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Mighty Miracles Of God Volume 7 |
89The Grand Visit To All Islamic Nations |
You have given a banner to those who fear You, that it may be displayed because of the truth (Psalm 60:4). After God struck dead Idi Mpana and all his terrorist buddies, God announced a daring trip to go to all Islamic nations in Africa. He declared: 27th Dec 2015. From Rhoda: Idi is no more. 'IDI IS NO MORE. HIS ONLY ONE SON WILL TRY TO FOLLOW HIS FATHER'S HABITS BUT WILL BE WIPED OUT. THE VANS ARE TO GET READY FOR THE GRAND VISIT TO ALL THE ISLAMIC NATIONS IN AFRICA TO CLEAN THEM THROUGH GIVING OUT OF MM LITS TO THE FEW THAT WILL HEED THE GRAND CALLING. THIS IS A GREAT MISSION THAT WILL CHANGE THE WORLD'S VIEW OF HOLINESS IN TRUTH THROUGH MM LITS.' 7 angels have said to me now. God’s Instructions For The Great Trip In North Africa3rd Jan 2016. 17:14. From John: We are in God's hands. He knows why He gives us such a burden to spread His truth... we are in Sierra Leone. We want to move through Burkina Faso, Mali, Niger to give MM lits in Libya... 3rd Jan 2016. 15:43 From Rhoda: 'A TWO ROOMED HOUSE IS TO BE CONSTRUCTED FOR FATU. THE JOURNEY IS TO START WITH LIBYA, THEN ALGERIA, MOROCCO, TUNISIA, EGYPT, SUDAN.' 7 angels have said this now. 3rd Jan 2016. 17:29 From Rhoda: 'MALCOLM IS TO WRITE A SEVEN PAGED ADVICE AND WARNING TO THE MUSLIMS. IT SHOULD BE SENT TO JOHN IN PDF, BE PRINTED OUT AND TAKEN TO MUSLIM NATIONS STARTING WITH LIBYA. THE BOOKLET SHOULD POINT THEM TO THE CROSS OF JESUS WHERE ALL SINS INCLUDING THOSE COMMITTED BY MUSLIMS ARE FORGIVEN. JOHN AND THE TEAM MUST MOVE VERY FAST TO CLEAR THIS GREAT MISSION. AFTER IT A GREAT CHANGE WILL BE SEEN IN THE WORLD AND MANY PEOPLE WILL BOW TO THE GOD OF MM. IT IS THE SEVEN PAGED BOOK THAT SHOULD BE TAKEN TO THOSE NATIONS NOT ANY OTHER LIT FROM MM. HENCE THE VANS SHOULD ONLY MOVE BACK TO KENYA AFTER FINISHING THIS GREAT MISSION.' 7 angels have said to me now. [I wrote the 7 page booklet that night.] 4th Jan 2016. 9:37 From John: We are off to Libya with God's message to Muslims. God bless. 12:12. Reply: Have you got the publication duplicated already? How many copies? What input have the angels given you recently? Thanks. 13:38. From John: Yes. 70 copies. Already white mists have covered the vans. An indicator that the 7 angels are in our journey. God bless. 14:28. Reply: Very good. Was it Mark who was told how many copies? Or, how did you know how many to duplicate? What colour cover did you use? ...God bless your trip! It's going to be another long one. Keep a note of the mileage / distance. I don't suppose you know the distance you travelled across all of Africa from the east to the west coast, do you? 5th Jan. 16:26. From John: Yes it was Mark. I used red cover. 4th Jan 2016. 19:04 From Rhoda: 'MANY MOSLEMS WILL BEGIN TO SEEK TRUTH AND WILL START A HOLY LIFE FREE FROM JIHARDISM. 70 COPIES TO BE PRODUCED FIRST.' 7 angels have said that to me now. 5th Jan 2016. 7:36. From Rhoda: 'AT LEAST £13,000 IS TO BE SENT TO THE EVANGELISM ACCOUNT TO KEEP THEM GOING. IT IS A VERY IMPORTANT MISSION.' 7 angels have said that to me now. 5th Jan 2016. 16:54. To John: Since the angels said to go very very fast, I presume that it is like the last trip – non stop. Is that right? And that you only stop for ten minute breaks, once each day? And that you are all still on the milk and water diet? Is Fatu with you also, so three vehicles travelling? I meant to ask you before, on your last trip to Cape Verde, although you went without sleep did you feel tired at any time? Or did God take the tiredness away, so that you felt good most of the time? In what God is doing, He is performing quite a number of unprecedented miracles – doing unusual things that are beyond human capacity... 17:42. From John: You are right. We are moving very fast. It is the same diet. Fatu is doing well. We trust God to support us do it according to His will. About tiredness: We were under God's care. Our bodies were made stronger by supernatural ways. Yes our bodies tuned to the rests we took for ten minutes. Comment: We are skint, and unable to find anywhere near the £13k which is needed. That’s why the angels then said to Rhoda: 5th Jan 2016. 18:29. From Rhoda: 'THE MISSION SHOULD GO ON UNINTERRUPTED. MALCOLM SHOULD ASK JOHN HOW THE EVANGELISM KITTY IS. BY FRIDAY NIGHT THE MESSAGE SHOULD BE IN LIBYA. AT LEAST SOME MONEY SHOULD BE SENT TO THE TEAM. NO ONE ELSE WILL STAND IN MY SERVANTS’ WAY AND PREVENT THE MM TRUTH FROM REACHING OUT TO MY PEOPLE THROUGH MY CHOSEN PROPHET MALCOLM.' 7 angels have said that to me now. [Chosen for this assignment.] 5th Jan 2016. 18:44. From Idi Mpana’s e-mail: Stop following me. [From Sujadi bin Idi.] You dog you killed my father. Now you have sent your people to chase after me in Libya. [We were not following him. The angels were leading the team where God determined.] What do you want?? I will bomb all the three vehicles tracing me. Please KILLER, stop following after me. KILLER stop it. You used bombs to destroy madrassas in Africa.. You white poor man, a begger, a scavenger. Chum, I'll kill you. Tell your men to turn back. Dog. 19:19. Reply: Where do you get your information from? It is not true. I am not a killer. God holds life and death in His hands. Since you choose the way of death instead of the way of life through Jesus Christ (which I offered you by sending you truth in Why Is Jesus Lord?), don't be surprised that God rewards your bombings with His own variety. It's not me. It's Him. He's almighty. 5th Jan 2016. 18:47. From Fatu: Thanks. God has given me favour and energy to cope with this great work. We have ten minutes rest in the evenings. This is a true calling. I have learned that God knows the people He chooses. This is a dedicated people who don't even complain on God's assignment. What is important is that the vehicles get regular servicing. God is in control. God bless.. 6th Jan 2016. 18:38. From John: Niamey, Niger. Already we have arrived in Niger. We want to have a ten minute rest then proceed on. God bless. 7th Jan 2016. 15:24. From Rhoda: 'AT LEAST £13K SHOULD BE IN THE EVANGELISM ACCOUNT BY WEDNESDAY NEXT WEEK, FOR AFTER LIBYA THE SPEED OF EVENTS WILL BE DOUBLED. TONIGHT AT LEAST £1.5K BE SENT TO JOHN BY WU THROUGH KENYA. JOHN WILL COLLECT IT AT THE UNIVERSAL FOREX SHOP IN NIGER. THEREFORE DETAILS SHOULD BE JOHN OUMA ONGORO. ID NO.... PHONE NO... ONCE JOHN HAS RECEIVED THE MESSAGE HE WILL TAKE IT TO THE FOREX SHOP WHERE THE OPERATOR WILL LINK WITH THEIR KENYAN COUNTERPARTS AND THE MONEY WILL BE DISBURSED INTO JOHN'S MPESA ACCOUNT. LET JOHN SEND THAT MONEY TO RIEK WHOSE FAMILY IS IN A COMA NOW BECAUSE OF HUNGER. IT IS VERY URGENT. IF IT GOES THROUGH X IT WILL DELAY. GOD'S HANDS WILL SPEED IT.' 7 angels have said that to me. Comment: Of the £13k which the angels requested, our few supporters rallied round to sacrifice what they could, but it was well short of the £13k, not even half of it! We are all struggling! [Riek’s trauma is on pages 32 on.] Jeftah Kidnapped In Niger7th Jan 2016. 15:36. From John: We can't link with Jeftah. His phone has been off since we landed here. Riek has called now saying that his wife and children are in a coma due to hunger. I want to send to him £50 now. God will provide. God bless. 7th Jan 2016. 15:38. From Sujadi [Idi’s son] on Idi’s e-mail: Do you know Jeftah? He joined you to help you kill Muslims. We have put him under house arrest. We will only release him once he has told us all about you and your team. Or can you pay us £250000 ransom? 15:50. Reply: Yes, I know of Jeftah. Well, if you want us to stop following you, you had better release him because you are not going to get any of what you want from us by holding him hostage, are you? You don't know what you are dealing with here. We don't kill Muslims, and nor does Jeftah. He is engaged in bringing peace and God's love into their lives, but you don't want to know about that, do you? OK, then, you want to know the secrets about us and the team, before you release him. I will give you what you need to release him. It's all in our booklet entitled Faith: Raising Our Level of Expectation. Ask Jeftah to read it to you, and you will then know all about us. MBH 15:54. And one other thing. Would you like me to drop in and pay you a visit? Then give me the address where Jeftah is, and I will meet you there. 16:01. His reply: He was caught naked without any book. we found him taking bath in no man's land between Niger and Libya where he has been meeting Muslims and converting into your killer organization. Shame on you. We must know your hidden powers you killer. 16:03. Are you Satan or Allah who are omnipresent? [Neither are omni- present.] How? How can you reach Niger and Libya border now. Stop it Satan. 16:32. My reply: << We must know your hidden powers you killer. >> Well, then, let him get dressed and get a copy of the Faith booklet, and he will read to you all you need to know about our hidden powers. 16:41. Well, be more precise with the location, and I can then give you a better idea of my abilities. 16:46. From John: We have made up our minds to rescue Jeftah. Keep on teasing him till we get to no man's land. God is in control of the situation. 16:59. To Sujadi: Satan is not omnipresent. In fact, his powers are very much less than those of God who created him originally as Lucifer before he fell through pride. But Jesus Christ has all power in heaven and in earth. So, we as His servants can do things that normal humans without God's Spirit cannot do. Did you know that Elijah outran the chariot of the king of Israel? Did you know that Chuba Ao in Nagaland, India, travelled a journey of many days in mere hours by the power of God's Spirit? Did you know that, if there is a need, we can call on our God to provide that need. So don't be surprised at our abilities. 16:52. From Sujadi: You fool there is no book to that effect dog. 17:03. Reply: There is a book with that title. [Faith: Raising Our Level of Expectation.] I wrote it, and it contains the answers to the questions you asked. Remember, we have ALL power that we need through Jesus Christ. It has a cover with a purple colour photograph of a mountain peak on the other side of a lake. Ask Jeftah about it. He knows it. 16:56. From Sujadi: You can't reach Agadez town. Come and meet us. Dog. 17:05. Reply: How do you know I can't reach Agadez town? Won't you be surprised when I turn up? Whereabouts should I come to meet you? Woof, woof! [I sent John this information and they headed for Agadez.] 17:04. From John: Thanks. The Angels will lead us to where they are. Now we shall brief you. God bless you father in faith for your concern. God bless. 17:27. To Sujadi: Have you got the book yet? Or do you want me to bring more copies? You can then have one each for all your men? How many men do you have, so I know how many copies to bring? Woof, woof. From Vivian and Joy: It was not possible to do the full £1500 but I have sent £1000 to John. If I can send a further £500 tomorrow I will. 7th Jan 2016. 23:27. To John: Look forward to hearing how God resolved the impasse last night, Thursday night. I expect He finally took Sujadi out of the way because the angels said you have to be in Libya on Friday. The Angels Lead The Team To Rescue Jeftah10th Jan 2016. 11:43. From John: Agadez rescue. We arrived in the town after midnight [Thursday 7th January] and followed the lead of the white mists like smoke to a lonely building towards the Libya side. It was well lit and from 200 m away we could see people moving in and out of the building. We stopped the vehicles after the white mists had settled on the building. Before we could place the MM lit, Faith, people started running away from the unfenced building but God's hands are not short because on opening the Faith lits and pointing at the escaping people thunder-like sounds filled the air and bolts of fire brought down more than 13 people as we watched. When the commotion subsided, after 21 minutes, we went into the room and found Jeftah naked in a corner with both legs and hands tied, eyes blindfolded with red pieces of cloth. We untied him and he took us to his house where we found the car safe. We took our Sabbath rest there yesterday. We left for Libya yesternight and now we have crossed in to Libya. God bless.. We have got only £2k in the kitty. I received and sent to Riek £1.5k that Joy sent. Thanks. The Mission To Libya10th Jan 2016. 11:52. From Rhoda: 'THE EVANGELISM ACCOUNT IS ALMOST DRY, AND THE MISSION IS STILL BIG. AT LEAST 2K IS TO REACH JOHN BY WU THE SAME WAY THE LAST ONE WAS DONE TO SAVE THEM, FOR AFTER DELIVERING THE MESSAGE TO MUSLIMS IN LIBYA TONIGHT THE QUICK JOURNEY IS TO START. IT IS A MISSION THAT WILL BRING A DIFFERENCE IN MANY MOSLEMS.' 7 angels have said that to me now. 10th Jan 2016. 11:23. From Sujadi: M BOMBS. You idiot you have killed our people and made my left leg lame. You sent a group of armed men in vans to kill. Jeftah and you are killers. Make arrangements to get me compensated. I am serious or else your vans will get bombed in Libya tonight. 10th Jan 2016. 15:16. From Sujadi: Already I have been taken to the hospital in Libya. You must pay for the 15 people killed on Thursday night. You and Jeftah you are in for a rude shock. 6th Jan 2016. 18:41. From Sujadi: A lier, you have killed many in the name of God. Who is this God? 19:51. Reply: I told you before, but you took no notice. It’s Jesus Christ, the Almighty God. 10th Jan 2016. 16:22. To Sujadi: No, mate. I'm not the killer. You are. MM workers are not armed with guns like you are. They are armed with the Word of God. And since you were violating the Word of God by trying to kill us, God has taken vengeance on you and your men. So, you are blaming God for your predicament, and if you don't retract that accusation against Him, He will hold you accountable and require your life also. Remember what I told you earlier. Jesus Christ is God. He died to pay for the infractions of His holy commandments, for those who repent of their evildoings and sins. You have logged up the death penalty against yourself in His Book of Judgement. So withdraw your desire for revenge against us, and acknowledge our God as supreme, or Jesus Christ the Almighty One will take your life. 10th Jan 2016. 18:03. From Sujadi: Stop it.. Don't defend yourself. You are killers. Why use God's name as defense? A dog. 19:28. Reply: You're a hypocrite, accusing us of being killers when you are the ones who strut around with guns, bullets, grenades and bombs. We have Faith booklets in our arsenal. You have human weapons. The weapons of our warfare are spiritual, so our glorious God comes to our aid and strikes dead those who oppose Him. If you don't repent of your killing and deceit, then get ready to face your Maker! 11th Jan 2016. 14:31. From John: We are still in Libya. We target Imams and mosques where we give out the message. These people hate Christians but God of MM has honoured His promises. Though we are at our lowest financial point He has kept us even healthier on water and milk only. It is very difficult to travel here due to strict surveillance. God bless. 15:03. Reply: Yes, I do realise it's difficult, with the money being so low. It's the same here. I have nothing to pay the printers. I'm waiting for God's supply. We're living on air. Why are you targeting mosques and imams? Was Mark given a word from the Spirit to do that? You mentioned surveillance. What sort of things? 11th Jan 2016. 16:02. From John: The white mists lead us from one mosque to another. Angels are in the lead. Movement is restricted at certain towns, no phone calls. Traffic soldiers all over. But the Faith lits are our shields. 11th Jan 2016. 15:45. From Rhoda: 'MORE FUNDS TO BE PUT INTO THE EVANGELISM ACCOUNT. THE WORK AHEAD REQUIRES THAT URGENTLY. THE MM ENEMIES HAVE TOO FORMED A COUNTER GROUP TO STOP THIS MISSION. THE VANS SHOULD FROM TONIGHT MOVE BOTH DAY AND NIGHT TO COVER THE GREAT WORK. THE WORK AHEAD REQUIRES THAT URGENTLY. VANS SHOULD REACH THOSE AREAS BEFORE THEM SO THAT WHEN THE ENEMIES ARRIVE IN THOSE COUNTRIES GOD BLOWS THEM UP AND THE WORLD SHOULD HONOUR MM LITS.' 7 angels have said that to me now. [The angels speak to Rhoda in English and she then relays the message to me by e-mail using her English.] 19:09. From John: We have had a very busy day visiting 27 mosques. Now we are taking a 15 minute rest. God bless. Comment: I had asked John what the response was like. He said: Very hostile, but God’s Work must be accomplished. 13th Jan 2016. 10:37. From John: We are moving to the 35th mosque. The Money Shortage13th Jan 2016. 11:21. To John: A sequence of miracles. Since money is short, I am trusting in God to supernaturally extend your capabilities. He said this is such an important mission and needs to be done fast, but the money has run out, and while we await a new supply from God, the only option I can see is for God to 'carry' us. Either He will make the fuel go much further, or perhaps the money in your account not run 'dry'. A sequence of miracles is the only way forward, so we wait on Him. God bless. 11:38. From John: ...we take meals once, in the evenings, yes milk and water. It is truly difficult but God is amazing. I know, for He has been faithful, He is now and will remain faithful to the MM mission. He owns money, fuel and we are His. Nothing will bar us from doing His duties. I can't fear for He will sustain us according to His will. I at times cry to God why cut money supply now when His message of MM hope is reaching the Moslems? I am not afraid for I know the One we serve in MM. Evangelism account is almost dry. God bless. 11:48. Reply: One lesson He teaches us is not to rely upon ourselves or the 'arm of flesh'; in other words not to rely upon anything physical that can replace reliance upon Him. To place our trust and reliance upon something physical or upon ourselves is idolatry and severs us from Him so that He can't help us as He would like. So, to increase our reliance upon Him, He takes us to the end of ourselves. He takes away what we would normally depend upon. Money is a big factor that people rely upon. When they have it, they feel they have security and safety. But it's an illusion. It can soon disappear. God never disappears. So, this trial is to purify faith in Him. He can make us walk on water. He can carry us on eagle's wings. We will soon see how He will solve this lack, for He will definitely solve it and NOT allow His Work to cease. God bless. 13th Jan 2016. 11:51. From Rhoda: "EVEN NOW THE COUNTER GROUP IS MOVING TO COUNTERACT MM VANS. THE EVANGELISM ACCOUNT MUST NOT GET DRY, MUST NOT GET DRY, MUST NOT GET DRY... THE MISSION IS A GREAT ONE. LET MALCOLM ENCOURAGE JOHN AND THE TEAM TO PRESS ON. TODAY JOHN CRIED OUT TO GOD NOT TO LET THE MISSION COLLAPSE DUE TO LACK OF MONEY. IS THERE A PROJECT IN TANZANIA? LET MALCOLM GIVE THIS MISSION [the Muslim nations] FIRST PRIORITY AND IT WILL BE REMEMBERED GENERATIONS TO GENERATIONS HOW GOD USED MM LITS TO BRING PEACE TO THE WHOLE WORLD." 7 angels have said that to me now. Comment: MM lit prepares the way for Jesus’ coming (Is 40:3; Mal 4:5) by restoring the truth which will be lived out in the Millennium. Jesus is the one who will bring world peace. But before He can come, a work must occur to cover the whole globe with the final message of the Gospel (Matt 24:14). And if you have studied the details in the Elijah booklet, Who Is The End-Time Elijah?, you know that restoration is pivotal in this final message. The truth of God, the Gospel of God, must be restored in all its facets to complete the Great Commission and to fulfil the prophecies. Such is necessary to prepare the Way (Matt 17:11) before Jesus can return. If this restoration of Truth was not to occur, then Jesus could not return. Jesus’ coming is predicated upon this Final Restoration happening. 13th Jan 2016. 11:53. From Rhoda: 'THE EVANGELISM ACCOUNT MUST NOT GET DRY. THE EVANGELISM ACCOUNT MUST NOT GET DRY. THE EVANGELISM ACCOUNT MUST NOT GET DRY. LET THE MISSION BE AS FAST AS POSSIBLE.' 7 angels have said that to me now. Reply: Well, I don't know where more funds can come from... 13th Jan 2016. 11:56. From Sujadi: Haha, ha, haha. Our team will catch up with your vans. It is clear you are very very poor. Dog 13th Jan 2016. 15:24. To John: When you get to the mosques, what do you have to do? You have probably reached about 50 by now. 16:06. From John: At the mosque gate or entrance we open the Faith lits as human shields before placing the booklet The Last Call To All Muslim Nations in the compound or doorway. God bless. 17:40. To John: Mila in Ukraine was given this troubling dream last night: Dream of Jan.13, 2016. My dad comes into the house from the outside and places before me a white hen. It is dead, killed by a wild animal. Its neck and part of the breast are torn out, devoured. I am very upset and think how I can protect the rest of our chickens from that unknown predator [Satan]. I have no idea what to do, because I don't know what animal it is. End of dream. I think there is a grave danger for someone with MM (a hen representing a believer in Jesus). Perhaps, more than one, since I was concerned about the rest of the chickens. A danger of being killed by a violent enemy. Comment: Christine in Uganda was given a revelation some months ago which stated that if anyone with MM was killed by opponents, God will raise them from the dead. So, if that is what the dream is forewarning of, we must not let our heart be troubled nor be afraid as Jesus said in John 14:1, John 14:27, and Matthew 10:26-28. 14th Jan 2016. 8:48. To Rhoda and John: Vivian is trying to see if he can arrange this. [The £1,000 requested by the 7 angels for the Libya outreach.] 14th Jan 2016. 9:59. From John: In Sirte. We were surrounded by militants but Faith lit dispersed them like chaff. Full report shortly. 16th Jan 2016. 18:44. From Rhoda: 'THE VANS ARE TO MOVE OUT OF LIBYA TONIGHT FOR A GROUP TAILING THEM HAS RECEIVED REINFORCEMENTS FROM A BAD GROUP IN IRAN. ALREADY AN MM MEMBER IS IN PROBLEM IN IRAN. LET THE VANS MOVE FASTER. THOUGH EVANGELISM ACCOUNT IS COMPLETELY DRY AND LIFE UNBEARABLE TO GOD'S SERVANTS, GOD'S TIME IS THE BEST.' 7 angels have said that to me. Sunday 17th Jan 2016. 10:53. From Rhoda: 'THE MISSION IS MOST IMPORTANT. JOHN IS UNDER INTENSE PRESSURE TO ACCOMPLISH GOD'S WORK BUT FUNDS ARE LIMITED. BUT IF THIS MISSION IS NOT COMPLETED THEN THE MM ENEMIES WILL OPENLY SPREAD PROPAGANDA AND FALSEHOOD ABOUT MM. THE TEAM IS UNDER PRESSURE BUT NONE SHOULD QUIT. THIS IS AN IMPORTANT MISSION. IMPORTANT MISSION. VERY IMPORTANT MISSION. MALCOLM, ENCOURAGE THE TEAM. THE EVANGELISM ACCOUNT MUST NOT GET DRY.' 7 angels have said that now. 17th Jan 2016. 8:48. From John: Already we have covered a good distance to Algeria. God is keeping us going though we are completely down financially. God bless. [Money was used up as fast as it came in. It was difficult!] 17th Jan 2016. 9:29. From Sujadi: [Who was following them, trying to bomb and kill them.] Haaaaaaa, we are with you dog. We want to see the victor. 17th Jan 2016. 9:50. From John: Militants in Sirte. It was late in the evening when we stopped to fuel the vans but the petrol attendant refused to serve us. When we moved to the nearest petrol station, a group with crude weapons surrounded us, shouting “Kill! Kill!” We saw their intention was to stone the vans as they picked up stones, so we moved out with opened Faith lits, uttering no word. All ran away in different directions crying of “Fire! Fire!” We moved downtown and refilled our vans. God bless. 10:25. From Fatu: ... we have had big challenges here but it is true God chose MM lits for the glory of His name. We got surrounded and if it were not for Faith lits and bravery the Lord has put in these servants here then we would have been finished. This is an experience I will live to tell people. For example, John has gone now one full week on only water, praying to God to open financial doors for His work so that the enemy does not boast. No sleep now seven days, when prayer and lit distribution to mosques is the order of the day. The vehicles require service now but John says we must move on. [Because of lacks.] God will honor His promises to keep us going. God bless. Bolstering Their Faith In God11:22. To John, Mark, cc Rhoda: [Message from Rhoda included.] Well, the opponents won't succeed, nor will the Work of God fail. God never fails. We may lack money, but we don't lack power. The power of God is supreme, and God has a way out of every problem, a solution to every difficulty. I have contacted Vivian and Wilfred, who are seeing whether they can raise some funds somehow through borrowing again... God will enable you all. 12:43. Reply to Fatu: ...This mission won't fail because God is God. When we face impossibilities, those situations are God's opportunities to demonstrate His presence and His power. When Elijah (1 Kings 17) faced an impossible situation, God sent ravens to bring him food (17:1-6). When the situation changed again and he needed another solution, God provided another miracle (17:8-16). He continually replenished the supply of food each day miraculously. Then, God raised the dead also (17:17-23). And it demonstrated to those who were willing to believe it, that Elijah was a prophet of God and carried the truth of God (17:24). Today you are seeing the parallel being worked out by the power of God. God bless. 14:12. To Fatu and others: When God brought Israel out of Egypt in 1490 BC approx. He did supernatural things to accomplish the task. He described that as carrying them on eagle’s wings (Exodus 19:4). He killed Pharaoh who chased after the Israelites, and wiped out all his army in the sea, because they were trying to thwart God’s plan. The parallel today is obvious to us. One of the miracles God did was that the Israelites’ shoes did not wear out (Deut 8:4; 29:5). God kept them going from day to day, performing miracles daily. God is the Great Enabler. He enables you and each of us to do whatever is in His will, to take His life-saving truth of Jesus to others. God bless you all. Mosques Visited In LibyaSunday 17th Jan 2016. 17:25. To John: I wonder how many mosques you have now visited in Libya? 18:05. From John: 61 by now. Tomorrow you shall have the record... 20th Jan 2016. 14:52. From John: These mosques were visited in Libya: Waddan, Zaltan, Mizda, Suluq, Nalut, Sabratha, Hun, Jalu, Brega, Almaya, Al Qubah, Nofaliya, Jadid, Abyar, Asia, Al-Uruba, Ubari, Bani Walid, Sirte, Shahhat, Misrata, Ghat, Benina, Sidi Khalifa Qartrun, Ar Rabta, Qaminis, Teji, Ghadames, Teji, Jadu, Ad Dawoon, Umm Al Aranib, Abu Ghlasha, Brak Bin Jawad, Massa, Yafran, Sokna, Kikla Al Urban, Ra's Lanuf, Bir al Ashhab, Qaryat, Jadid, El Hashan, Martuba, Batta, Susa, Tacnis, Al Barkat, Tolmeitha Ras al Hamam, Musaid, Awjila, Ar Rajban Bu-Fakhra, Mashashita, Qayqab, Sidi as said, Al Abraq, Brak, Tolmeitha, Kikla. A Kadhi is an Imam in charge of a mosque who also doubles up like a Muslim judge in cases of disputes pertaining to Islam. [John had a list of Kadhis.] The Mission Into Algeria20th Jan 2016. 14:59. From Rhoda: "THERE IS A MOSLEM LEADER WHO WILL WRITE TO MALCOLM, PRETENDING TO BE ASKING FOR FORGIVENESS. HIS INTENTION IS TO KILL FATU. THE VANS SHOULD REACH ALGERIA BY FRIDAY TO ESCAPE THE ATTACK BY THEIR PURSUERS. FRIDAY MIDNIGHT ONE OF THOSE PURSUERS WILL DIE A PAINFUL DEATH IN THE HANDS OF GOD THROUGH MM FAITH LITS IN ALGERIA." 7 angels have said that to me now. God bless. [You can see from the times of these e-mails that the angels are right onto every situation. They know beforehand what is going to happen, and they give warning when it is needed.] 20th Jan 2016. 15:04. From Sujadi: Malcolm Heap, I'm very sorry for fighting you, your people and your God. Do me this favour, allow me join Fatu's team and work with them to preach the gospel of God. Please accept me. I'm ready to follow all that you will tell me to. Please I am truly sorry. Thanks to you all. 15:33. Reply: If I am a dog, you are a hyena. 15:48. From Sujadi: I'm sorry for insulting you. Even our chief kadhi is planning to join you. Please accept my request. Please. 15:52. Reply: Go to Sirte, and wait there for two days. On Friday I will give you an answer. First I must consult God. 18:51. His reply: Yes thanks. I'll find Fatu there? Thanks. [I am including all these e-mails to tell the story. God later gave Sujadi a chance to be saved, and used him in the outreach, something unimaginable!] 17:43. Further to Sujadi: Since you have said you are ready to follow all that I will tell you, here are further instructions. When you get to Sirte, go to the town centre. There you will see a man with long robes and red and white headgear. He will give you further directions as to what you can do to assist this ministry. Let me know when you arrive in Sirte. But avoid the Isis mob in the eastern end. What is the name of your chief kadhi? Has he read Why Is Jesus Lord? which I sent you by e-mail? If not, get him to read that immediately and afterwards let me hear from him. Thanks. Malcolm 18:53. His reply: Chief kadhi is called Alshamud Khalifa bin Mwadima. A Saudi Arabian. 19:48. Reply: Your chief kadhi? Has he read Why Is Jesus Lord? which I sent you by e-mail? If not, get him to read that immediately and afterwards let me hear from him. Also, buy yourselves each a Holy Bible, or do you have one already? Thanks. Malcolm 20:04. Have you renounced violence? Whereabouts are you? How long will it take you to get to Sirte? What have you done with your gunmen? Have you now renounced killing people with guns and bombs? 21st Jan 2016. 17:14. From John: The whole day a group has been following us in a white car and when we stopped they too stopped. We had to change direction to face them with Faith lits, they turned and moved back. Now we are taking a break at the Libya / Algeria border. God bless. 17:22. Reply: That’s probably Sujadi and his men. 21st Jan 2016. 17:24. To Sujadi: You haven't done as I asked, despite your promises. So you are a liar. 18:03. His reply: No Malcolm. When we tried to join Fatu’s group they chased us with what to me was a fire producing booklike gun. Now we are about 1 km away from them around the border. Please tell them to accept us. Thanks. 18:18. To Sujadi: Why aren't you in Sirte, to meet the man I told you about? Do you not realise that to disobey the instructions of a prophet of God is tantamount to disobeying God? ... the penalty for disobeying God is serious. And if you still have violent and evil motivations that you have not renounced, God will hold you accountable. Do you realise that such is sin, and the penalty of sin is DEATH? Do you realise that your going in the wrong direction, the opposite direction, with hatred in your heart, and a desire to kill a child of God, is sentencing you to DEATH?! If you do not turn around and go the other way NOW, GOD WILL KILL YOU. [Some months later God did kill Sujadi.] 18:47. His reply: We wanted to join Fatu. 18:24. To Sujadi: You want to kill, don’t you? You want to kill God’s children. 18:48. His reply: No. 18:52. My reply: I told you that I would give you an answer about that on Friday, but only IF you went to Sirte. Since you have not done as I asked, you have demonstrated that you are a liar. And I also know that you are a killer, so don't give me that rubbish about wanting to join Fatu. Rather, you want to kill Fatu. 21st Jan 2016. 17:25. From John: Any time now we shall be entering Algeria. We are in the city of Ghadames. We came face to face with armed Muslim police guarding the town entrance. On showing MM lit books we were flagged through easily. God bless. 21st Jan 2016. To John: I have just heard from Wilfred that the £2k he sent by WU to you on the 19th (Tues) has been stopped... 22nd Jan 2016. 10:37. From John: Why was WU being blocked? 22nd Jan 2016. 11:12. Reply: We don't know for sure, but probably the suspicion by some operative that the money was being sent to terrorists. This country is very jittery now about terrorist funding, and understandably so. But to block a transfer without PROOF of wrongdoing is entirely unsatisfactory, but that is what we are up against now – people in charge without spiritual discernment... 11:22. Reply: Don't worry, God will provide and carry us through, even if HE has to carry the vans (I mean that metaphorically). During the 2nd world war, Smith Wigglesworth (British healing evangelist) needed to visit some believers. He didn't own a car. His friend who owned the car had no fuel. Smith got a word of knowledge from God to pour water into the tank. He told his friend to do that. The friend was very trusting and co-operative and did without question what he was asked. They got back into the car and started it up, and it took them all the way to their destination and back, and God's mission was accomplished. To John: What’s happened to the white car? 11:32. From John: It just disappeared from our sight when we faced them with Faith lits. 12:44. To Sujadi: Where have you gone to? Have you got lost? Gone to Algeria, have you, instead of Sirte? God’s Firebolts Kill Our Opponents And The Imam23rd Jan 2016. 11:08. From John: The car had 5 armed people. They surrounded our vans at midnight and demanded that we release Fatu to them. Fatu knew two people. Sujadi stood at a distance when the long white bearded Imam stepped up to attack us with three others, one called Ismaili. When we faced them with opened Faith lits, all cried of hot coal burning them. Sujadi ran back into their car and dashed into the darkness. firebolts of fire landed on them, followed by a steady downpour. We had to move away at that time. We settled for Sabbath meet from morning to now. The 7 angels have visited us in thick white mists covering all of us and the vans from the sight of others. We are in a thicket near a river. The place was Djanet. God bless. 23rd Jan 2016. 11:18. From Rhoda: 'He [Sujadi] met with God and now he has organised a small group to move ahead and barricade the road for the vans. FOUR MORE WILL DIE AND SUJADI WILL PLAN NOT TO SURRENDER TILL JUNE THIS YEAR WHEN HE WILL SURRENDER AND JOIN GOD'S WORK IN MM. GOD WILL NOT KILL HIM [not yet] BUT HE WILL BE USED TO BRING MANY PEOPLE FROM ISLAMIC FAITH TO MM TRUTH VIA THE LITS.' 7 angels have said that to me now. 23rd Jan 2016. 15:24. From John: We are set to start our journey tonight ready with our Faith lits... 18:57. We trust God of gods. We read Isaiah 40:3-5 before going through Why Jesus? We were joined by 7 Muslims. We are out to take the message to Imams in the Mosques. We believe God will stretch His hands for the kitty is drying up. God bless. Sujadi’s 13 Men Are Killed By God24th Jan 2016. 9:55 From Rhoda: "SUJADI’S FOUR MEN DIED FOR BLOCKING THE VANS. HE IS PLANNING ANOTHER ATTACK TONIGHT. EVANGELISM ACCOUNT IS DRYING UP. THE MISSION IS BRINGING MUSLIMS INTO MALCOLM'S HANDS THROUGH MM LITS." 7 angels have said. 11:54. To John: Did you get the WU £1k today OK? We'll see if we can send a bit more today. Money has been blocked by idiots in control who think we are involved in something criminal, or giving support to con men. Just as was prophesied, white is made to look black. 11:56. From John: Thanks. We came across a gang on our way and God acted when we faced them with Faith lits. Full report tonight because I'm the one driving. Vuga is having a rest. God bless. 24th Jan 2016. 16:00. From Sujadi: DOG, DOG DOG. you have killed my brothers. DOG. 16:48. Reply: Woof, woof, woof. 25th Jan 2016. 12:17. To John: I wonder what happened last night, to fulfil what the angels said about the attack. How are you all coping on the water only diet? It is impossible, humanly, to keep up the same energy level to function normally just on water. God is doing something quite unusual, to 'carry' each of you nutritionally – supernaturally sustaining your bodies. 17:45. From John: The attack: At exactly 9 pm a group came and surrounded our vans. We had placed the Faith lits in the vans opened. We couldn't get what they murmured for 2 hrs. They spoke in low tones as if they were consulting about the attack or maybe they feared to get close to us. At exactly midnight the worst happened. They moved too close to the vans and tried to shoot and that's when their guns jammed completely. All tried to run in different directions crying of fire! fire! and calling for help. One cried of hot coal. Six people were left dead. We had to move on. May you tease Sujadi so that we can know whether he is alive or not. 17:48. From Sujadi: A devil killer, killer, master killer using hot coal. Six again. Dog, DOG, DOG, DOG. 18:02. Reply: Where do we get the hot coal from, then, when it's not visible, eh? Supernatural, yes. God Almighty, yes!!! 17:55. To Sujadi: [Sent before his e-mail came in.] Sujadi. Are you ready to concede that the God whom we serve is unchallengeable in power? All your men were struck down by God last night. They cried out in terror as they died in torment of burning fire. Do you think God will let you escape if you continue to fight Him? 18:00. From Sujadi: You mean you are boasting after killing? You are a dog, a fool. Just wait I can't give up. You poor slat that's why your demonic men only feed on Milk and water as if they are children. A dog. 18:13. Reply: The more you fight God, the more He will fight you. So you haven't had enough yet, eh? Got more men, have you, that you want to sacrifice to the furnace of unquenchable fire? 18:40. From Sujadi: You are not God. Idiot. You will have to pay dearly. Stop your madness. You will not like the treatment you will be put into. 18:47. From John: Water and milk: Thanks. Yes God has stretched His hands into those meals and we are healthier and energetic to accomplish His work. It is truly not possible to man but WHAT IS IT THAT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO OUR GOD? He is able to do exceedingly abundantly... 26th Jan 2016. 10:20. From John: About Sujadi: ...may you tease him for it seems there is a group blocking a bridge. We are forced to take an early rest. 26th Jan 2016. 10:36. From Rhoda: 'NOTHING SHOULD STAND IN THE WAY OF THE EVANGELISM MISSION GOING ON. SUJADI WILL SURRENDER. TONIGHT THREE GANG MEN WILL MEET GOD THROUGH MM FAITH LITS. AT LEAST £1500 TO REACH THE EVANGELISM TEAM FOR THE JOURNEY IS ON. NO ONE SHOULD TRY TO BLOCK THE MISSION. BENJAMIN IS CRYING FOR HUNGER, HE IS DOWN FINANCIALLY. THE BATTLE MUST BE COMPLETED.' 7 angels have said that to me now. 26th Jan 2016. 10:39. From Sujadi: Today we want to see who is mightier between you and me. 11:01. Reply: You will see just like previously. Your men will meet the true God. 18:39. Sujadi’s reply: You are not God. Idiot today you must surrender. Dog. 27th Jan 2016. 11:04. From John: ..all the three died. Full report shortly... Thurs 28th Jan 2016. 18:18. From John about 3 gunmen killed by God at midnight on 26th Jan in Abbes town. Three people blocked our way each holding a short gun. It found us ready with the opened MM Faith lits. This was at midnight of Tuesday night. When they were about 10m from the vans we removed the lits which we used as human shields. A thick white smoke first covered us hiding the vans from the enemies. Then there were terrifying firebolts and lightning. Cries of hot coal burning them filled the air. We left, for three people were lying lifeless.
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