes have turned wild after we pointed at them with MM Faith lits. They have chased their owner, the magician. The magician is running away. It is very interesting. Sunday 20th May 2018. 11.40. From Rhoda: "A GRENADE WAS PLANTED BY THE WITCHDOCTOR'S SONS FOR JOHN AND VUGA YESTERNIGHT AFTER THE DEATH OF THE WITCHDOCTOR AND ALL HIS SNAKES. THE VAN’S FOUR TYRES BURST, THE VAN ROLLED BUT JOHN AND VUGA ARE OKAY. JOHN HAS BOUGHT AND REPLACED THE FOUR TYRES WITH THE MONEY THEY HAD IN THE KITTY. THEIR KITTY IS DRY, THEY HAVE NO WATER OR MILK. THEY MUST MOVE ON NON STOP TILL WEDNESDAY. TWO OF THE WITCHDOCTOR'S SONS WHO DID THIS MUST DIE AT MIDNIGHT TODAY. AT LEAST £490 TO REACH JOHN NOW BY WU FOR FIXING VAN WINDOW GLASSES, FOR FUEL, WATER AND MILK." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 20th May 2018. 11.47. From John: Yesterday night as we proceeded with Rwanda mission, we drove over a grenade which we guess was planted by someone. The van rolled several times, tyres burst, window and door glass all got broken. Thank God we all came out safe. I used the money in the kitty to repair the tyres so that we could go on with evangelism work. Now we cannot proceed because our kitty is dry and we have no fuel, water or milk. The medicine man plus his snakes died. His sons, Tuyissenga and Khulisalo promised to deal with us. We are waiting when but they cannot defeat our God. 13:22. Reply: OK. Thanks. Serious situation, but God spared. It was a miraculous escape, because if God had not protected you, not only would you have been killed, but the axles would have been bent, not just the tyres blown out. And the vehicle would be a complete wreck. Instead, God allowed enough damage to bring the perpetrators under His judgement, permitting damage that can be rectified with a bit of money. We don’t have any more money now, so keep trusting in God to open up a solution... Just keep looking to God to provide. He can. May the human arm gain strength where it is weak! Comment: Nigel sent John £60. But it was nowhere near enough for the urgent needs, both for him and Tunisia. 20th May 2018. 15.03. From Rhoda: "AT LEAST £350 TO REACH JOHN FOR REPAIR OF SOLAR PANELS IN TUNISIA DESTROYED BY STRONG WINDS AND RAINS. IT IS VERY VERY VERY URGENT." 7 Angels have said that. [We just didn’t have this money.] Rescuing 10 Enslaved Believers20th May 2018. 20.50. From John: We are surrounded by nine witchdoctors mourning their dead friend. Each has a big snake on his shoulder. It is a dreadful show. 20th May 2018. 20.56. From Rhoda: "NINE WITCHDOCTORS ARE BLOCKING THE VAN ENTERING THEIR VILLAGE. IN THAT VILLAGE TEN MM BROTHERS HAVE BEEN ENSLAVED TO FEED 23 SNAKES. JOHN AND VUGA MUST GET IN AND RESCUE THE MM BROTHERS. GOD WILL KILL ALL THOSE SNAKES AND THE WITCHDOCTORS IMMEDIATELY JOHN AND VUGA STEP IN THERE AND USE THE MM FAITH LITS APPROPRIATELY. GOD TO TOUCH REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS TO GIVE TOWARDS THIS. IT IS URGENT. AT LEAST £339 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW BY WU." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment at the time: The figure was raised. It entailed going right up to overdraft limits and borrowing. However, the earlier figures the angels requested of £490 and £350 to cover replacement windscreen and window glass, and remedial work to the electrical water pump supply in Tunisia have not been met. We simply cannot borrow any more and we have insufficient income because of being let down by the church at large who are more in the grip of demons than in harness to the Holy Spirit. They also need a PC in Tunisia, a roof over their home (£500 approx), and repairs and fuel for their motorbikes. There is a dreadful lack of provision! Philippians 2 comes to mind: “all men seek their own, not the things of Christ Jesus...” 21st May 2018. 8.46. To John: About £115 is coming shortly from Fiona. Are you both OK? 8:48. From John: Thanks Will. Yes we are. 21st May 2018. 9.10. To John: Have those 9 witchdoctors and their snakes been dealt with yet? 9:17. From John: No not yet. We didn’t have fuel to reach the village [where the believers are being held captive]. 9:49. To John: So, where did those nine meet you. I thought they were blocking your way. 9.52. From John: Up to this morning they are still blocking us. We have received money from Fiona. Now we will face them and reach the demonic village. 9:54. To John: There is also another £100 Vivian has managed to get... 22nd May 2018. 6.28. From Rhoda: "AT MIDNIGHT JOHN AND VUGA RESCUED MM BROTHERS WHO WERE BEING PUT UNDER HOUSE ARREST TO FEED SNAKES. JOHN AND VUGA USED MM FAITH LITS AND GOD DESCENDED IN FIREBOLTS AND KILLED ALL THE SNAKES AND THEIR OWNERS. GOD SENT ANGELS IN NUMBERS TO DESTROY THAT KINGDOM. JOHN AND VUGA ARE IN DIRE NEED. THEY MUST CARRY OUT MASSIVE BAPTISM WORK THERE TODAY. THEY MUST MOVE 11 KM DOWN TO RIVER KAGERA TO DO IT. THEY NEED £599 NOW BY WU BECAUSE AFTER BAPTISM THEY MUST VISIT THE HOME TURF OF PRESIDENT KAGAME WHICH IS UNDER 24 HRS SURVEILLANCE. IT IS A MUST DUTY. GOD WANTS TO WEED OUT ALL PEOPLE OPPOSING MM GOSPEL." 7 Angels have said to me now. 22nd May 2018. 6.40. From John: Thanks to God Will. God sent a thick white mist that covered us as we approached the dreaded witchdoctors plus their snakes. We arrived in Nyamirambilo village at ten minutes to midnight. We came across a fenced compound in which four young MM brothers were under slavery feeding wild animals mainly snakes. We pointed the MM Faith lits at the eight naked witchdoctors each holding a snake. Suddenly firebolts started hitting the place nonstop. And in that confusion we took our brothers to the van and moved away. The whole fenced compound got destroyed by firebolts and no life was spared. [Sadly, the other six captives were murdered by those enemies.] We are stranded now. Our kitty is dry, we have very little water and milk. A group has come here crying for us to baptise them so that they accept the MM truth. This place is over 10 km away from river Kagera. We leave all to Almighty Father to see us through it. We need roughly £650 to move to the river and back to Kigali and also to buy milk and water. 8:59. Reply: We can only pray to God to help and provide for this, for we are empty at present. 22nd May 2018. 9.42. From Rhoda: "...GOD TO TOUCH THE BLESSED, ANOINTED MM SUPPORTERS TO GIVE TOWARDS THIS. IT IS IMPORTANTLY URGENT. AT LEAST £250 TO REACH JOHN BY WU NOW TO GET THEM STARTED OFF TO DO GOD'S MISSION" 7 Angels have said that to me now. 22nd May 2018. 9.43. John: We are stuck in the middle of the bush... 9:58. Reply: Well, all I can say is God will make a way, for presently there seems to be no way. But God is all powerful and I don’t believe He will let His Work fail. It may be held up, but not fail, so we have to wait to see how He will work this problem out for us. You have done your part. You have done it well. God is pleased. Now He must move others somewhere to help, and He will work miracles to provide just as He did for Abraham. 22nd May 2018. 11.30. John: We are still stuck here. 11:55. Reply: Yes. It’s bad. I have sent an SOS to everyone, but there has been no response. Our faithful ones are dry and need help themselves. God is able. 12:45. From John: Let’s leave it to God... Most of these people are from SDA churches. God bless. 22nd May 2018. 13.44. From Rhoda: "JOHN AND VUGA ARE STUCK IN THE BUSH. NO FUEL, NO WATER, NO MILK, NO MONEY IN THE KITTY. GOD TO TOUCH REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS TO HELP THEM. AT LEAST £250 TO REACH JOHN BY WU. THEY MUST VISIT KAGAME'S VILLAGE AND DO GOD'S WORK. GOD IS TRANSFORMING MANY PEOPLE WHO WERE ONCE IN SDA AND ISLAM. IT IS GOD WHO MOVED KAGAME TO CLOSE MANY MEGACHURCHES THOUGH KAGAME IS NOT GOD FEARING. KASSAHUN'S DREAM PORTRAYED KAGAME." 7 Angels have said thet to me now. Comment: Vivian sacrificed his rent money of £250 to make the mission possible, but needed it replacing. Rwanda: In Kagame’s Village22nd May 2018. 17.28. From John: We are now out of the thicket and heading direct to Kagame's village. 23rd May 2018. 9.03. John: Our fuel got over past midnight. We are at the outskirts of the village, 7km away. 9:46. Reply: Impossible difficulties. We are trying to find some money. ..the awful situation we are in, when anyone borrows money it is money that they need and so it has to be found somewhere else to pay them back. A dream to Kassahun recently portrayed this dreadful state of affairs, where we are facing impossible difficulties! 23rd May 2018. 12.27. From John: We are still stuck here and it is raining. [Bad! Because they had no windows and windscreen.] He will act. 13:18. Reply: Yes. It is frustrating waiting, I know, but there is nothing more we can do about it. All the faithful supporters are empty. God knows this, and He has been trying to persuade others, but people turn a blind eye and deaf ear. All we can do is wait for God to act. Act He will, but we have to endure. Comment: When one part of the Body suffers, it is incumbent upon the parts of the body that can help the hurting part, to do so. Matthew 25:40. Do people obey it? 1 John 3:17. Do people obey it? Many don’t. Hence the problems. 23rd May 2018. 19.43. From Rhoda: "JOHN AND VUGA ARE STILL STUCK ON THE WAY TO REACH THE DESTINATION. GOD TO TOUCH REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS TO HELP OUT. THE REGULAR SUPPORTERS ARE THE ONLY CHOSEN AND ANOINTED PEOPLE TO DO THE WORK. YES IT IS HARD BUT GOD WHO CHOSE THEM HAS GREAT REWARDS FOR THEM. AT LEAST £350 TO REACH JOHN BY WU NOW. MM OPPOSERS ARE BUSY WRITING FALSE LETTERS ABOUT MM WORK, GOD WILL KILL ALL OF THEM." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 20.00. From Rhoda: "JOHN AND VUGA MUST REACH AND DO GOD'S WORK IN THAT VILLAGE. JOHN ARE VUGA ARE IN A PATHETIC PLACE, RAINS, NO MILK, NO CLEAN WATER, NO MONEY IN THE KITTY. GOD ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS TO STEP FORTH AND HELP OUT. AT LEAST £350 TO REACH JOHN NOW." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 24th May 2018. 11.20. To John: Fiona is sending £281 to you shortly. Hope that enables you to get your glass fixed. Comment: Tonya didn’t need what I owed her paying back, so I could send all my pension. Wilfred loaned £150, making the £281. And Anna borrowed £50 for water in Tunisia. Rwanda Clean-Out: God Kills Many!25th May 2018. 19.26. From John: We managed to repair the van windows. We have met the heaviest opposition in this village since yesterday. Rains too have remained steady since yesterday. They tried to do what we were arrested for last week but failed miserably. They killed a man and gouged out his eyes, then placed a copy of Mission Rwanda message on him to put the blame on us. But to their surprise God descended on the village at midnight and with firebolts killed 13 people who did that bad act. They cried aloud pleading with MM lits writer Malcolm Heap to forgive them but it was too late. We thank God that incident cleared our name. All the culprits were SDAs. Fri 25th May 2018. 19.35. From Rhoda: "THE MAD MM OPPOSERS KILLED A MAN AND PLACED ON HIM THE MM LIT ON RWANDA MISSION. THEY WANTED TO IMPLICATE JOHN AND VUGA AGAIN BUT GOD KILLED ALL WITH fireboltS AT MIDNIGHT. AT LEAST £398 TO REACH JOHN NOW BY WU TO HELP THEM MOVE ON TILL MONDAY NIGHT. GOD WOULD WANT THEM TO CLEAR UP THE MISSION ON MONDAY NIGHT. TOMORROW THEY MUST DEPOSIT THE MM RWANDA MISSION LIT IN ALL SDA CHURCHES IN THAT VILLAGE. GOD IS BRINGING HIS JUDGEMENT NOW, NOW, NOW. THEY NEED MONEY FOR FUEL. THEY MUST MOVE NON STOP." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 26th May 2018. 10.27. From John: We are visiting all the SDA churches today. Yesternight God killed ten... 27th May 2018. 9.48. To Rhoda: On 16th April 2018 you used the wording “Faith light”, rather than “Faith lit”. ...It suggests that people in Turkey see a light emanating from the Faith booklet. Perhaps that is how God reaches them in those Turkish towns, after having left Faith booklets there. 27th May 2018. 11.03. From Rhoda: "THE MM FAITH LIT HAS GOD'S POWER IN IT. IT PRODUCES A SHARP LIGHT THAT SINNERS AND MM OPPOSERS CANNOT WITHSTAND. GOD WILL CONTINUE TO USE IT TO BRING LIGHT TO THE SIN RIDDEN WORLD. JOHN AND VUGA HAVE FOLLOWED GOD'S ANGELS’ GUIDANCE IN USING THE LORD'S APPROVED MM FAITH LIT. JOHN AND VUGA COVERED ALL THE SDA CHURCHES YESTERDAY AND THE WHOLE NIGHT TILL THEIR FUEL, WATER, MILK AND KITTY GOT COMPLETELY OVER. AT MIDNIGHT YOUTHS NUMBERING 16 BLOCKED THEIR WAY AND GOD DESCENDED ON THEM WITH HOT COAL KILLING ALL. MANY WHO TRIED TO OPPOSE GOD'S MISSION DIED. NOW NOW JOHN AND VUGA ARE AT THE BORDER TO BURUNDI, GOD WANTS THEM TO PROCEED INTO BURUNDI TILL WEDNESDAY. MALCOLM HEAP SHOULD WRITE A LETTER WHICH JOHN AND VUGA WILL LEAVE IN BURUNDI'S CAPITAL CITY AND PROCEED TO BURUNDI'S SDA PRESIDENT NKURUNZIZA'S HOME VILLAGE. GOD WILL KILL OVER 30 SDA CHURCH LEADERS THERE STARTING AT MIDNIGHT. AT LEAST £599 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW. MM BROTHERS IN BURUNDI ARE SUFFERING UNDER SDA FAITH PRESIDENT. GOD IS NOT HAPPY, GOD IS NOT HAPPY." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 27th May 2018. 11.23. From John: God honored the MM Faith lits here in this SDA church infested village. We met each and every family member in their homes and told them the MM gospel of truth. In all the 27 homes we visited, at least one person was an SDA faithful. At midnight they organised youths armed to their teeth with all sorts of crude weapons. They blocked our way and accused us of destroying megachurches in Rwanda, one of them SDA. God covered us in thick white mists and killed over thirty with hot coal. We heard them cry of hot coal. The thick white mists then led us out of the village up to no-man's land between Rwanda and Burundi. Our fuel is over, our kitty is completely dry, we have no water nor milk. But we are OK. God demonstrated His mighty power to the sinners who fight MM evangelism. We thank God for delivering some people here out of SDA and other megachurches’ bondage. We await God's directive on what to do next. Glory be to God! We are still covered in thick white mists. Comment: Fiona sent John £250 by WU after midday. 13:45. To John: ... The angels mentioned 16 youths being killed by God. You mentioned 30. Was the group bigger than 16? 13.55. From John: The number was big, over thirty youths. 16 died as we watched, then we left others still crying on the ground.
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