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Mighty Miracles Of God Volume 21 |
260Back In Burundi
The wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness. (Romans 1:18)
The difficulties and hardship caused by lack of funds were getting worse, and so it seemed were the attacks. John and Vuga suffered in those confrontational situations. They bore the brunt of it all, while people here and in America who could have helped just ignored our plight. (I’m talking about ministries and churches. They wanted nothing to do with us!) God propelled them back from Ivory Coast on £400. They drove all day and all night, with minimal breaks. God sustains them without sleep, and on only milk and water. And, on that return journey they were so short of funds they had to go without water and milk for two days. It nearly broke them! It’s tough doing these missions. By the morning of 19th July they had reached DRC (Democratic Republic of Congo) and were 50 km from Burundi. John expressed their desperation: 19th July 2020. 9:15. From John: We are very hungry and thirsty, we are dying. God, come for our rescue. God, open up means for money to reach us...! 10:02. To John: Rolf has sent you £81. It’s all we have... 20th July 2020. 6:55. From John: Thanks Will. We bought water and milk with £31 and fuelled the van with £50. We crossed into Burundi. We are at the site where building of the MM lits library is going on... Six Believers Murdered In Burundi, Nine Injured8:07. Reply: Thanks... What is the situation re the folks who were murdered? How many? Are there any believers still alive? 20th July 2020. 8:44. From John: Six were murdered. Nine have injuries. The gang leader is a known person. Nkuruka Ndukunaye, he promised to come back. Will, we lack fuel, water and milk. God bless. 20th July 2020. 9:08. From Rhoda: "MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE AT LEAST £370 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW TO KEEP THEM GOING. THEY ARE IN A WORST SITUATION WITH MM FOLKS KILLED AND SOME INJURED. THIS IS AN URGENT NEED." 7 angels have said. Next, A Call To Go To Guinea20th July 2020. 9:10. From Trezaa in Saudi Arabia: A dream: Guinea, Guinea, Guinea. MM van to reach there urgently. 20th July 2020. 9:11. From Kachapim in S Sudan: A dream: Guinea needs the MM message of truth via MM lits Evangelism urgently. 20th July 2020. 9:12. From Eunice in Kenya: A dream: MM gospel of truth is urgently needed in Guinea where witchcraft and wizardry is still the norm. 20th July 2020. 9:14. From Rhoda: "MM LITS SHOULD REACH GUINEA URGENTLY URGENTLY URGENTLY. GOD HAS A PURPOSE FOR THIS MISSION. URGENT URGENT URGENT." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 9:33. Reply: OK. When funds come, we can do that. God Decreed Death On Ndukunaye20th July 2020. 9:58. From Rhoda: NKURUKA NDUKUNAYE "THIS MAN IS BAD. HE IS AWARE THAT THE MM VAN IS BACK IN BURUNDI. GOD WANTS HIM DEAD. THE VAN MUST LEAVE FOR GUINEA AND GABON TODAY WHEN GOD KILLS HIM TONIGHT. MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE AT LEAST £350 FOR FUEL, WATER AND MILK. AND A FURTHER £400 FOR FUEL TO GUINEA AND GABON." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 13:04. From Rhoda: "MALCOLM TO WRITE A LETTER DIRECTED TO NDUKUNAYE, HE IS MOVING CLOSER TO THE TEAM WITH THE AIM OF BOMBING THE MM VAN. LET JOHN AND VUGA GET READY WITH OPENED MM FAITH LITS. THE TEAM IS HUNGRY, WATER AND MILK IS URGENTLY NEEDED." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 13:20. To John for NKURUKA NDUKUNAYE. Back off from attacking the MM van or God will strike you dead, and any of your followers who try to harm God’s servants in the MM van. God’s angels are watching you and will not allow you to kill God’s servants, so back off, or you are a dead man! Malcolm B Heap, Midnight Ministries, PO Box 29, Aylesbury, HP17 8TL, UK 17:48. To John: Has that evil geezer turned up yet? 18:01. From John: We are in a big problem. 18:06. Reply: We are still interceding against the demons in this situation. A blasted nuisance that the money hasn’t gone through to you yet. May God get whoever is blocking it to release it! 18:17. From John: He hasn't turned up yet. We are set with opened MM Faith lits. The money hasn't reached me. God bless. 18:43. Reply: Well, we are still interceding against this block, so it’s in God’s hands. If He wants it cleared it will be cleared... Tuesday 21st July 2020. Comment: The £327 which Eleanor put through to John yesterday, after the angels okayed that route, was blocked and I couldn’t understand why after what the angels said. Helena spent quite a time interceding, pushing against the demons holding it. She had three sessions against it! Must have taken over an hour. Then, amazingly it went through after midnight, even though the network was off! That’s a miracle. 21st July 2020. 5:12. From John: Thanks Eleanor, I have received it. God Executes Ndukunaye And His Gang of 2221st July 2020. 5:22. From John: Thanks, I have received it. At midnight God killed 23 people including their leader Ndukunaye. They came with some charm, sprayed it in the compound promising to [claiming it would] send out all the demonic powers [they thought] we in MM are using. We remained steadfast with the opened MM Faith lits. When they started throwing stones at us, we moved out of the compound about 400m away to avoid destruction of the library. God descended in thick white mists that completely blocked their visibility. They couldn't see us. They started fighting among themselves as we watched. God landed on them with firebolts killing all the 23. Ndukunaye cried aloud calling Malcolm's name, cursing MM and firing in the air to kill Malcolm. [He probably saw me above in a vision.] They all died. It was just after that when the money sister Eleanor sent came in. God is great. God willing, more money could have come in so that this library is completed. God knows. God bless. [Yes it could, if people would. But the supporters have nowt.] 7:56. Reply: Thanks for letting us know. Wonderful relief that God dealt with all those thugs! Praise God! Now I still wonder how you can move on, not having a windscreen. The damage from the previous attack on the van still hasn’t been fixed. So, where are you now? 21st July 2020. 8:07. From John: Thanks Will. We are in Bujumbura City. 9:03. To John: That was amazing that the money came into your account after midnight. That’s when the network is off, isn’t it? So, THAT was another miracle! A miracle is a happening that defies rational explanation. The network was off when the money appeared. Then, early in the morning, after the network came back on, you sent me the report of what God did last night to deliver you from those demonic scoundrels. So, to confound the sceptics, God did what defies rational explanation. God cleared the block and enabled the funds to reach you. Only He knows how. Comment: Thanks to Anna, Vivian and Bob, £200 was sent. But it was still about £700 short of what was needed for the missions the angels announced to confront witchcraft in Gabon and Guinea and set the captives free. When Bob e-mailed he included the reference of Ps 89:5-8 which says that God is greatly feared in the council of the holy ones (NIV v 7). Contrast that with humans and aren’t humans so blind!? They treat God with levity or impunity! Trying To Finish The Library Roof21st July 2020. 20:28. From John: From the money we received today, we spared £500 for the roofing work for the MM lits library. We bought iron sheets. Tomorrow the roofing work will be going on. We require additional £350. £200 for van repair, £100 labour charge for roofing, £50 for water and milk... 21st July 2020. 20:31. From Rhoda: "GOD WILL BLESS JOHN AND VUGA ABUNDANTLY FOR THE GREAT SACRIFICE. THE ROOFING WORK WILL END TOMORROW. MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE £450 TO REACH JOHN TOMORROW MORNING. £200 FOR VAN REPAIR, £100 TO PAY THE BUILDERS, £100 VAN FUEL AND £50 FOR WATER AND MILK. TOMORROW NIGHT ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS TO HELP RAISE £477 TO REACH JOHN FOR THE GUINEA AND GABON MISSIONS. GOD IS VERY VERY VERY PLEASED WITH THE GREAT WORK GOING ON." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 22nd July 2020. 6:14. From John: ...Work is going on well. Further need is of 2 doors, 4 windows, and shelves for holding the lits. It is roughly £477. Comment: No money was available for all these needs. 8:10. From John: We are in a big problem. No water nor milk... 8:50. Reply Why can’t the local believers give you some? 8:53. From John: They are desperate after the attackers destroyed all their belongings. It is an awful sight. They are more desperate. Most people we meet are the poorest of the poor. It is sad. God bless. 9:29. Work is going on very well. Half the roof has been done. Comment: Eleanor was able to send £47 (50 less fee)but it took time. God Again Urges Us To Go To Gabon22nd July 2020. 15:53. From Rhoda: "THIS IS A MAJOR MM MISSION THAT SHOULD TAKE MM LITS TO THE POOREST OF THE POOR AFRICANS. THE MM VAN SHOULD LEAVE FOR GABON AT MIDNIGHT TONIGHT TAKING MM LITS. MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE £497 TO REACH JOHN TONIGHT TONIGHT TONIGHT FOR FUEL FOR THIS MIGHTIER MISSION." 7 Angels said that now. Comment: Sadly it wasn’t possible because of lack of funds. 22nd July 2020. 19:49. From John: We are short of 4 iron sheets then the roof is done. Now doors, windows and shelves are the remaining needs plus electricity fixing. We have no fuel to move around tomorrow. God knows. 20:03. From Trezaa: Dream: The van to move out to Guinea and Gabon. 20:04. From Kachapim: Dream: Guinea and Gabon need MM lits. 20:05. From Eunice: Dream: Guinea and Gabon need MM lits. The MM van is stuck in Burundi. 22nd July 2020. 20:49. From Rhoda: THE DEVIL IS AGAINST THE COMPLETION OF THE LIBRARY. THE DEVIL IS WORKING HARD TO DESTROY THE MIGHTY WORK GOD HAS DONE THROUGH THE MM LITS EVANGELISM WORK, THE DEVIL IS UNHAPPY WITH JOHN AND VUGA. MALCOLM, MALCOLM, MALCOLM DON'T ALLOW MM LITS EVANGELISM WORK TO COLLAPSE... MM LITS EVANGELISM WORK TO GO ON NON STOP. THIS IS GOD’S VESSEL OF DESTROYING SATANIC WORKS IN THE WORLD. 7 Angels have said that to me now. 8:24. From John: ...The workers are hired to do the work. 9:50. From John: SDA and Muslims are unhappy about the library work... A group is standing around here abusing us. They are promising to attack us. 10:08. Reply: £60 should be coming shortly. Just ward them off with Faith booklets as you know to do to defend yourselves. God is weeding out this opposition, bringing them along to receive His judgement. Comment: Thanks to Vivian, £60 was sent, but it took 4 hours to arrive! 16:16. To John: ...What’s happened to the other antagonistic mob of SDAs and Muslims? 16:26. From John: That group has promised to burn us this night. We don't fear them. We are set with opened MM Faith lits in Jesus’ name. Our dilemma is paying these workers their wages. We can't fear the SDA and Muslim warlords. We will meet them with MM Faith lits in Jesus name at midnight. Comment: Rolf sent £120 to John late the next day, and Bob £200. 24th July 2020. 10:04. From John: Thanks. I have paid the workers with £120 from Rolf. We have bought 4 iron sheets using £80 from the £200 Bob has sent. They are doing the final touches. £20 water and milk. We have £100 in the kitty, we need 2 doors, 4 windows and shelves. We also need to visit Guinea and Gabon. God knows. 11:46. Reply: Yes, I know well about the needs, but at present we are hamstrung for lack of funds... Last night, what happened with you? Did the workers hit you or harm you, more than being verbally abusive? And what happened to the SDA and Muslim mob...? 24th July 2020. 17:35. From John: The roofing work is done... We have bought one main door at £65. They are fixing the door... The SDA and Muslim factions are still threatening to come and burn us tonight. Will, we are ready with opened MM Faith lits. We will face them in Jesus name. God bless. Comment: Well, it WAS finished on Friday as the angels originally requested, but three weeks late! 24th July 2020. 18:01. From Rhoda: "GOD BLESS JOHN AND VUGA, THEY HAVE SELFLESSLY DONE A GREAT WORK. THE ROOFING WORK IS OVER, THE DOOR IS ON. MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE AT LEAST £450 TO REACH JOHN TONIGHT. LET THE VAN MOVE OUT TO GUINEA AND GABON TOMORROW. GOD WILL OPEN UP MORE WAYS FOR THE MM LITS EVANGELISM WORK TO GO ON NON STOP. GO GO GOOOOO. LET THE VAN GO GOOOOO." 7 Angels have said that to me now. [We had to wait till next day for the needed funds.]
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