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Mighty Miracles Of God Volume 5 |
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62Lake Tanganyika Mission
Let God arise, let His enemies be scattered (Psalm 68:1.) The seven angels appeared to Nyasirwa and Musama in Uganda, when they were out fishing at night (related in MMG4, p 36). They appointed them to spread the words of life in MM literature, which they did around Lake Victoria. The next destination was Lake Tanganyika. But our main enemy in the area had just received huge funds and was determined to wipe us out completely: Lukas Tried To Bomb Emily’s Home26th February 2015. 15:23. From Benjamin: 4 people have been killed this night here in Oyugis after trying to put explosives in our ongoing house renovation. 2 others didn’t die and said that they were sent by Lukas to destroy the house. Out of the two, one was stoned by our neighbours and died, one was rescued by the police and placed in custody; he is called J O. He has given much information about Lukas to the police and even told the police who are financing Lukas, one of which is Lukas’s cousin who lives in Japan working in the motor industry and is very wealthy. He also said that Lukas received 5 million Kenyan shillings last week and again received 20 million yesterday. The money comes from his cousin’s friends in Japan to support African poor, widows and orphans and he uses it as his own. He also said that a man called Petter Watson from USA also supports Lukas, a friend of his who was in United Church Of God. He too said Lukas has another group of people in Qatar whom he supplies with [slave] labourers from Kenya and Uganda and he gets half of the wages they are paid. [Lukas kidnaps them and sends them to Qatar.] The 7 angels had given instructions about buying a boat for the MM outreach over Lake Tanganyika. Nyasirwa told me what they had found, but the boatmaker seemed to be trying to push up the price. I wanted to know whether 13k was the right price for it. The angels answered my query by telling Rhoda: 24th February 2015. 17:30. "THE BOAT ISSUE WILL BE OVER. YES, £13000 IS THE REQUIRED AMOUNT..." 14th February 2015. 19:39. From Lukas Ogada to Malcolm: Your Will wrote to me and i told him to stop funding you, we know that you have control over Uganda Islands in Lake Victoria but we will chalenge you, we too are going to take control over Lake Tanganyika and all its Islands, and we shall be felt more. Lake victoria Islands are just a handfull compared to where we are going to control, Kony is not dead and we are going to be back soon with a new winning plan Reply. 21:21. Ah, that's good, more 'fireworks' coming then! And more opportunity for our Supreme, All-Powerful, Wonderful God to prove again His supremacy over satan and your evil hordes! We relish the challenge to prove again that the power of faith in Jesus Christ is greater than your human weaponry. And your funds are not going to last too long if you try to engage Kony. You probably still owe him for the last debacle, when MM folks were released by angels, and the angels struck Kony's men dead. It's no problem for God to take out Kony if He wants to. 15th February 2015. 12:23. From Lukas Ogada: I hv recieve 5.7 million kshs today much that you cant even raise for a year to your people, you thought i will go down Malcolm, im going to pay Kony and buy a brand new boat to disorganise you in Uganda. Then come back to Ndhiwa and Oyugis and destroy all of you. I have spoken. The Race Is On To Lake Tanganyika16th February 2015. From Nyasirwa: God is so kind, we again managed to sail to the Pyramid Island [in Lake Victoria] for the last time after Paul and us gathered some funds to take the books there. I, Musama, Otwak and James sailed together to the place. The journey was shorter as the sea was calm, we took three nights on the water this time and arrived safely. On our way back the last night, the seven angels appeared to us and commanded that I and Musama should separate. I was told to remain with Otwak as we reach out to Lake Victoria Island while Musama and James are to go and support outreach in the islands of Lake Tanganyika. They informed us too that Lukas is planning to go there and that Musama must plan a first move before Lukas reaches there. [Lukas planned to spread malicious lies about MM throughout the lake, undermining our teachings, turning people against us, before we arrived.] They informed us that we should expect another boat by next week for Musama and James for that outreach. We have placed everything before God in prayer over this outreach and believe that Lukas’s evil plans will never prevail. N 16th February 2015. From Paul: ...God visited me in a dream last night and informed me that Lukas plans a big outreach after receiving a big sum of money sent to him to disorganize us. On the last Sabbath, two people were healed, Jacob and Elizabeth. Jacob was bedridden for two years suffering from cancer, and Elizabeth had a bleeding womb that hindered her from child bearing. 27th Feb 2015. 18:21. From Rhoda, what the 7 angels told her: "AT LEAST £500 BE SENT TO X [the need and name were specified but are deleted here]. ALSO THE VANS FROM TANZANIA WILL TRANSPORT THE LITS TO THE LAKE WHERE THE BOAT WILL FERRY THEM TO ALL ISLANDS IN LAKE VICTORIA FROM UGANDA SIDE... I GOD HAVE SPOKEN." 7 Angels have delivered this in the evening. God bless. 24th February 2015. Another message from the 7 angels. .... We also received the message that Lukas is going to meet and bribe the boat dealers to stop us getting it. He is going there on Friday... We were also told that Lukas has bought six boats for Lake Tanganyika which he plans to fight us with, but we were promised to win over him. Lake Tanganyika is going to be the greatest battle scene between God and the devil and we believe God has already delivered us. Nyasirwa God Destroys The First 2 of Lukas’s Boats1st March 2015. 8:59. Lukas’s boats destroyed. A truck ferrying two boats from Kenya has been reported to have crashed near Kampala. We believe these are for Lukas. The truck lost control, rolled six times before bursting into flames. Nothing has been rescued. Nyasirwa 1st March 2015. 12:40. From Lukas Ogada: Lough more, yes as you attacked and destroyed my boats. This has not made a dent in my pocket. I have ordered for four new ones again. Go on, all not loose hope in this war until you accept the defeat. Reply: I didn't attack your boats. God's angels did. The outcome of this war is already settled in heaven. You have lost. We will never accept defeat. 2nd March 2015. 9:22. From Lukas Ogada: Oh. How do you believe!, its true two of my boats were destroyed. But why do you believe you have won??, two of my boats arrived in Tanganyika safely so the other two are just an accident. So dont be happy becouse you wont reach there as i did say that i will block you. L 2nd March 2015. 10:13. The angels tell Rhoda about Lake Tanganyika mission. Is the first boat ready for the evangelism? Thanks to God, the Lake Tanganyika mission should not fail for God will use it to bring down Lukas. Rhoda Boat Maker Shaken By 7 Angels Visiting Him!3rd March 2015. 18:08. The angels visited the boat maker and instructed him to give us the boat at £13k and include the transportation and the service in that total cost. He called me in fear and told me that the angels instructed him so. [This is because he was trying to force up the cost, but we couldn’t raise more money.] He also told me that he was told that if he did that, he would have more buyers of his boats thereafter. He has called to inform me today. Nyasirwa 4th March 2015. 4:12. Lukas taunts again: I worned you and you laughed at me its my success. So happy today, soon MM in Uganda will be over. Laugh more but lets see who laughs last. 4th March 2015. 8:02. The angels visit Mark: I received an info last night from the angels of the Lord that a willing servant of God is going to fund the boat soon to fund the gospel of the kingdom of God in E. Africa. It's going to cost £13000. That is the Lord’s message. Mark 4th March 2015. 9:18. "THE BOAT SHOULD COST ONLY £13000 NO MORE. £600 BE SENT TO RIEK MOJONG WHO SHOULD COME AND WITNESS THE LAKE TANGANYIKA BOAT MISSION. IT SHOULD REACH HIM THROUGH JOHN." 7 angels said this to me at dawn today. God bless. Rhoda 4th March 2015. 15:00. From Felix Ochieng. Hahahaha!!! Your well is dry. You don't have money any more. You are now finished. Idiot! 4th March 2015. 17:35. "THE VANS SHOULD MOVE AHEAD TO LAKE TANGANYIKA ON TUESDAY NEXT WEEK WHERE A FISHERMAN CALLED Z WILL RECEIVE THEM AND HELP THEM OBTAIN THE LICENCE FOR THE EVANGELISM SUCH THAT WHEN THE BOAT ARRIVES THE DISTRIBUTION OF LITS SHOULD GO ON UNINTERRUPTED. I, GOD, HAVE SPOKEN." 7 angels delivered this message this evening. God bless. Rhoda 5th March 2015. 18:35. From Felix Ochieng: Ahuuh!! One of your vans is now grounded. Unless you pay us the required amount is when your ministry will operate in Africa as a whole. 18:51. Are you willing to co-operate with us? let me know as soon as possible. Failure to which we are going to ground all the MM vans by all means. Felix Ochieng Reply: You won't be able to touch those vans, or ground them, so GET LOST!!! Our God will strike dead anyone who tries to interfere with those vans. You have been warned. MBH Held Up For Lack Of Funds, But God Sinks 3rd Boat6th March 2015. Another boat for Lukas has sunken in Lake Tanganyika killing six people. We have received the news that they have printed fake MM books and put false information in them. They use them to put fear in people. The boat builder sent to me a mail asking when we are taking the boat. I have not replied to him yet because I too don’t have information over it. 6th March 2015. "IT IS TRUE JOHN IS DOWN FINANCIALLY. THEY REQUIRE MONEY TO MOVE OUT ON TUESDAY TO LAKE TANGANYIKA... I AM WITH THEM IN THE TANGANYIKA MISSION." 7 angels have instructed me to pass this message to you now without fail. Rhoda John’s Dream Of A Big Attack Coming6th March 2015. From Felix Ochieng: You are just an idiot! Blind and foolish pastor who can not see what is about to happen. 9th March 2015. 9:28. From John about his dream: In a dream yesternight I saw a group of us being chased by a rogue elephant, then from nowhere you and Helena approached us while in a kneeling position telling us to stop panicking, instead look up. When we looked in the sky we saw a large group of angels protecting us with bows and arrows. The elephant then disappeared. John Reply: << I saw a group of us being chased by a rogue elephant, >> This portends some sort of attack from opponents. << you and Helena approached us while in a kneeling position >> Portraying intercession to counter the attack. << telling us to stop panicking instead look up. >> No need to panic or worry. Just look to God to deliver you from the opponents. He will. << When we looked in the sky we saw a large group of angels protecting us with bows and arrows. The elephant then disappeared. >> You are under protection of God's angels, so you can do this work for Him. 11th March 2015. 7:39. From Felix Ochieng: You are just a big fool. Am forwarding all these e-mails to Omar's brother in Egypt. 11th March 2015. 12.00. From Abdul Maswad [maswadabdul@gmail.com] Have heard much about you. You have killed our people and burnt our mosque down converting our folks into Christianity with your false prophet called Mark. You're also a false prophet. I'll kill both of you with my bear hands. I want to stop your mission in Africa with immediate effect. Fool!!! Reply. 12:34. Go ahead. Try and kill us. You are coming against servants of God, and our God who is true to His Word, the Bible, holds His accusers to account. Malcolm B Heap Dip A Faith Booklet In The Water From The Lake, Sprinkle It On The Vans, And God Will Protect You12th March 2015. 17:24. The 7 angels told Rhoda: An Egyptian is planning to attack MM. "HE IS PLANNING TO ATTACK MY PEOPLE WHILE THEY ARE OUT IN MY MISSION IN LAKE TANGANYIKA. LET JOHN FETCH LAKE WATER IN A MUG TONIGHT THEN DIP ONE FAITH LIT IN IT AND AT MIDNIGHT HE IS TO SPRINKLE THE WATER ON THE VANS WHEN NOBODY INCLUDING THE DRIVERS ARE SEEING HIM. NO ONE WILL FACE ME IN THE BATTLEFIELD AND WIN, I AM THE GREAT I AM." 7 angels have said this to me now. They promised to tell me his full details tonight. Rhoda John’s response: God is God and the Battle is His. [See chapter 65.] God Brings Along Our Contact Man12th March 2015. Z. When we reached the shores of Lake Tanganyika a young man came to us and introduced himself to us as Z [name protected]. He led us safely to a nearby hotel called Mkono wa Mungu where we took some tea. He even accepted to help us obtain licence tomorrow. We are with him here now. God bless. John To John: Q: How did God show Z to meet you? How did he know who to look for or who you were? Was he told by an angel to look out for the two vans? Or was there some other indicator he was given? What does Mkono wa Mungu translate as? Thanks. A: 13th March 2015. 13:58. This meeting was ordained by God, because immediately we arrived he came and said... "God's servants, how can I help you? I am Z from Tanga I am a fisherman here. Last night I had a dream 3 times, each time dreaming of God sending His missionaries in Lake Tanganyika in two vans to spread the gospel. I saw a bright light before your vans as you approached us and my dream was confirmed. Welcome." These words helped us know that God was in our meeting. Mkono wa Mungu means “the hand of God.” J
Abdul Maswad and Osama Bin Laden13th March 2015. 4:51. From Abdul Maswad: Just keep on exchanging words with me as if am your father. Am a very dangerous person you haven't met in your entire life. Hope you heard about Osama Bin Laden so watch out! Abdul Maswad, maswadabdul@gmail.com Reply. 9:10. Yes, I've heard of Osama bin Laden. He's dead now, isn't he? Why? Because he chose to be a terrorist and do evil. And you are doing the same. So your fate is to be blotted out from this earth, too. I suggest you get a Bible, and read of the fate of the wicked in Psalm 10, and Psalm 21:8-9. When God came to earth in mortal flesh, in the physical form of Jesus, He warned that those who use violence to promote their agenda will die similarly (Matt 26:52; Rev 13:10). So I suggest you repent before the Almighty God, relinquish your false religion of Islam, which is actually a worship of demons and Satan, the enemy of God, and then turn your life around to do good instead of evil. Then God will spare you. But now you are facing the death penalty in the Heavenly Court for having chosen to attack God's servants. MBH
Lake Tanganyika Happenings14th March 2015. Hi. This is .Z I have met with the MM God. In today's meeting we discussed the lit Faith: Raising Our Level of Expectation and already God has answered my prayer. My mother (W) who has suffered from Typhoid is healed. I was instructed by Mark and John to go touch her head with the lit 7 times which I did this evening. The headache stopped and now we are in Lake Tanganyika Hospital and the test for typhoid is negative. 16th March 2015. 12:57. W is leading us to her house for prayers. She was attacked by some Muslim clerics for accepting MM. They hit her left eye. John 17th March 2015. "MY SERVANTS IN LAKE TANGANYIKA ARE DOWN FINANCIALLY. JOHN IS LEFT WITH LESS THAN £1000 BUT THE MISSION IS GREAT. I WILL PROTECT THEM FROM ALL ENEMIES. "MALCOLM MUST NOT ANSWER FALSE TRICKS FROM OGADA AND HIS GANG, THEY WILL PRETEND TO BE ASKING MALCOLM FOR FORGIVENESS, IT IS A TRICK. "IF X CAN BE SENT £2000 TO SEND TO JOHN FOR THE MISSION IT WILL BE GREAT." 7 angels have just delivered this to me now. God bless. Rhoda Comment: With that prompt from the angels, a supporter who has helped us many times, was able to do so again. We have been continually short of funds, because of lack of human support. The few who have helped us in this commission have done so by great sacrifice. God Sinks Lukas’s Last 3 Boats22nd March 2015. God has dealt kindly with us here in Lake Tanganyika and we have so proven to all that the bad news about MM that was given to them are all lies and not the truth. Many have received healing and accepted the truth as all those who were planted by Lukas have fled back after their three boats got sunk in the water, not getting even one person rescued. Nyasirwa 7th April 2015. 21:50. Lake Albert outreach, too. The feasts of God ended well with us here in Uganda. The Lord visited us through His angels and just more work we have been sent to do. The angels informed us that I will continue with the outreach in Lake Tanganyika as Musama has been sent to take the other boat to Lake Albert that borders Uganda and Congo where he is going to continue his outreach ministry from Rukwanzi Bay towards other Bays, Islands and Ports. I was told to go towards Ndole Bay, then port Kigoma, Kalamie and end at Port Mpulungu that is going to take me three to four weeks if the sea is calm, and if I make few stops. (The angels too informed me about the DNA issue in Kenya...) N MM Literature Spread AbroadThe above e-mails paint the picture for you of how, through the seven angels, God directed all our operations. He thwarted all opposition so it could not ruin the outreach. He provided the necessary funds through a sacrificial supporter, since we had no funds (MM is poor, underfunded). He protected the lives of MM workers, protected the two vans, protected our boats, and whatever else was necessary but which we could not do, God did also. So MM literature was spread throughout the islands of Lake Victoria, Lake Tanganyika, Lake Albert, and along the shores of the several adjoining countries. These are the days of Elijah, declaring the Word of the Lord. |
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