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Mighty Miracles Of God Volume 4 |
57 On To South Africa
The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me, because the Lord has anointed me to preach good tidings to the poor. He has sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to those who are bound (Isaiah 61:1). When John and Vuga were in Rwanda, God sent His 7 angels to Rhoda again, to tell her of their next assignment: From Rhoda, now in Masaai Mara. 17th December 2014. 9:14. God led me to Masaai Mara region where I spent the night in the bush surrounded by the Lord’s 7 angels. [She was homeless.] Whenever God’s angels talk to me anything about MM van evangelism I always call J or M directly from my phone. The South African case was communicated just the time J and V left for Rwanda. God is not happy with drug issue in S Africa. Even pastors are involved! “THE HOUR IS NOW TO RESCUE MY PEOPLE OUT OF DRUG USE IN SOUTH AFRICA. I WILL EMPOWER MY SERVANTS J, M, and V TO TAKE THE MM LITS TO SOUTH AFRICA. DRUGS HAVE BEEN WORSHIPPED INSTEAD OF ME. SOUTH AFRICA MUST BE RESCUED BEFORE JANUARY NEXT YEAR. NO REEEEEEEEST, MOVE ON J, MOVE ON V, MOVE ON M, MOVE ON. WHY PUT MONEY WORRIES BEFORE YOU??? GO GO GO. I AM AHEAD AND BEHIND YOU. CAN YOU RECALL HOW I PROTECTED YOU IN SOMALIA? MOVE! MOVE! MOVE!” PS. M is Mark. He must not go physically but stand with J and V in prayers. That was God’s message. This message was given to me on Thursday 11th December 2014 at exactly 12.08 a.m. midnight. I woke up after the 7 angels had urged me to pass the message to J and V. I called them. …God has shown me d’avoir. This land belongs to a widow with no children called M who lives in Mombasa where her late husband constructed her a room to live in… Rhoda 17th December 2014. 9:32. The 7 angels tell Rhoda: God said through the angels J, V, M… DONT WORRY ABOUT ANYTHING, I AM AHEAD AND YOUR REWARD IS WITH ME. SAVE UKEREWE AND SOUTH AFRICA BY TAKING MM LITS. DONT WORRY! JOHN, DONT WORRY! VUGA, WHY WORRY?! GOOOOOOO! GOOOOOOO! This was the message given to me last night by 7 angels. Rhoda Notice the emphasis above is on MM literature as the vehicle to save people. It’s not us. It’s not human beings. It’s Jesus, in the booklets. More Guidance From The 7 Angels24th December 2014. Praise the Lord. I have seen His holy hand. The land owner has agreed to accept and sell me the land at £7000 paid in two instalments. The last bit being early next year. My hopes are in my God who has done me favour. Yesternight as it was raining I got attacked by a lion which pushed me to the ground. I had the MM lit Faith in my hand and God moved me to point it at the animal 3 times and finally the beast died. When the Masaai Marans heard of that they requested for the power I used to do that. The angels gave me this information.... “A GROUP IS OUT IN NDHIWA TO ATTACK MM SUPPORTERS BY WRITING INFLAMMATORY LIES AND SOIL THE NAMES OF MY SERVANTS. IT IS A GROUP LED BY MM BETRAYERS AND POWERFUL SDA AND OTHER CHURCHES PASTORS THESE PEOPLE WANT STRONG MM FAITHFULS KILLED. BUT THEIR TIME IS UP… I THE LORD OF LORDS WILL SCATTER THEM IN 7 GROUPS [or 7 ways, directions?]. “J AND V WILL REACH SOUTH AFRICA SAFELY, THOUGH DOWN FINANCIALLY.” Rhoda The angels gave me this vision: “THE NDHIWA GROUP WILL USE FAKE E-MAILS TO THREATEN MM FAITHFULS BUT I WILL SCATTER THEM IN 7 DIRECTIONS. J AND V WILL REQUIRE £9000 FOR THIS OUTREACH. IT IS GOING TO BE THE HARDEST. DON’T TELL J AND V OF THE OPPOSITION THEY WILL MEET FOR IT MAY DISCOURAGE… I GOD WILL NOT ALLOW SATAN TO KILL MY SERVANTS. RHODA! RHODA! RHODAAAAAAAA! THIS LAND IS YOURS.” Rhoda Comment: Bob S was kindly able to send 1k to J, and we borrowed a further 3k (on top of 7k earlier) to fund the trip to S Africa. The angels have said that the money (3k + 1k = 4k which was sent) will enable J and V to reach S Africa, but seem to indicate that not much else will come in (because we are all skint!). So it’s going to be interesting to see how God resolves this one! He surely will!! But I suspect there will be a new source from somewhere – unless the angels deliver a little purse to J (unlikely, because God uses humans for their own good). The Enemy To Be Cut To Pieces24th December 2014. From George Otieno Obunga: [see p12 MMGVol2] Malcolm, long time. You thought you ruined my life by taking me to jail. Am back in full gear ready to ruin you and for your info we have already United with Lukas as one soul. Our lord has already given me a limousine car which you will never own. You killed Masjid you have a case to answer. The van you bought with begged money I have given you seven days then I’ll turn it into ashes wait and see the outcome. Lastly am aware your men are out to South Africa they won’t come back alive and if they do I’ll cut myself into three pieces. Let’s see if you will get begged money to sustain them. You’re just an idiot!!! Beggar!!! Big fool!!! Reply: Then you had better cut yourself into three pieces now, madman, because you won’t defeat us. This is the Work of GOD ALMIGHTY! His response: I’ll defeat you because you don’t have have money. Do you know who is mad it’s you! I heard you have a prophet in Kenya who is helping you in foretelling the future I’ll destroy him completely. Fool!! Reply: Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! His response: You are laughing at your mother and fathers ignorance.big fool. Witch, have you heard that your messengers are stuck on the way and can’t move.all the van tyres burst. I’ll make sure they won’t Move and see if your god can help.false prophet!!! Comment: I didn’t reply. J wrote to say they had trouble with one tyre but managed to get a replacement. Clearly, they are being tailed by some of Lukas’s gang, who report to Obunga what is happening. On The Road To South Africa24th December 2014. Yesterday I received 3k from Bob. We are on our journey to South Africa. God knows we have little resources but His arms are not short to rescue us. [Yes. Perhaps people in S Africa will give some support to enable you to get back. God has it all worked out, but we don’t know how He will do it. That’s what going by faith is all about, as you know.] God will take us through. Rhoda has called. She said that she was attacked by a rogue lion but God rescued her. John “As if from us” — 2 Thessalonians 2:226th December 2014. God has uplifted us and we are so thankful for this. Since we started the outreach on the Islands, we have managed to reach Maboko, Rubondo, Bubembe and Pyramid Islands where we are at this moment. We arrived here last night after a whole night sail. We got visited by the Lord’s angels again on our way and we got informed about a printing shop in Oyugis Kenya that Lukas is now operating to produce some publications with MM address [with fake contents]. They told us that the books are going to be sent out to South Africa, Uganda, Rwanda, Zanzibar, Tanzania, Congo and to Ethiopia [to bring MM into disrepute by printing rubbish]. They told us too that we should try to finish this outreach in this region by the end of the Sabbath then travel back before Monday because God has chosen for us to go with John and others to South Africa soon. Nyasirwa (in Uganda.) Gunmen At Roadblock In Zambia26th December 2014. 11:44. I had a dream last night which seems to suggest that God is about to increase His family in a big way. He is our spiritual Father and is increasing His family very substantially. This is a dramatic development, which we can’t see much from our vantage point. Tell Vuga not to be surprised or discouraged by any attempts of the enemy on this trip to harm or hinder you both. There will be attempts, and the enemy seems to sometimes gain the upper hand, but God has the final victory, as you know so well. So, we all have need of endurance and steadfastness in doing the Work of God, so that we can also share in the victory which is Christ’s the Almighty. 26th Dec 2014. 18:32. J’s reply: That is true, we have seen opposition already. In Zambia today we were denied temporary passport to South Africa till we were forced to move on by God’s force. First we were told to pay £500 which I refused for I knew God has planned to get us out of it. I drove through the group of armed men who blocked our way to get money from us. We are left with £1800. J Reply: I presume their guns jammed again. Or perhaps God stopped them even trying to shoot at you. God will always win when we are on assignment for Him. I think B has to move out, by the sound of it. (Taunt from Lukas to follow.) More Codswallop From Ogada26th Dec 2014. 19:06. Another taunt from Ogada: Just as we wanted. Benjamin is going to leave Oyugis at last and Emily after him, then we shall have no opposition from you there. We have known that you have dried out of money and you are in the loosing side with your people. So good that your plans to take your word to South Africa before this year end too has failed. I did tell you before not to fight a war that you are sure of loosing but you never saw this comming. We wont fight you through weapons but a new strategy that has just started working out for us. Before you know it, we shall have achieved our greatness over you. Yes. 19:52. Reply: Oh yeah?!! That’s what you think. You are a fool. God fights fools who deny Him and who try to block His Work. You are so stupid to think you can fight against God and win. Money: God has it all, so we have no lack. It’s you who don’t have enough to stop God. We know you have another strategy. So what?! It won’t defeat us. What if God bombs your printers like He bombed Sodom? We’ll return and take Oyugis another day when you are dead. First, we’ll spread God’s fire throughout the rest of Africa. See if you can catch us, foolish one. There are far more on our side than on yours. 26th December 2014. 20:51. Ogada’s rubbish: Its not what i think. Its your state of poverty that you fear to accept for now. Yours you call angels whom you sent to inform me of your group going to south Africa have gone silence. They have known that you are loosing and will never make it to south Africa before this year ends. It is three days to next year so i will see if their word stand as they say they convey what is from God. We shall see how they will make their way there before us. You can never control Oyugis. Comment: Notice that God’s angels appeared to him and told him that MM was going to S Africa. What they also told him was NOT to try to stop us… I think you know what the result will be of his folly in disobeying their command. Input From The 7 Angels At Midnight28th December 2014. Re: ANGELIC MESSAGE ..J AND V ARE DOWN FINANCIALLY BUT I THE LORD WILL PROTECT THEM. THEY NEED £9000 FOR THIS WORK. I AM PLEASED WITH J’S COURAGE. THEY ARE LEFT WITH £400 FOR FUEL. IT IS ME THE LORD WHO WILL TAKE THEM THROUGH. This message was delivered to me at exactly midnight by 7 angels. I was instructed to pass on this message without fail, for GOD will touch His servants to support this mission. I don’t know how J and V will be helped but God knows. I have been praying in the bush for God’s favour to protect me, J and V. God is God. Rhoda Reply. 9:44. Thank you Rhoda. We don’t have the 9k that the angels say is needed to complete J’s SA trip. However, God does, and is about to show how it will materialise, OR He will need to transport them supernaturally to their destination. Supporters here have emptied their reserves and been able to raise £1100 which has been sent to J, so it will be interesting to see how the remainder comes, AND the amount for your land and home [about which the angels later specified the amounts]. God bless. Encouragement From The 7 Angels28th December 2014. “RHODA! RHODA! RHODA! THERE ARE A LOT OF THINGS IN LIFE BEYOND HUMAN ABILITY, KNOWLEDGE AND CONTROL. BUT THERE IS NOTHING BEYOND ME, GOD.” This was the angelic message God gave me at 6 p.m. today when the land owner requested for at least a down payment of £3500 before Wednesday this week or else I get arrested for encroaching onto the land without permission. I cried to GOD to stretch His hands to show His favour to me, J and V. And that’s when the angels came and delivered that message. It is raining on me now but God is in control. Shalom, Rhoda Reply: Thanks for yours. Walking by faith is not easy, as you know. God doesn’t tell us how He’s going to release money to us or you to enable what He has promised to be worked out. If He did, we wouldn’t be exercising faith. He wants us to exercise faith in Him, to trust Him even though things look impossible. He knows how He is going to achieve His purpose; we don’t. But as we trust Him with ‘blind’ faith, He is pleased, and He brings about what He has promised. I have every confidence that God is not going to let you down. He has promised, so we don’t need to beg Him any more. We just wait to see how it works out. We have seen how God let J and V be arrested in Burundi, though their arrest was totally unjust, but God had another purpose in mind – to bring evil men under judgement and strike them dead. So, even if that were to happen in your situation, don’t fear, because God has a greater purpose in mind. Anyway, the landowner might just be giving you an empty threat. Whether that is so, God knows, and God will deliver you one way or another… May He stop the rain for you tonight. Witch In Zambia Died At Midnight28th December 2014. We are okay in the Lord here in Zambia where we had our Sabbath. We shall begin our journey this afternoon after servicing the van. We are sure God is watching over us here amid challenges. In our Sabbath yesterday a witch lady came to the place where we were holding our discussion and tried to scare us by sending a big snake to harm us. We threw the Faith booklet onto it and it died. This was at 9 in the morning. That witch also died at midnight. These people got angry and chased us away. We had to move through the forest by night to get away from them, but God was with us. Life looks hard ahead for we are left with £400 only and the journey is still long. God knows. John 29 December 2014. We are in His hand. We are okay. Our plan is to move on immediately what Bob sent is received. I have been praying for God to act so that we reach SA before next year. Reply: …Vivian will be sending you a further 1k tomorrow, which will hopefully come through speedily so you are not held up. Comment: However, it is not imperative to get there by Jan 1. It is a target expressing God’s urgent desire. 31st December 2014. Hello Rhoda. I hope you are coping OK in the difficult circumstances at the moment. We have just received notification that a supporter here is able to send you £1,000 for you to use as a deposit on the land. It is being sent on Friday this week (2nd January), because tomorrow (1st Jan) the banks are closed. The remaining 6k is in the process of being raised which will take a little time… Will 1st Jan 2015. Reply: Thanks to God. I am okay in His arms. Rhoda 1st Jan 2015. 4:31. £1.1k received today. We are on with the journey. J How God Delivered From 5 Gunmen1st January 2015. 10:58. Lusaka, Zambia. A group of armed men blocked our way at 9 am. When the leader aimed at our van, I threw the Faith booklet at him. The result was that God made them shoot one another and all 5 died. We are on our way. John [They left the Faith booklet at the scene.] 11:36. They were fierce with their eyes masked. But God is God. Today is when God has demonstrated His intention to save SA. I Vuga was almost losing hope but God has proved to me His intention. V Reply: God’s intention is to give a witness in that country to the Truth He is presenting. His aim is not to save all in SA at this time; that objective waits for Jesus’ return and His Millennium that will follow. But He will save some there, as He is doing in each country. And those ones are being trained spiritually, through righteous living and self-discipline, to rule with Jesus on earth during that Millennium as His assistants. They will be spirit beings then, like angels, and capable of doing much more good than we can now in our frail human forms. God bless your trip! 11:43. Did Vivian send the £1k? For if we could have the £1k then we will be in SA tomorrow at 2p.m. Thanks. Vuga Reply: Yes. [He has done much to rescue things!] It was sent on 30th Dec. But you know that there is a lot of demonic opposition in the airwaves against the outreach, and they cause hold-ups or delays at times (when God allows it, for us to learn lessons from these situations). We have to pray through, to force the demons out of the way, out of our minds, out of these situations. They put doubt, fear, unbelief, negative thinking (to try to discourage us or make us depressed, etc) into our minds to try to hinder us, and God lets these confrontations occur to encourage us to take up our spiritual weapons (that are available to us from His Spirit within us) and fight against these negative spiritual influences. When we do our part, He does His, and you have seen the outcome in this last skirmish, so you can be stronger when the next one comes, because the devil will keep on trying to destroy God’s work. But he won’t succeed as long as we do our part and stand firm, not wavering. Revelation 12 contains the story in prophetic symbolism. The dragon came against the Woman to try and destroy God’s plan. The woman there represents true ideology from God; God’s wisdom personified as a woman in Proverbs 3. 30th December 2014. 6:45. From George Obunga: Haaaahaaaa! Am aware John are hiding somewhere in Zambia. I’ll trace them and take their life then go away with your van. Foolish man!!! 1st January 2015. From Lukas Ogada: Your people made their way through to Malawi and now stranded there. I warned them not to go but they could not listen. You again have failed. 1st Jan 2015. 11:39. Reply to Obunga and Ogada: You have lost again! All the gunmen, whom you sent to attack John and our van, have been killed. This is the outcome of your folly. You cannot defeat us, because you are fighting God by doing so. Keep trying and God will laugh more at you. 2nd January 2015. 14:26. You are just an idiot!!! So who are you informing your nonsense. I have given you 3 days then I’ll take that van because you are stupid by the way is that your ministry registered? Obunga My reply. 14:48. You are a fool to try to fight against God Almighty. You won’t take our van. God will take the lives of any who try to. And as for registration, are you registered to murder, pillage and terrorise? You will pay the price of your iniquity in God’s Book of Justice. And it is horrendous what you are storing up!!! His response. 17:08. Don’t dear me foolish pastor!! Let’s see who is worshipping the true God. Idiot!! Obunga 4th January 2015. 18:14. Lukas Ogada, mafia boss: I still have time so dont lough. Reply. 19:57. Time? You’ve got time?! Ha! Not much of it. God has it all. You have only an allotted smidgen of it, and that’s almost up. Better tell your gangs to get a move on, coz their allotment on this planet is fast expiring. Have you got your Oyugis MM publications ready yet for distribution? Would you like me to ask Benjamin and Emily to distribute them for you? MBH [I was taunting him.] 5th January 2015. You are still dreaming. Your benjamin had flee from Oyugis as he found himself miserable and hangry. I cnt associate with kids like Emily as you do. Keep your support for your self. So you want me to employ them to work for me, you have gone bankrupt ???, i hope you a not kidding me mr prophetic man of God. Lukas In South Africa4th January 2015. 19:20. God has His own plans of assisting His chosen. Alphine Park in Pretoria, where most people speak Afrikaans language, is where God led us to. Already we have met 3 people NM, ES and DM. We are studying the lit Why Jesus? John God Uses A Police Dog6th January 2015. 9:50. Pretoria dog wonder. God can truly demonstrate His power to even the toughest sinners. The whole of yesterday the police denied us a permit to spread MM lit to the youths lost in drugs. At midnight the police dog turned wild and chased away 13 police officers who were blocking our way. This dog guided us to the Pretoria slums from midnight until this morning, showing us the places where youths hide to take drugs. In the night we came face to face with over 19 teenagers lost in drug abuse. J To John: 11:42. Praise God! We look forward to hearing how many were willing to accept the truth and be delivered, and how many got delivered supernaturally. Some get immediate deliverance; while others have to work hard, using a lot of self-discipline to be completely set free. God knows what is best for each individual. He works with us all individually. Obviously you have received the 1k and 3k that Vivian sent to you. He is borrowing a sum of 9k which will be sent on Monday next week, all being well. Please conserve that as much as possible, because it needs to go as far as possible and there are many demands… I think he is trying to borrow more so that things can continue a while. We are continually walking on water here so that all this can take place. Just as well God is able where we are not! The Angels Warn Of The Attack6th January 2015. 17:49. “IF DOGS CAN HEARKEN AND FOLLOW MY VOICE, THEN WHO CAN STOP ME? MY SERVANTS IN SOUTH AFRICA ARE UNDER ATTACK RIGHT NOW. OBUNGA AND HIS TEAM HAVE KIDNAPPED JOHN AND VUGA DEMANDING MONEY FROM THEM. RHODA! RHODA! RHODA! INFORM MALCOLM TO WRITE TO OBUNGA NOW AND TELL HIM NOT TO TOUCH MY SERVANTS AND THE MM VAN. HE IS AFTER THE MONEY THEY HAVE. [God is declaring that He will only] LET HIM TAKE THE MONEY BUT NOT BURN DOWN THE VAN, OR KILL MY SERVANTS.” Rhoda Violently Attacked In Pretoria18:30. Attacked! Over 13 drunken youths ambushed us at 7:30p.m. demanding money from us. They even wanted to burn the van. But I stood my ground for the attack had been seen long ago by God’s servants. One of the gang slapped Vuga’s left eye. He cannot see out of it now, I REMOVED THE FAITH BOOKLET AND OPENED IT IN FRONT OF THEM, CALLING FOR GOD TO ACT. Then they started running away. One of them picked up my small bag in which I kept £200 for fuelling the van so we can move to Johannesburg tomorrow morning. As they ran from us I heard one of them make a phone call taking to someone called Obunga. We are fine but Vuga is in pain. I believe this attack is from Lukas and his gang. John From George Obunga. 6th Jan 2015. 19:20. Why don’t you deliver your people if you have money. Idiot, big fool!! [Obunga’s e-mail crossed with mine written at the same time:] To George Obunga. 19:20. Leave off… or else!!! I am aware that the gang of thugs you have hired have attacked John and Vuga. Tell them to leave them alone or the Almighty God will curse them all, and you, and wipe you all out and send you to hell. MBH Obunga’s response. 19:22. You are just a fool. I’ll not do that idiot 6th January 2015. 19:43. To George Obunga: Leave off… or else!!! You don’t seem to understand plain English. I SAID: LEAVE OFF… OR ELSE!!! I am asking our God to strike you dead. Do you value your life? If so, LEAVE OFF, DON’T TOUCH THE MM VAN OR THE LIVES OF GOD’S SERVANTS JOHN AND VUGA, OR GOD WILL STRIKE DEAD WHOEVER DEFIES THIS ORDER. By the authority of Jesus Christ, the Almighty One, MBH Obunga Struck Dead By God7th January 2015. 4:23. From Rhoda: “7 angels at Midnight said this: BEFORE MORNING OBUNGA WILL BE NO MORE, I THE LORD DECLARE. WITH THUNDER I WILL DESTROY HIM. PASS THIS TO MALCOLM AND LET THE INFORMATION BE KEPT SECRET.” [To be kept secret from Lukas Ogada.] 7th January 2015. 4:32. From John: Mark [in Kenya] has called to inform us that Obunga was struck dead at midnight by thunder and he was rushed to hospital where he was pronounced dead. Prophet Mark has received a lot. GOD CANNOT BE MOCKED, TRULY PEOPLE WILL KNOW THIS YEAR THAT MALCOLM IS THE [‘a’, not ‘the’] CHOSEN SERVANT OF GOD. AMEN. 7th January 2015. 4:50. From Mark [in Kenya]: …For your info, at midnight there was a heavy downpour with lightning and thunder and the report reaching us this morning is that Obunga was struck by a lightning bolt that made him paralysed on one side. His wife raised an alarm and he was rushed to the hospital but he didn’t make it. Since he joined Islamic religion I heard he will be laid to rest this evening. 7th January 2015. 8:46. From Masjid Omar: You are very proud now my tears are flowing you kill Obunga and my father I’ll not let it go that way. I must finish you and your ministry. Reply: 9:13. Who is your father? What is his name? So you want to be struck dead, too, do you? ANYONE WHO COMES AGAINST THIS MINISTRY, MIDNIGHT MINISTRIES, COMES AGAINST THE ALMIGHTY GOD WHO IS BEHIND IT. For your own good (and I do care for you, which is why I write now) I must warn you that IF YOU TRY TO HARM THIS WORK OF GOD, YOU WILL REAP THE CURSES OF SATAN, and God may even strike you dead if He deems it necessary. If you repent of your evil desire to harm us, and get on your knees before God, asking Jesus Christ to forgive you, He will forgive you and turn your life around. It’s up to you, whether you want to live the right way, to do good instead of evil. And our God, the true God, will not only bless you for obedience to Him; He will heal your sicknesses and diseases, and raise the dead to further His plans on earth. I wish you well, and that you make the right choice. Malcolm B Heap His response: 13:23. Masjid Musa whom you killed. I’ll tear you into pieces I promise you fool. Reply: 14:52. Thank you for your promise, but it is an idle threat, because even if you mustered 2,000 soldiers against us, God would fight for us and kill them all. God Almighty holds life and death in His hands, not you. So, back off, or you will find yourself wiped out and all your troops. I have given you the only option – which is to repent and accept Jesus Christ as your Saviour – otherwise your evil plans are doomed. Malcolm B Heap, Midnight Ministries. God Heals Vuga12:08. …My left eye is swollen and we have baptised 7 youths today and we are on our way to Johannesburg. Vuga 13:15. From Vuga: He is God who led us to that place. I cannot see with the left eye. J is driving now. This mission has been very hard. In each estate there is a checkpoint where taxes are paid. Now we are left with only £300. We are not sure whether it will take us up to next week. God knows. Reply. 14:34. If you can find a health shop, buy yourself a little bottle of lavender oil (a herb with healing properties) and a bottle of olive oil. If you can’t get lavender oil, olive oil will do. Rub some of the oil onto the swelling, and drink some of the olive oil too. It will aid the healing. There is healing in natural remedies such as herbs. They help the body in its natural recovery… Vuga’s reply Thanks. I have obtained Olive oil and used as you had suggested and have Faith in God to heal my pain. To Vuga. 21:16. Hang in there. God tests our willingness, our resolve, our faith, our love for Him. Such trials help develop perseverance and other spiritual qualities in us. Just because God does not heal instantly does not mean He is unconcerned. It is actually the opposite; He is VERY concerned, but more concerned with our spiritual development than our physical state. He will rectify the latter (the physical) when He sees the former (the spiritual) being developed to the maximum in each trying situation. Psalm 94 contains salient lessons. Also Proverbs 24:10, and Ecclesiastes 7:14. 8th January 2015. 19:05. God has guided us safely up to Johannesburg. Vuga got healed from the very painful left eye after using the oil. It has been a tough journey with Police Officers stationed in almost all the roads we followed. Here we met two drug mad ladies Mxxxxxxx and Mxxxxxx who have given us full information on the drug based ills here. The two sisters have accepted MM and right now we are studying Why Hell? Tomorrow we shall baptize them. John On Assignment For The Almighty God7th January 2015. 19:02. From Masjid Omar. Your people here will pay dearly for the burial expenses on Obunga and my father. I’ll make sure they don’t leave South Africa unless they pay £10000 or more if you continue boasting. You are such a despicable person. My reply. 19:44. I don’t see how you are going to extract such money from people who don’t have that sort of money! What are you going to do, turn them upside down and shake them till money comes out of their mouths?! Come on, don’t be so stupid. Don’t you remember what happened to your father? Struck dead by God Almighty for attacking us. Don’t you remember that all the others whom your father, Masjid Musa, sent to try and murder John also got struck dead by God?! Are you too stubborn to acknowledge that you are following an empty religion of Islam, and that the true God is on our side? Learn a lesson from this recent episode in which I asked our God, the true and ALMIGHTY God, to strike dead George Obunga, because of all the evil he has perpetrated against us. Where is such a precedent found in the Koran? Nowhere. But it IS in the HOLY BIBLE. Read it for yourself in 2nd Kings chapter 1, when Elijah called down fire from heaven upon those who wanted to kill him. He was a prophet of God, on assignment for the Almighty God. And God did as Elijah asked. He sent a fireball to burn up the 50 soldiers who tried to take him. And now you are trying to take us in the same way. If you try it, you will find a similar outcome. You will lose, and many lives will be lost. I won’t kill them. God will, but you will be responsible. God will hold you accountable for that atrocity because you refuse to listen to sanity and seek peace with us. Goodbye. MBH Also sent to him at 21:33. You will read Psalm 94, either here on earth or on the other side of death. It declares God’s decision concerning your attack against us. Obunga being struck dead by God at midnight last night has already fulfilled Psalm 94:21-23 which reads: They [wicked ones] gather together against the life of the righteous, and condemn innocent blood. But the Lord [YHWH] has been my defence, and my God the rock of my refuge. He has brought on them their own iniquity, and shall cut them off in their own wickedness; the Lord our God shall cut them off. That is the way it goes. All who attack us will be dealt a death-dealing blow by God, because our God is invincible. Islam contains no supernatural power like God’s. That’s why Muslim gunmen rely on human weapons. We don’t. We rely upon our God, and He comes to our aid. His power is FAR GREATER! We don’t attack you, so why do you attack us? Because you are evil and your deeds demonstrate it. Muslims who have good motives can find God, if they seek Him, as the following account demonstrates. It was from a young Muslim who was truly seeking God: I was raised as a strong Muslim. When I was young, my father forced me to go to the mosque and keep all rituals. I, however, did not want to pray simply because I was forced to. I often cried, “God, I would like to know You. Talk to me!” A foreigner named Bill told me: “Kneel in your room and call out to God in the name of Buddha, the Hindu gods, in Mohammed’s name and in Jesus’ Name. See which name He answers to.” I washed my face, closed the door to my room and closed the window, then knelt before God and said, “God, I have prayed to You all these years. You know my heart. I want to know You. Speak to me. You are the God who created me. Come to me in Buddha’s name.” I waited. There was no answer. “Come to me in the name of the Hindu gods. If you want I will worship all these gods.” For 10 minutes, nothing happened. Then I prayed with a heavy heart in Mohammed’s name. For all these years, I had prayed to Allah. In tears, I waited 10, 20, 30 minutes. No answer came. Then I said, unwillingly, “If you would like me to pray in Jesus’ Name, then please come and speak to me.” I didn’t have to wait 30 minutes; in that moment, it was as if someone walked into the room. All my hair stood on end. From my head to my feet, I felt as if someone was touching me. I heard a voice saying, “Omar, I am Jesus, your Lord. I love you. Do you want to know more?” I cried, “No, my Lord. I trust You. From now on, You are my Lord. Today, You have answered me.” I could not sleep that night. I was baptised soon afterwards, and today, I serve Jesus. (From Revival World Report, Sept/Oct 2000, p 18.) Freed From Drug Addiction11th Jan 2015. 18:36. 7 drug addicts accept MM truth. SOWETO SABBATH Mzilikazi M; Zuma N; Buthelezi M; Kililu M; Damaris X; Coleta S; Madiba C. These are the names of the persons freed from drugs in Soweto who accepted MM truth and got baptised yesterday. As I report this we are with them. I am getting their background and how they entered into drug life. John 12th January 2015. Madiba C’s testimony. A young man of 16yrs. Born out of wedlock. Hated the word of God since his pastor made his life difficult by killing his mother in a love triangle turned sour. The pastor stabbed his mother to death in the year 2007. From then he led a solitary life joining Soweto street boys. He hated church and all who claim to be saved. He started taking drugs immediately after his mother’s death. When we requested them to join us in the Sabbath meet he told us outright “You SDA pastors are hypocrites; you killed my mother; you are all prostitutes; you are here to get our girls! Get out of here!” At that point God moved me to remove MM’s booklet on Faith and called him to come and take the book. My intention was to make him know that we are not SDA pastors but God-sent servants. Just when he touched the book he became unconscious and fainted. [He was slain in the Spirit.] He stayed in that state for 40 minutes and when he woke up he cried to us aloud to forgive him, pray for him, and baptize him to walk the faith journey. We prayed for him and gave him two more pieces: Why Jesus? and Why Hell? John Zuma N. This is a young man of 20 yrs who at a tender age of 8 dropped schooling due to the death of his two parents in a road carnage. He was travelling with his two parents to their rural home in Lesotho but they died on their journey back. He was the only survivor. That agony made him turn to drug abuse. When he saw how powerful God was when He brought down the gigantic Madiba (he is tall and heavily built) he accepted the MM lit and got baptised on Sabbath. South African Witch Brought To God16th January 2015. X is a feared witch in Johannesburg. The day we visited her area she was out on her business. She was not pleased with how God rescued drug addicts there. She followed us to kill us today. She cursed us using names of her gods. Our God prompted me to open the Faith booklet and point it at her. She cried aloud in pain, dropped her black bag down and a long black snake came out of it. The snake died when I pointed the lit at it. She is here in unconscious state. J Reply: That’s good to hear of how the witch was dealt with. I wonder if God will convert her and use her to spread the word after you have left? 23rd January 2015. 11:22. To John and Mark: Witch in South Africa: Helena had a dream last night about the witch in S Africa. As the witch lay on the ground, there were layers of demons over her, piling up about a foot high. Helena’s dream seemed to indicate that while the witch was lying down, things were taking place just above her. By intercession, someone was clearing demons off her. She was really plastered with them! …she is being delivered. 25th January 2015. From John: We managed to reach 35 people in SA. We gave them MM lit and baptised 34. X the witch was not baptised but she regained her consciousness. Here is what she said in her confession. “I have practised witchcraft for over 25 yrs. I inherited the practice from my late grandfather, a great witchdoctor who had magic power and could change into a hyena and eat all the sheep in our village in KwaZululand in SA. I have killed 903 people since I started this work, six of which were pastors. Today I came here to kill you but you instead brought me down using your FIRE PRODUCING BOOKS WHICH BURNT ALL MY POWERS. Please save my life. I am a sinner. I am not worthy to live but forgive me.” After that I touched her face with the booklet Faith, and she left for her home never to come back. On our way back home at Sirare, Tanzania, we received news from the witch’s son, who broke the news that the SA witch turned a believer is following us to Kenya to join us in MM outreach. We are waiting to see whether she will reach us. 25th January 2015. From Rhoda: “A woman of South African origin has left her home land to follow J and V for MM teachings and baptism. When she arrives let J accept her into his home. God will provide money for J to construct her a house. She will stay in J’s home for 1 year learning computer and translation work to go back to SA and serve God there for MM. Her house requires £3000 which should be sent through Eunice who will stand in [oversee] the construction of the house. I THE LORD HAVE BROUGHT HER TO KENYA. SHE DID NOT HAVE MONEY BUT SHE BOARDED AN AEROPLANE TO NAIROBI. I GOD WILL PAY HER FARE BACK… RHODA, ONLY! ONLY! ONLY! MALCOLM SHOULD KNOW THIS. 7 angels in glittering clothes bright white gave this information at midnight. [The angels said that only I should know about this at that time. That was to avoid the gang intercepting Rhoda’s message going to John or Mark. They cannot intercept her message to me.] After 10 minutes the angels came back to me and said that the van should be bought on Wednesday in Mombasa and God will send the chosen driver to drive it when MM lits will be taken to South Sudan next week. Comment: I am very curious to know how God worked it out for the lady to board a plane to Nairobi when she didn’t have money for the flight! God can do anything, and some of what He does defies human explanation so we can only accept it by faith in Him. The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but those things which are revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may do all the words of this law (Deuteronomy 29:29). Copyright: Midnight Ministries, PO Box 29, Aylesbury, HP17 8TL, UK www.midnightministries.org.uk
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