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Mighty Miracles Of God Volume 21 |
259“Go To Ivory Coast”
All the horns of the wicked I will cut off, but the horns of the righteous shall be exalted (Ps 75:10).
After God killed the enemy gunmen in South Sudan, God called for the van to return to Burundi to complete the MM literature library. But, after John and Vuga got the van repaired, lack of funds prevented them moving. Many years ago, God had me write the article God’s Work Cancelled For Lack of Interest. That has been the situation ever since: lack of interest and hence lack of funds. Paul gave the reason: Philippians 2:21, “For all seek their own...” Even ministers! If it wasn’t for the band of very few dedicated, giving supporters, this part of the Work of Elijah today would have ceased! Over the next couple of days the trickle of funds from the anointed regular supporters rescued the situation and the van ‘hobbled’ back towards Burundi. God spoke through the angels about His ideal. He wanted £1500 to be with John so the Burundi library could be completed. The regular supporters couldn’t fund that much. All had been utterly depleted by the costs, greatly inflated by enemy attacks. And where people ‘play church’ instead of doing what Jesus commanded in Matthew 28:19 and 10:8, the Work of God languishes. So judgement falls upon those who resist God’s prompts, and who, for selfish reasons, decline to help. If such folks don’t change their no to yes, they won’t be saved because they put another god before the One who is true. And that god in their lives is SELF. God won’t have anyone in His kingdom whom He cannot rule, and who puts Self, ego, pride, whatever carnal trait you want to name, in the place that is reserved for Him. He must be Number One, otherwise you are a lost soul. You can read those sentiments in Jesus’ words recorded in the ‘Sermon on the Mount’. Matthew 7:21. Matt 7:13. Matt 6:24. Matt 6:33. Matt 6:19-21. Matt 6:22-23. Matt 5:41-42. Matt 5:16. Matt 12:33. Matt 25:12. And more! Many will seek to enter in but will not be able. Why? Because Self takes precedence in their lives. They won’t give up what they want for themselves, in order to do the will of God. It’s hard doing the will of God. It goes against your natural desires. It hurts. It involves sacrifice, giving up, going without what you want, for the sake of the Greater Purpose. God is the greatest purpose. He expects your all. If you hold back, He will have no pleasure in you. After the van reached Rwanda, before they could get to Burundi, God issued another urgent command via the angels: To Ivory Coast To Spread The Word9th July 2020. 12:51. From Rhoda: "GOD HAS DONE IT AGAIN IN IVORY COAST. A DICTATOR WHO WAS ANTI MM IS NO MORE. AMADOU IS DEAD. THE VAN SHOULD MOVE THERE TO TAKE MM LITS ON CORONAVIRUS, THEN COME BACK TO BURUNDI TO COMPLETE THE LIBRARY NEXT WEEK WHEN THE MONEY WILL BE AVAILABLE. THIS IS A SERIOUS MISSION. MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE £450 NOW NOW NOW TO GET THE VAN TO IVORY COAST." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 13:50. Reply: I don’t think we can fund this today. And I don’t know what tomorrow will bring either, so we have to wait for tomorrow to see... 13:49. From John: There is a big gang of SDA members here abusing us and promising to attack us for sharing the MM lits with people here in Kigali Rwanda. This place is hostile but we believe God will contain them. God bless. 14:10. From John: God is great, God is great. God is wiping them out. 14:52. From John: They are very rude, rough and warlike. But we know what God can do to them via opened MM Faith lits. God bless. 14:56. From Rhoda: "MAY AT LEAST £100 REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW SO THAT THEY MOVE THE VAN OUTSIDE THE CITY. THAT BIG TEAM WILL FOLLOW THEM AND GOD WILL KILL THEM AT MIDNIGHT. GOD IS NOT HAPPY WITH THE TREATMENT THEY HAVE DONE TO JOHN AND VUGA. MAY THEY OPEN THE MM FAITH LITS NOW NOW NOW AS THEY WAIT FOR MONEY FOR FUEL TO REACH THEM." 7 Angels have said now. 10th July 2020. 6:16. From John: We received the £100 from Bob then moved 25 km away from Kigali but the gang of 11 people kept on trailing us calling us devil worshippers. At midnight they tried to hit the MM van but we were ready with opened MM Faith lits. God descended with firebolts killing all 11. They burnt beyond recognition crying for Malcolm to forgive them. They pleaded with us not to go to Ivory Coast where SDA and Islam are the major groups. Then after that, thick white mists led us away towards the border with Burundi. Our fuel got over. We have no water, no milk, no fuel and no money in the kitty. We are stuck here but thankful to God for defeating our enemies. God bless. Comment: By the way they were crying out for the van NOT to go to Ivory Coast, you can see they were possessed by demons. The evil spirit underworld knows aspects of God’s plans. The question for each person is: Do YOU want God’s plans to occur, or are you on Satan’s side by not getting involved? 10th July 2020. 6:22. From Rhoda: "GOD DESTROYED ALL THE 11 ATTACKERS AT MIDNIGHT. THE VAN SHOULD HEAD TO IVORY COAST NOW NOW NOW. THE TEAM HAS GOT NO WATER, NO MILK, NO FUEL. THE KITTY IS DRY. MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE £450 TO REACH JOHN NOW. £350 FOR FUEL AND £100 FOR WATER AND MILK." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Friday 10th July 2020. 9:04. From John: Thank you brother Bob. I have received it [£200] and we are off to Ivory Coast. God bless. 11:31. From Rhoda: "MALCOLM MALCOLM MALCOLM, THE MM VAN SHOULD REACH IVORY COAST TONIGHT. ONLY ONLY ONLY A FURTHER £177 WILL GET THEM TO IVORY COAST. MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE £177 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 10th July 2020. 13:54. To John: Vivian has managed to borrow £180, coming in a couple of hours. But we have to reimburse him next week and the week after, when we can scrape the money together somehow. Comment: Eleanor sent £204 (Fiona put in £24) but it got blocked. Saturday 11th July 2020. 8:06. To John: I presume you haven’t received that £204 which Eleanor sent yesterday. Did you manage to get to Ivory Coast? 10:04. From John: Thanks Will. We received it late at night. Bob too sent us some at night. We arrived in Ivory Coast today at 9 am. We are in a Sabbath meet here in Abidjan city. God is good. 15:03. From John: Many people here have accepted the MM Gospel of truth. We are meeting 12 Muslims plus 17 members from SDA church. They are testifying the great things God has done via MM. The Miracle of Travelling 3258 miles in 22 Hours19:33. To John: You left Burundi yesterday at about 11 am. Travelled nonstop. Arrived in Ivory Coast about 9 am today! The trip covers about eight countries. Yet you did that huge distance in less than a day, about 22 hours! From Bujumbura, Burundi to Abidjan, Ivory Coast the distance is 2381 miles as the crow flies. But by land transport it is 3258 miles. To cover that distance in that time is utterly impossible by natural means. It is only possible by supernatural means! It is phenomenal how God did that, because you wouldn’t notice being carried at excessive speed, or be aware of being somehow translocated in a supernatural way. [Average speed 148 mph!] And to do it on such a small amount of money is equally miraculous. When we had more money, such a trip would have been in four figures, now it is in three. Amazing! God makes a way where there seems to be no way. Of course, people will doubt. And that’s part of God’s intent, to do things that defy the human intellect so that people DISbelieve. “Fanciful” say the sceptics, and it justifies their position, so they take their place on the other side of the fence. But it’s not without precedent. Chuba Ao was translocated in Nagaland, northern India in record time, covering a huge distance on foot in an impossibly short time. And there is the biblical example of the evangelist Philip being translocated supernaturally (Acts 8:39,40). 19:36. From John: God did it. It was a great distance. God is mightier. 11th July 2020. 19:38. From Rhoda: "WHEN GOD SAYS YES THEN IT IS YES. THE VAN IS IN IVORY COAST DOING MIGHTY EVANGELISM. MAY THE REGULAR ANOINTED MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE £300 TO REACH JOHN TONIGHT TONIGHT TONIGHT FOR MORE FUEL, WATER, MILK. GOD IS IN CHARGE." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: Thanks to Eleanor and Bob £150 was sent. 12th July 2020. 8:07. From John: Already we have distributed 87 copies of MM lits on Coronavirus here in Abidjan. We bought water and milk with £30. Fuelled the van with £120. We have a big place to cover. We need more fuel. 12th July 2020. 8:10. From Rhoda: "MALCOLM TO WRITE AN MM LIT DIRECTED TO IVORY COAST EXPLAINING GOD'S WORK IN THE WORLD THROUGH MM LITS EVANGELISM TO AVERT CORONAVIRUS. NOW NOW NOW, MAY ALL ALL ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE £350 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW, THIS WILL TAKE THEM TILL TUESDAY MORNING. URGENTLY URGENTLY URGENTLY." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: We had nothing at all to give. We were all completely skint! 10:48. From John: Our fuel is over. We are stuck. The work is too big. From the three witnesses: Between 11:11 and 11:14, Trezaa in Arabia, Kachapim in S Sudan, and Eunice in Kenya, wrote to relate the dreams God gave each of them, saying the MM van is stuck in Ivory Coast; no fuel. God speaks to them when there is an urgent need and the outreach is being held up. 12:07. From John: We are in a big problem. We should have left Abidjan. 14:59. To John: Maybe God means you to be there where you are. The angels could move you on if it was essential to do so. Perhaps God is using the van like a magnet to draw opposition against you, so that He can wipe them out. 12th July 2020. 20:58. From Rhoda: MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE £450 TO REACH JOHN TONIGHT TONIGHT TONIGHT FOR FUEL, MILK AND WATER. TO TAKE THEM UP TO TUESDAY NIGHT. THEY ARE STUCK. THE WORK IS BIG. ALSO THE NEEDED £1500 FOR ROOFING OF THE MM LITS LIBRARY IN BURUNDI SHOULD REACH JOHN URGENTLY FOR THE COMPLETION OF THE WORK. 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: We have absolutely NOTHING! 12th July 2020. 21:00. From John: A Message To Ivory Coast: Thanks Will. We need to produce copies of this wonderful MM lit and give to as many people here as possible. Our milk and water too are over. It is pathetic here. God bless. [Most of that message is reproduced here:] A Message To Ivory Coast
Isaiah prophesied of a move of the Spirit of God, bringing good news to the poor, healing the brokenhearted, opening the spiritual prison, and more! (Isaiah 61:1-4.) God has sent the MM van and two evangelists to Ivory Coast as part of His fulfilment of biblical prophecy. Last week, seven angels appeared in shining glory to Rhoda Tonge in Kenya and announced to her that the Midnight Ministries’ (MM) van must go immediately to Ivory Coast. God has a message for you people in Ivory Coast. God has now come. He has sent His servants to you. Yesterday, the MM van arrived to fulfil God’s commission in Ivory Coast. This is part of God’s plan. He is wiping out all dictators in Africa, and bringing MM literature which contains the truth of God. He declared to Rhoda over two years ago, and she notified me: 14th November 2017. "GOD THROUGH MM LITS EVANGELISM WILL WIPE OUT ALL DICTATORS IN AFRICA...." 7 Angels have said that to me now. God is bringing judgement upon evil rulers, which is why Amadou is now dead. God took him out. God is also bringing judgement upon false prophets, false preachers, and evil church leaders. The words of Isaiah above are being fulfilled right now in Ivory Coast. Isaiah prophesied of The DAY OF VENGEANCE OF OUR GOD (Is 61:2). God exacts vengeance (punishment) upon evildoers who block His plan, but in His mercy He brings hope and comfort to the poor, the humble, the downtrodden. GOD IS ALSO COUNTERING CORONAVIRUS in this mission. He is bringing His truth to those who have not received it before, and where His truth is believed and accepted, He averts Coronavirus. God is the Great Healer, the Great Deliverer, and where people put their trust in Him by believing His words and surrendering their lives to OBEY Him, He protects them from Coronavirus (Psalm 91). Surely He shall deliver you from the snare of the... perilous pestilence (Psalm 91:3). You shall not be afraid of the terror by night... nor of the pestilence that walks in darkness.. (Ps 91:5,6). A thousand may fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand [because they don’t trust in God and don’t believe His promises such as this one], but it shall not come near you (Psalm 91:7). WHY? Because you rely upon God (Ps 91:9). People suffering from Coronavirus, or from any other disease or affliction, can be healed supernaturally by God. When you put your quiet trust in Him, humbly obeying Him, He looks kindly upon you. He will show you His tender lovingkindness. God recently took the life of the evil dictator Nkurunziza in Burundi. Nkurunziza provoked Almighty God’s anger by supporting the apostate SDA church and persecuting God’s faithful people. The SDA church is not God’s Church. God’s true Church is not contained within one human organisation regarded as a church. It transcends denominations. It is a spiritual ‘organism’, not a physical church organisation.[1] It is composed of those in whom the Spirit of God lives (Romans 8:9), who submit to, obey, and are led by God’s Spirit (Romans 8:14). Those who persecute others for their beliefs are not being led by the Holy Spirit of God, but by demons and the devil. Such hatred and malice are evil fruits; Jesus said you will recognise a tree by its fruit (Matthew 12:33; 7:15-20). God’s teaching exemplifies love and care for others, not malicious treatment (Galatians 5:14). For blaspheming God’s Holy Spirit, God is wiping out many evil pastors and church leaders. As just one sample, He killed 18 in Rwanda on 15th May 2018. He has killed more in Burundi and other countries over the last two years. God is not mocked (Galatians 6:7). The Work of ‘Elijah’ TodayAbout 2,400 years ago God prophesied through Malachi that He would send Elijah the prophet before the great and dreadful Day of the Lord (Malachi 4:5). ‘Elijah’ is a symbol, a representation of a prophetic happening to occur at the end of this age, repeating what Elijah did in his day. He trounced all the false prophets and false religion in a show of divine power on Mount Carmel (1 Kings 18), proving that HE (Elijah) was the one with the Truth from the true God. He called the people to repent of their wrong beliefs and practices (1 Kings 18:21,37). God is doing the same today. He is bringing all the falsity and false ministers under judgment for misleading the people with half truths and lies. Much false doctrine permeates the churches masquerading as ‘biblical truth’. God is sick of it. He wants purity of Truth to be upheld, but the majority don’t want it; they won’t accept it. Only the few will. God seeks those who are pure in heart, who will accept ALL He says, not just the parts of biblical truth they like. You read in Isaiah 40:3 of a prophet crying out in a wilderness of spiritual confusion. He prepares the Way for Christ’s coming. That Way of life is being prepared now. It is a way of living dictated by God’s commands in the Bible; the faith once delivered to the saints (Jude 3). This faith has been hidden from most of the Church for centuries, but it is being restored. This restoration was prophesied by Jesus who said that “Elijah is coming and will restore all things” (Matt 17:11). ‘Elijah’ is the movement of the Holy Spirit at this end time, restoring lost Bible truths and bringing false ones under God’s judgement. Smith Wigglesworth, a famous British evangelist, prophesied in 1947 of this Last Move of the Spirit, now taking place, 70 years later. The Church is ASLEEP!Jesus illustrated the church in our day as ten virgins, or ten young women who were waiting for a Bridegroom (Matt 25:1). They took their lamps (symbol of the spiritual light of God in the Bible; Ps 119:105), but half of them didn’t take oil (the Holy Spirit) with their lamps. Jesus prophesied: “While the Bridegroom was delayed, they ALL slumbered and slept” (Matt 25:5). Suddenly, unexpectedly, at MIDNIGHT (a symbol of judgement and of the unexpected, a time in Egypt when the death angel passed over), there was a prophetic ‘cry’, a clamour, a panic. “Behold the Bridegroom is coming, come out to meet Him” (Matt 25:6). That sentence has massive significance. ... [Truncated.] “...Tragically, far too many Christians are falling asleep, as illustrated by the parable, and allowing their lamps to go out. They are not all able to come out ready to meet Him!” (From God’s Great Genius.) Sleep is a metaphor for deception or lack of spiritual awareness. Do you see now what Jesus was prophesying in Matthew 25 about our age and the state of the Church at this late hour?! The Church is Being AwokenGod is restoring pure biblical Truth – true doctrine – to prepare the Bride for Jesus’ soon coming. Jesus’ Return is only a few years away now. This is the Last Restoration in this age, the Last Move of the Spirit. The Great Tribulation (Matt 24:21) will soon follow. The Midnight Cry is “COME OUT!” Revelation 18:4 adjures us to come out of the falsity of the false Church, represented by the metaphor of Babylon (Rev 18:4; 17:5). This religious Babylon, or confusion, is rampant throughout Christendom, seen in the babylon of conflicting and contradictory teachings promoted by churches with only some truth. But now, the whole counsel of God (Acts 20:27) is available. When the first apostles went out and took the truth to others, God confirmed the Word with miraculous signs accompanying them. Today, miraculous signs also follow MM. MM literature contains the Light of Truth. He wants it to be in your lamp, to light up your life so you can see clearly to walk in His way. You do not need to stumble over the jagged stones of false teaching that litter the path. He is making the rough way smooth (Isaiah 40:4). But Habakkuk prophesied of the disbelief of many: Look among the nations and watch [spiritually]. Be utterly astounded! For I will work a work in your days which you would not believe though it were told you (Habakkuk 1:5). God then declared to the prophet Habakkuk: Write the vision and make it plain... that he may run who reads it (Habakkuk 2:2). MM has now done that. Time is short. It’s time to run with God’s message and Truth! & Malcolm B Heap, 12th July 2020 From The Three Witnesses13th July 2020. 5:48. From Trezaa: Dream: "I God have done mighty things through MM van evangelism work, let Evangelism work go on nonstop. Malcolm and the regular anointed MM supporters to continue supporting the MM van evangelism. £500 to reach John urgently. Let Vuga and John not die, God is able." A tall man in white clothes appeared to me in a dream three times in one night speaking these words. 13th July 2020. 5:50. From Kachapim: Dream: MM van Evangelism work must go on nonstop. Regular anointed MM supporters to continue with the support. MM evangelists are stuck. 5:51. From Eunice: Dream: MM van Evangelism work to go on nonstop. Enemies Attack13th July 2020. 7:08. From John: At midnight two anti MM attackers came and leaned on the van, peeped through the windows. We acted asleep. They wanted to burn the van but fire failed to burn the van. They then left while saying that "these people of MM are devil worshippers, they have destroyed our SDA church using their charm in form of lits." They left complaining of eye problems. God surrounded the van in white mists. God bless. 9:09. To John: It’s tough on these missions, but God has chosen you two to do them, because He knows you will endure, though it isn’t easy and we all get discouraged and downhearted in these low points. £137 has been put together so far. Coming shortly. [Comment: £220 was put together and sent.] 13th July 2020. 10:18. From John: Thanks Will. We have received £220 from Bob. £50 water and milk. £50 production of the copies of the MM letter [leaflet] Malcolm wrote. £120 fuel. That's how we have budgeted. God bless. 11:55. From John: We are in Yamoussoukro city. We are meeting mainly Islamic folks and giving them the letter Malcolm wrote. It is a wonderful sight. 16:13. From John: God is honouring the MM lits by removing leaders who fight MM Evangelism work. Though we still meet opposition, they fear coming closer to God's MM van. We have met 135 people since morning distributing the MM lit that Malcolm wrote. God bless. 14th July 2020. 5:27. From John: We stopped Evangelism work at midnight when our fuel got over. From Midnight to now a group of anti MM people tried to attack us throwing stones at the van and abusing us. They are bitter that MM is gaining a big number of people who are accepting the MM Gospel of truth. We have milk and water to take us up to noon today. Our kitty is completely dry. God bless. 8:58. From John: We have visited Abidjan, Youmoussokro, Man, San-Pedro and Bouake cities. Now we are stuck in San-Pedro. It is hell here. This is mainly a Muslim dominated city. We need at least money for fuel so that we move on. 9:06. Reply: Well, since there isn’t any money at present, it’s obviously God’s plan to use the van like a magnet to draw the opposition and to wipe them out. Has anything happened yet to those ones throwing stones? 9:42. From Rhoda: "MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE AT LEAST £450 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW. IT IS URGENT URGENT URGENT. MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP OUT, THE TEAM IS IN A WORST SITUATION. WORST WORST WORST SITUATION. MM SUPPORTERS HELP OUT, THE TEAM IS IN HORRIBLE SITUATION. AT LEAST A FASTER £100 FOR WATER AND MILK TO GET TO THEM URGENTLY. THE VAN MAY GET DAMAGED BEYOND REPAIR IF THEY CONTINUE TO GET STUCK THERE. MORE MORE MORE PEOPLE ARE HEADING THERE TO HIT THE VAN. MM ANOINTED REGULAR SUPPORTERS HELP HELP HELP OUT." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: Rolf sent £750 to John but it got delayed for hours! Thankfully, a further £100 was eventually obtained by another supporter arranging to reimburse the giver so she didn’t default on her direct debits. John got it and was able to move away from the danger area. 14th July 2020. 11:53. From John: We are forced to come out and defend our MM van. These people are out to destroy the van and kill us. We are facing them with opened MM Faith lits. 14th July 2020. 18:28. From John: [About Rolf’s £750.] Thanks to God it has finally come in. God Kills The Enemies14th July 2020. 18:44. From John: Today: Thanks Will. We had a very hard time with SDA, Muslim and Megachurch members literally picking up stones and hitting the van. We were forced to come out. We told them to kill us. We went into them with opened MM Faith lits, cried to God as stones sprayed onto us like hailstones. My left eyebrow was hit with a stone, I bled profusely. Vuga was hit on the back and fell to the ground. The van is deformed Will, it requires panel beating. We ran back into the van when they started falling down one after another. God descended in strong winds. We stood our ground and witnessed 25 people die instantly, crying aloud in Malcolm's name. It was a dreadful sight. When we received money from Bob, we fuelled the van and moved out immediately. We are in the forest now because some more people followed after us calling us devil worshippers. God led us here via the thick white mists. We are surrounded by very thick, thick white thick mists. The van only requires straightening out. No glass is broken. Rolf has sent £750. We want to use £250 for fuel, van repair, water and milk. Then £500 to be part of the bill for roofing the MM lits library in Burundi. God Reaffirms The Importance of The MM Library14th July 2020. 18:50. From Rhoda: "GOD WANTS THE MM LITS LIBRARY IN BURUNDI TO BE COMPLETED. THAT'S WHY THE TEAM FACED A BIG CHALLENGE TODAY. JOHN TO ENSURE £500 FROM WHAT ROLF SENT GOES STRAIGHT TO ROOFING OF THE MM LITS LIBRARY. THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS TO HELP RAISE £1000 FOR THE ROOFING WORK TO REACH JOHN TONIGHT TONIGHT TONIGHT. GOD WANTS THE WORK TO END. 25 PEOPLE WHO HIT JOHN, VUGA AND THE MM VAN MET THEIR DEATH IN THE HANDS OF GOD. STRONG WINDS HIT THEM TO THE GROUND AND THEY DIED INSTANTLY. LET JOHN USE £50 FOR WATER AND MILK, £100 FOR VAN FUEL AND £100 TO REPAIR THE VAN." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: It doesn’t get easier! How on earth can we raise £1,000?!!!! 14th July 2020. 19:05. To John: What a hellish experience! All because the money was held up. Demons caused that. May God heal you both speedily and remove the pain. God bless. You both did valiantly!! Comment: Rolf sent £500 to John. Amazing! 15th July 2020. 10:02. From John: Thanks. Now we are left with the last £500 to make it £1500 for the roofing work for the MM lits library in Burundi. Comment: Eleanor contributed £80. It was all we could do. 16th July 2020. 8:53. From John: Our fuel is over. We can't move on. Comment: Thanks to all the suppoters £177 was sent. 16th July 2020. 12:26. From Rhoda: "MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE THE REMAINING BALANCE OF £500 FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE MM LITS LIBRARY TO BE COMPLETED. GOD IS NOT HAPPY ABOUT THE SLOW PROGRESS OF THE COMPLETION OF THE LIBRARY. MAY £500 FOR THE LIBRARY CONSTRUCTION REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW." 7 Angels said that now. 16th July 2020. 12:31. From John: We visited Divo, Anyama and Gagnoa city... Life is very hard. Will, I had a dream: A tall man in white clothes appeared to me and told me to ensure that the library in Burundi is urgently finished by Friday this week or else wrath will befall me. Will, I am shocked. We have only £1000, still lacking the needed £500. Am afraid after this dream. Comment: The three witnesses also had similar dreams of the library. Like John was alarmed, Eunice was also worried and wondered if she should their plot of land to raise the £500. “Am afraid God may punish us.” 14:10. Reply: No, no, no, no, no, do NOT sell your land. God won’t kill you or John. It’s not your fault or his that the needed money hasn’t arrived 16th July 2020. 14:24. From John: I also had a disturbing dream about the MM lits library in Burundi. God through the Angels had said that the library is God's ark in a place where MM was fought by SDA via the late dictator Nkurunziza. God took away his life. Am worried. Eunice had the same dream. 14:49. Reply: Don’t worry yourself about it. You don’t have £500 so the dream does not apply to you. God gave you that dream putting you in the place of someone else who does have that money and COULD help. Meanwhile, try not to be troubled about it. You have been doing a good job and obediently following His directions, often in very difficult circumstances, and bearing sufferings also that no one would want to go through. God is pleased with what you have done and with your response. The dream is not for you, nor Eunice. It’s for someone over here who is meant to be a regular supporter of MM, but has consistently resisted God. God won’t put up with it forever. This could well be His time to deal severely with that person (Rom 11:22). 16th July 2020. 14:26. From Rhoda: "MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE £500 FOR THE LIBRARY WORK IN BURUNDI. GOD'S ARK." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 15:05. From John: Amen. Am relieved. God bless you abundantly Will. 16th July 2020. 18:56. From John: We will be baptising 14 people tomorrow who were former SDA and Islam members. We have a challenge. We need to produce more copies of the lit Malcolm sent us, we also need water and milk to take us through the weekend. Now in the kitty we are left with only £15. Believers Butchered In Burundi!Thursday 16th July 2020. 19:04. From Rhoda: "MM FOLKS ARE BEING BUTCHERED IN BURUNDI AND NOW NOW NOW THEY ARE MOVING INTO THE UNFINISHED LIBRARY BUILDING. THEY ARE BEING ACCUSED OF BEING BEHIND THE DEATH OF THE PROMINENT DICTATOR NKURUNZIZA. THEIR ACCUSERS ARE CLAIMING THAT MM LITS ARE CHARMS USED BY MM BELIEVERS TO KILL THOSE WHO ARE OPPOSED TO MM TEACHINGS. THIS TORMENT IS PLANNED TO GO ON TILL ALL MM FOLKS IN BURUNDI ARE KILLED. THE LIBRARY IS A PLACE OF REFUGE TO MM FOLKS. THE GREAT IAM HAS BEEN CRYING FOR THE LIBRARY TO BE COMPLETED. MM FOLKS ARE BEING BUTCHERED. MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE £450 FOR FUEL ONLY TO TAKE THE MM VAN BACK TO BURUNDI URGENTLY URGENTLY URGENTLY... THIS IS VERY VERY VERY URGENT URGENT URGENT." 7 Angels said that to me now. Comment: God gave the three witnesses, Trezaa, Kachapim and Eunice, similar dreams about believers in Burundi being slaughtered. £174 was raised and sent. It’s all we had between all the supporters. But the transfer didn’t go through. It was blocked and held in the system for days. So, all that day and the following day, they were held up and more enemies attacked! John and Vuga Attacked Again in Ivory Coast 17th July 2020. 8:08. From John: We are completely stuck. God bless. Meanwhile, God confirmed in dreams His approval of MM literature: 17th July 2020. 9:36. From Eunice: God has consistently reminded us of the importance of this library. It is God's ark. Now for three consecutive nights God has kept on reminding us of the importance of the MM lits library in Burundi. 9:37. From Trezaa: MM lits library: This is God's ark in Burundi. Its completion is very necessary. Every night God has sent me dreams about it. 9:37. From Kachapim: MM lits library in Burundi: God insists on the urgent completion of this project. It is necessary. It is urgent. 17th July 2020. 11:32. From Rhoda: "THIS IS A BIG BLOW. GOD MUST DEFEAT THE ENEMIES. THE MM LITS LIBRARY MUST BE COMPLETED. LET JOHN AND VUGA NOT PANIC, GOD CALLED THEM FROM NOTHING, GOD WILL SUSTAIN HIS WORK. GOD IS WORKING OUT A MIGHTY MIRACLE." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 11:26. From Eunice: From Midnight last night to now our home has been covered with thick white mists implying the presence of God's hand. God wants His library to get completed... Friday 17th July 2020. 12:43. From John: 24 people are here asking us many questions why we are stuck here and can't move... This has annoyed them and now they are arguing with us calling us names. They claim that we are responsible for deaths in this country. We will not give them even a second to beat us. We are ready with opened MM Faith lits. God can't allow our enemies to attack us at this time. God bless. 16:13. From Rolf: I could take another £400 on my credit card. It's on the way to John. 16:18. To John: Rolf has sent you £400. I hope you are both OK, or have you been hurt by that evil mob? 16:30. From John: It is a big war, we can't allow them to destroy the van. Midnight will be the final. We are battling it out with them... Saturday 18th July 2020. 9:36. From John in Divo city: Money came in before midnight but we couldn't do anything because we were in the battlefield. At midnight God killed 17 with firebolts. They overwhelmed us and were almost reaching the van. God came in with firebolts killing all of them. 9:47. Reply: I am so relieved. And what about yourselves, are you OK...? 18th July 2020. 10:17. From John: ...We are heading back to Burundi, we have used all the £400 Rolf sent for fuel, it is now the second day without water nor milk but God has kept us stronger. We are sure this fuel can't get us back to Burundi but God is in MM. God is in MM. We picked up injuries, my left eye is swollen, Vuga lost a tooth. The windscreen is broken. God bless. 19:49. From John: ...We are still in pain. We are now stuck. Our fuel is over. God bless. [1]This truth is explained fully in the book God’s Church: Whose Authority? It also explains why hierarchic church authority is satanic, not godly, and what God’s ideals are.
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