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Mighty Miracles Of God Volume 17
220Jesus Appears To Kassahun |
16th July 2019. 12:44. From Kassahun: Last night at midnight, Jesus appeared to me in an unusual vision. I didn’t sleep. I was reading the booklet Listening to God. My room shone with eye blinding light. Jesus, whom I saw, seemed to be standing far from my bed but at the same time looked nearer than ever. Then He said to me “Who dares to despise the day of small things? Tell my servant (Malcolm) to prepare for the storm ahead. Tell him to awaken the people of his country. The people of his country are in a spiritual slumber. Their minds are in stupor. Satan controls the whole system in that country. They have driven Me away. They have chosen the enemy. Soon the country will be meat for the great enemy. My servant and those who are with him should warn the people. This will be the final warning to his country. Tell him to be ready to write The Final Warning to his country. I will move him by my Spirit while doing the writing. I am with him.” [Britain: A Final Warning was written on 22nd July 2019.]
Then He gave the following message to me. “Look at the direction of the sun rising. Look to the east. I have a mission for you. You have to go to the east of your country. I have appointed you to stop the bloodshed coming. The idolaters are moving to invade your country. They are coming with their idols, driven by the fiercest demons. The idolaters carry thousands of those demons. Before My wrath is unleashed in destroying them, you have to go there right away. I have many idolaters who will refuse the idols and return to Me. You are My mouth. You are My feet. I will fight for you. I have given you the authority to uproot and to destroy and overthrow, to build and to plant. I will rescue you. Warn and save the people before it is too late.”
He then showed me a map of Ethiopia. It stretched from the west to the east. Several towns were invaded by the idolaters. A spirit of vengeance then came upon me and said to Jesus, “I WILL FIGHT THEM. I WILL MAKE CAPTIVES FOR YOU FROM THOSE IDOLATORS.” He then said, “I will appear again to you. Receive My blessings.”
Then He disappeared.
I am ready to go to the east of the country. Most of the people living there are Muslims. The invaders from the east may come from the neighboring country Somalia, the hub of radical Islam. There is not much time. I will obey Jesus.
17th July 2019. From Kassahun: About his mission to east Ethiopia.
Yesterday Jesus appeared to me in a dream and said, “More faith, less money. You need £300 to stay there for 60 days, nothing more nothing less.
“My attending angel will guide you in every part of your journey.
“Time is running out. You have to start your journey the 2nd week of your winter this month.
“You need more faith. An attending angel will be with you all the time. Be not afraid. I will give you more revelation in the coming days.
“I have seen the burden on the shoulder of My servant and I will lift it very soon. You, ‘little flock’, do not despair. I have seen every sacrifice you are making for My name’s sake. Your reward is great.” [This is about the small group of MM supporters who have sacrificed everything to fund the Work of God in the MM outreach in Africa and the Middle East.]
Overview Of Kassahun’s Mission To The East
Kassahun wrote: When I went to get a sleeping place, I met a young man. After I secured a place to spend the night, I sat with him, sipping tea. I shared what Jesus told me to do in the East and the visions He gave me. He was amazed. He told me that there was a 'prodding' in his heart. He felt that kind of pressure all day long and wasn't sure what to do about it. He said "my eyelids were shaking. According to legend, when someone's eyelids shake, the person will meet with a new friend. Here you are. I am now in peace." He took me to his home for dinner. He and his family are really wonderful Christians. We prayed together. He is glad to accommodate me in his house and is willing to travel with me through the East to warn the people there to return to God.
Comment: These are a few ‘high points’ of Kassahun’s outreach:
1st Week: From 23rd to 25th July, seven towns were visited: Aweday, Alemaya, Combolcha, Gursum, Harar, Chinaksen and Kulibi.
There was tough resistance in Aweday, a center of radical Islamists. The angel said, “Don’t be afraid. I am with you. I have given you the strength you need. Confront them head on.” We started sharing the word of God and warned them to return to the God of heaven before His wrath is poured on them. It was a market day and many people gathered to hear what I was saying.
Suddenly, a bearded man with a dagger in his hand rushed out of the crowd towards me. My supporter saw the man and went to hold him before he hurt me. Just then the attacker was struck by an unseen hand and fell. The crowd panicked and scattered. A few stood still with fear. I went to the man on the ground to see if he was dead or alive. He was dead.
After a while, the place was surrounded by police. They arrested us for the killing and took us to the nearby police station. The angel said, “Don’t be afraid. They will soon release you.” We told them that we did not kill the man but God did because he tried to kill us. Some of the people who were at the scene testified in favor of us. The officer couldn’t do anything so released us to leave the town as soon as possible to escape vengeance from the dead man’s tribe. They even took us in their own truck for safety to board a public bus to Alemaya.
News of this episode spread to surrounding areas through gossip.
2nd Week: From 28th July (to 2nd August) we covered 5 towns: Fedis, Jeldessa, Irertika, Hirina and Asebeteferi.
In Fedis, we went out to share the warning of Jesus and returning to God. We gave out Why Believe in God? in Amharic on the streets of the town. This got the attention of quite a number. I shared why Jesus has sent us to the East. I saw fear on the faces of some of the hearers. After I finished most of them were convicted by the Holy Spirit and repented right there on the spot. A man invited us to eat supper with him in his house and we went there. While we were rejoicing together with that good family who accepted God’s message, the roof of the house was pounded by stones. The enemies, whom the devil sent, were throwing stones on the roof. They did it for half an hour without respite. I told the families not to be too afraid because Jesus will take care of them.
The next day when we were leaving, we heard that there was a quarrel between the young men of the town and that they killed each other. Most of them were those who were throwing stones at the house where we spent the night.
In Jeledesa, the Muslims were hostile and refused to hear, so we left.
In some towns, some people accepted the message, in other places they did not. Where towns were mostly Muslim, there was great resistance with death threats, but nevertheless they were warned of God’s impending wrath.
3rd Week: Galamso and Midi-Galole. I told a Muslim man that we are not Muslims but came to share the message of the heavenly King, that Jesus wants him and all the townspeople to return to the true God and serve Him. Eternal life is found only by believing in Jesus; there is no other name under heaven given to men to be saved. At this time the demons inside him made him shake and he fell to the ground. People started gathering to see what’s going on. I was praying strongly, rebuking the demons to leave him. All those Muslims who came to look were overcome by fear. Finally the demons left and the man became calm. Those who knew him took him home. News then spread in the town and people came to us, wanting to hear from us. With the Spirit of God strong upon me I shared the message and warning of Jesus to the East. There was no opposition. After we finished preaching, a noble man led us to his home as his guests. Even though he is a devout Muslim, he is secretly cooperating with us.
4th Week: We visited Gursum, Kersa, Jarso, Hamaressa, Adelle, Ashadale, Dadar, and Gara Mulata. The message was successfully spread.
5th Week: Jigjiga, Shinile (Sitti Zone), Godebursi, Werder, Degehabor: Jigjiga is capital of the Somali region. The Holy Spirit said to me “you are here to share the message and warning of Jesus. Don’t be afraid. Go straight to the man standing in front of you and meet him.” When I looked at the man clothed in rags, I doubted that that poor man was the one, but it turned out he was. After spending time with him, he accepted the message and repented on the spot, and came with me to spread the word. He had some contacts, and some of them accepted the truth, too, and became underground workers for the Gospel in this predominantly Islamic area. We distributed the booklet Why the Judgment?
Werder is the center of Islamist militias. We saw soldiers here and there. Heavy trucks full of militias were moving about. It seemed we were inside a war zone. If the man whom we met in Jigjiga wasn’t with us, we would have left the town right away. I was praying silently for God to lead us to the right people. We started handing out Why the Judgment?. No one was willing to take them. Then a solidier with a gun in his hand came to us and snatched the booklets from us. I didn’t understand what he was saying but he was shouting in an angry tone. When he started to tear up the booklets, I became furious and warned him to stop. He then pointed his gun at my forehead and in a spit second pulled the trigger. The bullet remained in the gun. He kept pulling the trigger again and again but the bullets remained inside the gun. Fear gripped him. I was standing there in confidence. He then pleaded for forgiveness. He was shaking terribly. I then explained the message Jesus gave me for the people there. He started to weep in front of us. The Holy Spirit was touching his heart. The first Islamist gunman repented right there. That was a great victory.
He told us that he has friends and they must hear what I told him. The next day, he came to us with his four friends, all gunmen. I shared the message of Jesus to them also. Two of them started opposing as if we are from Satan and left with threats. The other two accepted the message.
6th Week: Kebri Dahar, Fiiq, Kebri Beyah, Shilavo, Barey:
In Fiiq, Muslims got angry and threw stones at us. We had to run. That was the only option we had. My three helpers covered me from the stones and shoes flying over us. They got hurt. Two days later in Shilavo we heard news on FM radio that Fiiq was hit by massive floods, several houses were destroyed.
God is not mocked! (Gal 6:7.)
7th Week: August 29 - Sept 4. Kelafo, Shekosh, Tuli Gulled, Aware,
In Kelafo we handed out Islam, the Koran and God to the people in the market. When they saw Islam and the Koran in those pamphlets, their faces lit up with joy. I then told them about ISSA, the name which they use for Jesus. There were many interested listeners. A Moslem man, who was very interested, asked us to come to his house. So we went there on his two camels. His family welcomed us and we spent the night in their home. Shekosh was equally receptive. We gave out Islam, the Koran and God to many Muslims in that town.
But in Tuli Gulled there was cold hostility. We were not allowed in the restaurant nor any guest houses. While we sat in the street wondering what to do, an imam and his associates came and asked us for the permit to enter the town. I told him boldly, “It is not necessary to get a permit because I live in this country... We are here by God’s will to share the message and warning of Jesus regarding idolaters who are ready to swallow the people of the East from beyond the border. Before you are swallowed up, you must turn back to Jesus...”
At this he interrupted us furiously and ordered his associates to arrest us. I warned him if they lay their hands on us they will pay for doing so. Suddenly he shouted “They have weapons! Run for your lives!” They all ran off in different directions. We didn’t have weapons. Jesus scattered them. The news spread like wildfire. Sheiks came and pleaded with us to leave their town. They got a car and driver to drive us out of their town to Warder where we spent the night.
Aware was almost as hostile. Some accepted Islam, the Koran and God but most refused. A Muslim argued with us but would not be told that there is no forgiveness of sins in Islam, and stormed off. God moved us to leave right away.
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