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Mighty Miracles Of God Volume 7 |
94Mission Tunisia
Without cause they have hidden their net for me in a pit (Ps 35:7). 7th March 2016. 11:30. From John: Thanks Will, we are in Tunisia. 7th March 2016. 19:21. From John: A group followed us to where we had a Sabbath rest and ordered us to surrender but we used MM Faith lits as human shields. They ran away in different directions. One called Mohammed got drawn into the ocean waters. We thought he was Sujadi. Will, may you tease Sujadi to tell where his strong man called Mohammed is. We then left and moved closer to the Algerian Tunisia border that night. God bless. 7th March 2016. 19:34. To Sujadi: Hey, Sujadi. What’s happened to Mohammed? Has he gone for a swim in the ocean? Why would he want to do that at this time of year? 9th March 2016. 9:30. From Sujadi: You have killed our king and thrown in to a deep ocean. You must pay dearly. We are going to slaughter your two men [Tomas and Yasmin] in Egypt tonight then take their car. Dog. 10:04. Reply: Wrong again! 13:11. His reply: Okay then wait until tonight then you will know that we are not happy with you dog. God Strikes Bin Kassim Rogo Dead10th March 2016. 10:26. From Tomas: Thanks to God we are free. John sent us money at midnight yesterday and we followed the angelic instructions. Rogo is dead. Full report tonight when in a safer place. Thanks Will. God bless. 10th March 2016. 10:33. From John: Thanks Will. Yes I did send to them money at midnight yesterday. We wait for what God has done. Two Sujadi men died at midnight when they attacked us at the Forex shop yesternight. We faced them with opened MM Faith lits as human shields. It started to rain then God descended in hot coal and burnt them. We heard them cry of being burnt with hot coal. Full report today evening. God bless. 11:55. To John: What time did the two Sujadi youths die? You mentioned y'day that you could access the shop up to 10 pm. So it surely wasn't midnight, was it? Or was the shop open that late? Thanks. 10th March 2016. 10:37. From Sujadi: Kaffir. You have killed bin Rogo and our two strong youths! I have a secret weapon to smash you. Before tomorrow night you must hear if you can't remove your people in our territories. Dog. 11:30. Reply: Wrong again. Nothing is secret before our God. And nothing planned against Him is impossible for Him to counter. Woof. Woof. 15:21. His reply: Okay wait tonight. Dog. 10th March 2016. 12:10. From John: We have £1100 in the kitty. Sujadi men died at midnight yesterday. Network lapses at the Forex shop delayed the transfer [so they were open till midnight]. God bless. 10th March 2016. 17:03. From Rhoda: Confidential: 'MALCOLM, MALCOLM, MALCOLM, LET LITS BE SENT TO UGANDA, RWANDA AND OTHER AREAS WHERE N, P AND B VISITED IN OUTREACH AFTER THE END OF EVANGELISM IN MUSLIM COUNTRIES IN AFRICA IN JUNE THIS YEAR. SEND TO HIM [anon] BY E-MAIL BUT NOT THROUGH THE POST. MALCOLM, MALCOLM, MALCOLM, KEEP THIS ANGELIC MESSAGE TO YOURSELF [so the gang could not eavesdrop on us]. FROM JUNE MANY MUSLIM CONVERTS WILL NEED MM LITS. FOR NOW JUST SEND HIM LITS IN E-MAIL. THE WAR ON MM EVANGELISM IS STILL GREAT BUT SUJADI AND HIS TEAM WILL SOON BE WIPED OFF. THE EVANGELISM ACCOUNT SHOULD RECEIVE AT LEAST £3000 BY THURSDAY NEXT WEEK TO TAKE THEM FOR TWO WEEKS.' 7 angels have said that to me now. Comment: We didn’t have the money asked for. When I asked God about it, He put a thought in my mind about someone who might to loan it. 17:12. From Rhoda: Confidential. 'MALCOLM, MALCOLM, MALCOLM, DON'T BE QUICK TO ACCEPT [name obscured]. GIVE HIM SOME TIME TILL HE IS WELL KNOWN WHETHER HE IS TRULY FOR MM OR AN IMPOSTOR. TAKE SOME TIME TO FOLLOW HIS TESTIMONY.' 7 angels have said that to me now. DON'T SHARE THIS OUT. Comment: Keeping this confidential was for that time, before we could see which way the person would go. Since then he has become a betrayer, working with the evil gang. 10th March 2016. 17:20. From Sujadi: Malcolm you will not realise it. You are aware that our team has managed to reach you from Rwanda and soon your lits will be reaching us in Muslim box number. We are also working on that in Uganda. You forget very fast that some of your MM members left you because you have no money. Dog. 17:29. Keep awake for we must bring down one van the bigger one in Tunisia tonight. 17:25. From Rhoda: 'TILL THE EVANGELISM IN MUSLIM COUNTRIES IN AFRICA ENDS MALCOLM, MALCOLM, MALCOLM, IGNORE, IGNORE, IGNORE ALL MAILS FROM UGANDA, RWANDA, BURUNDI. IGNORE DON'T REPLY, IGNORE DON'T REPLY, IGNORE DON'T REPLY. SUJADI HAS SENT OUT A TEAM IN THOSE PLACES TO CONFUSE MM AND WITH TIME SLOWLY BRING DOWN EVANGELISM IN MUSLIM COUNTRIES BY SENDING FALSE MESSAGES ABOUT MM AND THE EVANGELISM TEAM. MALCOLM, MALCOLM, MALCOLM IGNORE.' 7 angels have said that to me now. Bomb Explodes Under Our Van In Tunisia10th March 2016. 17:35. From Rhoda: 'MALCOLM, MALCOLM, MALCOLM, A GRENADE IS BURIED NEAR THE VANS AND MAY EXPLODE ANY TIME AND KILL MEMBERS IN THE EVANGELISM TEAM. IT IS URGENT. 'THE VAN WHERE PROPHET MARK IS IN. IT IS EXPLODING.' 7 angels have said that to me now. Comment: I forwarded it to John and Mark at 17:46. 18:00. Reply: Surely God will not let it explode and kill Mark and Karim and destroy the van?! What is meant by: "It is exploding"? Do you mean it is just about to explode? I forwarded your message to them. 17:50. From Fatu: Pray for us. We stepped over a bomb buried in sand on the road. It has exploded when the last van stepped on it. Prayer. 18:07. Reply: Who is injured, and what is the damage? Yes, we are praying / interceding. 18:39. From John: Thanks to our God. Let all with breath raise their hands and praise God of MM. The battle belongs to Him the God of gods. Will, a bomb was buried in the road near Mornaguia town. It seems our enemies spotted our move and plotted it. The first van and Fatu's car passed and when the last van passed over a small hill of soil an explosion occurred. The van was blown with people in it, all were thrown out including Mark and the driver. The van then rolled and stopped on its own. They are safe with only small bruises. The engine is okay only all the glass in the windows are broken. Praise our God. 18:44. From Sujadi: YOU ARE A DEMON. How can a car roll and roll but no one dies? Devil. Shame on you. 18:59. Reply: Since you tried to kill two of God's servants, God will kill two of yours tonight. 18:47. From Rhoda: 'TWO SUJADI MEN MUST DIE AT MIDNIGHT WHEN THEIR CAR PASSES THE SAME PLACE THE MM VAN ROLLED. MALCOLM TO WARN SUJADI.' 18:57. From John: Our God, our God who has honoured MM lits has done it. The people who rushed to the scene, two of them spoke Kinyarwanda language. I don't know but it seems like there is a move here. We wondered how they spoke that language. They moved to the opposite direction. God bless. 19:04. Reply: Is that the language spoken in Rwanda? What do you mean by "it seems like there is a move here"? 19:08. From Rhoda: 'THE TWO SUJADI MEN WHO WILL DIE AT MIDNIGHT ARE RWANDA CITIZENS. MALCOLM MUST NOT PASS THIS MESSAGE TO ANY PERSON NOT IN THE EVANGELISM TEAM IN TUNISIA FOR GOD WILL REVEAL A LOT OF FAKE PEOPLE WHO PLAN TO FIGHT MM IN RWANDA AND UGANDA BY PRETENDING TO BE REQUESTING FOR MM LITS YET SPY FOR SUJADI. 'ALL THE WINDOWS FOR THE VANS SHOULD BE REPAIRED BEFORE TOMORROW EVENING FOR NEXT WEEK THE VANS WILL START TRAVERSING MOSQUES IN TUNISIA TAKING THE LAST WARNING MESSAGE. 'REPLACING GLASS, REPAIR OF SIDES AND REPLACEMENT OF THE FOUR TYRES SHOULD TAKE ONLY £420.' 7 angels have said that to me now. 19:14. From Fatu: God truly honours MM. None is injured, but the van windows are destroyed, it can't move for all tyres are deflated, the fuel tank is also leaking. God bless. 19:18. From John: It seems as if the people Sujadi used to attack us are from outside Tunisia. That's what I meant by 'It seems there is a move'. In Rwanda three languages are common Kinyarwanda, Kiswahili and English. Sunday 13th March 2016. 13:31. From Sujadi: Your people in Tunisia not only killed two on Friday night but also last midnight killed two more. All those cases are labeled on you Malcolm and your MM ministries. They will get arrested tonight. Two relatives of your people in South Sudan are in our hands. We must arrest you. 18:26. Reply: Oh yes!? Look, Sujadi, if you keep trying to harm us, you will only end up being harmed. You need to surrender to God, instead of fighting Him by fighting His servants, otherwise there will be more dire consequences for you and your men. 18:39. From Sujadi: Don't plead with me to forgive you, money begger. I have to show you before Friday this week. Mongoose. God Honours MM Lit In Tunisia13th March 2016. 13:41. From Rhoda: 'A COURT CASE IS BEING ORGANISED BY SUJADI AGAINST MM IN TUNISIA THIS WEEK FOR THE DEATHS OF HIS GANG. IT IS A GOOD OPPORTUNITY TO SHOW GOD'S HONOUR TO MM LITS AND MINISTRY IN TUNISIA. THE JUDGE WILL DEMAND £7000 TO RELEASE THE MM VANS AND EVANGELISM TEAM. A LETTER FROM MALCOLM ADDRESSED TO THE JUDGE IS WHERE THE MONEY SHOULD BE WRAPPED. ON TOUCHING THE LETTER AND MONEY HE WILL DIE AND THE MONEY WILL HELP THE TEAM FOR THREE WEEKS. LET THE £7000 REACH THE EVANGELISM ACCOUNT BY THURSDAY THIS WEEK FOR THE CASE WILL START TOMORROW WHEN THE EVANGELISM TEAM WILL BE ARRESTED.' 7 angels have said that to me now. 13th March 2016. 13:47. From John: Two more Sujadi men died yestermidnight when they tried to shoot at the vans, [but] instead aimed at and killed each other. We have been followed from morning by two cars, a white and a black one. We wait to see what their intention is. God bless. 15:13. From John: We repaired the van windows and are on the move... 17:14. From John: Two cars have been tailing us from morning but Faith lits are with us and we can't fear. 13th March 2016. 17:10. From Rhoda: 'THE VANS WILL GO ON WITH EVANGELISM WORK THOUGH SUJADI IS TAILING THEM. THE VANS WILL HAVE TO MOVE THE WHOLE NIGHT TODAY TO AVOID SUJADI’S ARREST PLAN TONIGHT. WHEN SUJADI MEN WILL CATCH UP WITH THE VANS TOMORROW DAYTIME JOHN SHOULD GIVE THEIR LEADER A LETTER IN WHICH £1000 IS WRAPPED. WHEN THEY SEE THE MONEY THEY WILL FIGHT OVER IT AND ALL THE SIX WILL DIE. THIS WILL ANNOY SUJADI MORE AND THAT IS WHY THE TEAM PLUS VANS WILL BE TAKEN BEFORE THE COURT ON FRIDAY. THIS MUST BE DONE NOW: 1. MALCOLM IS TO WRITE A WARNING TO SUJADI TO TELL HIM OF MORE DIRE CONSEQUENCES IF HE CAN'T SURRENDER. 2. £1000 SHOULD BE SENT TO JOHN BY WU NOW FOR TOMORROW'S BATTLE WITH SUJADI MEN. 3. MALCOLM IS TO WRITE AN ENCOURAGING LETTER TO THE EVANGELISM TEAM SO THAT THEY MOVE ON WITH NO WORRY. 4. MORE MONEY IS TO BE DEPOSITED IN THE EVANGELISM ACCOUNT FOR THE WORK AHEAD IS GREAT. 7 angels have said that now. 19:28. To John and Mark: The angelic messages to Rhoda today about what will happen shortly can be taken two ways. They can upset the fainthearted, or they can instil boldness and confidence to realise that God is working out another chapter in His remarkable plan. Every apparent disaster is an opportunity for Him to demonstrate His miraculous power, and His supreme control over every situation. Obviously, it’s not going to be easy, having to be arrested tomorrow, kept in custody until Friday when the court case will be finalised. But, we have to endure to have the victory. And each of you have demonstrated that you can all endure an awful lot! Jesus mentioned: “Whoever confesses Me before men, him the Son of Man also will confess before the angels of God. But he who denies Me before men will be denied before the angels of God.” (Luke 12:8-9.) “Now when they bring you to the synagogues [places of organised worship] and magistrates and authorities, do not worry about how or what you should answer, or what you should say, for the Holy Spirit will teach you in that very hour what you ought to say.” (Luke 12:11-12.) Jesus also said to Smyrna, the persecuted church: “Do not fear any of those things which you are about to suffer. Indeed, the devil is about to throw some of you into prison, that you may be tested, and you will have tribulation ten days. Be faithful until death, and I will give you a crown of life.” (Rev 2:10.) We have the amazing account in Acts 12 of how Peter was imprisoned and God’s angel came and released him. The same happened to Fatimah and Ann when they lived in Kisumu. An angel opened the prison doors and let them out at night. [See p 40 of Mighty Miracles of God Volume 2.] And Peter wrote later: “If you should suffer for righteousness’ sake, you are blessed. And do not be afraid of their threats, nor be troubled, but sanctify the Lord God in your hearts...” (1 Peter 3:14.) We’re still trying to see how we can raise the money the angels are asking for. As soon as we know about that, we will let you know. God bless and keep you all. Comment: We were amazed to find we had just that ‘space’ left on my credit card, so we were able to borrow the £1,000 on that and Tonya sent it to John. 13th March 2016. 23:40. To John: Letter for the judge, in which £7,000 will be wrapped (when it arrives): Dear Sir, Midnight Ministries (MM) and MM workers carry the last warning message from God for Muslim nations. This is a message of hope and truth for those who will accept it. Most Muslims do not want to accept the truth; they prefer to hold onto Islamic tradition even where it is in error. The men whom you have arrested are innocent of the charges levelled at them. They did not kill the gunmen belonging to Sujadi Bin Idi. Look at the forensic evidence of the bullets. Sujadi’s gunmen on Saturday at midnight (12th March 2016) shot each other with their own guns. MM workers do not carry guns. We do not use violence or guns. We carry spiritual weapons which give us the victory. These spiritual weapons are from the power of the Almighty God, who is Jesus, the Christ. MM literature carries the power of God. MM workers hold up MM literature against any attackers and the power of God emanates from the literature to confuse or thwart opponents who want to harm us. Let this be a sign to all, that MM literature is heaven-sent, inspired by God, and given for the good of humanity. It is the Last Warning to all inhabitants of the earth before the end of this age of human misrule, before Jesus returns to establish His 1,000-year utopian rule on earth. Do not attempt to prosecute these MM workers whom Sujadi wants to kill, for if you try to do that, God will hold you guilty of sin before Him and He will require your life for your sin. Sujadi has been trying to destroy MM and kill us. He has shot at MM vans, shot at MM workers, bombed an MM van causing much damage, caused much destruction and inflicted much damage to us, so he is the one whom you ought to be prosecuting, not MM workers who do no one any harm. Those who have attacked MM workers, and who have been killed, were killed by God. He is the One who has the right to take life because He gives it. So, withdraw your complaint against God and against His workers, and release MM workers and His vans, or God will strike you dead. He is the Supreme Judge, the Ruler over all, and you must submit to Him. I wish you no evil. Malcolm B Heap, Midnight Ministries, PO Box 29, Aylesbury, HP17 8TL, UK 6 More Of Sujadi’s Men Die In Inferno14th March 2016. 17:35. From John: Thanks Will. We haven't taken a rest from yesternight. The car following us is no more. They blocked our way. Then, holding an opened MM Faith lit in my hand together with Fatu and Mark, we gave them the money as though requesting them to leave us free to go. When their leader, whom they called Mouse Dubi, touched it they all jumped onto his neck and war broke out. We moved back to the vans and watched from a distance. What we saw was their car going up in flames. All died. All got burnt. After reaching Tunis we got stopped by plain clothed security men, armed, so we showed them the MM Faith lits. But after passing through, we saw that four security vehicles were tailing us. We are physically tired but can't give up to Satan. God bless. Will, may you tease Sujadi so that we can know whose these vehicles are. If they are his men then we will confront them with MM Faith lits at midnight. Monday 14th March 2016. 17:44. From Rhoda: 'MALCOLM, MALCOLM, MALCOLM, SUJADI HAS LOST SIX THIS AFTERNOON AND HE IS LOSING THE BATTLE. HE HAS RESORTED TO CORRUPTING A JUDGE TO BLOCK EVANGELISM IN TUNISIA AND JAIL THE EVANGELISM TEAM. THE SAME THING THAT HAPPENED TO A JUDGE IN RWANDA WILL BE SEEN IN TUNISIA ON FRIDAY THIS WEEK WHEN THE TEAM WILL FACE JUDGEMENT. THE £7000 SHOULD REACH THE TEAM BY THURSDAY FOR THE BATTLE IS GOD'S.' 7 angels have said that to me now. 14th March 2016. 17:48. From Sujadi: Yes you are stronger than me but now the full force of law is with you between tonight and tomorrow night you must pay for all that you've killed. Yes you are stronger let's see now. 18:41. Reply: Look, Sujadi, you can't win. God will do to the judge you have bribed what He did to your 6 men today. Repent of your evildoings. Stop doing evil, and turn to God. He will forgive you, if you give up your evil ways. 17th March 2016. 9:49. From John: Thanks Will. We were put in [custody] yesterday. We refused to drink their water or eat their foods. Now I'm in the shop buying water and milk. We are waiting for the money. God bless. 10:20. Reply: I still have not heard from [our supporters], so I don't know what is being arranged. If God has to carry us because the human arm fails, then I expect God to make up the lack supernaturally. Glory be to His name! 17:24. From Rhoda: 'SUJADI IS NOW GOING DOOR TO DOOR WITH HIS MEN SAYING A LOT OF FALSEHOOD ABOUT MM BECAUSE THE EVANGELISM TEAM IS LOCKED IN JAIL.' 7 angels have said that to me now. 17:39. From Sujadi: Malcolm you thought that you are a man enough now where is your might. Come on. I will own your vans and kill these your subjects after tomorrow court case. They are in. You can't interfere with Islam under our watch. Dog. 18:04. Reply: Ha! That's what you think! Our God is in complete control and can deliver any time He likes. Just wait and see. You seem to forget that your men have been knocked off two by two. You keep forgetting how all who have tried to come against us have died because they were attacking God Almighty. Do you think that by going from door to door, telling people lies about us, is going to help you when you have to face God and answer why you hated Him so much? 17th March 2016. 17:44. From Fatu: Thanks Will. Will we are not safe here these people may kill us tomorrow. We are not Okay. John said that we just wait for God's deliverance. Yes it is a good encouragement but I know the Muslims they are firm on our case. Will, we are not Okay. God bless. 17:51. Reply: Don't worry about it. God is Supreme. He is in charge. He lets it look as though His work has failed, and then He steps in to deliver. He doesn't need money to deliver. He can do ANYTHING! Just have faith in Him. Just keep trusting in Him. He will deliver. Wait and see. There is a saying that "It's always darkest before the dawn." 17:50. From John: Thanks Will. The officers holding us captive are very rough on us. I don't understand their motive. Will, please tease Sujadi to help us understand these treatments. God bless. 18:15. Reply: Yes, they are rough because they are used by the devil. Islam engenders hatred and violence. That's what they spew out to others who refuse to submit to their crazy 'theology'. Hang in there. Remember how God helped you through the ordeals in Rwanda and Burundi. Sujadi will pay for this evil he is perpetrating. The Desperate Shortage of Funds18th March 2016. 7:22. From John: If possible may God open us a way to get even £2000 to face these people with now. They are hard on us. [The £7,000 needed didn’t come.] 18th March 2016. 7:35. From Rhoda: 'MALCOLM, MALCOLM, MALCOLM, AT LEAST £2700 TO REACH JOHN BY WU NOW. AT LEAST £2700 TO REACH JOHN BY WU NOW. AT LEAST £2700 TO REACH JOHN BY WU NOW. THEIR CONDITION IS WORSENING AND WE WANT GOD'S HANDS TO BE SEEN TODAY IN THE JUDGES' CHAMBER. THE MONEY JOHN WILL GIVE TO THE JUDGE MUST BE IN SMALL DENOMINATIONS TO CONFUSE THE JUDGE THAT IT IS WHAT THEY REQUIRED. MALCOLM, MALCOLM, MALCOLM NOW NOW NOW... EVANGELISM TEAM IS IN A BAD STATE.' 7 angels have said that to me now. 8:33. To John: How much do you have? We are seeing what we can do. 9:00. To John: This below [Rhoda’s e-mail above] was forwarded to Vivian earlier, and we are waiting to hear back from him as to whether he can do this amount. No one else has anything to send. 18th March 2016. 9:09. From John: £2.3k. 9:24. Reply: Why not use that? Get it in smallest denomination notes, and use that on the judge, telling him that you have now got the money. 11:07. From Rhoda: 'MALCOLM, MALCOLM, MALCOLM, AT LEAST £2700 BE SENT TO JOHN BY WU. THE MONEY THEY HAVE ABOUT £2300 WHETHER IN SMALL DENOMINATIONS WILL NOT WORK FOR IT WON'T LOOK BULKIER. THE EVANGELISM TEAM IS SUFFERING AND GOD OF MM MUST NOT BE ABUSED. MALCOLM, MALCOLM, MALCOLM, AT LEAST £2700 BE SENT TO JOHN BY WU NOW NOW NOW.' 7 angels have said that now. 11:32. Reply: We don’t have it. [One man’s failure gives others distress.] 11:10. From John: It is not even touched. The judge outrightly rejected it by outward look of the size. We are taken back to the dock. It is hot on us. 11:13. From Fatu: The judge looked at the size of our money. He refused to touch it. We are not safe. 13:24. From Rhoda: 'MALCOLM, MALCOLM, MALCOLM, THE EVANGELISM TEAM IS IN PROBLEM NOW,' 7 angels have said that to me now. 13:37. Reply: Yes. What should be done about it since we haven't got the money? 13:37. From John: Thanks Will. We trust in God's arms to hold us. Will, it is horrible. God bless. 13:47. Reply: Yes, I know. God has all power. For some reason He has let this one run so far, but He can help at any time. It's according to His wisdom how He does it. 16:38. From Rhoda: 'MALCOLM, MALCOLM, THEY WILL START WITH FATU. LET AT LEAST £1000 REACH THE EVANGELISM TEAM BEFORE MORNING TOMORROW. LET JOHN WRAP ALL THE MONEY NOW IN FAITH LIT AND HAND OVER TO THE POLICE AT THE ENTRANCE TONIGHT AT MIDNIGHT, THEN WHEN THEY START TO FIGHT OVER THE MONEY THE EVANGELISM TEAM GETS IN TO THE VANS AND THEY MOVE OUT TO WHERE GOD WILL DIRECT. THE 1K WILL BE FOR FUEL. MALCOLM TO WRITE AN ENCOURAGEMENT NOTE TO THE TEAM NOW.' 7 angels have said that to me now. Comment: I believe “They will start with Fatu” means they intend to kill them all one by one. But whoever they kill, God will bring back to life again, so they won’t win! Further Comment: Many people will naturally wonder why God presses me so hard about providing the money needed when He knows I don’t have it. Well, there are two reasons, if not more. Firstly, it is the human responsibility to provide funds, not God’s. Certainly God provides; that’s a biblical principle, but people hold back from giving and from doing all that they should, which creates insufficiency. Perhaps He was trying to wake up someone who had funds stashed away but wasn’t prepared to release them at that time. That is one possible reason. Another main reason is that on 17th February I wrote to Jentezen Franklin about a dream God had given me of him and about the fact that God wanted him to contribute to His outreach in Africa. Jentezen Franklin is an evangelist who promotes himself on TBN. He has a large church in Georgia state in the USA, not far from where Steve Thompson lived. I wrote to Jentezen Franklin and told him about Steve, that God is going to raise him from the dead and bring him back to witness for Jesus and foster part of the revival. But instead of receiving a cordial or even quizzative reply, he completely ignored me and what I wrote in several missives. The man was revealing himself as a false minister by his failure to respond to the prompts of God via a prophet. That took place with enough time for him to respond, if he wanted to, and forward some funds for the outreach, but he declined. Hence, the angels were hollering about the need for funds because they should have been available and weren’t. In Jentezen Franklin’s life review he will see that he denied God on many occasions, this request for £7,000 being one of them. A lot of preachers are promoting themselves and elevating themselves, rather than the pure Word of God. They don’t want the purity of the Word. They preach their own watered down version of God’s Word, violating it! They will see it in their life review when God consigns them to outer darkness which they chose by their loveless ways. Matthew 25:41-46 outlines their fate and why. God said about the preachers on TBN and other media outlets that they are promoting themselves at the expense of the Gospel instead of promoting the True Gospel at the expense of themselves. Rescued: Vivian and Joy were able to rescue the situation, even though they had little and completely emptied themselves to provide the funds that made escape possible. Escaped!18th March 2016. 23:39. To John: The getaway. Did you manage to get away OK as planned at midnight? We have been concerned for Fatu. I hope she is OK, and all of you. I hope none of you are injured too badly. I hope Joy's £700 will keep you going till more can be sent in a couple of days' time. God bless. 19th March 2016. 17:41. From John: Thanks Will. We managed to come out after the Lord confused our enemies to fight over money. Fatu was beaten badly. She is not okay but thank God we are all alive and will go on with God's work. God bless. Saturday 19th March 2016. 18:43. From Rhoda: 'MALCOLM, MALCOLM, MALCOLM, GOD HAS DEALT HARD WITH SUJADI. ASK HIM, HE IS NOW COUNTING LOSSES FOLLOWING HIS DEFEAT YESTERMIDNIGHT. TOMORROW THE VANS ARE TO MOVE AND COVER A GREAT WORK. MORE FUEL TO BE PUT IN THE VANS. AT LEAST £550 TO REACH JOHN BY WU NOW FOR THE GREAT WORK TOMORROW AND MONDAY. ON MONDAY AT LEAST £1000 TO REACH JOHN BY WU FOR TUESDAY UP TO FRIDAY WORK. MALCOLM TO WRITE TO SUJADI NOW TELLING HIM OF GOD'S GREATNESS AND POWER. THAT MESSAGE WILL MAKE NEW MEMBERS JOIN MM FROM TUNISIA.' 7 angels have said that to me now. 19th March 2016. 19:24. To Sujadi: What are your losses? Hello, Sujadi. Do you see now a bit more of the UNCHALLENGEABLE POWER of our God? He holds ALL power. No one can come against Him and win. You have lost many men by coming against Him. Why fight Him? He loves you. He doesn’t hate you, so why do you hate Him? Muslims need to come to learn to love God, and to love as He loves. It’s not a human love. It’s a divine love, one that surpasses anything humans can experience. As a measure of His love, He came to earth to die on a cross, to pay for the sins of humanity. No one else would do that or could do that. But He did it. He willingly died for us, to pay the price of our sins, so that we would not have to die. So why fight Him? How many men did you lose last night at midnight? You have been counting your losses. What are they? Don’t fight against Jesus Christ. He’s the Saviour of the world. He will save from sin and death anyone who turns to Him. Muslims can do that. We are not against Muslims, but we are bringing the truth of God, who is Jesus, the Christ. And He has demonstrated some of His invincible power to you last night by delivering MM workers and MM vans from your clutches... once again! Praise God! Just surrender your life to Him. Give up your evil ways. Renounce violence and hatred. Ask Jesus’ forgiveness for opposing Him, and you will be surprised how merciful and forgiving He is. If you mean it, He will accept you. All who turn away from doing evil in life, He will save. So, read the new Testament of the Bible and live by it. And God will live with all who do. 19th March 2016. 19:49. To John: We will pray and intercede for Fatu. Encourage her to just keep trusting in God to heal her. How bad is she injured? What were her injuries? 19:52. To Fatu: God the Healer can heal all your wounds, injuries, and hurts. He will heal mental scars, too. So just ask Him to heal you, and wait for His touch, His healing touch. God bless. Sunday 20th March 2016. 8:35. From John: She got bruises on the left eye and injured her right knee. She can't drive. We have done 7 mosques from morning. We may need more fuel to take us up to Friday. We received some Muslims who accepted the MM lits and teachings. God bless. 8:51. Reply: I'm sure God will heal her in due course. He lets us suffer a bit first, to humble us, and build endurance within us, to test our faith, but after a while He then heals so we can be more useful to His purposes. We are hoping to be able to get hold of a bit more money and send it tomorrow, the £1k+ the angels stipulated yesterday. Haven't heard from Sujadi yet. God bless. 20th March 2016. 10:42. From Sujadi: I know the power you are using is from Satan. But if you use God's power then heal Fatu. She is the one leaking out our secret to you let's see if she will walk again. I can't lose all that money then you go on boasting to me. 11:34. Reply: God will heal Fatu in His good time. That's no problem. The problem is with you, and your failure to kneel before the Lord your Maker and acknowledge Him as supreme, and surrender your life to live by His precepts instead of violence and hatred. And stop blaspheming against Him by falsely accusing Him of being Satan. How many men died last night at the hands of MM's God? You moan about the money you have wasted. You haven't lost much. But that's your fault for attacking us. If you keep on doing that, you will lose more. The Angels Miraculously Produce An MM Leaflet20th March 2016. 11:11. From Rhoda: 'TWO MUSLIM CONVERTS WHO MET WITH THE MM TEAM IN TUNISIA WILL WRITE TO MALCOLM: YAHYA AND KHALIFA. MALCOLM, MALCOLM, MALCOLM... IT IS TRUE THEIR HOUSES ARE BURNT DOWN FOR ACCEPTING MM. GOD WILL SEE ON HOW TO HELP THEM. JOHN DID A GOOD THING FOR MEETING THEM FAR AWAY FROM WHERE THE VANS WERE PARKED... MALCOLM TO SEND THEM A FEW MM LITS VIA E-MAIL.' 7 angels have said that to me now. 20th March 2016. 10:41. From Khalifa: ...I was born in Tunisia where the whole country is under Muslim faith. I converted to Christianity just in this season when an MM preacher from Kenya approached me that God has sent him to me and he wanted me to meet with him in his hotel room. It was not easy for me to do that. I called my masjid secretary (masjid – religious school) Yahya to accompany me. As we went, we found six people waiting, not in the room, but in a small park beside the hotel. The preacher had introduced himself that he was John Ongoro and he had other two companions in that hotel. When we reached we found 6 people. 4 were Muslims known to me but they were in ordinary clothes. John went on addressing me by the title Imam. First I thought it was because of my religious attire but I learnt that he knew my whole names even a private name. I listened as he narrated what MM does around the world. I quickly believed because I have heard about Muslims who Jesus had appeared to and were converted to Christianity. The four who were here were converted a day ago and they had a very strong testimony. Yahya had already left because he was not interested in what was going on. I accepted Jesus as my Saviour but we are in a major peril. As I write some of our houses have been burned, many items lost. But we are brave enough to encounter all this. I know this persecution can escalate but we have nowhere to go. We are bordered by all Muslim states. Morocco on the west, Algeria and Libya in the south, towards Egypt on the SE. ...The word of the Spirit told us in a prayer meeting that "The enemies of faith cannot put out God's light. Strive and struggle for God in a straight fight because earthly powers battle in vain against sacred things." Help us to pray for God's miracles to go on witnessing to what we do as people. We thank John Ongoro so much for this plain truth he brings to us in Tunisia. John gave me the wonderful Why Jesus? and we hope to receive more from him. May He bless you. Sincerely, Khalifa 20th March 2016. 11:10. From Yahya: Heap Malcolm, I was born a Muslim. I became a friend to Khalifa while we were studying in Muslim school. My friend became an Imam while I went into teaching profession. It happened that Khalifa interacted with some Christian preacher led by a man from Kenya John Ongoro. I thought the preacher resides here in Tunisia but later I found that he was here sent by God to preach to Muslims. It is a very risky feat but he miraculously managed it. I can't tell how Khalifa converted at once to Christianity. He is the one who called me to attend their crusade. This John Ongoro presented me with a four page tract I refused to take it. But Khalifa took it and returned it to John's bag. Wonder of wonders ensued. At night of the same day, I and my wife were shocked to see a big light glowing in our house and a strong voice called out "Come up, both of you, and search for the truth under the chairs!" It was a powerful command. My wife jumped out and found a yellow [orange] paper entitled The Coming Great Miracle Explosion. [The angel must have put it there.] The big voice thundered again. It shook us terribly. It said that "God's revelation is not for man’s distress but for man's guidance. Men of God instruct men but each soul has personal responsibility. God’s gifts are for all but not the same for all. So be ready to listen to Me and to MM." Wow! I knew at once that this is Angel speaking or God Himself. We did not manage to sleep that night. I reported this to Khalifa very early the next day. He advised to "Heed that voice immediately. The angel brought that MM leaflet and it is a unique call to your household." He decided we report this to Malcolm because he had your e-mail address already [John had written my e-mail address inside the booklet he gave him, Why Jesus?]. I have tried to tell people this story but I have endangered my wife and family. It is so risky to abandon Islamic faith in our country. By the voice of that being, I and my family have become Christians and we look for a time to get baptized. We get threats daily but we don't care, we are ready to die. The story does not end here, This story can be too long to accommodate here now. Please pray for us all the time. We also will continue pray for John Ongoro for the good words he brings to us. Yours truly, Yahya Sujadi Trying To Size Us Up20th March 2016. 13:06. From Sujadi: 1. If I'm telling lies then do you know the much I have spent? 2. Where do you reside Malcolm? 3. Do you have a family and if you have how many wives and children do you? 4. How many people have you killed since starting this ministry? 5. Do you have a son? 6. Do you have daughters? If you have a daughter then I suggest you give her to a marriage to one of these your men in Tunisia they are truly strong. 13:13. Reply: 1. If you tell me how much you have spent, and 2. how many men you have lost, including the most recent event on Friday night, then I'll answer your questions. Thanks. 20th March 2016. 13:17. From Rhoda: 'MALCOLM, MALCOLM, MALCOLM, SUJADI IS PLANNING TO KNOW SOME DETAILS ABOUT YOU. PLEASE REBUKE HIM. TO KHALIFA AND HIS FRIEND DO NOT RESPOND TO THEIR REQUESTS FIRST EVEN THOUGH THEIR HOUSES ARE BURNT, FOR HUNDREDS HAVE ACCEPTED THE MM TRUTH AND MM CAN'T CONSTRUCT HOUSES FOR ALL.' 7 angels have said that to me now. 13:20. From John: May you tease him, we want to know his plans for today we haven't met any opposition. We have done 12 mosques since morning. 13:33. From Sujadi: Stop being stupid, answer my questions if you want me to co-operate with you. Okay? 13:36. Reply: Well, if you won't answer my questions, I won't answer yours. Co-operate with you?! What a joke!! What do I want you for? At the moment you are no use to man nor beast. 20th March 2016. 13:41. From Sujadi: I know your intention is to get many people to join your ministry and I promise to give you as many Muslims as possible. Are you married young man? Please answer my questions if you need more people to join your ministry. 13:55. Reply: You totally misunderstand. Nobody can join this ministry, other than the ones who are already in it. They are my family. Yes I am married with offspring, all grown up. I am 66, young man! And if you toy with me, I will not bother answering you any more. Just answer my questions, or forget it. We don't need anyone to join up with us. You wouldn't be able to get one person to come alongside us, because you are not alongside yourself, so forget it. 27 Strong Men Killed; More To Come!20th March 2016. 15:35. From Sujadi: Okay. You are calling for problems. How old is your daughter or son? So far you have killed my 27 strong men. 16:07. Reply: What happened on Friday night at midnight? And how much money have you wasted on trying to kill us and thwart this MM Work of God? When you answer those questions properly I will give you an answer to your questions, otherwise get lost! Because it is you who are calling for problems by continuing to fight our God by opposing us. Jesus Appears To Tunisian Muslims18:48. From Khalifa: Dear Heap Malcolm, Things are growing bad to worse following the arrest of two fellows who decided to join me and Yahya after testifying to 5 of them. Those men afterwards encountered an apparition which they vehemently said to be Jesus himself. They were overwhelmed with joy which was not stoppable. Their songs drew many to the scene as well as a news reporter who took photos of them and what they could record. As we rushed there we believed at once that they saw something really terrific. They were not joking but very brave. One of the two saying "Issa told us that we should not pray in our normal babbling of 5 times a day but we must reduce it to three but in a serious way and he will make us do wonders in this country. Forget what you obtained as truth [thought was truth in Islam] but pray only to Almighty God asking Him to know his Son who saves mankind from their iniquities." These were the words of Said. The second, Abdul said, if I were to tell Issa to answer your questions you would not be able to stand here. [Because of the awesome presence of God in His holiness!] But believe that we are already His children and the rest of the Work which is to follow will be wonderful in his name. "What do you mean by being his children?" “I mean we are Christians.” Later today they were taken [arrested] by some people who are known to be of authority, and the word came to us that they [the two arrested] asked me and Yahya to be praying for them and that Issa (Jesus) is ready to hear and will take us out of any trouble. We are in fear but we have not hidden ourselves far from were they are. We believe the Saviour is around. We know we can be killed but not so easily to destroy the movement. We keep the former promise that worldly battles cannot prevail against the sacred things. Yahya has managed to print two attachments Why Pray? and Why Believe in God? and we are sharing them now. We pray to print them all. Thank you very much. Your good to the distressed. Yours Khalifa 20:20. Reply: Thanks for sending that account earlier today. Yes, Jesus is constantly watching over His people. He is portrayed in the book of Revelation as walking amidst the congregations of His believers, and He promised His disciples that He “will be with you always, to the very end of the age” (Matthew 28:20). He will “never leave us nor forsake us” (Hebrews 13:5). “Remain In The Valleys To Be Fertile”20:17. From Yahya: Thank you brother to send what we can print and read... A noble man appeared to me in my sleep at 3 am yesterday and said: The valleys below [you are in a humble valley] are joyful because the mountain top [God] is up there. Both respect one another. Remain down in the valleys [stay humble] and with MM at the mountain top [with God] and you will be very fertile [i.e. productive]... We are shaken by every bad news but we are not moved. We pray for big help from God... Our wives have run to their relatives for fear of being tortured with us. We get small support from non-Muslims. We appreciate to get what has been hidden from us for long [the Truth of God]. We shall sneak and print the remaining materials [MM publications]. Thank you, God bless you. Yours Yahya 20:45. Reply: ...God gave me a dream about Tunisia way back in 1997, and it is now being fulfilled, all these years later. (Relayed in Dreams and Visions From God, page 118.) The story continues in Volume 8 |
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