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Mighty Miracles Of God Volume 19 |
239War In Syria |
You, who have shown me great and severe troubles, shall revive me again, and bring me up from the depths of the earth (Ps 71:20).
The war in Syria cruelly affected the believers there. An Islamic warlord, Tariq bin Mohamed, with his 65 gunmen attacked the believers in Aleppo. They were robbed of all their MM literature, belongings and clothes. The gunmen burned the lot and left the believers destitute and despairing. But God had a great ulterior design in allowing this tragedy. He called Tariq’s wife to a unique ministry after God killed him and his murderous gang. These communications reveal this amazing story. War In Syria Displaces The Believers In Aleppo31st December 2019. 8:09. From Kachapim in Saudi Arabia: Two Arabs have come here all the way from Syria and reported that MM brothers there are in a big problem. War has displaced them. Are you aware? God bless. 31st December 2019. 8:11. From Rhoda: "WAR IS GOING ON IN SYRIA. MM BROTHERS HAVE BEEN DISPLACED BUT THEY ARE FIRM WITH MM FAITH LITS. GOD IS ON THEIR SIDE." 7 Angels have said that now. 31st December 2019. 19:22. From Tariq bin Mohamed: Why are you too arrogant? Who gave you authority to step in Syria? Idiot. Am Tariq bin Mohamed. I have followed you up from South Sudan, Iran, Iraq, Israel, East Africa, Somalia. Your home is in Kenya. You are finished. What is MM? Why turn Muslims to MM? Who gave you power to enter Syria? 19:31. To Rhoda: Shall I reply to this bloke? 19:33. From Rhoda: "THIS IS AN ATTACKER BASED IN SYRIA. MALCOLM TO WARN HIM. GOD WILL KILL HIM BECAUSE HE IS PERSECU- TING GOD'S CHILDREN. MALCOLM TO WARN HIM." 7 Angels said now. 19:42. Reply to Tariq bin Mohamed: God Almighty gave us permission to enter Syria. You are persecuting God’s children, so stop it, or God will kill you. 31st December 2019. 19:46. From Tariq bin Mohamed: Haaaaa, do you know me? You are finished. Syria, Somalia, all Arab countries are mine. Stop insighting [inciting] Muslims against me. You can't kill me but I can kill you. 19:54. Reply: YOU stop it, or God will finish you! You can’t kill me because I live in the UK and God protects me until His task is done. You don’t own anything. It all belongs to God. Almighty God owns Syria, Somalia, and Arab countries. He owns every country in the world and allows wicked people like you to perpetrate their wickedness and Islamic violence until His set time for their expulsion from this planet. If you don’t repent of your evildoings and cease attacking God’s people who are Christians you will meet your end, for our God defends His chosen. 19:59. From Tariq bin Mohamed: Idiot. I must kill you. 20:20. Reply: You won’t be able to. God will kill you first. Syrian Brothers Need Help!2nd January 2020. 8:24. From Rhoda: "MAY ALL REGULAR ANOINTED MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE £530 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW BY MPESA TO GO HELP MM FOLKS IN SYRIA. THEY NEED FOOD. THEY HAVE BEEN DISPLACED." 7 Angels said that now. [We could only raise £200.] 2nd Jan 2020. 9:06. From Tariq bin Mohamed: Malcolm, come on: Am destroying all homes for MM believers here. I want to meet you. You are a fool. 10:23. To John and Rhoda: Warlord in Syria: This came from this warlord in Syria. Does that mean the compound in Aleppo, which housed several families and the library which we paid for a year ago has been destroyed? 10:41. From Rhoda: "HE CANNOT DESTROY IT. HE WILL NOT DESTROY IT. GOD IS SURROUNDING THE PLACE. HE WILL BE KILLED BY GOD." 7 Angels have said to me now. 10:45. From Tariq bin Mohamed: What did you use to fence this home in Aleppo. Bombs can't destroy it. But it must be brought down plus this good library. Okay? 10:57. Reply: No, bombs can’t destroy it, because ANGELS protect it. You are fighting God Almighty and His angels. I suggest you back off or He will kill you. 14:00. From Tariq bin Mohamed: Angels? Idiot. Come on for a fight. 17:18. From Rhoda: "MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE AT LEAST £330 TO REACH JOHN TONIGHT FOR THE MM FOLKS IN SYRIA. IT IS A BIG NEED. BIG BIG BIG NEED. VERY URGENT. JOHN HAS SENT THEM THE £200 WHICH IS FAR TOO LITTLE. IT IS A BIG NEED." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 17:24. From Tariq bin Mohamed: You are a Witchdoctor. You use charm in form of books. These people following you look very thin and feeble. We took out all their food and clothings and burnt. They must die of hunger. Friday 3rd January 2020. 8:25. From Rhoda: "MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE £330 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW. THE SYRIAN MM FOLKS ARE SUFFERING." 7 Angels said now. [Comment: We could only find £100, but later managed to send a further £150 that day for the destitute Syrians. £80 short of the mark.] 8:46. From Tariq bin Mohamed: Stop your jokes. Kenya is not UK. I will teach you a lesson. 9:09. Reply: I live in the UK. That’s why my e-mail address for Midnight Ministries has ‘UK’ on it. 3rd Jan 2020. 16:49. From Tariq bin Mohamed: Okay. But why are you everywhere? In Kenya, South Sudan, Tanzania, Ethiopia, who is this person driving your MM van who distributes your MM lits? Is your other name John Ongoro? 17:23. Reply: No. Back off, or else God will kill you. I have already warned you, but you take no notice you are so arrogant. You go around perpetrating evil against good people, which is a gross violation of true religion. For that you deserve the ultimate punishment, and if you don’t repent and back off, you will get it! 3rd Jan 2020. 18:16. From Tariq: Stop your jokes and threats. You can not fight me. Am above you idiot. God Insists To Go To Syria Again!3rd January 2020. 18:40. From Tariq bin Mohamed: I have collected over 1000 copies of MM lits and want to use them to write counterfeit copies. Just wait and see. Today you killed our army general using firebolts when he moved closer to Aleppo MM camp. We must revange. 3rd January 2020. 18:40. From Rhoda: "THE ROGUE ATTACKER IS PLANNING TO WRITE VERY DANGEROUS MM LIT COUNTERFEITS TO RUIN MM IN MIDDLE EAST. IAM, I CALLED MY SERVANTS JOHN AND VUGA FOR ACTION. I WANT THE VAN TO MOVE TO SYRIA STARTING TOMORROW MORNING TO GO AND TAKE BACK THE 1000 COPIES OF MM LITS IN THE HANDS OF THE CHIEF ATTACKER. THE VAN TO GO GO GOOOOOOO. MAY ALL ALL ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE AT LEAST £450 FOR FUEL TO START THEM OFF TO SYRIA. URGENT URGENT URGENT URGENT URGENT URGENT URGENT." 7 Angels said that to me now. 4th Jan 2020. 8:55. From John: I had a dream three times last night about Syria. I saw our MM brothers crying that their MM lits have been taken away. 4th Jan 2020. 8:58. From Kachapim: Last night I saw a group of MM folks crying that their copies of MM lits have been taken by a terrorist. Will, I saw the dream three times in one night. Maybe there is a problem somewhere. Saturday 4th January 2020. 9:00. From Eunice: “We need our lits!”: Last night I was awoken three times by a unique dream. MM folks in a very dry country were crying that their MM lits have been taken from them by an attacker. Comment: At 9:10, Tonya borrowed £300 which needed paying back on Monday 6th January. And also Bob sent £250. Praise God who made it possible! 9:37. From John: Thanks. We are moving out now. We have received it. 18:43. From Kachapim in Saudi Arabia: All the Arabs are unhappy with the killing and may revenge on anyone. I pray for them to move very fast to cross in to Syria by Sunday midnight. [Comment: To cut a long story short, after great difficulties getting money, and holdups, the van reached Aleppo on 7th January.] 7th Jan 2020. 16:56. From Tariq bin Mohamed: Come on. Your van has been spotted at our borders. Come on. I want to show you a lesson. Come on. 17:10. Reply: Oh yeah? I wonder who is going to be taught a lesson! 17:07. To John: Where are you now? Apparently, that murderer has sighted the van. 8th Jan 2020. 7:12. From John: We are in Aleppo. Bob sent us some money that we used to buy water and milk and fuel. God bless. Tariq bin Mohamed Meets his End8th January 2020. 7:48. From Tariq bin Mohamed: Shame on you. You are in Aleppo. Am coming for you. Idiot. 8th January 2020. 8:07. From Rhoda: "TONIGHT AT MIDNIGHT GOD WILL MEET WITH HIM. HE WILL MEET GOD'S WRATH. MAY ROLF SEND TO JOHN BY MPESA THE MONEY TO HELP THE SOUTH JUBA MM FOLKS." 7 Angels have said that to me now. [Another terrible disaster hit those poor folks.] 8:48. To John: Where has the white mist led you to in Aleppo? 8:53. From John: We are under the leadership of the thick white mists. We are in the city centre. 9:15. To John: Tariq bin Mohamed was informed when you crossed the border, so he must have scouts there, or some connection to the authorities in Syria. Where did you cross the border into Syria from Jordan? 9:39. From John: Nassib border crossing. 10:14. Tariq bin Mohamed: Malcolm, am coming for your head tonight. I have spotted your van in the middle of Aleppo city. Stay put. 10:16. From John: We are waiting for God's directive. We are aware he is monitoring our movements. God bless. 10:20. From Rhoda: "URGENTLY URGENT. MAY ALL REGULAR ANOINTED MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE £350 TO REACH JOHN NOW. THEY NEED ENOUGH FUEL IN THE VAN BECAUSE IMMEDIATELY AFTER KILLING THE ATTACKER AT MIDNIGHT, GOD REQUIRES THEM TO MOVE BACK TO EGYPT." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 11:52. To John: Rolf has sent you £500 about an hour ago. Have you received that yet? I’m hoping someone can get more money, to help the folks in S Juba. You will need to hang on to £350 for your return trip. 17:18. From John: Pray for us. We are covered in thick white mists in the outskirts of Aleppo. Over 50 armed men are surrounding us. 17:33. Reply: ...Intercession has been taking place, lots of it! I can feel the demons on my leg. They have been attacking for much of the day. 8th January 2020. 17:34. From Rhoda: "NO FEAR, THEY ARE 65 GUNMEN. GOD WILL WIPE THEM OUT. MAY AT LEAST £450 REACH JOHN TONIGHT. AFTER MIDNIGHT THE VAN MUST MOVE NON STOP TO KHARTOUM SUDAN." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: There are over 300 believers in Syria, proselytized by MM. 18:34. From Tariq bin Mohamed: Come out of that smoky van and fight me. We are outside here. Stop producing those white smokes, get out. If you defeat me then I will worship you but if I defeat you, you will allow all our people to go back to Islam. Come out. 18:40. Reply: Our God will defeat you, so back off if you value your life. There’s no way we will ever recognise the evil religion of Islam which wants to crush goodness out of the earth and annihilate all Christians who love and worship the true God. 18:53. From Tariq bin Mohamed: Come on. Shame on you, idiot. You are acurse. Who is Issa that you call God? You are lost. Tonight you must know who I am. 19:01. Reply: Issa is God. You are just a mortal with no power against Him. 19:02. From Tariq bin Mohamed: You are too thick headed this idiot. Today you must regret for invading Islam. You dog. 19:04. Reply: Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! 19:07. Further: Try shooting at the van with your guns. You’ll soon find out about God’s power. 19:07. From Tariq bin Mohamed: Shame on you Kaffir. 19:08. Reply: No, there will be no shame on us, but there will be shame on you for not acknowledging the Almighty God who is Issa, Jesus the Christ. 19:09. From Tariq bin Mohamed: Tonight we will burn this van. Please stop producing white smoke so that we can see the van well. Then we will shoot at it and burn it. 19:12. Reply: What do you take me for? An idiot? Stop producing the white smoke? Why should we? You don’t need to see the van to shoot at it. But when your 65 gunmen shoot at us, tell them to take cover or their bullets will ricochet back and hit them. 19:15. To Tariq bin Mohamed: Repent! Get on your knees and repent of your murderous intent before the Almighty God Issa, otherwise you are finished. 19:43. From From Tariq bin Mohamed: Who has told you the exact number of our armed men? You must be a Witchdoctor. I repent for what? Kaffir. 8th January 2020. 20:27. To John: Rolf has sent you £450. Let us know in the morning when you receive it. Thanks. I hope you will be able to rescue the lit and return it to the folks there in Aleppo. God bless. Tariq’s Son Begs For Help9th January 2020. 7:58. From Tariq’s e-mail: I beg. You killed my father plus 65 soldiers who offered him security. And took all the lits he collected from MM. I am Khalid. Please help me burry all these dead. Am willing to be a Christian. Don't run away, please come back and help me burry them. Use this opportunity to preach to us. Don't run. No one will hurt you. please please. 9th January 2020. 8:00. From John: We have just given back the MM lits to our MM brothers in Aleppo. God killed all the 65 gunmen plus their leader last night at midnight. We are moving back now to Egypt... 9th January 2020. 8:03. From Rhoda: "A TEAM OF MUSLIMS WILL TRY TO PERSUADE MALCOLM FOR THE VAN TO GO BACK. IGNORE ALL. GOD KILLED ALL THE ATTACKERS. ALL MM LITS WERE RECOVERED AND GIVEN BACK TO THE MM BROTHERS. LET THE VAN MOVE NONSTOP TO KHARTOUM." 7 Angels have said. 8:32. Reply: Yes, I have received a missive from Tariq’s son, pleading for us to come back and bury the 65 dead. Huh! Where would we get money to bury all them? And why? They caused us massive loss of life and money. That Islamic community / movement attacked us to kill us all and should bear responsibility for their decisions. Let the Muslims bury their dead. We had to bury ours and pay the price of their attacks. No. They still owe us thousands in compensation, but their words and promises are hollow. We would never receive anything from them. How Tariq Met His Death9th January 2020. 15:19. From John: At exactly midnight, 65 armed men came very close to the van and started yelling and ordering us to open the van doors. We were ready with opened MM Faith lits and praying to God for victory over them. At that time the thick white mists just disappeared and we could clearly see them all with guns. They then started pushing the van with us inside. Their intention was to turn the van upside down but God put them into confusion. They started a heated argument and abruptly they started fighting among themselves. We moved the van about 300 metres away. They killed one another with their own guns. The white mists then led us to about 1km away to a big compound where 6 people in red robes met us and pleaded with us to forgive them. We told them that we are sent by God to collect His lits. We found 1000 MM lits copies. We took them and before leaving, firebolts hit the compound and destroyed the solitary permanent house in it and killed all the 6 men. One of them, who looked like their leader pleaded with me, he thought that I was Malcolm. He really cried but God killed them all. We then moved to the MM library, delivered the lits to the MM folks then left for Egypt today morning. God bless. 17:01. Reply: Thanks for that account. I wonder why those guys were wearing red robes. Were they some special people in Islam? 17:04. From John: Those people in red are killers, I guess it is why they were in red. 17:17. Reply: Did you see any counterfeit lit that they were planning to compile? What were those guys in red doing? Did they have a computer and keyboard, typing up / copying any of the lit? 17:46. From John: They had photoprinters with many photocopying papers. All were burnt up after we collected the MM lits. God bless. Comment: There was a dire situation in South Sudan, and John and Vuga were called to race there to help the destitute people.
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