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Mighty Miracles Of God Volume 7 |
88Firebolts and Earthquake
The earth heaves at His presence... Who can stand before His indignation? And who can endure the fierceness of His anger? His fury is poured out like fire, and the rocks are thrown down by Him. (Nahum 1:5,6) God let Idi Mpana and his gunmen escape from Musoma. They fled to Praia in Cape Verde, an island in the Atlantic Ocean, where Idi commanded another training camp for murderous jihadi fighters. But God sent His vans in hot pursuit, to wipe them all off the face of the earth! This is the story of God’s righteous judgement upon them: The Long Trip Across Africa To Cape Verde Islands20th Dec 2015. 11:43. To John and Mark: I am curious to know the route the angels tell you to take to Cape Verde islands in the Atlantic Ocean. If you went overland, from Tanzania it looks like you would travel through Zaire, Central African Republic, Cameroon, Nigeria, Benin, Togo, Ghana, Burkina Faso, Mali, Guinea, Senegal, and possibly other countries in W Africa, finally boarding a ship for the sea crossing. I wonder if that's one of the purposes of the trip – to distribute lit along the way in all the other countries of W Africa? You probably have to go back home first to restock some lit and other supplies. [I was wrong about that.] Or are the angels advising you to fly to Cape Verde? 20th Dec 2015. 11:55. To Vivian: Looking at the trip logistically, it isn't feasible on £10k, but that seems to be what the angels are saying can be raised which we will be able to see. I have a hunch that it's going to need a lot more than 10. So, obviously, God has already cleared a path for some other funds to make up the difference when it is needed shortly... 20th Dec 2015. From Fatu: Thanks. The madrassa in Malawi had 45 people excluding Idi who escaped. John is suggesting that we move back to Kenya but... this is the best time to stop Idi and his influence completely for on 25th December they assemble to do a pass out ritual to the radical youths. I feel it could have been better if we visit Cape Verde that time. God bless. 15:49. Reply: God will enable it. 20th Dec 2015. 14:24. From Rhoda: 'CATCHING UP WITH IDI AND HIS TEAM AS THEY ASSEMBLE IN CAPE VERDE THIS DECEMBER 25TH IS VERY VITAL AND URGENT, AFTER WHICH AN EVANGELISM MOVE TO VISIT ALL ISLAMIC NATIONS IN AFRICA TO CLEAN THEM THROUGH GIVING OUT OF MM LITS IS TO FOLLOW FROM JANUARY 2016. THIS TIME THE VANS ARE TO MOVE NON-STOP TO ACCOMPLISH THE MISSION, THEN MOVE BACK TO KENYA TO ASSEMBLE THE MM LITS FOR THE EVANGELISM ROUND-UP TRIP. JEFTAH TOO NEEDS A MEANS OF MOVEMENT TO ASSIST IN COVERING THE BOKO HARAM TERRITORIES. A CAR COSTING £12,000 IS GOOD. MM LITS ARE THE ONLY SOLUTION TO THE CONFUSION IN BURUNDI NOW.' 7 angels have said to me. 15:45. Reply: Thanks Rhoda. Jeftah has a car. Why would he need another? 16:56. Reply: That is a big assignment, to visit all Islamic nations in Africa from January 2016. It would be nice to know how much money needs to be found to achieve that huge mission. If God is asking for another car for Jeftah, I presume that he will have a helper, and that two cars will go to those places. If so, I am curious to know who the other driver would be. 19:00. From Rhoda: 'ALREADY GOD THROUGH MM LITS HAS GIVEN JEFTAH 6 FAITHFULS FROM ISLAM, ALL WHO ARE FORMER BOKO HARAM MEMBERS. ALL ARE DRIVERS. ONE CAR IS NOT ENOUGH FOR THEM SINCE THE WORK IS GREAT AND THE FIELD TOO WIDE. THE NATIONS’ VISIT WILL REQUIRE £43,000.' 7 angels have said to me now. 19:36. One other question I should have asked is about the cost of this trip to Cape Verde Islands. Besides the 10k requested immediately, will there be a further sum required to accomplish the mission and cost of the return journey? 21st Dec 2015. 3:56. From Rhoda: 'ONLY £7,000 FOR RETURN WILL BE REQUIRED. THE TEAM MUST STILL FEED ON MILK AND WATER ONLY.' 7 angels have said to me now. The Unseen Effort Behind The Scenes21st Dec 2015. 17.00. To friends about Helena’s recent suffering. The awesome things God is doing at this time, to clear a pathway for righteousness, are unprecedented. That is why Helena had to bear such a burden recently. God is clearing out of the way some extremely wicked people – serial killers, who have trained other killers with the objective of exterminating the Christian faith. So, to finalise the judgement of such evil gunmen, He allows the demons who control them to come against Helena before He removes them, sending them away. The gunmen are then physically killed by the power of God and sent to their punishment in the spirit realm, the horrible situation described somewhat symbolically in the parable of Lazarus and the rich man in Luke 16. Because these men are so wicked, the punishment is equal to what they have earned. Before God allows that to take place, they are given a chance to be forgiven and spared that fate (hence my appeal to them to repent and accept Christ), and they are also allowed to inflict suffering upon a victim (or victims) whom they want to harm so that they can then be brought under God’s judgement. In Helena’s recent situation of suffering, the warlord Idi Mpana paid a witch- doctor to send curses against us. Satan’s objective was to kill Helena, for obvious reasons. If he could succeed in doing that, he would succeed in crushing MM. What happened first was that the trip switch in our big shed tripped out one evening, so the power was off all that night [causing us some problems]... The second thing that happened that Friday was a nasty attack on Helena’s health. Pain and pressure in her insides were giving her great discomfort. She couldn’t do any household chores on that Friday as she had hoped, so Tonya did them for her. The internal pain intensified, and the internal upset became so great that in the evening she vomited the meals she had eaten for the past day, or perhaps longer. Her system had been poisoned internally by Satan, sent by the African witchdoctor. She continued in intercession after some sleep, because she felt the need from the Spirit. The next day she felt a bit better, the nausea and flu-like symptoms had subsided a lot, and I assumed the assault was over. But it wasn’t the end of the matter, though the worst was past. She had not eaten till yesterday (Sunday) when she took a tiny amount, and she is not eating today. It is like the self-denial of the guys in the vans, living on milk and water only, as they hammer towards their destination to see Idi Mapana and all his killers wiped out by God. We all have to do our part for God to do His. Sacrifice is the base line. Sacrifice precedes blessing. The present Work of God is engaged in amazing feats that parallel those of Elijah in the OT. The level / scope of these activities is unique in history. That is because time is so short now before the Tribulation which will bring progress in the world to a standstill. Jesus is now preparing the way on earth prior to His Coming to deliver the world. This work is so important / significant / vital in God’s plan, in the context of preparing the way for Jesus’ coming, that Satan continually targets it. Moreover, God’s plan with MM in Africa has been to reach the reachable Muslims and free them from their captivity. That entails taking out the henchmen who control them. So God has been systematically eradicating those warlords by sending MM vans to the area, holding up MM Faith booklets against them as a token of our trust in God to protect us and deal with the enemy, then witnessing God destroy those gunmen with His amazing power in lightning, firebolts, and spikes of fire from above, and thunder and earthquake from below. Through this awesome show of power, He is making a statement. Humanity did not accept Elijah, so God backed up Elijah with unprecedented power. His mission was difficult and opposition was great. His life was constantly under threat. It was a discouraging assignment because the repentance and reform that he hoped would come about after he had ‘proved’ himself to be truly representing God, did not happen. He looked on his mission as a failure, because of the physical circumstances. It wasn’t, of course. We could look on MM’s mission equally dismally, because of lack of funds, paucity of support, absence of much response, tiring days of almost unending intercession and chores, and the necessity of bearing suffering for the greater cause, etc. Paul knew it long before us, and so did the first disciples and evangelists who radiated from Judea at the beginning. The NT is full of reminders of this rocky road to the kingdom of God, and exhortations to stand firm and not grow weary in duty. For the welldoer is handsomely rewarded in the end. We don’t do this for any earthly crown; we despise such pomp; we do it for the heavenly crown that is beyond human imagination. The Team Move Non-Stop!22nd Dec 2015. 10:19. From John: We are moving very fast to accomplish God's mission in Cape Verde. 11:22. Reply: Where have you got to already? 15:09. We are now crossing into Congo. Wednesday 23rd Dec 2015. 11:00. To John: Are you travelling without sleep? (The angelic message said you would have to travel non-stop, so I took that to mean that God would sustain you without sleep and 'carry' you that long distance.) Humanly, it's impossible to travel that distance in the time, and then cross a huge expanse of the ocean to get to Cape Verde, all by Friday! There are some miracles of transport taking place to achieve what God has planned. I am really curious to find out how He works it all out! 24th Dec 2015. 17:25. From John: In the next hour we shall be crossing into Mali. We trust God by tomorrow noon we shall be in Dakar, Senegal, from where we shall board a yacht to Praia, Cape Verde. It is a long distance truly but God through MM lits has proved to be worthy. The money has just reflected in the evangelism account now... Comment: [The money supply was held up.] Despite all Helena's pushing at the blockages holding the money back, it has only just now come in!! There are masses of demons trying to thwart this mission! Further: What amazes me is that the team could keep going for as long as they have done, and cover the distance they have done, on so little money! God made it possible!! A couple of my recent dreams [at that time]: 18th Dec 2015. M. I was walking barelegged [shows our lack of sufficient provision to provide for our basic needs] through a classroom where many were sitting at little desks. I walked through the middle of all these students to the door [into the kingdom of God]. Meaning: The students at the desks are evangelists and preachers who, God says, are still at school, learning. They have got things to learn. But our ministry has passed through that school of learning, and the truth is in MM lit. 23rd Dec 2015. M. Moving ahead fast! I was on my bike and really shifting! I picked up amazing speed as the road was downhill. I overtook the vicar, passing him to my left. He gasped “Malcolm! Malcolm!” in astonishment as I sped past him. I was doing about 60 mph, but put on a spurt up to 70 mph! The verge at the roadside was neatly trimmed, but some huge dandelion seed heads were standing a foot high! I mowed them down with my bike wheels as I sped over the top. Then, after passing, the ground there gave way and revealed a hollow chasm underneath. The ground there was merely a thin crust, less than an inch thick! Meaning: Events are going to rapidly speed up for our small ministry. The bicycle represents our limited and meagre means to ‘go’ and ‘do’ (finance). The neat verge represents the Christian witness given on TV (such as TBN, GOD TV, Revelation TV, etc). There is no substance underneath it. It is not founded on sufficient solid ground of truth. It is shallow and a deceptive veneer. After we pass over it in the publicity episode coming shortly, it will be revealed for what it is – hollow and lacking solid foundation. The dandelion seeds represent the bad seeds of prevalent grace teaching that blow everywhere from false ministers. The overemphasis and wrong emphasis on grace is lawlessness. We live surrounded by apostasy – a Christian church that has been beguiled by false grace teaching of very subtle lawlessness that passes for spiritual ‘freedom’. Comment: Note the prophetic warning Jesus gave in Matthew 7:15-23. Lawlessness is the bottom line of this false grace teaching that is prevalent today. Teachers abound fulfilling 2 Timothy 4:3-4 and 3:13. The prophecies in 2 Peter 2:1-3 and 1 John about antichrists are being fulfilled every day. Hence the need to do as Jude exhorted, to contend earnestly for the original faith (Jude 3), because “certain men have crept in unnoticed, who long ago were marked out for this condemnation, ungodly men, who turn the grace of our God into lewdness and deny the only Lord and our Lord Jesus Christ.” (Jude 4.) Modern grace teaching that says you don’t have to keep the Sabbath as codified in Exodus 20 and Deuteronomy 5, nor the holy days outlined in Leviticus 23, is HERESY! That is some of the lewdness of which Jude prophesied. God’s Obliteration of The Cape Verde MadrassaSunday 27th Dec 2015. 17:50. From John: Praia Mission. We arrived late in the evening on Friday (25th Dec) and pretended to be tourists. We intermingled freely with the people and even shared out a few MM lits with a few people. At 8 pm we clearly heard Islamic prayers in loudspeakers about 200 m from where we were. God gave us courage through MM Faith lit to move up to the concrete perimeter where we placed a Faith lit then moved back to our vans. At midnight the perimeter wall collapsed and thunder-like sounds with bolts of fire filled the place. Nothing was left behind! This occurred on Friday at midnight. We left back to Dakar shore today Sunday morning. Reply: Thanks for that. Do you know how many were killed in that madrassa? How many Idi had there? What was the madrassa like? Was it a large complex of buildings, with a mosque, or what? What was the perimeter wall like? Was it massive like the one in Comoros Island? Did you sleep at all, or did God enable you to accomplish the trip without any sleep, or very little? Did you notice Him 'carrying' your vehicles supernaturally, or making the journey speedier somehow? (I don't see how it is humanly possible to do the distance in the few days you had.) How many days was it? How did you get over the water from Dakar to Cape Verde? What sort of boat or ferry was it? Do you know the distance the ferry travelled over the ocean and how long it took? Has your fast, on milk and water only, now ended? Helena ended hers today, too. She was doing something similar for the past 8 days, as you were, while this mission was on. God carried her through it without feeling hungry. What instructions and guidance did the angels give you along the way? Where are you to go now? How much do you have in the kitty? 28th Dec 2015. 9:08. From John: Thanks. We are in Dakar, Senegal. We have got only 2k in the kitty. We are still depending on water and milk diet. We are waiting for ANGELIC guidance on the Muslim countries to visit starting January 1st 2016. Full report on the Praia mission follows shortly. What is in the kitty cannot take us back home but from what God has done here we fully lean on His guidance through MM lits. God bless. 27th Dec 2015. From Rhoda: Idi is no more. 'IDI IS NO MORE. HIS ONLY ONE SON WILL TRY TO FOLLOW HIS FATHER'S HABITS BUT WILL BE WIPED OUT. THE VANS ARE TO GET READY FOR THE GRAND VISIT TO ALL THE ISLAMIC NATIONS IN AFRICA TO CLEAN THEM THROUGH GIVING OUT OF MM LITS TO THE FEW THAT WILL HEED THE GRAND CALLING. THIS IS A GREAT MISSION THAT WILL CHANGE THE WORLD'S VIEW OF HOLINESS IN TRUTH THROUGH MM LITS.' 7 angels have said to me now. 28th Dec 2015. 5:48. From Idi’s son (on Idi’s e-mail address): I knew you will kill him but he refused to take heed to my advice. I know you are trained to kill people. I am in the ring with you dog. You have left me like this but just wait and see. 9:50. Reply: Hello Sujadi, I did not kill your father. God did, because he was perpetrating evil and trying to kill Christians. Midnight Ministries is God's Work on earth. Do you want to follow in the footsteps of your father, also killing good people who mean you no harm? If so, God will kill you, too. But if you take heed to wisdom, and turn away from your evil doings, God will spare your life. So, don't harbour revenge against anyone. It was God who took your father's life. I wish you well, Malcolm Comment: I also sent him Why is Jesus Lord? 9:58. To John: Thanks. Look forward to your further answers when you have time. I don't know how any more money can be accessed, but if we have any news on that we will let you know. Like you say, God is in charge. God bless. Comment: Vivian was able to send £7K, solving the dilemma. The Miraculous Trip Traversing Africa In 6 Days!When we learned of the time it took to cross that vast expanse of ocean to Cape Verde, we were amazed. The team must surely have had supernatural assistance to do it in the time, we surmised. John confirmed that suspicion: 1st Jan 2016. 13:47. From John about the trans-Africa trip to Cape Verde: 1. Sleep. We managed to take a break to rest each day for 10 minutes from 6:50 to 7 pm. God kept us all awake day and night. 2. We travelled from Dakar, Senegal, by ferry to Praia in Cape Verde, a distance of about 650 km. We were propelled by God's hand. Strong winds pushed us from Dakar to Praia. The winds were created by the 7 angels for we could see seven channels being formed by seven winds on the surface of the ocean. It looked like seven rows in the water behind us. The strong following wind enabled us to get there on time for it was a long journey. We left Dakar at 6 in the morning and arrived about 8 pm in Cape Verde. 3. Our diet. Up to now we are still taking just milk and water. God honours MM lits and whoever believes that God has anointed MM literature can testify of similar miracles. We are all okay. 4. ANGELIC GUIDANCE. When we reached Dakar the angels manifested as a white mist. It covered the CVD Yacht Club in Dakar and our vans. When we moved to hire the fast moving ferry 'chopper' the mist disappeared. On reaching Praia the mist reappeared around the madrassa until we had placed the Faith booklets in position. That is when it disappeared. On our way to Guinea the seven angels manifested again as seven white mists, leading the way, till we arrived. 5. Guinea. The madrassa in Guinea is no more. We have moved to a safe place in Sierra Leone from where I am writing to you. Full report tonight. 1st Jan 2016. 16:00. From Rhoda: What the angels told her: 'THE GUINEA MADRASSA HAS BEEN BROUGHT DOWN BY GOD'S HANDS THROUGH MM LITS. NOW THE GRAND FINALE TO TRAVERSE ALL MUSLIM NATIONS IS TO START. MALCOLM IS TO ENCOURAGE THE EVANGELISM TEAM TO SERVICE THE VANS FOR THAT GREAT MISSION NOW, NOW, NOW. MALCOLM IS TO WRITE A SEVEN PAGED BOOKLET TO MAKE A LAST CALL TO THE MUSLIM NATIONS IN AFRICA AND BEYOND. THIS BOOKLET IS TO BE TAKEN BY THE VANS TO ALL THOSE COUNTRIES. £42,000 IS REQUIRED. THE DIET IS TO REMAIN WATER AND MILK. FATU IS TO BE CONSTRUCTED A TWO ROOMED HOUSE NEAR MOMBASA COSTING £17,000 AFTER THE MISSION TO THE AFRICAN MUSLIM NATIONS STARTS ON 7TH JANUARY 2016.' 7 angels have said to me now. God bless. [The angels appear to her each time in bright light, and shining white.] 16:44. Reply: ...We have no idea where the money can come from for this trip. We are all skint!! Obviously God can see where it will come from. How God Destroyed The Guinea Madrassa3rd Jan 2016. 17:01 From John: Guinea Report. 1) Arrival. We arrived late in the evening (31st Dec 2015) and received a hostile reception in Conakry. The patrol police wanted us to substantiate the meaning of Midnight Ministries’ label on the vans. Instead we removed our Faith lits. To our surprise the police got into their vehicles in a hurry as if they were being attacked by bees. 2) From the time we arrived, thick white mist appeared on top of the mosque which was surrounded by a strong wall. At midnight we did our part, placed the Faith lits – three of them – outside the steel gate where there were no watchmen. At that time we could hear Islamic prayers in their language filling the air. Immediately after we had placed the lits we moved back to the vans. It was 7 minutes past midnight when the white mists were replaced by bolts of fire and thunder-like sounds bringing down the madrassa. We left immediately to Sierra Leone to avoid police. It was here where we had our Sabbath rest. Now we are in prayer waiting for God's direction. Reply: The finance for this trip [to Muslim nations] is simply not visible...!
Other OutreachesWhile John, Mark, Vuga, Karim, and Fatu were fulfilling God’s missions to Musoma in Tanzania, Cape Verde, and Guinea, so He could bring divine judgement upon evil ones, other MM workers were spreading the Word in other countries: Jeftah in Niger, and Nyasirwa and Musama in Congo. God also backed them up with remarkable miracles while they were faithful to His call. God performed many healings, deliverances and raised one from the dead (see opposite page). Space does not allow us to relate all God did, but the following are samples of what took place: In Niger17th December 2015. 15:00. From Jeftah: Hi, hoping you are doing ok. Am managing ok although the situation here is very worse, most people oppose MM. I have covered a number of towns such as Dosso, Diffa, Zinder, Tillaberi and Marandi. But quite a good number of people who have read MM lits have realized we serve the true God. I'll keep on updating you... 16:48. Reply: Thanks for your news. It sounds a good response. We don't expect the majority to accept the truth, just the minority. Have you had any visitations from the 7 angels? Whenever you write, if the angels have given you any input, can you add that to your report? Thanks. God bless all your efforts. In Congo22nd December 2015. 15:21. From Musama and Nyasirwa in Congo: We are now almost completing our first outreach mission in Congo. We are to proceed to Rwanda if ways opens up. We are at the capital city of Congo (Kinshasa) where we have been camping and reaching out with the good news of our Lord to his people. The Lord’s great work has been felt in this country since we reached here. In Uvira, six people got healed from leprosy and in Goma where people were infected by jiggers, it was being claimed to be the work of a witch man (who also got cleansed). [I think he means that the witchdoctor was also cleansed by God.] Later the witch man died on the day of our departure from Goma. [Because he did not repent, and was a serious threat to the little ones God had called.] When we reached Mbandaka, the Lord’s angels directed us to a widow’s house who had just lost her son to pneumonia caused by cold as a result of heavy rains. We prayed with her and her son was raised back to life. She accommodated us at Mbandaka for four days providing us with food too. We left the place after she and her son were baptized in their faith over the truth they saw we hold. We are not going to visit some parts of Congo that borders Burundi due to the war over power in Burundi. Some malicious killers intercepted us on our way to Basan Kusu. They shot at our car but only the back windscreen got broken and none of us got injured. We are rushing against time to get to Rwanda before all borders are closed due to fear of attacks but our state right now might prevent us. Our van needs servicing and tyres changed after all this long distance travel since we left Uganda on 22nd November. We believe God is going to lead us on to complete this outreach and make it back to Uganda safely. Musama 17:25. Reply: Thanks for your report. Good to hear of the progress. I’m sending this to J also. He’s waiting for funds to come through. They have a massive trip to do to Cape Verde. It’s going to take a miracle to get them there. The distance is so huge. I presume you have a Faith booklet on your front dashboard / windscreen. I wonder if it would be a good idea to put a Faith booklet in the back also, as a token of protection. Even if the border to Rwanda is closed when you get there, God’s angels can cause you to cross through using the Faith booklets as ‘swords’ of the Spirit that create a pathway. (The angels do it without us seeing them.) God bless. Lack of funds prevented us financing their return to Uganda, and Nyasirwa’s wife sold some of their personal possessions back home to provide the needed funds for their return. After that, they soured because of shortages, and in time, they fell away, lured by false ‘apostles’ who held the carrot of money on a stick in front of their eyes. Sadly, they became enemies of the Truth. God gives many people a chance, but not all stick the course, as Jesus often warned (e.g. Matt 13:20-22; 22:5,14; 24:12,13). |
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