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Mighty Miracles Of God Volume 17
221Reaching Many In South Sudan
I will render vengeance to My enemies, and repay those who hate Me. I will make My arrows drunk with blood, and My sword shall devour flesh, with the blood of the slain and the captives, from the heads of the leaders of the enemy. Rejoice, O Gentiles, with His people, for He will avenge the blood of His servants and render vengeance to His adversaries; He will provide atonement for His land and His people (Deuteronomy 32:41-43.)
During their last few days in Somalia the MM van crew distributed several hundred copies of Kassahun’s Experience In Heaven and the warning To All Opponents of MM in Somalia. Many new believers, former Muslims, were baptised. Then the angels urged them to move on to their next mission, South Sudan. The Constant Need For More FundsComment: Twice more on 11th July the angels appealed to Rhoda for the anointed supporters to raise money for the team, who now had nothing. The angels constantly emphasised how important the Somali mission was: 11th July 2019. 20:19. From Rhoda: "THE GREAT IAM SAYS THAT JOHN MUST PRODUCE MORE COPIES OF KASSAHUN'S EXPERIENCE IN HEAVEN AND DISTRIBUTE TOGETHER WITH MM WARNING LITS AND THE LETTER MALCOLM WROTE. SO AT LEAST £540 TO REACH JOHN URGENTLY URGENTLY URGENTLY. THE FEW REGULAR ANOINTED MM SUPPORTERS TO HELP OUT IN THIS IMPORTANT MISSION." 7 Angels said. 12th July 2019. 7:26. From Rhoda: "AT LEAST £540 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW FOR GOD'S WORK TO PROCEED NON STOP." 7 angels said. Comment: That day £550 was raised by the faithful few. Also, Vivian sent £1,000 to John’s bank account for the library rebuild. But more was needed: Friday 12th July 2019. 16:18. From Rhoda: "AT LEAST £450 BE RAISED TONIGHT BY THE FEW REGULAR ANOINTED MM SUPPORTERS TO HELP THE VAN MOVE NON STOP TILL MONDAY MORNING. MANY PEOPLE WILL NEED BAPTISM AFTER GOING THROUGH KASSAHUN'S EXPERIENCE IN HEAVEN TOMORROW AND SUNDAY. AT LEAST £450 TO REACH JOHN TOMORROW." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Friday 12th July 2019. 18:31. From John: We are producing more and more copies of the lits the Angels suggested, then fuel the van. What is left will be for milk and water. We don't know whether it will take us up to Monday. Comment: Thanks to the faithful few, we were able to send £500 to John. 14th July 2019. 18:50. From John: [After travelling from Mogadishu to Kismayo.]We have managed to baptise 46 people, former Muslims, after we shared Kassahun's experience in heaven. We are going on with the work now. We went back to Kismayo because we received requests from many people. We will move on with this great work. We have had a total network blackout since yesterday morning. Collins didn't collect the money sent due to the fact that he reached late at the post bank. He will collect and send it tomorrow. We are still in Kismayo. After receiving the money tomorrow we will move to Mogadishu. God Vows To Do MIGHTY THINGS14th July 2019. 19:46. From Rhoda: "AFTER A MASSIVE BAPTISM TOMORROW IN SOMALIA, THE VAN MUST MOVE ON TO SOUTH SUDAN TO DELIVER KASSAHUN'S EXPERIENCE IN HEAVEN LIT PLUS A LETTER FROM MALCOLM "LAST CALL TO SINNERS" WHICH MALCOLM SHOULD WRITE AND SEND TO JOHN NOW. NOW GOD'S MM FOLKS ARE SUFFERING IN THE HANDS OF TORMENTORS IN SOUTH SUDAN. MANY HAVE BEEN KILLED. GOD WILL RAISE THEM UP THE WAY HE DID IT TO KASSAHUN. MAY THE FEW REGULAR ANOINTED MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE £777 TO REACH JOHN BY TOMORROW EVENING. THIS MONEY IS FOR FUEL TO SOUTH SUDAN ON TUESDAY MORNING. THIS IS A VERY NECESSARY URGENT MISSION. SINCE YESTERDAY THE NETWORK STRENGTH HAS BEEN POOR AND REACHING THE EVANGELISM TEAM WAS NOT EASY BUT GOD IS PLEASED BY THE GREAT WORK THEY ARE DOING. LET NO ONE FIGHT THE MM EVANGELISM TEAM, FOR GOD IS WITH THEM." 7 Angels have said. 14th July 2019. 20:02. From Rhoda: "MORE AND MORE LETTERS ATTACKING MM EVANGELISTS ARE BEING SENT TO MALCOLM TO SOIL THEIR NAMES. THE AIM IS TO DESTROY COMPLETELY MM LITS EVANGELISM. MALCOLM TO IGNORE ALL SUCH LETTERS. IGNORE IGNORE IGNORE. GOD IS GOING TO DO MIGHTY THINGS IN MM VIA THE MM VAN EVANGELISM." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Wednesday 17th July 2019. 8:23. From John: Thanks Will. We are moving very fast. We are in Uganda heading to South Sudan. God bless. 8:36. Reply: OK. I’m not sure about the money situation. There is very little at present, so we are hoping more can be found later to meet the angels’ request. I hope you have enough water and milk to last you into tomorrow. 8:41. From John: No Will, our water and milk got over last night. What we have is enough fuel to take us till tomorrow evening God willing. God bless. 10:00. From Rhoda: "AT LEAST £498 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW. THEY WILL BE CROSSING IN TO SOUTH SUDAN IN THE EVENING TODAY. MAY THE FEW ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS RAISE THE £498 TO REACH JOHN NOW. THEN THEY BUY WATER AND MILK ON THE UGANDA SIDE." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: £300 was sent. It’s all we had. A money mover was holding back £200 of Vivian’s money, not returning it to him. It was about 3 weeks now! I think there is a deliberate conspiracy to defraud us instigated by corrupt cops. God Shows That Other Ministries Rob UsThis dream explains how: 17th July 2019. M. Others taking what we should have. I was going into a big house or mansion that was to be ours. We were buying it. There were a number of people in the grounds picking blackcurrants, loads of them, as if it was their right, yet the place didn’t belong to them. Even though I said we were buying this property they didn’t let us have any of the produce. They kept it all for themselves. I felt cheated. Meaning: The mansion is our inheritance in God’s house, which is only for those who are called, and chosen and faithful, not just the called who have not ‘paid the price.’ We have paid the price to “buy the truth and sell it not” (Prov 23:23). But others, like TBN and GOD TV and many churches and ministries who oppose us, are taking the provision of God’s tithe away from us by their (unappointed) presence and selfish approach. Kassahun also had this dream: July 11/19. K. Angel shows where to go. I saw several opened doors. I wanted to go through one of them but it was difficult for me to decide which one. I wanted to know the right door. Then an angel showed me the right door and I went through. It was a door that led me in the right direction. (Those several doors depict churches and ministries. The one door depicts MM. God is leading at this time through MM and we can move in the right direction.) Comment: God guides us in the outreach by His angels. July 13/19. K. Demons cannot destroy MM. Jesus showed me how agents of Satan are working in affecting the work of MM. I saw demons surround a house and shoot fire at it. But the house wasn’t burned. Then I saw them using several other destructive weapons but the house still stood. Then Jesus said to me, “Demons cannot destroy MM because it is standing on the sure foundation. They will try their best to destroy it but they will try in vain.” July 15/19. Precious jewels, specially chosen. I was chatting with Jesus. I saw some jewels in His right hand. They were shiny and beautiful. He took one of the jewels and looked closely at it. He then told me to stretch out my right hand. He put that jewel on it and said, “You people are my jewels. I have chosen you from the other few jewels of Mine. I am watching you day and night.” Arrived In Juba, South Sudan18th July 2019. 19:33. From John: Thanks to God Will. We have arrived in Juba. Our fuel is over and we can't move inside Juba city. God bless. Thurs 18th July 2019. 19:38. From Rhoda: "THE TEAM HAS REACHED SOUTH SUDAN. THEIR KITTY IS COMPLETELY DRY, THEY HAVE NO FUEL TO MOVE ON. AT LEAST £577 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW. MAY THE FEW ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP OUT IN THIS IMPORTANT MISSION. AT LEAST £577 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: There was no money available, not until the next day the 19th. Then £580 was thankfully sent so they could move on with the Work. Friday 19th July 2019. 20:28. From Rhoda: "OVER 1000 COPIES OF THE LAST CALL TO SINNERS MM LITS, KASSAHUN'S EXPERIENCE IN HEAVEN LIT, MUST BE PRODUCED TOMORROW MORNING. GOD IS GOING TO TOUCH MANY SOULS IN SOUTH SUDAN. LET £777 REACH JOHN URGENTLY LATEST TOMORROW VERY EARLY MORNING. THIS IS FOR: 1. £277 FOR PRODUCING COPIES OF LAST CALL LIT. 2. £200 FOR PRODUCING COPIES OF KASSAHUN'S EXPERIENCE IN HEAVEN LIT. 3. £200 FOR MORE FUEL TO KEEP THEM GOING NON STOP TILL MONDAY. 4. £100 FOR MORE MILK AND WATER TO KEEP THEM GOING TILL TUESDAY. THIS IS VERY VERY VERY URGENT URGENT URGENT. MAY THE FEW ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS RAISE £777 TO REACH JOHN URGENTLY. GOD IS GOING TO DO MIGHTY THINGS IN SOUTH SUDAN. MALCOLM TO FURTHER INSTRUCT JOHN TO FOLLOW THESE GUIDELINES TO SPEND THE £777 ONCE IT REACHES HIM." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: We didn’t have £777. O that we did! Nothing was sent! 20th July 2019. 8:29. From John: We moved all the night meeting people in the busy streets of Juba. A few people opposed us but no attack was realised. We have one problem, the copies of the lits we produced are over. God bless. 20th July 2019. 8:32. From Rhoda: "AT LEAST £777 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW. THEY MUST CONTINUE MOVING NONSTOP." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: We couldn’t raise £777; only £300. They had to drastically scale back the plan by 60% and only do less than half of what God wanted done: 1. £107 to reproduce Last Call to Sinners. 2. £77 to reproduce Kassahun’s Experience in Heaven. 3. £77 for more fuel. 4. £39 for milk and water. People Are Scrambling For The Literature!21st July 2019. 18:06. From John: How God has led us through. We received the £300 yesterday and spent it as per the guidelines... We have had the most successful evangelism work here, visiting churches, mainly SDA church, and mosques since yesterday till today nonstop. We have arranged for baptism tomorrow where 28 former Muslims and 19 former SDA church members will accept the true gospel of Christ Jesus via MM evangelism. Today three pastors, Biek, Doris and Mbwana accepted the MM truth after going through the Last Call for Sinners lit and Kassahun's Experience In Heaven. We have had good evangelism work so far. We have one challenge - people are scrambling for more and more of these copies. Our kitty is dry. The fuel we have can only take us till midnight tonight. Our water and milk too will take us till tomorrow morning. God bless. 21st July 2019. 18:13. From Rhoda: "THE SDA CHURCH MEMBERS WHO PREVIOUSLY OPPOSED THE MM WORK IN SOUTH SUDAN HAVE REALIZED THE POWER OF GOD IN MM LITS AND MORE WILL BE BAPTISED TOMORROW. MOSLEMS TOO ARE NOT LEFT BEHIND. THE BIG CHALLENGE IS FINANCES FOR ENOUGH FUEL, WATER, MILK AND TO PRODUCE MORE AND MORE COPIES OF THE MM LITS. THE GREAT IAM SAYS THIS. MAY THE FEW ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS RAISE £777 NOW TO HELP THE TEAM MOVE NON STOP TILL WEDNESDAY NIGHT. GOD IS PLEASED WITH THE GREAT WORK GOING ON IN SOUTH SUDAN. MAY £777 BE RAISED BY THE FEW ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS TO KEEP THEM MOVING NONSTOP." 7 Angels said that now. 21st July 2019. 18:20. From Rhoda: "AT LEAST £1500 TO BE DEPOSITED IN TO THE EVANGELISM BANK ACCOUNT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF BOOK RACKS AND FIXING OF STEEL DOORS, WINDOWS, PAINTING AND FIXING OF ELECTRICITY TO THE COMPLETED MM LITS LIBRARY. THIS IS MORE MORE AND MORE URGENT URGENT URGENT URGENT URGENT URGENT URGENT. GOD WANTS THE LIBRARY COMPLETED BY FRIDAY THIS WEEK. ALSO £1000 BE DEPOSITED TO EVANGELISM BANK ACCOUNT FOR THE START OF CONSTRUCTION OF JOHN'S HOUSE." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: We were unable to meet any of these needs. 22nd July 2019. 18:25. From John: Glory be to God. We have just concluded the baptism of 28 former Muslims and 19 former SDA members now. It was a great occasion to hear testimonies from people who initially saw MM as a satanic sect. They then accepted the lits and right now we are heading northwards of Juba to a purely Muslim settlement to share with them God's Last Call to Sinners and Kassahun's Experience In Heaven. We are seeing the mighty hands of God. Today midmorning some six youths tried to block our way and God turned all blind when we pointed at them with opened MM Faith lits. God is demonstrating His power and honour to MM lits. Just stand with us in prayers. MANY Baptised!Monday 22nd July 2019. 18:32. From Rhoda: "AT LEAST £777 TO REACH JOHN URGENTLY FOR FUEL, PRODUCTION OF MORE COPIES OF THE LITS, BUY MORE WATER AND MILK. THE TEAM MUST JUST MOVE ON NON STOP TILL FRIDAY. GOD HAS GOT A GREAT PLAN FOR THIS FRIDAY. BEING MUSLIMS' DAY OF WORSHIP, IT WILL BE A GREAT DAY TO SEE HUNDREDS SURRENDER TO GOD VIA MM LITS EVANGELISM. MAY MAY MAY THE FEW ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS RAISE £777 TO REACH JOHN URGENTLY BY TOMORROW MORNING. 7 IS GOD'S NUMBER. GOD HAS GOT A MIGHTY PLAN, MAY £777 REACH JOHN URGENTLY." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: £777 was not available. All our supporters clubbed together and managed to raise £300 on Monday. The next day the angels asked again for £777, but we could only manage £100. The angels kept asking. Why? Because the need is there. On Wednesday, we could only find £120, and on Thursday £150. Finally, on Friday £400 was achieved and sent. The angels must have helped make the fuel go further, though the van got stuck every day and couldn’t move on for lack of money. The angels emphasised the mission’s importance: 23rd July 2019. 9:09. From Rhoda: "AT LEAST £777 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW. THE WORK IS MIGHTY. THEY SHOULDN'T EVEN HAVE A SLIGHT REST TILL FRIDAY. MAY THE FEW ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS RAISE THIS MONEY TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW. GOD IS PLEASED WITH THE GREAT WORK GOING ON IN SOUTH SUDAN." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 23rd July 2019. 9:12. From John: ...This is the most smooth evangelism work going on. A few opposers who try to block or attack us have been killed by God. Our fuel may not take us till night today. God bless. [I was getting frustrated at the lack of funds. Then the angels spoke:] 25th July 2019. 9:03. From Rhoda: "DON'T WORRY MY SERVANT MALCOLM. I THE GREAT IAM HAVE CHOSEN A FEW ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS TO HELP IN THIS IMPORTANT WORK. DON'T FEAR, ALL THE HEAVENLY RICHES WILL VERY SOON BE HANDED TO YOU FOR THE GREAT EVANGELISM WORK TO GO ON TILL THE WHOLE WORLD KNOWS THAT MM IS MY CHOSEN VESSEL TO BRING CLEANSING TO THE EARTH. MAY THE FEW ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS RAISE £477 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW. THE WORK MUST NOT STOP. LET THE MONEY REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 25th July 2019. 19:10. John: We have managed to meet over 200 people, Muslims and SDAs. Tomorrow we will have a mega baptism. We will continue to meet more tonight up to where our fuel will get us. God is doing a great work. 25th July 2019. 19:25. From Rhoda: "GOD IS VERY MUCH PLEASED WITH THE GREAT WORK GOING ON IN SOUTH SUDAN. TODAY SINCE MORNING OVER 150 PEOPLE HAVE RECEIVED THE MM GOSPEL OF TRUTH VIA THE LAST CALL TO SINNERS MM LIT AND KASSAHUN'S EXPERIENCE IN HEAVEN LIT. TOMORROW A VERY BIG BAPTISM WILL TAKE PLACE AND IT WILL NOT PLEASE MUSLIM IMAMS WHO WILL ORGANISE AN ATTACK ON THE MM EVANGELISTS. THE TEAM MUST NOT FEAR FOR GOD IS IN CONTROL. AT LEAST £350 TO REACH JOHN URGENTLY NOW NOW NOW TO HELP THEM GOING ON. MAY THE FEW ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS RAISE £350 TO REACH JOHN URGENTLY." 7 Angels said that to me now. [We managed to do that next day.] Comment: Thanks to our few faithful supporters, £400 was sent. 26th July 2019. 19:51. From John: Successful baptism: We have just cleared baptism. But MM folks from Yei, Wau and Rumbek cities who promised to come did not turn up. We don't know why. Since morning we haven't heard from them. We will go on with movement tonight to reach out to street families. Gunmen Kidnap New Believers26th July 2019. 19:48. From Rhoda: "ABOUT 17 MM FOLKS HAVE BEEN BLOCKED BY GUNMEN IN RUMBEK ON THEIR WAY TO JUBA FOR BAPTISM. THE GUNMEN WHO ARE ALL MUSLIMS WANT TO KILL THEM THEN PLACE MM LITS AROUND THEIR BODIES THEN ACCUSE MM EVANGELISTS OF OFFERING HUMAN SACRIFICES FOR THE MIRACLES GOD HAS BEEN DOING IN SOUTH SUDAN. IT IS A VERY BIG SCHEME TO SOIL THE NAME OF MM AND TO GET A WAY OF ATTACKING THE MM EVANGELISTS. THIS MESSAGE WILL REALLY SHOCK THE EVANGELISM TEAM WHO ARE CURRENTLY VERY HAPPY ON HOW THE EVANGELISM WORK IS PROGRESSING. THE TEAM MUST REACH THERE VERY EARLY TOMORROW. GOD WILL PROTECT THE DETAINEES TILL THE VAN ARRIVES. £680 SHOULD REACH JOHN URGENTLY. THE FEW ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS TO TRY AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE TO RAISE £680 NOW NOW NOW TO REACH JOHN. ONCE THE VAN REACHES THERE ALL 13 ORGANISERS, ALL MUSLIM IMAMS WILL DIE AND THEIR NAMES BE CIRCULATED IN ALL CORNERS OF SOUTH SUDAN FOR PEOPLE TO KNOW THEIR PLANS AND FOR PEOPLE TO KNOW THAT MM IS GOD'S VESSEL TO CLEANSE THE WHOLE WORLD. MALCOLM TO IGNORE ALL FALSEHOOD BEING PROPAGATED BY FIERCE MM OPPOSERS WRITING FALSEHOOD ABOUT MM EVANGELISTS. MORE AND MORE LETTERS ARE BEING WRITTEN. £680 TO BE RAISED IMMEDIATELY TO AVOID THE DAMAGE THE MUSLIM RADICALS ARE PLANNING TO DO TO MM. THOSE LITTLE GIRLS MUST NOT BE KILLED FOR ACCEPTING THE MM TRUTH BY THE RADICALS." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: We didn’t have £680. We could only raise £300. 27th July 2019. 7:47. From Rhoda: "... THEY MUST MOVE TO RUMBEK NOW NOW NOW TO SAVE THE MM FOLKS. THIS IS VERY VERY VERY URGENT." 7 Angels have said that now. 27th July 2019. 7:50. From John: The baptism work we did yesterday has annoyed the SDA and Muslim folks here. They are claiming that our main agenda is to destroy SDA and Islam. God is showing His might. God bless. 15:13. From Rhoda: "THE TEAM IS MOVING ON VERY FAST AND AT MIDNIGHT GOD WILL DELIVER..." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Eunice Is Attacked27th July 2019. 11:30. From John: Eunice has been waiting for money [which looked like it might come, but didn’t] and to make it worse she engaged contractors to go on with the work. They are through with the work and now demand their wages. Eunice has been hiding from them since Thursday evening, she is under pressure. Am confused now on what to do. God bless. 11:40. From Rhoda: "ON MONDAY JOHN INFORMED EUNICE THAT MONEY FOR COMPLETION OF THE LIBRARY IS COMING LATEST THURSDAY. SO SHE INSTRUCTED THE CONTRACTORS TO WORK. WORK IS ALMOST OVER. CONTRACTORS NOW DEMAND THEIR WAGES OF £1470. THE LIBRARY IS READY. THEY WANT TO KILL EUNICE CALLING HER A CON LADY. EUNICE IS DEPRESSED. SHE WANTS TO SELL THEIR LAND TO CLEAR THE WAGE BILL. MAY GOD TOUCH ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS TO RAISE THIS MONEY NOW NOW, LET IT BE VERY URGENT. THE CONTRACTORS WANT TO BURN EVERYTHING IN JOHN'S HOME." 7 Angels said that to me now. [John’s home was makeshift!] 11:56. Reply: What to do. Tell her to arm herself with Faith booklets. Fix one on her back, one at the front, and hold one in the hand. Then when they want to attack her, stand up against them holding open the Faith booklet in her hand and shine it at them. At the same time, telling them to WAIT and be patient. They will get their money, but... the money is held up... GOD WILL WORK THIS OUT if we stand up against such abuse courageously. 15:16. From John: We are almost arriving. Eunice was attacked by one contractor called Memeson Owesi. He has hit Eunice with a stone. He wants his wages. Eunice is in great pain. She has called crying. Am fearing she may sell our land. God bless. 16:18. Reply: Tell her not to sell the land. It is God’s, not just yours, and God doesn’t want it sold. How does that stupid idiot who hit her think that hitting her will get money?! The fool should wait. 16:37. To John: Unfortunately, we all have to pay a price in our lives because of holding fast to God, and not buckling under the pressure from the wicked. God asks each of us to give up our lives when we accept Jesus. And enduring through such trials of suffering and woe are unavoidable and essential. Whatever harm that fool causes Eunice, God will heal in His time, after we have suffered a while. Let us just wait on God to resolve this situation. We die, but God raises us up. 17:06. To John: There is promise of money coming in a week or so, but it is uncertain of the timing. We thought that money would be forthcoming sooner, hence the expectation. But those contractors need to understand that we are at the mercy of people paying / giving to us, just as they are not in control of when they get paid. So, we can’t hurry it up just as they can’t. It doesn’t help anyone to injure Eunice. They are harming her for something that is not her fault. Are you able to convey that directly to them? I hope so. 27th July 2019. 19:47. From John: Thanks. We have reached the place [Rumbek]. Pray for us, it is a hostile environment with almost everyone armed with a gun. Back at home the contractors have reported Eunice to the area chief. Eunice may be arrested tomorrow morning. She is now very afraid. God bless. 19:53. Reply: That is ridiculous to arrest someone for not being able to do something. She is unable to pay, not unwilling to pay. That is not a crime. Shame on anyone who tries to arrest someone for a non crime! 19:56. From Rhoda: Eunice’s case is growing big. "NOW ALL MM OPPOSERS AROUND JOHN'S HOME WANT HIS LAND SOLD THEN MM LIBRARY BE DEMOLISHED TO PAY THE CONTRACTORS. THEY HAVE COOKED UP MANY FALSE ALLEGATIONS. NOW THEY ARE CLAIMING THAT THE CONTRACTOR SHOULD BE PAID £15,000. EUNICE MAY BE ARRESTED ANY TIME TOMORROW MORNING. GOD TO WORK OUT THIS ISSUE SO THAT MONEY IS RECEIVED TO CLEAR THIS WAGE. AND THE PENALTY IS THE DEATH OF SIX PEOPLE BEHIND ALL THIS. EUNICE IS AFRAID AND WANTED TO HIDE BUT SHE HAS NOWHERE TO GO. GOD IS WORKING OUT WAYS FOR MONEY TO REACH EUNICE URGENTLY URGENTLY URGENTLY." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 19:59. From John: This is a big plan to attack my family by the MM opposers around us at home. I have left this battle to God. They brought down my home and now my children are sleeping in the cold, and still they are out to finish them. God is watching and He knows. God is in charge. God bless. God Kills The Six Muslim Abductors In Rumbek28th July 2019. 8:39. From Rhoda: "EUNICE SPENT [THE NIGHT] IN THE BUSH. THOSE PEOPLE WANTED TO KILL HER. GOD PROTECTED HER LIFE. THE TEAM MANAGED TO RESCUE THE POOR 17 GIRLS WHO THEY FOUND COMPLETELY NAKED ALL THEIR CLOTHES BURNT. IT IS INHUMAN ACT. GOD TO TOUCH THE REGULAR ANOINTED MM SUPPORTERS TO HELP OUT IN THESE TWO SCENARIOS. £1470 FOR EUNICE AND £540 FOR FUEL, MILK, WATER AND CLOTHES FOR THE NAKED MM FOLKS." 7 Angels have said that to me now. [We were unable to send anything!] 28th July 2019. 8:33. From John: We rescued the girls. Their abductors died at midnight. Eunice did not sleep in our home. People went to arrest her. She escaped and spent the night in the bush near river Riana. She prayed there the whole night. These girls are completely naked, all their clothes were burnt by their abductors. We are shocked. God bless. 9:45. From Rhoda: "VICTORY OVER ALL THESE CHALLENGES IS AROUND THE CORNER. GOD IS IN CHARGE. NO FEAR NO FEAR. NO FEAR." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 28th July 2019. 10:41. From John: The 17 girls. When we arrived, six people all armed with guns surrounded the little girls and were beating them up in an open field. We immediately faced them with opened MM Faith lits and they started running. We followed them for about 400m and they began falling down one by one all crying out Malcolm's name and being burnt with hot coal. When we moved back we found the little girls lying there all naked. It was an awful sight. But we are here sharing with them the MM lits and counselling them. 10:53. Reply: What about the 13 imams who were behind this abduction? Do you know anything about what has happened to them? Do the girls now have some sort of covering, blankets or sheets, or something to cover themselves with? 11:13. From John: ...We have given them our clothes. God bless. 11:29. From Rhoda: "THE 13 WILL DIE." 7 Angels said that to me now. Comment at the time: You can now see why the angels were asking for £680 yesterday, but we only had £300. That was enough for fuel to get John to the site, but they needed the other £380 to buy clothes for the girls today in Rumbek, and for milk and water. They have nothing now. 28th July 2019. 12:56. From Rhoda: "EUNICE TO RELAX AND WAIT FOR GOD'S DELIVERANCE. SHE MUST NOT SELL THEIR ONLY LAND. MONEY WILL REACH HER. GOD IS TOUCHING THE REGULAR ANOINTED MM SUPPORTERS TO HELP OUT." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 28th July 2019. 18:43. From John: They [John’s family back home] have said the home is covered by thick white mists. God bless. Finally, We Were Able To Buy Needed Clothes29th July 2019. 9:06. From John: We are still stuck here with these girls. 9:41. Reply: Yes. We are aware. I have to wait to hear from Vivian who has to go to an outlet to send. He has been out for an hour. 11:39. I’m wondering how you can get clothes for all those girls, and your milk and water, with only £200!! It’s impossible humanly. 30th July 2019. 9:42. Reply: Do you think the little money we could find will enable some clothes to be bought today? 9:46. From John: Thanks Will. We approximate about £350 could have helped but we will try. God bless. 10:15. Reply: Well, you had £200 yesterday, but I suppose you are being overcharged on milk and water, so money goes nowhere in these evil places. God is protecting Eunice. Is she feeling more stalwart now, not so anxious? 10:18. Thanks Will. Eunice is waiting upon God to rescue her from the hands of the mad contractors. She is hopeful that God will. God bless. 11:02. Reply: He will. But the money is slow in coming. I am confident that it will all work out OK, but it is a very trying situation for her. 30th July 2019. 17:41. From John: Thanks Will. We managed to spend the whole £280 we had in hand to buy the girls clothes, then we baptised them, gave them MM lits and gave them fare back home. Now we are left with no water, no milk and no fuel to move on but now we are released. 17:48. Reply: That is amazing. I prayed this morning for God to make it possible for the little money we had to go a long way, enough to clothe all the girls. And He did more than we could ask or imagine. You even managed to give them fare to get home. What a story they have to tell when they get back home! I just hope we can scrape something together for you all to send in the morning. We can’t do it any sooner; we are so hamstrung. 30th July 2019. 17:45. From Rhoda: "AT LEAST £350 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW FOR MILK, WATER AND FUEL TO ENABLE THEM TO MOVE ON. THE 17 GIRLS HAVE RECEIVED CLOTHES, MM LITS AND GOT BAPTISED. GOD IS PLEASED WITH THE GREAT WORK THE FEW ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS DID, EVANGELISM TEAM, INTERCESSION, MALCOLM, HELENA AND OTHER MM FOLKS DID. NOW EUNICE'S CASE IS THE ONE STILL ON." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 31st July 2019. 8:41. To John: A bit more like yesterday has been scraped together, and all being well, will be on its way to C in the next hour. [£250 was sent.] I expect you are hungry and thirsty after a day without. 9:07. From John: You are right. We are hungry and thirsty. God bless you. 10:14. To John: How is Eunice? Is she managing OK, despite the difficulties? Did those rogues try anything nasty? 31st July 2019. 10:42. From John: Eunice is okay waiting upon God to help out with the rogue contractors. She is stable. Those rogue contractors are at the gate abusing her day and night but can't get into the compound. God bless. Comment: Vivian was able to send £1000 via the bank to John today. 11:09. To John: Why can’t they get into the compound? Are angels preventing them, or is the gate locked? 11:48. From John: The home is covered by thick white mists. God bless. 31st July. 15:16. Reply: Where have the angels been leading you today? 31st July. 15:18. From John: Visiting mosques in this bad city (where the girls got captured) to bring down the bad kingdom in Jesus' name using Faith lits. Eunice Stands Firm Against Abusers31st July 2019. 16:39. From Rhoda: About Eunice. "SHE HAS REMAINED STEADFAST IN FAITH THOUGH SHE HASN'T PASSED HER GATE TO MOVE OUT BECAUSE THE CONTRACTORS WANT TO HARM HER. SHE CAN'T EVEN MOVE OUT TO COLLECT THE DAILY REQUIREMENTS FOR HER FAMILY. GOD IS SOFTENING THE HEARTS OF THE CONTRACTORS. MAY AT LEAST £450 REACH COLLINS TOMORROW MORNING FOR EUNICE TO GIVE THE CONTRACTORS SO THAT SHE CAN GET SOME FREEDOM. MAY THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS RAISE £450 TONIGHT TO REACH EUNICE TOMORROW MORNING FOR THE CONTRACTORS TO VACATE HER GATE. THE POOR LADY HAS FAITHFULLY STOOD HER GROUND NOT TO GIVE IN TO SATAN'S TORMENT VIA THE CONTRACTORS. MAY THE REGULAR ANOINTED MM SUPPORTERS RAISE £450 TO REACH EUNICE. THIS WILL COOL DOWN THE CONTRACTORS TILL MONEY SENT THROUGH BANK ACCOUNT REACHES EUNICE BY EARLY NEXT WEEK. THIS WILL END THE LIBRARY ISSUE." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 31st July 2019. 16:45. From John: Thanks to God, Will. Eunice has just called to tell me that the contractors pleaded with her to pay them even only £750 and clear the balance next week. But she told them that she is trusting God for money. Then they lit a big fire at the gate and abused Eunice that she is a devil worshipper, member of MM sect. Eunice is requesting for £600 to give to them because she can't even get out to fetch water, vegetables, firewood and daily family requirements. God bless. God Kills 13 Imams In Rumbek1st August 2019. 8:02. From John: We met seven Muslims at midnight last night who reported to us that 13 imams in Rumbek town died in their mosques complaining of being burnt with hot coal and they said that a witchman called Malcolm killed them. So they wanted to know who Malcolm is. God bless. We are still visiting mosques here. 1st August 2019. 8:13. From Rhoda: "MAY THE £450 REACH COLLY FOR EUNICE NOW NOW NOW. THOUGH THE CONTRACTORS NEED £750 BUT GOD HAS SAID £450." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 8:18. To John: It is very unlikely that we can find ANY money today, but we will see. I have notified the others and if God provides something we will let you know, but at the moment I think the angels may be expressing the ideal, what we would all like to be possible. 9:40. From John: Eunice is in a big problem. She is considering selling our land. She is depressed. God bless. 9:41. From Rhoda: "MAY THE FEW ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP OUT. EUNICE IS IN A BIG PROBLEM." 7 Angels said. Comment: Wilfred and Nigel managed to put £750 together to send, but when Vivian tried, Moneygram blocked him. Then we spent hours trying to find another route to send it. 9:59. To John: Wilfred had some money come in this morning, so something is coming soon. Tell her to hold on... Comment: Vivian tried sending but had no success. 1st August 2019. 17:30. To John: Don’t let her sell the land. Money is coming, we have one more option to try but can’t try it until 9 pm tonight. 1st August 2019. 19:19. To Rhoda for the angels: Please may God make another way that does not require our money, because the obstacles are too great here now. He can put money in John’s account, or Eunice’s account, or can perform any number of other miracles to resolve the problem. God Gives Reassurance In Our Difficulties19:30. From Rhoda: "GOD DESIGNED MM AND PLACED IT IN MALCOLM'S HANDS. HE THEN CHOSE A FEW MM SUPPORTERS AND ANOINTED THEM TO HELP WITH FINANCES. HE CHOSE THE VERY POOR OF THE POOR AND MADE THEM EVANGELISTS TO HELP IN THE SPREAD OF THE MM LITS GOSPEL OF TRUTH. UP TO THIS HOUR MINUTE AND SECOND GOD HASN'T CHOSEN OTHERS TO HELP WITH FINANCES BUT STILL LEAVES THE NOBLE WORK TO THE FEW ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS TO HELP WITH MONEY SUPPORT UNTIL HE WILL GET OTHERS. SO GOD WILL OPEN CHANNELS FOR MONEY FROM THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS TO REACH EUNICE. GOD IS IN CONTROL. EUNICE MUST MUST MUST NOT SELL THEIR LAND. THIS WOULD OPEN CHANNELS FOR SATAN TO ACT AND MANY MANY ISSUES WOULD ARISE TO SOIL THE NAME OF MM. RECALL THE GREAT THINGS DONE VIA MM LITS EVANGELISM. GOD STILL PLANS TO DO MUCH MUCH GREATER THINGS TILL THE WHOLE WORLD KNOWS GOD'S MM TRUTH. EUNICE MUST NOT SELL THEIR LAND." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 19:44. From Rhoda: "THERE ARE VERY MANY OPPOSERS STILL WRITING FALSEHOOD ABOUT JOHN AND MM EVANGELISM THAT IS BLOCKING MONEY FROM REACHING GOD'S CHOSEN POOR OF THE POOR EVANGELISTS. GOD KNEW WHY HE REMOVED JOHN OUT OF CLASSROOM. GOD IS WATCHING OVER THAT AND WILL COUNT IT AS AN UNPARDONABLE SIN. GOD IS ANGRY AT THE BLOCKS ON MONEY REACHING THE TEAM TO ACCOMPLISH GOD'S WORK." 7 Angels have said. 2nd August 2019. 10:26. From John: Thanks Will. We are proceeding with evangelism work in Rumbek. God Delivers A Madman2nd August 2019. 19:36. From Rhoda: "THE EVANGELISM TEAM TODAY TOUCHED A MAN WITH AN MM FAITH LIT WHO HAS BEEN MAD FOR 20 YEARS AND HE GOT HEALED AFTER SEVEN HOURS. THEY WASHED HIM, THEN JOHN CLOTHED THE MAD MAN WITH GOOD CLOTHES. THIS ACT HAS GIVEN MM MARKS SO PEOPLE WHO ONCE TREATED MM AS A DEVIL WORSHIP SECT NOW SEE GOD, JESUS AND HOLY SPIRIT IN THE MINISTRY. TOMORROW THE TEAM WILL HAVE A BIG BIG BIG JOB OF MEETING MANY PEOPLE ALONG THE ROADS IN SOUTH SUDAN TO ACCEPT MM LITS. THE TEAM NEEDS WATER, MILK AND FUEL TO MOVE NONSTOP TILL MONDAY NIGHT. AT LEAST £477 IS ENOUGH." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 2nd August 2019. 19:47. From John: Today we met Bieng Wajong, a man who has been mad for 20 years, walking naked and very dirty. To our surprise when he approached the van he shouted "This is MM van carrying holy lits written by God's servant Malcolm Heap. It has a big job to shed light to the sin ridden world to get saved by the blood of Jesus. Servants of God today I must be healed. Malcolm come out and pray for me." We then went straight to him and touched his head with opened MM Faith lits. He then went into a deep sleep for seven hours and when he woke up he was okay and feared to walk naked. We gave him water and he bathed, then gave him good clean clothes and bought him bread and gave him milk. He is still here. He is a relative of Riek Mojong. He is narrating to us his painful life... God bless. Saturday 3rd August 2019. 18:35. From John: Thanks Will. Yes Eunice did send the £150 to us. We did buy water, milk and fuel. It will force us not to travel much for the fuel is not enough to take us up to Monday. God bless. 19:56. Reply: I expect Bieng Wajong has been going around with you, when you are meeting people. Do many people know him? They will be surprised in the radical change in him! We hope to be able to send a bit more money tomorrow morning. 4th August 2019. 10:53. To John: The £1000 which Vivian sent via the bank last Wednesday should be with you tomorrow or Tuesday I think. £300 of that is for your work in S Sudan, and only £700 for the builders back home. 4th August 2019. 19:47. From John: May God give us means to move in entire S Sudan with this man who was mad, for people to witness the greatness of God. Today alone 23 people accepted the MM truth by just seeing what God did to this man. God bless. 5th August 2019. 6:13. From John: We are completely stuck with no water, no milk and fuel, but this work has been going on well. God bless. Mad Muslims In Iran Counterfeiting MM Lit To Bring MM Into DisreputeSunday 4th August 2019. 19:12. From Rhoda: "ALREADY MM LIT COUNTERFEITS HAVE BEEN PRODUCED BY MAD MUSLIMS IN IRAN PORTRAYING MM AS A SATANIC MINISTRY, MM EVANGELISTS AS MAD POOR PEOPLE. THE AIM OF THE PRODUCERS IS TO PRODUCE ONE TRILLION COPIES AND DISTRIBUTE TO THE WHOLE WORLD. GOD IS VERY ANNOYED. GOD WANTS THE VAN TO MOVE THERE VERY VERY VERY FAST. £2500 IS NEEDED FOR THIS VERY URGENT MISSION. £1000 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW. THEN A FURTHER £1000 TO REACH HIM TOMORROW NIGHT. AND LASTLY £500 ON TUESDAY NIGHT. THE £1000 CAN REACH JOHN BY M-PESA THROUGH COLLINS NUMBER TONIGHT. THE MONEY SHOULD BE SENT IMMEDIATELY FOR THE DAMAGE MAY BE BIG IF NOT STOPPED." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: Funds were not there at that time, but two days later £1,000 sent a week earlier came through to John’s bank account to pay the £700 owing: 6th August 2019. 17:30. From Rhoda: "YES, MONEY HAS REFLECTED IN THE EVANGELISM ACCOUNT. LET JOHN TRANSFER £700 TO EUNICE NOW NOW NOW FOR THE LIBRARY ISSUE TO END. LET THEM FUEL THE VAN WITH £250, BUY WATER AND MILK WITH £50 AND MOVE ON AS THEY WAIT FOR MONEY TO REACH THEM." 7 Angels have said that to me now.
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