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Mighty Miracles Of God Volume 4 |
58 "I The Lord Will Kill Them All"
The boastful shall not stand in Your sight. You hate all workers of iniquity. You shall destroy those who speak falsehood. The Lord abhors the bloodthirsty and deceitful man (Psalm 5:5-6). Hired To Kill MM Workers15th January 2015. Omar Masjid’s man confesses. Haji came to us in Johannesburg this evening and pleaded with us to pardon him. He said that they were recruited by Omar in Somalia to move ahead to SA and kill us. He was in the company of Obunga. Now since Obunga died he was fearing for his life. We baptised him at 5 p.m. Today [because he insisted on being baptised] after which he left us and now two youths Zuma and Swedi have reported to us that Haji has hanged himself and died leaving a note in his pocket begging MM to forgive him. Tomorrow we shall gather enough information on the same and send to you including content of the suicide note. Haji pleaded for baptism, that is why we had to baptise him. John Suicide note: “Niko na uchungu sana nikikumbuka vile nimejaribu kushindana na Mungu kwa kuwinda wana MM. Mimi nimekuwa kwa hiyo kundi ya Masjid na Obunga kwa miaka 10. Naomba MM wanisamehe. Siwezi hishi tena maana sitaki kuungana na wenye dhambi.” (Translated: I have pain when I recall how I have fought God by fighting MM supporters. I have been in Masjid and Obunga’s group for 10 yrs. I plead to MM to forgive me. I don’t want to live again and meet the sinful.) That was what he had to say. It is true that he hanged himself. Comment: I wonder whether God might raise him up and send him back to finish his life on earth? It is only God who knows whether Haji’s remorse was part of genuine repentance, or whether it was like Judas’s, who was sorry for himself that he had lost out but whose character was evil and beyond repair. The opposition against MM has been relentless and intense! If it wasn’t for God’s continual providence and intervention, MM wouldn’t exist. And the outreach in Africa would have been extinguished long ago! But as each attack comes against us to put out God’s light, God utilises it to make the light shine brighter for His glory. People SEE the power of God in action in a most literal and demonstrative way. When Elijah called down fire from God upon his attackers (2 Kings 1:10-12), some people witnessed the event and soon began to fear to oppose this man of God. A healthy fear of God developed in a few. God is repeating the exercise today to draw some to Him. The following are some e-mails detailing events which led to more demonstrations of God’s vehement fury on those who dared oppose MM. God Will Strike Omar Dead9th January 2015. 4:48. From Masjid Omar. I don’t care whether you don’t have money or not and that is none of my business. This war only Allah and Mohammed can stop it and that will only happen unless you repent of your ungodly ways. Reply. 9:18. Ungodly!!!??? What is ungodly about a way of life based on love for God and love for others?! A way of life that honours the sanctity of Almighty God, who is LOVE, who sent His Son to earth to die for humanity’s sins (which include murder, and which you are perpetrating continually by your hatred). It is you who are ungodly and who needs to repent. Your god whom you serve in hatred and violence, in robbery and destruction, is the prince of the power of the air, who infests all the sons of disobedience like yourself. So your so-called ‘Allah’ and the false prophet Mohammed can’t save you. Mohammed is dead, and your god is much less powerful than the true ALMIGHTY God whom we serve. Unless you repent, God will strike you dead for your blasphemy against Him and His holy love. MBH 9th January 2015. 10:43. Persecution. There is a very relevant piece in IBS volume 12, on pages 24-26, about the present situation and opposition. I’m sure you can all relate to it, having gone through such yourselves and facing it continually. Satan hates God’s truth! 9th January 2015. 19:34. From Masjid Omar. Are you going to pay us or not? Reply. 22:50. Pay you for attacking us?!!! Are you mad?! Obviously you are! YOU OWE US! AND MORE THAN THAT, YOU OWE GOD A MASSIVE DEBT, AND IF YOU DON’T REPENT HE WILL REQUIRE IT OF YOU SOON. MBH The 7 Angels Issue Solemn Command12th January 2015. The Lord’s message. Hope you are ok. Y’day at midnight when I was praying, I was visited by seven angels in white robes. Their faces were very bright that you can’t have a look twice, they spoke very loudly in one voice saying Mark! Mark! Mark!! Inform my servants that after their trip from South Africa they must prepare and leave to Southern Sudan to deliver His message to the poor. This trip is where Omar Masjid will try to burn the MM vans and he will die on the spot with his folks. [See p 63.] The Lord requires another van for His work, failure to which He will not spare anybody and destroy all MM folks around the world [if they disobey God] as He has done to those opposing MM outreach. That is the Lord’s message. May God bless you to serve more… Mark Comment: I think the severe tone of the message is to emphasise the urgency and importance of the assignment. The threat to destroy MM folks is to the disobedient ones who may associate with us but who do not support this Work. 12th January 2015. Subject: GO! GO! GO! 7 angels appeared to me in white glittering clothes and said… “from South Africa no rest to Southern Sudan in two vans with MM lits. Go! Go! Go! For I the Lord will use it to finish Omar when he will try to touch the two vans.” God be praised. Rhoda Omar Masjid’s Threats16th January 2015. Am waiting for your response.when are you sending us money to compensate the death of my father and other people you have murdered. I know your people has a motorboat and a van. I have given you 2 weeks to pay us or else I’ll auction those engines to compensate the deaths. Omar Masjid Reply: I didn’t murder those evil men. GOD ALMIGHTY took their lives for their evildoings. Those who sow evil, reap evil. And by your equally evil approach you are inviting the same disaster to befall you. I have warned you that God will require your debt from you SOON, but you refuse to heed the warning. 2 weeks, then. That is what you have asked for. God holds people to their word. MBH 7 Angels Warn Of Zimbabwe Attack18th January 2015. Angelic message: J and V will meet some attack in Zimbabwe on their way back tomorrow. 7 angels say that their finances are down because what was sent last has not reached them yet. Now they are off to Kenya. £2000 [needs to] reach them by evening through E to help them change 3 tyres for it will be a very fast move. I was given this message to pass to Malcolm only. The money should reach E by WU. Then Malcolm is to remind J to call E to collect it and send to J and V. Rhoda 19th January 2015. E did send us 2k, we changed the tyres and now we are moving very fast. We are in Zimbabwe. God bless. J 20th Jan 2015. 18:26. We were attacked in Zimbabwe by unknown people. God knew why He had to assist us change the tyres. Armed men blocked our way commanding us to stop. God gave Vuga courage to face the two armed men who blocked our escape route. This forced them to run out of the way. They then chased us with 3 fast moving vehicles. It was at night. When it reached midnight our God struck all the 3 vehicles with fire. The vehicles burnt as we moved away. I am sure all in them died. We moved through yesterday night, the whole day today, and now we are crossing into Tanzania. God be praised! God be praised! John 20th January 2015. 18:37. From Rhoda: 7 ANGELS HAVE COME TO ME THIS EVENING AND SAID THIS… “OMAR MASJID’S PLAN TO BURN THE MM VAN FAILED. I THE LORD BURNT DOWN 3 OF THEIR CARS. I MET THEM AT MIDNIGHT IN A BATTLEFIELD. THEY ALL PERISHED. YES TWENTY FIGHTERS. I, GOD of gods WILL PROTECT MY SERVANTS. I AM GOING TO BRING DOWN OMAR IN SOUTH SUDAN. I THE LORD MOVED MM VAN IN A SPEED OF LIGHTNING TILL OMAR’S MEN BECAME CONFUSED. I AM WITH YOU TO ETERNITY.” 20th January 2015. 20:03. To Omar Masjid: Hey, thug! Your 20 gunmen are dead, and your three vehicles destroyed in Zimbabwe for trying to destroy God’s van. I warned you not to try to ambush us. You are fighting God Almighty, not mere mortals, so back off or you will be next to be dispatched into oblivion! MBH His response. 21st January 2015. 12:53. You’re boasting because you killed our people. We will see who wins the battle at the end. Reply. 18:00. No, I didn’t kill them. (I live in the UK, so how could I kill them?) We don’t murder because that would be a violation of God’s Commandment NOT to murder (Exodus 20). The penalty for breaking any commandment of God is DEATH. The hatred you exhibit is an equal violation of that Commandment, for which God exacts the death penalty. This is why I have adjured you to back off, to stop hating Christians and to stop attacking MM, because God will require that death penalty to be paid. The only basis for forgiveness is in your repentance (which you reject) and acceptance of Jesus Christ. But since you reject Him as Saviour, you have no hope, and the outcome of this battle is already determined. You have lost already, no matter how many soldiers you try to muster against us. They will all die for trying to fight against the Work of GOD ALMIGHTY. MBH The 7 Angels Speak About GOD TV8th January 2015. 18:55. Rhoda reported what the angels said to her: 7 ANGELS IN GLITTERING CLOTHES SAID THAT MALCOLM WILL BE GIVEN A RING OF GOLD [symbol of God’s authority; Dan 6:17] BY GOD TO SHOW THE WHOLE WORLD THAT GOD IS PLEASED WITH HIS WORK. THE SECOND VAN WILL BE PROVIDED TO HELP IN CARRYING MORE LITS TO SOUTHERN SUDAN IN THE MONTH OF FEBRUARY. GOD THROUGH MM LITS IS EYEING SOUTHERN SUDAN TO TURN ALL MUSLIMS TO CHRISTIANITY. GOD HAS IDENTIFIED THIS PLACE BECAUSE TIME IS UP. THESE 2 VANS WILL DELIVER GOD’S MESSAGE TO ISRAEL GOD TV channel headquarters and WARN THEM TO FOLLOW THE TRUTH AND AVOID USING GOD’S NAME FOR A TV STATION THAT IS NOT HONOURING GOD. The angels repeated that there is a group organised by Obunga writing fake information on MM supporters in Kenya to try to fight MM. God took Obunga away. 7 Angels Warn Again23rd Jan 2015. Greetings. The seven angels of the Lord have informed me that there is a group of people in Kenya who are out to destroy the MM outreach. They have written several emails pretending to be humble. There is one notorious man known as Elijah Ogutu. The Lord is going to expose them soon. Mark Reply: Yes. Thanks. I’ve had some e-mails already… We test out new e-mail addresses with Helena’s spiritual gift. I give her the printed out e-mail on paper. As she intercedes, she asks how many demons are on it, and the number indicates whether it is genuine or false. For example, 6 x 13 d’s and 13 x 13 d’s, show that these people are utterly false and have no hope of being saved. 23rd January 2015. 13:42. From Rhoda: “A GROUP OF PEOPLE HAVE PLANNED TO CREATE CONFUSION IN MM BY WRITING TO MALCOLM PRETENDING TO BE IN NEED OF MM LIT AND OUT TO BRING DOWN TRUE MM SUPPORTERS WHO GOD CHOSE FOR HIS WORK. THEY ARE LED BY SOMEONE CALLED LUKAS AND NANDI. THEY HAVE FAKED E-MAILS TO CHEAT – LATE ALEX’S WIFE, ELIJAH OGUTU AND MANY OTHERS. I GOD WILL CUT THEM INTO PIECES.” I WAS GIVEN THIS MESSAGE BY 7 ANGELS AT MIDNIGHT. AMEN. £20,000 Given To MM OpponentSat 24th January 2015. 19:11. From the tyrant to Bob: lukasogada@gmail.com wrote: We have gone far today. We have recieved 20,000 pounds today. Much that you people cant dream of getting and this is a good start for us in this year towards our church and our prosparity. We shall elevate our life and block your networks. We are going to pay too the parson living with emily to drive him out and you wont have anyone to reach out oyugis. We know Oyugis and Ndhiwa are the strong hold of relion in kenya and when we get control over the two places, kenya uganda and all east africa will be in our hands. Continue fighting this loosing battle. Tell Vivian and Malcolm so. From: Nyasirwa (in Uganda). Sent: 26 January 2015. 11:00. We have moved to places and managed to give out the good news to most parts of these islands as was directed us by the angels. We have not seen any difficulty since we started our outreach. Many have received the Lord’s blessing and we believe that by the end of this year there is going to be a big change in what people understand about God. Many are going out of traditions and others too out of the domination of churches and are ready to follow the truth. We received the news about Lukas from the angels today just as we came back from a mission from Migingo. The angels have informed us that Lukas has received a lot of money from a dirty source to threaten God’s work in E Africa, and much is to be done to stop him. He has received much money, as we got the news, and is going to buy out [bribe] the top government officials to stop MM involvement in Africa. [Comment: God will judge them for that. He has struck many dead for obstructing His Work. He will easily take out government officials and Lukas also, in His good time. First, He will use it to bring a witness to the whole nation, and possibly by extension to much of the rest of Africa so they know of His power and that He rules in the affairs of men.] We too got the information that Emily has been [or is being at this moment] rendered homeless but she should not leave Oyugis. And that Benjamin too should be supported to settle back in Oyugis to help Emily. Fatmah and Ann too should go to Oyugis and the house that belongs to Emily should be renovated and be the place where the four should live and take control over Oyugis and support the people of the region not to be cheated [not to give in to lies and deception, or the lusts of the flesh and desire for money, which are fostered by evil spirits] but to learn and understand the nature of God [who is love and who wants us to love one another as we love ourselves, and to love God with all our heart]. Lukas’s freedom in Oyugis must be stopped and that money he is going to boast with must go to waste. God has told us that the money is going to dissolve as salt in water within no time so the people involved in co-ordinating God’s work in Kenya must put an eye on that [will see it happen]. Some groups too who were exposed during last year’s Feast of Tabernacles have changed their way of operation and are putting their hands back to come in and steal from God. [Yes, this confirms what we also know already.] They have changed their name and plans to get the money for their desires. The angels have alerted us to say this, that no money should go to any other hand. [Yes, nothing is going to others in Kenya, only via the route that God has shown.] All in Kenya who write to MM must have to be approved by the Lord’s prophet in Kenya to know if truly their desire is to know God or whether they have other hidden motives, and [another instruction, deleted]. Lukas was in [using] Nimrod, Opith, Owak, his son Nandi, and he abused us as he gained from God through these people, so we have to block their ways over this too. [They have been blocked and are being blocked.] Reply: Yes, we are aware that Lukas has obtained a big sum of money. (Probably from a Muslim source, though I don’t know.) Thanks for the other information. It helps us to understand more of what is going on… I am aware of the deceit and attempts to try and con us from ‘new’ sources, but they are all ignored. What the angels told you confirms things. Thanks. God bless. “I The Lord Will Kill Them All”27th January 2015. The angels said to Rhoda: MALCOLM, “A GROUP IS OUT TO FAKE ADDRESSES USING THE NAMES OF JOHN, MARK, RHODA, PAUL, BENJAMIN, KAGO, AND EUNICE TO ABUSE YOU AND MM. DON’T ANSWER THEM. I THE LORD WILL KILL THEM ALL.” That is the angelic message given at midnight. Also they said: “The man who faked Kago’s address in Kericho is at it again, taking John Ongoro’s email to soil his name. We have cursed him. He is in Omar Masjid’s team.” The angels will attack them from tonight. Omar’s main aim is to steal from MM. Their intention was to kill J, M, V but God instead killed their men. Now they want to create confusion in MM. God will destroy them. Rhoda Comment to John and Vuga: Rhoda says that the opponents who are faking e-mails will be struck dead “from tonight”. (That may mean one will go tonight, but others at another time.) 27th January 2015. 12:41 Am not, you are the loser. Some of my folks are trying to use other peoples names like John names inorder to gain money from you. I have warned them to stop opening emails with other peoples names to con you but they seem not to understand. Mine is very clear and I don’t want to go around the bush. When are you sending us money to compensate the lose you have costs us. Omar Masjid Police Woman Struck Dead By God27th January 2015. A police woman will be killed by God for stopping in the way [blocking the way] of MM. Rhoda 27th Jan 2015. Now we are in Voi on our way to Mombasa for the van. A police woman stopped us and claimed that the label Midnight Ministries on our van should be removed. We pleaded with her to keep off the van of God but she refused. A large group was attracted by our argument. She took a piece of metal and tried to remove the logo on the van by herself. God’s power struck her, killing her on the spot. We then shared with the gathering how God has performed miracles through MM lits. They requested for the lits and we gave them the Why? series booklets numbering 7. 28th January 2015. 11:33. To Benjamin: By now, you should have received the forwarded angelic message given to N in Uganda about your need to move back to O. I wonder how Emily is doing and what you will need also… We are hard pressed financially. I can’t send anything, nor can Bob, but Vivian is borrowing money against his business to make things possible and help us continue. So, hopefully some of that will become available in the next couple of weeks… Thanks and God bless. God Has Another 7 In His Sights28th January 2015. 11:40. “A GROUP IS SURROUNDING MARK’S WALL TO ATTACK IT, THEN MOVE TO J’S HOME AND DO THE SAME. I GOD WILL STRIKE THE 7 OF THEM AT MIDNIGHT.” 7 ANGELS IN GLITTERING WHITE CLOTHES GAVE THIS TO ME. THEY SAID THAT I PASS IT ON TO YOU ONLY. Rhoda 28th January 2015. 11:44. Hello. This Is Vuga. I saw a large group with weapons attacking Mark. Then hailstones from heaven fell on them killing them all. [A dream from God. 7 more attackers were struck dead by God.] God Appoints Another Van Driver28th January 2015. Thanks to God we have bought the van. Details I am sending tonight. John 29th January 2015 When we arrived in Mombasa we found this young man doing the cleaning work at the place where we bought the van. At first I saw him run to our van and he started jumping with happiness when he saw the logo MM on our van. He then gave us his testimony how he was rescued by MM lits from Shimo la Tewa prison last year by an MM man called John. Prophet Mark had briefed us how God will give us a driver, so we called him [Mark] and he confirmed to us that he was the chosen driver. We found him with an MM lit in his pocket called Why Love? which he had crammed all the topics and sang to us like a national anthem. His testimony left us all in tears. Malcolm, I AM LOST FOR WORDS. GOD HAS CONFIRMED YOU AS HIS END TIME TRUE PROPHET, IF HE CAN SAVE SUCH A PERSON THROUGH MM LIT. Karim’s testimony typed by himself will reach you tomorrow. J 30th January 2015. 11:39 Hello, this is Karim. Praise God who removed a chain man slaughter [“a chain manslayer”], a thug, a born criminal, a Bank robber, a God’s people persecutor. All these were my titles. I was jailed for life in Shimo la Tewa, Mombasa. I had been there for 10 yrs when John visited the Prison last year and gave all the inmates literature from MM. When God humbled me to read them, I instantly got saved from my past deeds. My behaviour changed till in December last year I was acquired [acquitted] and released. That’s when I got employed at Coast Motors Ltd [as a cleaner] a company that sells vehicles. And when John and Vuga came to buy a van, God united us. I am not worthy to dine with Kings but King Jesus in MM has chosen me. I am a university graduate of Moi University with a degree in Economics but Satan would not allow me to enjoy my sweat in school. God bless you. Amen. 30th January 2015. 13:31. The driver of the new van is Karim. He was chosen by God to do His work so that his fellow Muslims can understand that [someone who is a Muslim] can change and work for the Lord in full humility. He was once an inmate and he was currently cleaning vehicles at the yard where the van was bought. Mark Midnight Angels Report War In Oyugis30th January 2015. …I have been visited this time past midnight by the Lord’s angels to confirm to me that war between churches has started in Oyugis again and four churches were burnt down last night (two SDA, CATHOLIC and ANGLICAN). [I wonder if that was a supernatural fire that destroyed them?!] They have informed me to move back to Oyugis and help Emily in restoration of the truth thereafter. They informed me too about John Nandi, Dorothy the wife to Alex, Nimrod, Lukas and many other people (whom they never quoted their names) who now write using other people’s names to reach MM to destroy God’s work in Africa. They [the angels] have informed me that when I’m called I should go back and settle in Oyugis. Benjamin God Directs MM To South Sudan30th January 2015. 11:01. The 7 angels tell Rhoda: “The Sudan outreach should start by next week Monday then the outreach be taken to Burundi to stop the genocide that will occur if MM lit is not taken there. “A group is reading MM lit, then negates all the miracles that I have done through John, Mark and other prophets in MM. They fake mails using my servants’ names and hit at My name with lies.... “I THE GREAT I AM, I AM, I AM will destroy all their families.” “Please send the list of names of all those who receive MM lits, their box numbers, to prophet Mark and John to stop this mess NOW, NOW, NOW.” 7 angels in glittering white clothes delivered this message this morning to be passed to Malcolm. Rhoda I asked John how much he had left after buying the van, etc. He said £600. 30th Jan 2015. To John: You’ll need that £600 to get moving on Monday to S Sudan. I still don’t know where the other will come from to provide what you need. Uganda Islands Outreach Healings2nd Feb 2015. …we have tried to reach out more places and just arrived to our place this morning from Ngamba Island where God did more great works. Pascal was healed from leprosy and his fingers were restored back to perfect. Juliet too was healed from Amoeba infection, and many more, like Edna a young girl who was born blind, got to see. Our fish catch has been got and we have been selling to buy fuel for our engine to sail to these places… Nyasirwa Reply: I know that leprosy can really disfigure. Fingers can be eaten away, sometimes completely. What state were his fingers in before God healed him? Answer: His fingers were eaten up and were not there. But after our prayers for him, his fingers were seen back. Nyasirwa Omar Masjid’s Last Words2nd Feb 2015. 10:18. I am aware your men will be heading to Rwanda soon. go ahead, kill my people there and I’ll destroy you completely. Omar Masjid 3rd February 2015. 14:18. S Sudan trip. Greetings… We are moving with speed and right now we are at Gulu town [Uganda] where we are going to have a rest till tomorrow morning… Mark From: Omar Masjid [mailto:omarmasjid15@gmail.com] Sent: 04 February 2015 09:35 To: Malcolm Heap Subject: Re: The loser I have sent Felix Ochieng and Elijah Ogutu to Rwanda to finish your people there. I know Mark and his team are on the way, am waiting for them. Reply. Oh well, you have sent two more to their deaths – YOUR two men. I told you to back off but you don’t heed the warning God gives through His prophets. Whoever fights against the Almighty God cannot prevail. You are digging your own grave rather fast now. MBH 4th February 2015. 11:41. From Rhoda: “Tonight the two MM vans will be attacked by two dangerous Omar’s men. IT IS TONIGHT AT MIDNIGHT WHEN OMAR WILL KNOW THAT I – THE GREAT I AM, I AM, I AM – AM THE CONSUMING FIRE. OMAR WILL BURN TO ASHES.” 7 angels gave this information today at dawn. 6th Feb 2015. 11:50. You idiot! You kill Omar and our two men. We have to revange on your people. We are waiting for them to come to Rwanda. Felix Ochieng 6th February 2015. 16:29. GLORY TO GOD! GLORY TO GOD! We are safe. Omar died in shame. Our God reduced him to ashes. God be praised. 16:55. When we reached the outskirts of Juba, South Sudan, our vans were stopped by two masked tall slender men armed with rifles. At that time our van, with me and Vuga, was in front. We stopped and we were ordered to come out but Mark in the second van told us not to. Then suddenly a brown man came out of the bush armed with an AK-47 rifle and cursed us saying, “You children of the poor Malcolm who has killed many of us – Obunga, Masjid, SDA pastors, police officers. Today only those who will pay us 2 million dollars will be free.” Before he could finish his address a strong wind started that almost knocked him down. To our surprise the wind was only knocking the 3 armed men and not us nor the vans. At that time prophet Mark received the word from God to all come out holding the Faith booklet and thank God for His promise to come to pass. At Midnight a very loud thunder sounded which made all of us take cover. In our hiding places we could hear one man cry, “Forgive me Malcolm! Yes, I am Omar Masjid. Don’t burn me!” It forced us to move deep inside the town and stay there in silence till now when the burnt body was buried by his Muslim friends. We are OK although down financially but our God is great. John My reply. 17:44. Thanks for the information. We knew something was happening, because of all the intercession here that Helena had to cope with. When did it happen? Was it Wednesday night, as the angels told Rhoda? What time did it begin to happen? Was it late at night, or still in daylight when they stopped you? How long did the standoff last? It sounds like it lasted some hours, and finally ended at midnight when the thunder came. If you can explain those parts, it will help. Thanks. Vivian has borrowed money for you. I hope you can last out till it arrives… In fact, to get funds at all is nothing short of a miracle! … 7th Feb 2015. 4:39. Reply: Yes the attack was on Wednesday. They blocked our way at night from 8 p.m. but thunder that killed Omar occurred at 12, at exactly midnight. John Q: When did the other two die, and how? Was it at the same time? And were they also burned up by a fireball? A: 4:45. The other two disappeared, we did not see them after the thunder. 7 Angels Declare God Is Wiping Out MM’s Enemies7th February 2015. “I HAVE DESTROYED THE STRONGEST 3 MM ENEMIES IN JUBA. I AM GOING TO DESTROY 4 MORE IN RWANDA NEXT WEEK. NO ONE CAN STAND BEFORE ME.” Message delivered at dawn. Rhoda 7th Feb 2015. 12:42. What was left was a heap of Omar’s lifeless body burning. The other two men ran into the darkness leaving Omar burning. John 7th February 2015. 16:32. Two badly burnt bodies [have also now been] found in the bush near where Omar’s body was found. Therefore [all] three died. J 7th February 2015. 21:13. At around 8 pm on Wednesday when we reached Juba, South Sudan, two tall armed men stopped our vans. We stopped and they ordered us to get out but I told J and V not to do that because I had already received a message from the Lord through His 7 angels saying, “I the Lord will destroy any life that will block your way. l am the Lord of Lords.” Suddenly a brown man came out of the bush (caught in the headlights) well armed with a gun. He spoke loudly: “you children of poor Malcolm who has killed many of us – Obunga, Masjid, police officers and SDA pastors. Only those who will pay us $2m will be free.” Before he finished speaking, a strong wind started. It blew for hours. At midnight a thunder sounded with lightning till all of us took cover. In our hiding places we heard a man crying, “Forgive me Malcolm! Don’t burn me!” Then we decided to move inside the town and stay there until Friday when the burnt body was buried by his Muslim brothers. Anyway we are running out of fuel and the food prices are so high here. May God bless you. Mark Reply to John. 21:49. …It’s so good to hear of the miraculous deliverances from such troubling situations. I remember Jesus’ words, however, when the disciples were overjoyed at seeing demons subject to them in the name of Jesus: “Don’t rejoice at that, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven.” There is so much greater honour and glory and wonder at being accepted by God than in having the power over demons, and seeing enemies defeated by God’s power. The power is less important than the love and acceptance of God, which is incomparably greater and more wonderful! About the funds Bob K has sent to you, 10k was sent on Friday. Some of this is for the expenses of your trip to Sudan and Rwanda… Then 4k should go to Benjamin and Emily, so that her home can be rebuilt… This 4k will help them to get started… All this money has been borrowed by Vivian and Joy over here. All these helpers are not rich, but somehow God has enabled them to find a means to obtain it from their extended family. They are unique situations, whereby God has worked things out. It’s quite amazing. God has a way. We certainly don’t! N.B. 10k which Vivian and Joy borrowed to enable the outreach to continue had not arrived in J’s account. Helena had to intercede against the banking blockage. It took 2 hours to clear the demons in the system that were blocking it. Then John wrote in the evening that the money had finally appeared in his account, and Rhoda wrote the next day: “The money will be in J’s account, I the Lord have said.” 7 angels said before midnight. Rhoda Copyright: Midnight Ministries, PO Box 29, Aylesbury, HP17 8TL, UK www.midnightministries.org.uk
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