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Mighty Miracles Of God Volume 7
87No Solid Food For 7 Months
I have food to eat of which you do not know (John 4:32). My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me (John 4:34). After God destroyed five terrorist training camps (madrassas in Comoros Island, Somalia, Iraq, Malawi, and a mosque in Nigeria), the angels spoke to Rhoda again about God’s next mission for the MM vans: 17th Dec 2015. 14:59. From Rhoda: 'THE VANS SHOULD MOVE AS FAST AS POSSIBLE TO MUSOMA [Tanzania] TO TAKE GOD'S TRUTH IN MM LITS WHICH WILL BRING DOWN ANOTHER CAMP. IDI IS HIDING IN MUSOMA. HE CAN'T SEE, THE LIGHT FROM THE LORD'S 7 ANGELS DESTROYED HIS EYES. MALCOLM IS TO SEND HIM A WARNING THAT THE WORD OF TRUTH MUST CATCH UP WITH HIM THERE TOMORROW AT MIDNIGHT IN MUSOMA.' 7 angels have said to me now. 18th Dec 2015. 17:25. To Idi: The Word of God declares in the Bible that Jesus came for judgement, so that those who are blind may see, and those who see may be made blind (John 9:39). You chose not to see (acknowledge) the Supremacy of Jesus, so He has made you blind. He offered you forgiveness through repentance, but you refuse to repent. Jesus is the Almighty Word, the Ruler of the Universe. You ran away from meeting me at midnight on Wednesday night, so tomorrow night at midnight the Word of Truth must catch up with you in Musoma. 18th Dec 2015. 18:02. From Idi: You have blinded my eyes. I better die but not bow to you killer. Come on here in Musoma. Come. Muamar’s daughter, Fatu, now with us on these missions, wrote: 18th Dec 2015. 15:19. From Fatu: The Malawi mission. From Kenya we travelled safely up to Malawi. John and the rest survived on water purely but me I bought milk and snacks. I believe I will too train and be like them. Just after passing Lilongwe, people started looking at the vehicles suspiciously. When we reached the entrance to Idi's camp the youths at the gate yelled at us so we made out as if we were passing. But at nine in the night John, Mark and Vuga took the MM Faith lits into the compound and left them about 100 m away. We saw a man in black clothes run away from the camp into the darkness. This was at midnight. We saw the buildings go down in rumbling sounds with spikes of fire. It was my first time to see that. Truly your God is God! God bless. Milk and Water Only, and No Sleep For 7 Months!Fatu had mentioned how the team was not eating. God had given them some sort of supernatural ability to survive on only milk and water. He had instructed them to live on only liquid – just milk and water – for the duration of these missions. And they were also not to sleep; they were to rest for about 10-20 minutes each day. They obeyed God’s injunctions, and God sustained them throughout. Whenever they felt hungry, they read the Faith booklet or another MM publication, and the hunger pains would go away. This diet of only milk and water was maintained for all the months of travelling across Africa and the Middle East to fulfil God’s mandate to visit the specified madrassas. As they fulfilled their part, God fulfilled His: He obliterated 8 madrassas which were training terrorists to kill Christians. When those missions were complete, God had them traverse the Muslim nations of North Africa, still taking only liquids and 15 minutes rest each day. This regimen was maintained throughout January, February, March, April, May, June and July 2016 – for over 7 months, until August 2nd. And, the procedure was repeated on further missions after the FoT 2016, when they had to visit various Middle East countries. Such a series of unprecedented miracles further verifies the unique commission with MM literature. It confirms Jesus’ words that man shall not live by bread alone, but rather by every Word of God. Why do you need to eat when you have the full spiritual bread of God in MM literature? Isn’t that what God is implying? Pursuing The Enemy In Musoma, Tanzania20th Dec 2015. 7:50. From John. We arrived in Musoma late Friday evening. Yesterday we studied MM lits and prayed over the K dreams, then visited the Mousa bin Kata madrassa late in the evening. We found it evacuated with no form of life with the following words written on the wall.... 'TUME HAMA HAPA JUU MAADUI WETU WAKO KARIBU NASI. (Meaning: WE HAVE DESERTED THIS PLACE BECAUSE OUR ENEMIES ARE PURSUING US.) We then shared the MM lits with a few people that came. We plan to leave Musoma today. We only have £3k in the kitty. God bless. 20th Dec 2015. 8:07. From Rhoda: 'THE VANS ARE TO MOVE TO CAPE VERDE WHERE IDI AND ALL THEIR TEAM IS ASSEMBLING FOR THE END OF YEAR CELEBRATIONS. THEY ESCAPED IN MUSOMA BUT WILL NOT IN CAPE VERDE. THE EVANGELISM ACCOUNT IS GETTING DRY. AT LEAST £10,000 IS TO BE SENT TO THE EVANGELISM TEAM FOR THE CAPE VERDE MISSION.' 7 angels have said to me now. |
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