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Mighty Miracles Of God Volume 8 |
105Left For Dead!
“Joseph... did as the angel ...commanded him” (Matthew 1:24).
Riek In Sudan Beaten Up And Left For Dead1st June 2016. 12:43. From Riek: [I had asked him to clarify some details.] Thanks Will. I live in South Sudan but you know the history of Sudan. South Sudan and Sudan were once one country and our relatives are still in Khartoum [Sudan] but we live in Juba, S Sudan. I got arrested and my Faith lits taken when I was found visiting mosques with my bicycle on every Friday and preaching the MM truth. I was beaten and left for dead, my Faith lits taken away, my bicycle burnt, all my clothes burnt. I was taken to the morgue where I was put between dead bodies in Khartoum. I slept in the morgue from Friday last week up to today. As luck may have it, my phone was in my inner pocket it was not taken away. This morning, when the bodies I was put between were being taken, the morgue attendant got me, washed me and gave me clothes to put on. Then he gave me fare to go home. God bless. I have nowhere to turn to but to God only. No food, no money, no MM Faith lit. People have laughed at me and my God but I know our God reigns. 5th June 2016. 18:43. From Riek: We have no food and SDA and Muslim neighbours laugh at me day and night. I am going to die but not accept that MM God has failed. God bless. 6th June 2016. 19:14. From Rhoda: MUSLIM CLERICS TOOK POISONED FOOD TO RIEK WHO IS DOWN WITH HUNGER. RIEK HAD THE FAITH LIT WHICH HE USED TO TOUCH THE BREAD WHICH PRODUCED A RED BLOODLIKE SUBSTANCE. HIS CAT WHICH ATE THE BREAD DIED. 7 angels have said that to me now. Desperate Shortage Adds Problems7th June 2016. 10:40. From Rhoda: RIEK'S CASE MAY GIVE THE MM MINISTRY A BAD NAME. HIS NEIGHBOURS HAVE RUN AWAY FROM HIM. SDA AND MUSLIMS ARE LAUGHING AT HIM. NOW HIS CHILD HAS DIED OF HUNGER. ANOTHER ONE MAY DIE TOO. RIEK HAS NOTHING CALLED FOOD. RIEK SHOULD BE HELPED WITH AT LEAST £100. THE SITUATION IN HIS COMPOUND IS PATHETIC. IF HIS SECOND CHILD DIES THEN NO MM ACTIVITIES WILL BE ACCEPTED IN THAT AREA. IT IS VERY VERY URGENT. 7 angels have said that to me now. 7th June 2016. 10:54. From Riek: I am bereaved, and still the situation is not improving. The SDA and Muslim people around here who came close to me wanted to use my lack of money to finish me. ...they brought to me bread. God prompted me to touch the bread with MM Faith lit and pray. The bread changed red like blood and our cat that ate the bread died. My children have suffered; one has succumbed. I have vowed not to turn to any Muslim for help. If God sees that we die with my family then let it be. God bless. 11:54. Reply: The situation here is very difficult because the police have blocked off our means to send money when we have it. I have been blacklisted at WU, etc.. We are fighting against Satan's systems which control people's minds... 12:04. To Riek and the others: This situation is dire, but someone has just donated a small amount of money today... Riek’s Son Is Poisoned By Enemies8th June 2016. 8:56. From Riek: He is 15yrs old. His name is Abil Riek Mojong. I have buried him. Because of hunger he went to eat from a neighbour who poisoned him. This morning I used the MM Faith lit to point at the neighbour who too has cried aloud and testified that he was responsible for my son's death. John sent me £100. God bless. 11th June 2016. 10:02. To Riek: ...I am looking forward to the time when God raises your wife and your son, and brings them back. That will be a talking point. And people who argue will have to shut their mouths! It Is Amazing What God Is Doing14th June 2016. 16:02. From Riek: God is honouring MM Faith prayers. Thanks Will. Our chief Olik Oluiya Rao announced in his meeting that the peace being enjoyed now in the whole location of Southern Nile is due to MM EVANGELISM. He warned that whoever will oppose or undermine that must just leave his location. Since then the chief has been my frequent visitor coming to read MM lits. The fear of being attacked by those opposing MM is gone. The chief allowed me to collect water from his compound at no fee. God is Great. 16:21. Reply: Wonderful! Amazing what God is doing! Was the chief a Muslim previously? We are empty for money at present, so it is a relief to know that you are managing at the moment. (I presume you are just getting by for food, etc.) 16:38. From Riek: The chief was born a MUSLIM... he has accepted baptism which is the topic we discuss with him now. About food we still depend on what we bought with the money John sent us, it can take us up to tomorrow... Assassination In South Sudan19th June 2016. 11:06. From Riek: A dark cloud has covered us here. The chief was shot dead yesterday after our Sabbath. I and my family we are in the Bush. We escaped the attack for they have coined a word that I have donated the chief to my devil worshiping MM so that I become rich. 11:31. Reply: They won't succeed, those evil people, whoever they are. God is in charge. God raises the dead! 19th June 2016. 16:41. From Rhoda: MALCOLM, THOSE WHO SHOT THE CHIEF DEAD HAVE GONE MAD. INSTRUCT RIEK TO GO BACK HOME. LET HIM PUT AN MM FAITH LIT AT HIS DOOR THEN RELAX AND GIVE GOD TIME TO ACT. 7 angels have said that to me now. 21st June 2016. 19:04. From Rhoda: MALCOLM, MALCOLM, MALCOLM, RIEK IS IN A BIG PROBLEM AFTER THE KILLING OF THE CHIEF. HE IS BACK TO HIS HOME BUT UNDER SIEGE. NO WATER, NO FOOD. THE ENEMIES WANT RIEK TO DIE OUT OF HUNGER THEN SMEAR MM’S NAME WITH MUD. AT LEAST £220 CAN SAVE HIM. HIS SITUATION IS BAD. 7 angels have said that to me now. Comment: We were without funds, but finally some money was sent from a supporter, but not the whole amount. In South Sudan, Riek Is Shot Dead3rd July 2016. 13:51. From Oloo Rao: Riek is dead. This is Oloo Rao the son of the late chief Rao from Southern Sudan. We were born Muslims but we accepted the MM truth. My father got shot dead by the envious Muslim youths and this morning Riek was shot dead while meeting a group of Imams sharing the MM truth. We were with him and I had to use his Faith lit as a human shield to run away. His body is thrown in to a thicket. I don't know where to start from, the body must be buried, because if not buried then the state can prison all his relatives and it is known that now we are His only relatives here because his children are too young. For the name of MM to remain clean Riek must be buried. I am only 18yrs old, I have no £450 to meet this, £300 for casket, and £150 cost of transporting the body home. I am also ready to die serving the true God in MM. Thanks. 3rd July 2016. 13:59. From Rhoda: MALCOLM, MALCOLM, MALCOLM, RIEK IS DEAD, KILLED BY THOSE WHO KILLED CHIEF RAO. GOD HAS RAISED A FEARLESS YOUNG MAN OF 18 YRS, THE SON OF THE LATE CHIEF CALLED OLOO WHO WILL MOVE MOUNTAINS IN THAT AREA. RIEK MUST BE BURIED EARLY TOMOROW. ONLY £465 IS NEEDED FOR THAT TO SAFEGUARD MM’S NAME IN SUDAN. 7 angels have said that to to to me now. 14:43. To Oloo: Thanks Oloo for getting in touch about this awful situation. It's all very sad, but I believe that God will raise Riek back from the dead to testify against all the wicked satanic opposition, and to witness to the truth. However, God's plan usually involves delay, so I wouldn't expect God to raise Riek from the dead right away. But you can try. All you have to do is place the Faith booklet on Riek and pray a simple prayer to God, asking Him to bring back Riek, to restore his life if that is God's will at this time. Or whatever else you want to say to God about the situation. That's all that's needed. God ...sees and hears everything, everywhere. He is omnipresent and all knowing. Otherwise, since we have no money, and you have no money to bury Riek, can you organise with a friend to dig the hole in the ground yourself and bury him yourselves? Or is that not possible or not legal in S Sudan? May God help you in whatever way. (He will.) I have copied John in on this too. 3rd July 2016. 15:56. From Oloo: The only option I have is to go back home leave the body there, gather all RIEK'S children then run out of this country. We stand being jailed for life if we just dig up ground and bury the body, being a Christian and the land where he died belong to Muslims it is not easy to bury his remains here. In our family it is only me and my late father who joined MM no one stands with me... 3rd July 2016. 16:13. From John: We have got only £145 in the kitty now. How can we help this. It is truly sad. 3rd July 2016. 17:01. From Oloo: I have placed the Faith lit on his lifeless body 49 times. I am a strong believer in the MM Faith lit since I witnessed Riek use it to bring down the SDA rogue pastors who wanted to kill him. Riek’s children at home are three after the death of Abil Riek. Riek Will Be Raised From The Grave3rd July 2016. 17:38. Reply: OK. Well done. We pray now: "Father in Heaven, Giver of all Life, Sustainer of Life, who sent Your Son Jesus into the world to save the world, in Jesus' name we ask you to restore life to Riek's body, for your glory's sake, for your Name's sake, that all Muslims may know that you are the One to be worshipped and obeyed. If it is your will to resurrect Riek now, then we thank you for that, otherwise we await your timing. Please take care of your children that they be rescued from the enemy. Thank you Father." That's it. God will restore His honour. Whether it is now or later, is up to Him. He will do it. When people are buried that is no barrier to them being brought back to life. It has happened already in Kenya, twice. Emily was 22 months in the grave when God sent His angels, opened her grave on 17th December 2014, and resurrected her. She is alive now in Oyugis, Kenya. 18:39. From Oloo: I have left all to God. 18:39. To Oloo: I am hopeful that some money can be found somehow. The 7 angels have communicated to Rhoda that Riek's body is to be buried tomorrow morning. So that implies that we will be able to find the money somehow, and that God does not intend to resurrect him just yet. What an evil system it is that does nothing to bring the perpetrators of murder to account, and expects the victims to pay for the burial that the perpetrators ought to be made responsible for! That illustrates part of what is so wrong about Islam. Comment: Eleanor was able to send £200. Her pension had just come in. 4th July 2016. 11:27. From Oloo: Thanks to God. John has sent £60. In the next 1 hour we shall be through with the burial. God is great. Thanks. 4th July 2016. 11:43. From Rhoda: THE BURIAL IS ON. HE WILL BE RAISED. 7 angels have said that now. 4th July 2016. 12:10. From Oloo: Riek is buried.
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