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Mighty Miracles Of God Volume 4 |
61 Time Is Up!
The angel whom I saw… raised up his hand to heaven and swore by Him who lives forever… that there should be delay no longer (Rev 10:6). In the above scripture, “the word translated ‘delay’ (chronos, Greek) is illuminating. The fact that numerous events do in fact follow suggests that the angelic proclamation does not announce the end of chronological time, but rather the end of any further delay. Events of the Great Tribulation will now pass swiftly, moving inevitably toward the return of Christ” (NKJV, Believer’s Study Bible, p 1815). And that is where we are now, at this time! John experienced this: 11th December 2013 Dear Malcolm, I have been woken up by a unique sound that has called me three times. In fact, the first two confused me; I opened the door and walked out believing that someone was calling me from outside. The third voice was louder and this time I did not go outside. It gave me this command: Go and photocopy 700 copies of the booklet What God Said About Midnight Ministries and give to the youths in your village. As I opened my mouth to ask why? that voice thundered: THE YOUTHS IN YOUR VILLAGE MUST KNOW MY TRUTH BECAUSE TIME IS UP! The sound was so loud, it sent a shudder of fear through me. Then suddenly the whole room was filled with a bright light like the sun and that voice sounded the last word: PASS THIS INFORMATION TO MALCOLM HEAP FOR IMMEDIATE ACTION! IT IS URGENT! The light then disappeared. Notice that God told him “TIME IS UP!” and called him three times. Three is a number denoting finality. The end of this Age is very nearly upon us! (I included the above piece in MMG Volume 1, p 74.) The seven angels also spoke those three words to Vuga when he was dead. Time is up for Muslims to come to know the true God. The expression, Time Is Up, was also spoken in connection with the trip to S Sudan (see p 57). God is stressing urgency. Time is short! Jesus is coming very soon. Before that, there will be Great Tribulation. The following truth is also not widely understood by Christians: Judgement Is On ALL NationsIsaiah 34:1-2 is a prophecy that is NOW active: Come near, you nations, to hear; and heed, you people! Let the earth hear and all that is in it… For the indignation of the Lord is against all nations, and His fury against all their armies… (Is 34:1-2). This is a now prophecy. God is judging ALL nations for their sins. That’s why there is worldwide weather upset and turmoil. Time is up! “WAKE UP!”When the angels have given messages to Mark, John, Rhoda, Benjamin, Paul, or others involved in MM outreach, they sometimes include the forceful exhortation to WAKE UP! Why? Years ago we published a journal entitled Awake! Awake! God used it as a vehicle for increasing our spiritual awareness. I wrote articles as God guided my thoughts on various biblical subjects. He put thoughts in my mind, and often gave me the title of the article before I knew anything that would be written. That journal became a means for Him to awaken people to the truths He was restoring. Not many people received those journals. Our mailing list was small. But that didn’t matter. The revelations were recorded and are now included in various publications, so nothing has been lost. God achieved His object. Lost truths were restored, written down and preserved. Now they can reach His final intended audience. The people of God are characterised in the parable of the 10 virgins as slumbering or sleeping (Matt 25). Sleep is a metaphor for lack of spiritual awareness. None of us is fully aware of what God is doing. And most especially, Christians who have not read MM literature are the most unaware. The Church sleeps! So, when God strongly exhorts WAKE UP! this is not merely for the recipient of the angelic message, but also for the whole Church to whom the message is directed. These people need to awaken to the fact that this is THE LAST RESTORATION, part of THE PROPHESIED WORK OF ELIJAH ‘who’ was predicted to come and restore all things. My part has been to restore doctrinal purity – in written theses – not the entire Work of Elijah, which is explained more in the booklet by that title Who Is The End-Time Elijah? God wants His people to accept the truths we have ‘codified’ in MM lit. Then they will be awake, spiritually. That’s what He means by “WAKE UP!” Copyright: Midnight Ministries, PO Box 29, Aylesbury, HP17 8TL, UK www.midnightministries.org.uk
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