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Mighty Miracles Of God Volume 5
63To Israel GOD TV
How long... will you turn My glory to shame? (Ps 4:2) You may recall the injunction from God to us about going to GOD TV in Jerusalem, Israel (in MMG4, page 57). The angels said that we had to warn them to follow the Truth and cease using God’s name while they are NOT honouring God! It doesn’t take much discernment to see God’s opinion of that set-up. ‘Low’ is an understatement! God’s stern message conceals most of His wrath, but only until the Day of Judgement! (Mal 4:1.) GOD TV simply doesn’t have God’s Truth! That’s why God sent us there. But wicked men won’t listen to correction, even when God speaks! They don’t want the truth (2 Thes 2:10,11). The 7 Angels Speak Again About GOD TV19th March 2015. I had asked Rhoda about the earlier instruction from angels that the vans were to go to Israel in early March. The angels later gave her an answer to my query. "THIS CHANNEL MUST BE TAKEN MM LIT BEFORE APRIL. NOW THE VANS CAN HELP DO THAT SINCE THE BOAT MISSION IN LAKE TANGANYIKA IS ON COURSE. THE TWO VANS ARE OKAY TO MOVE TO ISRAEL FROM TUESDAY NEXT WEEK. THEIR WORK IS TO GO AND DELIVER THE LITS ONLY AND COME BACK. THEN IN THE MONTH OF MAY THEY WILL GO BACK TO MEET OVER 20 PEOPLE WHO WILL BE CONVERTED TO MM AFTER READING THE MM LITS. "THIS MISSION ONLY REQUIRES £10,000 BECAUSE THE VANS WILL NOT NEED REPAIR SERVICES. THEY ARE OKAY. "JOHN, MARK, MOJONG AND THE TWO DRIVERS ARE TO GO. THE EGYPTIAN WILL TRY TO BLOCK THEIR GOING AND THAT WILL BE HIS END. I GOD WILL FINISH HIM IN ISRAEL PLUS HIS 11 SUPPORTERS. LET ONLY MALCOLM KNOW THIS. MALCOLM IS TO PASS THE MESSAGE TO JOHN, NOT YOU RHODA." 7 angels in glittering white robes have said this to me now. Rhoda Comment: Only I should know about this meant that Rhoda should only notify me, not John, because John’s e-mails are intercepted by the gang, but hers to me are not. 20th March 2015. From Mark: Greetings. Seven angels in white glittering clothes visited me at midnight speaking in one voice, saying MM lit must be taken to GOD TV and the journey should begin by early next week without fail... Mark No Need For Visas: God Has Other Arrangements!20th March 2015. My reply to Mark and John: I am very curious to know how you can get from Kenya to Israel with the vans, and about how God works out your visas (I would think that it usually takes weeks to obtain such clearance). 23rd March 2015. ...We are already on the move to Israel. The angels this morning gave us an assurance to move ahead without fear of visa for it is the Great God leading us. We have taken the land route through Uganda. We have been in Tanzania. We have shared MM lit with many people. John Maswad The Muslim Madman15th March 2015. From Abdul Maswad: I'll support our people financially and fight by all means to end your ministry in Africa. Reply: Where are you located? In Egypt? What movement do you represent? The Muslim Brotherhood? Or al Qaeda? Or Boko Haram? Or Isis? 17th March 2015. From Abdul Maswad: Where I am located or the group I represent is none of your business. Already know you are in UK. I'll trace where you live and finish you because you are the stem of these your branches in Africa. Fool. 20th March 2015. 4:29. From Abdul Maswad. ...I belong to Muslim brotherhood and this week I sent alot of money to Benard Obin, John Ogada, Lukas Ogada, Nimrod Ondigo, Bradox Ochieng, Felix Ochieng in Kenya to bring your ministry down and I will continue sending more. Reply: 1. What is your objective regarding other people, not folks who agree with the teachings of MM? 2. What does the Quran say about killing Christians like us? 3. What does the Quran say about the reward of Muslims? 4. What is the highest objective of Islam for humanity? 5. What does the Quran say about sin? How does the Quran define it? 6. In Islam, what provision is made to atone for sin in humans? 7. Why do you not tolerate what we teach? What is abhorrent to you about it? Thanks for your time to answer these matters of great importance to human destiny. MBH Comment: He didn’t answer those questions. Islam has no adequate answer to the need for atonement for sin. Approaching Israel Through Egypt23rd March 2015. From Rhoda: "THE VANS MUST PASS THROUGH EGYPT WHERE I WILL SHOW THOSE WHO HAVE PLANNED TO ATTACK MM THAT I AM THE LORD. [See ch 65.] LET MALCOLM INFORM JOHN THAT." 7 angels have said that. God bless. 26th March 2015. 16:37. "TONIGHT THE VANS WILL ENTER EGYPT. THERE IS A BAD ROAD BLOCK THEY WILL MEET TONIGHT. THEY MUST NOT FEAR. I AM AHEAD. OPPOSITION IS THERE, ESPECIALLY IN EGYPT. REMIND JOHN TO PUT FAITH LIT IN FRONT OF BOTH THE VANS. NO ONE WILL FACE THE VANS." 7 angels have said this to me now. God bless. Rhoda 26th March 2015. 18:52. God is Great. We are approaching Aswan in Egypt. God has been good. John 27th March 2015. 8:20. From Abdul Maswad: I know your people are already in Egypt. My reply. 8:57. Answers to questions, please. You still haven't answered them. Or, perhaps you can't answer them because you don't believe anything of any substance. [I had asked him previously about his Muslim ‘ideology’. Those questions are listed on page 12.] Forget about 'our people' already in Egypt. They will do what God tells them to do, so if you try and interfere with their journey, you will pay the price for fighting against God. 28th March 2015. 21:34. From John: ...We are okay. We are crossing into Israel tomorrow. Reply: 22:55. Good to hear that you are entering Israel tomorrow. I am really curious to know what the angels have told you about that (I have heard nothing about it), and to hear of how they arrange that ‘impossible’ border crossing, and also to know what you have already gone through – the roadblock that Rhoda said was coming up. What happened? [Answers on page 14.] 30th March 2015. 10:05. From Abdul Maswad: I can't answer your questions because you are not a Muslim. I'll tell you what am capable of doing. Reply. 12:32. Answer my questions please, or you will have to answer to God for your obduracy. You are capable of only doing what God allows. You can't do very much at all, compared with Him. 30th March 2015. 11:38. From John in Jerusalem: Tonight at midnight we shall deliver the lits to God TV headquarters. We are left with £4.6k. We paid £400 border crossing charges. We are in downtown Jerusalem. 1st April 2015. 11:49. From John: God is great. The lits were delivered safely after which we got arrested by policia but God delivered us. [Comment: We realised later that it was not police who arrested the MM team, but Muslim mafia who had hired police uniforms and taken our guys hostage at gunpoint!] 3rd April 2015. 16:32. Route to GOD TV, Israel. God allowed us to travel by road safely without any hitch. From Busia in Kenya we travelled non-stop up to Kampala in Uganda where we took a rest for 2 hours. From Kampala we travelled the whole day to Juba in South Sudan where we arrived at 6 in the evening. We then rested for 1 hr before moving at night to Khartoum in Sudan. Here we arrived at 5 a.m. and rested up to 9 a.m. When we started the long journey to Aswan in Egypt it was a smooth trip for we passed over 6 roadblocks manned by armed police. From here we travelled to Taba where it was easy for us to go past a roadblock manned by over 16 armed police. We were required to show our Visas or be arrested. God gave me and Mark courage to face those officers. We removed 3 booklets Faith: Raising Our Level Of Expectation and I gave one to the police officer who looked like their leader. On touching the booklet he started shaking with fear, and he ordered for the barrier to be opened for us. From Taba to Eilat in Israel it took 45 minutes drive. We travelled through the night for 4½ hours to reach Jerusalem town the headquarters of God TV. J 3rd April 2015. 16:47. At GOD TV. God TV is located downtown in a small mall. There are watchmen at the entrance. I followed what God had said... to take the MM lits there. When we reached the gate we were allowed in and we pretended to be booking for air time to preach through their TV station. We were taken through a long procedure of doing so. It was at this juncture that I took out a bunch of the Why? series with 14 booklets and gave to P and J who received us. On leaving I gave them the Faith booklet. On touching the booklet, P promised to send us an invitation letter for their May meeting when they will be hosting people from all over the world in celebrating their Jubilee. J 3rd April 2015. Reply: Also, how did you get across the border from Israel back into Egypt? Did a similar miracle occur again? What happened at the border? (I would think it is a flash point, so we are curious to know.) John’s reply: 4th April 2015. Just after delivering the MM lits to GOD TV on passing out the gate we got detained for 45 mins and there again God worked a miracle. When we lifted up the Faith booklet in front of the 5 police officers they trembled with fear and left us to go free. At the border God miraculously let us pass through without any danger. We had fixed Faith booklets on the front of both the vans as God had commanded us. We observed Passover with three [former] Muslims: B, M and N. Now we have camped in Aswan in Egypt... God bless. J 5th April 2015. 14:36. From Abdul Maswad. Do you think am a fool! Your people will not leave Egypt and if they do the vans will remain here. [Comment: He was angry because the team managed to escape from his gunmen’s grasp. Their attack is covered in chapter 65.] Reply. 16:44. Since you ask, yes, I do think you are a fool. You have no power over us. The Almighty God whom we serve will deliver us from your wicked hands, and you will receive the reward you deserve. MBH
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