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Mighty Miracles Of God Volume 17
225Surviving The Backlash
Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for My sake. Rejoice and be exceedingly glad, for great is your reward in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets... (Matt 5:11,12).
It’s very hard to rejoice in adversity, and true believers can be terribly mistreated in this life! Yet Jesus draws our attention to what lies beyond. Relief! For A While18th August 2019. 8:31.To John: Praise God, that’s all over! Or nearly. Just the stuff to destroy in Ukerewe. Oh boy, they have cost us a lot! I don’t know how we can find any money today, but we’ll see. 18th August 2019. 8:40. From John: People are mourning them. The late Mahrez was loved here. How I pray that we reach Ukerewe and destroy his remaining base there. 8:59. Reply: Where was that place in Iran? 9:32. From John: It was in the southern part of suburbs of Tehran city. 9:42. Must have been a very big building to have 126 workers inside! 12:46. From John: It was a very big hall. God bless. 18th August 2019. 11:27. From Rhoda: "THE TEAM SHOULD LEAVE IRAN NOW NOW NOW. AT LEAST £580 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 12:47. Family members of the people burnt at midnight are attacking us... Comment: I couldn’t see that we had any money at all to send! 12:48. From Rhoda: "EVEN AS LITTLE AS £250 TO REACH JOHN NOW TO GET THEM OUT OF IRAN. THE WHOLE REGION IS OUT TO ATTACK THEM." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 12:57. Reply: I have notified the others to see what can be done. Meanwhile, just ward them off using opened Faith booklets. Hang in there! God destroyed those 127 last night; He can deter these others also... Comment: Vivian somehow managed to send £200 with sacrifice also from Eleanor and Bob. 14:33. From John: Thanks Will. It is forcing us to move towards the Iraqi border for the number of attackers is growing very big. 15:13. Reply: I am surprised £200 was found. Hopefully you have got that by now. The angels said yesterday: “THEY MUST VISIT ALL THE SEVEN SITES WHERE THE MM LIT COUNTERFEITS ARE HIDDEN.” Was that fulfilled? 18th August 2019. 15:26. From Rhoda: "YES [but not by travelling to all those locations], THE CULPRITS COLLECTED THEM IN ONE BIG HALL THAT'S WHY THERE WERE MANY PEOPLE WHO GOT BURNT [to death!] IN THE HALL." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 16:19. Reply: That’s good. It saved the van travelling to seven sites, to have them all in one place. I was also surprised they were all there working feverishly so late at night. Sunday 18th August 2019. 19:37. From Rhoda: "AT LEAST £580 TO REACH JOHN TOMORROW VERY EARLY IN THE MORNING. THEY MUST MOVE VERY FAST TO UKEREWE ISLAND TO DESTROY MAHREZ’ REMAINING BASE THERE. GOD SAYS THAT THEY SHOULD BE THERE ON WEDNESDAY NIGHT. ON THE SAME NOTE £1500 TO BE DEPOSITED IN TO THE EVANGELISM BANK ACCOUNT LATEST TOMORROW. IT WILL HELP THEM TO MOVE FROM UKEREWE ISLAND BACK HOME. MAY THE REGULAR ANOINTED MM SUPPORTERS RAISE £580 TO REACH JOHN TOMORROW MORNING FOR FUEL TO KEEP THEM GOING. NOW THEY ARE STUCK IN IRAQ." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 18th August 2019. 19:38. From John: Our fuel is over and our kitty too is dry. We have just crossed in to Iraq. God bless. 19th August 2019. 6:27. From John in Iraq: We have had the worst night here. The news of people burnt in a hall in Iran reached here before us. So we were attacked the whole night. But we stood our ground with opened MM Faith lits. We now don't have water nor milk. 19th August 2019. 7:58. From Rhoda: "£580 TO REACH JOHN NOW, THEY WERE DISTURBED THE WHOLE NIGHT BUT GOD COVERED THEM. THEY ARE IN DIRE NEED OF WATER AND MILK." 7 Angels have said. Comment: Vivian was just able to send them £570, amazingly. 19th August 2019. 18:31. From John: God has propelled us very fast we are getting in to Cairo Egypt. We will continue with our journey up to where our fuel will get us. 19th August 2019. 18:57. From Rhoda: "GOD IS PROPELLING THE MM VAN TO REACH UKEREWE ISLAND BY WEDNESDAY NIGHT. GOD IS IN CHARGE. THE TEAM NEEDS A FURTHER £650 TO REACH UKEREWE. MAY THE REGULAR ANOINTED MM SUPPORTERS RAISE £650 TO REACH JOHN TOMORROW MORNING. THIS SHOULD BE COMPLETELY FOR FUEL. THEY HAVE ENOUGH WATER AND MILK TO TAKE THEM TILL WEDNESDAY NIGHT. THIS IS VERY VERY VERY URGENT." 7 Angels said that to me now. 20th August 2019. 6:51. From John: We are stuck in Egypt. God bless. Comment: Vivian sent £240. It was all that was allowed by the system. 20th August 2019. 15:26. To John: I don’t suppose you will be able to get farther than S Sudan on that money. And it’s an open question whether Vivian will be allowed to send the other £300 tomorrow... 20th August 2019. 16:47. From Rhoda: "YES COPIES [of the counterfeit lit] WILL REACH YOU BY POST. THE TEAM IS NOW STUCK IN JUBA SOUTH SUDAN. THEY NEED TO MOVE FASTER TO REACH UKEREWE BY TOMORROW NIGHT. AT LEAST £450 TO REACH JOHN URGENTLY NOW NOW NOW TO HELP THEM MOVE ON." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: Fortunately, Vivian managed to send them £250. 21st August 2019. 11:04. From John: ...We are entering Busia Kenya. It cannot get us to Ukerewe Will. We need at least a further £300 to be safe... 21st August 2019. 11:07. From Rhoda: "A FURTHER £370 WILL GET THEM TO UKEREWE BY TONIGHT. THEY MUST BUY ENOUGH WATER AND MILK. THEN FUEL THE VAN." 7 Angels said. [We didn’t have any money!] 21st August 2019. 11:58. From Rhoda: "AT LEAST £1500 TO BE DEPOSITED TO THE EVANGELISM BANK ACCOUNT LATEST TODAY NIGHT. THIS MONEY WILL HELP THE TEAM MOVE BACK HOME. IF SENT TODAY THEN BY EARLY NEXT WEEK THEY WILL RECEIVE IT." 7 Angels have said that to me now. [Again, we didn’t have it, and others declined to help.] 19:22. From Rhoda: "THE TEAM IS STUCK ON THE WAY. THEY ARE IN NAKURU KENYA. AT LEAST £370 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW TO PROPEL THEM TO UKEREWE ISLAND." 7 Angels said. Comment: We were only able to raise about half that. The angels declare the need, even when they know we can’t meet it. Others should have helped! 21st August 2019. 21:08. To John: Vivian has tried sending £230, but it hasn’t been allowed to go through. We don’t know what the problem is. So it looks like we can’t get money to you tonight. It’s midnight in less than an hour. Stuck For Lack Of Funds, And Now Attacked!22nd August 2019. 5:39. From John: We are completely stuck here. 22nd August 2019. 7:37. From Rhoda: "THE TEAM IS COMPLETELY STUCK ON THEIR WAY TO REACH UKEREWE ISLAND. AT LEAST £370 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 22nd August 2019. 8:49. From Rhoda: "THE TEAM IS STRANDED AND COMPLETELY STUCK. MALCOLM TO WRITE TO THEM TO ENCOURAGE THEM. GOD IS WORKING OUT WAYS." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 22nd August 2019. 9:03. From John: Our stay here in the thick forest since yesterday has raised a lot of concern. Now people in numbers are surrounding the van and want to attack us... the devil is doing this to God's work. 22nd August 2019. 9:07. From Rhoda: "THE VAN MAY BE ATTACKED BADLY IF THE TEAM DON'T MOVE OUT OF WHERE THEY ARE NOW. A BIG BIG BIG NUMBER OF PEOPLE HAVE MOVED CLOSER TO WHERE THE VAN IS PARKED. JOHN MUST NOT SELL THEIR LAND TO HELP RAISE MONEY TO HELP THE TEAM REACH UKEREWE ISLAND. JOHN MUST NOT SELL THEIR LAND. ANY OPPOSER BLOCKING MONEY FROM REACHING THE EVANGELISM TEAM WILL FACE THE WRATH OF GOD." 7 Angels have said. 9:39. Reply to John: Try not to worry about it. You have in your hands an invincible weapon. It overcomes all obstacles from people, the Faith booklet. So just ward them off with that until God solves this problem. God bless. 9:14. From John: They have started war on us. May God destroy them. We have opened MM Faith lits ready. 9:43. Reply to John: Yes, if they oppose you, God will kill them. That’s His judgement, and that’s probably why He has allowed this situation to develop, to wipe out more enemies. [God’s time for judgment is very real, right now!] 22nd August 2019. 9:28. From Omar Hemed (ohemed7@gmail.com): [Some new Muslim enemy.] Inform your servants to be extra careful or else I will steal that tractor or its spare parts and also stop holding church services on that land especially the yearly festival which is soon to kick off. Failure to do so they will face the consequences. Also that idiot in Ethiopia I will deal with him accordingly if he does not change his mind. Comment: Thieves came at night to steal a tractor wheel from the land in Ndhiwa that Ibrahim is looking after. Angels awoke him and told him what was happening. Ibrahim opened a Faith booklet at them and they cried “Fire! Fire!” 22nd August 2019. 9:31. From Rhoda: "GOD THE GREAT IAM MADE MM AND HANDED IT TO MALCOLM. GOD THE GREAT IAM CALLED A FEW SUPPORTERS AND ANOINTED THEM TO SUPPORT MM FINANCIALLY. GOD THE GREAT IAM CHOSE A FEW EVANGELISTS AND ANOINTED THEM TO SPREAD THE MM GOSPEL OF TRUTH. OPPOSERS KNOW THAT VERY SOON GOD WILL REWARD MALCOLM, SUPPORTERS, AND EVANGELISTS FOR THE GREAT JOB THEY DO, SO THEY ARE BLOCKING MONEY FOR EVANGELISM FROM GETTING TO THE EVANGELISTS BY WRITING FALSEHOOD ABOUT THE TEAM. GOD THE GREAT IAM SAYS THIS, MAY THE FEW ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS RAISE £370 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW FOR THE UKEREWE ISLAND MISSION TO BE ACCOMPLISHED. THE TEAM IS BEING BEATEN UP NOW BY STONES. JOHN MUST NOT SELL HIS LAND." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 22nd August 2019. 9:59. From John: God should open a way so that we get out of here. Already 8 have died. This may put us in to a big problem. 22nd August 2019. 10:40. From Rhoda: "MAY AT LEAST £250 REACH JOHN URGENTLY NOW NOW NOW. GOD SAYS THIS. ALREADY 13 PEOPLE HAVE DIED AND THE OPPOSERS WANT TO USE THE BODIES AGAINST MM SAYING THAT MM IS A SATANIC SECT SACRIFICING HUMAN FLESH." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 11:01. To John: Well, if God has to kill the whole mob He will if need be... 11:03. From John: We have no fuel, no water nor milk. Our kitty is completely dry. We can't move on. God bless. 13 are dead. 11:05. Reply: Oh well, there’s no other option God has given us other than to fight it out with them. They’ll be the losers. God is always Victor! More And More and More Opponents!22nd August 2019. 11:37. From John: 23 now. This place is becoming more hostile. One has hit my forehead with a stone, it is bleeding... It is worse. 11:43. From Rhoda: "ALREADY 23 PEOPLE HAVE DIED AND THE TEAM IS BEING HURT, BEATEN UP BY STONES. MAY THE REGULAR ANOINTED MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE £250 TO GET THE TEAM MOVING OUT OF THERE TO UKEREWE ISLAND NOW NOW NOW." 7 Angels have said. 11:58. To John: “Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake” Jesus said. Unfortunately that’s what we are all called to put up with. Since they are unrelenting in their assault on us, may God strike them all dead!!!!!!! And who cares about their false accusations and threats?! 12:53. From John: Thanks Will. We will wait upon the Lord of lords till the time He will help us out of this problem. 29 people have died. 14:01. From John: Yes we are not going to bow to the devil's pressure. We will wait upon the Lord till money comes for us to move on. 14:13. From Rhoda: "GOD IS OPENING UP MEANS FOR MONEY TO REACH JOHN. MAY BOB TRY SENDING..." 7 Angels said that to me now. 14:22. From John: We really need water and milk. We are very hungry and thirsty. Even £50 could have saved us. God God to see us through! 14:38. To John: God is opening things up. Don’t be discouraged because of the physical circumstances at the moment. We are trying and will still try to find a way through to you. Yes, God will work out a big miracle. Hang in there! 15:56. To John: How is your head wound now? That must have been very painful. It could have cracked your skull. It must have been a sharp rock... 15:57. From John: Thanks. The bleeding has stopped but it is swollen. 16:00. To John: ...The supernatural actions of God in striking dead all those people are the signs and wonders He chose to use in that hostile area. The Gospel is always accompanied by miraculous signs and wonders as a witness for God. 17:08. From John: This team is now bigger. We expect an attack pray for us. We are very thirsty. 17:56. God is with you, despite their increasing numbers. God will deliver. 23rd August 2019. 7:23. From John: God covered us from any further attack. They retreated and left us alone. We are still near Naivasha in a forest. 7:46. From John: We have received £100 from Bob. God is great. 10:41. From John: We bought water and fuel we are moving on. We have just passed Nairobi. We will move up to where our fuel will get us. 23rd August 2019. 10:57. From Rhoda: "MAY THE REGULAR ANOINTED MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE AT LEAST £270 TO HELP THE TEAM MOVE FASTER TO UKEREWE ISLAND TODAY." 7 Angels have said.
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