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Mighty Miracles Of God Volume 20
258Attack! Attack! |
Make haste, O God, to deliver me!
Make haste to help me, O Lord! (Psalm 70:1).
The eight workers had to return to Ukerewe because there was no money to finish the library. John and Vuga visited five cities in Burundi distributing the Coronavirus article to counter it. Then this happened: Comment at the time: Thanks to Fiona £80 was sent, all we could do. About an hour ago, when I came in from work, there was a terrific demonic attack on my gut and left leg which has lasted for nearly an hour. Quite intense stabbing pains. Helena has been pushing them all off with her gift. We get daily stuff, but this was intense! They regularly attack me in some physical way, either my leg to try to prevent me moving around; or my left hand which has developed a lump in the palm. And Helena puts up with far more. They attack her eyes making them itchy and weepy, create bone growths on her feet and hands, and other internal discomforts. And when she gets up from having to sit for hours on end, pushing at these fiends, she can hardly walk. We’ll be glad when it’s all over. It’s been about 20 years now, doing this intercession. 4th July 2020. 12:36. From John: We covered 4 cities since last night and today we have had a Sabbath meeting 12 people in Bujumbura city. We have mainly shared on the MM role in defeating Corona Virus with the MM lit... 4th July 2020. 16:49. From Rhoda: "TONIGHT A TEAM OF ARMED MEN LED BY WARLORD KALAUSI RUMERUKA WILL ATTACK THE MM TEAM. THEY ARE AWARE THAT THE EIGHT WORKERS HAD GONE. THAT'S ONE REASON WHY GOD INSISTS ON MORE MONEY TO REACH JOHN, FOR ENOUGH FUEL. IT WILL BE A VERY BIG BATTLE." 7 Angels said that to me now. MORE MM OPPOSERS ARE BUSY WRITING FALSEHOOD ABOUT THE MM EVANGELISM TEAM. MALCOLM TO IGNORE IGNORE IGNORE. 4th July 2020. 16:51. From John: There are strange people hovering around here. They are anti MM. 16:55. Pray for us. These are attackers. Saturday 4th July 2020. 16:56. Reply: We don’t have any more money at present. Hopefully Monday... Intercession is continuous. 17:20. From Rhoda: "...THIS IS GOING TO BE A BIG BATTLE." 7 Angels have said that to me now. [But we had no money at all.] Comment: Wilfred was given 2 Corinthians 1:8. It was our situation. More than a week earlier Eleanor was pointed to Deuteronomy 32:41 “When I sharpen My flashing Sword and My hand grasps it in judgment, I will take vengeance on My adversaries and repay those who hate Me!” Just what God is doing in fulfilment of His promises of sending ‘Elijah’ in these last days. Vuga Is Taken Captive5th July 2020. 6:30. From John: Vuga got abducted at some minutes to midnight. I tried to chase after them up to Burundi Rwanda border when fuel got over. They beat up Vuga and handcuffed him before he could remove and open the MM Faith lit. I have not even a little fuel to continue with the chase. 6:36. From Rhoda: "HE [Kalausi Rumeruka] IS HIRED TO KILL JOHN OR VUGA. HE CAME ALL THE WAY FROM SOUTH SUDAN UGANDA BORDER. NOW VUGA IS CAPTURED. MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE £450 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW FOR VAN FUEL. THE VAN MUST MOVE UP TO UGANDA SOUTH SUDAN NO MANS LAND WHERE THE CAPTURERS’ VEHICLE HAS BROKEN DOWN, THEY HAVE MOVED TO JUBA TO BUY THE TYRES. SO JOHN MUST REACH THERE BEFORE EVENING, FACE THEM WITH OPENED MM FAITH LIT, RESCUE VUGA, WITNESS AS GOD KILLS ALL THE FIVE ARMED MEN IN THEIR VEHICLE. URGENT URGENT URGENT." 7 Angels said that to me now. 5th July 2020. 9:32. From John: May God open up means for me to move and help my brother Vuga. I fear for his life. God bless. Comment at the time: John won’t be able to get there in time to save Vuga’s life unless there’s a massive miracle to transport him there supernaturally. All our supporters shelled out everything they could get hold of to get the van moving. The three witnesses have dreams of the situation: 5th July 2020. 9:28. From Trezaa: Dream: MM evangelist is abducted. 9:29. From Kachapim: Dream: Vuga is being beaten up by abductors. 9:30. From Eunice: Dream: Let's all pray for Vuga and John. Comment: God performed a miracle. John got there by midnight! John Rescues Vuga6th July 2020. 6:14. From John: Right now am engaging them in Bora town South Sudan. It is a big battle. They hit at the front of the van. They beat up Vuga to give them the secrets of MM but Vuga is okay now though he lost a lot of blood. At midnight God only killed three men who hit the MM van. The ringleader and his assistant are still fighting us by abusing and threatening to kill us before evening today. We can't leave here before God kills this warmonger. God bless. 6th July 2020. 7:25. From Rhoda: "THE LIBRARY IN BURUNDI HAS ANNOYED SOME CHURCHES PLUS LOCAL LEADERS WHO ARE ANTI MM. GOD WILL KILL RUMERUKA TONIGHT. MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE £300 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW FOR REPAIR OF THE VAN URGENTLY..." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 8:45. From John: Thanks. I arrived here at midnight. The gunmen were out to destroy the van. God killed them with firebolts. The van is in bad shape it needs service. We have no money in the kitty. God bless. 8:43. From Rhoda: "GOD WILL KILL RUMERUKA TONIGHT. HE IS A MUSLIM WARLORD FOR HIRE. HE IS A SOMALIAN BY BIRTH. MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE £300 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 10:54. To John: All that is available is £24. There is nothing else today. 12:27. From John: God will surely resolve it. £24 can't repair the van. 13:48. Reply: Yes. And there is no more money available today, so we hope for a better situation tomorrow because we don’t have enough support. From the three witnesses: 13:33. From Trezaa: Dream: John and Vuga are in a big problem. 13:34. From Kachapim: Dream: MM van is destroyed [seriously damaged]. 13:35. From Eunice: Dream: MM van needs urgent repair. 6th July 2020. 18:37. From John: Thanks Will. Thick white mists have engulfed the whole of this place. Over 10 armed men are here throwing stones at the van and calling us names. Put us in prayers so that by midnight we see God's hands. We are ready with opened MM Faith lits. God bless. 6th July 2020. 18:41. From Rhoda: "URGENTLY URGENTLY URGENTLY, MALCOLM TO WRITE A LETTER DIRECTED TO KALAUSI AND SEND TO JOHN WARNING HIM TO AVOID AIMING AT GOD'S MM VAN. GOD MUST KILL HIM TONIGHT AT MIDNIGHT BECAUSE THIS IS UNPARDONABLE SIN. MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE £300 TO REACH JOHN TONIGHT TONIGHT TONIGHT." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 18:47. To KALAUSI RUMERUKA: Take heed. Your malice is evil and unforgivable to throw stones at the MM van, which belongs to the Almighty God. And God will not tolerate your ABUSE. So stop throwing stones at His van, or God will throw you where you don’t want to go. 20:05. From John: Pray for us. It is going to be a big battle. May God open way to move out of this place after the midnight battle. We have very little fuel. 6th July 2020. 20:07. From Rhoda: "VUGA IS FEELING BAD, HE IS ALMOST LOSING HOPE. JOHN IS VERY FIRM. LET VUGA REMAIN STRONG FOR GOD IS OPENING UP WAYS FOR ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS TO SEND £450 TO JOHN URGENTLY URGENTLY URGENTLY TONIGHT TONIGHT TONIGHT." 7 Angels have said that to me now. From the three witnesses: 20:09. From Trezaa: Dream: The MM evangelists need to move out of South Sudan, God wants them out after midnight of mighty war. They lack fuel. 20:10. From Kachapim: Dream: Money to reach John and Vuga tonight, they are in a big problem. 20:11. From Eunice: Dream: God God God save John and Vuga from the fiercest attackers. No money, no water, no milk. Comment: I don’t know where that money can come from. All over here are empty. God will have to put it in somehow if no one else can. God Strikes The Attackers Dead7th July 2020. 6:25. From John: After reading aloud the letter Malcolm wrote to them, they got annoyed and abused us nonstop. At midnight our attackers became more daring, they tried to turn the MM van upside down with us inside. Like an electric charge God hit them to the ground and we moved about 100m away. Immediately, God struck them with firebolts killing all of them. 15 people died in our watch. We are stuck here Will. God knows. 7th July 2020. 6:31. From Rhoda: "AT MIDNIGHT GOD KILLED ALL THE ATTACKERS WHO WANTED TO DESTROY THE VAN AND KILL JOHN AND VUGA. MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE £450 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW. THEY ARE COMPLETELY STUCK. THE VAN MUST MOVE BACK TO BURUNDI..." 7 Angels said that now. 8:08. To John: Thanks for standing firm. God is on our side, so no one can defeat you, though they may cause us trouble. The angels are announcing the need for £450. So far today we have 150 coming shortly. [Thanks to Vivian.] 7th July 2020. 8:32. From John: We are in Bora. The bodies are burnt to ashes. Many people came out to witness what happened. 9:12. To John: I guess God sets up these encounters in such places for a witness to the local people who will doubtless gossip about it in their neighbourhoods. 9:30. From John: Yes, will. God bless. 7th July 2020. 9:10. From Kachapim in S Sudan: At midnight in Bora town, a mighty blast killed some people. And the MM van was seen parked 100m away. [Gossip travels far and wide there.] 7th July 2020. 11:25. To John: It sounds like Nigel is getting hold of £300. Maybe you can get your van fixed, then. [Many thanks to Nigel. So the £450 the angels promised yesterday was achieved today. Romans 4:17.]
No Food & No Sleep On MissionsComment: As you know, John and Vuga, when on mission, take no sleep or food. They just have 10 or 15 minutes rest each day and drink milk and water. That’s all. God does the rest. I don’t know of any other ministry that experiences such a phenomenon. But then, other ministries don’t carry the Final Restoration of Truth. That’s the reason. It’s also the reason God heals people and does other miracles when a Faith booklet is employed as a token of the person’s faith in God, similar to the anointed handkerchiefs (some say prayer shawls) that came from the apostle Paul because of the anointing which was on him for further revelation of Truth at that time. His ministry was unique.
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