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Mighty Miracles Of God Volume 8 |
104Sujadi Repents
“I have wounded them so that they could not rise.” (Psalm 18:38)
29th May 2016. 8:46. From Sujadi: Dog, you severed my [left] eye now I have got only one. I am out of danger and resting in undisclosed place and country but let's meet on Tuesday at night. Dog dog dog. 29th May 2016. 8:53. From John: Four women joined us in our Sabbath rest yesterday and we have baptized them now. We are moving to the third mosque now. God bless. 29th May 2016. 10:59. From Sujadi: You people baptized our women and get in to our Mosques at will, meet you on Tuesday at night. Dog. Malcolm, you're a chain killer. 29th May 2016. 14:54. From Rhoda: "THE BAPTISM HAS MADE THE MUSLIM LEADERS UNHAPPY AND BY NOW TWO HAVE HANGED THEMSELVES." 7 angels said. 30th May 2016. 10:45. From John: We are crossing the border into Iran and already we have seen Sujadi. He is with four people trying to cross into Iraq from Iran. He is shedding tears and quarrelling with the border officials for allowing us to cross into Iran. May you tease him so that we can know his plans. 12:42. To Sujadi: So, what are you going to do now that our vans have crossed into Iran, eh? Can’t catch up with us, can you? 13:19. From Sujadi: Shame on you chain killer. Tonight we want to see between you and me who is smarter. I have well trained men to fight you here in Iran. Now I'm not going to Iraq, we are going to throw their bodies to the wild animals. Meet me. Dog. Sujadi’s Gang Wiped Out In IranMonday 30th May 2016. 13:30. From Rhoda: MALCOLM TO INSTRUCT THE EVANGELISM TEAM TO MOVE CLOSER TO THE BORDER, THEN WAIT FOR TONIGHT. THE ANGELS OF GOD WILL BRING SUJADI AND HIS MEN NEAR THE VANS AND GOD WILL CLOSE THEIR EYES INCLUDING THE REMAINING ONE FOR SUJADI. THE EVANGELISM TEAM MUST HAVE AT LEAST £500 FOR TRAVELLING BACK TO IRAQ. AT LEAST £430 TO REACH JOHN BY WU NOW. AFTER DESTROYING SUJADI’S TEAM LET THE EVANGELISM TEAM TAKE SUJADI CAPTIVE SO THAT HE CAN TELL OUT SOME PLANS THEY HAVE. 7 angels have said that to me now. 14:04. Reply: The only problem is, Rhoda, as the angels well know, we don't have that £500. Eleanor might be able to find £100 or so, but that will leave her totally without, and we are all equally without funds. 30th May 2016. 20:33. From John: Sujadi and his men have surrounded us. 20:54. Reply: He's walking right into God's hands. We're still working on the money front, but nothing is evident yet. I hope you can last out another day on what you have. Tuesday 31st May 2016. 9:42. From John: SUJADI IN OUR CUSTODY. Thanks Will. Sujadi can't see, A GREAT tribulation occurred at midnight. We wanted to cross in to Iraq but we are down financially. God bless. Wednesday 1st June 2016. 12:13. From John: What happened on Monday / Tuesday midnight. Sujadi and his men armed with guns and crude weapons surrounded our vans at the Zagros Mountains border at nine in the night, abused us, and threw objects such as stones at us. This went on for hours but at 12:09 (at midnight) a strong wind blew and in a unique confusion we saw them fighting one another. It began when Sujadi started complaining that his eye had been hit by a stone. Then they started fighting one another. Sujadi fell to the ground. Gunshots filled the air as 13 people died. At exactly 4.13 am we took Sujadi, put him in the van and crossed into Iraq. His report confirms that all those who left MM work very closely with him to fight MM. He told us that right now they open new email addresses and write falsehood, send to Malcolm pretending to be interested in MM truth yet they get in to MM to learn its secrets and plan massively to destroy it. Some are in Uganda, Kisumu, Rwanda, Sirare, working with Sujadi. We have finished interrogating him and wait for Angelic guidance on how to handle him... God bless. 1st June 2016. 12:27. From Rhoda: "SUJADI SHOULD BE LEFT TO GO. LET HIS EYE BE TOUCHED WITH THE MM FAITH LIT SEVEN TIMES EACH SIDE. £770 be placed in the last warning call to Muslims. LET THE LIT PLUS THE MONEY BE GIVEN TO HIM. HE WILL GO TO 70 MOSQUES IN SAUDI ARABIA, DUBAI AND PREACH THE HEALING POWER IN MM. THIS MUST BE DONE NOW, NOW, NOW. SUJADI HAS BEEN WORKING WITH MM OPPOSERS TO BRING DOWN MM BUT NOW HE IS AN MM CRUSADER." 7 angels have said that to me now. Sujadi Repents1st June 2016. 12:49. From John: ...the kitty only has £220, we can't get the £770 the Angels have proposed. We have touched his eyes and he can now see. God bless. 1st June 2016. 12:59. From Sujadi: I can see. I won’t fight God. Malcolm I am a sinner. I have been fighting you by getting support from my dead father, friends and former MM members who gave me tricks of how to get to you. I am just a youth please forgive me. Let them set me free to serve GOD. Forgive, forgive me. 13:21. Reply: Hello Sujadi. It's good to hear from you. Yes, you are forgiven. God forgives all who are genuinely sorry for fighting against Him. Jesus paid the huge price of death that our sins deserve, so that God is able to forgive us. Each day, read some MM booklets like "Why Did Jesus Die?", or "Why Suffering?" and other titles, to learn about the plan of God, and how you can fulfil God's will in your life. John can give you some. God bless. Malcolm 13:49. From Sujadi: Thanks, Thanks, Thanks, Thanks. Thanks. The Arrogant WickedFrom: Sajeed Musa [mailto:musasajeed@gmail.com] Sent: 01 June 2016 16:29. Ray Tinsman from USA and Arrul Shah from India who are also working closely with Lukas Ogada and Nandi are working closely by the government to revoke Mark's title deed to throw him away from that land to build a factory that makes corrugated iron sheets and big supermarket. Ray Tinsman is having a very big church ministry in Embu Kenya. They even sent there agents at Mark's place three days ago. 19:23. From Rhoda: "MALCOLM, MALCOLM, MALCOLM, THAT IS HOW ARROGANT THE MM OPPOSERS ARE, THEY LAUGH AT MM FOR LACK OF MONEY. THIS INFORMATION SHOULD NOT BE SENT TO THE EVANGELISM TEAM. MALCOLM, WARN SAJEED TO KEEP OFF MM AFFAIRS, THEN IGNORE ALL HIS LETTERS. NO ONE WILL TAKE MARK’S LAND. AT LEAST MONEY TO SEND SUJADI OUT OF THE EVANGELISM TEAM TO SAUDI ARABIA, DUBAI, AND PREACH THE HEALING PROCESS OF MM SHOULD REACH JOHN BY WU NOW." 7 angels have said that to me now. 2nd June 2016. 8:11. From John: ...we are left with £72... 8:51. To John: Hang on. God takes us all to the limit! Remember what the angels said yesterday to Rhoda: << NOW THE TEAM IS NOT OKAY, TOMAS AND HIS TEAM, RIEK AND HIS TEAM, EUNICE AND PEOPLE IN JOHN'S COMPOUND TOO ARE SUFFERING BUT GOD IS GOING TO MEET ALL THEIR NEEDS. >> ...The angels said put money in a Last Call booklet and give to Sujadi. We haven't got much, so put a small amount in there as a token of your faith and ask God to bless it and perform His will. Let's wait for directions from the angels, because I don't know what to do. This is not my work; it's God's Work. So He must guide. We wait upon Him... Let's see what God says through His glorious angels. 2nd June 2016. 18:55. From Rhoda: MALCOLM, MALCOLM, SUJADI SHOULD MOVE ON TO SAUDI ARABIA TOMORROW MORNING, LET HIM MOVE OUT. 7 angels have said that to me now. 2nd June 2016. 19:00. From John: Muslim youths have attacked us. They want to grab Fatu and Sujadi. 2nd June 2016. 19:40. To John: Tonya Heap has sent you £130. It’s all we have been able to do... [Comment: The constant lack of money, and being interfered with by Scotland Yard, hampered the outreach, so Sujadi was unable to fulfil God’s call to visit 70 mosques in Saudi Arabia.] 3rd June 2016. 9:24. To John: Blockage! T has tried to send you £150 this morning, but it was blocked. The system refused it and an operator phoned to say that it wouldn’t be allowed. So, we are trusting in God to see us through the problem and to carry you. May God help us all under the oppressive rule of man!!! God is in charge. 3rd June 2016. 18:08. From John: The five Muslim youths, all armed, perished when we faced them with the Faith lits. All cried of being burnt with hot coal then perished. We then moved away. We Are Constantly Attacked!Comment: All our chickens are being attacked by demons and most have had their egg-laying suppressed. All but three have stopped laying. One was killed by demons more than a week ago and I had to bury it. This attack on them has been going on for about 3 or 4 weeks now. Every day we come under intense attack from demons and Helena has to spend many hours interceding – from before 8 am until about 5 pm, then in the evening and all the way through to about 3 am. This goes on every day! It is arduous. The attack is ferocious and unrelenting. So, it’s no wonder the money supply has been hit. We have no more money available... 19:35. From John: [About Sujadi leaving.] The Angels suggested £770 but the kitty couldn't allow us... 4th June 2016. 11:11. From John: Sujadi has left. I gave him £70 which I placed in the Faith lit as was advised... We are left with £70 in the kitty. God bless. 4th June 2016. 17:02. From Rhoda: MALCOLM, MALCOLM, MALCOLM, SUJADI BEING A NEW CONVERT INTO MM TRUTH NEEDS TIME TO GROW IN FAITH. AT LEAST £270 SHOULD HAVE BEEN SENT TO JOHN BY WU NOW TO HELP THEM AND SOME SENT TO SUJADI. 7 angels have said that to me now. 18:15. Reply: Yes, £270 should have been sent. In fact, £770 should have been sent, but we have no money. So, what can I do if our supporters have no money? And now Tonya [and me, and others] has been blocked by the police from sending money by Western Union, so even if we had that amount of money to send, we cannot send it by WU. 4th June 2016. 17:20. From Rhoda: MALCOLM, MALCOLM, MALCOLM, GOD IS IN CONTROL. LET THE EVANGELISM TEAM NOT PUT TOO MUCH PRESSURE ON JOHN. PLEASE ENCOURAGE JOHN NOT TO FEAR PRESSURE FROM THE MEMBERS IN THE TEAM. RIEK, AND TOMAS TOO ARE IN SERIOUS NEED. 7 angels have said that to me now. 4th June 2016. 17:43. From Sujadi: Thanks a lot brother Malcolm. I have crossed in to Saudi Arabia now. John told me to trust God to meet my other needs. He gave me £70 out of which already I have used £39. Life is very hard in these parts but I'm ready to do God's work till death. My earlier Muslim friends have destroyed all my belongings but I know God will hold my hand. Amen. Thanks a lot. 18:45. Reply: Thanks for yours. I am sorry we could only find the small amount to give you. We are really hampered by lack of funds... 5th June 2016. 9:02. From Sujadi: This is the topic John shared with me yesterday before leaving. He told me: 1) God has chosen you Sujadi for a purpose. 2) God has called you to follow Jesus and never turn back. 3) God has put A FAITH LIT into your hands, believe in Him to see mountains become a plain before you. 4) He called Moses the same way. Moses had a stick [staff]. Use the Faith lit as Moses used the stick; the Faith lit will get you water out of rocks, will get you food, clothing and shelter, will provide for you, Sujadi, DUBAI, Sujadi never turn away from this faith. 5) We have little money, only £70. Take it, we trust our God to open ways for support, never fear. GO, GO, GOOOOOOOO. I took the lit into which the money was placed then left. John showed me practically how to walk the faith walk though new into Christianity. This morning I have been caught five times by Muslim youths who slapped me and took all from me. I have nothing apart from the Faith lit. My clothes, shoes taken away plus all the money. Malcolm I am naked. I have wrapped myself with a piece of cloth my attackers put on me. I will not turn back. 9:23. Reply: Hang in there. I will do what I can. God is with you (though it doesn't feel like it, physically). [John managed to send him £20.] 5th June 2016. 17:51. From Mark: ...I just got this email from Mumo's wife. Let's pray for him. God be with you. Hello Mark, Greetings. Hope you are doing good. Am Susan, Mumo's wife. A group of four armed men with a Range Rover vehicle came here at your place. They ask Mumo to produce the land title deed. When Mumo denied knowing anything about the title deed then they shot him in the left arm and ran away. I had to call the ambulance then he was rushed to Eldoret Memorial hospital. Right now the doctors are working on him to remove the bullet. So we beg for your prayers. I'll keep on updating you. God be with you on your mission. Susan 18:30. Reply to Mark: It's a pity he didn't know that God would remove the bullet, if he trusted God to do that in Jesus' name. When Shallet was shot near Kisumu a year ago, we encouraged them to trust in God, and the bullet was removed supernaturally. Try and build up their faith. It's obviously too late this time to avoid the hospital bill that they will get and can't afford. But teach them how to use a Faith booklet to ward off attacks, so they can defend themselves. 5th June 2016. 18:12. From Rhoda: GUNMEN HAVE SHOT THE CARETAKER AT MARK'S COMPOUND. THEY WANT THE TITLE DEED WHICH IS GOD’S. THEY WON'T GET IT. SUJADI SHOULD MOVE OUT OF SAUDI ARABIA FOR HIS FORMER FRIENDS WHO ROBBED HIM WANT TO KILL HIM, TAKE THE MM LIT IN HIS POCKET TO THE POLICE THEN OPEN A CASE AGAINST MM THAT IT IS A DEVIL WORSHIP MINISTRY. MALCOLM, THIS IS VERY URGENT, AT LEAST £200 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW TO ENABLE SUJADI TO MOVE OUT TO IRAN EARLY TOMORROW. URGENT, URGENT, URGENT. FOR IF THEY SUCCEED THEN THE REPUTATION OF THE MINISTRY IS IN DANGER. 7 angels have said that to me now. 5th June 2016. 18:36. From Sujadi: The MM Angels really tell the truth. Amen. Now I'm sleeping in a cave for I heard those who stole from me say that they must kill me for I will leak out their secrets. Tomorrow very early in the morning, I will use the remaining £5 to move closer to the border. Thanks. 18:53. From Rhoda: THIS IS VERY URGENT. LET SUJADI USE THE £5 IN HIS HAND TO MOVE OUT TOMORROW MORNING, THEN JOHN TO SEND HIM MONEY BEFORE EVENING. URGENT, URGENT, URGENT. 7 angels have said that to me now. [A little money was sent to John.] 5th June 2016. 21:44. From Sajeed Musa: I know you have converted one of our Muslim member into Christianity. He will face the consequences for disobeying Muslins law and do you know that the caretaker at Mark's place was shot today morning? 6th June 2016. 8:16. From Sujadi: Thanks. I'm at the border already. 6th June 2016. 13:13. From Sujadi: Thanks Will. John sent me £100 one hour ago. I am moving on and will keep informing you. God bless. 7th June 2016. To John: While on these missions, since you don’t sleep but only have 15-20 minutes rest, what do you do during the night hours when others are sleeping? From John: We have prayers from midnight to dawn every day. This is the time we study the MM lits. We have got £65 in the kitty and already we have done 8 Mosques since morning... We have gone without milk, only water now four days, it can be clearly seen some are physically weak. 7th June 2016. 10:30. From Sujadi: Thanks. [I am] in Iran doing God's work. I hope you are fine. Thanks. 12:09. Reply: By "doing God's Work" do you mean visiting mosques? Do you have copies of The Last Call to Muslim Nations to leave there? 8th June 2016. 11:55. From Sujadi: Yes, I have copies and also sit with the MM youths in discussions touching on biblical teachings, they open their Koran as I use Faith lit plus an NIV Bible. God is great. 13:38. Reply: That's good. Your testimony about how God turned you around will speak loudly to them. The Team Visit Many Mosques In Iraq8th June 2016. 18:33. From John: Ten minutes ago, as we were taking a rest, four men all wielding guns came to us and asked for Sujadi and Fatu. We all removed our Faith lits, opened them as we faced the men. They ran away but left us with these words, “We must kill Sujadi and Fatu for interfering with our religion. Allah must destroy MM. Those who left MM and joined Islam are doing well financially but you poor idiots worship devils.” But they all left running in different directions. 9th June 2016. 10:37. From Rhoda: THE EVANGELISM TEAM HAVE COVERED A GREAT WORK TODAY, THEY TOOK MILK AND ARE HOPEFUL THAT GOD WILL OPEN WAYS FOR FINANCES. NOW THEY ARE IN THE 5TH MOSQUE. 7 angels have said that to me. 9th June 2016. 11:07. From John: Yes we bought milk and water. We are in the 6th mosque now... And Sujadi Evangelises In Iran9th June 2016. 18:06. From Sujadi: I saw a white mist, very thick. Today at noon when I visited Almadi Mosque in Iran, the Imams five of them took out their Koran and challenged me seeing me that I have gone mad. When I shared my testimonies they stood up and threw me out calling me names but instantly a thick white mist that landed on me from seven directions covered me isolating me from them till they ran away leaving me alone in the compound. At that time I held my Faith lit tightly on my chest while I opened it. I have a problem, I am left with only £27. Now vehicles are overcharging me. At times I try to walk but distance and terrain don't allow. Thanks. God bless. 18:18. Reply: The lack of money is a big problem. We are waiting for an answer from God on that. 10th June 2016. 16:34. Comment: I am most concerned about Sujadi, because in Iran, there is no mercy. Without money he can be clamped in jail, tortured, and killed. [We managed to send him a small amount of money via John.] 11th June 2016. 5:07. From Sujadi: Thanks a lot. I am in a fix, cannot move for I have nothing in hand all the money I had have been spent. God bless. 11th June 2016. 7:40. From Sujadi: Thanks a lot £20 received from John. 8th June 2016. 14:47. From Vuga: Today I received a threatening message from Yusuf Mpanga my neighbour at home [in Tanzania] warning me not to step in our home. He organised and they broke in to my mother's compound and went away with everything. May you put it in prayers. God bless. 15:31. Reply: How dreadful for your mum! More persecution! Cannot the local police be called to arrest the culprit, or is that a waste of time? 15:39. From Vuga: It is a big group fighting my stand in MM. They call me names but I'll not turn back. The police cannot arrest the whole village but the MM God who has kept us going can stop them. 16:56. From Vuga: ... Our neighbours are purely Muslims. My mother joined me in Christianity when I joined [with] MM, that's why they attacked her. God bless. 8th June 2016. 18:03. From Rhoda: THOSE WHO LEFT MM BECAUSE OF LACK OF MONEY, HAVE JOINED HANDS WITH MM OPPOSERS TO WRITE ALARMING FALSEHOOD AND SEND IT TO POLICE IN THE UK TO GAG THE MM TRUTH. NO FEAR, ALL WILL FAIL. VUGA’S MOTHER IS A CHRISTIAN BELIEVING IN MM TRUTH THAT'S WHY HER NEIGHBOURS WANT TO KILL HER. TOMAS TEAM, EUNICE ARE SUFFERING THROUGH LACK OF FOOD. GOD TO OPEN WAYS SO THAT AT LEAST £220 TO REACH JOHN BY WU NOW TO HELP THEM. 7 angels have said that to me now. 12th June 2016. 10:53. From John: Praise be to our God. Today we couldn't move around due to lack of fuel, our kitty is depleted, no water nor milk but we are stronger in following God's will. We are now studying MM lits and having prayers. God bless. 10:58. From Sujadi: Thanks. I am in a fix, I can't move, no money, what John sent is over. I am reading the MM Faith lit now in the forest, God bless. The Angels Rescue Sujadi At Midnight12th June 2016. 11:07. From Rhoda: MALCOLM, THE EVANGELISM TEAM CAN'T MOVE ON. NO FUEL. SUJADI CAN'T MOVE. AT LEAST SOME MONEY £300 TO REACH JOHN BY WU NOW TO HELP THEM MOVE ON. THE SITUATION IS MAKING MM ENEMIES REJOICE BUT GOD IS WATCHING. 12:40. To John: Vivian can scrape together £150. That's all. It can only be sent tomorrow, since nowhere is open today and they have been blocked by police from sending online. These dratted police have blocked nearly all our routes. God holds them accountable!!! 12th June 2016. 15:33. From Sujadi: Thanks. Sorry for whatever you are going through. Now like in my case the MM teachings made me move completely out of Muslim. How will my family, relatives and former friends look at me? When I joined with MM they said that I have joined with a devil worship ministry. Now if we can't move on with Evangelism, how will they look at it? May God see our case... 12th June 2016. 15:44. From Rhoda: MALCOLM, MALCOLM, MALCOLM, TO ENCOURAGE THE EVANGELISM TEAM NOT TO BECOME WEARY. MALCOLM, MALCOLM, MALCOLM, TO ENCOURAGE THE EVANGELISM TEAM TO REMAIN STEADFAST IN FAITH FOR THIS PROBLEM IS SOLVED. THEIR PRAYERS HAVE REACHED TO GOD'S EARS AND A MIRACLE IS ON ITS WAY. MALCOLM, MALCOLM, MALCOLM, TO ENCOURAGE THE EVANGELISM TEAM. THEY HAVE GOT NOTHING BUT GOD. 7 angels have said that to me now. 12th June 2016. 16:11. From Rhoda: MALCOLM, MALCOLM, MALCOLM, CONTACT SUJADI. HE WAS CAUGHT IN A FOREST IN IRAN 2 MINUTES AGO BY GAME RANGERS. THEY WANT TO TAKE ALL MM LITS HE IS CARRYNG. IF THEY DO THEY WILL JUSTIFY THAT MM IS A DEVIL WORSHIP MINISTRY AND IT MAY BE BAD FOR THE MINISTRY. MALCOLM, CONTACT ALL THE EVANGELISM TEAM AND ENCOURAGE THEM TO MOVE ON WITHOUT FEAR. 7 angels have said that to me now. 12th June 2016. 16:26. From Sujadi: Game Rangers want to take my MM lits. 16:44. Reply: Tell them to push off in Jesus' name and open the Faith lit towards them. 16:48. Reply: Don't let them take your Faith booklet. Open it towards them and let God's power flow out of it to them. 17:57. From Sujadi: I'm ready to die here. The Faith lit is in my inner pocket. I have been taken to a police cell and locked in my own room. I pray for the seven white mists to descend here at midnight. Physically I'm very thirsty, I have not taken water since yesterday night. I am trusting God to show Himself in this case. God bless. 18:21. Reply: Hang in there. I trust God to deliver you. 13th June 2016. 8:22. From Sujadi: I'm free. At midnight the watchmen cried of being burnt with hot coal. 8:57. Reply: So glad to hear that. God is good. Is it Psalm 9 which describes how He rescues us from our foes? Several psalms in the Bible mention that promise from God to the faithful. Psalm 11:6 mentions the hot coals. 13th June 2016. 15:43. From Sujadi: Glory to God. God through John has sent me £100 and I have taken water and food, I'm doing God's Outreach evangelism. Tonight I'm sending the report of how God killed the watchmen in hot coal till all the police ran away at midnight and I walked out safely. God bless. 14th June 2016. 11:30. From Sujadi: At midnight while praying and reading the MM Faith lit, my room got filled with white mists till the watchmen started crying of the hot coal. When I heard them cry I opened the door and could see the police escape [run away]. In that confusion even other 11 remandees ran away in the darkness. God bless. 14th June 2016. 11:30. From Rhoda: SUJADI IS EVANGELISING TO THOSE WHO ARRESTED HIM YESTERDAY. ALREADY THEY HAVE FORWARDED A CASE FOR THE POLICE TO SEND HIM OUT OF IRAN BECAUSE HE IS NOT HONOURING THE MONTH OF RAMADAN. THEY WILL PLAN TO EVEN SHOOT AT HIM BUT ALL THEIR PLANS HAVE FAILED. JOHN HAS SENT HIM £50 TODAY. 7 angels have said that to me now. 14th June 2016. 12:22. From Sujadi: I don't fear. God is in action. God Speaks About MM13th June 2016. 18:09. Vuga’s dream. We were in a biblical discussion, then a big group of people, half in clean white clothes and half in dirty white clothes, joined us. When we closed our eyes to pray, those in dirty clothes refused to bow down for a prayer and a fight broke out between the two groups in our watch. After those in dirty clothes had been overpowered and ran away, we realized that those in clean white clothes were seven and they all had sharp swords which, when they were put in front of us, had the glittering writings of MM lit titles. May the Lord help you explain its meaning. We have now visited 4 mosques. God bless. 22:19. Reply: Meaning: The dream predicts many people wanting to join with you – the fruit of the outreach. Half of them are righteous in God's sight (the clean white clothes; Revelation 19:7,8), the other half are not righteous in God's estimation; they are false Christians. White is a symbol of purity or righteousness. The false Christians do not have union with God's Spirit (symbolised by the fact that they don't pray). There is always trouble between false and true believers. The false ones will pick on the true, or find fault with them, or create division and trouble. This is depicted by the fight. False believers are actually children of Satan, and the friction they cause was prophesied in Genesis 3:15. Seven is God's perfect number, and may indicate God's presence. The seven true believers could represent a small number (comparatively) whom God saves (but it is half of those whom He calls). [Matt 25:5; 22:14.] The sharp sword is the Word of God (Hebrews 4:12) which is anointed by the Spirit (Ephesians 6:17). The last sentence is another confirmation from God of His approval of MM writings (2 Corinthians 10:18). 13th June 2016. 18:19. From Rhoda: MALCOLM, MALCOLM, MALCOLM, THE GREAT I AM HAS SENT HIS FEAR TO ALL CORNERS OF AFRICA AND THE MIDDLE EAST THROUGH MM LITS. NO ONE WILL EVER BLOCK MM EVANGELISM IN THE WHOLE WORLD. MALCOLM, MALCOLM, MALCOLM, GOD IS PLEASED WITH YOUR DEDICATION IN HIS CALLING. MALCOLM, MALCOLM, MALCOLM, ENCOURAGE THE EVANGELISM TEAM TO EXPECT GREATER MIRACLES EVEN BACK TO THEIR FAMILIES. GOD IS PLEASED WITH THEIR DEMONSTRATION OF FAITH. 7 angels have said that to me now. 14th June 2016. 15:37. From John: Today in one mosque, two youths blocked us from entering the compound saying that they are in holy times. Then we removed the MM Faith lits, but before long they raised their hands in surrender begging us not destroy them the way we have done before. Their statement made us realize that all the great things God has done through MM lits is known to even the young ones but only a few are chosen. Today's scene almost confirms what the Angels said through Rhoda that... WHAT MM HAS DONE IS FELT IN ALL CORNERS OF AFRICA AND THE MIDDLE EAST. I sent to Sujadi £50 today. We strictly take water and milk after the day's work before settling for prayers. Out of the £250 we are left with £125. God bless. 14th June 2016. 15:50. From Rhoda: GOD HAS SPOKEN ONCE AGAIN. MALCOLM, MALCOLM, MALCOLM, I HAVE CHOSEN YOU, MY VESSEL, TO CLEAN UP THE SIN RIDDEN WORLD. NO ONE WILL TRY TO STOP MM EVANGELISM IN THE WHOLE WORLD. OPPOSERS HAVE TRIED TO GET ACCESS INTO MM, THOSE WHO LEFT MM BECAUSE OF LACK OF MONEY HAVE TRIED TO GET BACK INTO MM BY FORMING GROUPS, THEN WRITE FALSEHOOD ABOUT MM EVANGELISM.... THEIR TARGET IS TO SOIL THE GREAT WORK GOD HAS DONE IN THE WHOLE WORLD THROUGH MM LITS EVANGELISM AND TO STEAL GOD'S RESOURCES. GOD WILL SCATTER THEM IN TO SEVEN CONFUSED GROUPS. IGNORE ALL THEIR LETTERS TO ASHAME THE DEMONS DRIVING THEM. THE EVANGELISM TEAM TO MOVE ON WITH EVANGELISM. 7 angels have said that to me now. Comment: Cleaning up the sin-ridden world is by acceptance of Jesus as our Saviour and His teaching which is expounded in MM lit. Jesus will achieve it in the Millennium.
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