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Mighty Miracles Of God Volume 4 |
60 Rwanda, Burundi And Eritrea: Go, To Avert Genocide
You called in trouble, and I delivered you. I answered you in the secret place of thunder… (Psalm 81:7). 12th February 2015. 18:48. Rhoda was told: “Tonight a meeting is on to plan how to block the vans on their way to Rwanda where I THE GREAT I AM WILL DESTROY ALL THE MM ATTACKERS IN THE MIDNIGHT BATTLE. I AM HAPPY MY SERVANTS MARK, JOHN, AND VUGA ARE FOLLOWING THE INSTRUCTION I GIVE TO YOU MALCOLM. NOW LET THEM GET TEMPORARY PASSPORTS BEFORE LEAVING SOUTHERN SUDAN FOR THEY WILL REQUIRE THEM IN RWANDA. LET MARK CHANGE ALL THE TYRES FOR THE NEW VAN. THE FAITH BOOKLET SHOULD BE OPENED IN BOTH THE VANS FOR I WILL PASS THROUGH IT TO STRIKE MM ENEMIES. “THEY WILL REQUIRE AN EXTRA £3000 TO BE SAFE, FOR AFTER DESTROYING THE MM ATTACKERS, THESE VANS WILL MOVE UP TO ERITREA WHERE A VERY DANGEROUS NEPHEW TO THE LATE OMAR, WHO SENT THEM WEAPONS, HIDES. I THE LORD WHO BROUGHT DOWN NEBUKADNEZZAR WILL DESTROY HIM IN RWANDA. I WILL ACT ON SATURDAY AT MIDNIGHT.” 7 angels gave this at 7 p.m. speaking in one voice. Midnight Thunder Kills Enemies In Rwanda16th Feb 2015. 8:29. God is Great! We have had a very poor network from Saturday night when we arrived here in Rwanda. We have confirmed that it is God who did it to put our enemies into confusion as communication between them was not feasible. God did this to catch them unawares. The full report follows. John 16th February 2015. 9:51. The Midnight Thunder! 6 people died in a unique operation by God on Saturday night in Rwanda. We reached Kigali at 8 p.m. on Saturday. After something like half an hour a group of armed men surrounded the vans and ordered us to come out, but we refused. Their leader then made some phone calls ordering for more petroleum to be brought. He made phone calls for over 3 hours, calling for more people to come to help them kill us. At exactly 11:45 p.m. all the phones including ours lost network and it started raining. It went on raining till midnight when lightning and thunder started hitting these people. As we watched they burnt like coal to ashes. We stayed there till 2 a.m. when it stopped raining. Angels then appeared to us and told us to move towards Eritrea. We travelled through yesterday and now we are 47km from Eritrea. Prophet Mark is sending a detailed report on the same. God bless. John 14:40. From Mark about the Rwanda wipe-out. Praise the Almighty God! On 14th Feb 2015, we reached Kigali Rwanda at around 8 pm. At about 9 pm, a group of well armed men surrounded our vans and commanded us to come out but we all refused to do so. Their commander made several phone calls for hours calling for more reinforcements to come with speed to help them destroy our lives. At exactly 11:45 pm, all the phones lost network and it started to rain. It rained with a strong wind, till at 12 midnight lightning and thunder hit those armed men. As we watched, they all burned like coal into ashes. We stayed there till the rain stopped at 2 am. Then seven angels in long white robes appeared speaking in one voice telling us to move towards Eritrea. We travelled as from yesterday and now we are resting in a small town near Eritrea… Mark 16th February 2015. To John: I have a query about the itinerary. I thought you were meant to be going to Burundi to avert a genocide. Did you go to Burundi after or before Rwanda? Malcolm The query was answered at midnight by the 7 angels: 17th February 2015. 10:18. “The Rwanda thunder at midnight was meant to clear the way for the GREATEST SALVATION I, THE GREAT I AM, AM GOING TO DO IN BURUNDI TO STOP THE PLANNED GENOCIDE IN THE FORTHCOMING ELECTIONS. SOME OF THE PEOPLE I DESTROYED IN RWANDA WERE THE MASTERMINDS. AFTER CLEARING OMAR’S NEPHEW IN ERITREA TONIGHT WITH ALL HIS 30 WORKMEN, FROM ERITREA THE VANS WILL MOVE WITHOUT OPPOSITION TO BURUNDI… LET JOHN, VUGA, AND MARK NOT CONFUSE THE RWANDA MIDNIGHT THUNDER AND BURUNDI GENOCIDE STOPPING. I gave the warning at the right time so that you can remain vigilant in waiting for Me to act.” 7 angels gave this information at midnight. Let’s not confuse the Rwanda midnight thunder with Burundi genocide aversion outreach. Rhoda Eritrea Warlord And Gunmen Killed17th February 2015. 13:53. “LET JOHN, MARK, AND VUGA PARK THE VANS TO THE EAST SIDE OF ALMUKHISA MOSQUE. THEN JOHN AND MARK ARE TO ALIGHT FROM THE VANS, CARRYING WITH THEM 3 FAITH BOOKLETS, AND MOVE TO THE NORTHERN PART OF THE MOSQUE. 100M AWAY THEY WILL SEE A STONE WALL LABELLED MASJID KHAMIS BIN NGAO. LET THEM PLACE THE BOOKS AT THE GATE AND MOVE BACK TO THE VANS. THEY MUST NOT LOOK BACK [must not look behind them – like the instruction given to Lot before God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah]. AT MIDNIGHT TONIGHT I, THE LORD OF LORDS, WILL BRING DOWN THAT WALL WITH ALL IN IT. MALCOLM IS TO PASS THIS MESSAGE ON TO JOHN AND MARK.” 7 angels in glittering white clothes gave this to me 10 minutes ago. God bless. Rhoda Thursday, 19th February 2015. 12:14. BIN NGAO AND HIS TEAM DEAD. It all started at exactly midnight [on Tuesday 17th February]. From our parking point what we heard were sounds of cracking walls and fireworks, thunder and [lightning] spikes. People were crying out, saying: “Forgive me! I am a slave brought here to train how to make firearms to be used in blocking Malcolm’s Ministry.” Another one cried: “Wuui, wuui, Malcolm! I am Ngao. Don’t kill me! I am ready to tell the truth.” But all died. We then moved out of Eritrea yesterday morning. Now we are crossing into Rwanda and expect to be in Burundi tomorrow. Mark has got more to report. John Reply: Thanks for the info. I need more, please. 1. Did the mosque collapse? Answer. Yes. It was set on fire. 2. What was the wall where you placed the Faith booklets? Was it a wall that surrounded the mosque enclosure, or was it a wall that was part of the mosque itself? How high was the wall? Answer. A wall that surrounded the mosque enclosure, over 10m high. 3. Was it dark when you placed the booklets there? What time was that in the evening? Answer. 7:30 p.m. It was dark. 4. Did anyone see you put the lit there? Answer. No. 5. Did you see anyone around the area? Answer. No. We could hear people talking inside the wall enclosure. 6. Did other people get to know what you did and what occurred afterwards at midnight? Answer. The sound of the falling wall and lightning were loud that many people around heard. 7. Were the police called? (Assuming there are police in that area.) Answer. People ran away from that area including police officers. 8. What are “spikes”? Do you mean bolts of lightning – huge electrical discharges? Answer. Yes spikes are bolts of lightning. 9. How many blokes were killed? Answer. We couldn’t count the number for we left when the burning was still on, but the angels said over 30. 10. Did you see any of them? Where were those men? In the mosque? Outside it? Answer. All were in the wall enclosure. 11. Did they know you were in the vicinity with your vans? Answer. No. God made them confused not to suspect us to be spies.
22nd February 2015. 9:44. To John: About the episode in Eritrea: 1. What town was Almukhisa mosque in? Answer. Ebb. 2. The name Bin Ngao was on the wall of the mosque, which was also the name of one of the men whom God killed. Was he the mosque leader (imam?) or the terrorist commander? Do you know anything about him? Or about the band of terrorists he commanded? Were they al Qaeda or al Shabaab? Answer. Al Shabaab. Bin Ngao was the mosque leader. 3. What language did they speak? In what language did you hear their cries for help? Answer. A mixture of languages such as Kiswahili, Arabic, Somali. 4. I wonder what happened to the three Faith booklets you left near the gate. I wonder whether people might find them later in the rubble. 5. How did God lead you to go to that area in Eritrea, and know which mosque God wanted to blitz? Was there an angelic instruction on that, which was not relayed to me? Answer. Angels through Rhoda directed us to the Mosque. In Burundi, Our Lack Of FinanceFrom Rhoda: “THE VANS MAY BE IN A FIX for John, Mark, Vuga have little money. But no fear they still need only £6500 to complete My work in Burundi.” 7 Angels have just woken me up now to send you this message. 21st February 2015. 1:45. You thought I was dead. I survived by Allah name. Mohammed is great. We are following your men to Burundi. They will be locked in police cell for life. We received alot of money from Middle east. You don’t have money and keep on begging idiot. Felix Ochieng Reply. 11:33. So you are going to follow them to Burundi, are you? And you think that loads of money makes things right, do you? What folly! You haven’t learned from what God Almighty did to Almukhisa Mosque after midnight on 17th / 18th February, when he bolted it with lightning and thunder, and burned it down, and killed Bin Ngao and his 30 terrorists. You foolishly think you can defeat that power, do you? Come on then, let’s see how far you get. You say you survived by Allah’s name. Who is Allah? None other than the god of this world who works in the children of lawlessness, promoting evil, discord, unhappiness and suffering. You say Mohammed is great. A great what? A great deceiver? A great con merchant? A great destroyer? A great impostor? One who has usurped the position and authority of Jesus Christ, the Saviour of the world, Whom the world foolishly rejects. I wrote to Omar Masjid on 9th January 2015: “Your god whom you serve in hatred and violence, in robbery and destruction, is the prince of the power of the air, who infests all the sons of disobedience like yourself. So your so-called ‘Allah’ and the false prophet Mohammed can’t save you. Mohammed is dead, and your god is much less powerful than the true ALMIGHTY God whom we serve. “Unless you repent, God will strike you dead for your blasphemy against Him and His holy love. MBH” And, true to those words, Omar is now dead. He was burned to death by the power of God’s holy fire. [In S Sudan, see p 63.] And I warn you that if you try to follow the MM vans in Burundi, to cause them harm, that you will end the same way, killed by our pure, holy and righteous God. So, back off if you value your life. Malcolm B Heap 22nd February 2015. 17:48. From Felix Ochieng: You think I can listen to your foolish ideas. I am going to burn your so called vans to see if you can get money and buy them again. idiot! 18:18. You are threatening my life. We will see. Felix Ochieng The 7 Angels Tell Of £1,500,000 Bribe To Police22nd February 2015. 19:03. From Mark: Greetings. Our phones are off because a large group of people are tracing us. They have hired very dangerous weapons to down the vans completely. Someone also has bribed the police in Burundi a lot of money amounting to £1.5m to confiscate the two vans and he is also trying to intimidate you. The message was relayed by seven angels in white robes. Their faces were like burning fire that I couldn’t look twice. We beg for your prayers. God bless. M 22nd February 2015. 19:26. “Armed men are following the Vans to harm My servants. The thugs have even bribed the Police with £1.5m BUT I AM THE GOD OF gods. LET JOHN, MARK, VUGA, KARIM PUT MY LITS ON THE DASHBOARDS OF THE VANS AND WAIT FOR MY ACTION. NO ONE WILL STAND BEFORE ME. THE THUGS WILL MEET MY WRATH TOMORROW AT MIDNIGHT. “I TRUST THE £4500 WILL REACH THEM IN TIME SO THAT FUEL IS NOT A WORRY, FOR THE VANS WILL TRAVERSE ALL TOWNS IN BURUNDI. I THE LORD HAVE SPOKEN.” 7 Angels gave this at 6.00 p.m. God bless. Rhoda 23rd February 2015. 13:34. In Burundi: “3 policemen will surrender to the Lord tonight, but over 45 police will lose their eyesight.” 7 Angels gave this in the morning. Rhoda 23rd February 2015. 17:52. We are fine waiting for God’s action on these rogue Police. We believe God will tonight show them the way here in Burundi. John 23rd February 2015. 18:20. “JOHN, VUGA, MARK, KARIM ARE TO MOVE OUT OF THE VANS AND SURROUND THE VANS WITH MM BOOKLETS OF FAITH. THEN ALL ARE TO SLEEP UNDER THE VANS. THE FIRST 10 PEOPLE TO TOUCH THE VANS WILL REMAIN MOTIONLESS TILL MORNING. THE REST WILL LOSE THEIR EYESIGHT. PASS IT TO MALCOLM.” 7 Angels have delivered this message now. Rhoda Deliverance In Burundi At Midnight24th February 2015. 14:31. Last night at midnight our God scattered our enemies in a way that MM is now the [subject of] talk here. God made many lose their eyesight and many too ran away. You will receive a full report tonight. John 17:11. How God dealt with our enemies in Burundi. At midnight God turned many blind and confused. They surrounded our vans and ordered us to come out. The first to touch the vans fell to the ground and started disclosing all that they planned to do to us including burning the vans. Some of them who tried to run away could not, for they could not see. Then a strong wind blew, dispersing them in different directions. Come morning most of them were still confused like drunkards looking for those to assist them. Today we went on with evangelism distributing lit. Towns where MM lit has been distributed in Burundi: Bubanza; Bururi; Bujumbura; Gitega. J Rhoda was told by the angels: 24th February 2015. 17:30. “BOAT ISSUE WILL BE OVER, YES £13000 IS THE REQUIRED AMOUNT. [This was an answer to a query I had. See Vol 5.] “BURUNDI WILL SEE MY SIGN ON FRIDAY MIDNIGHT [27th Feb]. THE VANS MUST VISIT ALL CITIES BUT ON FRIDAY NIGHT LET MM LIT FAITH BE PLACED AT THE GATE OF BUJUMBURA CENTRAL SDA CHURCH WHERE THE PASTOR CALLED KIJITOCHUMBA IS MISLEADING MY PEOPLE AND SPREADING HATRED. HE IS ORGANISING A GROUP TO ATTACK THE VANS TOMORROW, BUT ALL THOSE PEOPLE WILL DIE JUST BY TOUCHING THE VANS. I, GOD, HAVE SAID. DON’T TELL THIS TO JOHN, VUGA, MARK YET. “THEY NEED MORE MONEY FOR FUEL FOR IT IS A DIFFICULT JOURNEY.” 7 Angels have said this 10 minutes ago. Rhoda 25th February 2015. 8:31. From Felix Ochieng: You can’t stop killing us. It’s ok your satanic people including you will face the consequences of Allah. 25th February 2015. 9:09. We are surrounded by a group. It is now 2 hours since the vans got blocked to move out of Bujumbura by a group of SDA members threatening to burn the vans and kill us. They are many over 20 people. We trust God to protect us. God bless. J Reply. 9:40. Yes, God will deliver, even if it may take days or hours (as you know already from past experiences). Sometimes He allows things to run for quite a while, to test us, to make our trust in Him more enduring. But He WILL deliver, as we keep focused on him. If you can’t travel, it may give you all time to study the Word for a while. God bless. Helena is constantly interceding (all day long!) so deliverance will come. Further. 9:55. Please can you ask the people to contact the SDA pastor Kijitochumba and ask him to communicate with me. I have a message for him. He can contact me on this e-mail address. Thanks. Malcolm Further. 12:47. It may be that pastor Kijitochumba (SDA leader) doesn’t want to communicate with anyone over here. So, what we suggest is to write this out and stick it in the windscreen or under the wiper blades on the outside: To Pastor Kijitochumba, pastor in Bujumbura Central SDA church: Please take care. Please note that the SDA folks who are blockading the MM vans are obstructing God’s Work on earth. Anyone who has malice in their heart against what God is doing comes under God’s wrath. Anyone who tries to harm these servants of God or the MM vans will be struck dead. I do not want to see you or anyone else struck dead. I prefer to see you all move out of the way so that what God wants for you all can be achieved. But if all you people do not get out of the way, God holds you accountable, and He will punish some with death for trying to harm the work of Midnight Ministries, from Box 29, Aylesbury, UK. 25th February 2015. 16:24. We have been surrounded by a group of people for several hours that we cannot move. We just lock ourselves into the vans. Right now a strong wind is blowing with dust and some little downpour. We have tried so hard but we can’t get a chance to go and print this letter so that we can stick it on the windscreen. I’ll keep you updated. Pray for us. Mark 25th February 2015. 20:40. From Felix Ochieng: Come rescue your people now. Idiot Reply. 21:37. I don’t have to come and rescue them. God will. You’ll see. Comment: It looks like Felix Ochieng replaced the deceased George Obunga as coordinator of Lukas’s attacks on us. 26th February 2015. 6:37. From Mark in Burundi: It was exactly 11:00 pm soon after J wrote a warning letter and stuck it on the windscreen, a large number of people flocked in front of the vans armed with machetes and guns eager to read the warning missives and protesting to kill us all. At 12:00 am [midnight] it began to rain heavily with hailstones, lightning and thunderstorm that we couldn’t see anything happening outside the vans. We were only able to hear people crying in loud voices saying “why are you killing us Lord? Please forgive us for mistreating your chosen servants.” After 30 mins the weather calmed and we could see several people lying down on the ground. We stayed in the vans till dawn. When I came out of the van I could see 13 dead bodies down. Right now we are hiding in a nearby forest. When the situation becomes calm is when we can move because there was a lot of noise of people mourning at the scene when we left. J will write more about the incident soon before we move to another place because our phones will be off. Mark 26th February 2015. 6:59. From Rhoda in Kenya: “THE PASTOR HAS GOT UP TO TOMORROW EVENING TO SURRENDER OR ELSE I WILL DESTROY HIM AT MIDNIGHT.” 7 Angels have reported this morning. 26th February 2015. 7:17. From John in Burundi: I copied the warning letter and fixed it onto the windscreen. Those people then surrounded the vans to read the warning letter. When they saw their pastor’s name they became mad and wanted to smash the windscreen using machetes, clubs, pangas and guns. They abused us for over 3 hours. When it reached 12.00 a.m. [midnight] it started raining with thunder and lightning till we couldn’t see properly. We only heard cries from those people pleading with God to save them. At dawn Mark came out and counted 13 dead bodies. We hid in the Forest away from people who came to mourn but the pastor was nowhere. We plan to move on with our outreach from 2 p.m. God bless. Reply. 11:38. Thanks for your two reports of what took place last night. I thank God for His constant care and love towards us all, sparing His Work and His people. I would think that one of His objectives in this episode is to reach some of the people psychologically trapped in that SDA church in Bujumbura under that evil pastor’s rule. Since the pastor is going to be struck dead at midnight tomorrow (Friday), I wonder if it is necessary for some of those good people to be notified of that warning you stuck on the screen and what took place afterwards last night, when God killed some of the evildoers. Then they will understand why the man is taken, when it happens. But, I don’t know if it’s possible for you to locate any of those folks, or whether God wants you to do it that way. But it would be nice if you knew just one or two good SDA folks in that church, to be able to pass on the information of what God did and why. Have you had any directions on that from Above? Q: Did the vans get damaged at all last night? A: No the vans are Okay. Q: Did you leave that warning note at the scene where the 13 were struck down by God? Or any lit? A: Yes a copy of the warning note was left at the scene. We gave out 3 lits of Faith to 3 people who surrendered. Their names were 1) F. 2) K. 3) M. Q: That’s good. I wonder about the other 3 policemen in the previous scene, who came to you asking for forgiveness. They were probably genuine ones, the 3 who fulfilled what the angels said to Rhoda about 3 policemen coming to repentance. You sent them away. Did you give them any lit? A: Yes. Mark said that we give them one Faith lit, and they go share. 26th February 2015. 21.00. To Lukas Ogada and Felix Ochieng: Hey! Keep the attacks coming. We’re thriving on them!! More hit men struck dead! This time in Oyugis, and in Bujumbura. Lukas, you’ve got to do better than try to bribe boat dealers in Uganda. Don’t you remember that Jesus walked on water? He didn’t need a boat! And He can sink yours as fast as He wants. [More on this episode is in MMG Volume 5.] So, come on, next attack, please, and your demise is just that much closer. 27th February 2015. 11:34. From Rhoda. The 7 angels declared: “THE VANS MUST STAND STILL TONIGHT. THE WARNING LETTER FROM MALCOLM IS TO BE PLACED AT THE SDA GATE TODAY EVENING, THEN THE VANS SHOULD BE FUELLED WELL, FOR AFTER MIDNIGHT THERE IS A JOURNEY TO MUSOMA TANZANIA TO SAVE VUGA’S MOTHER WHO IS BITTEN BY A POISONOUS SNAKE.” 7 Angels have given this 5 minutes ago. God bless. Comment: I think midnight was mentioned because God will strike the pastor Kijitochumba dead at midnight (unless he repents, which I very much doubt). After that is accomplished, the next day (or earlier if God requires that) the vans can depart for Tanzania. Midnight is God’s biblical symbol of judgment. The Evil Pastor’s Last Hours On Earth27th Feb 2015. 17:58. We placed the warning letter at the church gate. J 18:07. This pastor is arrogant. While placing the warning letter we heard him together with some of his followers pray aloud cursing Midnight Ministries and promising to kill us and burn the vans this coming Sunday. We left that place amazed at how pastors can be agents of the devil. Tonight we trust God will wipe him off. God bless. Comment: It IS astonishing how evil they can be! There are loads of false ones! 28th February 2015. The pastor met with the MM God yesterday Friday at midnight. Thunder struck him together with his 4 assistants. His wife Mwanzia Mbema got rescued when she denounced her husband’s demands to fight God. We are on the journey to Vuga’s mother now. God is God. John 1st March 2015. 13:52. Lit placed on Vuga’s mother. Prophet Mark was moved by God to place the booklet Faith Raising Our Level Of Expectation on Vuga’s mother’s chest and she started sweating. A group that had gathered in her compound waiting for her death thanked our God and asked for lit. We gave out 5 to be shared. We are on our way to Kenya to pack more for the island boat mission. John 2nd March 2015. 4:48. Vuga’s mother is fine now. We placed the booklet Faith on her leg that was bitten and she started sweating, after which she gained consciousness. A group came into her compound and we discussed with them the lits. Now we are crossing into Kenya at Sirare. John The Final Solution To WarTrue faith is the real solution to war. In the preceding pages, you have read of the powerful hand of God in action, wiping out enemies. Where there is true faith in God – where His truth is fully believed and lived out – God actively defends His people. He promised Israel that He would fight their battles against enemies IF they would trust in Him (Exodus 14:14). When they faced the daunting task of entering Canaan, which was full of powerful tribes stronger than them, they lacked that trust. It withered in the wilderness heat. Their lives illustrated the human way that nations always choose without God – war. God has to let the world go its own way, trying to resolve problems in its own strength, till people come to see that His way is the only way that is right, and really choose it, even when faced with death. Copyright: Midnight Ministries, PO Box 29, Aylesbury, HP17 8TL, UK www.midnightministries.org.uk
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