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Mighty Miracles Of God Volume 7 |
93Poison And Lies |
Let those be put to shame and brought to dishonour who seek after my life; let those be turned back and brought to confusion who plot my hurt. (Psalm 35:4) 4th March 2016. 13:09. To Riek (cc. Tomas and Jeftah): Are you OK, Riek? And your family? I'm concerned that you haven't replied... The Milk Turned To Blood6th March 2016. 5:08. From Riek: God has been kind to us here in southern Sudan. Thanks for your concern. 1) A WOMAN TRIED TO POISON US. After the God of MM had brought down the SDA pastors, a wife to one pastor called Mitchell Riat pretended to be a family friend, at times coming and visiting us. One evening she brought us milk, but since the angels had warned us I touched the container with the MM lit and when a little milk was poured on the ground it turned blood red in colour. [As predicted 10th Feb 2016. See p 44.] Riat then started trembling and she opened up to tell us how a scheme had been reached to kill us and destroy the MM network in Sudan. She even told us that a team of former MM ‘members’ who left MM because of lack of money is scheming to bring down MM in Africa by blocking the evangelism team by sending to Malcolm lies about the evangelism team. She also said that a banker is helping them develop bank statements faked to show a link between John [Ongoro] and Antony Otete who is the team’s secretary. When you get such letters you should be aware of the intended plan. God’s power through MM witnesses for Jesus When Riat left us she preached in the whole area about the power in MM, and the chief ordered that I leave the region because I'm going to convert the place to MM. Even the chief's wife came to me to pray for her. We left our home to go to no-man's-land near the Uganda border where we fasted for three days, each midnight pointing the MM Faith lit in the direction of my home. After those three days we received the news that the chief and two SDA pastors were dead, so we travelled back home last Friday and the whole village now only talks of the God of MM. Thanks. God bless. Sudanese Judge, Kola Gibusi, Judged By God7th March 2016. 12:08. From Rhoda: 'THE VANS MUST TAKE TWO DAYS TO SEUR TOWN WHERE ONE OF SUJADI'S MAIN SUPPORTERS WILL DIE WHEN HE WILL TRY TO SHOOT AT ONE OF THE VANS. THIS WILL OCCUR ON THURSDAY AT MIDNIGHT. 'TOMORROW RIEK WILL BE CHARGED FOLLOWING THE CHIEF'S DEATH AND MM WILL BE ACCUSED OF THE CASE. JUDGE KOLA GIBUSI WILL DEMAND RIEK TO PAY £1700 CHARGE OR GET IMPRISONED FOR 6 YEARS. THIS IS THE OPPORTUNITY FOR THE GOD OF MM TO BRING DOWN THE CORRUPT JUDGE AND SET THE STAGE FOR MM EVANGELISM IN THE ENTIRE SOUTH SUDAN. 'GOD WANTS THIS STEP TAKEN: MALCOLM IS TO WRITE A WARNING LETTER TO THE JUDGE, SEND IT TO RIEK WHO SHOULD PRINT IT OUT. £1700 BE SENT TO JOHN BY WU TO PASS TO RIEK BY MPESA. RIEK IS TO WRAP THE MONEY WITH THE LETTER FROM MALCOLM AND DURING THE CASE JUDGEMENT HE WILL HAND IT TO THE JUDGE WHO ON TOUCHING THE MONEY WILL DIE THERE AND THEN. RIEK MUST THEN PICK UP THE LETTER PLUS THE MONEY AND WAIT FOR ANGELIC INSTRUCTION ON WHAT TO DO WITH THE MONEY. THIS MUST BE DONE VERY FAST FOR RIEK WILL BE ARRESTED TODAY EVENING.' 7 angels have said that to me now. 7th March 2016. 12:14. From Riek: Thanks Will. The police officers, ten in number, are in my compound. I'm being arrested for the chief's death. I am still hiding under my bed with an MM Faith lit. I pray for God to confuse them so that they leave my compound. God bless. 7th March 2016. 15:13. To Riek: I'm sorry to be so long in replying. Please give this to the judge. Dear Sir, Riek is not guilty of what you are accusing him of. He did not kill the Chief. God did. I am a prophet of God and I must warn you to desist from arresting Riek and charging him with this death. He is not guilty of any crime. If you try to prosecute him, God Almighty will prosecute you in His heavenly Court, and you will be found guilty of treason against Him. He will require your life if you incriminate Riek Mojong. May God bless you, Malcolm B Heap 7th March 2016. 15:20. To Riek: The judge's name is KOLA GIBUSI. 7th March 2016. 15:24. To Riek: We are trying to raise £1700 which the angels have said will be needed to release you from the clutches of the evil judge. You should print out the message to him and give it to the judge to read as the angels have instructed to Rhoda. Thanks. Comment: I also passed on to Riek what the angels said to Rhoda about his situation. Shortly before 7, Vivian wrote to say that they had managed to raise the funds and send them by WU to John. 9th March 2016. 9:10. From Riek: Thanks Will. I did what the Angels said, placed the money wrapped in the letter addressed to the judge. When he touched it he unwrapped it, took out the money and placed it on his table, then started to read the letter. Immediately, he started trembling and repeated the name Malcolm three times, then he started coughing and fell to the ground. At this time we were only the two of us in the judge's private chamber. I took the money and left for home immediately but we had to sneak out of home for after that a contingent of police came for me at home. We are in a forest. 9th March 2016. 9:26. From Rhoda: 'RIEK MUST MOVE VERY FAST TO THE UGANDA SOUTHERN SUDAN BORDER WHERE HE WILL BE TILL JUNE THIS YEAR WHEN THE DEATH PENALTY WILL BE OVER. 'RIEK IS TO USE THE MONEY FOR THIS MONTH AND NEXT MONTH. POLICE ARE SENT TO KILL RIEK BUT THE HANDS OF GOD WILL PROTECT HIM. 'MALCOLM, MALCOLM, MALCOLM, TOMAS AND YASMIN ARE IN EGYPT FROM WHERE THEY ARE UNDER ARREST FOR GIVING OUT MM LIT TO A MUSLIM BOY NEAR A MOSQUE. THEY PLAN TO KILL THEM, THEN TAKE THE MM CAR THEY HAVE. 'TODAY JOHN SHOULD RECEIVE £2000 BY WU, AND SEND IT TO TOMAS BY MPESA. MALCOLM IS TO WRITE A WARNING LETTER TO BIN KASSIM ROGO THE PERSON HOLDING THEM. THE MONEY IS TO BE WRAPPED IN THE LETTER. WHEN HE WILL RECEIVE THE MONEY HE WILL DIE AND HIS SON WILL ACCEPT MM AND WILL BE A GREAT SUPPORTER OF MM.' 7 angels have said that to me now. Tomas and Yasmin Captured In Egypt9th March 2016. 10:03. To Tomas: For Bin Kassim Rogo: Dear Sir, You are holding hostage, under house arrest, two of God's workers, Tomas and Yasmin, intending to kill them and steal their car. You need to be aware that God sees your motives and plans, not just your actions. He punishes evildoers. So, I implore you to release these innocent men, so that no harm comes to yourself. But if you intend to harm them, God will harm you in like manner, according to your innermost motives. "Those who take to the sword shall die by the sword." Please note that our God is Supreme. He has all power in heaven and in earth. His name when He walked this earth was Jesus, the Christ. He is now in control of the universe. So, by coming against His workers, you are coming against Him, and He will exact judgement upon you if you do not release these innocent men. Do you value your life? [See next page. God killed him.] MBH
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