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Mighty Miracles Of God Volume 19
240The Chase To South Sudan |
We must through many tribulations enter the kingdom of God (Acts 14:22).
39 believers in south Juba were seriously affected by a flood. It killed seven people, and families lost nearly everything. When we heard of this disaster, an appeal for help went to our regular faithful supporters. On 23rd December 2019 Rolf sent £1500 to John’s bank account to help them, but days passed and it didn’t arrive. Finally, after two weeks, the money was returned to Rolf’s account. Blasted police interference! That was Scotland Yard meddling in our affairs and disaffecting the banks. The angels said what to do: 4th January 2020. 4:35. From Rhoda: "LET THE MONEY BE SENT BY MPESA TO JOHN IN INSTALMENTS, £500, £500, £455." 7 Angels have said. Sunday 5th January 2020. 17:32. From John: We are in Juba. 5th January 2020. 18:53. Reply: What is the situation in S Juba with the folks who were flooded and where 7 lost their lives? 6th January 2020. 4:40. From John: They are in a pathetic situation. It is worse. They need humanitarian aid. No clothes, no food. It is worse. 6th Jan 2020. 4:46. From Rhoda: "...ROLF SHOULD SEND THE MONEY FOR FLOOD VICTIMS BY MPESA TO JOHN, THE MM BROTHERS IN JUBA ARE IN A PATHETIC SITUATION." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 8:45. From John: Each have got only one clothe on their bodies. They are sleeping in the open inside a big cave. 9:02.To John: With no food... for how many days?! 9:30. From John: Almost one month. God bless. 9:49. Reply: And that money sent to alleviate those people’s suffering was blocked, so it couldn’t reach them. May God deal with whoever caused that money to be blocked!!! 11:38. To John: Rolf has sent you £300 by Mpesa towards the needs of the south Juba folks. God bless them! [They received more than £1000 on top, later.] 7th Jan 2020. 4:34. From John: Thanks. I received and sent to them. [John received it in the evening of the 6th.] Ten Gunmen Chase After Our Van9th Jan 2020. 11:18. From John: They are trailing us in three white cars. 11:30. Reply: Yes. I presume gunmen are in those cars. That’s probably why the angels said to get out as soon as possible last night. But the angels will protect you. However, keep going nonstop to Khartoum. 17:01. From John: Bullets: The white cars have aimed at us three times. The white cars are still trailing us. 17:15. Reply: Thanks. How did the angels deal with the gunshots? Did the bullets hit the van? Is the van surrounded with white mist, or is the angel mist at the front leading the way? 17:48. From John: The van is covered with thick white mists. The bullets got deflected, no bullet hit the van. 17:53. From Rhoda: "THE WHITE CARS WILL TRAIL THEM TILL JUBA WHERE GOD WILL PUNISH THEM TOMORROW MIDNIGHT. MAY A FURTHER £450 REACH JOHN TONIGHT FOR MORE FUEL TO GET THEM TO JUBA BY TOMORROW NOON AND ANOTHER £200 FOR VAN SERVICE TOMORROW. THIS IS VERY VERY VERY URGENT." 7 Angels said that now. 9th January 2020. 18:03. From Khalid (Tariq): You can't kill my father then run away. We are following you up to your home, idiot. Comment: Rolf sent £450 to John. 10th Jan. 8:46. To John: I presume you didn’t get that last night, but early this morning, is that right? What did the cars do when you stopped for the night? 10th January 2020. 8:50. From John: You are right. God separated us from them by very thick white mists. They couldn't get to us. Comment: Bob managed to get £200 to Eunice for the van service. 16:11. From John: We are arriving now. I received the £200 from Eunice. 10th January 2020. 18:14. From Rhoda: "TONIGHT AT MIDNIGHT GOD WILL DESTROY THE ATTACKERS TRAILING THE MM VAN. THE VAN HAS BEEN SERVICED AND WILL MOVE ON TO KENYA NON STOP AFTER THAT. THE TEAM MUST MUST MUST SURROUND THE VAN WITH 7 OPENED MM FAITH LITS. GOD IS IN CHARGE. AT LEAST £400 FOR FUEL TO REACH JOHN TOMORROW MORNING. MALCOLM TO IGNORE ALL ALL ALL LETTERS COMING FROM THE MM BETRAYERS WHO ARE STEALTHILY CREEPING BACK TO GET IN TO MM AND ROCK IT AND DESTROY IT. IGNORE ALL, IGNORE ALL." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 19:13. Reply: I had an e-mail from Khalid, the son of Tariq bin Mohamed, who said he was pursuing the van. So he is behind this attack. firebolts Kill The 10 GunmenSaturday 11th January 2020. 6:26. From John: At midnight our attackers stepped out of their cars and started banging on the MM van. They ordered us out but we refused. They then picked up the seven opened MM Faith lits that we placed around the van and started tearing them up. Will, God acted immediately. firebolts hit all the ten armed men that followed us and threw them onto their cars. All plus their cars burnt beyond recognition as they cried for Malcolm to save them. We then moved on immediately. Our fuel got over when we approached the Uganda border. We are stuck here, no water, no milk, no fuel and our kitty is dry 11th Jan 2020. 6:28. From Rhoda: "MAY ALL REGULAR ANOINTED MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE £400 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW TO HELP THEM MOVE BACK HOME. PLUS £1200 TO HELP THE POOR SOUTH JUBA FLOOD VICTIMS. IT IS VERY VERY VERY URGENT." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: We couldn’t raise anywhere near that sum. £150 was sent. 11th Jan 2020. 19:42. From John: We have reached Busia Uganda. It is raining cats and dogs. 11th January 2020. 19:49. From Kachapim: Many who were once in MM and left due to their falsehood are at it again writing letters pretending to be requesting for Malcolm to forgive them. They want to get back to MM and distort it completely. My friend called [name protected] from Kenya told me about this. Meetings are being held by Polycup, Nimrod, Owak, Opith, Ibrahim and many. They have tried to kill John Ongoro but failed. Now they want to lie to Malcolm with letters. Soon their letters will start reaching Malcolm... 11th January 2020. 20:06. From Rhoda: "THE SOUTH JUBA MM FOLKS ARE IN A BIG PROBLEM. JOHN SENT THEM £150. THEY NEED A FURTHER £1050 TO HELP THEM. THEY HAVE A BIG NEED. THE VAN IS IN UGANDA. THEY NEED EXTRA £400 TO GET HOME. MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE £400 TO REACH JOHN TOMORROW MORNING." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: Bob sent £410, but the system didn’t allow it to go through. That’s interference by the blasted cops who want to finish off MM. They are bloodyminded and are under God’s condemnation. If they don’t back off, they will be finished when God’s patience is tried to the limit! The regular supporters had no further money. Comment: Bob sent this money to Eunice, for the believers in S Sudan who are going hungry because their homes and belongings were all wiped out in the flood a month ago. They have been waiting a long time for help, and now when we can send them some it is blocked!!!! Comment: Thanks to Vivian, Joy and Fiona £80 was sent the next day, Sunday, to help the poor folks in South Sudan. And on Monday, a further £100. Eventually the system released the £410 which had been held, and was forwarded to the poor folks in south Juba. Over the next few days, the van hobbled back to base on the small amounts of money we were able to send whenever funds became available. |
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