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Mighty Miracles Of God Volume 19
241Bereaved, Then Healed
...You will save the humble people, but will bring down haughty looks (Psalm 18:27).
After the van got back home to Kenya, Tariq’s wife Trezaa with a posse of five vehicles also arrived to seek revenge for her husband’s death and that of two sons who were also in his band of mercenaries. What they meant for evil, God turned into good, for God was calling Trezaa and intending to convert her. Here is what happened. 14th January 2020. 13:45. From Tariq’s e-mail: Malcolm you mean you have killed my husband and sons? Do you think you are too big to die? Am Trezaa Tariq. Am coming for you. 14th January 2020. 13:47. From Kachapim in Saudi Arabia: A team of five vehicles are trailing after the MM van. They have captured my brother in South Juba to take them to Kenya. They are after John and Vuga. My cousin has just reported to me now. 15th January 2020. 6:27. From John: A group has trailed us up to home. Pray for us. God bless. 8:56. Reply: Yes, intercession is constant. 15th Jan 2020. 13:28. From John: They are outside my gate. They think that I am Malcolm. I don't fear them. 15th January 2020. 13:26. From Tariq’s e-mail: Malcolm come out don't hide. We are here in Kabuoch gate to your home. Come on. 13:46. Reply: I am not in Kabuoch. I am in England, in the UK. John is in Kabuoch, and he doesn’t have to come out to meet you since your complaint is against God not us. God killed your husband and others in your family because they were seeking to kill God’s servants. Leave God’s servants alone, don’t try to kill them or harm them at all, otherwise God will kill you. 15th January 2020. 18:08. From Rhoda: "GOD WILL BLOCK THE EYES OF THE ATTACKERS AT MIDNIGHT TONIGHT. LET JOHN NOT WORRY. SEVEN OPENED MM FAITH LITS SHOULD BE PLACED AT THE GATE. MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE AT LEAST £550 TO REACH JOHN TONIGHT FOR THE BUYING OF ROOFING TIMBER. LET CONSTRUCTION WORK START TOMORROW MORNING WITHOUT FAIL. A FURTHER £530 TO REACH JOHN TOMORROW THURSDAY NIGHT. ROOFING WORK MUST END BY NEXT WEEK TUESDAY. LET JOHN IGNORE THOSE ATTACKERS. GOD WILL OPEN THEIR EYES ON SATURDAY MIDNIGHT AND THEY WILL MOVE BACK AND SPREAD THE NEWS THAT MALCOLM IS GOD'S PROPHET. SOME OF THEM WILL DENOUNCE ISLAM. GOD LED THEM TO JOHN'S HOME TO FEEL GOD'S POWER. GOD IS IN CHARGE." 7 Angels said that now. 18:12. From John: We are set with opened MM Faith lits. 15th January 2020. 19:36. From John: They are openly abusing us calling me Malcolm. I have placed opened MM Faith lits at the gate. God bless. 15th January 2020. 19:35. From Rhoda: "...THE ATTACKERS ARE IN FOR A RUDE SHOCK. GOD WILL BLOCK [blind] ALL THEIR EYES..." 7 Angels have said that to me now. God Blinds The AttackersThursday 16th January 2020. 5:38. From John: The attackers have lost their eyesights. They are pleading with Malcolm to forgive them. I received £100 from brother Vivian and I have purchased a few timbers. God bless. 16th January 2020. 9:06. From Rhoda: "WORK IS GOING ON IN JOHN'S PLACE. GOD IS SENDING THE TEN WORKERS FROM COMOROS TO CLEAR THE ROOFING WORK. THEY ARE COMING. GOD HAS CONFUSED THE ATTACKERS. THEY ARE CRYING FOR MALCOLM TO HELP THEM. THEY HAVE LOST THEIR EYESIGHTS. GOD IS SAYING THIS. 1. MORE MONEY TO REACH JOHN TODAY FOR THE ROOFING WORK TO GO ON NONSTOP. 2. MALCOLM MALCOLM MALCOLM, MORE AND MORE LETTERS ARE BEING WRITTEN BY MM OPPOSERS PRETENDING TO BE IN NEED OF MM LITS. THEIR PLAN IS VERY VERY VERY BAD. IGNORE ALL. DON'T REPLY TO ANY LETTER FROM A NEW SOURCE OR FORMER MM BETRAYERS BEFORE RECEIVING ANGELIC GUIDANCE. 3. MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE AT LEAST A FURTHER £245 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW. THIS WORK SHOULD BE COMPLETED FOR GOD IS PLANNING A VERY BIG THING. 4. LET MALCOLM WRITE A WARNING TO THE ATTACKERS IN JOHN'S GATE. GOD WILL ACT IMMEDIATELY AND OPEN THEIR EYES ON SATURDAY AT MIDNIGHT." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 16th January 2020. 11:13. From Tariq’s e-mail: We can't see since last night at midnight. Please help us recover our eyesights. 11:41. Reply: If you can’t see, how can you write to me? 16th January 2020. 11:56. From Tariq’s e-mail: Am Oula Miriari the area chief. These people want you to forgive them. They can't see. Over thirty people are here. Help them. John Ongoro has refused that he does not know them. 13:12. Reply: What they have tried to do is kill or curse John Ongoro, so God blinded them to stop them. If they genuinely are sorry for wanting to attack Midnight Ministries and God’s servants John Ongoro and his wife Eunice, then God will forgive them. So that you know we serve the true God, He gives you this sign to vindicate us. They will get their eyesight back on Saturday night at midnight. 16th January 2020. 17:08. From Rhoda: [I wrote to her about the Comoros believers.] "GOD CALLED THEM FROM COMOROS ISLAND. THEY WILL DO THE WORK TO ITS END." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 16th January 2020. 20:12. To John: [About] the warning for the folks at the gate this evening... I noticed that the angels said “immediately” on Saturday: GOD WILL ACT IMMEDIATELY AND OPEN THEIR EYES ON SATURDAY AT MIDNIGHT. So I realise that I need to write the warning to them on Saturday evening. Comment: Bob was only able to send £185 of the £250 we had ready to send to John. Thankfully, Rolf sent £350 which John received today. 17th Jan 2020. 8:49. John: Over 50 people have gathered outside my gate pleading with me to help these attackers. They are wailing Malcolm's name. 10:03. Reply: Ghastly! These people are just a nuisance! They won’t get healed till Saturday midnight IF they are repentant. 10:04. From John: The chief who tried to push me to help them too has lost his eyesight. 10:25. Reply: Because he didn’t believe what I told him. 14:23. To John: Have the 10 helpers from Comoros arrived yet? 14:40. From John: They arrived at noon today. They are working. Yes I received [money] and bought timbers, preservatives and the work is going on... Friday 14:43. From Rhoda: "MAY AT LEAST £550 REACH JOHN TONIGHT FOR THE SOUTH JUBA FLOOD VICTIMS. THEY ARE IN A BIG NEED. URGENTLY URGENTLY URGENTLY URGENTLY URGENTLY URGENTLY URGENTLY NEEDED TONIGHT." 7 Angels said that to me now. Saturday 18th Jan 2020. 5:53. From Rhoda: "MM FOLKS FLOOD VICTIMS ARE IN A BIG PROBLEM. MAY ALL ALL ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE £550 TO REACH JOHN TODAY TODAY TODAY FOR THEM." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 18th Jan 2020. 5:55. From John: These attackers cried the whole night pleading with Malcolm to forgive them. We are having a Sabbath rest studying MM lits in the library. 9:05. Reply: What a nuisance. I will write this evening to them. I don’t know how they will be able to get the message and read it. Comment: Early morning, Bob was able to send £120 and John acknowledged it. And Rolf was able to send £510 also. Many thanks! John acknowledged receipt. And Wilfred, Vivian, Eleanor and Fiona were able to pool £253 also, which awaited the system allowing it to go. 17:39. To Tariq’s e-mail: You are forgiven: This is a message to Trezaa Tariq and those people who are with you, as well as Oula Miriari Ojwang the area chief. We are servants of the Most High God. This God is the only true God. He came to earth 2000 years ago in the form of Jesus who is the Christ, the Saviour of the world. He lived a perfect sinless life and was willing to die on a cross to pay for the sins of the whole world, so that those who accept Him can have their sins forgiven and accept His gift of eternal life. Otherwise, you will all die and there will be no eternal life beyond this life on earth. If you now repent of the evils you have perpetrated in your lives, God forgives your sins, and will accept you as His children. If you no longer attack God’s servants John Ongoro, Eunice, Vuga and others who work with Midnight Ministries (MM) from the UK, and if you accept the teachings of God which MM brings you in the MM literature, God will forgive and love you, and you can come to know Him. But if you do not repent, and if you want to return to your former evil ways, and want to attack us again or oppose this Work of God, then God will not forgive you and you will not be saved, but you will pay with your lives for the sins you have committed. This is your final warning. But we accept your plea for forgiveness and are willing to forgive you. So at midnight tonight (Saturday 18th January 2020) God will restore your eyesight. May God bless you, Malcolm Malcolm B Heap, Midnight Ministries, PO Box 29, Aylesbury, HP17 8TL, UK 18th January 2020. 18:32. From Rhoda: "MAY JOHN PRODUCE 50 COPIES OF THIS LETTER, WRAP ALL INSIDE A MM FAITH LIT. AT EXACTLY MIDNIGHT JOHN IS TO DROP THE LIT WITH THE LETTERS OUTSIDE HIS GATE WHERE THOSE ATTACKERS ARE. GOD WILL INSTANTLY OPEN UP ALL THEIR EYES AND THEY WILL LEAVE IMMEDIATELY NEVER TO HAVE A PLAN OF ATTACKING ANY OTHER MM FOLK. MEANWHILE AT LEAST £450 TO REACH JOHN TONIGHT FOR THE BUILDING WORK TO GO ON NON STOP TOMORROW. MAY ALL ALL ALL REGULAR ANOINTED MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE AT LEAST £450 TO REACH JOHN TONIGHT." 7 Angels have said that to me now. [Money was not available till the next day.] God Opens Their Eyes19th January 2020. 6:11. From Trezaa Tariq: Thanks very much. You are truly a man of God. Accept my request for forgiveness. I will study MM lits and will never engage in hooliganism. Pray for me. We are in Kisumu moving back. I need to know much of Christianity. Am brought up in Islamic religion. Thanks very much. 9:20. Reply: Thank you for your reply. May God bless you in your newfound understanding in God’s Truth. 19th January 2020. 6:17. From John: After I dropped the letter that Malcolm wrote, thick white mists covered them for exactly seven minutes and when the mists left they recovered their eyesights. They started praising God and asking for forgiveness from Malcolm They were praying and jumping like small children. They openly declared that Malcolm is a true prophet of God. 6:19. From Rhoda: "THE ATTACKERS ARE GONE. MAY ALL ALL ALL REGULAR ANOINTED MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE AT LEAST £450 TO REACH JOHN NOW FOR THE ROOFING WORK TO GO ON." 7 Angels said. Comment: Bob sent £105 on one system and £195 on another system. Rolf sent a further £320 from his credit card, so the roofing work could go on. 9:48. To Trezaa Tariq: May I ask...How many others accompanied you on the trip? How many of those were gunmen with guns? I’m just curious to know a bit more about the episode because I live in the UK and have only received minimal information about what has taken place. 14:35. From Trezaa: After taking some rest I will reply. I have been driving. We are now in Busia Uganda. 19th January 2020. 18:06. From John: The chief has reported that a woman leader in the 49 people team all armed with short guns / pistols told him last midnight after they had regained their eyesights that the team followed after the MM van all the way from Aleppo. They were on a revenge mission following the death of her husband who was their leader. They were all Muslims. The woman said that their guns jammed after reaching my gate at midnight and they lost their eyesight till last night at midnight when they gained their eyesight miraculously. When their eyesights were restored, they found a letter written by Malcolm and a copy of MM Faith lit. They took them, prayed and left very fast never to be seen again in the village. The woman swore never to engage MM and Malcolm in any war. She promised to start up a prayer team with her sons.
19th January 2020. 17:59. From Trezaa: 1. After my husband and two sons got killed by God, we organised ourselves into two groups and started following after the MM van from Aleppo Syria. We followed them to Kenya up to home. 2. We were 49 all with guns. 3. When we reached your gate Malcolm, all our guns jammed up at midnight. We all lost our eyesights. We really suffered. We pleaded and pleaded but none came for our rescue till a chief came and used my phone to contact you Malcolm but he too lost his eyesight. 4. Last night at midnight God opened up our eyes. When our eyes opened we each found a letter from Malcolm and a copy of MM titled Faith: Raising Our Level of Expectation. We took them and left immediately. Before leaving we prayed and thanked God for restoring our eyesights. 5. Myself and my two sons we will start up a prayer group. We request for more and more of MM lits. All that for now. Thank you. 19:33. Reply: Thank you for explaining. It wasn’t my gate where you reached in Kabuoch. It was John Ongoro’s. I live in the UK. [I sent her the 22 Why? booklets.] 20th January 2020. 7:00. From Trezaa: Thanks. My grandfather wants to kill me. I have been chased from home. Am heading to Saudi Arabia where one of my sons work. We are going to settle there and serve God. Just pray for us... 20th January 2020. 7:06. From John: This chief is not genuine. This morning he has come back to me that he wants a list of all MM lits in the library. He is annoyed with me. He is not happy with the MM work. He is a mad SDA man. He is after something but God is watching over him. He has been fighting me for a long time since the days of Onjonga. Trezaa Goes To Saudi Arabia20th Jan 2020. 9:14. From Rhoda: [About Trezaa going to Saudi Arabia.] "THAT'S GODS PLAN. GOD WILL BE WITH HER." 7 Angels have said that now. 21st January 2020. 7:17. From Rhoda: "SHE [Trezaa] WILL BE IN SAUDI ARABIA BY TONIGHT. WHITE MISTS ARE LEADING HER. NONE WILL HARM HER. SHE NEEDS TO SET UP A SMALL MM LIBRARY SURROUNDED WITH SEVEN OPENED MM FAITH LITS. NO ONE WILL TOUCH HER. AT LEAST £400 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW FOR THE SETTING UP OF THIS LIBRARY. ALL HER BELONGINGS PLUS MONEY HAVE BEEN TAKEN AWAY BY HER RELATIVES. SHE HAS NOTHING IN HAND BUT GOD WILL OPEN FOR HER A MIGHTY WAY OF SURVIVAL..." 7 Angels said that now. 21st January 2020. 7:19. From Trezaa:. Am on my way to Saudi Arabia. Everything was taken away from me. But I got covered in thick white mists. Something I haven't seen before. Am traveling in a bus. People fear me. Am studying the MM lits you sent to me. Pray for me. Thanks. 23rd Jan 2020. 8:49. From Trezaa: Am in a big problem. I have no money. I slept in a cave. White mists covered the entrance to the cave till morning. I don't know why people fear me. This morning I went to ask for drinking water from a certain mother but she ran from me and did not give me water. Am hungry having not taken water nor any food now for three days, am weak. Thanks. 23rd January 2020. 8:52. From Rhoda: "MAY AT LEAST £150 REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW FOR TREZAA IN SAUDI ARABIA..." 7 Angels said now. [We had nothing till the next day, 24th January.] 24th Jan. 17:59 From Trezaa: The white mists led me to a secluded place here. I want to set up a library cum house. I need some money. Thanks. 18:37. From Rhoda: "MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE AT LEAST £490 TO REACH JOHN TONIGHT FOR TREZAA. SHE NEEDS A LIBRARY CUM HOME IN THE DESERT OF SAUDI ARABIA. GOD HAS LED HER TO A SAFE PLACE. URGENTLY URGENTLY URGENTLY NEEDED." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 25th Jan 2020. 9:13. From Rhoda: "SABBATH IN THE DESERT OF SAUDI ARABIA. TREZAA IS DOWN ON HER KNEES THANKING GOD. FIVE PEOPLE HAVE JOINED HER. MAY ALL REGULAR ANOINTED MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE £490 TO REACH JOHN NOW FOR TREZAA TO SET UP A LIBRARY CUM HOME. THE SUN IS TOO HOT FOR HER. URGENTLY URGENTLY URGENTLY NEEDED NOW NOW NOW." 7 Angels have said 25th Jan 2020. 9:15. From Trezaa: My first Sabbath meet. We are six. The sun is killing us. It is hot, HOT, HOT! Thanks. 9:37. Reply: Yes, terribly hot in that area. The angels have spoken about the awful heat, too. We are trying to organise some money to come, but there are restrictions on sending. It’s difficult, but we will keep trying. 10:00. To Trezaa: That is amazing that others have joined you. What caused them to come and meet with you? Perhaps one of them can take you into their home to shelter from the dreadful heat till you can build yourself a shelter. God Brings Helpers To Build Her A Shelter25th January 2020. 10:03. From Rhoda: "TREZAA MUST NOT MOVE OUT OF THERE. GOD'S ANGELS ARE AROUND THERE. GOD IS OPENING UP WAYS FOR BOB TO SEND MONEY TO REACH HER TODAY VIA JOHN. GOD HAS BROUGHT THOSE PEOPLE TO HELP IN CONSTRUCTION WORK." 7 Angels have said that now. [I forwarded this message to Trezaa.] 10:40. From Trezaa: Thanks. It is true. I have received £150 from John. After Sabbath we are going to buy timber, nails and we will start the work. 11:10. Reply: Wonderful. How did those 5 others come to meet you? Were they curious about the mist surrounding you, or was it something else which caused them to come to you? Or did you know them previously? 25th January 2020. 15:18. From Trezaa: They were shown in a dream that God has sent a servant in their land. They were led to where I am with white mists. When I saw them coming to me covered in thick white mists, I welcomed them. Ahmed, Safin, Daudad, Jibre and Salma. God brought them here. John sent me another £300 now we have £450 for the building work. Thanks. 26th Jan 2020. 7:05. From Trezaa: Thanks. The work is going on well. 31st January 2020. 11:34. From Trezaa: Am still in a big problem. I don't have blanket and mattress. God bless. [They weren’t provided until 3rd Feb.] Comment: Trezaa had to endure having no food for several days, more than once, and lack of water in the scorching heat. It was extremely difficult for her because we had so little money and couldn’t help her much. It nearly drove her to suicide, but she managed to come through with God’s help. God placed her there in that Islamic country like a beacon on a hill, where locals see her humble little home surrounded by white mist. People are drawn out of curiosity to find out why. She then shares MM lit with them. Thus, the Gospel with Restored Truth reaches into lives in Saudi Arabia. How could you plan that? You couldn’t. Only God could.
White Angel Mist Surrounds Her HomeComment: I asked Treza whether Faith booklets were fixed to her home, as per the angels’ instructions on 21st Jan. 4th February 2020. 9:22. From Trezaa: Thanks. Yes [7 Faith booklets are fixed], white mists are covering this place day and night. Thanks. The white mists are clearly seen by any one who visits here.
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