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Mighty Miracles Of God Volume 9 |
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120MM Mission To Mecca
When the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard against him. (Isaiah 59:19) Mecca is the most ‘holy’ shrine of Islam. It is strictly guarded to protect it from incursions of Christianity. If a Christian preacher was so bold – or mad – to try and openly preach in Mecca, he would be signing his death warrant! To my knowledge, no-one has ever penetrated Mecca to preach the Gospel there. So, this was a first. Of course we did not plan it, nor even intend going to Mecca. We didn’t know God was planning it, until the vans were not far from Mecca and then I was given the thought, and the angels led the team there as a matter of course, besides all the other destinations in Saudi Arabia where the angels led them to deliver The Last Call To All Muslim Nations. The £900 which the angels requested to fund the mission was met, amazingly, by three of our regular supporters who gave all they could. After the previous night’s attack from Ryadh’s gunmen and God’s deliverance of the crew, Ryadh still persisted his prideful boasting: 25th October 2016. 8:13. From Abdullah Ryadh: We have trailed these your men in Saudi Arabia. We will corner them anytime soon. 8:37. Reply: Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!! 25th October 2016. 9:56. From John: The situation is very tense but we have to do God's work diligently without fear. We are in the third mosque now. There is opposition but God is in front. God bless. 25th October 2016. 11:36. From Abdullah Ryadh: You haven't realized that it's not a laughing matter? 11:43. Reply: It's you who haven't realised that you're on the losing team! God laughs at you for attacking Him. 13:36. From Abdullah Ryadh: Let's see who will lose. Informing you prior to dawn attack. 14:48. Reply: It's a foregone conclusion. You have lost already! HA! We have Invincible Might on our side. 15:11. To John: This from the evil man Abdullah may be a lie. He may intend another time to attack, but he will lose whatever time he intends to try and thwart God's Work... How The 35 Muslim Gunmen Were Killed By God25th October 2016. 16:50. From John: Thanks to God. From the time we left Yemen, the armed men chased us till we crossed the border into Saudi Arabia. We moved very fast towards Jeddah and while 20 km away from Jeddah the two cars blocked the road and we stopped. We came out of the vans holding opened MM Faith lits as human shields. Suddenly the seven armed men started a heated argument and started shooting at each other indiscriminately. All died in our watch. That’s when we took off to Jeddah town. At midnight a big group of over 30 came and surrounded us ordering us to come out of the vans, but before we could come out, strong winds started blowing and soon we saw them holding their eyes and their cries filled the air. We were forced to move towards Medina town where we have visited 9 mosques by now. God bless. 17:56. Reply: That's good. Besides the 9 mosques in Medina, have you visited mosques in any other towns? 18:15. Further reply: So, the 35 which the angels mentioned yesterday would be killed last night WERE killed last night! I presume they died. You mentioned that they were crying out in pain as their eyes were burning. Did you see them die? Thanks. I think Medina is the birthplace of Islam. And Mecca is considered the central shrine of Islam. I wonder if you will be going to Mecca to deliver The Last Call. The First Ever(?) Mission To Mecca25th October 2016. 19:24. From John: Thanks Will. Yes we visited 4 mosques in Jeddah. God bless. 19:29. We left when they were crying in pain. I presume that they all died because we didn't see them chase after us again. We really trust God to guide us to Mecca to deliver The Last Call warning. God bless. 20:18. Reply: Thanks for that clarification. So, the threats of Abdullah Ryadh are probably baseless. If he is still in Jordan, he won't know what has happened to his gang of thugs, and thinks he will make contact with them to mount another attack. 25th October 2016. 20:23. To Abdullah Ryadh: You do realise, don't you, that your 35 men who came chasing after our vans last night are all dead?! As well as the other 7 who blocked the road before that, and then turned on each other and shot each other. So you have already lost. Got any more men you want to sacrifice to the Greatest Cause on earth? 26th October 2016. 8:47. From Abdullah Ryadh: I'll come for you and you will compensate for the deaths. 9:07. Reply: You don't get it, do you? GOD ALMIGHTY killed your men, because they were fighting HIM by coming against His servants in MM. So, if you try to kill me now, God will kill YOU. You owe us compensation for the cost and damage your men have incurred by coming against us. What I owe you I have given you in "Why Is Jesus Lord?", but you have already rejected it. So, if you want to live, go away and live a peaceable life, doing good, instead of trying to murder people who are Christians. Jesus is Lord, not Allah. We have just demonstrated it. You have lost. We have won. OK? That was your challenge. You asked to see who would lose, so now you have lost, are you going to acknowledge Jesus as Lord? I very much doubt it, but that is your only sane option. 17:09. From Abdullah Ryadh: You are just a big fool. 26th October 2016. 14:58. To S Sudan: Hello Oloo. John and the team have been instructed by the angels (to Rhoda) to aim to get to you soon... 27th October 2016. 6:17. From Oloo: Let God speed their journey to this place. The situation is very bad. 27th October 2016. 8:55. From John: Thanks to God. We tried to enter Mecca yesterday evening but we got arrested for entering the "holy city". They are demanding us to pay a charge of £1700 to take out the vans and our MM lits. We are left with £362 in the kitty after visiting 21 mosques. I am writing while in the toilet now. God bless. 27th October 2016. 9:11. From Rhoda: "THE TEAM IS IN CUSTODY IN MECCA. GOD WANTS TO SHOW HIS MIGHT. AT LEAST £300 IS TO REACH JOHN NOW. HE SHOULD CHANGE IT INTO SMALLER DENOMINATIONS, GET AN EXTRA £300 FROM THE KITTY AND ADD TO IT, THEN GIVE TO THE OPPRESSORS. ON TOUCHING THE MONEY, 6 WILL DIE AND THE TEAM WILL LEAVE TO SOUTH SUDAN." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment at the time: I don’t know, but I suspect that this is the ONLY time when a Christian ministry has penetrated Mecca to witness Christ to the people. It would be a suicide mission for any diehard evangelist without God’s protection! Mecca is the centre of Islam (hence their disgust at the gambling casinos named ‘Mecca’ in the decadent West). The £300 needed was put forward by Wilfred. His pension had just come in today, and he offered to lay it on the altar, but with the proviso that he could have it back over the next week or so, because on 10th November he would meet his point of no return. I guess he has nothing to live on now. He’s been living on handouts for the past weeks anyway, but he needs that money to pay his bills. 27th October 2016. 17:18. From Amina Abadla (on Fatu’s e-mail): Hauiii, we are going to cupture your men before they cross into Sudan. you fool. Reply: Ha! That’s what you think! Yes, you are a fool. [She had “fool” in her heading.] 28th October 2016. 8:24. From John: We are on our way to Sudan. God rescued us at midnight. God bless. 9:45. Reply: Great. Did you leave a "Last Call" booklet there in Mecca, or more than one? Look forward to hearing the specifics of what occurred and how God worked your escape, etc., later today when you have time. Thanks. Were you able to rescue the £600? What is in your kitty at present? Once Again, God Struck The Opponents DeadBut Not Before They Ate The Money!28th October 2016. 10:33. From John: Mecca arrest. A unique thing occurred that left us astonished. After handing over the £600 to them, they started to scramble for the money and to our surprise, they started swallowing the money in to their mouths. Will, they ate money like bread and four died in our watch. We only grabbed £177 that we have used to fuel the vans this morning. We know the fuel can't take us to South Sudan, but we thank God for defeating our enemies. Yes Will, we delivered The Last Call, and 20 pieces of the MM Why? series. God bless. Full report tonight. 11:54. Reply: Amazing. Every episode is different. God doesn't always do things the same way each time. Who would have believed that such could ever happen, swallowing money?!! True they were notes and not coins, but even so. Perhaps God did it that way to give another excuse to sceptics TO DISBELIEVE. You saw four die on the spot. What happened to the other two? God said six would die. To whom did you give the various pieces of literature? How much is left in your kitty? Thanks. 28th October 2016. 12:02. From John: We have £57 in the kitty. We gave out lits to the people in the mosques we visited... The remaining two [officers who oppressed them] cried holding their eyes and ran away [and died]. Comment: We managed to send John a further £300. But such outlay continually empties us all completely. 28th October 2016. 20:51. To John: ...Rhoda was told that there was an intention to visit prisons and markets last Tuesday and Wednesday. Did you manage to visit any prisons? You did mosques, and you probably visited markets to buy milk and water, but... if you didn't visit any prisons, perhaps it shows that God wants to do so much more than we can actually achieve. Comment: 30th Oct. Yesterday evening, last night, and today there was so much demonic stuff on us! I have felt awful, and Helena has been pushing and pushing and pushing!!! There are clouds of these things, wave after wave. Disconsolate, I wrote ... “Eleanor read 2 Cor 4 last week, the piece about “hard-pressed on every side, yet not crushed.” “Well, I feel crushed. And the next part about not despairing, I’m almost despairing. There’s no help from anyone who should be helping [other than the small team of faithfuls], and I’m about to give up under the crushing burdens of demonic oppression that I can’t rise above. God help us!!!” God did, but it has been VERY difficult!
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