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Mighty Miracles Of God Volume 9
121In South Sudan's War Zone
Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for You are with me... (Psalm 23:4)
On Thursday 27th October, when the team were held captive in Mecca, there was a terrific amount of intercession which accompanied the angels’ dealing with the team’s captors. The team then escaped and the six captors died, four of them stuffing money into their mouths in their madness. That night, after Helena had finished her bout of intercession into the early hours of the morning, a light bulb blew out in the bathroom next to where Helena sleeps. The light was not on; so there was no electricity flowing through it. It was a demonic attack, an outburst of anger at what ‘we’ had achieved by being in Mecca, the hub of Islam. The glass shattered into hundreds of little sharp pieces, and the metal part of the light bulb was thrown out of the light fitment too. That was some force! Ryadh must have been counting all the men he had lost: 30th October 2016. 10:31. From Abdullah Ryadh: Are you willing to compensate us? 10:37. Reply: You should be willing to compensate us for attacking us and causing us damage and loss. Your evil men got what they deserved. Death is decreed upon anyone who tries to thwart the Work of the Almighty God. So, your days are numbered, too, since you don't want to compensate us and repent of your evildoings. Back Again In South Sudan30th Oct 2016. 14:48. From John: Thanks to God, in the next hour we shall be crossing into South Sudan. The report will reach you tonight. God bless. 30th October 2016. 15:02. From Rhoda: "THE VANS ARE IN SOUTH SUDAN. TONIGHT THE TEAM MUST BE ALERT FOR ATTACKERS ARE AROUND THEM. FUEL IN THEIR TANKS IS ALMOST OVER. THE KITTY IS DRY. THE TEAM MUST BE ALERT WITH MM FAITH LITS." 7 Angels have said. 30th October 2016. 17:46. From John: Already, armed people, very many, have blocked our vans to enter Juba. We are set with the MM Faith lits. 30th October 2016. 17:48. From Abdullah Ryadh: How do you need? 18:03. Reply: What do you mean? How much do I need from you in compensation? Is that what you are asking? 18:21. From Abdullah: Yes. 18:30. Reply: You have no intention of compensating us, except with another dose of your violence and evil. How many gunmen have you hired to block the road in Juba, so our vans can't pass? Do you want to see them all obliterated by God as well, like the previous mob? Comment: Fiona put forward £50 to assist John. It was all we could find. 31st October 2016. 7:31. From John: Thanks Will. We have entered Juba. We can't move around because our fuel is over and we have only £48 in the kitty. God bless. 8:54. Reply: We're trying to find some money at the moment. 9:27. What happened to the roadblock? 11:16. From John: [About Abdullah.] God will strike him dead. God bless. 11:33. To John: Is the roadblock still there? or did you clear them out of the way last night with Faith booklets? 11:53. From John: We faced the group blocking the road with opened MM Faith lits at midnight, and when they dispersed in different directions we passed and entered Juba. God bless. 31st October 2016. 1:01. From Abdullah Ryadh: Am ready to compensate you whatever amount you need? 8:55. Reply: Go on, then, get on with it. Get started to fulfil your words. You can decide what to begin with, and I'll tell you later when you have reached the point of acceptability. 31st October 2016. 14:32. From Abdullah Ryadh: Send me the account number. 31st October 2016. 15:38. From Abdullah Ryadh: Don't even think about sending the account number have changed my mind. Have realized you are a thief that is how you still from people. I'll deal with them accordingly tonight. 12:08. To John: Have you found Oloo and Riek's children? 31st October 2016. 15:20. From John: We trust to get to them now. [Wilfred also managed to send some money to John.] 17:50. From John: We are under heavy attack, surrounded by an armed group. 18:07. Reply: This attack is organised by Abdullah, I suspect. 31st October 2016. 17:57. From Rhoda: "THE EVANGELISM TEAM IS FACING AN ATTACK NOW. GOD WILL KILL 9 ATTACKERS. THE TEAM TO BE STEADFAST WITH FAITH LITS." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 31st October 2016. 18:14. To Abdullah Ryadh: OK, mate, you're going to get it in the ear tonight for your insolence in daring to attack the Living God, and servants of the Almighty One! Nine of your men will die. Comment: Wilfred was able to send £200 to John today. This comprised ‘scrapings’ from everyone who could ‘scrape’ their barrel: £55 from Fiona; £20 from Bob, £100 from Vivian and £35 from Wilfred (£10 fee). ...We are continually running so close to the wire... 26 More Gunmen Killed By God1st November 2016. 06:32. From John: Glory be to God. At midnight they opened fire shooting at us indiscriminately. We opened the MM Faith lits and faced them. God diverted the bullets and 9 died instantly as we watched. We then moved to where Oloo and Riek's children are. 9:49. Reply: Was 9 the total number of gunmen, or were there others who were not killed, and lived to tell the story? Last night, as Helena was interceding, she saw an ugly bearded face. That must have been Abdullah. So, she knew her intercession was being directed to his henchmen in your situation. 1st November 2016. 08:59. From Oloo: Thanks to God. We are rescued by the evangelism team. It is hot here but God is great. 1st November 2016. 09:10. From Rhoda: "AFTER THE GREAT RESCUE IN SOUTH SUDAN THE TEAM MUST GET READY TO VISIT SUKUMA LAND IN TANZANIA FOR ONE FULL WEEK. AT LEAST £4000 SHOULD BE IN THE BANK EVANGELISM ACCOUNT BY FRIDAY THIS WEEK. GOD IS NOT PLEASED WITH WITCHCRAFT IN THAT REGION. THE TEAM SHOULD VISIT WAR AFFECTED TOWNS IN SOUTH SUDAN TODAY UP TO FRIDAY NIGHT THEN MOVE OUT ON SUNDAY TO SUKUMA LAND. MORE ARMED MEN WILL BE KILLED BY GOD IN THE AFFECTED TOWNS." 7 Angels have said that now. 1st November 2016. 09:20. From John: A group has trailed us from morning. Oloo is leading us to visit areas where MM brothers are still stuck in war. We pray to God to bring down hot coal and wipe them out. God bless. 09:54. From John: [In answering mine of 9:49.] It was a big group roughly 20+ people. Some ran after the exchange of fire. God bless. 11:27. From John: Exchange of fire is on now. It is very dangerous. One man is down. 11:51. Reply: Who is shooting at whom? And who is replying with gunfire? 1st November 2016. 12:50. From John: Members of the group that was trailing us are engaged in a gun fight. We can count 6 dead by now. God has covered us from any stray bullets. God bless. 1st November 2016. 12:46. From Rhoda: "NO ONE WILL EVER STAND BEFORE MM. RIGHT NOW MM ENEMIES ARE FIGHTING THEMSELVES IN JUBA. BY MIDNIGHT 13 WILL BE DEAD. THEY ARE SENT TO KILL THE EVANGELISM TEAM MEMBERS BUT THEY WILL ALL PERISH. IN YEMEN Xxxxx Xxxxxx IS CHOSEN BY GOD TO DO EVANGELISM WORK. GOD TOUCHED HIM IN MECCA TO WORK FOR GOD. AFTER TANZANIA THE TEAM WILL REVISIT GOD TV IN ISRAEL THIS YEAR FROM 10TH TO 26TH DECEMBER." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 1st November 2016. 14:56. From John: Oh yes, Xxxx, a brown soft spoken young man. We gave him the MM lits in Mecca. 17:35. Reply: Is he Somali, do you think? 1st Nov 2016. 15:46. From John: We trust God to wipe out these trouble- makers here. We have very little fuel for tomorrow’s work, Thursday and Friday. People are truly suffering here. God willing we are going to triumph even in Tz. 1st November 2016. 14:12. To Abdullah Ryadh: Concede or die. Are you ready to concede that the God whom we represent is ALL POWERFUL, and that you have lost in this battle? 9 of your gunmen died last night at the hands of our Great God Almighty. 16:33. His reply: I’ll kill your men too. 17:37. Reply: No you won't. God will kill all the evil ones who come against MM, because it's HIS WORK and He defends His Work on earth. 1st November 2016. 17:20. From Oloo in S Sudan: God has worked miracles since the team arrived here. The enemies have turned against each other. God bless. 1st November 2016. 17:24. From John: Thanks Will. Have you heard about the Tunisia brothers? How are Helena, Tonya and others? I hope they are okay. We are on the move visiting our brothers in this war torn place. 17:46. Reply: The believers in Tunisia are doing well, getting dreams showing that time is very short, and that an Intifada is coming which will affect the nations of north Africa and the Middle East... We are all soldiering on, but it's not easy, because money is pitifully short, and each day we are attacked by demons as part of the duty we have to bear burdens so that the outreach can advance against the demonic enemies. 1st November 2016. 17:47. From Rhoda: "THE EVANGELISM KITTY IS ALMOST DRY AND TOMORROW THE TEAM MAY NOT BE ABLE TO MOVE AROUND. AT MIDNIGHT TONIGHT MORE ATTACKERS WILL BE KILLED BY GOD." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 1st November 2016. 19:33. From Abdullah Ryadh: Am warning you to stay out of Muslim dominated areas. 19:56. Reply: We don't take our orders from you. 2nd November 2016. 8:01. From John: We saw God kill the 17 armed men last midnight. Now we are without fuel hence can't move around. God bless. 2nd November 2016. 9:39. From Rhoda: "THE TEAM IS STRANDED. MALCOLM TO TALK TO THEM. GOD IS OPENING WAYS. THEY WILL RECEIVE MONEY AND MOVE ON." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 2nd November 2016. 10:04. From John: Though we can't move around, God has shown His might here by bringing down the armed people who tried to fight us. 2nd November 2016. 10:32. To John: There are always reasons why God allows situations like this, as you know. The first obvious one is to remind us that it is not us who are your providers, but God. Likewise, we have to depend upon Him for provision, because the human arm is too weak and too short. The second reason could be a local one, that God has a purpose for you to stay put there just for a while, but which we don't know about until that purpose is fulfilled. And there can be other reasons. God is testing His people. He tries our faith. So all this is tied up in the present situation. God has killed the 17 Muslim attackers last night who were sent to kill you, so it's not as though God has no ability to cope with the situation. Far from it!! And it's not as though we are lacking faith for Him to rescue us. That is also untrue. People with little understanding accuse us of being out of the will of God, because the funds are short. Yet those very people who should be helping us, instead of helping us and sending us a bit of money so we can fulfil God's Commission, stand back and criticise or find fault with us. They are not that submissive to the Spirit. So there is that aspect in this situation. He is wanting to help them see their failure, so they can repent and get ACTIVE in supporting His Work in this outreach aspect. It's the Last Call to Muslim Nations as the angels have averred. God bless. 11:54. To John: You saw God kill the 17 armed men. How did it happen? 12:09. From John: We got surrounded at midnight, but suddenly thick white mists covered us separating us from the attackers. Soon they started aiming at us in the vans with their guns. We pointed opened MM Faith lits at them. We heard gunshots, and come morning 17 bodies were collected as we watched. Faith And Perseverance Are Tested2nd November 2016. 11:27. From John: Now the only challenge is Sukuma land in Tanzania where MM lits will change the life order of witchcraft. God surely should stretch His arms to accomplish the mission. God willing we shall land there. We are studying MM lits together now. God bless. 2nd November 2016. 11:33. From Vuga: Hallo Will, we are stranded here. I don't see a way out to my motherland for there is no money. John has not briefed you about the situation. Since yesterday we haven't taken water and milk. We are dying. Thanks. 11:53. Reply: How can God leave you to be dying when He delivered you last night by killing 17 armed men? Jesus said: "O you of little faith!" And that applies to all of us. We have such little faith. We tend to look to the physical, rather than the spiritual. We can't see God's hand is there ready to help us, but He tests us first. Sacrifice precedes blessing, that's the spiritual principle. When we are willing to pay the price in ourselves, Jesus delivers. God has called us to put Him first, not ourselves. That’s the hardest lesson to learn in life. But He has been teaching it to us, hasn’t He? And the “Him” (explained in Matthew 24 and 25) is Comment: This mission in S Sudan was to deliver captives who have been persecuted for adhering to what MM brought them. The team reached some, but there were more to reach and they were stuck, unable to move on. 11:51. From Fatu’s e-mail: I am Amina. Malcolm your people [the MM team] killed our 27 youths in South Sudan and tonight will be the finale, we must revange. They are confused, hungry, it is clear their vans can't move. Shame on them. We have our powerful magicians in Sukuma land Tanzania who have promised to send us charm next week to kill you and your men. Get ready fooool. 12:19. Reply: You have your powerful magicians of the devil in Sukuma land, but we have the Spirit of the Almighty God. There is no contest! We have won. You have lost. So, back off, or you will see more dead. 2nd November 2016. 14:11. From Amina Abadla: Get me well Malcolm, it is the powerful magicians of Sukuma land that controls most activities in Africa, so watch your words. Your people can't eat, move or service the old vans and you boast, idiot. I can request our powerful magicians to send thunder now and destroy you now. poor begger,chain killer,nonstarter, look at you. Tonight the vans will go up in flames. 14:22. Reply: Go on then, you idiot! Just try! You'll see that the Almighty God, Jesus Christ, is far greater! Comment: One chicken that we keep separate from the others, called ‘Princess’, went into a dark place and hid, because she was obviously seeing demonic forms. She was utterly terrified! Helena had to clear the demons off her. 2nd November 2016. 14:41. To John: [Sent the Amina e-mail above.] This is a scenario like Israel at the Red Sea. The Egyptians thought that Israel had gone the wrong way and got boxed in against the water. They thought they had them cornered. So do these idiots think they have got us cornered. 14:41. From Amina Abadla: Will you go to Sukuma on foot?Idiot. Already I have known how you use hot coal to kill,what next ,dog. come on. 14:36. From Vuga: From Saturday 5th November every year the magicians in Sukuma always organise ceremonies in which human flesh is served to appease their gods... God has surprises. God bless. 15:13. From John: I trust God to provide at least a little money to buy for the team water they are growing weak. Comment: Vivian managed to find £100 which rescued them in their plight. 3rd November 2016. 4:50. From John: Thanks Will. Yes we did buy water and milk. We moved around all night taking The Last Call message to even UN soldiers here in Juba. Today we shall move up to where our fuel will allow us. We are left with £37 in the kitty. God bless. 8:08. From Oloo: Thanks. It is morning we moved all the night long, the fuel level is completely down and the issue of Tanzania is also here, I know God has got a surprise. 9:10. To John: We are absolutely empty here, so we have to WAIT for God to replenish funds. I don't expect them immediately. So try to cope with what you have, because I can't see where other funds can come from yet. Thanks. 3rd November 2016. 10:58. From Amina Abadla: Already our magicians in Sukuma land have made your ways hard to ferry your hot coal in form of literatures to Sukuma. Just a minute ago we have managed to hit your van driver in Sudan on the neck where they have parked the vans. He is bound to die. Idiot. 11:10. From John: We have been attacked and have no fuel to move on. Vuga is hit on the neck. The region is more hostile. I have no money in hand... 12:01. Reply: You've got your Divine weapons. So, until God provides the money, use the Faith booklets as defence. The booklet has to be wielded with faith, not without. People who are not sold out to God can't use the Faith booklet as you can. Where faith is put in God, He backs you up using the Faith booklet. Perhaps that's a lesson some still have to learn – to trust in God, not in the arm of man. I can't help you, but God can (as you well know). God will provide... 3rd November 2016. 11:05. From Rhoda: "THE TEAM IS BADLY ATTACKED. VUGA ALMOST LOST HIS LIFE. THE TEAM MUST MOVE MOVE MOVE OUT OF JUBA TO UGANDA BORDER. AT LEAST £200 TO REACH THEM NOW TO FACILITATE THEM. MORE AND MORE ATTACKERS ARE HEADING TO THE VANS. THE VANS CAN’T MOVE ON. NO FUEL. ONLY JOHN AND MARK ARE STRONG, THE REST ARE CRYING NOW AND VERY AFRAID. AT LEAST £200 TO REACH THEM." 7 Angels have said to me now. 12:42. From Amina Abadla: Stop plans of going to Sukuma. Stop it to be safe. You will suffer a great loss. 12:54. From Abdullah Ryadh: Hahahaha! I told you I'll have to revenge, that is just a warning am sending to you. We are going to burn all these vehicles tonight. Another 23 Attackers Killed By God3rd November 2016. 14:41. From John: God has demonstrated His might. Six men tried to overturn the vans upside down with us inside. With opened MM Faith lits we faced them and immediately they started complaining of eye pain and then hot coal, then they died. We need to move away from these corpses to avoid police arrest for we know the police will come to collect the bodies. We trust God for the fuel. God bless. 15:23. Reply: Bob S is able to get some money to you shortly. I would suggest you use the Faith booklets on the police and don't necessarily move. 4th Nov 2016. 7:15. From John: We are now at the Uganda South Sudan border. At midnight the police came and tried to arrest us claiming that we are a military wing killing their people. We faced them with Faith lits and God descended in thunder and lightning killing the 17 police officers. We left after counting their bodies. We have to just try to reach Sukuma land to do God's work. Volume 10 continues the story of God’s Sukuma land mission.
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