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Mighty Miracles Of God Volume 9 |
112Eritrea Mission |
...With God all things are possible (Mark 11:27).
The Eritrea Rescue MissionMonday 8th August 2016. 8:23. From John: We are set to leave and wait for God's directive on the same. 8th August 2016. 8:28. To John: I had a dream last night that a new donor is sending you some money and will write to you e-mails about the transfer (or has done). Have you received anything yet? [Still unfulfilled a year later.] 8th August 2016. 9:56. To John: There has been much intercession here taking place. Helena has been pushing, and pushing, and pushing at the demons restricting the money supply. And she will continue to do so, as long as she feels resistance in the Spirit. Some parts of God’s plan take considerable effort to work out, and intercession against the demons that block things is pivotal. Even our e-mails are being held up by them. I wrote this half an hour ago, pressed “send” and when I came back later it had not gone. We get a lot of interference like that. It happens often. They hamper such communications. Anything important they try to interfere with, so we keep ‘plugging’ away! 8th August 2016. 20:51. From Rhoda: THE ERITREA MISSION IS VERY IMPORTANT. THE TEAM SHOULD MOVE FAST TO HELP THE OPPRESSED. SOME MEMBERS FEAR THAT THE MISSION MAY NOT GO ON DUE TO LACK OF MONEY. GOD COUNTS THIS MISSION AS IMPORTANT AS POSSIBLE. MALCOLM TO ENCOURAGE THE EVANGELISM TEAM TO BE STRONG. AT LEAST SOME MONEY TO REACH JOHN BY WU NOW TO START THEM OFF TO ERITREA. 7 angels have said. 21:21. Reply to the team: Well, God is telling us it must go ahead, despite an apparent lack of funds. So, God knows it's possible, even though it looks like it's impossible. So, I know, John, you won't be discouraged by any seeming lack, and I expect all of you are keen to get going and won't be dissuaded either, because "if God be for us, who can be against us?" as Paul wrote. There must be some money somewhere to fund this. Comment: The next day Vivian was able to find £200, and Fiona also borrowed money on her overdraft to send. 9th August 2016. 17:51. From John: Thanks. We are in Kitale town in Kenya, we hope to be in Moyale town tomorrow morning and cross in to Ethiopia, Arba Minch town. Hopefully God willing on Thursday night we shall be in Asmara, Eritrea. We thank God for the support and demonstration of Agape love. We are travelling non-stop and the van is in good condition. God bless. 9th August 2016. 12:45. To Rhoda: I had a letter in the post today from Arnold Ogembo in Maragoli, requesting lit. He seems genuine, but I thought I would pass this info onto you just in case the angels have any input on him that I should know. Thanks. Hope all is going well for you. Tuesday 9th August 2016. 18:45. From Rhoda: MALCOLM, MALCOLM, MALCOLM IGNORE HIM. THIS IS A LETTER FROM THE SAME GROUP THAT LEFT MM BECAUSE OF LACK OF MONEY, THEY ARE SOUNDING GENUINE BUT ARE WOLVES IN A SHEEP’S COAT. IGNORE, IGNORE, IGNORE. 7 angels have said that to me now. 9th August 2016. 18:51. From Rhoda: THE EVANGELISM TEAM WILL BE CROSSING INTO ETHIOPIA BY TOMORROW MORNING. THEY NEED TO MOVE AS FAST AS POSSIBLE, FOR FRIDAY NIGHT TO BE IN ERITREA. MORE MONEY NEEDS TO GO TO JOHN BY WU. 7 angels have said to me now. 10th August 2016. 8:56. To John: I guess God is supporting you all on no food, just milk and water, and 15 minutes rest a day, no sleep? 9:12. From John: Yes God is doing that. God bless. Thursday 11th August 2016. 11:09. From John: We are 17km away from the Ethiopian-Eritrean border. By evening today we shall be crossing in to Eritrea. 12:41. Reply: That's really good progress. You must have been hammering it, day and night! Don't you feel tired from the constant driving or being thrown around in the vehicle on the rough roads? The angels told Rhoda on Tuesday that you are meant to be in Eritrea on Friday evening. So perhaps it implies that something will happen Friday evening... 12:59. From John: God has energized us to reach this far in time. 11th August 2016. 16:34. From John: At Badme: Thanks to God we are in Badme on the Eritrean side. We wanted to move on to be in Asmara tomorrow morning. Our fuel may not allow us to reach Asmara city. God is great. To the faithful few: Fiona was able to send John £600 today, just in time as they were nearly out of fuel. They need enough in their kitty for the return journey so they are not held up. Thanks to you all for stumping up this money. With Eleanor’s £100 tomorrow they should be OK for a couple of days, but will probably need more on Sunday or Monday unless the angels say otherwise. Friday 12th August 2016. 18:52. From John: Thanks to God. We are in Asmara. We arrived yesterday evening and had to take cover for it is a very hostile place to Christians. At midnight tonight we shall trust God to deal with two extremists who right now are blocking our way to enter the mosque in Asmara where we guess our brothers are being tortured. They are wielding machine guns against us but we are okay with opened Faith lits. God is God. God bless. 12th August 2016. 18:57. From Rhoda: FALUJA HOSMAN AND YURI ISLAIM ARE TWO DANGEROUS MEN PLANNING TO GUN THE VANS IN ASMARA TONIGHT. MALCOLM TO ENCOURAGE THE TEAM NOT TO FEAR THOUGH THE PLACE IS VERY DANGEROUS AND HOSTILE. AT MIDNIGHT TONIGHT GOD WILL WIPE THEM OUT. 7 angels have said that to me now. 20:20. To the team: Just got in and found this message from Rhoda. Don't worry about it. (I know you won't.) God is just explaining the situation, and how He will deal with these thugs. God bless. 13th August 2016. 16:58. To John: How did you get on last night? We are concerned to know about those who were being victimised / tortured, or believers who have been killed (when you have time to explain). And we are wondering whether you managed to obtain the £100 which Eleanor sent. What is left in your kitty? 13th August 2016. 17:58. From John: The rescue battle is still on. God killed the 2 gunmen at midnight. They blocked us from entering the building where 7 brothers were being beaten up. Then the enemy organised a big armed group that made us move back about 700 m out of Asmara town. After midnight a thick white mist covered the vans. We followed the mist, and it made the big group run away. We rescued the 7: [names protected] had been beaten up like nobody's business. We made them walk to safety in the forest near Asmara where we are recording their testimonies. I was told by the manager at the Forex shop to collect the money tomorrow. Today they closed early... Even now we are still surrounded by the group. We believe our God is able to wipe them out for greater testimonies in this land. £255 in the kitty now. 19:29. Reply: About those 7 whom God delivered. How did those 7 believers get to know the truth? 13th August 2016. 20:25. From John: These are not Eritrean natives, they are from Niger where they ran away to save their lives when Jeftah wanted to kill them for remaining firm in the MM truth. On reaching Eritrean soil they again met persecution instead of freedom. Their story is very sad... 14th August 2016. 10:12. From John: 17 dead at midnight. We are moving to the border. God bless. 14th August 2016. 11:14. From Rhoda: THE EVANGELISM TEAM IS TO VISIT ALL MOSQUES IN ASMARA AND TAKE THE LAST CALL MESSAGE TO THEM. MORE PEOPLE WHO TRY TO OPPOSE THE TEAM WILL DIE. ALREADY 19 ARE DEAD. 7 angels have said that to me now. 14th August 2016. 14:09. From John: This morning the angry mob tried to block our way, but we faced them with opened MM Faith lit and they all ran away complaining of itching [irritating / sore] eyes... 14th August 2016. 15:03. From Fatu: This place is hostile, this place is worst, we are attacked now, it is worst. 15:22. Reply: I presume you are in Asmara. God will kill more opponents... 14th August 2016. 15:43. From Fatu: Yes we are in Asmara. We received the angelic message and moved back we have visited 3 mosques. Thanks. Comment: A note about recent intercession. As you may all know, Helena spends pretty much all day and half the night in intercession, with only two or three hours ‘free’ each day for doing chores. It is an arduous assignment, but essential in order to clear the hordes of demons away from the areas where God is taking us. Intercession is not just prayer. It is spiritual warfare. It is thuggery or brute force in the spiritual, harnessing God’s Spirit in Jesus’ name. Helena uses her spiritual gift to push against demons which she senses in her head. There are various levels of intensity of these things depending upon the force or ‘size’ of the demons being pushed away. These evil spirits come against us to thwart the ministry work. They attack us and our bodies, to try and harm us and eventually kill us. Jesus mentioned demons of infirmity affecting people’s bodies. They can cause huge physical damage, crippling people. So, Helena has to push them away. Then there are the waves of these things that ‘blow in’ as a result of the outreach. When John and the others have to go somewhere to take this Witness from God, Satan knows and mobilises his forces to attack us. His kingdom is being threatened and he fights hard to retain it. Helena has to deal with the clouds of these things that try to prevent the truth spreading. They are not just a few. They can number hundreds each wave, or into the thousands. Hence it takes many hours to clear them. Wherever the team is sent, the area must be cleared of major demons first, so that truth is given a chance to reach the people. The major principalities are overthrown where necessary through the Holy Spirit that Helena wields against them. Some other intercessors have done similar work before, leading up to this final push. One pioneer in the 20th century was Rees Howells, who founded the Bible College of Wales near Swansea. His story is told in Norman Grubb’s book Rees Howells: Intercessor. Michael Howard was at one time involved in intercession in Africa before he fell away. Some of his exploits are narrated in his book Tales of An African Intercessor. When the demons coming against us are so many that they would swamp us and so debilitate me that I cannot work, God somehow directs them to other targets to spare us. But they still have to be cleared away from those victims. Our chickens have been targeted. They were hit so badly this spring that they were late coming into lay. We were into April before we got any eggs (usually they will come into lay much earlier). Then the demons (most of which probably came from north African countries) mounted an even more vicious attack, and they stopped our chickens laying. One was paralysed on one side and couldn’t walk. It struggled to move for weeks, only making minimal progress. Helena pushed and pushed, day after day, routing the evil spirits, but there were so many that the poor animal suffered for weeks before being delivered. And, even then, it was weak compared with other hens. The hens are still being hit now, and every day Helena has to spend two sessions on them, clearing off the demons. This can take an hour or more each time. When one route is blocked, other demons are sent in to try another route. The past couple of days a tiny shrew has somehow managed to squeeze through the gap of the kitchen door and get into the house. It runs everywhere. I shut it in a bedroom where it couldn’t escape and tried to kill it but it was far too quick for me, so I missed every time. I left it there overnight, with the door shut, and opened the windows so it could escape, but Tonya saw it again this morning in the kitchen. So it had got out, then found its way back in again, to annoy us. Helena found a huge number of demons on it, using it. You wouldn’t believe it could ‘carry’ so many – a full quota of 13 x 13 of them. And then, another batch of 13 x 13 came in, after the first batch was cleared. This morning she spent 3 hours clearing them away. [I managed to kill it a few days later.] She has to deal with evil forces that are targeting our supporters. You saw how Kassahun was hit hard last week. I’m so glad that he was able get some assistance from faithful ones there in Ethiopia. The team is constantly under attack, so they are covered in the ‘general block’ of intercession in the morning for several hours. And wherever she is shown by the Spirit that various individuals need help, Helena intercedes. So you can see that the scope of this is very substantial. It probably takes intercession beyond the boundaries covered by former intercessors, and naturally it is designed for the very specific purposes which God has in mind regarding the MM outreach. Fulfilling The Commission In Eritrea15th August 2016. 15:08. From John: We have covered 6 mosques since morning. The opposition is strong but God via MM Faith lits has brought them down. They aimed at us with guns and tried to shoot us but their guns jammed. They then took off in different directions and some dropped down crying of hot coal. 15:14. Reply: That's good. Do you have any more mosques to visit there? 15th August 2016. 15:22. From John: Yes tonight we pray to visit another three where armed men prevented us. We shall trust God to lead us there and meet them at midnight. Tomorrow we shall visit the main mosque in the town centre where over 9 Imams conduct a madrassa. 15th August 2016. 20:01. From Rhoda: FROM TONIGHT THE TEAM WILL MOVE NON-STOP IN ERITREA SPREADING THE LAST WARNING MESSAGE TO MUSLIMS. THE KITTY HAS £230. MORE MONEY SHOULD REACH JOHN BY WU NOW TO HELP THEM MOVE ON NON-STOP TO ACCOMPLISH THIS GREAT WORK BY FRIDAY MORNING, THEN MOVE BACK TO KENYA TO BE READY FOR THE FOT. 7 angels have said that now. 15th August 2016. 20:23. From John: We are in the first mosque, they fear to come closer to us for we hold MM Faith lits. God bless. 16th August 2016. 5:52. From John: From last night we have had constant movement visiting mosques to deliver God's warning. It was very challenging for we met opposition all through. 11 people were killed by God through hot coal when at midnight they surrounded our van. We are left with the main mosque at the centre of Asmara town which we must visit today then visit others on the outskirts of Asmara before moving back. Our kitty now has only £65. God has sent fear among these people, for their mighty have perished in front of their eyes. God bless. 16th August 2016. 6:15. From Sujadi’s e-mail: You have killed over 20 people in Eritrea, last night alone 11. This morning 2 more people have died of hot coal. Today your people will be arrested and taken to court for the offenses comited. You are conered and you must feel it this time. Dog. 16th August 2016. 8:35. From Rhoda: MALCOLM TO INSTRUCT THE EVANGELISM TEAM TO MOVE CLOSER TO THE MAIN MOSQUE AND OPEN MM FAITH LITS. AT MIDNIGHT TONIGHT GOD WILL WIPE THE OPPOSERS OUT. 7 angels have said that to me now. Comment: I forwarded the above angelic message to John and said we are trying to organise some money. 16th August 2016. 17:28. To John: What happened to the 7 captives whom Jeftah wanted to kill? Were they converts who were called through his outreach in Niger before he defected? Why did they travel to Eritrea? What are they doing now? How are they? We are concerned. Thanks. 16th August 2016. 19:22. From John: They are people Jeftah preached to when he shared MM truth in Niger. When Jeftah left MM due to greed for money he wanted all the people he preached to and accepted MM truth also to oppose MM, but the 7 refused. Jeftah then threatened to kill them. That's when they left Niger for Eritrea to save their lives but by bad luck they landed persecution in Eritrea. Now they are in a no-man's-land between Eritrea and Ethiopia. They are getting well equipped by studying the MM lits that we gave them. We want them to develop faith because we shall leave them here to go on with MM evangelism. 21:09. Reply: How do they survive? They have no homes, and how do they get food, or any income, especially in such a hostile place? Are they blacks or whites? 17th August 2016. 6:01. From John: They are blacks. They carried with them a small tent which they use as a house. They sold their animals so they have little money for food, and they plan to go back to Niger next month. 17th August 2016. 10:45. From John: At the main mosque. At midnight as we moved past the gate, 6 armed youths ran towards us, closed their eyes to take aim and shot at us. We boldly faced them with opened MM Faith booklets. They fell to the ground crying of being burnt with hot coal. Inside, the Imams ran away for their dear lives. We delivered the Last Call message and left. We have reached the no-man’s-land where our brothers are. We are making it to the other mosques on the outskirts of Asmara today. We are left with £68 after fueling and buying water and milk for today. 17th August 2016. 11:08. From Fatu: God has defeated our enemies in our watch... I pray for a house... 17th August 2016. 11:27. From Rhoda: 'FATU LOOKS WORRIED ABOUT HER HOUSE, IT OUGHT TO HAVE STARTED. AROUND £1700 GOD WILL PROVIDE TO START IT OFF. IF POSSIBLE AT LEAST £250 TO REACH JOHN BY WU NOW TO KEEP THEM GOING. THE WORK IS VERY IMPORTANT AND GOD IS HONOURING MM LITS IN ERITREA. MANY WHO STAND IN THE WAY OF THE EVANGELISM TEAM WILL DIE TONIGHT.' 7 angels have said that to me now. 11:23. From Oloo in S Sudan: Fighting in Juba. ...I am going on with God's work here though the going is very tough. I hope you are okay. God bless. 18th August 2016. 19:21. From John: Thanks Will. We have just visited the last mosque here and will be leaving for Kenya early morning tomorrow to go prepare for the FOT. God allowed sister Fiona to send us money after the devil had blocked us from accessing it since yesterday. We thank God for He is faithful... 19th August 2016. 00:00. Well, the well is dry. We need to get £500 to John for tomorrow’s travel... Wilfred can manage £50. But he is the only one able to do anything by the looks of things. ... we have all done what we can. You have all kept the ship afloat for about two years, which is quite amazing. They are leaving Eritrea in the early morning. They have fulfilled the assignment to deliver The Last Call To All Muslim Nations to the mosques there, having faced gunmen and hostile Imams, the angels protecting and guiding, and striking dead many diehard murderous opponents. God had to take those lives, or they would have taken the lives of the little ones God is converting from this contact. Truly, as was prophesied to John in November 2013, “Be strong and of good courage. No man shall be able to stand against you all the days of your life.” So it has been. God always fulfils His Word. Now a new chapter begins. New sacrifice. New dedication. New commitment. New vistas. New growth. New opportunities. New miracles. There can be no blessing without sacrifice. Sacrifice precedes blessing. God required it from Abraham. He requires it from every one whom He uses in His service. The team have sacrificed. Now it is for the new ones to demonstrate the same high commitment. New torchbearers, fearless, intrepid, undeterred, to carry the fire, to support the outreach and thus make things happen — because it’s God’s call. And if God calls, who can refuse? The price is high, but the reward is GREAT! It is beyond words to describe. Elijah knew it. So does every one who is part of the same call of Elijah today. For God is the same yesterday, today and forever. 19th August 2016. 9:00. From John: Our God is great, we have crossed in to Ethiopia but we have less fuel to make it to Kenya. And only £80 in the kitty. God bless. 9:07. Reply: Yes. You'll be OK. We are working on finding something to send. It will take us a few hours.
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