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Mighty Miracles Of God Volume 8 |
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95Lion Of Judah in Tunisia
...The Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has prevailed... (Revelation 5:5)
Khalifa mentioned that “stories had gone around that two people appeared some months ago in Sudan and other countries nearby and that they have a magic car and magic books, which can heal, or destroy enemies instantly.” Gossip certainly spreads tales of miracles! Khalifa and his friends put this tale down to just rumour. But when he heard how John and Mark (and others with them in the two vans) are directed by angels in their travels, and pass through borders unchecked because of supernatural supervision, he realised that these rumours were about the MM outreach. It is true that people can be healed by contact with MM literature. And holding open an MM Faith booklet against attackers has blinded opponents and gunmen, and even struck them dead, time and again. In Iraq, Ibrahim reported that when the vans approached they were led by a tall pillar of white smoke or mist. He saw this apparition on each of the several occasions he met John and the team. And, when they left, the ‘mist’ went with them. It convinced him they were “led by Supernatural Hands.” Tunisia Receives The True Gospel24th March 2016. 16:34. From John: We met an Imam who told us that in 2007 he had a dream that the True Gospel of Issa will be brought to Tunisia. When Bin Gafna Rahim saw us he knelt down and thanked God. But what surprised us was he asked us for money, not lits. We then left. How sad that people don’t want God or the truth that reveals Him! In contrast, Khalifa mentioned: “I am all the time feeling that your writings will flood even Arab countries. It is as if someone is talking to my mind, and confident that it can happen... The same God who directed us to MM will make a way of printing the materials and place them out for the public to see the truth with their own eyes. God distinctly speaks to people...” The Lion Defended Them From Attackers24th March 2016. 15:35. From Khalifa in Tunisia: Those people who planned to attack us gave us a strange story. Seven came to Yahya instead of six as they promised. We had a brief talk with them in private. Their leader, who prevented them attacking us, was Ali Shakombo. He said that a lion attacked the place where they hid themselves to come later to ambush. No one got injured but the beast was all the time about them wherever they tried to meet. I thought this was a vision but they are sure it was alive because they all saw the lion. And the others who separated from them have also been scared by the same beast. Shakombo said "we don't have any bush around but the animal was with us... It may have known what our plans were, because it raged when we spoke ugly words about you and we wondered where this animal came from." Something strange is happening. How can this occur with a lion unless an angel did it? We are waiting to see if this will bring conversion to those brothers who vowed not to try attacking us again... Yahya told me that it is true. K 26th March 2016. 11:33. Reply: The Lion of the Tribe of Judah is mentioned in Revelation 5:5 in the New Testament. Jesus is symbolised as such as an expression of His fierce anger against evil, and of His judgement upon evildoers who oppose His prophets and His truth. The lion representing Him as a descendant of Judah goes back to a prophecy of Jacob in Genesis 49:9 where Judah is portrayed as a young lion. Other scriptures where the lion symbol is used to highlight God's anger and judgement against sin / evil are: Isaiah 31:4; Jeremiah 4:7-8; Jeremiah 25:37-38; Ezekiel 41:18-19 (where the prophetic 'new temple' contains carvings of mighty angels who have two faces, one of a man of mercy, and the other of a lion of judgement; these are two aspects of God's character – His mercy towards the repentant, but His fierce anger against the unrepentant). God bless. Tunisia: A Dream Of MM Literature30th March 2016. 19:48. ...I had a dream last night about the Lion but not the way Abdul Aziz and his company saw. I saw a Lion having a thing like a long machete down in front of it. I walked aside to see what a Lion and a machete could be. Then a white lady who seemed to be around 50 or so years old appeared coming from North while I was facing the Lion on the East. The Lion motioned to her to take that thing on the ground. It was as if the Lion spoke what I could not hear. The woman took the machete which was actually a sword. The lady came to me and said "this is not to kill people but to tame them. To stop the hands of the killers and to shape the tongues of the boasters". Then the sword splintered in the lady’s hand and it become many books. I was told by the woman: "Look how the wind will send those around your country and to the end of the world." The Lion was watching keenly how so many books and papers were flown low and high to all directions of the wind... Khalifa 22:55. Reply: The meaning of the dream. The dream is from God... The lion again is Jesus. The lady from the north represents this ministry. (God often uses the image of a lady to represent true believers because we are destined to be part of the Bride of Christ, as Revelation 19:7-9 reveals.) 50 is a symbol of spiritual release or freedom, which is what God grants through His Spirit and Word of Truth. The Sword represents the Word of God. Hebrews 4:12 declares: "For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul [body] and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart." MM literature is based on God’s Word in the Bible, which is why you saw the sword change into many books. In fact, John and the team hold up MM booklets when they pass through borders and the light shining from the booklets (invisible to human eyes, but visible to demons and angels) makes it possible for them to pass through the borders without trouble or obstruction. When attackers come against them, even with guns, as the team hold up a Faith booklet or other MM booklet, those guns jam and fail to work. And many attackers have been killed supernaturally by God because the team held up MM literature against them as shields or swords. (They are just booklets, not swords.) In Isaiah 49:2, the mouth of the prophet is likened to a sharp sword (as in Hebrews 4:12). In Scripture (Is 41:25; 45:6; 59:19) Jesus is prophesied coming from the rising of the sun (the east). It is a symbol of Him bringing the light of His truth. This enlightenment or revelation is to give spiritual guidance to man. MM publications will be spread throughout your country and to the ends of the earth, as God revealed in the dream to you. Thanks and God bless, M 29th March 2016. 17:53. From Khalifa: ...We also feel us having a strong power surrounding our movements. Only the people who want to join this outreach come to us and become joyful immediately but those who do not want to join just move away very quickly and do not even want to meet with us. 81 Mosques Visited In Tunisia12th April 2016. 12:18. From John: Mosques visited in Tunisia: BEJA 4, ELKET 6, TUNIS 18, ARIANA 3, LAGOULETTE 5, SOUSSE 6, MAHDIA 7, KASSERINE 9, GAFSA 6, TOZEUR 6, GABES 5, MEDENINE 6. Total = 81. 2nd April 2016. 15:32. From Khalifa: ...The stories come one after the other. The man [name protected] who led some others who are now converted is one of those who has devoted himself to preach. He collected Qurans from those among us who still had them, and returned those books to the nearest mosque. He was urged to do that by someone in a dream. He was told not to destroy the books or rub away the owners’ names because sending them back will stand as a testimony that we don't owe Islam anything. In Shortage, The Food Multiplies Miraculously!4th April 2016. From Yahya: ...We are trying to show deep love to each other who are among us and we agreed to share together, even smallest food anyone of us comes with. In such times the food doesn't seem small, it gets much as we use it. Singing In The Spirit7th April 2016. 19:00. From Khalifa and Yahya: ...Thank you for the books and a word of encouragement. We feel strangely changed since we came from the water [baptism], too much joy, it's a thing we have not known how it comes. One among us can start singing in praise of God and we automatically go at once chorusing with him a song we did not learn or know before. It is as if we are celebrating something we have not understood fully. But it is all joy. Before this we could sit discussing how desperate our situation was going to be, but now our thought is now serving the True God who had a Son to bring us life. The truth is that we are reading those prints with new idea and with easy. I guess human beings are surrounded by God's atmosphere but it is only felt when we repent and forget our bad beliefs. We thank God, you, and the preacher [John] who got us out of thick darkness. 8th April 2016. From Khalifa: ...We ask for more prayers because we want to start visiting places which we are shown in dreams or vision... Healed From Scorpion Stings12th April 2016. 20:07. From Khalifa: Healings: ...Thank you for those books. Help in Trials and Miracles from God. The book Faith: Raising our Level of Expectation and Faith and Healing had been in our hands since the time we picked out and print. We had been asking God to give us strong faith to pray for the sick because so many persons and children are sick in this country because of chilling weather, heavy rain, mosquitoes or snake bites which become frequent during such seasons. For the first time which is last night a lady and her son came to us for prayer. The two had been bitten [stung] by scorpions which cause severe pain and even death. We think God had directed us to have the two Faith books near us. The boy was almost running mad they were both crying but the boy was becoming a nuisance. We gave them the two books to hold tightly in their hands, we were talking to God to get them healed, we were not praying but only asking God to do it. Within few minutes all poison and pain vanished and they were healed. Yahya saw in a dream after that drama that the Angel showed him that we should get a prayer house and also our small houses to stay because heaven is on guard and no one will harm us. And that we should just pray in faith and never move again from here and the Lord will help us get out of this mess of having no proper place to sleep or pray for the people. The tribal chief who was stirring people against us is now half dead in his home after he was struck by thunder bolt in his home. The Angel said no one will disturb you here. Mighty Miracle: All Her Broken Bones Are HealedAnd She Is Raised From Death Back To Life18th April 2016. 8:39. From Yahya: The dead raised: ...An Imam had approached Khalifa twice to know where he got the power to pray and heal a woman run over by a car and was believed to be dead. Khalifa happened to be at the scene by chance. He took courage to call the name of Jesus to raise the woman and after some minutes the lady stood up very alive. When the ambulance came after one hour because of the bad road, they found the woman had gone with Khalifa to her home. As it is unlawful in a Muslim sense to walk or touch a woman other than your own wife or close relative, Khalifa could be in for execution but it was fair because the woman was accompanied by a throng of excited people to her home. They were stunned to hear that only telling unseen Jesus to cure a person with all broken limbs could raise that woman. Back to Imam above, he wanted Khalifa to say that the miracle came through some black power but not from God who Khalifa says is Jesus. I was now with a dream. We both resisted and stood firm that this name Jesus Christ is the only power to do any miracle. He returned yesterday with another man who thought he could convince us but it was all in vain. Then I saw as if I was dreaming [that was a vision] that their two books were burning. I just shouted to them that Jesus will burn your Koran as well as yourselves if you go on competing with Him. One of them said to me "No you are lying" and they went. Within almost 100 metres walk their bags were ablaze each one throwing his away. It was their Koran volume burning. They agreed that it was a miracle from Jesus and they want us to go and pray for them that they should not burn. But we sent the word back that we cannot go rather they can come back to us and we shall talk to God to spare their lives... All Tunisia To Receive The Gospel1st May 2016. 20:22. From Khalifa: Dream: I am grateful for the truth that is going on make us the real followers of Christ. I saw in a dream yesterday that I was being told by a man who had a voice of high command that we shall see a full Christian gospel not only in Tunisia but also in far places dominated by Mohammedan [Muslim] faith. At that time I saw a large group of people listening attentively when I preached to them but at the end I saw only 13 persons who became so happy with the gospel I preached. I was so much disgusted with only a small outcome. A man with that commanding voice appeared again and said "Don't worry. Those few persons are only the strong pegs where you will tie many sheep." Today morning one of those we baptized told me that he dreamed the same dream, he told me that the man I saw in a dream visited him and said that the thirteen people were happy because they experience miracles in their lives. Some saw Jesus in that big meeting. I wonder if this is what is soon to happen in our outreach. But even now we find people healed at our prayer meetings.
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