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Mighty Miracles Of God Volume 7 |
91Miracles In Congo
12th Feb 2016. 15:55. From Nyasirwa and Musama: Here is the news of all that God did with us and the people living in parts of Congo and Rwanda. THE HEALING WATER AND TOWEL From Uganda to Uvira, Congo, we had a smooth journey. Our car never had any problem nor did we get any attack on our long way through the thick forest routes. Our first day in Uvira, we went and booked a room in a hotel where we shared a bed to cut costs... The following day and our first home to visit was a direction we believed God sent us. We found a widow [name protected] with her four children seated under a mango tree in a sad state. Their fingers were eaten up with leprosy. We had good time with them and came to know that they were once members of a Catholic church which was nearby but were sent away once they got the disease. We visited them with teaching and praying with them. That night, at Midnight, God sent his angels as we were praying [in our room] and delivered to us a bottle of water and a white towel. They told us to take them to the family and use the water to wash their feet and hands, then use the towel to dry them and give them a Faith booklet. We did this the next day, and the woman and her four children got healed. The news spread fast to the whole community and other neighbours also heard it and came to see. Others with the same condition came for healing. The water became little and the angels appeared again and told us to fill more jars with water and pour a tot of the remaining water in each and all of those who were sick were washed and got healed (27 people got healed). We had more days holding meetings in her home and other people received God’s blessings, like J who was blind. He washed his face with the same water and towel and was then able to see again. In Goma, we arrived late and found no room to sleep. We were about to sleep in our car when a man called L came to us and asked, "Are you lost? This car number plate is not for Congo." We explained [the situation] and he said it was risky [to sleep in the car] so we went to his home. There we found the problem of jiggers that was attacking the whole community. The following morning we used the little water left as before, like in Uvira, and again the Lord healed them. A witchdoctor who was behind this came to destroy us, proclaiming he had got unstoppable powers, but God took away his life by thunder without any rain. Some people fled on seeing this but all who believed were healed. We visited Mbandaka too where we met a woman running toward town to buy medicine for her son. She was in a panic due to the state of her only son who was almost dying. Our driver almost ran into her and he had to brake hard so that we almost rolled the car, but God again protected us. We got out to ask her what her problem was and she told us all. We told her to get into the car so that we could go and pray for her son, but she said that this was of no help to her. We took her to the centre where she bought the drugs and then drove her to her home, only to find that the son had passed on a few minutes after she had left. She fainted, and the people who were there thought she was now dead too. There was grieving and lamentation. Cries filled the air which alerted the neighbours there. We started praying, asking God to help us show the community His loving nature just as He had showed to the other people we had met. And truly after two hours the woman revived. We continued until six hours were gone, and the son too came back to life. People ran away thinking he was a ghost. The woman had big house and offered us a room and food for the weeks we spent there visiting other towns and coming back to her home. On our last day before we left, we came to hear of another miracle showing the giving nature of God... The woman told us that she had not bought flour or oil, nor paraffin, and that she had been cooking for us but the food she had in store never even went down. [God replenished it daily, according to their needs, like in 1 Kings 17:16.] ** and her son *** [names protected] were baptized with six other people [names protected, one of whom was a Muslim]; before we left. On our way to Basaa Kusu we got attacked by soldiers from Burundi. They sprayed our car with bullets breaking the back screen. The bullets reached us, even hitting our bodies, but they became soft [like jelly on impact] and none of us got any wound. We reached Kinshasha, repaired our car and slept there that night. We left for Rwanda after taking two days there. It was hard to reach out there due to the language barrier as many only spoke French and the native language. RWANDA We arrived at Aru and took three days teaching, then we went to Rusiga and Gatuna, two days each. We left to Kibuye where we took 2 weeks and much happened. We met a sister to Benard who was imprisoned for a sin he never committed and we interceded that day. The next day the case was taken back to court and he got freed and those who were guilty were brought to judgement. (He was accused of murdering his father yet his uncles did it to get the property.) Seventeen lame people also got healed. They had been made lame during Rwanda genocide. Many also accepted the good news and were baptized in river Uraya. We left to Kigali the capital city but found it expensive for us so only took two days there, then proceeded to Buyoga for another two days giving out the message. We reached Boma where there are strongholds of Islam. We got much opposition but two Muslims [names protected], accepted the news. They led us to Muragi a day’s journey, but we arrived late so we spent the night in the car... [Unfortunately, they defected for money before sending reports of all that God did. God is faithful. He heals and delivers to back up His Word and Work, but sadly people are not!]
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