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Mighty Miracles Of God Volume 8 |
102Midnight Rescue |
“You, O God, have tested us; You have refined us as silver is refined.” (Psalm 66:10) Eleven new converts who accepted the MM message in Iraq were cruelly incarcerated in a water prison, unable to sit or lie down, deprived of sleep and all food. (Mentioned on p 39.) The angels urged the team to race to Iraq to rescue them. Their story follows on pages 42-43. 18th May 2016. 18:26. From John: BORKOU ENNEDI BORDER, Libya. We reached the border at around 3 pm. Vehicles were being inspected before crossing into Libya. When the border officials reached near the first van they, four in number, ran away talking in high tones and we passed. When we later asked Fatu who understands Arabic she told us that they were saying "Fire! Fire! Fire in vans!" Even people who looked from a distance ran away. We passed without paying the border charges. God bless. 18th May 2016. 18:29. From Rhoda: "MALCOLM, MALCOLM, MALCOLM, AT LEAST £1050 TO REACH JOHN BY WU NOW TO HELP THEM MOVE ON, FOR SATURDAY MORNING SHOULD FIND THEM IN IRAQ." 7 angels have said that to me now. Comment: With unexpected help, this requirement of £1050 was sent. What a relief! God has it all worked out, but we of little faith tend to sweat a bit! 19th May 2016. 19:21. From John: Already in Egypt, movement is very difficult due to an aeroplane accident. There is tight security on all the roads here. Thursday 19th May 2016. 23:04. To John: Very good. You're going to have to "go like the clappers", I would presume, to get to Iraq by Sat. But I'm sure God will make it feasible. 20th May 2016. 15:44. From John: We have crossed in to Jordan. We are left with £335 in the kitty. 20th May 2016. 15:47. From Rhoda: "AT LEAST £1200 TO REACH JOHN BY WU NOW TO KEEP THEM SAFE WHILE IN IRAQ." 7 angels have said that to me now. Comment: I know what Peter felt like walking on the water when he looked at the wind and the waves! 21st May 2016. 10:48. To John: I’m concerned to know whether you managed to get to Iraq by Sat morning (this morning) as the angels originally said should happen. And also to know whether the money reached you in time (because it was not found till late Friday evening here)? so that the captives can be rescued from their horrible ordeal. Lots of intercession has been going on, as usual! 11:09. From John: Thanks. We are now in Iraq, the money reached in time. The Midnight Mosque Rescue21st May 2016. 17:32. From John: Ar Rutbah city. The white mists have led us to Jumia Rutbah Mosque this evening. There is a very tight security manning the entrance. We trust God to show how to enter here. We have moved about 300m away and will move back at midnight. Prayers. 21st May 2016. 17:39. From Rhoda: "ALREADY THE ANGELS OF THE LORD ARE SURROUNDING THE CITY. AT MIDNIGHT A FAITH LIT WILL BE PLACED AT THE GATE. ALL THE 18 WATCHMEN WILL FALL ASLEEP AND THE PEOPLE WHO DID THIS WILL COME OUT OF THEIR HOUSES EATING GRASS, THEN DIE. THE EVANGELISM TEAM AFTER THE RESCUE SHOULD MOVE FAST TO THE IRAQ / SAUDI ARABIA BORDER." 7 angels have said that to me now. Comment: “The people who did this” refers to the Muslims who locked the new believers in a water prison to slowly torture them and die by drowning. 22nd May 2016. 18:04. From John: Ar Rutbah city rescue. Saturday at midnight. At midnight God protected us. We parked the vans about 100 m away from the gate and with all the MM Faith lits opened we engaged the two armed watchmen who trembled with fear, opened the gate to let us in and then they took off and ran away. The thick white mists led us to a small room in the compound also protected by two armed men. When we reached the door they cried: 'We are from Sudan. We got arrested when we accepted teachings of MM when Tomas shared MM truth here. We are put under life imprisonment. We eat once a week, every Friday. Our 11 brothers former Muslims, Iraqis, are dipped in ice cold water in this room. They have been there for 4 days and 3 nights. They were to be killed tonight after news reached here that MM killed Ali and the strong anti-Christianity team. Please don't kill us, we have seen 7 angels with sharp swords in front of you. Please save our lives. We are [names protected].' We then entered the room and touched the water with MM Faith lits then told our brothers to come out, their bodies white as snow for staying in cold water for long periods. We had carried small blankets which the Angels ordered us to buy. We covered them and led them out of the mosque compound, but just after stepping out, we heard cries from other houses in the compound, people wailing at the tops of their voices for Malcolm not to burn them with hot coal. At that time we gave out 3 MM Faith lits to the brothers then told them to meet us today Sunday in Baghdad, we gave them £100 for fare to Baghdad. They reached Baghdad at 2 pm today. We are recording their testimonies and will be sending to you tomorrow. God bless. 19:51. Reply: Thanks for the report. The two who were standing guard outside the water cell [names protected], were their lives spared by the angels, or were they struck dead? Are they believers who truly accepted the truth, but who were forced to act as guards under threat of death if they didn't? How long had they been captured and imprisoned there? How many brothers were there stuck in that water prison cell? Thanks. 20:28. John: The Angels saved their lives and we told them to move back home. They were taken captive in 2015 November. They were made watchmen with no pay for life. A total of eleven brothers were put in the cold water prison. 24th May 2016. 18:28. From John: The 11 Iraqis who accepted MM and got persecuted gave us a testimony. They are members of the same family, a father, his wife and their nine sons. Mr. and Mrs. Ramelo Rammond Salif Dibo said to us that their eldest son Joba Rolhila Ramelo met Tomas while sharing the MM truth in Baghdad late last year and Tomas gave him the lit Faith: Raising Our Level Of Expectation and when he came with the lit to their home, his mother who was very sick and could not walk became well and walked when her son touched her head with the MM Faith lit. His mother had suffered from chronic Malaria that paralyzed her like a stroke on the right side. From that day, Rammond went around telling other Muslims the miracles he witnessed. They were attacked on 17th February 2016. That's when his home was destroyed, his cows killed, and he was branded a devil worshipper. Ali, Sujadi and the Imams threw him into ice-cold water. God bless. 23rd May 2016. 5:14. From Rhoda: "SUJADI LOST HIS RIGHT-HAND MAN, HIS CONFIDANTE. EVEN NOW HE HAS NO MONEY BASE SUPPORT, GOD HAS WIPED THEM OUT. THE EVANGELISM TEAM IS TO STAY IN IRAQ TILL THE END OF THIS MONTH THEN CROSS IN TO IRAN NEXT MONTH. "THE EVANGELISM TEAM SHOULD MOVE BACK TO AFRICA IN THE MONTH OF JULY. "NOW AT LEAST £1000 TO REACH JOHN BY WU FOR EVANGELISM IN IRAQ, THE TEAM IS TO VISIT MOSQUES AND TAKE THE LAST WARNING MESSAGE." 7 angels have said that to me now. When God Killed Sujadi’s 17 Gunmen21st May 2016. 13:10. From Jeftah: [See also on pages 21-24.] ...Thanks to God I am able to use my phone again... most of the time I switch it off to avoid tracking by our foes. Yes, the van isn’t in good condition. It can't move but God knows. He is in control of everything. The night of April 7th 2016, at around 11 pm, a strong wind and rain with thunderstorm and lightning started that lasted for about an hour. We only came to realize early morning that Sujadi's camp was destroyed overnight. There was extreme damage and loss of 17 lives who were found lying on the ground dead... Sujadi was found crying loudly for help, limping on one leg. It was near Agadez. Reply: Clearly, God meant the damaged van to be a witness to many people who would see it, silently telling them about what took place. It would be a constant reminder of the way God killed 17 gunmen with thunder and lightning. Have many people passed the scene, do you know? Or is the car now outside your home? I wonder how many people found out about what happened, and whether it became news spread by gossip in the area? The vehicle would surely be a witness about what took place, and the reason the angels said it happened for God's glory to be seen. Jeftah: Yes, the news spread by gossip all over the area. 23rd May 2016. 20:36. From Mark: [In Iraq with John.] A group of Muslim people plan to raid my home and set it on fire in my absence to destroy MM lits. The message was delivered by seven angels. 21:05. Reply: I guess God is going to give them quite a surprise, then! Not the sort of surprise anyone would like!! 21:24. To John about the need for £1,000: We have not been able to fulfil the angels' request for £1k. All we could do was £200 today. But I have every confidence in God providing the need. So please let me know how money comes to you to enable things to carry on. Thanks. None of our regular supporters can do any more. We are all up to our eyes in debt and can't do much because of it. So, God will open up a new supply line, I feel. Do let me know.. 9:38. From John: Thanks Will. We have got £310 in the kitty. Now Will we leave all to God since what we have can't take us back to Africa even if we were to leave here now. Life is very difficult here but we trust God to do as per His will. 9:52. From Rhoda: 'THE IRAQ MISSION IS VERY IMPORTANT FOR IT WILL DESTROY THE MM ENEMIES FINANCIAL SOURCE, IT SHOULD NOT STOP PREMATURELY. THE TEAM IS LEFT WITH WHAT CAN'T TAKE THEM FOR TWO DAYS, THEY HAVE PANICKED BUT GOD IS WATCHING. AT LEAST £400 TO REACH THEM TO KEEP THEM GOING. MALCOLM, MALCOLM, TO ENCOURAGE THEM TO MOVE ON FOR GOD IS IN CONTROL.' 7 angels have said that to me now. 11:08. To the team: God will not let His Work fail. He WILL provide. Even if it comes in another way and not from us. 11:24. From Sujadi: You have between now and tomorrow Wednesday night to remove your vans in Iraq. You have killed my brothers who supported me and now I'm going myself to either die or kill. Today alone they have stepped in to 7 mosques. MALCOLM I will destroy you. Remove them now now now. I am in Jordan getting in to Iraq. 11:45. Reply: Look. You have lost this battle, so give up now. You have seen demonstrated the POWER of the ALMIGHTY GOD whom you do not know, and Who is behind this Work. Surrender to Him. He is Jesus Christ, King of the Universe. 14:35. From Sujadi: Dog, DOG, DOG, DOG, DOG wait and see. Stop this madness of moving in to our Mosques. Tonight you will just hear. 15:05. Reply: Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Woof woof woof. 25th May 2016. 9:48. From John: ...We are doing the 5th mosque now, travelling is very difficult here but our God is great. God bless.
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