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Mighty Miracles Of God Volume 9 |
110God's Judgment
The wicked watches the righteous and seeks to slay him (Ps 37:32). Transgressors shall be destroyed together (Ps 37:38).
God selected Tomas Roussillon, Jeftah Moha, Sujadi Bin Idi, and Bin Yosef Malik to work in the MM outreach in Africa and the Middle East. We did not choose them. God did. He had His reasons. For a while they were happy to promote the truth in MM literature. But a major part of their motivation was money, and God gave them plenty of it! God specified how much was to be sent to them, and the angels told Rhoda whenever an injection of funds was needed. What they received contrasts wildly with what Helena and I have received. Since MM began until now (2017) I have never received a salary. We have not yet been paid for our services. We don’t mind, because our objective is God’s objective. To do God’s will is all that matters. God has provided. Funds have come from various good people, willing to pay MM costs of the Work, but they have never been sufficient to cancel our debts. Looking back, we can see that God ‘bought’ Tomas, Jeftah and Sujadi, giving them a chance to be saved, but knowing they would default. The final chapter (ch 109) of MMG volume 8 relates their downfall. God warned them, but it didn’t deter them. They fell headlong after money. The love of money consumed them. Satan then took them over. You can see the change in them from their words against us. To defend His Work, God had to destroy them. Sujadi was shot by his own gunmen when he tried to shoot MM workers. Tomas was blinded by God, and later died. He described this supernatural manifestation as suffering hot coals burning his eyes. Psalm 11:6 prophesied of it. Terrible! God’s judgement of the wicked is very real and dreadful. People can read of it in the Bible, but very many folks belittle it. It’s not to be belittled! It’s terrifying! Unfortunately, there is no fear of God in self-willed wicked people; they carry on with their evil schemes regardless. The vehicle that MM supporters paid for, which Tomas used, was left for us to collect when he defected. But to rub salt in our wounds, his wife Mersy ruined it before John and the team could get there in South Sudan. We were then faced with a horrendous repair bill that we didn’t have money to pay. Our few supporters had been bled dry and borrowed up to the hilt, and simply could not raise the £1945 needed. So, God worked a miracle – albeit through great hardship and suffering for MM faithfuls there. He caused the mechanic to drop his demand and be willing to accept £420 which is all we could raise. The following e-mails relate the story: The Team Repulsed Attacks Using Faith Booklets22nd July 2016. 16:14. From Mersy Tomas: We must burn it before tomorrow night. We will kill all then burn all the vehicles they have tonight. You are not powerful, a poor idiot. Give back Tomas eyes then we will co-operate. 16:20. From Oloo: I managed to go to Dengua village south of Juba city and found the evangelism team today at 47 mins past noon. Tomas allies have destroyed [damaged] the van then left it. It was a horrible sight to see how people can joke with God. I am okay in the Lord here. God bless. 22nd July 2016. 16:26. From John: Armed gang. 11 armed people came near the vans and ordered us to leave the vans and move away but on seeing us with opened MM Faith lits, they ran away in different directions. God bless. 22nd July 2016. 17:16. From John: They have not burned the van. We are all around the vans with MM Faith lits opened. Yes Oloo did come. 22nd July 2016. 19:27. From Oloo: Tyres [wheels] are not there, the engine is also destroyed [parts removed]. It is not burnt but destroyed [damaged]. On my way back I met armed group with cans of petroleum moving towards the vans. I don't know what transpired after I had left. God bless. 19:32. From John: The tyres [wheels] to the van are what they removed then destroyed the engine, but we asked a mechanic here who told us that it can be repaired for £2030, repairing the engine and fixing new tyres [wheels]. 20:20. Reply: Thanks for the clarification... They won't succeed. [Comment: The gunmen were held off by using Faith booklets. John and the team opened Faith booklets towards them and the gang ran off. Guns jam and a very bright light shines from the Faith booklets that can damage their eyes.] God Obliterates 5 More Gunmen23rd July 2016. 18:55. From John: They are here chanting anti MM words, threatening to burn us. God bless. 21:35. Reply: Oh well, won't be long before God blitzes them into oblivion! They will soon go to the reward they have earned. Saturday 23rd July 2016. 18:58. From Tomas. Warning to Malcolm: Tonight you're in for a big shock all your people here will be roasted like green maize. Come on. 21:38. Reply: Nothing like a barbeque on a Saturday night, is there? Ha! I think you are in for the surprise, not us. Sunday 24th July 2016. 6:19. From John: Strong winds blew for about half an hour sending our attackers into confusion till they carried their weapons away in different directions running for their lives. This morning a woman we believed is Tomas’s wife came crying to us that she needs her husband... We have only £160, we don't know how to go about the van issue. God bless. 24th July 2016. 6:23. From Mersy: You gave your people hot coal which they used to burn our 5 youths who are dead now, Tomas too is in a coma and may die. All these cases are with the police and you will be charged in acourt of law. We want to see next... 8:34. Reply: You were warned not to attack this ministry's vans, because God protects them with supernatural power. But you didn't listen. What a mad mentality you have, that you think you have a right to destroy our car and try to murder us, then accuse us of committing a crime just because God defends us with hot coals according to His promise in Psalm 11:6. Get real, woman! 24th July 2016. 6:26. From John: I have kept checking the account, still no money has come in. God bless. 8:37. Reply: God will provide. We have to wait and see what He has in mind. E-mail below to Mersy Tomas, in case you need it to explain to the police. 24th July 2016. 8:36. From Rhoda: THE EVANGELISM TEAM IF POSSIBLE SHOULD LEAVE SOUTHERN SUDAN BY TUESDAY THIS WEEK FOR GOD IS GOING TO DESTROY A BIG NUMBER OF MM ENEMIES THERE AND IT SHOULD HAPPEN WHEN THE VANS HAVE LEFT. 7 angels have said that to me now. Sunday 24th July 2016. 9:10. From John: Two lorries of police have come to arrest us and I have given them the mails Mersy wrote to you and after reading them now they have decided to look for the remaining youths and arrest them. Though they have given us up to Monday tomorrow night to move out of here. When we told them that one van cannot move because its tyres and engine parts have been vandalized by Tomas and Jeftah who are hiding in Southern Sudan, they have said it is not their duty to get them to us. They said that if Tuesday evening will find us here then we will be arrested. 24th July 2016. 10:49. From Mersy: You can not match us with money. You have bribed police to arrest us. Okay let's move on you must regret. Dog. 16:28. Reply: We don't bribe anyone. The police were shown the truth about who is attacking whom, so they want to arrest you all for your crimes. Is Tomas dead? I suggest you all back off and go back home. Leave us alone, or God will take vengeance on you again. 24th July 2016. 12:08. To John: So the police are now being unreasonable! Instead of helping the victims, and giving them assistance and some reasonable time to resolve the problems, they impose entirely unreasonable demands upon you. God foreknew the dictatorial demands they would place upon you, so He sent His angels to Rhoda stating Tuesday as your target to get away. The police say you have until Monday night. It looks like they want to arrest you, but need an excuse. Well, we know what God does to people who are unreasonable with Him and try to dictate to Him, or attack and harm His Work! Looks like another downing is coming, this time upon MM enemies in the police force there. 24th July 2016. 16:21. To John: Vivian has managed to raise £150, but that's all we can find at the moment. We are running on empty, like you, so God must have other options to solve the problem. 18:30. From John: GOD SHOULD NOT ALLOW THE POLICE TO ABUSE HIS POWER. GOD TO TOUCH THE VAN, BY HELPING US WITH MONEY TO FIX THE VAN. ...we are in a fix and we can't run away and leave the Lord's van to these heathen. God should help us fix this van so that we can move very fast home and praise HIS holy name for this far He has brought us... Our God should destroy these enemies... We shall remain optimistic that God will get a solution. On our part we shall demonstrate the true Faith we have learnt in MM through the lits, whether the Police will arrest us, we shall die but while serving the Lord who gave David wisdom to defeat Goliath, who saved Daniel from the Lions’ den, who has brought down all our enemies by HONOURING the MM Faith lit. God bless you my father in faith. Amen. 24th July 2016. 18:52. Reply: Don't be too concerned. God has everything sorted out. It may be that money will come into your evangelism account sufficient to fix the car... But if that doesn't happen and the car is still not fixed by the police deadline, then that is God's deliberate ploy to draw the police into an affray for their meeting with God. They won't be able to arrest you, for you know the power of God that flows through MM booklets. Just hold open Faith booklets up against them and see them back off like all the other opponents. These police are our opponents, too, because they are being unreasonable. They have no right to tell you to get out of the country, or even to move to somewhere else. So, just stand up against them like against Jeftah and Tomas and all the gunmen. You will have the victory. God Predicts A Big Battle With Police24th July 2016. 19:51. From Rhoda: AT LEAST £300 TO REACH JOHN BY WU NOW SO THAT TOMORROW MORNING THE MECHANIC CAN START SOME WORK ON THE VAN. IT IS IMPORTANT THE WORK STARTS TOMORROW. A BIG BATTLE WITH ROGUE POLICE AND MM ENEMIES IS ALMOST STARTING AND IT SHOULD OCCUR WHEN THE EVANGELISM TEAM HAS LEFT. JOHN WILL ADD £45 SO THAT IT IS £345 PART PAYMENT FOR PREPARING THE VAN. A BIG CONFUSION WILL BE WITNESSED. 7 angels have said that to me now. ANY PERSON WHO TRIES TO FIGHT MM EVANGELISM TEAM WILL MEET GOD'S WRATH. GOD TO TOUCH A SUPPORTER TO GIVE TOWARDS THIS. IT IS VERY VERY VERY IMPORTANT AND URGENT. 7 angels have said that to me now. SOME MEMBERS IN THE TEAM REALLY FEAR THE POLICE ORDER BUT GOD IS OPENING A SUPPORT MIRACULOUSLY AND THE POLICE ORDER MAY NOT AFFECT THE TEAM. 7 angels have said that to me now. 21:10. To our supporters: Is anyone able to add to what Vivian has put forward, so that we can make £300? Since it must go tonight by WU, it will need to be sent to Fiona. That's our only means to get it there urgently tonight. Monday 25th July 2016. 00.07. To Fiona: It’s only £100 for you to send to John now. We still can’t find the money... 25th July 2016. 8:02. From John: The mechanic is here. We have tried to convince him to do the work using his spare parts so that we can leave this place very early tomorrow. The police are roaming here full time. The mechanic has told us that he will help us if we can get him £1350, giving us a discount. We pray for God's deliverance. God bless. 8:58. Reply: ...We are empty and I have put out feelers to our supporters but there simply is nowhere near that amount of money available. So I suggest you simply put the wheels on, and tow it away if you have to get away by tonight, unless the mechanic can trust you to do the work and be paid later when money is available (but such trust is usually non-existent in Islamic societies!). 9:29. From John: No money in the evangelism account yet. We have tried to explain to him to just help us so that we pay him later but he refused... 25th July 2016. 9:12. From Eleanor to John: Hello John, I have just sent you £200. The number is 6438266446. Lots of love from all here. God bless... 25th July 2016. 9:28. From Jeftah: Have reported you to the police. Comment: Since we could not fund the repairs and fuel the vans, I suggested giving up the salvage operation. But I wanted an answer from God about that. It came: 25th July 2016. 10:01. From Rhoda: LEAVING GOD'S VAN TO THE SINNERS IS A BIG MISTAKE. THE EVANGELISM TEAM MUST NOT LEAVE THE VAN THERE. THEY MUST STAY PUT AND WAIT FOR GOD TO ACT. ANY POLICE WHO WILL TRY TO ARREST THEM WILL DIE. 7 angels said. 25th July 2016. 12:16. From Rhoda: MALCOLM, MALCOLM, MALCOLM, FEAR HAS TAKEN PART [HOLD] OF SOME MEMBERS IN THE EVANGELISM TEAM. GOD SHOULD OPEN THE HEART OF A SUPPORTER TO CHIP IN A SURPRISE. GOD'S NAME SHOULD NOT BE ABUSED. MALCOLM, MALCOLM, MALCOLM, ENCOURAGE THE EVANGELISM TEAM. 7 angels have said now. 25th July 2016. 11:52. From Fatu: God is good. We are in a state of total confusion, John has pleaded with the mechanic to go on with the work that he will be paid after the job but it seems he is not convinced, John too has sweared not to leave the van behind, EVANGELISM ACCOUNT is also dry with zero balance, I fear for my life, these people have been looking for me all along they may use this time to harm me, we have cried to our God to save us by getting us money to move on but not up to now, I'm really worried by the huge number of police here. Thanks. God bless. 13:07. Reply: Don't look at the circumstances. Look at the greatness of God. Remember how He demolished the madrassas. He will do the same to the police who are evil who come against you there. Don't worry. I have more to add. God is going to deliver you all, but He lets it look like we are in an utterly hopeless situation to bring on the enemies, then He strikes. Wait and see. Stand confident in Him. 25th July 2016. 12:04. From Tomas’s e-mail address: This is Malik. Malcolm, I accepted MM teachings and faith when hoping that you are a servant of God but recently I have realized that you are demonic. Now you have killed Tomas, this is the beginning of war between me and you. I will pray to my god to block all your financial support till MM will end permanently. Even now your vans and evangelism people will get stuck in Southern Sudan and your vans will be taken by our team. You will never receive support financially again from your supporters. This is the end of MM. Dog, poor begger. Even now your evangelism people are very confused here, can't eat or drink because of lack of cash, shame on you. I hate you Satan. 13:16. Reply: God killed Tomas. I didn’t. How can I kill him while I am thousands of miles away in the UK? It is God you are accusing of being unjust, and the one who has infected your mind is Satan the devil, so go. 25th July 2016. 12:11. From Oloo: Yes God is a God who answers prayers. The condition I have found the team in here is tough but I am happy with the demonstration of Faith in them. They say they better die than live to see God's van in the custody of sinners... they deserve God's assistance. With me I can't withstand this condition it is horrible. God bless. 25th July 2016. 12:35. From Sujadi’s wife: You thought that you are smarter, now your vans and people will not leave southern Sudan. For our people you have killed, Allah has paid by blocking all your money support sources. A poor begger look at you. 25th July 2016. 13:36. To Fatu, cc all the team: When things look bleakest, God is greatest. This situation is engineered by God. He is testing people. Money and power are two areas of God's testing. Very often, money IS power as well. God tests people who have been given His truth to see whether they will love Him and His truth, or whether they will put something else before Him and worship that by seeking that instead of seeking Him. Malik has just written on Tomas's e-mail address to me, accusing me of evil and of being a tool of Satan... That's what Satan wants to do to everyone – warp their minds, to think that evil is good and good is evil. Then he's got them where he wants them, and he drags them with him to perdition. So, in this situation of lack of money... God is using the circumstances to make the enemy think that we have failed and that they have got us cornered. But God doesn't need money to fight His foes, nor our strength or ingenuity. He has spoken that He will strike dead any of the police there in S Sudan who come against you, because you are representing Him. Whoever fights you fights also against God. And He won't tolerate it. When Israel was hemmed in by the Egyptian army, sandwiched against the impassable Red Sea, that was their bleakest moment, but it was only hours away from their greatest triumph. God used the circumstances to bring on the enemy against Him by coming against His people. Then He performed the totally unexpected. He opened up the Red Sea and held it there in two towering walls of water, with the sea bed now utterly dry and solid so they could walk on it as on normal dry ground. They crossed over in the night to the other side. All were saved. All passed through the watery trial. God protected every one. In the morning, as it became light, the Egyptian army now could see that their prey (the nation of Israel) had escaped through the sea. So they raced off into the dry channel with their chariots and horses, assuming that the walls of water would still stay where they were. But they didn't. God let the walls come down gradually at first, so that the ground became waterlogged. The chariots started to slow down in the thick mud, and make little headway. Finally, when the whole army was in the channel, God let the walls of water completely collapse on the army, smashing them to smithereens and drowning all in the sea. The scenario is different today, but the 'army' of the S Sudan police are coming against you, bribed by Jeftah and other enemies, using dirty Islamic money, to wipe us out like the Egyptian army came against Israel back in 1492 BC approx, with the satanic aim to finish off the plan of God. No one who fights God succeeds, no matter how many there are. Numbers are no problem to God. He has thousands of angels ready for the fight. So, I say to the enemy, come on then!!!!!!! 13:53. John’s reply: Amen, amen, amen, amen, amen, amen AMEN. May our God's name be praised. 25th July 2016. 13:25. From John: ...I have the money. According to the Angels message I was to add £45 and give to the mechanic £345. I did receive from Fiona and Eleanor. Thanks. God bless. 13:48. From John: I told him to put the wheels on then work on the engine. The problem is with the engine, he is still around working on the engine. 14:20. To John: ... God can do things to cause it to fit our means. We could only raise £300, so the angels then gave a figure of £345... Monday 25th July 2016. 14:51. From John: 345 is a down payment to make the mechanic start the work today. After fixing the engine he should get the balance... After giving out 345 we shall be left with only £48 which can't take us even for a day unless God touches a supporter to chip in... 15:30. From Bob S: I can chip in £200 as my state pension came in earlier than expected. God Kills A Number Of PoliceTuesday 26th July 2016. 8:12. From John: This morning a group of police officers came and tried to force us out of this place. We didn't talk to them but only held the Faith lits as human shields. The first 5 who stepped forward to force us lost their eyesight and cried of hot substance burning their eyes. They left but promised to bomb us before night today. Tues 26th July 2016. 12:43. From John: The mechanic is doing his last touches on the engine. He has tested the car three times. After doing the work it will force us to stay put as we trust God to touch a supporter to help us pay him. 12:57. Reply: OK. God is in charge, that's all I know. 13:25. Reply: God is setting up a confrontation. God gave these instructions below through the 7 angels, so that is what we go on to get an inkling of what is ahead: THEY MUST STAY PUT AND WAIT FOR GOD TO ACT. ANY POLICE WHO WILL TRY TO ARREST THEM WILL DIE. (25th July, 10:01.) A BIG BATTLE WITH ROGUE POLICE AND MM ENEMIES IS ALMOST STARTING AND IT SHOULD OCCUR WHEN THE EVANGELISM TEAM HAS LEFT. (24th July, 19:51.) JOHN WILL ADD £45 SO THAT IT IS £345 PART PAYMENT FOR REPAIRING THE VAN. A BIG CONFUSION WILL BE WITNESSED. 7 angels have said that to me now. ANY PERSON WHO TRIES TO FIGHT MM EVANGELISM TEAM WILL MEET GOD'S WRATH. GOD TO TOUCH A SUPPORTER TO GIVE TOWARDS THIS. IT IS VERY VERY VERY IMPORTANT AND URGENT. (24th July, 19:51.) ...This may be a very scary situation for you all! It will really test your faith... and ours! But the promise is sure. We will have the victory as we hold fast, and stay at the ready with our shield of faith. God is glorified by your exercise of faith! 26th July 2016. 12:56. Malik from Tomas’s e-mail: STOP IT! Then if iam adevil then we shall see. Your supporters will not support you, the evangelism account will even be closed for lack of money, your vans will not get out of Southern Sudan. They will be bombed tonight. You poor begger. THAT'S WHY EVEN SUPPORTERS HAVE RAN AWAY FROM YOUR MINISTRY. AFOOL. 13:31. Reply: John 8:44. The devil is the liar. 14:50. From Malik: Don't refer to me as adevil and as I write to you now the van that the late Tomas used to drive is in the hand of our mechanic who made the engine and now John has refused to pay him, you are poor young man. Your people wanted to steal the van from the mechanic shop but we repulsed them by our armed police brothers. If you are tough then I challenge you to step forward for a brawl with me. I assure you these vans will not leave here. 15:42. Reply: I'm on my way. I'll meet you at midnight. Since Tomas, Mersy, Jeftah or others of your gang dismantled the car and removed the tyres and refused to return the parts and rectify the damage, the reasonable thing to do would be for you to pay for the damage you (plural) caused and settle the mechanic's bill. You have forgotten all about the Kingdom of God and how to enter it. Clearly you have chosen the kingdom of Satan and you want to fight me. OK. You've asked for it. I'm on my way. I will meet you at midnight. 16:09. From Malik: Bullshit, you talk of midnight and now your people here are in a state of confusion, we are soon going away with the car as they watch. You can't match me. Dog. Meaning you too poor that you are now requesting us to pay for the service done to the van. Worship Allah and convert to Islam if you need financial and material riches. If you want us to stop fighting you then join Islam. Allow Fatu back to Islam, I want to marry her... Tonight we shall kill all your people you included if you dare come. Dog. 16:54. Reply: You will meet me and my God at Midnight. God Condemns Many Thugs To Death26th July 2016. 14:56. From Rhoda: THE MECHANIC IS THROUGH WITH THE WORK ON THE CAR ENGINE. MALIK AND ROGUE OFFICERS ARE SURROUNDING THE CAR SO THAT THE TEAM DON'T TAKE IT. THEY HAVE PUT TOO MUCH PRESSURE ON THE EVANGELISM TEAM TO PAY. GOD SHOULD TOUCH A SUPPORTER TO HELP OUT. TONIGHT A GREAT CONFUSION WILL BE WITNESSED WHEN THEY WILL ATTEMPT TO BOMB THE VANS, SEVEN WILL DIE. 7 angels have said that to me now. 26th July 2016. 15:19. From John: The mechanic is through. He is surrrounded by a group of armed police and they have refused to allow us to take the car till we clear the payment. God bless. Comment: I forwarded Rhoda’s message to the team. 26th July 2016. 19:00. To John: God is going to prove His supremacy again! Fiona has chipped in £50, and I'm still waiting to hear from any others... 26th July 2016. 19:25. From John: Thanks Will. They have put much pressure. As soon as I receive the money I'll give them so that we get access to the car. They have come in numbers but we trust God to show His supremacy. 19:36. Reply: We have £150 now, but I still have to wait a short while till I hear from everyone. I have only heard from 2 up to now. I don't expect the full £1605 to be raised tonight. I don't think that's God's intention in asking for the money. He's playing for time in asking for it, so that you have told the rogues to wait for the money. And I think you should keep them in the dark on that. They shouldn't know that they are not going to get it. That's my view, anyway. They're going to get something else from God that they have earned. I don't think any of our supporters have money left to meet that demand. What I think the money is being raised for is for you to take with you, so that when God blows them up at midnight, and you are able to move, it will pay for your fuel when you are on the road. The mechanic's bill can be paid later, when God arranges the funds for that. If the full £1605 was raised tonight, they probably wouldn't let you out to fetch it. Their intention is to kill you all and steal the car, and blow up the vans. No chance of any of that happening with God's angels watching everything. The angels have declared already to Rhoda what is going to happen. 7 of them will get killed when they try to blow up the vans, but they won't be able to do their dastardly deed they plan. Comment: £250 was raised to send to John. 27th July 2016. 9:49. From John: At midnight three bombs were thrown at us but none exploded. Then thunder hit them killing 8 people instantly. We counted the dead as the rest ran away for safety. In that confusion we entered the vans and drove off to RIEK'S home where we have agreed with the mechanic to wait until we pay him his dues. The mechanic feared for his life because the garage is not his and his boss could harm him if his boss realized that he helped us Christians. So when we get money I'll send to Oloo by Mpesa to give him. The fuel we have will take us to the Southern Sudan Uganda border. Our enemies are still trailing us but we trust in God's deliverance. Up to now no money has come in to the evangelism bank account. 27th July 2016. 9:55. From Malik: Malcolm you have done your threat, you gave your people hot coal and bombs to kill us. Eight people dead. We are following them on their way to Uganda, just wait and see. Comment: Why the discrepancy? God said 7 would be killed, but 8 died. Perhaps it was because one more had earned his fate after God initially spoke. 27th July 2016. 9:59. From Rhoda: GOD TO TOUCH A SUPPORTER TO CHIP IN AT LEAST £470 TO REACH JOHN BY WU NOW, NOW, NOW TO HELP THEM REACH UGANDA. A BIG TEAM IS TRAILING THEM TO REVENGE, SO MIDNIGHT SHOULD FIND THE VANS AT THE BORDER SO THAT GOD CAN KILL MORE, IN FACT 11. 7 angels have said that to me now. 27th July 2016. 10:07. From Oloo: The vans have left towards Uganda border, but after a few minutes 6 armoured vehicles have trailed them. The situation is very hostile. The mechanic is left here but John has promised to send him his money by M-pesa through me. Prayer prayer. God bless. 12:03. From John: Thanks. The £300 from Fiona was successfully collected and we used it to fuel the four vans. We are left with only £52 for water and milk. God bless. 27th July 2016. 12:56. From Jeftah: You won't get away with it. We are going to burn all your Faith lits which your people use as their defence. 13:02. Reply: Ha! Ha! Ha! To burn them you will have to burn God, and that's a bit beyond your vaunted capabilities. 27th July 2016. 14:21. From John: We hope to be at the border by night today. Our fuel is greatly low. God bless. 15:12. Reply: Fuel low, prayer. Father in heaven, you see our predicament. We have little resources. We have no money at present with which to fuel the vehicles, and your will must be done. Please, therefore, replenish the vehicles' fuel, or work your wonders in whatever way you wish that your objectives can be accomplished. Our human arm is weak and deficient, we cannot support this load, and ask you to bear us up, for the name of Jesus. Amen. 15:49. From John: Amen. We are forced to take a rest 37 km from the border because we are short of fuel and money to fuel the vans. God to open a way miraculously. We are on the Juba to Nimule Highway. God bless. 16:51. Reply: ...It's at the border, near enough. 19:41. What have the enemy done who were following you? 27th July 2016. 20:14. From John: They have surrounded us chanting anti-MM words threatening to burn all the vans and kill us. We are ready with opened Faith lits. 27th July 2016. 20:16. From John: We trust God to touch a supporter to help us move on, we don't have fuel to take us to the border. We trust God to protect us from the gun happy thugs. God is God. God Kills A Further 16 Thugs28th July 2016. 7:11. From John: At midnight they started aiming at our vans with bullets [guns] but instead they began shooting each other. They stopped fighting among themselves when they discovered that instead of killing us they were killing themselves. Malik got wounded. Malik picked a stone and hurled it at us but none was injured. They then took the bodies which numbered 16. God demonstrated His power. God bless. 8:25. Reply: Praise God! He is always faithful to His Word. We think that Wilfred will be able to get £100 at 9 am. ...That's all we can see at the moment. 28th July 2016. 19:05. From John: Thanks. We are taking rest in Nimule town in Uganda. We shall be traveling daytime to Kenya after a long night of struggle. We trust God to lead us all the way to home where we shall sit to narrate the great testimonies of God's guidance and deliverance. God brought the most dangerous person Malik down last midnight when they gathered courage to harm us... We have only £35 in the kitty. The fuel in the vans can't take us to Kenya. We look to God to hold our hands for His name’s sake. God bless. 28th July 2016. 19:28. From Rhoda: MALCOLM, MALCOLM, MALCOLM, THE EVANGELISM ACCOUNT IS COMPLETELY DRY, NOTHING IS IN THE BANK AND FOT OF THIS YEAR IS VERY IMPORTANT. ALL MM ENEMIES WILL OPENLY CONFESS THE WRONG THEY HAVE DONE TO MALCOLM AND MM DURING THIS YEAR'S FOT. THE TEAM MUST BE ENCOURAGED TO BE STRONG IN FAITH. THEY NEED AT LEAST £450 TO REACH KENYA SAFELY. 7 angels have said that to me now. 28th July 2016. 19:34. From Tomas’s phone / e-mail: Malik dead. You have killed Malik. Okay. 28th July 2016. 20:20. To the team: I went to the bank today to see if any money was in. None. There was only 30 p in the account, not even £1. And in our personal account we are £700 overdrawn (borrowed), with a £500 payment on a loan due in two weeks. I'm hoping that someone else is able to find a little money to keep you on the move. I have notified them and wait. What happened today after those 16 killed each other last night? Did police try to blame you and arrest you? Who took the bodies away? 28th July 2016. 21:40. To John: It looks like Eleanor will be able to do the same tomorrow that she sent today. She gets her pension tomorrow morning. So, we are hopeful that by midday you will have the same amount that she sent you today. However, it is unlikely that we will be able to find tomorrow the full £450 which the angels are asking for. You may have to 'limp' home to Kenya on the small sums that can be raised over here day by day, unless God propels you. 28th July 2016. 9:30. From John: The police too ran away after that confusion. The bodies were taken away by the [gang] members who didn't die. 28th July 2016. 9:43. From Eleanor: I could only send £200. 30th July 2016. 8:41. To John: What a relief here that Vivian was able to find £200 which Eleanor sent to you yesterday afternoon... 30th July 2016. 9:19. From John: Thanks. ... but it is still not enough to take us up to HOMABAY Kenya. 31st July 2016. 5:22. From John: Thanks Will. We are very grateful to God for His amazing love. £100 still can't take us up to home from Uganda it is a long distance and the price of fuel is now double here in East Africa. At least a further £300 can make us safely reach home. I understand your situation financially and you have demonstrated to us all Agape love by standing with us in all these challenges. God bless you. Oloo too has reported to us that the mechanic is very furious about the payment we were to send to him over the work on the van and that has put Oloo’s life in danger because being an MM faithful the mechanic wants him arrested and even killed. We are going to move on... Police Arrest And Torture Oloo & Riek’s Children!On 31st July, Oloo wrote an e-mail on Riek’s mobile phone from where he was being held by S Sudan police. They had arrested him and Riek’s young children – can you believe it?! – in reprisal for non-payment of the mechanic’s bill (which was grossly inflated!). Oloo, who is only 18, was an innocent bystander, whose father (the area chief) accepted the MM message and got baptised, but was then murdered by Muslims. Oloo was so discouraged, not seeing any way out of the problem, that he considered killing himself. 9:05. Reply: Hang in there, Oloo!!! Things always look bleakest before God rescues. Don't throw in the towel and blame God for human failure. We have been drained of our finances by attackers who have created massive problems for us financially. You don't understand the burdens we have borne. It is foolish and sinful to commit suicide. And it won't achieve anything for the God whom you want to serve if you denounce Him by denouncing us. It is not us who have caused this problem. It is the opponents of MM, who destroyed our vehicles and stole money from our accounts. I didn't kill Rebecca or Riek, did I? I didn't ruin the MM car, did I? So why blame me for the problem that I have to somehow find a solution to? £5,000 was stolen by fraudulent means, which has left us without the funds you need. God will rescue, but you have to put your trust in God, instead of being foolish and making threats against us and against God. Hold on. Don't give up your faith. Tell the mechanic that the money IS coming, but opponents have held it up. That's not our fault. They should understand that. We are trying our best to get hold of the needed money. M 31st July 2016. 5:46. From Rhoda: LET US SAVE MM FROM WORLDWIDE OPEN CONDEMNATION. MAY GOD TOUCH A SUPPORTER TO GIVE TOWARDS PAYING THE MECHANIC IN SOUTHERN SUDAN. RIEK'S YOUNG CHILDREN AND OLOO WERE ARRESTED AT NIGHT ON BEHALF OF THE EVANGELISM TEAM FOR FAILING TO PAY THE MECHANIC FOR GOOD WORK HE DID. OLOO LOOKS TIRED AND ANNOYED. THIS IS AN URGENT CASE, £1605 SHOULD NOT LET THESE YOUNG CHILDREN DIE. 7 angels have said that to me now. 8:51. To the person whom God put in my mind: This is an URGENT NEED. We have no money, and you have been asked to help out. PLEASE would you help out immediately so that Oloo... can be released from the police custody. This is to do with the unpaid mechanic's bill I mentioned to you yesterday. Please reply today to say what has been done. Thank you so much, Malcolm. [He didn’t reply. He is not one of our regular faithful supporters, but he IS a Christian. He ignored Matt 5:42 and 1 John 3:17.] 31st July 2016. 9:18. From Oloo: These people have inflicted a lot of pain on me and these young children for no reason. These Muslims don't believe in God they believe in killing and maiming. I have pleaded to the limit. I am suffering. For the sake of these young children may our God rescue us. I am sorry, sorry, sorry for blaming you please, please, please, forgive me. 9:29. Reply: Hang in there. God will deliver, but unfortunately He does let us suffer torture at the hands of opponents. Hold onto your trust in God. He will strengthen you, as you commit yourself to Him. 31st July 2016.11:40. ...Why should Riek's young children be made scapegoats, arrested in the middle of the night, imprisoned and beaten by police thugs, just because of the name of Christ? Muslims are cruel and inhumane to Christ's followers. They use any excuse to afflict them. When God sends His angels to mention that a meagre amount of money would have alleviated their plight (£1605), you know that God is holding us accountable for not getting that money to Oloo so that the S Sudan police's excuse holds no water. If we are expected to act and don't act, God expresses His anger or gross displeasure. It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God. I have asked God to wipe out those police tonight at midnight if their persecution continues. LET GOD BE GOD. WE TRUST IN HIM. HE IS SUPREME. We expect God to raise Riek and his wife Rebecca, and Chief Rao from the dead in due course, to effect a regional witness to the message in South Sudan. I would expect that next year, most probably. Malcolm 31st July 2016. 19:27. From Oloo: May God touch His servants to help us out the younger child has developed a cold here also hunger no food. It is horrible. 20:45. Reply: I'm sorry, Oloo, there is nothing more that we can do at the moment. Prayer is the only and BEST avenue for you to pursue. God can help in every situation. 31st July 2016. 19:16. From John: We are in Kampala. We shall be moving on tomorrow to Malaba. Hopefully on Tuesday we shall be home if only our God will help us with at least £300. God bless. 31st July 2016. 19:23. From Sujadi’s phone: How far have you gone? Your people are languishing in abject poverty, where is your God to save the poor Oloo and Rieks' children. Shame on you. 1st August 2016. 8:18. From Vivian: Some money came in this morning so I'm sending £300 to Fiona to get them home. 1st August 2016. 8:53. From John: We are 180km away from Kenya Uganda border. We can't move on for our fuel is greatly low in the tank. 1st August 2016. 13:05. From Oloo: We are being beaten badly. God bless. 14:40. Reply: Hang in there! God will deliver you eventually, but it is our lot to suffer for His name's sake. He may deliver tonight at midnight since it wasn't last night. 1st August 2016. 13:10. From John: We trust God to help us reach the border tonight. God bless. 1st August 2016. 14:51. From John: It seems the devil wants Oloo and Riek’s children to die in prison so that MM NAME can be spoilt. The devil has blocked all avenues for the mechanic to get his dues for the children to be out!!! I really feel for them. God bless. 1st August 2016. 15:34. From Oloo: Please may God touch one to help us we are suffering. Even half the money can be sent to him so that we are released. God save us. 16:23. Reply to Oloo: We can't even manage a half. That damage was incurred by the gang of Muslim thugs who oppose the truth. If there was any true justice in S Sudan, those thugs who vandalised the car should be held responsible and pay for the damage they caused. But they were going to completely destroy the car if we didn't step in and retrieve it. Tell the police who are holding you that they are holding you illegally. How can little children be held responsible for non-payment of a bill from a mechanic? They are not even old enough to drive a car, or own one, so their arrest of small children is a violation of international rules of justice. Tell the police that God holds them accountable for the abuse they inflict on you. [I expected God to kill them.] Give them my e-mail address to write to me, and I will explain more to them, and when we will pay the bill. We simply have no money at present. John paid £345 of the bill, but had no more money to pay the rest, but has promised to pay as soon as he receives the money. Why can't they take him at his word, instead of maliciously beating innocent children who have nothing to do with John or us... the police are violating little innocent children in sadistic cruelty, for which God holds them accountable. 1st August 2016. 17:34. Reply to Oloo: ...I am trying to raise some funds, but you don't realise how impossible our situation is. It's like yours. We have been robbed and left pretty much destitute, unable to get hold of any money at short notice. WAIT, and hold on. I said to you previously, "Hang in there!" We have to endure. That is a statement of Jesus in Matthew 24:13. Only those who endure to the end shall be saved, not those who capitulate half way... Don't ever give up on God delivering. HE WILL! But there are trials we have to bear before He does deliver. God Finally Delivers By Killing The 4 Police Officers1st August 2016. 16:53. From Rhoda: AT LEAST £420 TO REACH JOHN BY WU NOW TO HELP OLOO AND RIEK’S CHILDREN COME OUT. OLOO SHOULD CHANGE THE MONEY INTO SMALL DENOMINATIONS AND GIVE TO THE POLICE WHO WILL ALL DIE. THE MECHANIC WILL FEAR AND ONLY ACCEPT THAT. OLOO AND THE CHILDREN WILL BE FREE. 7 angels have said that now. Comment: Vivian later managed to raise £450! 1st August 2016. 17:00. From John: We are 32km from the [Uganda / Kenya] border. God bless. 1st August 2016. 18:33. To Oloo: ...Don't worry. I am hopeful that someone here will surprise us shortly with the money. When it is sent to you, get it in the smallest denomination notes you can, but don't tell the police that. Then, when you give it to the police, God can work His plan out. God bless. I hope it won't take too long to arrange... As soon as John gets it, he will transfer it to you. 1st August 2016. 19:50. To Oloo: The money is on its way now. Praise God!! I'm so relieved for you all! May God also heal you of all your wounds and pains. 2nd August 2016. 10:04. From Oloo: We are free at last. Thanks to God. I received £450 from J, and changed 420 into smaller denominations till it filled five envelopes then gave to the four police who held us. When they started counting the money they started complaining of little air and breathing problems and then all died in our watch – me, the kids and the mechanic. The mechanic then took his money and left. We have reached home. God bless. 10:32. Reply: Praise God! I am so relieved... There is an appropriate reminder in 1 Peter 5:10 about how we have to suffer for a while before God delivers us. And 1 Peter 4 contains some teaching about the place of suffering in our spiritual development. God bless. 2nd August 2016. 10:08. From John: Busia, Kenya. Thanks to our God. We are off Busia border to Kisumu. Hopefully God willing we shall be in Homa Bay tonight. God bless. I sent to Oloo the 450. I am sure they will be freed today. God is great. Just when we could breathe a great sigh of relief, glad that such a stressful situation was over, the next crisis was immediately upon us! However, we are not meant to take it easy, are we? Complacency is the fruit of ease. And Paul said “while we are at home in the body we are absent from the Lord” (2 Cor 5:6). “For we who live are always delivered to death for Jesus’ sake...” (2 Cor 4:11). |
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