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Mighty Miracles Of God Volume 5 |
65 The Muslim Brotherhood Attacks
“You seek to kill Me, because My word has no place in you.” (John 8:37.) The muted threats from the Kenyan Felix Ochieng and the Egyptian Abdul Maswad soon took on a more ominous form. We were under attack. One of our ‘ships’ was already holed by a torpedo they had fired. It was only a matter of time before we suffered great loss. Rhoda sent this e-mail to me, relating what the angels had told her: MM Vans Sabotaged In Egypt6th April 2015. 4:38. "RHODA, RHODA, RHODA, THE VANS ARE BEING PURSUED BY ARMED PEOPLE. THE ENGINE OF THE OLDER ONE IS NOT IN GOOD CONDITION. IT IS OVERHEATING AND WILL KNOCK. JOHN AND THE TEAM MUST NOT PANIC. A NEW ENGINE AND SERVICE IS NEEDED. I GOD OF GODS WILL LEAD THEM [keep the van going until] TILL THEY CROSS THE BORDER INTO SUDAN WHICH IS SAFER BEFORE THE ENGINE KNOCKS [packs up]. I WILL THEN KILL ALL THE ENEMIES CHASING AFTER THE MM VANS. "LET MALCOLM NOT WRITE TO GOD TV DIRECT BUT WRITE AN MM LIT WARNING THE GOD TV TO AVOID USING MY NAME IN VAIN. THIS LIT SHOULD BE TAKEN TO GOD TV IN THE MONTH OF MAY WHEN THEY WILL BE HOLDING THEIR GRAND MEETING. I WILL USE THAT LIT TO DISPERSE MY PEOPLE BEING MISLED BY THE TV STATION AND IT WILL BE THE BEGINNING OF RESTORATION TO MY PEOPLE. "THE ENGINE REPLACEMENT SHOULD COST £9000. LET MALCOLM ENCOURAGE JOHN AND MARK TO STAND STILL AND SEE HOW I THE LORD DESTROY MM ENEMIES." 7 angels have said this to me now. Rhoda 6th April 2015. 6:39. From Mark in Egypt: I have realized there is a big problem with the old van. It seems where we fuelled that van they mixed the fuel with salt to destroy the vehicle’s engine and it has affected it much. I seriously doubt if it will last much longer. But I leave everything in God's hand. May God bless you as we walk in the Days of Unleavened Bread. M “YES!!! SUDAN!!!”6th April 2015. 5:42. From Mark: Many thanks for your mails. Sometimes we are moving in places where there is no network coverage so it makes it difficult for us to communicate. The Spirits [Angels] of the Lord have informed me that there is going to be a very big trouble in crossing the border at Egypt because Abdul is planning to attack the vans. But our Almighty Father is in control of everything. May He bless you all. Reply. 10:21. Yes. God will strike them all dead... Just be strong. Be bold, and hold up the Word of God, MM lit, as a shield and weapon against them, as you have done before, AND GOD WILL HAVE THE VICTORY, for the battle is His. Comment: 10:22. There is a terrific onslaught we are enduring here, which has intensified all night from yesterday evening onwards. This morning it was absolutely dreadful, like at the beginning when I had to bear a mammoth load of demons descending on me. Helena is interceding, pushing against them. After about an hour of this intercession against them, the Spirit came upon me and I roared like a lion at the host of demons, telling them to go to hell, and declaring that we are the victors, and that the glory is Jesus’. I’ve never heard such a roar come out of my mouth before! Then I shouted equally forcefully “YES!!! SUDAN!!!” I believe God is opening a door there in Sudan and many will be saved as a result of this battle taking place right now. After writing the above, the demonic crowd is now diminishing, and the pressure and pain is easing. They are being dispatched.... but the battle’s not over yet. There is another wave I feel coming upon me now. 6th April 2015. 12:19. From John: We are being tracked by 6 cars with armed people. Our van is not in good condition but I trust in our God to lead the way. God bless Reply: 13:07. God will see you through the border into Sudan before the engine packs up. Then... you should be able to find a garage that can put a new engine in. 6th April 2015. 13:14. To Abdul Maswad: Back off or you and all your men will get struck dead by our God. His reply. 7th April 2015. 17:40. You're just stupid! Our doctrine teaches that you can not enter the kingdom of God before you kill a non Muslim. [Bold: my emphasis.] So we are forced to do that by the law of God. My reply. 18:37. Well, that's satanic rubbish, what you believe! And it's the cause of so much horrendous suffering and trouble in the Middle East. It's false doctrine, COMPLETELY FALSE, from the father of lies, Satan himself. If you continue to submit to that satanic doctrine, when you die you will suffer in the afterlife in the spirit realm to the degree you made others suffer by wanting to fulfil that evil doctrine. So that is the highest achievement of Islam, is it, to murder a non-Muslim? Or is there a higher achievement? MBH The Attackers’ 6 Cars Were All Destroyed By God7th April 2015. 16:08. To John and Mark: Are they picking up dead bodies today after last night? 7th April 2015. 19:38. The engine knocked [packed up] just when we crossed into Sudan. The 6 cars that chased us crashed into each other killing the people in them instantly. John Reply: Thanks for the news. I wasn't sure whether the attack was going to be last night or tonight. Now we know. ...Did you keep going, or did you stop to take details like car number plates, etc? And see who was in the cars, and their weapons? I assume they were Abdul Maswad's men? How many men were there? 7th April 2015. 19:47. From Rhoda. 7 angels said: "I, GOD OF GODS, HAVE DESTROYED 6 OF THEIR CARS AND DESTROYED ALL THE MM ATTACKERS WHO PLOTTED AN ATTACK ON MY PEOPLE IN EGYPT. MALCOLM, INFORM JOHN AND MARK TO STAND STILL AND SEE HOW I AM GOING TO DESTROY OTHER ATTACKERS IN SOUTHERN SUDAN PLOTTED BY THE SDA GROUP THERE. NO ONE CAN STAND AGAINST ME."
God’s Angels Bring More Instructions7th April 2015. 21:23. Bob is going to try and get a loan from his bank to cover the £25,000 needed now. There will be more needed before May, because of the angels’ message that they need to return to GOD TV in Israel in May. I have written the short GOD TV article that the angels said was needed. I did that last night. Finished at 1 am. And several copies were sent to John today... More Flak From Muslim Maswad8th April 2015. 5:57. From Abdul Maswad: They killed our people but their van cannot move. Ahuuuh!! Reply. 9:00. 'They' didn't kill your evil gunmen. God wiped them out, like I warned you that He would! They all crashed into each other, all 6 cars! And you have ruined our van. If you want to be forgiven for your evil scheme against us, make restitution of £9,000 for the repair of the van, and cease to attack us, acknowledging your wrongdoing before God, then you will have our forgiveness. Otherwise you also will be removed from this earth by God Almighty. MBH 13:05. From Abdul Maswad: Am not interested in all those things you are telling me and I don't care whether your van is ruined or not. 9th April 2015. From John: We have managed to pull the van to the garage. Network is okay, so I can now reply. The cars crashed exactly at 12.42 a.m. This was at Midnight. We shall move back to Israel on 6th May. The van stopped and could not move just 17 minutes after crossing into Sudan. All the 6 cars with over 10 people died. We feared to go back and count the bodies but we heard announced over the Sudan radio in the morning that they were a terror group from Egypt. Their vehicles crashed at the border in no-man's-land separating Sudan and Egypt. It is true we saw the pointed ends of the guns. God bless. John 9th April 2015. 13:13. From Rhoda in Kenya: "MALCOLM, LET THE VANS BE OUT OF SUDAN BEFORE TUESDAY NEXT WEEK. THERE IS A PLAN BY THE FRIENDS OF THE GANG TO BURN DOWN MY VANS. BUT I, GOD OF GODS, HAVE DESTROYED IT. INFORM JOHN AND MARK NOT TO DRINK EVEN WATER THERE FOR THEY PLAN TO POISON THEM. THE TECHNICIAN AT THE GARAGE IS ALREADY CONVERTED TO MM AND WILL TAKE ONLY £9000 NOT MORE. HE IS CALLED [name deleted]. HE IS THE ONE TO FIX THE ENGINE. RHODA REPORT THIS TO MALCOLM NOW, NOW, NOW." 7 angels have said this now. God bless. Rhoda “I Will Kill 17 Armed Men”9th April 2015. 17:41. "MALCOLM, IF £2000 CAN BE SENT TO X TO SEND TO JOHN BY MPESA SO THAT JOHN CAN ADD TO £3000 IN HIS ACCOUNT SO THAT THE TECHNICIAN CAN DO THE FIXING TOMORROW AND BE PAID THE BALANCE WHEN HE IS THROUGH, THE BETTER. I WILL KILL 17 ARMED MEN THAT WILL COME AT THE GARAGE TO KILL K FOR HELPING MY SERVANTS FIX THE VAN. RHODA LET MALCOLM INFORM JOHN NOT TO PANIC BUT TONIGHT TELL K TO START THE WORK SO THAT COME SATURDAY NIGHT THEY LEAVE FOR SOUTHERN SUDAN." 7 angels have said to me now. Rhoda Comment: Vivian and Joy helped by obtaining and sending the £2k that the angels told Rhoda that John needed urgently on 9th April. 13th April 2015. 6:58. From Abdul Maswad: Do you want peace with us or we kill these rats? Reply. 8:58. You clearly don't want peace with us, because I have given you the terms that are correct IF you want peace. But you decline. You only want to kill, to harm, to destroy. So, go ahead. Do your dirty work, and see the POWER OF GOD ALMIGHTY come against you! Righteousness will prevail, not evil. MBH 13th April 2015. 13:19. From Rhoda: "TONIGHT AT MIDNIGHT 17 GUNMEN WILL MEET MY WRATH WHEN THEY WILL ATTACK K. THEN AFTER THAT THE VANS WILL LEAVE FOR SOUTH SUDAN." 7 angels have delivered this to me now. Monday 13th April 2015. 15:05. Thanks to God, the van is in good condition. We are set to leave for Southern Sudan any time now. K is fearing for his life after receiving a phone call this morning from an unknown source promising to kill him for helping fix the van engine. God bless. John Reply. 15:31. Tell K not to be concerned. GOD WILL STRIKE ALL THE ATTACKERS DEAD AT MIDNIGHT. I'll send you Rhoda's confirmation of this... 15:34. I think you should stay with K until after the attack, to show him how to put trust in God to deal with the attackers. Leave after midnight, after God has killed them all. 15th April 2015. To John: Looking forward to hearing how things worked out on Monday night with the 17 gunmen, and the aftermath of that. There has been MUCH intercession here – Helena working at it for 8 hours (often more) solid each day! So, we know much is going on. God bless. From John: I am writing the report now. It was a great midnight. God proved His power over our enemies. 17th April 2015. 10:46. From John about Monday: After receiving the message from you to wait for awhile we placed 7 MM Faith lit around the garage then stayed calm in the vans. We told K to stay in his house. At exactly 12 midnight a group of armed men came and started calling K to come out, but when they stepped on the MM lits, they started quarrelling among themselves. One of them then drew a sword and killed a member. Then we heard gunshots as the 17 men killed each other in cold blood. The following morning when people gathered to collect the corpses, K had to hide for the town mayor ordered for him to be killed. We had to hide him in the boot of our van. He gave us the 17 names. Yesternight also two gunmen tried to block our way but when we drew closer to them, thunder killed them. Then we came across a trailer that blocked the entire road. We are not afraid for God is with us. God bless. J 17th April 2015. 11:31. From John. The 17 plus 2: 1. Rala 2. Wisa 3. Azae 4. Fezui 5. Ghadha 6. Sani 7. Wefazhou 8. Jeudi 9. D'un 10. Grâcem 11. Duranu 12. Rieni 13. Halifa 14. Moha 15. Kannad 16. Toutiza 17. Ghalilo 18. Mophat 19. Jiilo. 17th April 2015. 5:40. From Abdul Maswad: You send your people here to kill our 19 soldiers and destroy all my vans and guns. Now the road has been blocked for them and I wait to see if they can fly over the trailer that we put across the road and there is something am planning to do after that. Reply. 8:46. I told you, BACK OFF!! Or your men and you will get KILLED by the Almighty God. 17th April 2015. From John: There are 7 people in the trailer armed with AK 47 rifles. They are cursing MM and promising to have our heads chopped off. They have given us a tough demand to pay £7,000,000 to save our lives. We have put 10 Faith books in place to meet them at midnight. J 17th April 2015. 13:49. From Rhoda: "THE TRAILER ON THE ROAD PUT TO BLOCK THE VANS WILL BE NO MORE. TONIGHT, MALCOLM TO INFORM JOHN TO PUT ASIDE SEVEN FAITH MM LITS. IN EACH LIT £300 SHOULD BE PLACED. WHEN ONE ATTACKER IN THE TRAILER WILL PICK ONE BOOK AND SEE THE MONEY IN IT, ALL WILL COLLECT THE BOOKS WITH MONEY AND TAKE TO THEIR LEADER. THEN TOMORROW SATURDAY AT MIDNIGHT, I THE LORD OF LORDS WILL DESTROY THE TRAILER AND ALL THE PEOPLE WHO PLANNED THIS. £2100 SHOULD BE SENT TO X WHO SHOULD PASS IT TO JOHN THROUGH MPESA. JOHN MUST NOT USE THE MONEY IN HIS ACCOUNT FOR THIS MISSION FOR I GOD OF GODS HAVE A LOT OF ASSIGNMENTS AHEAD." 7 angels have said this now. God bless. 17th April 2015. 18:38. From Abdul Maswad: Your ministry will only operate in Africa unless these your people pay us the amount we required from them to compensate our vans, guns and those who died or else failure to which they will lose their lives plus the vans they have because we have already cornered them. Reply. 18:44. Oh yes? What sum are you asking for? 17th April 2015. 18:47. From Felix Ochieng: Ahuuuh! We have issued the ultimatum for them to be released. You have been cheating them with your gods yet you are far away come and rescue them now. Reply. 19:27. OK. I’ll be there by midnight tomorrow. Meeting Maswad’s Men At Midnight18th April 2015. 9:48. From Abdul Maswad: They must pay us £30,000 for them to be released. Reply. 12:41. We’ll meet your demand by midnight. And is your demand for £30,000 lawful according to the civil law of Sudan? Is it lawful to block the public highway, prevent travellers from moving, hold them hostage, and then demand money from them? Do the Sudanese police approve of your actions? And you falsely accuse God's servants of killing your 19 gunmen. How could they kill them? They have no guns. Forensic evidence, if it were examined, would show that your gunmen killed each other. One was killed by the sword of his 'brother' in an argument. And the others went mad and shot each other. Check the bullets in the bodies, and examine their guns, and you will see that the bullets came from their own guns. 'Our' fellas have no guns. So if you want reparation for your loss, you will have to look to your dead men for that. THEY are the ones who did the killing, not MM folks. The MM vans are God's vans. So you are holding God hostage by demanding money from His people. Is He likely to meet your demand while you fight against Him? Highly improbable, to put it mildly. But to show we are not hostile to you, we will meet your demand to the degree we can and you will receive money fairly soon, after it has been organised and approved by Heaven. So, be patient, and I will meet you at midnight. The 7 Angels Speak Again19th April 2015. 8:21. From Nyasirwa in Uganda: We have not heard from John, Vuga, and Mark but the angels informed us that the three have been locked up somewhere. The angels have also told us that they [the gunmen] plan to kill J, V, and M and also burn down the vans if they don’t pay the money they want. ...I also have the information from the angels that Lukas is hiding in Uganda in the forest with Joseph Konyi and has planted someone at Ndhiwa to help him succeed in getting the land near Mark’s home to build a mosque that they will be using as a hideout and for destruction of God’s feasts that will be held at Mark’s place for entire East Africa. The angels still have blocked the woman from selling the land until J, V and M come back. [The land issue is covered on pp 52-60.] The Killing At Midnight In Thunder and Lightning20th April 2015. 8:53. From John: I received money from X... At 9 p.m. I put £300 in 7 MM booklets then placed them close to the trailer. After going back to the van, 3 people came out of the trailer, picked up the first 3 booklets, opened them, and when they saw money they called 4 other members who came out and took the booklets too. Then they celebrated by shooting in the air three times each. At midnight it started raining terribly with thunder and lightning which burned up the trailer and killed the 7 people in it. We left that place yesterday evening after the trailer had burnt up completely. We are now in Juba, Southern Sudan. J Reply. 9:21. We praise God for that. Thanks for the news. We are very relieved to hear it. It was a miracle that the money could be raised at all, since everyone here has borrowed as much as they can. Now we are running on empty again! God bless.
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