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Mighty Miracles Of God Volume 4 |
59 Blessed Are The Pure In Heart
Your brethren who hated you, who cast you out for My name’s sake, said, ‘Let the Lord be glorified…’But they shall be ashamed (Isaiah 66:5). Faithful Ones In S Sudan10th February 2015. Riek Mojong’. S Sudan. This is the name of the SDA pastor who moved out of his church to link with MM He told us how the rays of bright light shone in his face when he looked at the MM lit Faith that we gave him. His son, who had been mad for 11 years, also became well when the book was placed on his head. Riek said: “I have been serving in my church as a pastor for 14 years but Satan has kept on tormenting me. Today God has demonstrated His love to me and my family. I and my family will serve your God.” Prophet M baptized him. John 12th February 2015. 19:03. SDA church members frog-marched Riek out of the house they constructed for him because he has approved of MM. He lives in the bush now with a family of 4. John 12th February 2015. 19:10. An SDA pastor will be physically persecuted and chased out of his house for joining up with MM in Southern Sudan, but I THE GOD OF THE PURE IN HEART WILL COVER HIM AND HIS FAMILY.” 7 angels said this at 7 p.m. tonight. Rhoda Another Betrayer: Nimrod Ondigo10th February 2015. “Look Malcolm, Nimrod Ondigo is fighting you and MM by training people who open mails and write falsehood on my chosen servants. He has linked with people such as Felix, Bradox, Dorothy to soil My work. Today they met in a hotel in Migori and wrote a negative false report about My servants and sent to you. Malcolm, don’t even respond. Nimrod will meet Me, he will reap what he is sowing. Be careful with mails from unknown sources.” 7 angels in one voice said. Rhoda Riek’s Experience2nd March 2015. 5:22. From South Sudan: I thank God who joined me to MM after 23 yrs of being lost in the SDA church. I am Riek Mojong. Since joining [teaming up with] MM the SDA pastors ganged up to kill me. They chased me out of their house but our God provided a 4 roomed house. Thank God of MM. Now these people are planning to burn my house. From Saturday morning they have been holding a meeting in the church compound planning to have me killed. I wanted to run but when I called Mark and John, they encouraged me to go on with the study of MM lits for our God cannot be defeated. Thanks a lot. Reply. 9:48. Good to hear from you. God is with you. Don’t worry about the threats of these evil people. There are many psalms which remind us of these attacks we face from enemies (some of the early psalms, and Ps 21 and Ps 71, etc.) But God will destroy those who oppose His Work. He has spoken to someone else about how He will do it. I can tell you more later. I will be in touch later today. For now, I have to work out something here so that can be achieved. God bless. M God’s Scheme Revealed2nd March 2015. 5:04. “IN TWO ATTEMPTS THE SDA PASTOR HAS TRIED TO KILL MY SERVANT RIEK. NOW IS THE HOUR TO WIPE OUT THE PASTOR AND HIS SUPPORTERS. MALCOLM, THIS IS HOW IT IS TO BE DONE. RIEK SHOULD TAKE £700 TO THE CHURCH GATE TODAY EVENING. THE MONEY-GREEDY PASTOR WILL PICK THE MONEY AND KEEP IN THE CHURCH. I WILL STRIKE HIM AT MIDNIGHT WHEN THEY GATHER TO DIVIDE OUT THE MONEY TOGETHER WITH 6 SUPPORTERS. THIS MONEY SHOULD REACH JOHN BY WU SO THAT HE SENDS IT TO RIEK WHO IS A GOOD SERVANT OF MINE AND WHO WILL HELP US RESCUE ALL SOUTHERN SUDANESE PEOPLE.” 7 Angeles have given this information now. Rhoda 2nd March 2015. 10:32. It works yes. Two spies have been sent to my house today morning and immediately I called John who told me not to talk to them but open page 7 of the book Faith and read it aloud to them. After doing that they left my compound running but one of them calle De Mabioe said to me this “YOU WILL NOT ESCAPE TONIGHT.” And they went away. Thanks. Riek Reply. 12:37. Hello Riek. This is the plan which God is working out to deliver you from those evil men. Vivian over here has now sent £700 to John by WU, as instructed by the angels who appeared to Rhoda in Kenya. …you can follow the angels’ instructions below. God will then do the rest. God bless. 3rd March 2015. 5:20. From Riek Mojong’. Thanks to God, the pastor, his church and supporters all died at midnight through thunder. 4th March 2015. 9:12. From Riek about God’s judgement upon the SDA blaggards: Thanks, I am sorry my phone has been off. At 7 p.m. I was accompanied by my wife Winfried Deng’ to the SDA church gate where we placed the £700 John sent to me. At midnight it started raining with strong wind, thunder and lightning. After the rain, we heard people crying in the church compound, and the following morning we saw the church building was not there. It was demolished by God. The pastor and 6 supporters were burnt beyond recognition. Then 7 angels in white robes visited me and told me to be ready to receive more MM lits from you through John in Kenya. They also told me to expect £600 for food and fare to Lake Tanganyika where lits are going to be distributed via boat next week. God bless. Reply: Thanks for the info. I have a few queries, to fill out the account: 1. What was the pastor’s name? 2. Do you know the names of his 6 assistants whom God also struck dead? 3. Was the church burned down; is that how it was demolished? Or was it demolished structurally, but not burnt? 4. When you put the £700 at the church gate, was there a post box or something where you placed the money? 5. Did you see anyone there? 6. Did anyone see you put the money there? 7. Did you talk to anyone there? 8. Did you immediately then go back home? Thanks. His reply: 1) Pastor - James de Machio. 2) Members: a). Damas Mabiote b). Fezio Melo c). Justo Deng d). Fait de Mabior e). Grâce Waame f). Bourgogne de Mondo 3) Yes the church was burnt down. That is how it was demolished. 4) We threw the money in to the church compound over the closed gate. 6) No one saw us. 7) We heard people talking in the church compound. 8) We left for home immediately. God bless. Warning about SDA establishment: Revelations From God For Seventh Day Adventists (£1). This article contains many dreams which God gave Kassahun, a prophet in Ethiopia, whom God called out of the SDA church. The dreams warn of SDA spiritual corruption. Two More Killed By God’s Thunder5th March 2015. 11:44. Two more people were killed by thunder last Midnight when they attempted to break into my house. The angels had visited us in the evening instructing me to place the booklet Faith outside the door. What we heard were people crying there for help. There was thunder, but it was dry windy weather. God is good! Riek 5th March 2015. 11:53. “I, GOD, KILLED THOSE WHO PLANNED TO KILL RIEK. 7 ARMED ATTACKERS ARE ON THEIR WAY TO ATTACK RIEK. “I WANT TO CONFUSE THEM TILL RIEK RECEIVES £300 WHICH HE WILL THROW OUT TO THEM AND I WILL BLOCK THEIR EYES ON SEEING THE MONEY. I WILL THEN LEAD THEM TO THE WILDERNESS WHERE WILD ANIMALS WILL ATTACK AND KILL THEM. “RIEK WILL COLLECT THE £300 AND USE IT TO BUY A STRONG STEEL DOOR.” 7 angels gave this at 11 a.m. God bless. Rhoda 12th March 2015. 11:28. I received £600 from John yesterday and now I am travelling to join them at Lake Tanganyika. God bless. Riek Another 7 Attackers Killed By GodTo Riek: Q. Any news about the predicted attack of 7 gunmen? Reply. 19:27. Yes. Yesternight the angels woke me at 9 p.m. to get out and scatter the £300 at my doorstep. I did that, and at exactly 12 a.m. [midnight] I heard two sounds like gunshots, then silence. What I heard then were people crying to have their eyesight back. I went to sleep, and when I woke up today I found the money put very well together. I took the money and paid the artisan to make me a steel door. By the time I left home for Lake Tanganyika, news was out that 7 badly mutilated bodies have been found in the forest near a stream. This confirmed that our God is Great. Riek I Saw The Fire In God’s EyesFiona’s Dream of 14th March 2015. There was much activity, I do not recall. Then I saw a most wondrous sight! A commander, a man in the most dazzling whitest of white uniforms, breathtakingly white! He had grey hair and beautiful eyes. Then he was sitting at a table. I am constantly marvelling and seeing this spotless one, so striking. I knew he was a commander. I was puzzled at his hair being grey, and then recalled that God is the Ancient of Days. He is God of gods, in His holy sovereignty. I wrote an hour or two later: “I am just sitting marvelling and a bit weak, as I ponder this dream/vision today. Interestingly it came to mind that I had read Isaiah 55 last evening.” I saw the fire in His eyes! Incidentally, His hair was thick and short, neatly cut, as would be for a commander of our day. And I saw His strength! Fiona (Scotland) Copyright: Midnight Ministries, PO Box 29, Aylesbury, HP17 8TL, UK www.midnightministries.org.uk
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