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Mighty Miracles Of God Volume 17 |
219Kassahun’s Experience In HeavenWhen DEAD! |
You have come to Mount Zion, and to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, to an innumerable company of angels, to the general assembly and church of the firstborn who are registered in heaven, to God the Judge of all, to the spirits of just men made perfect, to Jesus the Mediator of the new covenant... (Heb 12:22-24).
Kassahun Ayele is a prophet of God in Ethiopia. He died on 21st June 2019 and his spirit was taken into the spirit realm. God allowed demons to first take him to their realm, but soon God’s angels fought off those evil spirits who wanted to take him as their prisoner. The angels released him to meet Jesus and experience some of the wonders of God’s realm in heaven where the spirits of the saved dwell. He returned on 22nd June 2019. Here is Kassahun’s account of what took place: The AttackBefore I was completely sick and fell unconscious, demons were bombarding me from every direction. Over the weeks, I was not well. I was weak. My appetite became very low. I spent more time in prayer. I was walking, sleeping and doing other things only through God’s strength. Finally on June 21, Saturday, while I was ready to share God’s word for the believers, I fell on the floor unconscious. I didn’t know anything. I was totally in darkness. Captive at the Hands of Demons in their RealmWhile in that situation, I felt in my spirit that a horde of demons were carrying me and moving with incredible speed to an unknown place. I was struggling to escape from their hold. Because of the darkness, I couldn’t see where they were taking me. After a while, the demons that carried me slowed down and finally stopped. Some kind of commotion was heard. Fear grasped them and they put me on the wet ground and went forward to see what was going on. Shouting was heard. It was shouting victory from the other side. Prayer and Intercession TeamWhile I was listening attentively, it seems that I was hearing prayer and intercessions and praise songs. I heard my name called several times in those prayers. I thought that some kind of rescue team has come to deliver me. I wanted to stand but it was tough for me to do so. Something that was out of my control pulled me down. So I stayed and waited there. At that time, I saw sharp and burning swords come flying towards me. The bright light coming from those burning swords helped me to see where I was. I was thinking how I can protect myself from those burning swords. I had to change the place where I was sitting. Then I heard screams everywhere. Several demons were rushing towards me with screams. Some of them were hit by those burning swords and fell down before me. Others were trying to save themselves from the swords. At that time, I knew that those swords were striking those demons. The burning swords were the results of prayer and intercession. I sensed that the MM family was fighting against those demons through prayer and intercession on behalf of me. But I asked myself how MM families knew that I was a prisoner of demons. I concluded that the Spirit of God has given them information about my situation to Malcolm or Helena. A Strong Hand Pulled Me UpWhen the burning swords stopped, a strong hand pulled me up from the ground and threw me afar. I was flying with speed and finally I found myself in a very beautiful place, bright and lovely. I was sure that I was completely out of the danger zone. Demons cannot find me. I was enjoying the scene. An Angel Leads Me To a Nearby TowerAn angel came to me and held my hand. He then led me to a nearby tower. When we reached there, the door of the tower opened. We went in. I felt like I was dreaming. It was like a vast town. It was filled with people. They were beautiful and happy. Some of them were flying just like birds. Light was radiating from their faces. Beautiful mansions and dwelling places were seen on the left and right. Children were playing on the green fields full of lovely flowers. The angel led and guided me and showed me everything inside that tower. I didn’t want to return. I wanted to join those beautiful people living inside that tower. They were looking at me with a lovely smile. I was trying to find my mother among them. (She died 20 years ago.) Where is she? The angel still held my hand and led me through the tower. Then I saw her sitting with five others. I pointed to her and said to the angel that she is my mother. I asked him to give me permission to say a greeting to her. He allowed. When she saw me, she was surprised. She looked young and beautiful. She held my hand. I felt like an electric current surge through my whole body. I felt an excitement that I cannot describe with words. I wanted to be with her forever. My mother hugged me tightly. The angel said “time is up.” We separated. Myriad of Angels Sing Praises Around the Big ThroneThe inside of the tower was lit with eye blinding light but it was also lovely to the eyes. Then we reached the crossroads. We stopped there. The angel took the road to the right. There I saw countless angels surround a very big throne. I was hearing lively songs of praise. I can’t describe the scene with my limited words. It was superb. I asked my angel if I can join those countless angels and sing praise with them. He said, “It is not the time for you to join them. Just look at them and enjoy their praise.” At the Feet of JesusWe passed those myriads of angels within seconds and stood at the feet of Jesus. The light emanating from Him made me feel loved. Love seemed to fill my whole body. Then I sensed that Jesus put His hand on my head. Something like an electric current surged through my whole being. I was ashamed to see his face. I bowed down at His feet. He pulled me up gently and said: “You have to return back to your place. You have many things to do for Me. My servants are praying and interceding for you. Return to them with My blessings. From now on, the power of My Spirit rests on you and on My servants as never before. Encourage them to keep up My Work. “Tell them that I am always with them. The mist and clouds will soon clear. Some of My servants are in doubt about the work I have given to My servant. Don’t be disheartened. This work will be known far and wide very soon. Help My servant and stand with him. He is protected. His family is protected. “There are some who are enveloped in darkness. They lack faith. Let them come out to the light. Let them stand in faith. Encourage them when you return back. Tell them that I am always with them, even in every detail of their lives. Tell them to feel My presence around them. “I have given the truth to My servant and he is laboring to spread it faithfully. I have seen his and his wife’s diligence. I have seen their devotion. I have seen those sleepless nights they have spent while thinking how to do things properly in the Gospel field. I have given them faithful supporters of My cause and I have proven them that they indeed love Me like My friend Abraham. I have already blessed them. Soon I will send others to the field. Tell My servant to be calm and trust in Me. We will meet again.” “Go back!! Return!!”The angel rushed me out of the tower and made me stand on something like a cliff and pushed me down gently. I was flying with incredible speed through a vast dark atmosphere. When I was awake, I was in a bed. The first one I saw was my brother. He was surprised when he saw me awake. He rushed and got me some food. It was Sunday Midnight. I was bewildered. Returning from that beautiful place made me feel sorrowful. I told my brother to sleep and I covered myself with my blanket and cried silently. All things seemed darkness to me. I longed to be taken again to heaven and live there with Jesus. When I realized that Jesus has sent me back here to “do many things for Him” I was comforted. It was a very life changing experience. The healing process didn’t take long after that experience. I am feeling His presence every minute of my daily life. I do have now more strength than before. It is the strength of Jesus, I presume. Jesus’s message is for all of us. In that message when Jesus said “My servant” I sensed that he was speaking of Malcolm. When He said, “My servants” he was referring to MM families far and near. Brothers and sisters, take Jesus’ message into your heart. This is the message from Jesus. He assured us that He is “in every detail of our lives.” Isn’t that wonderful? Yes!! Yes!! Let’s move forward with faith. In His love, Kassahun
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