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Mighty Miracles Of God Volume 7 |
92The Last Call |
He rules by His power forever; His eyes observe the nations; do not let the rebellious exalt themselves. (Psalm 66:7) The MM team in the vans visited the north African Muslim countries delivering The Last Call to All Muslim Nations, in accordance with God’s command through His 7 angels. After covering Libya, they entered Algeria and then Morocco. Each border crossing was without visas. An MM Faith booklet was at the front of each vehicle. God caused the border guards to grant immediate access when they looked at the Faith booklet. We don’t know what they saw, but God’s miracle happened each time. And similar miracles occurred at each mosque, enabling them to leave a copy of God’s message in The Last Call to All Muslim Nations. Opposition was never far away in the form of guns, bombs, and hand grenades wielded by demon-inspired individuals. But the team were undaunted, because they knew the ability of God to deliver. The Vans In Algeria13th Feb 2016. 17:38. From John: Today in the garage where an engine is being fixed to our van we were together with 11 garage attendants and observed a Sabbath rest. Sujadi and his 6 armed youths came and warned us to stop converting Muslims to Christianity, then they just drove away. God through MM lits confused [restrained] them so they couldn't remove their guns. Up to now the money has not reached the evangelism account. [So John was a bit concerned and anxious, understandably so.] 14th Feb 2016. 11:43. From John: We hope God's hands will sustain the mission to its conclusion... We are indebted to glorify God for the great work He has demonstrated in MM through your efforts... 12:33. Reply: Yes, don't worry. God will complete the mission He has begun through you, Mark and other helpers. He's not going to let it fail for lack of dosh. Israel only escaped Egypt at the last moment, and crossed the Red Sea in the nick of time (just in time before the Egyptian army had recaptured them). That's the way God works. He lets it look like the enemy can win, but there's really no contest. God has it all worked out how He will deliver at the last minute, rescue His mission, and then bring victory. Kassahun [in Ethiopia] had this dream about it: Feb. 9/16. Kassahun’s dream. The word "VICTORY" was seen everywhere I walked. It was a promise from God that things will change soon and we will get our victory in every difficulty we are now passing through. Helena will intercede today for the money... The Urgency Of The Mission15th Feb 2016. 10:11. From John: Thanks. We are Okay. It has not reflected yet in the evangelism account. We hope our God is working miracles. We are left with £450 after paying £350 to engine fixers as service charges. We cannot move on because we have not cleared with them... 15th Feb 2016. 10:20. From Rhoda: 'THE EVANGELISM TEAM SHOULD MOVE ON. JOHN SHOULD PROMISE THE GARAGE ATTENDANT TO ALLOW THEM TO LEAVE AND WHEN THE MONEY COMES INTO THE EVANGELISM ACCOUNT THEN IT CAN BE SENT. NOW AT LEAST £700 TO REACH JOHN BY WU TO KEEP THEM GOING.' 7 angels have said that now. 15th Feb 2016. 11:28. From Fatu: We are okay on Milk and water diet. We are set to move on to Morocco. Life is hard but our God is able. God bless. 13:00. From John: We are on the move to Morocco. 14th Feb 2016. 10:42. From Rhoda: 'MARK IS TO BRIEF MALCOLM ON LUKAS MISSION...' 7 angels have said to me now. 15th Feb 2016. 17:40. From Mark: ...Lukas is expecting some visitors from the USA at the end of this month. He is busy mobilizing the community at large to attend the ceremony of launching and laying a strong Church foundation in E. Africa as a whole. He will host the visitors in Ndhiwa Kenya on 29 Feb and 1st March 2016. From there they will proceed to move to various areas to meet different groups they have gathered in the company of his son John Nandi... 15th Feb 2016. 19:12. From Malik: Thanks to God for giving me this opportunity to live a different life. Born in the year 1977 in United Arab Emirates. Brought up in Islamic education. Couldn't marry because my father wanted me to get into radicalism and be a suicide bomber in future. My mother died in Afghanistan in 1998 through tragic road accident. I would want to serve God now though can't see properly. I lost all my wealth when my uncle B disowned me for changing into Christianity. I am ready to serve my God... 20:09. Reply: Thanks for yours. This is a real about-turn in your life. God has done amazing things and is taking His truth across the African continent, and now across all the Islamic countries. It is the last witness or last call, the last Move of the Gospel outreach before end-time events close in on all countries. You can read about these end-time events in our lit. Jesus summarised them in Matthew 24 and Revelation 6. After the Gospel has gone out, there will be a Great Tribulation (time of woe on an international scale), and after 3½ years, Jesus will return to restore the world and put right all the problems, putting an end to war and suffering. You said you can't see properly. Do you mean you are partially blind? 17th Feb 2016. 14:38. From John: Since Malik went into a deep sleep he lost his eyesight. Reason best known to God. 15:35. To John: Do you mean Malik lost his eyesight completely? Or partially? Sometimes God enacts something in the physical to portray the spiritual. M's background in Islam has left him with impaired spiritual sight. There are things about God's ways that he won't be able to see immediately. The path in Islam is totally different from the path of life in Holy Spirit directed Christian living. Islam is worked out with human effort and ritual. True Spirit-led Christian living is worked out by submission to the Spirit of God, and it is not achievable by human effort alone. It is achieved by focusing on Christ and what He has done for us by: 1) His death to pay the price for our sins, 2) His Spirit living in us, as we submit and obey. Islam is based on pride. True Christianity is based on humility, the opposite of pride. So, perhaps God is illustrating by M's blindness that he has much to learn in order to be a useful tool in God's hands. We have all had to go through such a process of preparation: First, being humbled through difficult circumstances and trying experiences such as he has gone through by exiting Islam; and secondly, by reading and learning from much MM lit, to understand God's ways. Law and Grace, and The Missing Dimension in Christian Living, are two basic booklets that explain some of this. And other publications will add more for him as he progresses on his Christian journey. But, now that such has been explained, if you all pray for him to receive his sight (just a simple prayer), if God means him to have his sight restored at this time, God will do it. Thanks. 16th Feb 2016. 13:14. From John: It has been a good journey from yesternight. We still hope for Eleanor’s money to reflect so that we can settle the engine debt. A white car has trailed us from morning; we are on the alert with the MM Faith lits. God bless. 16th Feb 2016. 14:48. From Rhoda: 'ON THAT DAY 29TH FEB, 2 LUKAS VANS WILL BLOW UP CONFIRMING GOD'S POWER. IT SHOULD BE CHECKED WHETHER THE MONEY LEFT THE ACCOUNT OF ELEANOR TO THE EVANGELISM ACCOUNT. IT HAS DELAYED TO REACH.' 7 angels have said that to me now. God bless. [The transfer was deliberately misdirected!] 16th Feb 2016. 16:54. From John: Beni Ounif border: Thanks to God of gods for granting us the opportunity to reach here. We have had a smooth journey. A car that followed us all the way got arrested at the border here. It had guns in it plus rolls of bhang. The driver plus four people on board ran away. [This was Sujadi and his gang.] Border crossing between these two countries is not easy but we shall do it through MM Faith lits... We are at the border. 16th Feb 2016. 17:06. From Rhoda: 'MALCOLM, ASK ELEANOR WHEN THE MONEY LEFT HER ACCOUNT. THE VANS SHOULD WAIT AT THE BORDER TILL THE MECHANIC IS PAID HIS WAGE FOR FIXING THE ENGINE FOR HE MAY REPORT TO THE POLICE THAT MM EVANGELISTS ARE EVADING PAYING HIS MONEY AND IT CAN BE BAD. AT LEAST £2000 TO REACH JOHN BY WU NOW TO BE GIVEN TO THE MECHANIC AS THE DETAILS FROM ELEANOR’S BANK ARE BEING AWAITED. GOD IS IN CONTROL.' 7 angels have said that to me now. God bless. Comment: Nationwide Building Society was the bank in this episode. Eleanor gave them John’s bank details, but they sent the money to another destination. God revealed that to me in a dream. If it had been sent it would have arrived in John’s account but it didn’t. The police must have interfered! 16th Feb 2016. 17:17. From Fatu: We are okay but it seems as if the mechanic who attended our van engine is not happy because he hasn't been paid full money. I understand his Arabic dialect. He wants to report us to the police. John and Mark explained to me our financial situation which I have told him but he is not convinced. We are ready to forego milk and water but not to be handled by the godless Muslim authorities. God bless. Fatu Reply: Tell him that money is being organised, but he must be patient. It should be through by tomorrow. Tell him that if he goes to the police he won't get any money, because they will lock up John who receives it, so no one will benefit. 16th Feb 2016. 17:36. From Sujadi: You can’t pay debt! I am king Sujadi. You thought that you put me in jail, uuuuuu you failed. Pay your debt Mr. god the killer. You are poor like rats in a church. Shame on you. If by tomorrow will find when you haven't cleared the engine fixing charges then all those your good vans may be auctioned. Poor begger. Reply: Ha! Ha! Ha! Don't you know that God has more money than you could ever count?! 17th Feb 2016. 10:54. From John: Thanks. Around £2000 will keep him quiet. The 300 sent by Joy is in now. If Eleanor sends £1000 then we shall still need £700 to make the 2k. He has mounted much pressure on us. Meaning £4000 is lost? God bless. 11:09. Reply: ... why not give the mechanics the 1300 you have, and tell them you hope to get the remaining 700 for them tomorrow. It can't be done any sooner because of the banking restrictions here. 12:42. From John: The mechanic has insisted that the least amount he will receive is £2000. So we will wait for the £700 balance to give him the whole 2k. It is hard to convince him, he is under the influence of MM enemies. 18th Feb 2016. 9:27. From John: We are Okay, I'm just waiting to clear with the mechanic then we move on. It is very hot! 18th Feb 2016. 9:57. From Rhoda: 'THE VANS SHOULD BE IN MOROCCO BY TOMORROW FRIDAY. THEY MUST MOVE ON.' 7 angels said. Comment: An e-mail came in which I suspected was fraudulent, so I asked Helena to check it out with her gifts and she confirmed my suspicions. I felt it was the Lukas / Nimrod group. But I thought I would also send it to Rhoda, Mark and John, so I did, and they confirmed the same verdict: 18th Feb 2016. 17:43. From Rhoda: 'IT IS FROM THE NIMROD / LUKAS GROUP. IGNORE IT COMPLETELY. IGNORE IT. LUKAS CAN'T AND WILL NOT BLOCK MM EVANGELISM IN AFRICA AND THE WORLD. NOW THE VANS SHOULD MOVE TO MOROCCO. EVANGELISM ACCOUNT IS COMPLETELY DRY. GOD WILL BRING [DOWN] SUJADI’S TWO MEN ON SATURDAY IN MOROCCO. THE EVANGELISM TEAM REQUIRES AT LEAST £1.5K FOR SAFE LANDING IN MOROCCO. TOMAS AND JEFTAH TOO ARE IN DIRE NEED. EACH NEEDS £500 FOR WATER AND FUEL. OUR GOD IS IN CONTROL.' 7 angels have said that to me now. Going Into Morocco18th Feb 2016. 17:48. From John: ...We are in no-man's land between Algeria and Morocco. God bless. 18th Feb 2016. 18:18. From Rhoda: 'TWO MEN IN SUJADI’S CAMP WILL DIE ON SATURDAY IN MOROCCO. GOD WILL BRING A SUPPORTER TO SUPPORT GOD'S WORK IN MM.' 7 angels have said that to me now. 19:06. To John: To fill you in on the picture here. Eleanor couldn't get any of that 4k money from her account today because it's not there. So, another person came to help out. Their money was used to send that 1k by Eleanor. The reason the 5k to you didn't arrive is that the bank stopped it in head office. They prevented it from being transferred and put it on hold, but they didn't put it back in her account. This is because the British police are interfering in our business affairs. Scotland Yard (the London police HQ) have issued instructions to various banks here to block any of our transactions. There is a rogue copper who is doing this, out of vindictive malice, probably stupidly convinced by demons that MM is involved in fraud of some sort, or even terrorism, and so they are interfering with any money transactions connected with MM, or Wilfred, without telling us. Vivian and Bob have also been blacklisted, so they can't send money through their accounts. I'm telling you this in full view of Scotland Yard, who monitor our e-mails, tap our phones, and eavesdrop on us in any way they can. It's a ridiculous system here now. They have gone well over the top with all the fears about terrorism abounding. And they misuse the law to abuse us in this way. I have asked God to strike the person dead who is culpable, because it's causing us serious damage. They interfered with Wilfred's money, causing him to lose a loan of £6,000 that was earmarked to pay our printing bill, and so I haven't been able to pay that. It's 2 months overdue... 19:36. From John: It is God to come down and hold our hands or else we are done. But Romans 8:38-39 tells what I John have believed. God bless. 19th Feb 2016. 8:34. From Rhoda: 'MALCOLM, MALCOLM, MALCOLM, PLEASE WRITE A NOTE TO THE EVANGELISM TEAM IN MOROCCO / ALGERIA BORDER. THEY HAVE NO WATER, MILK, NOR ENOUGH FUEL FOR THE VANS. JOHN IS BETWEEN HARD ROCK AND METAL. MALCOLM TO ADDRESS THE TEAM. A SUPPORTER WILL COME AND NO ONE WILL EVER BLOCK MM WORK. MALCOLM IS TO WRITE TO THE EVANGELISM TEAM NOW. AT LEAST £1.5K CAN SUPPORT THEM NOW. MALCOLM, MALCOLM, MALCOLM TALK TO THE EVANGELISM TEAM.' 7 angels have said. 19th Feb 2016. 8:51. From Rhoda: 'MALCOLM, MALCOLM, MALCOLM. THE EVANGELISM TEAM HAVE NOT ENOUGH FUEL, WATER AND MILK. THE MUSLIMS WILL TAKE ADVANTAGE AND ATTACK THEM. £1.5K CAN HELP THEM. MALCOLM, TALK TO THE TEAM NOW.' 7 angels have said that. Comment: These e-mails above didn’t come into my inbox till after 9, and I didn’t see them until 9:20. When God repeats something it’s IMPORTANT!! I wrote to John encouraging him (see below at 9:27). 19th Feb 2016. 8:57. From John: We have crossed into Morocco but have very little fuel in the vans, no water, no milk. We trust God will act at His appropriate time, God's time is the best. God bless. 9:24. To John: Eleanor is going to the place to send you by WU now. Hang in there! 19th Feb 2016. 9:03. From Fatu: This is Fatu and Vuga. We are happy God has allowed us get in to Morocco but we can see problems ahead. The vans don't have enough fuel, and the journey is still big. The pressure is too much on John and Mark. Why must God allow this to happen to us? These Muslims will look down on our ministry mission. Please address us. God bless. Comment: (This was because Nationwide misdirected Eleanor’s money.) At 9:54 Vivian and Joy rescued the situation, and Eleanor helped equally a short while later. So the vans were on their way, out of trouble [for that day, anyway]. 9:27. Reply: Hang in there! God is in charge. He lets it look (to the enemies) like He has failed, before He steps in and delivers. In whatever circumstances, no matter how bad they look in the physical, God is supremely capable of overriding them. Our duty is to trust in Him to lead us and direct us. He will deliver as we continue exercising faith in Him. Hold on, help is on the way. 9:31. To John, Mark, Vuga and Fatu: And I am waiting to hear from someone else about whether he can match the 1.5k asked for by the angels. Hang in there! It's an endurance test of faith. 11:20. The bank (Nationwide Building Society, in collusion with the police) is responsible for the hold up. The 1500 which Joy sent this morning only came in today. It wasn’t there last night. But obviously God could see it coming in, ahead of time and the angels were able to then prepare us by calling for the money. 21st Feb 2016. 10:19. From John: We are in Morocco already, have visited four mosques. Hope all is well... We received all the money sent to us. 13:40. Reply: You mentioned previously that a white mist leads you to the mosques you are to visit. Is that how the angels still lead you to the mosques? 21st Feb 2016. 18:45. From John: Yes we only visit the mosques that the angels in a white mist manifestation lead us to. A white mist first covers all the vans, then leads us by covering the mosques to be visited. God bless. 21st Feb 2016. 11:52. From Rhoda: 'A TEAM MADE UP OF ALL MM OPPOSERS HAVE STARTED A HEATED ATTACK ON THE EVANGELISM TEAM. THEY HAVE LINKED WITH MOSLEMS TO SOIL AND DESTROY THE GREAT WORK GOD HAS DONE IN AFRICA THROUGH MM LITS. THEY PLAN TO FAKE DOCUMENTS AND SEND TO MALCOLM TO SUPPORT THEIR MOTIVES. THEIR AIM IS TO BRING DOWN THE EVANGELISM TEAM SO THAT MM BECOMES DEFEATED. MALCOLM, MALCOLM, MALCOLM, IGNORE ALL SUCH LETTERS.' 7 angels have said that to me now. 21st Feb 2016. 13:52. Kassahun in Ethiopia was given this dream in January: Jan. 14/16. Three darts were ready to be shot. The target was a man. But he doesn’t know that he is the target. Someone who has the Spirit of God should warn him. Meaning: The three darts could represent 3 wrong motives / desires which the devil can easily work upon in those who are discouraged or disaffected: Resentment; Bitterness (Hebrews 12:15); and a love of money (1 Timothy 6:4-10). [God was testing some over their love of money; they later fell.] God Blows Up Sujadi’s Car22nd Feb 2016. 14:41. From John: Sujadi in pain. Sujadi's car blew up and two people died. Sujadi was taken to the hospital by fellow Muslims. It occurred in Bou Arfa town yesterday (Sunday) night. It was a white car. God bless. 15:12. Reply: God is giving him his own medicine back, so Sujadi knows how awful it feels to be one of his victims that his bombs blew up! That's car number 1. Three more to go! Monday 22nd Feb 2016. 16:25. From Fatu: Sujadi almost dead. His car exploded killing two instantly. He was taken to the hospital crying in pain and calling Malcolm's name. God bless. 16:40. Reply: Thanks for the further information. There is a biblical principle which says that he who takes to the sword will die by the sword. So, Sujadi received back what he has been giving out to others (or trying to give out)... 22nd Feb 2016. 16:39. From Rhoda: 'COME WEDNESDAY NIGHT ONE MORE CAR WILL EXPLODE AND TWO MEN WILL DIE. SUJADI WILL SEE A CHAIN OF SUFFERING IF HE STILL ATTACKS MM. TOMAS AND JEFTAH ARE DOWN. WHAT JOHN HAS SHOULD BE ABLE TO TAKE THEM UP TO THURSDAY NIGHT. AT LEAST £1.2K TO REACH JOHN BY WU, £500 HE SHOULD SEND TO TOMAS, £500 TO JEFTAH, AND £200 TO RIEK. THESE SHOULD KEEP THEM FOR TWO WEEKS. MALCOLM TO WRITE TO TOMAS, FOR HE IS IN GREAT NEED NOW, BEING IN THE DRIEST PLACE IN IRAN. MALCOLM IS TO WRITE AND ENCOURAGE THEM.' 7 angels have said that. 22nd Feb 2016. 16:44. From Tomas: [In Iran] Thanks to God. Are you Okay? I and Yasmin ... have nothing for food or water. We are in Iran, life is hard but God through MM lits has stood on our side. ... no water nor milk. God bless. 22nd Feb 2016. 16:57. From Riek: [in S Sudan]... how are you? Now they call me a devil worshipper. They have tried to kill me but God is great. This evening pastor Likono Guda crept into my compound hiding a knife in a small bag, I immediately cursed him, pointing an MM Faith lit to his face. He is still lying unconscious in my compound now. God bless. 23rd Feb 2016. 10:14. From John: We are moving on with evangelism already covered 13 mosques [in Morocco]. 23rd Feb 2016. 13:36. From Sujadi: I know I may die but you are useless, you can't provide food and money to your poor supporters. You are good at killing. Poor idiot. Water, water, water is the diet of your people. If poor why don't you give up? We have managed to buy some of your people and we must work in unity to bring down your evangelism team. We have blocked you from sending them money you begger. We must destroy the evangelism team destroying SDA and Islam in Africa. Poor dog. You blew up my beautiful car, watch out. Your van engines will blow out for no sufficient fuel. Poor poor poor begger. Idiot. 14:11. Reply: If you continue to attack God's vans and His workers, you will see a chain of suffering. That's what God says. I don't kill anyone. God does. He has life and death in His hands. He rewards righteousness with good, and rewards wickedness with evil. If you continue to choose the wicked way of destruction and hate, you will suffer even more. I urge you not to continue attacking MM and God's vans. I don't want to see you suffer more. The Angels’ Exhortation In Our Difficulties23rd Feb 2016. 16:55. From Rhoda: 'GOD IS IN CONTROL. MALCOLM, MALCOLM, MALCOLM, GOD IS IN CONTROL. NO ONE SHOULD FEAR, SUJADI AND HIS TEAM WILL BE NO MORE. GOD IS OPENING WAYS TO SUPPORT MM FINANCIALLY. MALCOLM, FROM NEXT YEAR LACK OF MONEY WILL BE A THING OF THE PAST. BUT NOW THE EVANGELISM ACCOUNT SHOULD NOT BE DRY. THE EVANGELISM KITTY HAS LITTLE MONEY, NOT ENOUGH TO TAKE THE TEAM UP TO FRIDAY THIS WEEK. AT LEAST £2K SHOULD REACH THEM BEFORE THURSDAY EVENING. GOD IS WORKING ON PERMANENT WAYS TO SUPPORT MM FINANCIALLY FROM NEXT YEAR THROUGH THE EVANGELISM TEAM IN AFRICA. MALCOLM, WAIT AND SEE, COME NEXT YEAR. MALCOLM, MALCOLM, MALCOLM, WRITE A WORD OF ENCOURAGEMENT TO THE EVANGELISM TEAM. SUJADI HAS ACCEPTED THAT THEY ARE WORKING IN UNITY TO FIGHT MM EVANGELISM TEAM. LET THE TEAM BE FOCUSED FOR GOD OWNS ALL GOOD THINGS, MONEY ONE OF THEM.' 7 angels have said that to me now. 23rd Feb 2016. 17:32. From Sujadi: You know what Malcolm, I am in pain because of you. Stop threatening me. We have known that you send the evangelism team out while you hide in Mark's home in Kenya. My team has moved to Ndhiwa to destroy Mark 's house so better you surrender or else you will be burnt. From Mark we shall move to John home and burn it down. Malcolm please remove these your vans out of Muslim countries if you want to be safe. Idiot. 18:53. Reply: You are a clot. I live in the UK, not in Mark's home in Kenya. Can't you see that from my e-mail address? And, anyway, if your men try attacking Mark's home, they will be struck dead by God. You are in pain because of what you did in attacking us, not because of me. It's not my fault. And you totally misunderstand me. I am not threatening you. I am trying to warn you for your own good, NOT to attack us, because you will lose every time, and the pain will only increase for you. Can't you see that I care for you? That's why I warned you not to try attacking God's people. No one can fight God and win. Sujadi Mounts More Attacks On Us In Morocco24th Feb 2016. 09:19. From John: Oujda attack. ...We got surrounded by militants at dawn today in Oujda. They took away our spare tyres and hit the bonnets of the vans with blunt objects. When they tried to shoot at us the guns jammed. We have decided to move a long distance to Safi town. We are left with only £325. The vans’ bodies must be straightened at a cost of £103 according to the mechanic here. I had sent to Tomas, Riek and Jeftah £500 meaning that a balance of £1500 is still required for them to go for two weeks. It’s hard but I believe God is in control. God bless. 12:08. Reply: Sorry I was not able to reply sooner. That's grim news. These bastards are allowed to do damage when we are really struggling. No one here has any money to be able to meet the present need, so today I expect God to show someone how to obtain it, because the angels declared the figure of 2k, so it must be coming from somewhere... 12:11. From Sujadi: He hee, you boast and your vans met my wrath at dawn today. They can't be allowed on our roads here. Your people driving them will be arrested today if they don't repair them. You poor idiot, you have no money. God bless. [What mocking blasphemy!] 13:32. Reply: Our vans met your wrath. And you will meet God's wrath. See which is worse! 14:05. From Sujadi: Then stop EVANGELISM in Muslim countries if you want to be safe. Just stop it now and all will be well. You are poor and claim to be running a ministry. Idiot. Tonight all your vans will get burnt. 14:48. Reply: You don't understand what I meant. I meant that you will find out which is worse. And if you are going to try and attack the vans again tonight, then tonight you will reap God's punishment for attacking His vans. No, we will not stop evangelism in Muslim countries. Again you don't understand. We didn't decide to do that. GOD SENT US, AND SO NOW YOU ARE FIGHTING AGAINST THE WILL OF GOD. Prepare to meet Him at midnight! 15:13. From Sujadi: OKAY young man. We will not wait till midnight. We know that you are a wizard and use charm in form of literature to kill at midnight we now attack you at a secret time that you can not detect. To be safe STOP EVANGELISM IN MUSLIM COUNTRIES. why strain and you can't even maintain your people with food and money. Why get in to a war that you will lose. Why young man. YOU HAVE NO MONEY. 16.00. Reply: We won't stop. We will INCREASE IT until you come to acknowledge that our God is the Almighty, and that you are a bunch of idiots for fighting against Him. It's flattering of you to address me as a young man. I'm 66. Money Lacks And Repeated Attacks!24th Feb 2016. 15:27. From Rhoda: 'MALCOLM, MALCOLM, MALCOLM, THE EVANGELISM TEAM MUST MOVE VERY FAST TO KENITRA OR FES TOWNS WHERE THE VANS SHOULD BE REPAIRED, FOR TOMORROW AT DAWN SUJADI IS PLANNING TO LEAD FAKE POLICE TO ARREST JOHN AND THE TEAM FOR USING UNROADWORTHY VANS. THIS CAN COST MM A GREAT DEAL. SUJADI HAS CHOSEN DAWN TO ATTACK EVANGELISM TEAM. NOW MM FAITH LITS MUST BE OPENED ALWAYS IN THE VANS. THE EVANGELISM KITTY IS DRY. IT IS DRY. THE KITTY IS DRY. SUJADI THROUGH MM OPPOSERS LIKE BENJAMIN, NIMROD AND THEIR TEAMS HAVE REALISED THE MONEY PROBLEM IN MM AND THEY WANT TO USE THAT TO BRING MM EVANGELISM DOWN BUT I AM THE GREAT I AM. 'THE EVANGELISM TEAM MUST REMAIN STEADFAST. TONIGHT A SHOPKEEPER WILL TRY TO STAB FATU WITH A KNIFE WHEN THEY GO TO BUY MILK AND WATER, THE SHOPKEEPER HALIHASSAN WILL THEN SHOUT OUT FOR A MOB TO ATTACK THE VANS BUT NO ONE WILL TOUCH THE TEAM. EVANGELISM ACCOUNT IS DRY.' 7 angels have said that to me now. 16:34. From Sujadi: The beast, Satan. You cannot threaten me. Your people and vans must be arrested before tomorrow. Watch out you 666. 17:29. Reply: What folly! 19:03. From Sujadi: It will not come to end before you are done. Stop your insults. 19:10. From John: We trust God to meet our need we have reached the destination the Angels said. The vans need repair for tomorrow’s evangelism but I'm left with only £127. God bless. 18:59. From Rhoda: 'MALCOLM, MALCOLM, MALCOLM, DON'T ENGAGE BENJAMIN AND HIS TEAM. THE WAR IS THE LORD'S. IGNORE ALL THEIR LETTERS. MALCOLM, MALCOLM, MALCOLM, THE EVANGELISM TEAM NEEDS AT LEAST £2000 NOW TO KEEP THEM GOING, IT IS URGENTLY NEEDED. MALCOLM, MALCOLM, MALCOLM IGNORE ANY LETTERS FROM BENJAMIN AND HIS TEAM.' 7 angels have said that to me now. Comment: Vivian and Joy were able to find the 2k! Thurs 25th Feb 2016. 10:51. From John: Thanks. We are in Fes. What Joy sent is in. Thanks. God bless. 12:01. Reply: That's good. What happened last night? (when you have time to write.) 25th Feb 2016. 17:41. From Mark: ...Don't worry about Idi [he means Sujadi, Idi’s son] threatening to attack and destroy my place. He will not succeed, that is God’s Holy place. The evangelical team is covered by the super blood of Christ Jesus and we are praying earnestly each and every time so that we can overcome the devils that may hinder God's work. Blessings and pass our warm regards to everybody there. M 26th Feb 2016. 10:23. From Sujadi: You killed my two strong men and burnt my car. Malcolm, you will not kill all of us, Sujadi Idi is with you. Tonight let's see. God Kills Sujadi’s Men26th Feb 2016. 10:34. From John: Sujadi men dead. ...I am sorry my phone lost network for the better part of yesterday that's why I couldn't answer your missive. Both the two men in his car died when their car exploded even before reaching us. They had reached Fes town at around nine in the night and went into hiding but at exactly midnight we heard an explosion at about 300m from where we were. We learnt that it was a car that exploded yesterday evening. We knew it was Sujadi 's car that was tailing us... 26th Feb 2016. 10:43. From Rhoda: 'TWO SUJADI MEN ARE DEAD. AT MIDNIGHT FRIDAY TODAY TWO MORE WILL DIE. MALCOLM, MALCOLM, MALCOLM, RIEK, TOMAS, JEFTAH AND YASMIN ARE DOWN. AT LEAST £1000 BE SENT TO JOHN BY WU NOW TO BE SENT TO THEM. THEY ARE DOWN AND GOD DOES NOT WANT THE MUSLIMS TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THAT AND ABUSE MM. AT LEAST £1000 TO REACH JOHN BY WU NOW TO HELP THE DEDICATED BROTHERS.' 7 angels have said that to me now. 13:35. From Sujadi: Enough is enough. Watch out. 26th Feb 2016. 13:44. From Riek: ...We are completely down financially. No food at all. Life is very difficult and the Muslims and SDA around us are calling me names mocking MM as 'Manger Ministry'. I don't know what they mean but it is hard. God bless. 26th Feb 2016. 13:38. From Tomas: ...We are down and at no time will we bow to Muslim laughters. They abuse and mock us because we lack money and food but God is God. 14:16. Reply: Yes, I know, but we are in difficulties, too. Money has only just now been found. Hold on. 26th Feb 2016. 13:47. From John: Today those our brothers cried of hunger. I guess food prices are high in the Middle East and Sudan due to the long drought. I believe our God is in charge. God bless. 26th Feb 2016. 10:58. (Arrived 27th Feb. 15:10.) From Sajeed Musa: Just wait the great battle. Get ready!! 28th Feb 2016. 9:50. From Rhoda: 'MALCOLM, MALCOLM, MALCOLM, MM OPPOSERS HAVE DEVELOPED A TRICK TO CONFUSE MM BY PRETENDING TO BE POLICE INVESTIGATORS. MALCOLM, MALCOLM, MALCOLM, IGNORE ALL THOSE LETTERS. NO ONE WILL STAND IN GOD'S WAY. DO NOT EVEN REPLY TO SUCH LETTERS. THEY ARE OUT TO ROCK MM BUT WE GOD'S ANGELS HAVE BEEN REMINDING YOU OF THEIR PLANS. IGNORE IGNORE IGNORE THEM.' 7 angels have said that to me. 28th Feb 2016. 10:54. From Rhoda: 'MALCOLM, MALCOLM, MALCOLM, IGNORE ALL LETTERS FROM ANYBODY FIGHTING MM EVANGELISM TEAM. THOSE WHO LEFT MM BECAUSE OF LACK OF MONEY ARE SPONSORED TO ROCK MM. BENJAMIN, NYASIRWA, FATMA, AND PAUL ARE IN IT. MALCOLM, MALCOLM, MALCOLM IGNORE THEIR LETTERS. THERE ARE NO INVESTIGATORS. IT IS A TRICK WELL CALCULATED TO FIGHT MM. MALCOLM THESE PROBLEMS STARTED WHEN BENJAMIN AND COMPANY REALISED THAT THERE WAS LITTLE MONEY IN MM. MALCOLM, MALCOLM, MALCOLM, IGNORE IGNORE IGNORE THEM.' 7 angels have said that to me now. [The spoof e-mails which Rhoda mentioned have been omitted because of insufficient space.] Living Only On Milk & Water, And No Sleep!28th Feb 2016. 11:00. To John, Mark, cc Rhoda: You know, it’s quite astonishing how God is ‘carrying’ you all, without any sleep other than 10-15 minutes rest each day, and no food, just milk and water. I checked the records to see when this started, and it looks like it was December... 11:47. John replied: Thanks Will [my pseudonym]. The fainthearted can't truly withstand it. It is hard to believe but God has done it to us. God has honoured the MM lits to prove that He is in MM and uses MM lits to transform the world. Will, the most important thing in the life of man is to believe... from the day God manifested to us through the Faith lit, even no police officer has stood before us. Not even a chief has blocked MM outreach or evangelism. IT IS GOD WHO HAS DONE IT, YES IT MAY BE ASTONISHING BEFORE MAN, BUT GOD THROUGH MM FAITH LIT HAS DONE IT. HE IS DOING IT AND WILL CONTINUE TO DO IT IN FUTURE. This morning Eunice called to tell us that an anonymous caller told her: "WE MUST BRING DOWN MM EVANGELISM BY ALL MEANS." 28th Feb 2016. 11:58. To John: Yes. No one can stand against God! He is so amazing in so many ways. His love is coupled with His faithfulness. I wonder how much you have left in your kitty. Also, of the £5,000 which Eleanor tried to transfer into your evangelism account, did any of that arrive in your account? Thanks. 28th Feb 2016. 13:47. From John: Thanks Will. We are left with only £750 in the kitty. No money from Eleanor has reached the account to date. Today we want to cover 7 mosques. Since Sujadi's second car got blown up we haven't had any threatening opposition. We hope our God will meet the MM financial needs to finalize the evangelism outreach. God bless. God Kills MORE of Sujadi’s Men28th Feb 2016. 16:09. To John: There was this message to Rhoda on Friday 26th: << 'TWO SUJADI MEN ARE DEAD. AT MIDNIGHT FRIDAY TODAY TWO MORE WILL DIE.... >> So I was wondering whether you heard about the outcome of that. It was probably car number 3 blown up. Then yesterday, we had this message from a new e-mail address [Sajeed Musa]: << Just wait the great battle. Get ready!! >> It was probably Sujadi. I'll forward it to you after this. So, if you have any news on what happened Friday night, I will be interested to know. Thanks. 28th Feb 2016. 17:52. From John: On Friday 26th Feb at midnight two middle aged men pretending to be police officers came in a white car and parked it in front of our vans, then came out and peeped through our van windows. We stayed calm in the vans with the MM Faith lits opened. They each carried pistols in their hands. They ordered us to all come out of the vans but we all held to our MM Faith lits as human shields. Their guns jammed, and after trying to shoot at our vans several times, they jumped into their car and drove towards the ocean shore. They travelled about 150 m when their car exploded. We had to move out of that place at high speed to avoid police. The explosion of the car occurred in Casablanca. We then moved to Keninta... 28th Feb 2016. 18:08. From John: [About Sajeed Musa.] I guess he is one of the gang in Sujadi's team. He cannot win this battle, it is God's. Will, tease him so that we can know his plans. No one can stand in the way of God and block MM. God bless. 28th Feb 2016. 18:37. To Sajeed Musa: What big battle? Didn't you get blown up by God's supernatural explosion on Friday night? 29th Feb 2016. 11:39. To John: Thanks for yours yesterday with the news of the 3rd car being destroyed. In Rhoda’s missive of 24th Feb [15:27, page 57], the last part predicted a confrontation or attempt to harm Fatu. Did anything happen that night, or was he prevented from even trying? Fes Shopkeeper Attacks With A Sword29th Feb 2016. 17:07. From John: Fes shopkeeper. Wednesday night at around 9:20 p.m. we sent Fatu to buy us water and milk in Shasta Kar shop. After doing the shopping the shopkeeper refused to give her the change. When she demanded that, the shopkeeper came out of the shop shouting and within minutes a group of armed youths came running to the shop. We waited still in the vans as Fatu got surrounded by armed youths. At that time Fatu had the MM Faith lit in her hands. The shopkeeper came out with a sword and charged at Fatu, but instead he fell to the ground trembling terribly. At that time the entire group ran away leaving the shopkeeper and his wife there with Fatu. The shopkeeper's wife then ran into the shop and gave Fatu the change. Fatu then touched the shopkeeper three times with the MM Faith lit and the shopkeeper became well. He then accompanied Fatu to the vans and swore to the God we serve in MM that he and his family will serve the MM God. We had to leave for fear of the people around who have opposed conversion of Muslims to Christianity. God bless. God Declares He Must Destroy Musa29th Feb 2016. 17:21. From Rhoda: 'SAJEED MUSA CAN'T STOP MM EVANGELISM. YES, THEY ARE WORKING TO CREATE TENSION IN MM BUT GOD MUST DESTROY THEM. MALCOLM, MALCOLM, MALCOLM, WRITE A WARNING TO SAJEED TO KEEP OFF MM OR ELSE HE WILL LOSE HIS LIFE. MALCOLM, MALCOLM, MALCOLM, AT LEAST £1500 SHOULD REACH JOHN BY WU NOW TO KEEP THEM GOING UP TO FRIDAY THIS WEEK. THE KITTY IS ALMOST DRY.' 7 angels have said this to me now. 29th Feb 2016. 13:07. From Sajeed Musa: why are you so hard to deal with? hope you receive two emails someone pretending to be a CID officer [how dim!], we are working with him closely to kill and finish your team completely i.e the evangelism team so you better surrender. 29th Feb 2016. 17:55. To Sajeed Musa: Why are we so hard to deal with? Because you are fighting servants of God who is Almighty. All those who have attacked God’s vans have been killed. So, I must warn you that if you don’t back off, you will lose your life too. I encourage you to go and get a proper job, doing good for other people instead of fighting against those who ARE doing good? Thank you. 1st March 2016. 03:51. From Rhoda: 'AT LEAST £1500 SHOULD REACH JOHN BY WU NOW. THIS WILL TAKE THEM UP TO FRIDAY THIS WEEK. THE EVANGELISM ACCOUNT IS ALMOST DRY. MALCOLM, MALCOLM, MALCOLM, THE VANS SHOULD LEAVE FOR TUNISIA ON FRIDAY NIGHT THIS WEEK. MALCOLM AT LEAST £1500 TO REACH JOHN BY WU NOW.' 7 angels have said that to me now. Comment: I asked Bob to ask his friend whether he would be willing to loan Bob £1500 (he wasn’t willing). Meanwhile Vivian was able to send £500. 1st March 2016. 07:21. From John: We are in Safi town and target to visit 7 mosques here today. We are left with only £200 after fuelling the vans. 1st March 2016. 08:49. From Sujadi: Poor begger! Stupid stupid, you killed my younger brother. Get ready now our commander Musa is with you. Tonight you must surrender. 8:55. Reply: Rubbish! Wednesday 2nd March 2016. 08:54. From John: Thanks Will. We planned to do 15 mosques before the weekend but if we are to move out by Friday night then we must work harder today and tomorrow. Will, we believe God will open financial means to speed up our movements. God bless. 2nd March 2016. 09:00. From Rhoda: 'THE VANS MUST MOVE OUT OF MOROCCO ON FRIDAY NIGHT FOR ON SATURDAY SUJADI WILL SEND A TEAM OF 6 ARMED MEN TO ATTACK THE EVANGELISM TEAM DURING SABBATH REST. THE £1000 BALANCE IS NEEDED TO KEEP THEM SAFE TILL FRIDAY NIGHT AS THEY MOVE OUT. THE 6 SUJADI MEN WILL ALL DIE.' 7 angels have said that to me now. Angel Mist Leads Them To Mosques3rd March 2016. 06:34. From John: God goes before us in white mists so that we go to the doors of the mosques where an Imam or teachers in the mosques come out and we just hand The Last Call To Muslim Nations to them, then leave with no word. God bless. 3rd March 2016. 10:35. From John: We are on the 17th mosque today aiming to move out tomorrow night. 2nd March 2016. 10:45. To Rhoda: Hello Rhoda. As you can see from the correspondence below, we are having a difficult time trying to find the money that the angels have asked for so that the vans are fuelled. But my big concern is for next week. They will need further money next week, and people here have been bled dry. It is highly unlikely that they will be able to find anything to fund next week’s outreach. Furthermore, I have debts that are beginning to crush us. I can’t pay the debts off. So, Bob S has obtained a loan of £6,000 to help pay them off for MM. However, if the vans are going to be short of money next week, I am wondering whether some of that 6k should be used for the outreach in N Africa. If the angels say anything to you about this, please let me know, because I don’t know what to do. Thanks so much. God bless. Is all going well for you there? 3rd March 2016. 11:19. From Rhoda: 'MALCOLM, MALCOLM, MALCOLM, LET £2500, PART OF WHAT BOB CONTRIBUTED, BE SENT TO THE EVANGELISM BANK ACCOUNT TODAY. JOHN MUST USE IT TO TAKE THEM FOR TWO WEEKS IN TUNISIA.' 7 angels have said to me. 4th March 2016. 5:34. From Rhoda: 'MALCOLM, MALCOLM, MALCOLM, NYASIRWA HAS CREATED AN ADDRESS CALLED Kay Bee TO CONFUSE YOU THAT IT IS FROM POLICE. HE WILL EVEN FORWARD TO YOU LETTERS THAT JOHN USED TO EXPLAIN TO THEM THE MONEY PROBLEM THAT MM WAS GOING THROUGH WHEN THEY PUT PRESSURE ON JOHN ASKING FOR MONEY. MALCOLM, MALCOLM, MALCOLM, IGNORE ALL THOSE LETTERS DON'T EVEN REPLY TO THEM. ALL THE TRICKS THEY USE WILL FAIL.' 7 angels have said that to me now. 4th March 2016. 10:28. From John: Today alone we have visited 10 mosques. Come night we shall move out to Tunisia. God bless. The following are the mosques we visited in Morocco, where we took the Last Call message. Tangier, 3 Rabat, 6 Casablanca, 4 Mohammedia, 7 Tarfaya, 5 Ceuta, 3 Tetouan, 2 Agadir, 2 Jabel, 3 Melilla, 4 Kenitra, 3 Meknes, 2 Fes, 5 Oujda, 2 Bou Arfa, 2 El Jadida, 3 Safi, 4 Marrakech, 3 Ouarzazat, 2 (Total = 65 mosques)
These are the days of Elijah, declaring the Word of the Lord.
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