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Mighty Miracles Of God Volume 9 |
119Jordan, Then On To Yemen
Through You we will push down our enemies; through Your name we will trample those who rise up against us. (Psalm 44:5)
It’s good to have the angels telling us what is needed for each trip. Otherwise we would have no idea what the costs would be. But it is often difficult to find the funds. Our supporters have shelled out all their savings, all their income that they can spare, and have also borrowed up to the limit. That’s sacrifice; that’s commitment! That’s pleasing to God. We had no idea how we could find the £3,000 needed for the Yemen mission. But God had spoken, so we knew somehow He would make it possible. John also had that assurance of faith; He asserted: 25th Sept 2016. 18:36. From John: No fear whatsoever, we believe God will make us a financial breakthrough though humanly it looks like a big mountain in our way. God bless. 26th Sept 2016. 11:18. From Mark: ...we can't move at the moment because we are financially unstable so we leave everything to God. I may write later, am not feeling ok today. I beg for your prayers and God bless you all. M 11:52. Reply: ...Helena will intercede for you shortly. I guess it's demons attacking you, making you feel bad. The latest was that tomorrow evening [Tuesday 27th Sept] is the departure date for the trip to Saudi. A miracle has just occurred here. (Of course, God foresaw it and organised it.) The money has come in for the trip!!! How God provided for the trip: Bob S wrote to say: Praise be to God for He has acted to solve this financial problem. ...up until this morning, I was skint. Well over 3 years ago I put in a PPI claim against a loan from Barclays which I took out many years before. I have received letters from Barclays rejecting my claim, yet this morning, I received a text saying that it had been paid. On checking my bank account this morning, I found that £5464.02 had I borrowed £1200 on my Barclaycard to meet that previous emergency John had with the police, and would like to pay that off, but the balance of £4264.02 is available. I am still shaking with what has just happened. Praise God. 26th Sept 2016. 13:46. To Mark: Helena is still interceding against the demons attacking you. She has been at it since I wrote to you previously, so that is about 2 hours. [It finally took over 3 hours!] What is going on, and the reason they are attacking you, is because of the upcoming trip. The demons controlling the area have to be displaced, so that the truth can take root with some people whom God wants to call. But if their minds are controlled by demons, their thinking cannot grasp what God presents by your visit. [Hence the need for intercessory spiritual warfare to push them off.] 26th Sept 2016. 16:46. From Mark: Thanks. I feel better now after prayers and have got enough rest. Thanks once again for the good news about the trip. God bless you. M The Team Set Off For Yemen28th Sept 2016. 18:21. From John: Thanks Will. Already we have crossed in to Southern Sudan. Hopefully by Friday night we shall be in Egypt. 28th Sept 2016. 18:25. From Rhoda: THE EVANGELISM TEAM ARE IN JUBA NOW. SATURDAY SHOULD FIND THEM IN EGYPT. 7 angels have said. 29th Sept 2016. 17:19. From John: Evangelism team / Border crossings. Thanks Will. We are six in two vans. Mark, Vuga, Nthekelezu, Burka, myself, Pamela. Burka is a new MM brother from Somalia, he is a great driver. Pamela is a sister from Burundi. We have carried with us MM lits for God's work. From Kenya to Sudan, the borders are tightly manned but with the MM Faith lit opened in front of the vans we are flagged through by the border security officials. It may look impossible before men in normal circumstances but God has been faithful. He honours the MM Faith lit. God bless. 29th Sept 2016. 17:24. From Rhoda: MALCOLM, MALCOLM, MANY MM OPPOSERS ARE ANNOYED WITH HOW THE FOT WENT ON SUCCESSFULLY IN NDHIWA AT MARK'S PLACE. THEY HAVE STARTED REPORTING FALSEHOOD. WHEN YOU RECEIVE SUCH LETTERS IGNORE, IGNORE, IGNORE ALL. THE TEAM OF SIX IN TWO VANS ARE ALREADY APROACHING THE SUDAN / EGYPT BORDER. 7 angels have said that now. 29th Sept 2016. 17:31. From Fatu’s phone: Arrest warranty. Be informed that your vans have been spotted in Sudan heading Egypt. The fools in them will not come back alive and all those two vans will be ours. How did you organised a FOT in Kenya and yet you claimed to be not having enough money? I am Colonel Kiamboga. You killed my sister Fatu, okay get ready to meet my wrath. This is a serious move, take care. 29th Sept 2016. 20:52. To John: Thanks for the info. And are you back in the routine of no sleep, just only 15 minutes rest each day? And no solid food, just milk and water? That will be a new experience for the others. 30th Sept 2016. 9:37. From John: Thanks Will. It is so. They have just to train to do what God requires us to do. We are in Egypt. God bless. 30th Sept 2016. 10:15. From Rhoda: MALCOLM, IT WAS BETTER BOTH THE VANS GO. THOUGH IT IS GOD'S MISSION, THE TEAM WILL GET ARRESTED IN YEMEN BUT WILL MANAGE TO ESCAPE IN ONE VAN. THE OTHER VAN WITH LITS WILL BE LEFT BEHIND AND GOD WILL PICK A YEMENI MAN TO USE THE VAN TO SPREAD THE MM GOSPEL OF TRUTH. 7 angels have said that to me now. 12:05. Reply: Amazing. Thanks. Have you sent it to John and the team? 30th Sept 2016. 16:07. From Rhoda: MALCOLM, THE EVANGELISM TEAM MUST NOT BE GIVEN THE INFORMATION. THEY SHOULD JUST BE ENCOURAGED TO MOVE ON. 7 angels have said that to me now. Comment: You will see later that the team didn’t leave one van in Yemen on this occasion, so that prophecy is for a future trip, hence they were not to be told about it now. Comment: If you read the article Short, Sharp, and Shocking, you will see this outreach to Yemen, Saudi Arabia, and all the other countries predicted in a dream to Helena in 2010. Three years later the outreach was notched up a gear. Who would want to go to Yemen, a completely Muslim country, right in the midst of war? Without God’s protection, it would be a suicide mission! 2nd October 2016. 20:12. From John: Thanks to God. Travel in Egypt has been difficult following a big burial in Israel of Peres former prime minister. There are checkpoints on all major roads but with MM Faith lits in the vans the police simply flag us through to pass. We are in Cairo and God willing we shall be in Jordan by tomorrow afternoon. 3rd October 2016. 9:09. Reply: Thanks for the news. What happened at the border crossing from Sudan into Egypt? How many border guards were there, and how did you pass through? Who was driving the vans at the time? 18:47. From John: Wadi Halfa in Sudan to Aswan in Egypt. For normal vehicles crossing this border is almost impossible. Vehicles must pay a hefty fee and have special stickers. We managed to cross using the MM Faith lits. [God makes these look to officials like the required paperwork.] Vuga drove the first van as Mark drove the second. On the Wadi Halfa side we had 6 customs duty officials while on the Aswan side there were around 9 officials. We’re in Jordan. Visiting A Jordanian Prison3rd October 2016. 8:15. From Rhoda: MALCOLM, MALCOLM, TODAY BY MIDDAY THE EVANGELISM TEAM WILL BE DELIVERING THE MM MESSAGE IN JORDAN PRISONS. INFORM THEM TO TAKE ONLY TODAY AND TOMORROW IN JORDAN PRISONS. WHAT THEY HAVE IN THE KITTY SHOULD TAKE THEM UP TO SATURDAY NIGHT THIS WEEK. THEY MUST NOT ACCEPT ANY FOOD FROM PEOPLE THEY DON'T TRUST FOR THERE IS A PLAN TO POISON THEM. WATER AND MILK ONLY TO BE THEIR MEALS. 7 angels have said that to me now. 19:40. To John, Mark, cc Rhoda: I am intrigued to know how you gain access to the prisons, because surely the Jordanian authorities wouldn't normally allow Christians into their Muslim jails with the intent to introduce Christian ideology. 4th October 2016. 10:57. From John: Al Akabah prison. Entry is truly not easy but this is a divine encounter. With the MM Faith lits opened we passed through two tightly manned gates. Inside, the police guarding the inmates started to shake with fear and allowed us to preach to the inmates, all Muslims. They were amazed at the written words in MM lits. We left when 11 inmates had accepted the truth. We wanted to give out lits but the officer in charge Algokhuri Islaimi refused. 13:27. Reply: ...How did you know where to go? 18:20. John’s reply: Thanks to God, we get led by the 7 Angels in white mists. The appearing of the white mists gives us the route to follow. 14:44. Further: Christian missionaries are not welcome in Muslim countries, and they certainly aren't allowed into Muslim jails to evangelise! The only time Christians get into Muslim jails is when they are arrested and incarcerated, but they rarely come out alive. In the worst cases they are tortured to death. So, what God is doing is unusual, to say the least. 18:23. John’s reply: God is unique in His doings. He honours the MM lit. 4th October 2016. 12:57. From Rhoda: THE TEAM MUST BE READY TO MEET OPPOSITION FOLLOWING WHAT GOD HAS PERFORMED THROUGH MM LITS IN JORDAN. TONIGHT, TOMORROW AND THURSDAY THEY MUST GO ON WITH EVANGELISM IN CITIES. THE EVANGELISM ACCOUNT MUST BE REPLENISHED WITH MORE MONEY BEFORE FRIDAY FOR WHAT THEY HAVE CAN ONLY TAKE THEM UP TO SATURDAY NIGHT. NOW A GROUP OF MUSLIMS ARE PLANNING TO ENGAGE THEM IN A QUESTION SESSION. 7 angels have said now. [After my comment above at 14:44, Rhoda wrote:] 4th October 2016. 15:35. From Rhoda: GOD IS PLEASED WITH MM LITS EVANGELISM. THAT'S WHY EVEN IN TIGHTLY GUARDED BORDER POINTS THE MM LITS PASS THROUGH. THERE ARE MORE STILL IN THE OFFING. 7 angels have said that to me now. 16:10. Reply: I am intrigued by how the angels phrase some things to you in English. "Offing": In the offing means not far away; likely to appear or happen soon – something that will come into view soon, as one gets closer to it. When the angels appear to you, what form do they appear in? Some people see them in very bright light. Others see them as translucent and can almost see through them. 17:59. From Rhoda: ANGELS. The Angels appear in very bright light. Comment: Today another one of our chickens died after being attacked by demons for several weeks. Helena has been pushing at the demons day after day, for hour after hour, clearing them off her, but there were so many that came, wave after wave, that eventually the poor bird died. This is a sacrifice, and illustrates the size of the confrontation in the spirit realm which we are battling against. These demons stop people doing what they should. They cloud minds with wrong thinking and wrong responses. They inject fears, unbelief, and other negative impulses. And if you give in to them, you become useless in God’s hands. That’s why it’s essential to continually fight against them in your mind. If you don’t, if you are placid, lazy, laid back like Laodicea, that complacency will destroy you. You’ll end up like the chicken, which was sacrificed to illustrate this iniquity. The Team’s Lives On The Line In Jordan5th October 2016. 8:10. From John: Confrontation. A group of 11 Imams have engaged us in a conversation, threatening to take us to jail for preaching Christianity in their territory. The debate is heated. Send us prayers. Friday is their holy day and they threaten us that we are kaffirs, and order us to leave before Friday. God bless. 8:46. Reply: Yes. There has been a lot of intercession, so obviously a lot of demonic stuff is being pushed away. God is in charge, despite their protests. 5th October 2016. 11:05. From Rhoda: THE EVANGELISM TEAM MUST CLEAR THE PRISON PROGRAMME TODAY WEDNESDAY FOR A GROUP OF IMAMS ARE PLANNING TO ORGANISE FOR THEIR ARREST TOMORROW THURSDAY. 7 angels have said that to me now. 5th October 2016. 10:15. To John: ...How you do you converse with these Imams? What language do they speak to you in? Is it in English? 11:09. John’s reply: They have a translator who does it in English. They are very bitter. God bless. 5th October 2016. 12:15. To John: When you preached to the prison inmates, how did they manage to understand your language?... 13:36. From John: The foreign language here is English, a police translator did it from Arabic. God bless. 19:52. From John: We visited two prisons – in Al Aqabah city and Ma'an city. The Imams confronted us today in Ma'an. The arguments became even hotter so we moved to Alkarak town this night. These people can accept the MM truth but fear is evident that the Muslim leaders are completely antichristianity. The kitty has little money to take us up to the weekend. Life is very difficult here [their lives were under threat], but we must accomplish God's calling. 6th October 2016. 8:53. From John: Last night God killed 4 members of the team that gave us a hectic time yesterday. We had to flee to the capital city... Will, our kitty is almost dry and this region is very hostile. God bless. 15:06. Reply: How do you know that 4 were killed? 6th October 2016. 17:46. From John: The one who looked like their leader came to us today morning and complained bitterly. Already the police have been given orders to arrest us but we can't fear. God bless. 19:38. Reply: The police will get a shock as well if they try and arrest you. It was God who killed those four who opposed Him, and if the police want to try and oppose Him, I wouldn't be surprised if they get the same treatment. This is the Last Call, and God is not messing. 6th October 2016. 23:26. To John: We hope to be able to send you some more money Friday afternoon. I’m surprised that the £3k has already gone. I guess wherever you go people are overcharging you for what you have to buy. Comment: Yesterday, Bob S was able to send £200 to John. He was surprised that such money was available. God is continually surprising us to make things possible, even though the situation is desperate. I am ‘horrified’ at the amount of money these trips cost! But God is in charge, and it’s the price we have to pay to reach those whom God is calling. Jesus gave His all for us, so what right do we have to ever question the cost He wants us to bear for Him? None. God Blinds And Then Kills Hostile Police In Jordan8th October 2016. 11:26. From John: Friday souk (market) in Wakalat Street, Amman. Glory be to God of gods for granting us this great opportunity here in Jordan. Yesterday we had a very busy day here in the busy streets of Amman. Friday is a market day here. We did the most brave move, we aired the MM lits and had a sort of open air crusade preaching the risen Christ. To the Muslim diehards it was the strangest thing in their land. God's Spirit guided us to place seven MM Faith lits around the vans, then took only two hours to do the preaching reading direct from the MM lit Faith: Raising Our Level Of Expectation. The preaching started at 1 pm and ended at 2:27 pm. A group of Imams whose members died then came with 5 police officers to arrest us but to their surprise all the officers lost their eyesight on reaching where we were. The officers then begged us to restore their sight but we couldn't because HE IS THE GREAT I AM WHO CLOSED THEIR EYES. Many people came to witness what was happening. We couldn't move out for the street was filled with people. This morning seven people have joined us for the Sabbath. 11:50. Reply: Fascinating. What language did you speak to the people in? Do most understand English? 8th Oct 2016. 16:50. From John: Life in this city is similar to life in Africa, English is the main foreign language used here. We use English in our contacts. 8th Oct 2016. 14:42. From Abdullah Ryadh [abdulrydh@gmail.com]: am watching how these idiots are moving be very careful they won't be back to Africa. we have warn them to stop these useless outreach. Comment: I got ‘stabbed’ in the appendix [by demons] as I came to the PC to open up e-mails and this one was there. This sort of intimidation is stupid. 8th October 2016. 14:45. To John: What happened to the policemen who were blinded? Do you know? 17:14. John’s reply: Right now two women [have come]. One, Hamis bin Issaquah the wife of one of the police officers has come to us... 10th Oct 2016. 9:30. From John: The women gave us a testimony of how their husbands died when they wanted to kill us for doing God's work. 10th October 2016. 6:49. From John: It seems there is likelihood of a problem with WU over there because I can't collect the money Wilfred sent. Please let him check with WU over there to ascertain the source of the problem. 10:39. To John: This is the latest. Is there another person there who has ID who can collect for you? They are refusing to send to you, because of this stupid block the police over here have put against us sending to you... 10:53. From John: Use the name Suleiman.. 10th October 2016. 11:12. From Rhoda: THE EVANGELISM TEAM IS STRANDED IN AMMAN. WU HAVE BLOCKED THE TRANSFER TO JOHN. LET THE MONEY GO THROUGH DRIVER SULEIMAN, TO HELP THEM MOVE ON. 7 angels have said that to me now. 10th October 2016. 11:16. From John: Thanks Will. How far has Wilfred gone? Is there hope?... 11:28. Many people have come here wanting to stone us, they are demanding that we leave here before night. We are not afraid for God is in control. God bless. 12:02. To John: You'll be OK. Wilfred is getting it sorted now. [Then Rhoda’s came in:] 10th October 2016. 11:55. From Rhoda: MALCOLM, MALCOLM, MALCOLM, TALK TO THE EVANGELISM TEAM AND ENCOURAGE THEM TO GO ON WITH EVANGELISM, GOD IS THE VICTOR. NO ONE WILL EVER BLOCK MM EVANGELISM. MALCOLM, ENCOURAGE THEM. 7 angels have said that to me now. The Rabid Mob Wants To Stone Them12:05. From John: [It’s understandable why they’re panicking, with many people surrounding the vans, taunting them and wanting to stone them!] Thanks Will. It is only two hours remaining before the shop is closed. It seems the WU have refused to refund the money back to brother Wilfred. May God's will be done. God bless. 12:17. Reply: We've got demons all over things here, blocking my PC, making it take ages to send, upsetting everything they can. You'll have to be patient. It will get sorted. No one can mock God and get away with it. But we have to fight these sods off using spiritual gifts to clear the decks. It is being done now. You'll be OK. Wilfred is at the WU place doing it. God is a Master of timing. His deliverance usually comes at the last remaining moment. [The money came through just in time and John was finally able to collect it.] 12:16. From Mark: ...Someone is threatening our lives known as Ryadh but he won't succeed. God bless. 12:32. Reply: Yes, this idiot below is wanting to fight God, like you say, and God will destroy him. 10th Oct 2016. 19:02. From Abdullah Ryadh [abdulrydh@gmail.com]: Tell these people to leave here as soon as possible fail to which they will face the full force of law. They will even loose these old van's and soon they will be unroad worthy. You are the most idiot! 20:20. Reply: No. I don't give them orders. God does. So it seems you have a grudge against God who sent them to your country. Your complaint is now directed towards God and HE will answer you. I suggest you back off and leave us alone, or what occurred to the policemen who tried to mount an arrest could well happen to you. 11th Oct 2016. 5:48. From Abdullah Ryadh [abdulrydh@gmail.com]: Whom are you talking to like that, do you think am your biological mother? Me I don't care I'll tear you into pieces. Do you think I don't know where you live? Wait and see what am capable of doing. Fool! 9:10. Reply: Who are you? The Grand Mufti of Mentaltown? For your own good, I must warn you that if you try and kill us, you will be killed by God. God is all-powerful and pure. You are breathing out vile hostilities against Him. So, you can understand why He will not tolerate your threats and abuse. 11:58. Reply to Ryadh: [His insults in << >>, followed by my response.] << You are mentally ill and I don't think you are at your senses. >> Thank you for your insults. << I know you live in UK in a very decent house yet you sent these poor, hungry people who can not even afford a meal nor even a place to sleep to interfere with our religion. Why can't you come and do it yourself? >> Because God has called those whom you complain about to have that privilege of receiving your nastiness. God sent them, so you object to the Almighty God coming into your region to talk to you. << I'll make life very tight for both of you if you don't abide by the lslamic law. We can not entertain such nonsense take them to UK or E. Africa. Am warning you to stop interfering with our peace. We rule with a fist of iron and we don't care human life >> Yes. That's just what's wrong with Islam. You have said it yourself. It does not promote love and co-operation, only hate and intolerance. Look at what it has spawned across the world and the Middle East – the end result is mayhem and destruction. Look at the factions of Islam fighting one another in Syria, and in Yemen. Look at the utter violation of human dignity and life wherever Islam holds power. Its misogynistic philosophy puts down women as second rate. It breeds intolerance and injustice because Islamic powermongers exert power for selfish ends, not for righteous ends. Islam has no proper code of righteous conduct. It has no moral code of the Ten Commandments to live by, to protect it from demonic inroads. It is a religion of empty human works, without any power of the Spirit of God. You have witnessed some of the POWER of the Spirit of God on Friday 7th October 2016 when those Jordanian policemen tried to arrest God's servants and they got blinded and then killed by God for what they did. They were upholding the rule of Islamic law which does not tolerate open Christian teaching. That's what God thinks of your misguided Islamic law. It is a sham. It is not true law, but counterfeit. The true Law was given to Moses on Jebel el Lawz in Arabia, the true Mount Sinai (not the counterfeit misnamed that by Constantine's wife Helena). We come with the POWER of God that cannot be resisted for long, so give up your foolish mistaken idea that Allah is God. Allah is not the true God, never has been and never will be. The true God had the Bible written for humanity's benefit, to learn about true righteousness that brings peace. All you bring in Islam is intolerance, an empty dead religion, hatred and war. So, thanks for your offer to convert to Islam and acknowledge Allah. I acknowledge 'him' as the bringer of discord, and what people don't really want if they only knew what would bring their peace. Since you have given me an invitation, I reciprocate. Here is a piece I have previously written to expose what is wrong with Islam: The fruit of murder, oppression and injustice is growing all over Islam's tree. It's not what God wants! It's not right! I do not condemn Muslims who know no better, but what is to be condemned is teaching that promotes violence and intolerance... [I also inserted the remainder of pages 5-7 of The Last Call To All Muslim Nations, but have omitted that here.] So, you see, you could be my friend instead of my foe, if you listened to reason and were willing to humble yourself to accept Jesus as your Saviour who died to pay the price of your sins. Without Him you have no existence. Your life cannot endure without Him. It is Islam that needs to recognise Jesus, not Jesus who needs to recognise Islam. You have got things back to front. There is no cleansing from sin, no forgiveness of sin, apart from accepting the sacrificial death of Jesus who died without ever having sinned. He paid the price of sin, which is death. And your hatred of Christians, of Christianity, of Jesus, and of the true God who sent Him to earth to die for humanity's sake, is a monumental sin for which death is the penalty. Do you want death, or do you want life? Jesus is placing that choice before you now. I will send you separately after this the whole publication "The Last Call To All Muslim Nations" in pdf file so you can publish it in your newspapers there, and tell it to the nation. This is your chance. Your last chance. God bless. Malcolm 14:56. His reply: Who is Jesus? 15:42. My reply: If you had read what I wrote to you below, you would know. I explained who Jesus is. I said He is: "the sinless Son of God, [who came to earth] to die for humanity, so that you and I could be forgiven our sins." Who are you? 16:04. His reply: I am an imam. We only know of Allah and Mohammed. 17:05. My reply: I hope you are able to view and read this attachment OK [Why Is Jesus Lord?]. It is a booklet about Jesus and the power He exerts today. God bless M 19:49. His reply: I don't think you can lure me into Christianity. I was born a Muslim. 21:44. My reply: No, you're right there. So you will die in your sins. 19:30. From John: He [Abdullah] is power hungry but he can't stand in God's way, he can't block MM. These people even hike for us prices of water, milk and fuel to make us lose hope but our God is great. God bless. 12th October 2016. 8:42. From Abdullah: So you called me a sinner yet have been imam for 19 years. I give sermon every Friday in the mosque and you have that courage to insult me. It's ok. 9:15. Reply: Moses was a prophet in about 1500 BC (3,500 years ago!). You can read in the Koran that Moses was a prophet of God. God gave Moses the 10 Commandments on Mount Sinai. Those commandments define sin in basic terms by what is not lawful. One of those commandmens says humans are not to kill. Only God has that right to take life because He is the giver of life. But you try to kill us, so that is your sin, amongst other things. The two rogue policemen who arrested God's servants yesterday evening, were killed by God last night at midnight. There you have the sign that we serve the true God who holds life and death in His hands. Either you acknowledge Him as the true God and worship Him instead of Allah, or you will die in your sins. That is the judgement from the Heavenly Court. God Kills Two Attackers: The Team Escape12th October 2016. 8:55. From John: We got arrested yesterday evening by rogue police. Two died at midnight. We are moving out of Jordan for the situation is worse, God bless. We are moving to Iraq. 9:30. Reply: Glad to know that you are free of those rogues. I guess Abdullah Ryadh set that up, intending to kill you all. But God has promised that no weapon formed against us will prosper, and that no one will be able to stop God's Work. What have you been doing, yesterday and the day before? 12th October 2016. 9:52. From John: We reached many people. God honored the MM lits in four cases where people got healed... 13th October 2016. 6:30. From John: Glory be to God. At last we are in Iraq. We reached many people in Amman till a group organized by rogue police ordered us to leave. A hand grenade was thrown at us on three ocassions but they failed to explode. A mad woman who was naked came to our meeting, her head was touched with a Faith lit and she became well. Next a boy with chronic Malaria too got healed. Then the group started claiming that we use satanic powers to dislodge Islam in the world. At midnight the two police officers who tried to arrest us first lost their eyesight then died of hot coal. That's when we moved out very fast. We got followed by two blue cars up to the border but we escaped. God bless. 13th October 2016. 7:40. From John: Thanks Will. The two women whose husbands came to attack us explained to us that the Imams are not happy with MM and are busy working away to destroy all the vans and kill evangelists. Their husbands were paid billions to come and kill us. They leaked to us that Yemen is even worse if we step in it. We are planning to start our journey to Yemen tonight . We require an additional £530 to move on. 13th October 2016. 8:52. From Rhoda: "THE EVANGELISM TEAM MUST MOVE OUT OF IRAQ NOW AND GO STRAIGHT TO YEMEN. GOD'S ANGELS ARE ALREADY IN YEMEN TO CLEAR THE TURBULENT WAY AND MAKE IT CLEAN. AT LEAST AN EXTRA £700 IS ENOUGH TO KEEP THEM UP TO TUESDAY NEXT WEEK." 7 angels have said that to me now. Comment: We managed to scrape together £500. 13th October 2016. 8:31. From John: The women told us how Ryadh visited houses in Amman and warned people not to welcome us but God went ahead of us and his plans failed. 13th October 2016. 17:18. From Mark: This man called Abdullah is very dangerous. He is capable of doing anything but our God will protect us... 13th October 2016. 16:10. From Abdullah: Will you ask these poor people to leave here as soon as possible? Because failure to which I'll make life unbearable for them. Yemen, A Tough Assignment15th Oct 2016. 17:34. From John: Yemen border, so tightly guarded. Glory to God. We are in a very very tight situation being trailed by three black cars with armed men. They tried to bomb the vans but God prevented it and no bomb exploded. We trust God to allow us in to Yemen tomorrow morning. 15th Oct 2016. 20:01. From John: Between Al Harajah and Dhahran. [On highway 15.] We are between the above places on the Saudi side a few kms to the Yemen border. We asked some people and the names sounded like that. 16th October 2016. 9:13. From John: Managed to cross in to Yemen but there is war going on at the border with Saudi Arabia. We are trying to settle in a place, then send the report of how miraculously God brought us in here. It is pathetic here. God bless. 11:47. Reply: Yes. There are some reports on our news over here about the war there. Saudi Arabia is fighting against some in Yemen. It's a religious war: one faction of Islam fighting another. It's symptomatic of the intolerance and aggression that underlies Islam. Rhoda's report follows this. God is taking care of you all. The angels are protecting the mission. Whatever happens is what God allows, as you know. 16th October 2016. 9:21. From Rhoda: "THE EVANGELISM TEAM IS IN YEMEN. THE GROUND IS NOT FRIENDLY BUT THE ANGELS ARE COVERING THE VANS. ATTEMPTS BY THE ENEMY TO KILL THEM HAVE FAILED. THEY REQUIRE MORE MONEY BY TUESDAY AFTERNOON." 7 angels have said that to me now. 16th October 2016. 12:43 From John: Yemen. We got arrested last night by the Yemeni police at the border. At first they thought that we were fighters from Saudi Arabia. We were taken deep inside Yemen and we still don't know the name of this town. We have blocked their attempts to beat us up by blocking them with opened MM Faith lit. Up to now three policemen have lost their eyesights by looking straight at the opened MM Faith lits. We are all out of the vans, surrounding the vans with the MM Faith lits. God bless. 17th October 2016. 9:14. From John: We have been freed and given 7 hours to leave Yemen but one van, the new one, is held by these warmongers. We have vowed not to leave God’s van behind. Our kitty is dry, we need a little more money to help us move on after getting back the van. There is a good man here who has tried to help us get our van back, Yousef bin Kaiser Mihari. This place is Amran. 17th October 2016. 9:52. From Rhoda: "THE EVANGELISM TEAM IS IN A DIRE SITUATION IN YEMEN NOW. ONE VAN IS IN THE CUSTODY OF THE UNGODLY. AT LEAST SOME MONEY TO REACH THEM FOR THEY WILL HAVE TO MOVE BACK TO THE BORDER WITH SAUDI ARABIA NOW. GOD WILL HAND BACK THE VAN." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 10:28. To John: Wilfred Smith has sent you £300... 17th October 2016. 10:32. To John: Thanks. I got yours. Have you got the van back yet? 10:36. J’s Reply: Not yet, the van is still in their custody. 18th October 2016. 10:40. From John: Thanks Will. We have faced these ungodly with our Faith lits. Four passed on at midnight. It is evident God is fighting for us. We can't leave the van behind. More reports tonight. God is great. 12:11. Reply: Thanks for the news. Where are you meant to go after Yemen? I presume it is through Saudi Arabia to various mosques to deliver The Last Call, and then back home. Doubtless the angels will give directions... 18th October 2016. 18:12. From John: Glory be to our Almighty God for this far He has stood around us magnificently. God is great. Praise Jesus. 19th October 2016. 9:27. From John: Last night God struck 3 more when they removed all the four wheels from the van. We have captured the van but it can't move. 11:10. From John: All died after losing their eyesight. There is a man in a garage here who has accepted to sell to us wheels at £1220. But we have turned his offer down, it is expensive. God bless. 19th October 2016. 12:21. From Abdullah Ryadh: I warned you to inform these little brats to leave us alone with your silly doctrine but you took it lightly. Already we have removed the tyres and soon and we might remove the engine. I'll not spare anybody including you so you better come for there salvation. 14:26. Reply: What is silly about the doctrine of the Almighty God? Are you greater than our God? Ridiculous!! So, how dare you call His doctrine "silly"?!! It is you who are silly if you can't understand what goodness is. So, instead of accepting goodness, you oppose it and perpetrate evils such as stealing, hatred, attempted murder, kidnap, etc. Where does your Koran say that such evils are to be applauded? Who is the one with "silly doctrine"?! Our "silly doctrine" causes your men to be killed by our God. Seven have died so far. You need to reappraise your silly doctrine that espouses violence, threats, intimidation and worse. World peace will never be achieved by following such deception. OK, you want a fight, do you? I'll meet you at midnight then. 19th October 2016. 14:34. To John: The one good man there whom you mentioned the other day, do you have contact with him? If so, you could ask him to try and get the wheels back for you. 19th October 2016. 17:07. From Abdullah Ryadh: You are day dreaming, I want to meet you in person. I'll tear you into pieces. Big fool! 17:21. Reply: I shall meet you at midnight. Tear me into pieces, will you? That's a wonderful attitude. Do I take that it is Muslim idealism? 19th October 2016. 18:34. From Abdullah Ryadh: If you are not careful I may come for you so watch out your utterance. 18:58. Reply: Oooooh! You've got me quaking. You can do what you like, but you won't be able to stop us, and you won't be able to kill me while God has a job for me to do. So I suggest you back off before God strikes you dead for opposing His Work on earth. Like I said, meet me at midnight, and you will know the power and righteous indignation of our God. 20th October 2016. 5:31. From John: Tyre issue. It is sad news here, the good guy who was to help us get the tyres was shot dead last night by the enemies. God bless. 9:23. Reply: Maybe God would raise him from the dead. We have to wait and see. I have asked God to strike dead Abdullah Ryadh. Obviously, this standoff is what God is using to publicise MM's presence, so people get to know. When sufficient evil has been perpetrated by these evil thugs, then God will finish them off and the mission can proceed, as you know from previous episodes. God bless. 20th October 2016. 11:27. From Abdullah Ryadh: Idiot. 11:30. From Abdullah Ryadh: Nonsense. A fool of the highest order. Have been waiting for your miracle at midnight till now. 11:46. Reply: Sorry, I got held up because the bus service was poor. Meet you later. Maybe tonight if I can fit it in. 20th October 2016. 14:12. From John: We are visiting mosques here today as we wait for God's miracle to get us the van wheels. God is able to bring down all these our enemies. We have visited 3 mosques by now. God bless. 20th October 2016. 16:17. From John: We received horrible opposition in the fifth mosque here when armed youths with guns surrounded us chanting words that we couldn't understand well. We raised opened MM Faith lits and they ran in different directions after their guns jammed. 18:45. Reply: Well done. Not an easy task but rewarded highly in heaven. It takes a bit of guts to face these yobs. 20th October 2016. 16:31. From Abdullah Ryadh: Hurry up. 17:26. Reply: OK, keep your hair on. What's the hurry? We've got more mosques to which we need to deliver The Last Call To Muslim Nations which explains about what's wrong with Islam, and why it is NOT the true religion, and about how you can find the true God through Jesus Christ. So why hurry...? 21st October 2016. 5:07. From John: If we can get at least £480 we can fix the tyres using secondhand wheels which are relatively cheap here. Yemen: God Kills Four By firebolts21st October 2016. 5:16. From Rhoda: "AT LEAST £545 TO REACH THE EVANGELISM TEAM TO BUY WHEELS TO HELP THEM MOVE OUT TO SAUDI ARABIA. THE ANGELS OF GOD HAVE REFUSED TO LET THE VAN BE LEFT IN YEMEN. THAT MONEY IS ENOUGH TO BUY THE SECONDHAND WHEELS. ALREADY FOUR YOUTHS WHO TRIED TO SHOOT AT THE TEAM HAVE DIED." 7 Angels have said to me now. 21st October 2016. 9:43. From John: Yes, a man has come to us secretly and told us that four youths died last night out of firebolts after losing eyesight. If we can replace these wheels then by night we hope to be in Saudi Arabia. 21st October 2016. 13:01. From Rhoda: "THE EVANGELISM TEAM MUST LEAVE YEMEN AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, A VERY BIG GANG IS READY TO ATTACK THEM BADLY. THE TEAM SHOULD MOVE ON." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: Later in the day, £330.20 was sent. It was all folks were able to pool together. The fees had to be taken out of the funds, because of complete lack here. So we are still short of the mark by about £215. It may have come too late to get them mobile today. I am concerned about this, because John needs to have enough to get the wheels, and get out of there before the mob come. It’s bad enough holding off several murderous gunmen by wielding Faith booklets against them, but it’s even more stressful holding off a large mob of violent incendiaries! May God hold them off and hamper their advance, to delay them enough till the team escapes! That’s my prayer. “Give the opponents punctures, illness, disorientation so they go the opposite way, anything to frustrate their evil plan!” 21st October 2016. 10:59. From Abdullah Ryadh: I'll burn all these vans soon. 12:06. Reply: That’s nice of you. 21st October 2016. 11:31. From John: We shall go on with visiting mosques today though opposition is evident. 21st October 2016. 11:39. From Abdullah Ryadh: Don't try us and never step your dirty feet into our Holy mosques. son of a bitch! 12:09. Reply: There's nothing holy about a mosque. It's just a building, built by sinful men. Only God and what He makes are holy. Your insult of hatred "son of a bitch" is quite flattering, and exposes the satanic spirit which dominates your evil mind which desires to do evil. So, like I said you will die in your sins unless you repent of your evil. 21st October 2016. 13:37. To John: I haven't got anything to send towards the wheel cost. I'm still waiting to hear from others who may be able to help. The ones who have replied so far have nothing to send. Can you get the wheels fixed on credit, John? And pay the guy later? 21st October 2016. 14:08. From John: Thanks Will. The mechanic has refused. It will force us to stay put. God can't allow the enemies to finish us. 15:01. Reply: Vivian has managed £200, but that's all we can find at the moment. Will that help get you on the road? I have asked God to hold up the enemies till you get fixed. Yes, you are right. He will rescue us. 21st October 2016. 21:23. From Abdullah Ryadh: Do you think you are holy? Who gave you that courage to speak ill about Muslim? Start morning your people now. Are You insulting Allah? 23:00 Reply: Your hatred is vile. You are intolerant, hostile, bigoted, full of hatred for Christians and for the true God who reveals Himself in the Bible. Isn't it a contrast how Christian ministers will put up with or tolerate people practising Islam, but Imams like you are completely hostile to Christianity? Yet, you can't see your own fault in that regard. You don't allow people any freedom of choice, or respect their right to their own views. And then you resort to violence and murder to maintain your illicit rule of intolerance and bigotry. We see the evils you practice, wanting to violently attack and murder people who love the true God and Jesus the Saviour of the world! So we are only describing what you are doing. We mean you no harm. But we speak the truth, and for that you hate me. Comment: About the money situation: Bob S has managed to send the other needed £240+ to John. Relief! 23rd October 2016. 11:27. From Abdullah Ryadh: Count 7 hrs as from now and you will hear what will happen after that. 23rd October 2016. 14:59. From John: Already in Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia: God Kills 7 GunmenAnd Declares 35 More To Die Tonight24th October 2016. 17:55. From John: Thanks Will. Our God is great. The seven armed men which I believe are Ryadh's have been involved in exchange of open fire killing each other when they were aiming at us. It has happened ten minutes ago. Sounds of gunshots filled the air. Today we have visited five mosques. The seven [gunmen] were part of the big group that chased us all the way from Yemen. God is great. 24th October 2016. 18:04. From Rhoda: "ALL THE 35 TRAINED MEN WHO FOLLOWED THE MM TEAM FROM YEMEN TO KILL THEM WILL ALL BE KILLED BY GOD TONIGHT. ALREADY THE ANGELS HAVE CONFUSED SEVEN WHO HAVE SHOT EACH OTHER DEAD IN AN ATTEMPT TO SHOOT AT THE VANS. THE KITTY SHOULD HAVE AT LEAST £900 BY TOMORROW NOON FOR THE TEAM MUST VISIT MORE MOSQUES, PRISONS AND MARKETS TOMORROW AND WEDNESDAY. ON FRIDAY NIGHT THE TEAM MUST MOVE BACK TO SOUTH SUDAN WHERE WAR IS ON NOW AND MANY ARE GREATLY SUFFERING." 7 Angels have said that now.
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