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Mighty Miracles Of God Volume 8 |
109Several Defectors
“It is not an enemy who reproaches me... Nor is it one who hates me who has exalted himself against me... But it was you, a man my equal, my companion...” (Psalm 55:12,13)
God calls people, giving them a chance to be saved and to serve Him. Each person must be tested in life. Some pass the tests and are chosen. Some fail and are rejected. We must stay faithful to the end. 8th July 2016. 11:22. From Sujadi: God has remained faithful to me over here. In a dream yesternight I saw a group of people who were once with MM but complained because of lack of money, then left MM, sat in a corner and wrote letters to fight MM cleverly by soiling the names of the evangelism team like John, Vuga, Fatu till the MM supporters couldn't properly support the outreach. They wrote false information on the team. I saw a hand from heaven destroy them, and all supporters became positive and MM evangelism moved to all corners of the earth. 8th July 2016. 16:19. From Sujadi: Look at this dream. Look at it, I'm unsettled. [The one above at 11:22.] 16:26. Reply: Yes, it's OK. We know from other revelations the angels have given that these rogues are trying to destroy God's Work by making up false accounts, and by falsely accusing God's servants. But they will all come to nothing. The devil is behind all false accusations. He is called (in Revelation) "the accuser of the brethren". So we should not be surprised that his servants falsely accuse God's servants. It has happened since the beginning. Look at what God will do: "I saw a hand from heaven destroy them. And all supporters became positive and MM evangelism moved to all corners of the earth." That will fulfil Matthew 24:14, the final phase. God bless. 9th July 2016. 19:50. From Sujadi: I saw strong light falling on to the earth in seven directions. Some people on earth got killed by the strong light rays but those who were found praying remained. When I woke up it was midnight....! 21:25. Reply: I think the dream is a symbolic representation of what God is doing. He is sending revelation (Light) from heaven, to inhabitants of earth, about His perfect (symbolised by 7) ways. He is doing this through distributing MM lit which gives people the truth about Him and His ways. The people who refuse to accept God and who oppose MM's work of God will pay with their lives for resisting Him (many already have lost their lives). But the people who accept Him (who pray to Him and love and obey Him), their lives will be spared. 10th July 2016. 9:02. From John in Kuwait: We are in the 14th mosque since morning. We hope to do as much as possible today. 13:38. On the 23rd mosque... 10th July 2016. 16:43. From Sujadi: Malcolm, I have dumped your ministry. This is Sujadi. Since I joined MM I have three reasons why you should be killed, you Malcolm. 1) You are fighting to finish Islam. 2) You are a killer. 3) You are poor and have no money. I can't see why desperate, poor and confused people such as John, Mark, Vuga can leave their homes and families to suffer in the name of evangelism. I have suffered since I joined the MM. Now I don't need Christianity. Tonight, I swear I will lead jihardists to Kuwait and all those your vans will be burnt. Fatu must also be killed for leaking Islamic secrets to your people. You Malcolm you are idiot. I am back to Islam. Islam power. MM IS an illuminati. Dooooooooooog. 16:56. Reply: OK, if that's what you choose to do, fight us and see if you can kill us. Woof, woof, woof!!! 10th July 2016. 16:53. From Rhoda: ANGELIC MESSAGE, JUBA WAR WILL MAKE THE EVANGELISM TEAM BE ATTACKED TONIGHT IN KUWAIT. URGENT, URGENT, URGENT. MALCOLM, MALCOLM, MALCOLM, THE EVANGELISM TEAM WILL BE ATTACKED TONIGHT. MONEY, A LOT OF IT, HAS BEEN GIVEN OUT TO SUJADI WHO IS LEADING ATTACKERS TO KUWAIT NOW. LET THE VANS MOVE BACK TO IRAQ STARTING NOW. THEY WILL PURSUE THE VANS UP TO EGYPT WHERE SUJADI WILL BE KILLED BY GOD. THE TEAM SHOULD MOVE BACK TO AFRICA FOR THE NAME OF MM TO BE SAFEGUARDED. MALCOLM IT IS SERIOUS, ONLY JOHN, MARK AND VUGA MAY STAND THE MULTITUDE COMING TO ATTACK THEM, FATU MAY RUN. 7 angels have said. 10th July 2016. 17:09. From John: Thanks. We have to travel to the Iraq border and give God a chance to fight for us. Sujadi was after money, he used to complain a lot whenever I sent him money. The battle is God's. 10th July 2016. 17:01. To Fatu: I have mentioned this to John, but I need to write to you separately about this matter. It could frighten you and make you fear unduly, even to the point of wanting to give up on God. Sujadi was turned around by God for a while, just to give him a chance to see whether he would accept Jesus as the All-Powerful Creator God that He is, who can defeat any and every enemy. Everyone has to be tested over various issues in life: one of those issues is money: will a person love money more than God? He chose money. That's why God has left us struggling without much money, but just enough to get by. It tests people to see whether they put their trust in money rather than in God. Money can't save from death or disasters. God can. When this attack comes tonight it will be fierce. But those who put their prayerful trust in God and who hold up a Faith booklet against the attackers without flinching, fearless and courageous against them, they will win. If you resist the fear that will arise in the situation, and just put your trust in God to defend you, using the Faith booklet against the attackers, God will be victorious, and you can come through it unscathed. But if you buckle, and allow fear to take you over, you will have given an open door to the enemy. Satan uses fear, injected into people, to gain power over them. Don't let him do that. You must resist the effects of the fear so that it doesn't cripple you from doing what you must do to defend against the foe. Up to now you have stood firm and been courageous. You have seen the way God has destroyed enemies and madrassas, because they are murderous and evil. God will likewise deliver you all tonight IF you exercise that faith in Him and in His MM lit that He has given as a token of His defence. God bless you all and may you exert the courage to stand against the enemy! Sujadi Plans To Ambush The Vans10th July 2016. 17:17. From Sujadi: I managed to obtain the MM Faith lits your evangelism team use to kill our people. The three lits we shall use to face your evangelism team. We have vehicles that you can not match. You are mean putting poor and helpless people suffer for nothing. I don't fear you Idiot. To the team: Little does he know that the Faith booklet won’t work for him, only for those who have the faith of God in them. What Sujadi doesn't realise is Faith booklets are not magic in themselves. It's the angels who empower them with God's Spirit, and only those with the Faith of God (who truly believe in God as you do) will see miraculous outflow from them. They won't work for Sujadi. 10th July 2016. 17:26. From Rhoda: SUJADI HAS GOT THE MM FAITH LITS WITH HIM, SO FIGHTING HIM WILL BE EASY AFTER GRABBING THE LITS FROM HIM. THE VANS SHOULD MOVE OUT. THEY HAVE TO FILL THE TANKS WITH FUEL IN KUWAIT WHERE PRICES ARE RELATIVELY LOW. LET THE VANS MOVE OUT. 7 angels have said that to me now. 10th July 2016. 17:01. From John: Look at this message from Sujadi: John if you want to be safe then surrender before we reach there. I know all secrets Malcolm and his demons have taught you, Mark and Vuga. Know that I have got the Faith lits so you can't challenge me. I know that Malcolm sent you £550 out of which you sent me £50 on Friday and £100 today. You also sent to Oloo £70 today, what I am telling you is that you are poor you have got no money. So don't be cheated to run away, you have no money for enough fuel to Africa. You will also not go past Southern Sudan for I have sent to Oloo £30,000 to recruite hard men to attack any MM followers there, today Oloo requested for help from Malcolm and he was denied [a lie] so from today I will support Oloo and Rieks' children. If you think that I am enjoying then wait. If you joke then I'll kill you like I killed Riek and his wife who wanted to destroy Islam in South Sudan. Okay? 18:22. My reply to John: He has left God out of the equation. God knows ALL that humans plan, and God doesn't need money... God is the same yesterday, today and for ever. He will deliver us through His invincible might. No one can stand against God and win. The angels will fight for us... From John to Sujadi: Sujadi you come before us with money but we have the risen Jesus. You may have killed many... but you cannot kill the one who lives in us who called us to do His work. You will die for the battle is God's. You threaten God, Sujadi? I just sent for you money today then you turn against us? Thunder cannot strike twice, the dream of light that you saw in a vision depicts your behaviour. A hand from heaven will land on you and you will be no more. 10th July 2016. 18:48. From Oloo: Sujadi wanted to send me money to fight MM but I refused. I can't fight God. I will die poor but not fight MM. God bless. 18:53. Reply: Yes, Sujadi has defected and sold his own life to Satan. Sujadi Tries To Bomb MM Vans10th July 2016. 19:01. From Sujadi: Those vans must go up in smokes tonight. Idiot. 10th July 2016. 19:06. From Oloo: This is how he persuaded me. He sent me this letter and warned me not to tell John. ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Idi Mpana <idimpana@gmail.com> Date: Sun, 10 Jul 2016 10:59:41 -0700 Oloo, look Malcolm is very poor, I want you and me plus others in Kenya, Uganda and Rwanda to form a movement to bring down MM in this world. We will be paid a lot of money like now I have been paid £300,000. I can give you £2000 for a start for you recruite strong men to block the evangelism vans. I want all these vans burnt. Please don't leak the information to John. John is a strong supporter of MM and changing his mind is not easy, I feel that if we kill him then it can be good. If you accept I can send to you. Thanks soldier. 10th July 2016. 19:39. From John: We are off. [Leaving Kuwait.] 10th July 2016. 20:25. From Sujadi: Your team is in our custody. We have blocked your vans. Now all must die. You dog. 20:30. Reply: Don’t talk rubbish! 10th July 2016. 20:26. From John: A big team. It is 22:26 pm [they are 2 hours ahead of us]. A big team of five vehicles are trailing us. Put us in prayers. 21:04. Reply: Pointing opened Faith booklets at them should blind them sufficiently for you to get away from them. 11th July 2016. 7:45. From John: They caught up with us past midnight but as their vehicles tried to block our way into Iraq three crashed into each other. They died as we watched, Sujadi and the remaining kept chasing us till morning. Fuel in the tanks is finished. We can't move on, we are stranded. I had to drive Fatu's car because she was afraid. We have no money to buy more fuel. 8:25. Reply: No fear, God is in control, even though we aren't. I think £150 is being sent shortly today, once the banks open. I will let you know... 11th July 2016. 7:49. From Sujadi: Your team killed 15 jihardists. Today before noon all members in the evangelism team plus the vans will be no more. I am leading the Warriors. They are hiding near a petrol station so we can't bomb them but when they take off they will not move out of Iraq. Dog. 8:57. Reply: No, our team didn't kill anyone. Your own henchmen caused their own downfall. Who gives you your funding? You won't win this battle. We will because God is on our side. We champion the cause of righteousness. You champion the cause of hate and destruction. 11th July 2016. 13:27. From John: By tonight we shall cross out of Iraq. We have fueled. God bless. 14:13. Reply: Have the angels said anything to you, giving guidance? 15:07. From John: Sujadi will pursue us up to Egypt where God will kill him. That's the Angels’ message to us. 11th July 2016. 19:07. From Rhoda: 'SUJADI WILL FOLLOW THEM UP TO EGYPT WHERE HE WILL MEET THE WRATH OF GOD. THE EVANGELISM TEAM MEMBERS ARE VERY TIRED AND HUNGRY BUT NONE WILL DIE. TONIGHT JUST AFTER MIDNIGHT FUEL SHOULD BE ADDED TO THE VANS TO ENABLE THEM TO REACH JORDAN. WHEN THEY REACH JORDAN / EGYPT BORDER, SUJADI WILL SHOOT AT THE VAN AIMING TO KILL JOHN BUT HE WILL INSTEAD KILL HIS TEAM MEMBER AND THAT’S HOW WAR WILL BREAK OUT IN THEIR MIDST AND SUJADI WILL BE SHOT AND HE WILL DIE AFTER CROSSING INTO EGYPT. 7 angels have said that to me now. 19:21. John, will that £200 be enough to refuel the 3 vehicles tonight? 11th July 2016. 19:49. From Sujadi: Let's meet in Jordan tonight you dog. 19:52. Reply: Sorry, I'm busy tonight. Got more important things to do than to come to meet you. I'll meet you at the border with Egypt later. You can buy me a plane ticket if you're feeling generous for a change. 11th July 2016. 19:57. From John: Each van requires fuel of £210 to take us to Jordan. We still need at least £430 to be safe. God bless. 12th July 2016. 7:06. From John: We are at the Iraq Jordan border, we fueled the vans at half past midnight in Iraq. The fuel in the tanks can't take us far. We are in a petrol station now. We were trailed by our attackers till now. If we can start moving by around noon, then by midnight we should be at the Jordan Egypt border. No money is in the kitty. 8:34. Reply: If anyone here can send anything, we should know in the next hour. I have notified all our (handful of) supporters, but I know that yesterday they all had nothing available to send. So it depends on whether their situation has changed by today. 7:51. From Sujadi: Stupid. Already we have cornered your vans at the Jordan border here they will not escape. Shame on you. 8:29. Reply: Look behind you. 12th July 2016. 11:40. To the faithful few: Bob (S) has managed to send £200 to J just now, which should get them moving again on towards the other border of Jordan. Thanks, Bob. He has deferred paying bills to achieve this urgent task. However, I don’t think it will be enough to get them there. They will run out of fuel half way... J said they would need £430, but I think even that is understating it. The figure needed is probably a further £300.. 12th July 2016. 15:04. From Mark: ...Yesterday night, I received an angelic message that a section of the evangelism team will soon ditch MM because of lack of funds and start to fight MM, but they will face God's wrath. The message was delivered by seven angels. 15:10. Reply: That is shocking. Thanks for letting me know. [Jeftah, Tomas and Malik soon defected, like Sujadi.] [Vivian managed to raise £240 for the team.] 15:58. To John: Hope it is enough to get you to the other border of Jordan. Do you think it will be? 12th July 2016. 20:00. From John: Thanks. Yes... this can take us to the Jordan Egypt border. God bless. 13th July 2016. 7:03. From John: Jordan / Egypt border. We have arrived here but found our way across into Egypt blocked by Sujadi. We have little fuel to take us across. As I write now they have come closer to our vans wielding guns in their hands. We want to face them with Faith lits. The fuel we have can't take us even up to Cairo once we have crossed into Egypt, and no more is in the kitty. 13th July 2016. 7:09. From Rhoda: THE VANS SHOULD CROSS INTO EGYPT BEFORE NOON. SUJADI WILL BE SHOT THIS MORNING. THE VANS DON'T HAVE ENOUGH FUEL BUT SHOULD MOVE VERY FAST TO CAIRO ONCE SUJADI IS SHOT BY HIS OWN MEN. THE TEAM SHOULD NOT FEAR, FOR ONCE SUJADI IS DEAD THE ONLY PROBLEM WILL BE PASSING SOUTH SUDAN. THE EVANGELISM KITTY IS DRY. 7 angels have said that to me now. Comment: Our few loyal supporters managed to send a small amount of money to John so the team could move on. Sujadi Is Shot Dead By His Own Men13th July 2016. 15:16. From John: We hope to be in Cairo late in the night. Sujadi got shot in our watch today morning. He stood in front of the fierce rogues lifting up the Faith lit as the group aimed at the vans. Instead, the bullets caught him in the chest. We clearly saw Jeftah hold him [when Sujadi collapsed]. Jeftah has betrayed us; he is in this team pursuing us. After crossing into Egypt, we saw some of them weeping, meaning Sujadi died in that exchange. 13th July 2016. 15:58. From Rhoda: LOVE OF MONEY IS VERY BAD. MALCOLM, SUJADI IS DEAD. JEFTAH IS THE ONE WHO TOOK MONEY TO SUJADI, HE IS LEADING THE TEAM THAT IS TRAILING THE VANS. JEFTAH IS PLANNING TO GIVE TOMAS MORE MONEY SO THAT THEY CAN DESTROY THE EVANGELISM TEAM AND MM IN AFRICA, JEFTAH IS BACK TO ISLAM BECAUSE OF LOVE OF MONEY. THE MM VAN MUST BE TAKEN AWAY FROM HIM BEFORE WEDNESDAY NEXT WEEK. THE VANS ARE ALMOST REACHING CAIRO, YES. 7 angels have said that to me now. 13th July 2016. 16:08. On Sujadi’s e-mail address: You are a criminal: We have studied your previous warnings to the late Sujadi, now you are a wanted criminal get ready to face dangerous consequences. We are pursuing your vans and we are with commanders who know you well plus your lits that Sujadi had. Do you know Jeftah, he left your ministry and he has joined this team called Operation MM out in Muslim world. This year your people in Africa and Middle east will not hold FOT for you are poor, malcolm you are poor that even servicing Jeftah and Tomas vans you can't. We are going to burn the vans belonging to Jeftah and Tomas soon. Yours Majid Kosova. Jeftah. Asina aziz. 16:55. Reply: No, you are the criminals, as is obvious from your evil hostile missives and your evil attacks. You are fighting God, not us, and you will pay the consequences of that. You should look behind you, too. 13th July 2016. 17:03. From Jeftah: I am sorry, I can't go on with this situation. Inform John and Mark to come pick this van I can't be a watchman to the vehicle which can not even move. I have to quit this ministry which cannot afford to support the evangelist financially. We used to our Islamic religion were we are supported financially. To hell with your MM and have given you three days to pick this van or else never ask me it whereabouts. 18:11. Reply: OK. Give us a week to pick it up. 13th July 2016. 18:21. From John: We saw Jeftah, he is a traitor. God cannot allow him to go this far. God bless. 18:29. Reply: He'll come to his end under the hand of God's judgement. The angels said that you need to collect that van somehow by next Wednesday... 18:49. On Sujadi’s e-mail: You have killed my husband. Stop being rude to us, okay? You will be lucky if your vans will go past southern Sudan because we have made all plans to get you this time. Sujadi's blood is on your head. Now again you are threatening Jeftah. I am Asha Mwanamali, Sujadi's wife. You have left me in pain but I am ready to handle you in any way possible. Kaffir. 19:22. Reply: I am sorry for you that you have lost your husband. If he had done what God required of him, he could still be here today. Sujadi's men shot him when he ordered them to shoot at our vans and God's servants. Look at the evidence instead of falsely accusing the innocent. Our workers don't have guns or bombs. We have the Word of God. And the Word of God defends the righteous. God's Word states that he who takes to the sword will be killed by the sword. So Sujadi paid with his life for trying to fight against God and God's workers who are distributing God's Word. Islam has no power of God, because it is a false religion based on lies and empty philosophy. 13th July 2016. 19:00. From Rhoda: MALCOLM, THE VAN IS GOD'S VESSEL FOR HIS WORK. JEFTAH CAN'T BOAST TO GOD. THE VANS SHOULD MOVE NON-STOP AND EVADE SOUTHERN SUDAN AND MOVE STRAIGHT TO COLLECT THE VAN. ENGINE REPAIR ONLY WILL COST £1500. REPLACEMENT WITH A NEW ENGINE REQUIRES £4220. WHAT IS IMPORTANT IS FOR THE VANS TO MOVE ON WITH FUEL IN TANKS FULL TIME. JEFTAH WILL BE NO MORE. 7 angels have said that to me now. 13th July 2016. 19:06. From John: To collect the van may require that we move without breaks to Niger from now... the problem is we have little in the kitty.. 14th July 2016. 17:31. From Tomas: I am answerable to God. Ha ha ha, We are in undisclosed place. Organise to have your van by Friday next week. Okay. I'm back to Islam. 14th July 2016. 20:25. From John: We are moving nonstop. Hopefully we shall be at Libya / Chad border by morning then cross in to Niger tomorrow night. Comment: Eleanor managed to send John £700... 16th July 2016. 13:49. From Sujadi’s wife: Eye for eye. You don't serve God because God don't kill with bomb the way you do. We are at the Niger border tonight our Allah will put your men in to our hands. 17th July 2016. 10:15. To Sujadi’s wife: God has killed your husband. You are right, God does not kill with bombs. And nor do we. Why do you want to kill? We don't want to kill. It's because of your implacable nature in not turning away from evil that God has to take the lives of evil people who try to destroy His Work. Allah is Satan, not God. Jeftah And Tomas Try To Ambush And Kill MM Team16th July 2016. 13:59. From Oloo: Thanks Will. The most dangerous person is Jeftah. He came here yesterday with paperbag full of money to give to me but it found when John had sent us £50 for subsistence. He told me that he is tricking the evangelism team to go for the car so that he can kill all of them. They have joined hands with Sujadi's wife, Tomas and other rogue youths... God bless. 16th July 2016. 14:06. From Rhoda: TOMAS IS IN NIGER NOW WAITING TO ATTACK THE EVANGELISM TEAM TONIGHT. GOD WILL BLOCK HIS EYES. THE CAR ENGINE IS NOT GOOD AND IT CAN'T MOVE. IT WILL REQUIRE REPAIR FOR THE TEAM TO GO WITH IT. 7 angels have said now. 18:25. Reply: I wonder if that means the engine in the wrecked car needs to be replaced before they leave Niger? If so, they will need more money, and the question would be how much? 16th July 2016. 19:48. From Rhoda: £1500 TO REPAIR THE OLD ENGINE, OR TO REPLACE WITH A NEWER ONE £4220. 7 angels have said. [Eleanor sent £1,000 on 17th July and £600 on 18th, so a repair could be done.] 17th July 2016. To John: Are you OK? Was there any drama last night? 17th July 2016. 12:12. From John: They tried to ambush us but their guns jammed. We used the MM Faith lits as human shields. Tomas came closer to our vans, aimed at us four times but failed. Then he started to complain that his eyes are itching. He was carried away by his team. This happened at midnight. 17th July 2016. 16:08. From Tomas’s e-mail address: This is Mersy Tomas. Tomas can't see. His eyes are red hot he is crying badly. If you can't make him see then forget your van. You're too stupid. Why use God's name and you are not a Christian. Stupid. 17:35. Reply: Repentance is the only solution. Hello Mercy. Tomas turned against God by fighting God's Work on earth, which he once supported morally. He has forgotten all the miracles God has done to deliver Tomas when he worked for God. But now he is working for money, and has made money his idol, and turned away from serving God, he has incurred God's great anger. So you should not be surprised that he is suffering. He should have known better than to fight the Almighty God who does not take kindly to insults. So be careful what you say against Him, against us as His prophets, against His Work and against His Word the Holy Bible and MM literature that expounds it. I am sorry that he is suffering, but only the obedient can receive God's healing. If you are obedient to God, He will be merciful to you, otherwise beware. 17:41. Her response: I am not Mercy, I am Mersy. Don't give me satanic name. Are you a prophet? A prophet of doom who kills? Forget your van if you can't heal my husband. Tonight if you can't heal him then prepare for the worst. 17:47. Reply: I have told you how your husband could be healed, but you are not listening and nor is he. Do you want God to kill him because of your intransigence? You are asking for it by continuing to fight us. 17th July 2016. 17:36. From Sujadi’s wife: Stop insulting me. You killed him. Yesternight you destroyed Tomas eyes, your time is up. Even tonight... 17:42. Reply: Your rebellion is recorded in heaven, from where punishment fell upon Sujadi and upon Tomas for trying to kill us. I advise you kindly to retract your venomous words against us, against God's Work, because you are insulting God who does not take kindly to evildoers who refuse to turn away from their evils. Do you think it is laudable to ambush our vans, try to shoot us with your guns (which God's angels jammed so they wouldn't work), and continue with such aggressive hostility? You shouldn't be surprised that you have incurred God's anger and punishment upon you. 17th July 2016. 19:27. From Tomas’s wife: Stop threatening me. You have nothing to show off only witches to kill Allah followers. Let's see who will ask for forgiveness between us and you. 17th July 2016. 19:32. From Sujadi’s wife: Stop it you killer, you won't see the face of Allah. You hypocrite. 18th July. 9:40. To the team: Psalm 52 describes these people so aptly. 18th July 2016. 16:06. From Jeftah: I am going out on mission so just inform John or Mark to pick the van at my place because they might not find me home by Friday. I have informed them that I don't want that vehicle in my compound. Comment: Eleanor sent John £600 on 18th July so the engine was fixed.] 19th July 2016. 8:29. From Jeftah: Do you think I was your watchman. How could John and Mark just walk into my home to take the van without letting me know? 19th July 2016. 8:47. From John: We have £230 in the kitty. We will need to change the front tyres. Also after the repair we will need fuel to South Sudan to pick up the other van. 19th July 2016. 18:35. From Sujadi’s wife: You're also thieves. Why steal Jeftah 's car? From Niger, All The Way To S Sudan19th July 2016. 19:43. From John: Vehicle engine fixed. Thanks. We are set to leave here tomorrow evening, but need £400 for fuel to South Sudan. 19th July 2016. 19:51. From Rhoda: "THE VANS ARE TO MOVE TO SOUTH SUDAN TOMORROW NOON. TOMAS’S WIFE IS DISMANTLING THE ENGINE. MALCOLM TO WARN HER, SHE WILL DIE. MONEY FOR ENOUGH FUEL FOR THE VANS IS NEEDED. AT LEAST £520 WILL BE ENOUGH." 7 angels have said that to me now. Comment: Eleanor sent £300 to John today. 19th July 2016. 20:03. To Tomas’s wife: DO NOT TAMPER WITH THE CAR THAT BELONGS TO MM. Stop dismantling the engine or you will die. 20th July 2016. 9:04. To John: We are hoping to get that needed money... Comment: Eleanor sent £520 to John this afternoon. 20th July 2016. 9:04. From Jeftah: You have to pay me for all that long have kept the vehicle safe is when I'll release the documents so forget about it or you sell it to me. 9:10. Reply: You have been paid, big time! Add up all the money you received from John over the months, and it's in thousands of pounds, many thousands. You've done "very nicely" out of us in that respect, and what do we get in return? We get a defector, who opposes us, who lies about us, who spreads malicious things about us, who tries to kill us, defraud us, and do everything evil against us that you possibly can. Do you think I'm going to reward you for that? No. I won't, but God will. 20th July 2016. 9:53. From John: Yes we are set to leave at noon. 20th July 2016. 11:38. From Jeftah: ...you better do as I say because I'll involve the police into this matter and you will not get away with it. 12:11. Reply: Blackmail is another evil. Jeftah Moha, you are a liar, a cheat, a murderer, a big hypocrite and a traitor. All those sins are worthy of death in God's Book. And God exacts judgment upon the unrepentant. Call the earthly police, then, and see what they can do to take possession of a vehicle that belongs to us, and for which you were the custodian for a short time before YOU ASKED US TO COME AND COLLECT IT. And I will call in the Heavenly Police, and you have seen what they did to Tomas, haven't you? You are asking for the same fate. A registration document is not proof of ownership, just an indicator of who is the keeper. I have the proof of ownership. So, go ahead, call in your spoof police, your corrupt hirelings masquerading as police and see what God does to them and to you. 21st July 2016. 7:49. From Jeftah: I have given you two days to comply with my demands or else I'll report you to the police instead of narrating long stories. Reply: I’m calling in the heavenly police if you don’t back off. Get lost. 21st July 2016. 12:03. From John: By night we shall be in southern Sudan God willing. We have had two attempts by police to block us but the e-mails you advised us to show them made them give us a green light to move on. Jeftah hid from us to give him room [an excuse] to steal the MM car but God is good. We have £280 in the kitty, enough to take us till tomorrow morning. Rescuing Our Vehicle In South Sudan22nd July 2016. 8:15. From John: We are in Southern Sudan. The van engine is interfered with, all wheels removed. Tomas is not around. We don't know where to start. 8:45. Reply: Doesn't it make you sick?!!! 9:32. Reply: God has obviously allowed this to happen, but has a remedy that we don’t know about yet. God has a purpose in allowing it. We have to pay a price for the disobedience of these rebels. Before He can strike them dead for their evil, they have to be allowed to do evil. It also creates news in the area that spreads... and MM’s presence in the region is more widely known... I had a dream last night that I didn’t know what to say to someone or what to do, so God took charge and I didn’t have to do anything. Comment: I also take that to mean that we won’t have to raise the near 2k to get the car restored, but that God will take care of the need another way, because we don’t have anything. [God arranged for us to retrieve the vehicle for £420! The full story is in Vol 9.] 22nd July 2016. 11:12. From John: Tomas is nowhere, the van can’t move. 22nd July 2016. 11:25. From Rhoda: TOMAS, HIS WIFE AND JEFTAH ARE BEHIND ALL THESE. MALCOLM TO GIVE THEM THE LAST WARNING TO RETURN THE CAR PARTS THEY STOLE. MAKING THE VAN MOVE NEEDS £1945. IF THEY CAN'T [return the car parts], THEN TOMORROW SATURDAY AT MIDNIGHT THEY WILL MEET GOD'S PUNISHMENT. 7 angels have said that to me now. 22nd July 2016. 12:12. To Tomas and Jeftah: You have removed parts of the car which belongs to God as part of MM’s outreach. You have stolen from God and harmed His Work. This is an order from God via His 7 angels: Return and restore those stolen parts to the car immediately. Otherwise God will strike you all dead at midnight this Saturday. This warning is addressed to Tomas and Mersy, and Jeftah Moha. Malcolm Malcolm B Heap, Midnight Ministries, PO Box 29, Aylesbury, HP17 8TL, UK 12:39. From Mersy: Haaaaaaa, you will not. I want to see your power. Give back Tomas eyes and you will receive the van. 12:41. Stop it. You want to kill us at midnight on Saturday?????????? Dog. 17:15. From Jeftah: Forget about it. Those are our compensation.
The fate of these infidels is related in Volume 9.
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