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Mighty Miracles Of God Volume 8 |
103Shootout In Iraq
“They [wicked enemies] devise iniquities: ‘We have perfected a shrewd scheme.’ Both the inward thought and the heart of man are deep.” (Psalm 64:6)
26th May 2016. 10:19. From Rhoda: 'THE EVANGELISM TEAM IN IRAQ ARE DOWN COMPLETELY FINANCIALLY AND SHOULD CONTINUE WITH THE WORK NOW. AT LEAST £200 TO REACH JOHN BY WU NOW TO HELP THEM.' 7 angels have said that to me now. 26th May 2016. 12:45. From Rhoda: "FATU’S CAR HAS NO FUEL. THE EVANGELISM ACCOUNT IS DRY. TO AVOID ENGINE KNOCK, MALCOLM TELL THEM TO TAKE SOME REST AS JOHN WAITS TO HEAR FROM ELEANOR BECAUSE IF THEY FORCE THE CAR IT MAY DEVELOP ENGINE KNOCK." 7 angels have said that to me now. "AT LEAST £200 TO REACH JOHN BY WU NOW TO HELP THEM MOVE." 7 angels have said that to me now. 13:24. From Sujadi: Dog already we have surrounded your vans tonight we must burn all of them. Dog, dog, dog. 17:02. Reply: That’s nice of you. 18:30. From Rhoda: "MALCOLM, MALCOLM, MALCOLM, THE MM ENEMIES, THOSE WHO LEFT MM BECAUSE OF MONEY GREED, HAVE DEVELOPED A WEBSITE TO POST LIES AND MALICIOUSLY WRITE FALSEHOOD ABOUT MM AND THE EVANGELISM TEAM. MALCOLM, MALCOLM, MALCOLM THIS ACTIVITY IS GOING ON IN KISUMU KENYA AND MIGORI KENYA. MALCOLM, MALCOLM, MALCOLM, IGNORE ALL THAT STUFF. THE EVANGELISM TEAM SHOULD NOT FEAR OR LOOK BACK BUT GO GO GO ON WITH GOD'S WORK." 7 angels have said that to me now. Facing The Armed Gang With Faith26th May 2016. 19:38. From John: We got surrounded by an armed group of around 8 men. They aimed at the vans shooting, but have failed. Fatu identified the man in front giving commands and complaining a lot to be Sujadi. May you tease him so that we can face them with the MM Faith lits. God bless. 19:47. To Sujadi: What are you up to? How many armed men have you got surrounding the vans? Why are you shooting at them? Don't you know yet that you can't defeat us? You're very slow to learn that our God is supreme! MBH 20:43. From Sujadi: I want to see who will help you dog. You have destroyed my financial support base but today your vans will go up in smokes. Dog. 20:55. Reply: Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! No, they won't go up in smoke. You are more likely to go up in smoke. 27th May 2016. 10:32. From John: SUJADI MEN ARE NO MORE. The situation is still tight here after we got arrested and taken to court for "killing 5 people." Sujadi is at large. At midnight we came out of the vans and using MM Faith lit as human shields faced the armed gang whose guns jammed. Sujadi ran while calling Malcolm's name but five cried of being burnt with hot coal. Then we left. We got blocked on the way by armed people who cheated us to be police, took us to a small room they call a court. 7 minutes later, all the 12 men who ambushed us fell into a deep sleep. We have come out unhurt. None of the bullets hit the vans. [Because the angels deflected the bullets.] The Faith Booklet Emits A Bright Light27th May 2016. 17:55. From Sujadi: Malcolm, you have finished us. You instructed your people to kill us. I lost my eye in the process. I am in Baghdad hospital, but after becoming well I will come for your eye too. You have given your people, converting our Muslim brothers to Kaffir, a charm put in a small booklet and when they open the book and point it to you, the body burns like hot hot coal. May you help me with that your book. Dog. 18:52. Reply: The booklet on Faith does not have a charm in it. That power is the power of Almighty God. His Spirit inhabits those MM books, so when enemies come against us, God defends us by His powerful Spirit. You can only have His Spirit to change your life, so you become righteous and live by His love instead of hate. You can't have it to destroy or kill. Only God has that right. So, even if we gave you a book, God would not do that for you through the book. He only does it through ones who are righteous in His sight. And it's not them doing it. It's God doing it. He holds righteous judgement in His hands. And you can forget about your next scheme of trying to poison us. That won't work either. 27th May 2016. 18:02. From Rhoda: "SUJADI IS PLANNING TO USE POISONOUS GAS TO ATTACK THE EVANGELISM TEAM IN IRAQ ONCE HE IS OUT FROM THE HOSPITAL. HIS LEFT EYE IS LOST. THE EVANGELISM TEAM WILL TOMORROW RECEIVE FOUR NEW CONVERTS. THEY WILL GET BAPTISED AND THAT WILL ANNOY MM OPPOSERS THE MOST TILL MANY WILL COMMIT SUICIDE. MORE MONEY £420 IS TO REACH JOHN BY WU NOW TO HELP THEM OVER THE WEEKEND." 7 angels have said that to me now. 29th May 2016. 8:40. From Rhoda: "THE EVANGELISM TEAM IN IRAQ SHOULD CROSS TO IRAN TOMORROW MORNING TO GO AND DESTROY THE SUJADI CAMP. A SMALL GROUP IS UNDERGOING TRAINING NOW ON HOW TO BOMB MM VANS. AT LEAST £575 IS ENOUGH TO TAKE THE TEAM TO IRAN. AT LEAST £500 TO REACH JOHN BY WU NOW TO HELP THEM MOVE OUT." 7 angels have said that to me now.
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