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Mighty Miracles Of God Volume 18 |
227Syrian Revival
...He cast out the spirits with a word and healed ALL who were sick (Matthew 8:16b).
A menacing Muslim e-mailed me, threatening to kill us and the believers in Ndhiwa, Kenya. There in Ndhiwa, Ibrahim was visited by the 7 angels and forewarned of the attack. The angels also came to Rhoda and told her that John and Vuga should leave immediately for Syria to keep the FoT there in that country. They hadn’t been home for months! God healed ALL the Muslims who came to that festival. Wow! Something that was unique to Jesus’ ministry, and has not been since except with these MM missions to Syria and other places guided by His 7 angels. Details follow: 4th September 2019. 18:02. From Ibrahim: Many greetings to you all. Seven people will attack the brethren during the Feast of Ingathering but the Almighty God will kill them all. The message was delivered at midnight by seven Angels... [See p 68, 19th September, for how the 7 all died.] 4th Sept 2019. 19:19. From John: ...God will kill them all. [He is referring to the seven rogues who will invade the FoT site in Ndhiwa.] No one can stand against God. We are going on with door to door evangelism here [in Ukerewe]. Thursday 5th September 2019. 8:28. To John: I don’t suppose you have been able to get the windscreen and window glass replaced yet because of lack of money... we can only find £100. 5th Sept 2019. 8:33. From Rhoda: "THE GLASSES NEED URGENT REPLACEMENT. £350 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW." 7 Angels have said. 9:30. Reply: Yes. But we don’t have any more money. 5th September 2019. 13:56. From Omar Hemed [ohemed7@gmail.com]: After killing all your people then I will come for your head. Comment: This sort of opposition doesn’t bother me. What bothers me is the oppostion from should-be supporters who don’t fulfil their obligations to help. 6th September 2019. 5:01. From Rhoda: "AT LEAST £250 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW TO KEEP THEM GOING TILL TOMORROW MORNING. THEY NEED MORE FUEL." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 6th September 2019. 7:14. From John: We have had a very good night of evangelism. Our fuel is over but we trust money will be in tomorrow. God bless. 8:12. Reply: You have done well. Unfortunately, we don’t have more money. The massive loan that Vivian took out to enable the FoT to go ahead in Kenya, Somalia, Syria and Tunisia, has all gone via the bank. The bank is sitting on it, and God has said that it will come through tomorrow. God must have reasons why He allows them to hold onto it for so long, inconveniencing us a lot. This is very annoying because you need to get your windscreen and window glass replaced to stop everything getting wet in the van,... God Predicts This Approaching Syrian Revival7th September 2019. 8:06. From Tunisia: In a dream a man gave me a packet containing books. A dollar was inside the packet. A note says "this is the dollar for you to expand your library; you will have many books in your library." Then I went to open our computer but our computer was out of use and Malcolm began to repair it. The house was full of Muslim believers. You stopped repairing our computer so that you could teach the Muslims. Many of them were saved and they got many miracles because of your teachings. Those Muslims were very thirsty to know the word of our Lord. You helped them a lot. Asman Sunday 8th Sept 2019. 6:18. From John: The money has come in now... 8:31. Reply: Is that both lots of money via the bank, which have arrived? The £1500 sent on 28th August and the £5000 sent on 29th August? (From the loan Vivian got.) 8:32. From John: Thanks Will. Yes, all is in... 8th September 2019. 10:32. From Rhoda: "THE TEAM MUST LEAVE FOR SYRIA NOW NOW NOW. IT IS IN SYRIA WHERE JOHN IS REQUIRED TO ATTEND THE FOT. THE INITIAL £1500 IS FOR THEIR FUEL TO SYRIA. URGENT URGENT URGENT." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 17:01. From John: Thanks. We are crossing in to Sudan now. God bless. Mon 9th Sept 2019. 10:39. From John: We expect to be in Syria tonight... 9th September 2019. 16:21. From Rhoda: "THE GREAT IAM SAYS THIS: THE LIBRARY IN TUNISIA NEEDS EXPANSION. JOHN TOOK THEM ALL THE ORIGINAL MM LITS BUT THE SPACE IS TOO SMALL. GOD CHOSE JOHN TO BE A STEWARD OF ALL FINANCES FOR MM EVANGELISM. ALL THE MONIES GOING TO IBRAHIM AND TUNISIA BROTHERS MUST PASS THROUGH JOHN. GOD WILL START SPEEDING UP THE MONEY TRANSFER THROUGH THE BANK ACCOUNT. AT LEAST £2700 IS NEEDED FOR THE LIBRARY EXPANSION IN TUNISIA URGENTLY. [We didn’t have it.] "POULTRY FARMING ENTERPRISE SHOULD BE STARTED BY IBRAHIM TO MAKE HIM MORE FINANCIALLY STABLE. AFTER THE FOT HE NEEDS AT LEAST £3000 TO DO IT. [We didn’t have it.] "JOHN'S HOME IS IN TATTERS. AT LEAST £3500 IS NEEDED URGENTLY FOR THE CONSTRUCTION WORK TO BEGIN. GOD IS PLEASED WITH THE GREAT WORK GOING ON." 7 Angels have said. [We didn’t have it.] 9th September 2019. 16:29. From John: We are in Jordan heading to Syria. So far we haven't met any challenge. God has stood before us in a thick white mist leading our way past all road blocks through Sudan, Egypt and now in Jordan. We bought enough water and milk to get us till tomorrow morning. 9th Sept 2019. 16:40. From Rhoda: "THE EVANGELISM TEAM IS ALREADY IN JORDAN HEADING TO SYRIA. NO MAN HAS TRIED TO BLOCK THE VAN'S WAY. THE GREAT IAM IS LEADING THEIR WAY. THIS YEAR'S FOT IS VERY IMPORTANT FOR THE LAME WILL WALK, THE SICK WILL GET WELL, ALL THE MAD MAGICIANS HAVE BEEN DEFEATED. JOHN MUST HAND OVER THE £1000 TO SYRIAN BROTHERS FOR THEIR BUDGET IMMEDIATELY THEY ARRIVE. HE MUST NOT TOUCH THAT MONEY FOR FUEL. THEY HAVE ENOUGH WATER AND MILK TO TAKE THEM TILL TOMORROW, TUESDAY MORNING. THE TEAM MUST NOT DEPEND ON THE BUDGET [that £1000]. THEY MUST BUY WATER, MILK AND FUEL FOR THE VAN. THE VAN TOO MUST MUST MUST BE SERVICED. AT LEAST £530 TO REACH JOHN TOMORROW MORNING FOR VAN SERVICE, WATER, MILK AND FUEL. GOD IS IN CONTROL." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 9th Sept 2019. 16:43. From Rhoda: "GOD DELAYED THE MONEY SO THAT IT ARRIVED AT THE RIGHT TIME FOR THE FOT. STARTING THIS WEEK THE MONEY WILL BE TAKING ONLY TWO WORKING DAYS TO GET TO JOHN'S BANK ACCOUNT. THE GREAT IAM HAS SAID." 7 Angels said now. Cerebral Malaria Instantly Healed In Aleppo10th September 2019. 19:12. From John: Glory be to God. We ended the day well here in Aleppo. In our meeting we had a total of 17 people who attended. God healed a boy with strong headache. He was almost running mad. We touched his head with opened MM Faith lit and he went into a deep sleep. When he woke up he said: "Thank you God of MM, I have been healed and brought back to life by seven Angels in bright white robes." The car was serviced today evening and we used all £250. Being the Day of Atonement we didn't move nor did we take water and milk. We need water, milk and fuel for tomorrow. We expect very many people here, people from Iraq, Iran, Israel and Saudi Arabia. 10th September 2019. 19:17. From Rhoda: "ALEPPO SYRIA SAW A BIG MIRACLE WHEN A MAD BOY WITH CEREBRAL MALARIA GOT INSTANTLY HEALED WHEN HE WAS TOUCHED BY OPENED MM FAITH LITS. THE TEAM HAD A WONDERFUL DAY OF ATONEMENT. THE VAN WAS PROPERLY SERVICED. THEY NEED WATER, MILK AND FUEL TO KEEP THEM GOING FROM TOMORROW. THEY MUST MOVE IN ALEPPO TO ALERT PEOPLE OF THE FOT MEET. AT LEAST £530 TO REACH JOHN URGENTLY TONIGHT TO KEEP THEM GOING TOMORROW." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 10th September 2019. 20:03. From Rhoda: "AT LEAST £530 TO REACH JOHN TONIGHT TO KEEP THEM GOING. ALEPPO SYRIA IS RIPE FOR FOT." 7 Angels have said that to me now. [£530 was amazingly achieved and sent!] Wednesday 11th September 2019. 12:25. From John: Thanks Will. We are having a very busy schedule here, many people in Aleppo are willing to join the FOT meet. Today since morning we have been to six mosques, four churches and two madrassas leaving behind MM lit and explaining to them the importance of observing God's holy days such as FOT. We bought enough water and milk to take us till Friday. God bless. Wed 11th September 2019. 12:36. From Rhoda: "GOD IS PREPARING THE GROUND FOR A VERY BIG MM FOT MEET IN ALEPPO. THE TEAM TO BUY WATER AND MILK TO TAKE THEM TILL MONDAY. THERE MUST BE ENOUGH FUEL FOR DAILY MOVEMENT TILL THE FOT BEGINS. THE VAN MUST NOT REST IN SYRIA NOW TILL THE DAY THE FOT STARTS. "IAM SAYS THIS: MALCOLM TO WRITE MM LIT TO TEACH ARABS ON THE IMPORTANCE OF GIVING OFFERINGS AND TITHES TO GOD. IT SHOULD BE MAINLY FOR ALEPPO FOT MEET. GOD WILL RAISE NEW MM FINANCIAL SUPPORTERS THROUGH THAT LIT. "ONLY £280 REACHED JOHN BUT THEY BOUGHT WATER AND MILK TO LAST THEM TILL FRIDAY MORNING AND A LITTLE FUEL. THEY NEED MORE MORE MORE FUEL. AT LEAST £530 FOR FUEL ONLY ONLY ONLY TO REACH JOHN TONIGHT. THIS FUEL WILL KEEP THEM GOING TILL SUNDAY NIGHT. AT LEAST £530 TO REACH JOHN FOR FUEL." 7 Angels have said. Comment: The angels stressed the urgent financial need. We had so little! 12th Sept 2019. 5:09. From Rhoda: "IAM IAM IAM SAYS THIS. MAY AT LEAST £530 REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW. THEY HAVE A BIG IMPORTANT WORK IN ALEPPO. MAY THE MONEY REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW. GOD IS PLEADING FOR THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS TO HELP OUT IN THIS IMPORTANT MISSION." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 5:18. From John: We are in a fix. We have no fuel. Comment: We managed to put together £230 which went, but £130 of that needed refunding in a week’s time. Vivian said he could do that Rhoda Goes To Somalia10:11. To John: Who is overseeing the FoT in Somalia? ... 10:18. From John: I suggest that Rhoda should go. 10:49. To John: Well, we can’t tell her to go. That’s for God to say if she is meant to. So we leave it up to the angels. 12th September 2019. 12:56. From Rhoda: "RHODA RHODA RHODA MUST TRAVEL TO SOMALIA KISMAYO FOR THE FOT MEET. IT IS A MUST GO MISSION. RHODA TO TRAVEL BY BUS. RHODA TO PRINT OUT COPIES OF THE MM LIT ON TITHES AND OFFERINGS AND DISTRIBUTE TO PASSENGERS ON HER WAY TO KISMAYO TO MEET OTHER MM FOLKS THERE FOR THE FOT. AT LEAST £487 TO REACH JOHN TONIGHT FOR RHODA TO TRAVEL TO SOMALIA AND TO PRODUCE THOSE LIT COPIES." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 13:01. From Rhoda: "A VERY RESPONSIBLE HUMBLE MAN CALLED SHABAN WILL RECEIVE RHODA IN SOMALIA. IT WILL BE A WONDERFUL FOT MEET." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 13:46. To John, cc Rhoda: We need some help with the money aspect. 13:52. From John: Shaban was a street boy whom we helped via MM lits in 2018. All his parents and siblings died in a painful road accident in Mogadishu in the year 2009. His story is sad. I hope he will put it down and send to you. 13th September 2019. 5:05. From John: Rhoda left for Somalia at dawn. She is almost reaching Mombasa. God bless. 13th September 2019. 8:39. From Rhoda: "RHODA IS ON THE WAY TO SOMALIA FROM MOMBASA. RHODA RECEIVED MONEY FROM JOHN AT NIGHT. AT LEAST £247 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW TO GET RHODA TO KISMAYO BY NIGHT TODAY." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 9:03. Reply: We are seeing what we can find for this. The angels asked yesterday for you to get some copies of the leaflet written on the 11th, “What God Says At This Time” [about tithes and offerings]... 9:05. From Rhoda: "OVER 170 COPIES WERE PRODUCED AND ARE BEING DISTRIBUTED IN THE BUS AS RHODA MOVES ON." 7 Angels have said. Comment: I was surprised that Rhoda managed to get the leaflet What God Says At This Time copied x 170. And I was even more surprised how God said to give it to all the passengers on the bus to Somalia. What an education for those folks?! They get to know various things about the plan of God, and some of them will treasure it and preserve it like a sacred possession. 13th September 2019. 13:26. From Rhoda: "RHODA IS STUCK ON THE WAY TO KISMAYO. AT LEAST £287 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 14:19. From Rhoda: I am in Lamu in Kenya. It is next to Ras Kamboni border. With these lits, I should cross in to Somalia before night. Thank you. Comment: The £250 sent was blocked by the system. Jesus And The Archangels Appear To John12th Sept 2019. 17:54. From John: Glory be to the King of kings... Since last midnight when our fuel got over here I have been in a deep meditation asking God why all these blockages. Will, God appeared to me in the form of three people with very white clothes and sharp swords in their hands. One in the middle told me 'John, I am happy with the work you are doing. You didn't even ask for money from Malcolm to start up your own business or enterprise. Many have requested for money either to start up poultry farming, water projects, fish farming but you John you only crave to bring the lost back to me, God. I will bless you. No more blockages will ever occur when MM supporters send to you money. Go on with evangelism work for that is your calling. Very soon John I, God of gods, will bless you with good money and evangelism work will continue endlessly for the world still needs the MM lits. John do not lose hope. I have put you John in the hands of my prophet Malcolm and Helena who I have anointed to prepare the earth for My coming through MM lits message of truth.' After that I saw them put their hands on my head. Then I felt a strong headache for seven hours sweating profusely. Now as I write I am okay. Our fuel is over, we tried to do evangelism on foot but couldn't. We leave everything in God's hands now that even sister Rhoda is also stuck on her way to Somalia. May God do His will. I understand how you struggle to ensure that money reaches us for evangelism... I can't understand why WU, Moneygram, Skrill, all put blockages on us. Why why why? God bless. 18:40. Reply: The answer in two words is “POLICE INTERFERENCE”. But God has the last say about it. Many will pay dearly for blocking us. 18:41. Reply: We are still trying to get money to you somehow. 12th Sept 2019. 18:19. From Rhoda: "JOHN JOHN JOHN DON'T CRY, GOD IS ON YOUR SIDE. THE GREAT IAM IS HAPPY WITH THE ZEAL YOU ARE PERFORMING IN THE DUTY HE CALLED YOU TO. JOHN JOHN DON'T CRY. THERE IS A BIG REWARD IN STORE FOR YOU. DON'T LOOK BACK. LOOK FORWARD. "THE TEAM IS WITHOUT FUEL TO MOVE AROUND IN ALEPPO. THE SYRIAN MISSION IS A BIG ONE IN THE MIDST OF ARABS. IT IS A BIG MEET. GOD TO OPEN ALL BLOCKAGES FOR MONEY TO REACH JOHN TONIGHT TONIGHT TONIGHT. GOD TO TOUCH ALL THE REGULAR ANOINTED MM SUPPORTERS TO GIVE LITTLE LITTLE MONEY SO THAT £287 FOR RHODA AND £246 FOR JOHN, A TOTAL OF £533 TO REACH JOHN TONIGHT TONIGHT TONIGHT. THIS MISSION IS A BIG ONE." 7 Angels said that now. Comment: The supporters managed to get £510 together and send. 14th Sept 2019. 4:53. From Rhoda: "ALREADY RHODA IS IN KISMAYO. AT LEAST £200 TO REACH JOHN FOR RHODA TO PRODUCE MORE COPIES OF MM LITS TO DISTRIBUTE IN KISMAYO." 7 Angels have said. 14th September 2019. 9:00. Reply: That’s good. Did you travel all night? It must have been very tiring. 9:03. From Rhoda: Yes, it was a long journey. I have met many people here and they need copies of MM lits but my kitty is dry. Thanks. God bless. 10:20. To John and Rhoda: We have managed to find £150, coming shortly 14th Sept 2019. 19:44. From John: Many people have started coming in Aleppo for FOT. The copies of the tithe and offering MM lit are over. People need them and our kitty is completely dry, we don't know what to do. 20:17. Reply: Well, I suggest you tell those who don’t have that leaflet that you will give them each that piece of lit when money is available for more to be photocopied. We emptied ourselves of all we had to be able to provide what we have done up to now. So the further copies needed will have to wait until money is made available. When you pray a formal prayer before all the people gathered there, you can mention it, asking God to help provide that need. Then the people gathered will know of the need, and God can touch any hearts who are open enough to offer to help in that way. It could be several days before we have any more money. 14th September 2019. 20:42. From John: Thanks Will. That's what we did during the day’s meet but now they are on our necks. May God do His will. 14th Sept 2019. 19:48. From Rhoda: "THE TEAM IN SYRIA HAVE RUN SHORT OF THE COPIES OF MM LITS FOR TITHING, OVER 147 PEOPLE HAVE ASSEMBLED IN ALEPPO FOR FOT MEET. MORE COPIES ARE REQUIRED, THE TEAM NEED WATER, MILK AND FUEL TOO. MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE £450 TO HELP THE TEAM TILL MONDAY NIGHT. URGENT URGENT URGENT." 7 Angels said. Eager Attendees Harass John14th September 2019. 20:46. From Rhoda: "THEY ARE FIRMLY ASKING FOR THEIR COPIES EACH. THE TEAM IS IN A BIG PROBLEM. IT IS GOD MAKING THEM CRAVE FOR THE COPIES. GOD WANTS TO RAISE NEW SUPPORTERS. IT IS VERY VERY VERY URGENT. WATER, MILK AND FUEL TOO ARE URGENTLY NEEDED AND THE KITTY IS COMPLETELY DRY." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 20:54. To John: Well, tell them to wait till tomorrow and see what tomorrow brings. They shouldn’t be so demanding. PATIENCE. Tell them one of the virtues of God is patience. And we are meant to develop His virtues by learning to be patient. 15th September 2019. 8:40. To John: Have they calmed down now? I hope they are now willing to wait until money is available. When it is, then those leaflets will be given to them. WE are not withholding those things from them. The problem is our complete lack of funds. All who come to God on these occasions also have a duty to GIVE to God (Deut 16:16), not just GET from Him. Please explain to them that we have given all our funds to make the FoT possible, and that those funds were BORROWED, and have to be paid back by the hard work of people over here who support MM. [£35 was sent.] 15th September 2019. 19:21. From John: Thanks a lot Will. We bought fuel with the £35 Bob sent. We are meeting 54 people now teaching them about tithe and offerings. They surely need copies of MM tithe lit. 16th September 2019. 7:28. From John: Since yesterday morning we haven't taken water nor milk. We are in a big problem. 16th September 2019. 7:32. From Rhoda: "AT LEAST £450 TO REACH JOHN NOW. OVER 60 PEOPLE, NEW ONES, HAVE JOINED THEM IN FOT MEET. MORE COPIES OF THE LITS ARE URGENTLY NEEDED. JOHN IS UNDER PRESSURE..." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 16th September 2019. 8:45. From Rhoda: "URGENTLY URGENTLY URGENTLY, WRITE TO JOHN. HE IS UNDER PRESSURE FROM THE MULTITUDE TO GIVE THEM THE MM COPIES. THEY NEED WATER AND MILK TOO. URGENT URGENT URGENT." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 16th September 2019. 8:47. From John: We have over 100 people here. They need copies of the MM lits. They need them. We too need water and milk 9:22. Reply: We are trying to get something for you. Please tell the people to be patient. God is trying to work something out. [Bob sent them £107.] 13:04. Thanks. We are producing copies right away. Dead Child Raised Up In Somalia16th September 2019. 18:51. From Rhoda in Somalia: "GOD HAS DONE MIGHTIER MIRACLES HERE IN SOMALIA BY RAISING A DEAD BOY. MOHA DILLO WAS BROUGHT YESTERDAY BY HIS BROTHER MUSA DILLO TO BE PRAYED FOR. HE HAS BEEN SUFFERING FROM LEUKEMIA SINCE BIRTH TILL NOW AGED 9 YRS. IMMEDIATELY THEY STEPPED IN TO THE FOT MEET SITE HE COLLAPSED AND DIED. SEVEN ANGELS THEN SURROUNDED HIM TILL MIDNIGHT WHEN RHODA TOUCHED HIS LIFELESS BODY WITH OPENED MM FAITH LITS, THEN HE WOKE UP. IT GAVE MM A NAME TILL TODAY THE MEETING HAS 95 PEOPLE. IN ALEPPO ALSO IT IS FIREWORKS, GOD IS MOVING MANY PEOPLE TO ATTEND THE FOT. BY NOW 259 ARE QUIETLY SEATED LISTENING TO MM GOSPEL OF TRUTH THROUGH THE MM LITS. THE GREAT IAM SAYS THIS NOW NOW NOW. "MAY AT LEAST £530 REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW. MAY AT LEAST £530 REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW. MAY AT LEAST £530 REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW. £100 FOR PURELY MILK AND WATER TO TAKE THEM TILL WEDNESDAY. £200 TO FUEL THE VAN. £130 TO PRODUCE COPIES OF MM LITS AND £100 TO REACH RHODA FOR MORE COPIES OF MM LITS. "JOHN IS UNDER INTENSE PRESSURE FROM THE GROUP, THEY NEED COPIES OF THE MM LITS. JOHN IS WORRIED, OVERWELMED. HE HAS TRIED TO CALM THE GROUP DOWN BUT MOST OF THEM SEE IT THAT JOHN IS DENYING THEM THE COPIES. MAY ALL THE FEW ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE £530 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW. "JOHN MUST MUST MUST NOT SELL HIS ONLY LAND TO HELP OUT IN THIS IMPORTANT MISSION. MAY AT LEAST £530 REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Overwhelmed By Many Arabs!16th September 2019. 19:04. From John: Glory be to the God of gods. Ever since I became an evangelist I have never seen this big number attending an FoT meet, especially Arabs. This is a confirmation that God is demonstrating His acceptance of MM. We have close to 300 people here. Am in a big problem. They need lits. We need money for more copies but the kitty is completely dry... God has shown it clearly that He has approved MM. Our water, milk and fuel are over, the kitty completely dry. God God God to stand with us so all these angry souls do not leave here unhelped, God, God help us. God bless. 16th September 2019. 19:22. From Rhoda: "MALCOLM TO WRITE TO JOHN NOW NOW NOW. HE IS IN A BIG BATTLE WITH A MULTITUDE OF ARABS IN NEED OF MM LITS." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 17th Sept 2019. 4:18. From Rhoda: "MAY £530 REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW. IT IS A VERY BIG CHALLENGE IN ALEPPO. MAY THE REGULAR ANOINTED MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE THE MONEY URGENTLY TO REACH JOHN. PLEASE IT IS VERY NECESSARY." 7 Angels have said now. Comment: I nearly said it’s simply not possible. But it turned out that Bob had a refund from a previous transfer that was blocked, and he sent £300. 17th Sept 2019. 19:34. From Rhoda: "GOD IS DOING WONDERS IN THE FOT MEET IN SOMALIA. RHODA NEEDS MORE COPIES OF MM LITS, THE TEAM IN ALEPPO NEEDS WATER, MILK AND FUEL. AT LEAST £400 TO REACH JOHN TONIGHT. A GREAT WORK IS GOING ON." 7 Angels have said. 17th Sept 2019. 20:30. From John: Now three days and three nights without water and milk. The money Bob sent us today all went to providing copies of MM lits. Now we have 774 people here, many from Iraq, Iran and Israel. They are mad on getting MM lits. 20:42. Reply: ...Where on earth do they all sleep? 17th Sept 2019. 20:54. From John: We have four tents. Two for women and two for men. I told you that this is the first time I have met a huge group like this. 18th September 2019. 8:13. From Rhoda: "AT LEAST £400 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW. THEY ARE IN A BIG PROBLEM, OVER 800 PEOPLE ARE GATHERED THERE AND FRIDAY EVEN MOST MOSQUES WILL CLOSE TO ATTEND THE FOT MEET. THEY ARE CRAVING FOR MM TRUTH THROUGH THE COPIES OF THE MM LITS. AT LEAST £400 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 18th Sept 2019. 8:15. From John: Now there are 850 here. We are stuck. 8:25. Reply: Can they all fit into the area? Is it an open space where the meetings are held, and therefore can accommodate a large crowd? Comment: Thanks to Vivian and Anna, Bob was able to send £400. 17:55. We are meeting in an open field where all the 1000 plus people are. The Numbers Keep On Increasing!18th September 2019. 18:55. From John: The news of the great things that God has done via MM evangelism is on everyone's lips here. Constant war has decreased because of MM lits evangelism. The sick have been healed, the heavily burdened have been relieved. This has made people throng here like a swarm of bees. Now we have over 1000 people. It forced me to announce to them for each one now to cater for their water and bread. The £1000 budget was used up yesterday night. I have no other means to sustain them. We have been producing copies of the following MM lits. 1. MM lit on tithes and offerings. 1385 copies. 2. Faith: Raising Our Level Of Expectation. 1269 copies. 3. Who is the end time Elijah? 1100 copies. 4. Listening to God. 1300 copies. 5. Why Jesus? 1400 copies. 6. Why Suffering? 1378 copies. 7. The Answer To All Your Problems. 1450 copies. 8. Apostasy in God's Church. 1274 copies. 9. The Missing Dimension In Christian Living. 1176 copies. 18th September 2019. 19:04. From John: Most of these people are coming for miracles, healing and deliverance from the devil. Most of them were involved in killings hence get delivered from their torments when touched with MM Faith lits. That's why they are mad for the copies of MM lits. They carry little water for their consumption. Water is a very expensive commodity here. They have no water to share with us, all buy drinking water. God bless. 18th September 2019. 19:20. From Rhoda in Somalia: "IAM SAYS THIS. DURING THIS FOT A PERMANENT WATER SOURCE IS TO BE DUG OUT IN THE MM FOT MEET SITE IN ALEPPO. THIS WATER WILL BE SOLD AS FROM EARLY NEXT MONTH TO RAISE A LOT OF MONEY FOR MM LITS EVANGELISM. NOW NOW NOW THE TEAM IS UNDER BIG PRESSURE TO PRODUCE MORE COPIES OF MM LITS. NOW 1607 PEOPLE ARE ASSEMBLED IN ALEPPO FOR THE FOT. MOST OF THE ARABS IN ALEPPO WERE ONCE FIGHTERS WHO KILLED MANY PEOPLE DURING THE LONG WARS IN SYRIA, IRAN, IRAQ, ISRAEL AND PALESTINE AND ARE BEING TORMENTED BY THE SPIRITS OF THE PEOPLE THEY KILLED. IT IS ONLY THE MM LITS THAT HEAL THEM WHEN THEY ARE TOUCHED WITH THE MM FAITH LITS. THAT'S WHY BIGGER AND BIGGER NUMBERS ARE STILL EXPECTED ESPECIALLY TOMORROW AND FRIDAY. 0"THE GREAT IAM SAYS THIS. AT LEAST £530 TO REACH JOHN TONIGHT FOR PRODUCTION OF MORE COPIES OF MM LITS. £2777 TO BE DEPOSITED TO THE EVANGELISM BANK ACCOUNT TOMORROW MORNING FOR THE DIGGING [drilling] OF WATER [well bore] WHICH WILL BE SOLD TO GENERATE MONEY FOR EVANGELISM. IF TOMORROW NOON THE MONEY IS IN THE ACCOUNT, BY FRIDAY NIGHT THE WATER SHALL BE READY. GOD WILL PUSH IT FASTER AND FASTER. THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS TO HELP RAISE £530 TO REACH JOHN TONIGHT. JOHN MUST NOT SELL HIS LAND. JOHN MUST NOT SELL HIS LAND. JOHN MUST NOT SELL HIS LAND. JOHN MUST NOT SELL HIS LAND. JOHN MUST NOT SELL HIS LAND." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 19th September 2019. 7:27. From Rhoda: "THE WATER PROJECT WILL END THE CONSTANT LACK OF MONEY TO HELP IN EVANGELISM. GOD IS IN THIS. IT MUST BE DONE WHEN THE FOT IS ON FOR PEOPLE GATHERED HERE TO SEE THE MIGHTY DEEDS OF GOD IN MM. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT IMPORTANT IMPORTANT. THIS IS AN IMPORTANT PROJECT. MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE MONEY FOR THIS IMPORTANT PROJECT... MAY AT LEAST £530 REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW. THERE IS A GREAT WORK GOING ON NOW NOW NOW. PEOPLE ARE POURING IN IN LARGE NUMBERS. GOD IS DOING SOME GREAT WORK IN ALEPPO. MAY £530 REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: Our supporters couldn’t raise this much. They only had £230. 19th September 2019. 18:47. From Rhoda: Matthew 8:16, 17: "THE GREAT IAM IS FULFILLING MATTHEW 8:16,17 IN SYRIA ALEPPO. MANY SICK PEOPLE ARE VISITING THE FOT MEETING SITE NON STOP. JOHN IS A DEPRESSED MAN SINCE BY NOW 1567 PEOPLE ARE THERE AND COPIES OF LITS ARE OVER. IT IS A BIG CHALLENGE BUT GOD IS PERFORMING HEALING MIRACLES EACH AND EVERY TIME. AT LEAST £530 TO REACH JOHN TONIGHT TO KEEP THEM TILL SATURDAY WHEN A BIG BIG BIG BAPTISM WILL BE CARRIED OUT. GOD IS A GOD OF GREAT PLAN. TOMORROW ALONE THE NUMBER WILL BE 2700. MAY GOD TOUCH MALCOLM TO KNOW THE MEANING OF 27 WHICH CONFIRMS MM AS THE MINISTRY OF SALVATION WITH THE REVELATION OF THE LAW (TEACHING) AS PART OF THE WORD OF YAHWEH. MM IS GOD'S TOOL OF SAVING THE SIN RIDDEN WORLD. AT LEAST £530 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 19th Sept 2019. 19:01. From Rhoda: [In answer to my query.] "THE GROUP THAT LEFT MM DUE TO LACK OF MONEY, SOME ROGUE POLICE WHO HAVE WORKED TIRELESSLY TO BLOCK ALL MM ACTIVITIES. THE GROUP THAT HAVE BEEN WRITING FALSEHOOD ABOUT JOHN WITH THE AIM OF BRINGING DOWN MM EVANGELISM." 7 Angels have said that now. 19th September 2019. 20:15. To Rhoda: I presume the rogue police the angels are mentioning are some UK officers over here. 20:19. From Rhoda: "OF COURSE, YES." 7 angels have said that now. Witchdoctor Tries To Kill John With Charm19th Sept 2019. 19:20. From John: [Sent with photo of a witchcraft charm they used to try and harm him.] This night he used the charm below to block all MM activities here. He came all the way from Ukerewe Island. He was sent to kill me following what God did in Ukerewe last month. On stepping onto the FoT site he fell to the ground when we pointed at him with opened MM Faith lits. Let the opposers do whatever they can. I can't fear them. God bless. 19th September 2019. 19:29. From Rhoda: "THEY ARE AFTER JOHN AND THE TEAM THAT DESTROYED THEIR BASE IN UKEREWE. ONE HAS BEEN SENT WITH CHARM TO KILL JOHN BUT GOD WILL WEAKEN HIM BADLY. JOHN IS VERY STRONG IN FAITH. GOD IS PLEASED WITH HIS COURAGE AND THAT'S WHY THE OPPOSERS ARE WORKING OUT WAYS TO HARM HIM." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 19th September 2019. 19:24. From Ibrahim (in Ndhiwa Kenya): ... Yesterday at midnight, immediately after the bible study, a group of seven armed men attacked us with the aim of killing all of us but our God defeated them. While they were trying to open fire at us all their guns jammed when we opened the Faith Lits and pointed at them. All of a sudden they fell on the ground and we could see fire burning them while they were crying for help which lasted for three hours. We moved closer to see the bodies but they were burnt and we could not recognize them so we alerted the police, who came and took them away. 19th September 2019. 20:28. To John: I am astonished at the way things have worked out there in Syria. Yes, it is as Rhoda wrote, that it’s Matthew 8:16-17 all over again. People getting delivered of demons by being touched with the Word (in the Faith booklet), and ALL being healed of whatever ailments they were troubled by. God is doing this to confirm His Word. This is exceptional! Comment: The number 27. [See missive above at 18:47.] It is the cube of 3. Three points to finality, the end time we are now in. This is the Final Restoration which God prophesied long ago, restoring all things. In the Church context, He is restoring Truth that has been lost or neglected and ignored. It is significant that the angels mentioned this big number of (mainly) Muslims who had come to the festival in Aleppo by 20th Sept, as 2700, and the angels stated: 27 CONFIRMS MM AS THE MINISTRY OF SALVATION WITH THE REVELATION OF THE LAW (TEACHING) AS PART OF THE WORD OF YAHWEH. 27 = 10 (the number of man) + 17 (the number of salvation). On page 47 of God’s Great Genius I summarise 17 as the seventh prime (indivisible) number, indicating salvation, healing and God’s deliverance for man. God is confirming that (through those words above in block capitals from the angels). He says that MM is the ministry of salvation with the law (which word ‘torah’ in Hebrew means teaching or instruction) revealed in its proper perspective. Most other ministries do not comprehend this as an essential ingredient of salvation. They accuse you falsely of preaching salvation by works when law is emphasised. But they miss the point, and God is confirming again that what He has revealed to us and which we have expounded in MM lit (primarily in LG, Law and Grace) is accurate. He gives His confirmation and commendation to it. People who flagrantly violate the law (the teaching of God which is centred on the Ten Commandments), and who are wilfully lawless will not be saved. Salvation is given to those who agree with ALL God says, and DO ALL God says. That humble submission is integral to the child-like attitude which Jesus said is essential for you to be saved (Matt 18:3). Also, 27 = 3 x 9. Nine can indicate spiritual gifts on the positive side, or condemnation and judgement on the negative side. That points to the Final Restoration, for anyone who refuses to submit to and obey this final summation from God won’t be saved. They will reap that negative judgement. However, those who submit to and obey will be baptised in the Spirit and receive spiritual gifts with supernatural manifestations as part of this final witness. So, God is confirming once again the correctness of MM teaching, and especially the accuracy of the emphasis on obedience to biblical law. When God brings the New Jerusalem into being, such people (then made completely of Spirit) will be gems decorating its ‘walls’. And the New Jerusalem is a cubic form, with length breadth and height all the same, just as 27 is 3 x 3 x 3. (Rev 21:9-16.) This is the Bride. MM is thus preparing the Bride, just as we stated on page 2 of the Articles of Faith volumes. The Massive Demand Swamped Us!20th September 2019. 18:48. From Rhoda: "BEHOLD THE HOUR IS NOW FOR PEOPLE TO KNOW THAT MM IS GOD’S VESSEL AND THE MM LITS ARE GOD’S TOOLS OF CLEANSING THE DIRTY WORLD. MEN MASQUERADING AS MINISTERS OF GOD IN MEGACHURCHES HAVE SPREAD MALICIOUS FALSITY ABOUT SALVATION. GOD IS BRINGING TO AN END ALL THESE. ALL GOD'S PRECEPTS ARE RIGHT AS RECORDED IN MM LITS. TODAY GOD REPEATS WHAT HE STATED TO THE CHILDREN OF ISRAEL IN DEUTERONOMY 4:2. OVER 735 PEOPLE GOT BAPTISED TODAY. TOMORROW TOO A FURTHER 437 WILL BE BAPTISED IN ALEPPO. THE WATER PROJECT SHOULD START IMMEDIATELY IN ALEPPO. GOD HAS GOT GREAT PLANS AHEAD. TODAY ALONE 47,324 COPIES OF MM LITS WERE DISTRIBUTED." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: Phenomenal!!! But we had no money for the water project. 20th Sept 2019. 19:00. From John: We are going on with our meeting. Today alone we baptised over 700 people. We will go on tomorrow. We managed to buy enough water and milk to take us till tonight. We also bought enough fuel. We produced over 47,000 copies of MM lits which we distributed out to the hungry people. We trust God to help us move nonstop till the end. 20th September 2019. 19:07. From Rhoda: "THE TEAM MUST NOT REST TILL TOMORROW NIGHT. BAPTISM WORK AND DISTRIBUTION OF COPIES OF MM LITS MUST GO ON. PEOPLE HAVE COME FROM AS FAR AS SAUDI ARABIA THIS EVENING FOR THE COPIES OF THE MM LITS. TOMORROW TOO MORE AND MORE PEOPLE WILL COME IN. AT LEAST £530 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW. AT LEAST £530 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW. AT LEAST £530 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW. AT LEAST £530 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW. GOD IS VERY PLEASED WITH THE GREAT WORK GOING ON IN ALEPPO. IT IS A CONFIRMATION THAT MM IS GOD'S VESSEL OF CLEANSING THE DIRTY WORLD. AT LEAST £530 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW. AT LEAST £530 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW. AT LEAST £530 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW. AT LEAST £530 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW." 7 Angels have said that now. Comment: The angels’ repetitive insistence reflects the urgent need. Others were meant to help but ignored the cry. The need was mentioned 8 times. Besides faith, love and virtue, 8 depicts superabundance: what God offers all. 20th September 2019. 19:40. From Rhoda: "THE GLORY HOUR IS AROUND THE CORNER. THE FEW ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS SHOULD NOT LOSE HOPE. THE GREATEST TIME IS NEAR. MAY THE REGULAR ANOINTED MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE £530 TO REACH JOHN URGENTLY." 7 Angels said that to me now. [Amazingly £530 was raised!] 21st September 2019. 18:26. From Rhoda: "TODAY GOD LED THE TEAM IN ALEPPO TO BAPTISE OVER 400 PEOPLE. TOMORROW ALMOST ADDITIONAL 700 WILL ATTEND THE MEET. EXTRA COPIES OF MM LITS ARE REQUIRED. THEN TOMORROW IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE GREAT DAY, THE TEAM SHOULD START MOVING BACK HOME. THERE ARE ATTACKERS WHO ARE ROAMING AROUND JOHN'S HOME BUT THIS TIME ROUND GOD IS GOING TO CONFUSE THEM TILL THE VAN REACHES JOHN'S HOME. GOD WILL DESTROY THEM IN OPEN BROAD DAYLIGHT. £530 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW. £230 FOR PRODUCING EXTRA COPIES OF MM LITS. £300 FOR FUEL TO START THE TEAM OFF BACK TO KENYA TOMORROW NIGHT. AT LEAST £530 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW. IT IS EXTREMELY URGENT." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: We could only scrape together £392 between all our regular dedicated supporters. Not surprising, considering the massive demands on us. 21st Sept 2019. 18:53. From John: We have had a busy day coupled with baptism. More and more people are coming in. The sick are being brought in and God is healing them. We have no drinking water nor milk. At times the Holy Spirit directed us to dip MM Faith lit in milk or water before giving the sick to drink and they get well. That's how it was today. Thanks to God. Tomorrow we shall observe the Great Day. [The Last Great Day is mentioned in John 7:37.] The Last Great Day, 201922nd September 2019. 10:03. To John: As you know, God has spoken that He wants a well to be bored or dug to provide water in this location. What He said to us through the angels was repeated by Rhoda. It was this: 18th September 2019. 19:20. From Rhoda: "IAM SAYS THIS. DURING THIS FOT A PERMANENT WATER SOURCE IS TO BE DUG OUT IN THE MM FOT MEET SITE IN ALEPPO....” As we and our regular supporters haven’t got any funds for this work, and it is a command to bring an offering to God on these holy occasions (Deuteronomy 16:16), it would be appropriate for you to announce this to the gathered assembly, so they know of this need... [None gave any offering!] 22nd September 2019. 20:07. From Rhoda: "ALMOST ALL THE PEOPLE WHO GATHERED IN ALEPPO HAD NO MONEY, THEY CAME FOR GOD TO SET THEM FREE. THAT'S WHY THEY FOUGHT OVER MM LIT COPIES. AT LEAST £2777 BE DEPOSITED IN THE BANK ACCOUNT TOMORROW MORNING FOR THE WATER PROJECT TO BE DONE. ALSO AT LEAST £530 TO REACH JOHN EARLY TOMORROW FOR THEIR FUEL TO GET THEM BACK." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 22nd September 2019. 20:10. From John: Our part was to feed them with the MM Gospel of truth through MM lits. They catered for their meals on their own. These people had no money to contribute, they mainly came here to be set free from tormentations by the devil. 22nd September 2019. 20:17. From Rhoda: "AT LEAST £530 TO REACH JOHN TOMORROW MORNING TO HELP THEM MOVE BACK HOME." 7 Angels have said that to me now. [We didn’t have anything towards the £530.] 22nd September 2019. 20:55. To John: Ten lepers came to Jesus for cleansing, and He healed them all. One came back to thank him, but only one. The others had no true gratitude. (Luke 17:11-19.) Over the past week, hundreds have been healed by God, if not thousands, there in Aleppo, and not one has shown us any gratitude. I feel utterly kicked in the teeth! We have borrowed up to the hilt for these people, and have no ordinary way to pay off these debts, and now we have to somehow find this impossible money to get you back home, when we have shelled out everything! This isn’t ministry; it’s exploitation. You can’t tell me that those people had no money. They had money to get there. They had money to buy what provisions they needed. But they couldn’t give you any milk or water, nor give anything towards the massive costs that had to be borne to put on this FoT! It’s painful... 27th September 2019. 10:26. To John: In Aleppo, who baptised the women? Where was the water? Did most of the people speak English, or at least understand some English? Was translation necessary for some into Arabic? 10:43. From John: All baptisms were done in the Aleppo river. 5 women baptised the women: Maryanne, Sali, Junechristine, Daniella and Bilha. They had been baptised when we visited Aleppo last time. We used English to communicate, and placed translators in between the people to help in translating for those who could not understand English. Some Notable Miracles God Performed There30th September 2019. 16:57. From John: Aleppo FoT. 1. A [name protected]. He was born with a heavy tongue and could not speak well. This illness made him lose a lot of jobs hence he could not support his mother. He received the news about MM through a friend who paid for his fare to the FoT meet in Aleppo. He was taught the MM truth through the MM lits and after baptism we touched his mouth with opened MM Faith lits and he fell to the ground crying aloud with a lot of saliva oozing out from his mouth [demons leaving cause this]. He was made well, he left the place talking. 2. Shaban [full name protected]. He was a bank robber. He came from Cairo Egypt. In 2017 he got shot. The bullet remained in his back between the ribs. Occasionally he couldn't breathe well and he has lived with very strong pain. He was taught MM truth through MM lits and then baptised. At midnight on Saturday God's Angels directed us to rub his back with opened MM Faith lit. He then started panting, breathing very fast and deep till the bullet came out and fell on the ground. By the time he left for home the wound was dry and Maisi was fully well. Comment: The Feast of Tabernacles was held in Ndhiwa, Kenya, and also in Tunisia. God performed healings and miracles there, too, confirming His Word. Ibrahim in Ndhiwa reported several were healed, and many were helped. Ibrahim reported: Hips healed thru God’s power. I had the opportunity to pray for a girl named Fatuma D who had problems with her hips. They were turned to the outside and she could not straighten her legs fully. I laid hands and Faith lit on her and prayed that the Lord would put her hips into the right position. After prayer her hips were healed... Ibrahim Comment: In Aleppo, people poured in from Iraq, Iran, Israel, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt. What is very significant is that ALL who needed healing were healed, a phenomenon which has not been experienced since Jesus’ day (Matt 8:16,17). God is making a statement by this. It is an UNPRECEDENTED move of God. It is part of the prophesied Work of Elijah (Mal 4:6; 3:1).
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