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Mighty Miracles Of God Volume 17
226In Ukerewe’s Hellhole Again
We must [go] through many tribulations [to] enter the kingdom of God (Acts 14:22).
Eleanor and Bob managed to send £350 for the van to move on and complete the mission. Praise God! What a struggle this was!!! 23rd August 2019. 19:03. From Rhoda: "THE TEAM WILL ARRIVE IN UKEREWE TOMORROW VERY EARLY IN THE MORNING. THEY NEED MORE FUEL TO MOVE ON IN UKEREWE. THEY NEED MORE MILK AND WATER TO TAKE THEM ON. MAY THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE £570 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW. THIS WILL HELP THEM MOVE AROUND IN UKEREWE AS THE ANGELS WILL LEAD THEM TO WHERE THE COUNTERFEITS ARE KEPT. ON THE SAME NOTE £1500 SHOULD BE DEPOSITED TO THE EVANGELISM BANK ACCOUNT IMMEDIATELY TO HELP THE TEAM MOVE BACK HOME AFTER THE MISSION. THE TEAM IS IN ARUSHA TANZANIA MAINLAND HEADING TO UKEREWE." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: That was the fourth time the angels mentioned the need for £1500 to be sent. We didn’t have it, and others who did were not willing to help. Friday 23rd August 2019. 19:05. From John: We are now in Arusha Tanzania heading to Ukerewe. We hope to be there tomorrow morning. 24th August 2019. 5:44. From John: Ukerewe Island. We have just arrived here. Our fuel is over we can't move on. Our milk and water too are over. 24th August 2019. 6:33. From Rhoda: "THE TEAM IS STUCK IN UKEREWE ISLAND. THEY HAVE NO FUEL TO MOVE TO THE PLACE WHERE THE COUNTERFEITS ARE HIDDEN. THEIR WATER AND MILK TOO ARE OVER. THEY ARE STRANDED. MAY THE REGULAR ANOINTED MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE £570 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW TO HELP THEM MOVE ON..." 7 Angels said that to me now. 8:14. Reply: We couldn’t raise £570, but we managed £300. Hope you have now got that, John. 8:23. From John: Yes I have received it and we are moving on. 24th August 2019. 17:40. From John: We are under the guidance of the thick white mists. We rested for only ten minutes and moved on. We trust God to lead us to the site tonight. Put us in prayers. We met challenges on three occasions when the van almost turned upside down. Magic powers are not happy with us getting to where the counterfeit lits are kept. 17:49. Reply: That’s amazing that the van nearly turned over three times! Yes, will intercede. Helena does it pretty much all the time. Saturday 24th August 2019. 17:45. From Rhoda:"THE MAGICIANS IN UKEREWE ISLAND HAVE DETECTED THAT THEIR TIME IS UP. THEY HAVE TRIED TO CAUSE THE VAN TO OVERTURN AND KILL THE EVANGELISTS BUT GOD IS IN CHARGE. THE VAN WILL REACH THE PLACE WHERE THE COUNTERFEITS ARE HIDDEN. URGENTLY, MAY THE REGULAR ANOINTED MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE £450 TO REACH JOHN SO THAT THEY STOCK ENOUGH WATER, MILK AND FUEL. TOMORROW THEY WILL HAVE THE BUSIEST DAY. GOD WILL OPENLY SHOW HIS MIGHT OVER THE MAGICIANS." 7 Angels said that to me now. 19:28. From John: Our water and milk are over. Our fuel too is over. 25th August 2019. 8:33. To John: Bob has managed to send £450... In The Middle Of A Big Battle!25th August 2019. 11:01. From John: Thanks Will. We are in a big battle. Last night God killed four snakes. We are in a big battle. Comment: The angels said a further £200 was needed. We had nothing! 14:17. From John: We need more fuel. Twelve snakes have died. 15:53. John: We are stuck and this battle is on. We need to move on. 16:22. Reply: Yes, but we can’t do anything yet. Defend yourselves as you have been doing, and God will work things out. 25th August 2019. 19:09. From Rhoda: "MAY THE FEW ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE £1500 TO BE DEPOSITED IN TO EVANGELISM BANK ACCOUNT TOMORROW MORNING. IT WILL HELP THE TEAM MOVE BACK." 7 Angels have said. [5th time! But there was no money.] Sunday 25th August 2019. 19:30. From Rhoda: "THE TEAM IS IN A BIG BATTLE. MAY AT LEAST £540 REACH JOHN URGENTLY TO KEEP THEM GOING TILL TUESDAY MORNING WHEN THE COUNTERFEITS WILL BE COLLECTED FROM THE CULPRITS." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: £200 was sent. That’s all we could do. 26th August 2019. 7:59. From Rhoda: "A FURTHER £340 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW. THE BATTLE IS BIGGER AND BIGGER THEY NEED ENOUGH WATER, MILK AND FUEL NOW NOW NOW." 7 Angels have said. 26th August 2019. 8:01. From John: We are heading to the seventh place since we entered here. 13 snakes, very big ones have been killed by God. We still need more fuel, Will. 8:36. Reply: I don’t think we have any more money, but I will ask. What has been happening, to lead up to the snakes being killed? How many witchdoctors are there? 26th August 2019. 8:40. From Rhoda: "AT LEAST £340 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW. TODAY GOD WILL KILL SIX DANGEROUS WITCHDOCTORS IN BROAD DAYLIGHT. MAY THE REGULAR ANOINTED MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE £340 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: God wanted to kill 6 witchdoctors, but since the human arm did not have the needed funds, the team couldn’t move on for God to do that. 9:53. From Rhoda: "TODAY WILL BE A VERY IMPORTANT DAY IN UKEREWE MALCOLM. MAY THE REGULAR ANOINTED MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE THE £340 URGENTLY NOW NOW NOW TO HELP THE TEAM. TODAY IS THE DAY GOD WILL FINISH OFF THE WITCHDOCTORS." 7 Angels have said. [God wanted to, but couldn’t because of the human failure. When humans do their part, God then does His. That’s how it works.] More Witchdoctors From Comoros Join Forces26th August 2019. 9:55. From John: More witchdoctors have come from Comoros to join their friends. We need fuel to clear God's work here. We are in its climax. 10:43. Reply: I have notified the supporters, but there has been no response yet. This could take time!!! 26th August 2019. 15:18. From John: It is evening here and we are engaging 4 fierce witchdoctors. It is a big battle. Put us in prayers. 16:01. Reply: Well done. Yes indeed, will do. 16:06. From John: We have discovered that they are doing all these to scare us away so that their mission of spreading the counterfeits can go on.. 17:21. Reply: Yes. And the demons have blocked money flow too. We have to intercede against those enemies day after day to clear them, and it’s a constant task. They try and thwart us every way they can. The angels have spoken again. I’ll forward that now, and we will do whatever we can. 26th August 2019. 16:31. From Rhoda: Total annihilation of witchdoctors in Ukerewe: "GOD IS SENDING THIS MESSAGE TO THE MM EVANGELISTS IN UKEREWE TO TAKE AN UNCOMPROMISING AND RUTHLESS STAND AGAINST EVIL WITCHDOCTORS IN UKEREWE. THE TEAM MUST MOVE AROUND TO ALL THE REMAINING FOUR CORNERS IN UKEREWE WHERE THOSE MAD WITCHDOCTORS CONTROL, AND POINT AT THEM WITH THE OPENED MM FAITH LITS. MAY THE FEW ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE £550 TO REACH JOHN FOR THIS GREAT HEREM (Hebrew) IN UKEREWE. THIS IS A SPECIAL TIME GOD IS 'DEVOTING THE MM EVANGELISTS IN UKEREWE FOR DESTRUCTION OF THE WICKED LOT'. THOUGH FINANCES ARE LIMITED, GOD THE GREAT IAM OWNS THE EARTH AND ALL IN IT. MAY £550 REACH JOHN. TONIGHT UKEREWE WILL BE LIKENED TO THE AMALEKITES BECAUSE OF THE EXTENT OF IDOLATRY AND EVIL IN UKEREWE. MAY £550 REACH JOHN." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 17:23. Reply: I wonder what the word “Herem” means. 26th August 2019. 18:34. From Rhoda: "HEREM MEANS 'DEVOTED TO DESTRUCTION'. SIMILAR TO HOW GOD TOLD KING SAUL TO WIPE OUT ALL THE AMALEKITES AND THEIR KING AGAG." 7 Angels have said now. Comment: All our regular supporters were empty. Still no money! 27th August 2019. 5:14. From John: Are you doing okay? 7:39. Reply: That’s what I should be asking you, after what happened last night. We are waiting upon God to open up finance to move on. The Team Were Under Intense Pressure27th August 2019. 7:43. From John: It was a big battle that left 3 dangerous witchdoctors dead. Will we need water and milk. The fight is still on. 27th August 2019. 7:45. From Rhoda: "THE TEAM IS STILL IN A BIG BATTLE WITH THE REMAINING WITCHDOCTORS. THEY NEED WATER, MILK AND FUEL. MAY THE REGULAR ANOINTED MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE £550 TO REACH JOHN URGENTLY URGENTLY URGENTLY NOW NOW NOW." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: We could not help at all with money. Waiting for others to help! 27th August 2019. 12:40. From John: It is true God allows some seeming calamities and trials to beset us at times, to perfect us. We are the clay, He is the Potter. We are all the work of His hands... 12:44. Reply: Very good. We are still trying and I am confident in God. We mustn’t let negative physical circumstances discourage us to the point of eroding our trust in God. He NEVER leaves us. Paul wrote about that in Romans 8:31-39. May God help alleviate your thirst and hunger and enable you to endure. 27th August 2019. 12:44. From Rhoda: "A FRESH TEAM IS PLANNING AN ATTACK ON THE MM VAN THIS EVENING. MAY THE REGULAR ANOINTED MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE £550 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW TO HELP THEM GO COLLECT THE COUNTERFEITS AND FOR FUEL, WATER AND MILK." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 27th August 2019. 15:33. From John: Are you doing okay? It is evening here and hunger and thirst are killing these my brothers... [in the searing heat!] 18:36. Reply: Some money has been found and is coming shortly. Comment: Bob sent £110. 27th August 2019. 18:38. From Rhoda: "AT LEAST £550 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW. A BIG BIG GROUP ARE HEADING TOWARDS THE VAN WITH ALL SORTS OF CRUDE WEAPONS. THEY ARE OUT TO DAMAGE THE VAN AND THAT MAY BE COUNTER-PRODUCTIVE. LET JOHN'S LAND NOT BE SOLD. THE TEAM ARE NOW VERY WEAK DUE TO HUNGER AND THIRST. MAY GOD TOUCH ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS TO HELP OUT. NO NO NO, LET EUNICE NOT SELL THEIR LAND TO GENERATE MONEY TO HELP THE TEAM. IT WILL BE VERY BAD. JOHN IS UNDER PRESSURE." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: I explained that we CAN’T do any more than £110 at present. 27th August 2019. 18:43. From John: God is on our side, Will. There is a big group around us here but we can't fear them. We are ready with opened MM Faith lits. Though there is a big challenge of hunger and thirst, God cannot allow these people to kill us or destroy the MM van. We are keenly watching them. 27th August 2019. 18:45. From John: Amen Amen Amen. Bob has just sent us some money. We are going to buy fuel, water and milk then move away. 27th August 2019. 18:50. From Rhoda: "LET THEM USE IT TO BUY FUEL, WATER AND MILK SO THAT THEY MOVE OUT OF THAT PLACE. GOD IS WORKING WAYS FOR REGULAR ANOINTED MM SUPPORTERS TO HELP RAISE THE £550 TO REACH JOHN TOMORROW MORNING. GOD’S WORK SHOULD NOT STOP." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 28th August 2019. 8:04. From John: God killed two dangerous witchdoctors here last midnight. We lack fuel to move on and collect all the counterfeit lits. God knows why all these happen. God bless. 28th August 2019. 8:08. From Rhoda: "WHETHER THE DEVIL TRIES BY ALL MEANS TO BLOCK MM EVANGELISM IT CAN'T. GOD IS IN CHARGE. MAY THE FEW ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE £550 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW FOR THEM TO COLLECT THE COUNTERFEITS. GOD KILLED TWO MOST POWERFUL WITCHDOCTORS WHO WERE BLOCKING EVERYTHING IN UKEREWE." 7 Angels said that now. Comment: We were still only able to raise £110 to send in the morning, but later in the day Vivian arranged a hefty loan which provided the needed £550 and also the other figures the angels stated (£1500 to get them home, and £5,000 for the four designated FoT sites). 28th August. 8:13. To John: What happened last night? Are you all OK? 28th August 2019. 8:16. From John: We are not all okay...[They were attacked, and John suffered a broken tooth when hit by a stone. He says:] 8:52. From John: We talked to them [the two witchdoctors] to surrender but they were young. Nyungu and Mbalamkunda were their names. 9:26. I have lost a premolar in the lower jaw. I still feel some pain. Yes, God did kill the two witchdoctors. People dispersed by running in all directions. Right now we can freely walk on foot here with no fear... Witchdoctors & Their Snakes All Exterminated!28th August 2019. 15:09. From John: This is the report how God has been good to us here in Ukerewe. 1. Arrival. When we arrived in Nansio, we had no money to move on so we remained static for some time till money arrived. The people around seemed disturbed why the MM van was visiting the island. We parked some distance from Nansio. The place is surrounded by 27 small islands three of which are not inhabited except by witchdoctors rearing wild poisonous snakes. At midnight over ten big black snakes came surrounded the van spitting non stop. We pointed at them with opened MM Faith lits and in the morning we counted 4 big snakes dead. To our surprise their owners came weeping and took them away. 2. Saturday 24th August. The whole day witchdoctors came abusing us and threatening us for killing their snakes. This day alone God honoured the MM Faith lits and killed a total of 8 snakes. The witchdoctors left very bitter. 3. Sunday 25th August. Four fierce witchdoctors faced us for the whole day using their charms to try to harm us, without any success, but at midnight God killed three, Kasulu, Mbwena, and Matalisi. 4. Monday 26th August. More Witchdoctors faced us but God helped us push them away using opened MM Faith lits. 5. Tuesday 27th August. Two mad witchdoctors Mbalamkunda and Nyungu tried us. My jaw was hit by a stone. They tricked us to come out for a talk then they started hitting us with stones. I lost my tooth. But God gave us victory. 28th August 2019. 16:09. To John: Thanks for that. I hope your broken tooth is not paining you much now. May God totally restore it! 28th August 2019. 18:36. From Rhoda: "MAY THE REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE £550 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW. THE TEAM IS STILL IN ONE OF THE THREE UNOCCUPIED ISLANDS IN UKEREWE. TONIGHT AGAIN ONE LAST POISONOUS SNAKE WILL BE SENT TO SPIT ONTO THE MM EVANGELISTS. THEY MUST PLACE OPENED MM LITS AROUND THE VAN. AFTER THE DEATH OF THAT BIG MOTHER SNAKE THEN NO MORE MAGIC WILL WORK AGAINST MM MISSIONS. MAY £550 REACH JOHN TONIGHT." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: More sacrifice! Vivian took out a loan and provided the £550. Wednesday 28th August 2019. 18:41. From John: Two ugly faced men Mwilikambo and Majivaanga have openly warned us that we get ready for the mother of battles tonight. We don't know what they are after but God knows. Sat 31st August 2019. 10:42. From John: Our struggle with the 12 feet spitting Black Mamba poisonous snake started on Wednesday night. The snake was sent to kill us, but since we had surrounded the van with opened MM Faith lits it was blocked by God's power from getting near the van. The whole night it kept on spitting at the van but we got covered by God's hands. On Thursday morning it came back now with fury to attack us. It made a hissing sound and spat venom from dawn to midday when we faced it with opened MM Faith lits. All this happened now in the presence of a big crowd that gathered to watch what was happening. God hit it with firebolts and it died. Then we left for Musoma. Comment: the Black Mamba is the most venomous snake in Africa! 29th August 2019. 12:54. From Rhoda: MATTER OF URGENCY. THE TEAM WILL CLEAR THE MIGHTY WORK TONIGHT THEN MOVE OUT OF UKEREWE TO TANZANIA MAINLAND. IN TANZANIA MAINLAND GOD IS GIVING THEM ANOTHER TOUGH VERY TOUGH ASSIGNMENT TO FACE OFF WITH MBALAMANAMBIA, ONE REMAINING WITCHDOCTOR IN MUSOMA WHO IS STILL HAVING MAGIC POWERS. NOW AS A MATTER OF URGENCY MAY £997 REACH JOHN TOMORROW MORNING VIA RIA TO FELIX. THIS MONEY WILL KEEP THEM GOING TILL THE MONEY DEPOSITED TO THE EVANGELISM BANK ACCOUNT ARRIVES. IT IS VERY VERY URGENT... GOD IS GOING TO KILL THE MAGICIANS’ SNAKE TONIGHT AND AT NO TIME WILL THOSE MAGICIANS ATTACK MM AGAIN." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 29th August 2019. 19:24. From Rhoda: "MAY £997 REACH JOHN TOMORROW MORNING.... THEY WILL URGENTLY NEED THE MONEY. GOD IS WIPING OUT WITCHCRAFT IN TANZANIA. THIS IS VERY VERY VERY URGENT." 7 Angels have said that to me now. The Giant Mbalamanambia29th August 2019. 19:27. From John: We heard that Mbalamanambia is feared like a god. He is worshipped by his subjects. God should help us reach there and witness as he is killed. 29th August 2019. 22:58. To John: We simply can’t do this [the ask for £997]. We have managed to scrape together £155, but that’s all we can find... Comment: Next morning at 6 am, John received the £155 sent. 30th August 2019. 8:28, 8:29, and 8:30: From Rhoda: "MAY ONLY £250 REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW. TOGETHER WITH THE £155 SENT BY BOB THEY CAN REACH MUSOMA. THEY ARE ON THE WAY HEADING TO MUSOMA. URGENT URGENT URGENT URGENT URGENT URGENT URGENT." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: The angels gave the message three times. Insistence! It was vitally important and URGENT! Thankfully, Wilfred’s pension had just come in so was able to send £250. 30th August 2019. 19:38. From Rhoda: "THE TEAM IS ALREADY IN MUSOMA. THEY HAVE ONLY TOMORROW AND SUNDAY TO CLEAR GOD'S WORK THERE. MAY £500 REACH JOHN BY M-PESA TOMORROW MORNING TO KEEP THEM GOING TILL TUESDAY OR WEDNESDAY WHEN THEY WILL RECEIVE MONEY SENT THROUGH BANK ACCOUNT AND MOVE BACK HOME. IT IS VERY VERY URGENT." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 30th August 2019. 19:42. From John: God is gracious. We are in Musoma city. We are still being led by the thick white mists. We have fuel, water and milk to take us till tomorrow morning. 31st August 2019. 7:24. From Rhoda: "AT LEAST £500 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW. THEY ARE STUCK IN MUSOMA." 7 Angels have said. Comment: We didn’t have any money, so Vivian again borrowed £500. But then when sent it was blocked by the senders though we tried several times! The money finally went through on Monday morning 2nd September. The angels predicted it would the previous day: 1st September 2019. 11:45. From Rhoda: "SKRILL WILL ALLOW IT TOMORROW MONDAY SO LET THE TEAM RELAX AND WAIT TILL TOMORROW. BOB WILL SEND THEM THE £500." 7 Angels have said that now. 2nd September 2019. 18:31. From John: We have had one of the busiest days engaging a gigantic witchdoctor. He is mad with MM and promised all of us death. We have made a vow with God to see him dead. God bless. Monday 2nd September 2019. 18:53. From Rhoda: "TOMORROW, A FURTHER £530 TO REACH JOHN TO KEEP THEM GOING TILL THE MONEY SENT THROUGH THE BANK REACHES THEM. GOD WILL KILL THE MIGHTIEST WITCHDOCTOR IN MUSOMA TONIGHT. LET THE TEAM NOT FEAR HIM THOUGH HE IS A GIANT." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: We couldn’t raise £530. Only £410. Bob tried to send £410 to John via Skrill, but they blocked it. The angels asked a further two times; they were insistent because of the need, though they knew we couldn’t do it. Eleanor sent it (£397 = £410 minus costs) by Ria over the counter on Wednesday. We couldn’t do it any sooner because of opening times clashing with work hours. God Slaughters The Giant By A Firebolt3rd September 2019. 12:26. From John: Our God is all powerful... God has brought down the powerful magician here going by the nickname 'Bindu ba Goliath'. A very huge man who lived on Lake Victoria shores of Musoma. He opened war on us, abusing and cursing us in the name of his gods. For the whole of yesterday we faced him head on with opened MM Faith lits. Last night we thought that he was dead but this morning again he rose and faced us with magic in the form of a hailstorm that destroyed all the window glasses of the van. He dared Malcolm and abused Malcolm. In fact he believed that Malcolm was in the van. He described Malcolm as an omnipresent satanic being destroying African magic in the whole world. He promised to destroy Malcolm. Today at one pm, God burnt him with hot coal as a mammoth crowd watched in disbelief. We faced him with opened MM Faith lits and God descended in a fire like firebolts that struck him, killing him instantly. He cried aloud and three big snakes came out from the lake to rescue him by trying to extinguish the fire on him but instead even those snakes got burnt to death. We are here with no water, no milk and no fuel. God is great. God bless. 14:30. Reply: Thanks for that. May God help you in this predicament, remove your thirst and help reduce your hunger while you wait for the money to arrive tomorrow. It’s a pity there aren’t some kind souls there who could help! 4th September 2019. 19:14. From Rhoda: "THE TEAM HAS BEEN MOVING NONSTOP FROM MORNING DOING DOOR TO DOOR OUTREACH EXPLAINING TO THE PEOPLE OF MUSOMA THAT GOD MADE MM AND NO ONE INCLUDING VERY DANGEROUS WITCHDOCTORS CAN BLOCK MM WORK. QUITE IMPORTANT, AT LEAST £350 TO REACH JOHN TOMORROW TO GET THEM UP TO SATURDAY NOON WHEN MONEY SENT THROUGH BANK WILL REACH THEM. THIS IS STRICTLY FOR FUEL BECAUSE THEY STOCKED ENOUGH WATER AND MILK TO GET THEM UP TO SATURDAY. VERY VERY VERY URGENT AND NEEDFUL." 7 Angels said that to me now. Comment: Needless to say, we didn’t have that much. Only £100.
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