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Mighty Miracles Of God Volume 9 |
111Firebombed! |
Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers him out of them all (Psalm 34:19).
The Next Attack – A Firebomb!2nd August 2016. 10:59. From Mark: Greetings. Yesterday night in a dream I could see a house burning and a good number of people trying to put the fire out but they were overpowered by the fire. It seems something terrible is likely to happen so hope the Angels will reveal it soon. Regards to all there. M 2nd August 2016. 11:11. From Sujadi’s phone: One must sleep in the cold. We are already around John's home we must burn his house. He is responsible for the deaths you have caused us. Next we shall burn Mark's home. John house must go down tonight. Dog. 11:38. Reply: You must face God’s punishment. You attacked us to kill us. Your hired gunmen got killed by God because you were attacking us. And now you are still foolishly attacking us. Are you so foolish to think that you can escape the judgement of God like the others thought? 2nd August 2016. 11:48. From Rhoda: MALCOLM THEY HAVE JOINED HANDS WITH THOSE WHO LEFT MM FROM KENYA, UGANDA, RWANDA AND BURUNDI BECAUSE OF LACK OF MONEY, TO HARM JOHN AND MARK. JOHN'S HOUSE MAY BE BURNT TONIGHT JUST BEFORE THE VANS REACH HOME. 7 angels have said that to me now. 2nd August 2016. 11:57. From John: Eunice has confirmed that to us through the phone. Strange people numbering 6 are near my home. I have instructed her to inform the police at Rodi. God bless. 14:21. From Jeftah: Wait and see what is going to happen soon. 15:09. Reply: If you attack us, God will attack you. So back off!!! 15:16. From John: How I wish God could have held them till midnight so that we face them with Faith lits. We shall be at home some minutes past midnight. God bless. [Because of the lack of money, the vans were held up, waiting to refuel, and couldn’t get back in time to face and ward off this attack.] 16:19. From John: Eunice has requested us to send her at least £200 for subsistence to help them, before we arrive but we are left with only £35. They are set with the Faith lits waiting for the rogues. The police from Rodi are asking for transport fee for fuel, £300, which I have advised Eunice to keep off and leave them alone, even the area chief is requesting for a bribe. God bless. 16:55. Reply: Sorry. We just don't have any money at the moment. You are right to tell the police to forget it if they want money. 17:37. From John: Home fire distress. Already we have reached Kisumu Kenya. Hopefully by 10:30 pm we shall be at home. Eunice is reporting to us that a bomb was thrown along the electricity main source to all buildings in my home, and my house and the library have caught fire. Many people are trying to put out the fire now. Two people have been killed by the villagers who trailed the suspects to river Anyuongi about 4 km from my home. I am distressed. I know God is watching all these. Thanks to God. God bless. 2nd August 2016. 18:09. To the team: Re: Home fire distress. Why, God, why?!!! All the time and money spent building the library, and rebuilding John's home after the previous arson attack. It's endless! The attacks and losses are endless!! All the literature, the hundreds of boxes of literature sent at huge expense and time from here! All the expense installing electricity and constructing the library according to divine edict! Why, God, why? Why did you allow all this destruction? Why was the enemy allowed to bomb it all and wreck all these years of work?! And all because we were short of money, so the team could not get back in time to defend the fort. Why, God, why? 18:14. From Rhoda: JOHN'S HOUSE IS BOMBED BY THUGS WHO ARE NOT HAPPY WITH HIS ZEAL IN DEMONSTRATING GOD'S FAITH. ALREADY TWO THUGS HAVE BEEN KILLED AND BURNT BY VILLAGERS. IT IS A BIG LOSS, BUT THE MASTERMINDS MUST DIE. 7 angels have said now. 18:14. THIS is Tomas wife, haaaaaa. You killed Tomas and Malik thinking that you are a man now John has lost his house and a big library. Haaaaaaa. 18:14. From Mark: So sad indeed. Johns' house is on fire. 18:54. From John: Home fire distress. Latest report: 1. No lit is damaged. The villagers through God's protection managed to remove all the lits to safety and only one corner of the library is damaged by fire. 2. John’s main house rear bedroom roof is damaged by fire but other parts are okay. The Angels Smothered The Fire18:59. From Rhoda: THE LORD’S 7 ANGELS ARE SURROUNDING JOHN'S HOUSE AND THE LIBRARY NOW. THEY HAVE PUT OUT THE FIRE. NO LIT IS BURNT. ONLY A ROOM AND ONE LIBRARY CORNER IS DAMAGED BUT IT CAN BE REPAIRED. NO ONE CAN FIGHT MM AND GO UNPUNISHED. 7 angels have said that to me now. 19:19. Reply: Thank you, Father!!! 19:24. From John: It is God who has rescued my home. Eunice confirms that a thick white cloud like a blanket in seven directions covered the home putting out the fire. Then villagers got in to the library and took the lits out. Only a corner is damaged. Main house, a bedroom roof is damaged but all is safe. In the next 30 minutes or so we shall be home. 20:54. From Jeftah: Hahahaha! Have you had [heard] what happened? 3rd August 2016. 5:31. From Fatu: We are in John's home. Fire destroyed one corner of the library and roof of the bedroom in the main house... ...John has no food to sustain all these people. 3rd August 2016. 5:37. From Rhoda: AT LEAST £750 WILL REPAIR THE FIRE DAMAGE ON THE LIBRARY AND JOHN'S HOUSE. AT LEAST ANOTHER £280 TO REACH JOHN BY WU FOR FOOD. THERE IS NEED FOR THAT AS SOON AS POSSIBLE TO HELP THE FAITHFULS IN HIS HOME STUDYING MM LITS. RAINS MAY DAMAGE THE LITS HENCE THE LIBRARY BE MADE GOOD FROM TODAY. 7 angels have said that to me now. Comment: We simply had no money! We couldn’t meet the request! We were totally empty but others who had, and knew about the situation, didn’t help. I was frustrated!!! We Are Constantly Attacked By Demons3rd August 2016. 17:26. From John: ... I'm feeling some headache but I trust God to cure me. I trust this calling is to bring the sinners mostly in Muslim world to turn to God. While sleeping yesternight God showed me pictures of Christians who accepted MM truth being beaten up in Saudi Arabia and God instructed me to prepare to move there after the FOT. I trust God to open to me financial aid to enable me to continue with His calling to me. God called me out of a teaching job to suffer for His heavenly sake. God bless you abundantly. 18:07. Reply: Thanks for yours. Yes, I'm sure He'll make some finance available to do as you suggest. Those poor believers in Saudi Arabia! These are dreadful countries where Muslims hold power. They are hell holes to live in! I'll ask Helena to intercede against the demons giving you a headache. 4th August 2016. 11:08. From John: Thanks. I am feeling well, the headache is gone in Jesus name. God bless. Thanks to Helena for standing with me in intercession. 4th August 2016. 16:15. From John: Ogwanjo Boda, the chief's son, has been caught near my home with a hand grenade just ten minutes ago and he has disclosed that he was paid by Jeftah to throw it through the damaged part of my house. We are all out now ready with MM Faith lits opened to meet them. It is a confirmation that Jeftah is still hunting for my life. The people who were from MM lits discussion in the library are the ones who caught him and raised the alarm. His father has come with police and took him away. His father has threatened to kill me using African charms calling me a devil worshipper. I pray to God for support to repair the damages on the library and my house. This confirms that Jeftah has got a lot of money that he wants to use to buy thugs, but God has never lost to Satan. God bless. 4th August 2016. Reply: We have no financial support at the moment... God Laments Over His People Slain4th August 2016. 16:52. From Rhoda: GOD WHO CALLED ABRAHAM AND TOLD HIM TO LEAVE HIS HOME AND RELATIVES IS SPEAKING NOW, NOW, NOW. MY PEOPLE WHO ACCEPTED MY TRUTH ARE BEING BUTCHERED IN SAUDI ARABIA, SOUTHERN SUDAN AND ERITREA. MALCOLM TO TELL THE EVANGELISM TEAM DATES WHEN FOT WILL BE BEGINNING AND ENDING, FOR JOHN, VUGA, FATU, AND MARK USING ONE VAN MUST MOVE TO ERITREA FROM NEXT WEEK MONDAY THEN COME BACK TO KENYA FOR FOT. AFTER FOT THE SAME TEAM MUST MOVE TO SAUDI ARABIA THROUGH SOUTHERN SUDAN. THE WARNING FROM GOD IS THIS... JOHN WAS CALLED OUT OF A TEACHING JOB TO SPREAD THE MM FAITH TO THE WHOLE WORLD, NOT TO STAY AT HOME. IF JOHN STAYS AT HOME WITHOUT EVANGELISING THE MM GOSPEL THROUGH DISTRIBUTION OF MM LITS TO SINNERS THEN SATAN MUST KILL HIM FOR MANY MM OPPOSERS ARE OUT TO HARM HIM. 7 angels have said that now. 4th August 2016. 16:32. From Oloo: Fighting in Juba: We have been left homeless after all the houses were torched due to political wars here. We are in a refugee camp in Juba. God bless. 4th August 2016. 18:00. Reply to Oloo: Maybe God has allowed that so you can reach others with the truth there. Did you manage to save the MM lit, or any belongings? 18:59. From Oloo: Lits are safe and I use them here to minister to others. 4th August 2016. 18:02. EUCABETH MALIK. Hallo John Ongoro. You are responsible for the death of my husband, you and Mark and Malcolm. Wether the three of you hide in the Bush or which part of the world you must meet my wrath. You escaped the fire but you will not escape again. We know your homes you imbecile people. 18:13. Reply: Listen here, Eucabeth. Your husband was killed by God for fighting against God in attacking His servants. Malik turned against us. He turned hostile and started attacking us and caused great damage and harm. So God killed him. Don't blame us or blame God or such bitterness will destroy you, too. Your husband was responsible for his own fate. I am sorry that you suffer, but that is a result of Islam. It brings much suffering in the world. 4th August 2016. 19:47. From John: I have tried to think of what to do but I am defeated... I am going to sell part of my land tomorrow to get money to repair the damages and the remaining balance to use to take God's message of hope... now it is heavily raining and water from the rainfall is reaching the lits... Comment: Funds were just not there! But John managed somehow to do a temporary roof repair with polythene, and get set for the Eritrea mission ahead.
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